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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 23, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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states during this presidential election. wisconsin, arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, north carolina. they are hoping abortion will bring out the faithful to support joe biden. >> laura: i'm trying to figure this out. you are someone in ohio -- or, no, you are someone in new york, and no new jobs are coming to new york. terrible crime, all the mess and migrants. but you are supposed to vote for a democrat so there can be more abortions for women in mississippi? it doesn't make any sense to me. they're not going to expand prosperity, but abortions for everyone? raymond, i don't think it works. i know we are going
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>> todd: here we go. first polls opening in new hampshire in less than one hour from now. americans in the granite state will cast ballots in the nation's first primary election this election cycle. >> know ares lost last seven out of eight popular votes for president, that is nothing to be proud of. we should want to win majority of americans. only way to do that is if we elect a new generational conservative leader. >> when you step into that voting booth, you are going to be signalling that we want crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of our country. get him out, his radical left lunatics, the establishment in the nation's capitol, we're going to do things and do things right and bring our country back
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with your vote. >> todd: this is election day tuesday morning, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. this is underway, one small new hampshire town voted at midnight, tradition that dates back 60 years, all six residents voted for nikki haley, the right has a long way to go. >> todd: matt is a former congressional candidate and he is standing by with analysis of the race. mark mered ith was in dicksville notch and now he is where the polls will open at 8:00 a.m. you have had a long night. >> mark: i have. good morning to you and carley. light snow out here right now, no indication it will slow the turnout later today. people will head to the polls around 8:00 a.m., other polling places are opening earlier.
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one small part of the granite state is dicksville notch allowing their six residents to vote just after midnight. the town is 20 miles to the canadian border and has been doing this since 1960. haley swept this small town, winning the vote of all six citizens. trump is urging new hampshire to see him as someone who can bring the party together. he campaigned with three of the men who up until just days ago were running up against him for president. >> nikki haley made alliance with rinos, americans for no prosperity, did you ever hear of them? americans for no prosperity.
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i added the word no in. i would be rounding out my term. if they didn't do all these things, i would be rounding it out, would almost be over. they messed with me, now they have us and me for four more years. when i was commander-in-chief, iran was a weak, broke and it was ready to make a deal. they were weak, they were broke and ready to make a deal. then biden came in and surrendered everything. we will restore peace through strength. >> mark: nikki haley was urging her voters to show the country what happens in new hampshire can reshape the race, she is campaigning heavily with chris sununu, and urging voters to consider whether trump could win a national election given his poll numbers ofverall.
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>> to donald trump, if you have that political elite, you can have them, i want to serve the people. now we're in that situation again. we also want someone who can win in november. look at any of the general election polls, any of them, trump and biden, it's dead heat, a nail-biter of an election. we don't know what is going to happen. we're scared it will be 2018, 2022 all over again. i'm in the same general election polls and defeat biden by up to 17 points. >> mark: president biden is not on the ballot in new hampshire today, many democrats plan to write his name in anyway. there is a democrat on the ballot, dean phillips, who snapped at reporters who asked
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if he is preparing to be a spoiler? >> no one is asking about this stuff, i'm frustrated and tired of it. you are doing your job, you are not asking the questions that americans give a -- about. >> mark: what will turnout be like today? there is an estimate recommending 322,000 republicans will show up for the primary. we'll look to see if the numbers holdup. we are getting snow flurries right now, not seeing negative temperatures we were in iowa. >> todd: no chance the weather will dissuade anyone in new hampshire, 32 is like summer. bring in matt mowers. she is off to a perfect start, she is 6-6.
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if she does not win tonight, what margin will she continue with the campaign or i'm out? >> well, i don't expect a shutout like in dixville notch. she has to keep it within 10 fchl she is able to do that, she will show she was able to build a campaign in states like new hampshire. a lot is going for her and any candidate that would emerge, you have number of independents making up half of the electorate. you have a popular republican governor in chris sununu, campaigning like her running mate right now. if you can do that, show it can be close to donald trump, she can look to other states that have open primary or no party
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registration, including south carolina and looking to states like michigan and states that have similar voting patterns on super tuesday. >> carley: in terms of the issues going back to iowa. exit polls show immigration is number one issue on people's mind. what is driving people to the polls in new hampshire? >> every state is a border state and in the case of new hampshire, we truly are a border state with the canadian border. we've seen uptick in number of illegal crossings of the northern border and movement of drugs. it impacts folks in new hampshire as much as many other states, i suspect the border and small businesses are backbone of the new hampshire economy. rising inflation is one of the number one issues alongside security on southern border. >> todd: democrats are doing something tonight, as well.
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they hope president biden gets enough write-in votes. here are angry democratic voters. >> i am angry about it, why should we write his name in if he doesn't give us the time of day. >> we are upset, that is why we are doing this, this is not meaningless like the dnc says. >> the democratic primary is not r relevant? that is nonsense. >> todd: these are people you live in and around, are there enough betrayed democrats to give joe biden a loss tonight? >> i don't think they will have enough to create a loss, it will be closer than expected scare for joe biden. the challenge you have, every elected official, and two members of congress have gone
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out and said they are publicly writing in joe biden and telegraphing that message to grassroots activists to show belief and the advertising sent out by the biden campaign show communist fist to stand in solidarity with joe biden. that is the group think in the democratic party. i think dean phillips, who invested his own money in this race, who is working hard. i've ran into him on the campaign trail, super nice guy. he's out there and i think he will overperform what many are expecting and recent polls show he might get a third of the vote. it is a message to joe biden about frustration from democratic party activists, whether that is dissatisfaction with his a administration or
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because he killed off the vote in new hampshire. >> carley: it will be an exciting day in new hampshire, who is counting. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. brian kilmeade got a chance to go behind the scenes with former president trump's campaign in the granite state and speak with him on trump force one. >> bryan: you are in fighting weight, how much did you lose? >> 15 or 20. >> brian: how? >> the hard way, i work. i haven't been able to eat much. you can sit down and eat, me, it is tougher. >> brian: i appreciate the tour, final locking out new hampshire? >> we want to close it up, i think we will, it will be successful and we're having fun. >> brian: where are the notes?
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>> i don't need too many notes, unlike biden. >> carley: make sure you watch that interview coming up on "fox and friends." nikki haley will join steve this morning. >> todd: this is brian kilmeade's first time on a plane. he walks everywhere. wait until you see this video of a firetruck spinning out of control through an icy neighborhood. >> oh -- holy -- [screaming] -- >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god. >> todd: that ain't a kia, that is a real fire truck employs janice dean will tell us which part of the country is waking up to ice this morning. >> carley: -- razor wire can be
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cut along the texas southern border. a live report what to expect in that battle coming up next. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap.
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>> carley: fox news alert, the u.s. and u.k. carrying out another round of strikes against houthi rebels in yemen. eight targets were hit. the military action is in response to continued attacks on navy vessels in the red sea and we know the identity of two navy seals declared dead after
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mission off somalia. christopher chambers and nathan gauge ing ram were trying to intercept a ship of iran ian missiles. >> todd: prayers to their family. iranian backed forces are behind 151 attacks in syria since october 17th. more than 60 u.s. personnel have been hurt with some suffering traumatic brain injuries. we are learning defense secretary lloyd austin has not worked from the pentagon in over a month. austin had surgery to treat prostate surgery on december 22nd and worked from home before being rushed to the hospital on new year's day. he continues to work from home
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recovering. >> carley: the supreme court is siding with biden administration in the battle with texas over razor wire placed along the southern border. the high court giving feds temporary authority to cut the wire. >> todd: move national border patrol councils would encourage more illegal immigration. brooke singman joins us. >> brooke: overturning decision allowing that razor wire to stay up in eagle pass, texas federal agents can continue cutting the razor wire which hurts border patrol ability to secure the area. biden administration is preventing the state from securing the border. governor abbott promises this is not over. this is deterrent to illegal crossing biden encourages and
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we'll continue to defend securing the border and prevent the biden administration from destroying our property. here is sean hannity. >> this makes me angry listening to joe biden lie. he doesn't want to solve it or prevents it, he wants more. >> brooke: the senate negotiateses a border package that could cost 14 billion. concerning u.s. aid for ukraine, israel and taiwan. still unclear when senate might bring it to a vote. >> todd: these are games being played by lawyers. we need a wall, fence to keep people out. >> carley: todd piro 2028. >> todd: deadly ice storm causing chaos across midwest. 30 people killed in 18 crashes.
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stop and watch this crazy video showing a firetruck spinning out of control. >> oh, holy -- [screaming] -- >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> the ice, man. >> carley: that is not all, icy conditions causing lots of accidentingses in and around the southeast and heavy rain causing problems in texas. gulf coast is bracing for flooding as severe weather hits the southeast. senior meteorologist janice dean is here with the forecast. >> janice: did you feel -- 33 in chicago after they were in a deep freeze across northern plains and upper midwest.
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36 in new york. dallas, 40, feeling better. potential of heavy rain and more ice in the forecast as we have freezing conditions and rainfalls through thin layer of freezing air, it freezes on the ground. you see pink in the live raider in the ohio valley. that is dangerous part of the storm. some snow over great lakes and toward new england and upstates new york. mainly a rain event for many hours starting today through friday. winter weather alerts from kansas to burlington, vermont. snow combined with rain and freezing rain will make travel tricky. southern side of the storm, heavy rain and moisture moving in from the gulf of mexico across mississippi river valley.
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rounds of heavy rain and potential for severe flooding. three to five inches, some areas could get five to eight. foot of rain through saturday and there is severe storm threat today, texas through louisiana could see gusty winds and hail. there is forecast today, heavy moisture for the south, deal with wintry mix and west poising for more wet weather over next couple days. new hampshire, far cry from yesterday. we are in the 30s with slight wind chill and good-looking forecast, we will see a little snow later today. some flurries, get out there early. temperatures not bad for new hampshire this time of year. >> carley: balmy 27. >> janice: balmy, shortses
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weather >> >> carley: how the tables turn on fani willis. she is on the hot seat, trump spe cuter she is accuse of having an affair with. >> todd: interesting developments and biden and harris blowing off new hampshire to rally together in virginia. new book claims joe never wanted kamala as his veep in the first place. kaylee mcgee white here to read more into that. don't go anywhere. welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing?
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for only $56. i got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save. >> todd: a judge unsealing record in the divorce case
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implicating willis in a special relationship with a special prosecutor she picked for the trump trial. >> carley: cheryl casone has details. >> cheryl: judge delay ing the tr trial. the judge making it clear there are serious implication from her actions. >> recognizable issue is that she's dealing with fulton county -- >> let me interrupt you. are you saying your client lacks knowledge that could not be discovered some other way? >> i would argue she does -- the knowledge she may or may not
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have is not unique. >> cheryl: this as the judge unsealed records related to nathan wade divorce case after asserted willis and wade had an affair. something she said in the pass she would not do. >> i will not choose people that work under me. we are at a place in society where things happen, husband and wives, sometimes outside relationship, i don't think that is what the community is concerned about. >> cheryl: trip to napa valley, cruise to arubba and flight records showing alleged improper relationship between willis and wade. this is part of a broader effort to have the case again former president trump dismissed. >> todd: good question.
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>> carley: my legal analysis, awkward. >> todd: supreme court, busy day yesterday. >> cheryl: more facts coming to light about hunter. hunter accused of selling access to his father over several years. e-mails reveal ties to biden official and aids, including a cabinet member, top aide to lloyd austin. four top biden white house aides and other farmer staffers. before hunter and long-time business partner devon archer joined board of burisma there are e-mails showing hunter biden and john kerry had a close relationship. supreme court rejected appeal by devon archer to overturn his
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fraud conviction. he's out on bail, looking more likely he will serve that time. >> todd: cheryl casone live for us, thank you. president joe biden and vice president kamala harris will attend a rally in virginia. why are they in virginia? no idea. voters catastrophic ballots in new hampshire. they are discussing reproductive freedom. new book shedding light on their relationship or lack thereof. president biden knows vice president kamala harris is not up to job of commander-in-chief and he preferred michigan governor gretchen whitmer as his running mate in 2020 observe caving to pressure. and jill biden preferred susan rice and had fumed to close supporters. >> it is difficult for kamala.
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she's had a rough three years and now the president and his team view her as amateur. when they first won presidency, biden said they were partners. there is now more and more distance between the two. he can't get rid of her, it was a political decision to choose her. >> todd: kaylee mcgee white joins me now. your thoughts on this bombshell book. >> kaylee: it doesn't surprise me biden would love to drop kamala harris but seems unable to do. he preferred gretchen whitmer, i'm from michigan and i'm thankful she is not the vp. she would have been more
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effective. kamala harris is unique liability to the biden campaign. the reason biden can't drop her is not because it would be admitting a mistake, it is because it is a serious blow to the dei campaign he ran in the first place. biden chose kamala harris because she was a black woman, if he drops her now, how do you say he is dropping her because she is ineffective. it is a real corner he backed himself into. >> todd: harris struggles with bullying staff, not being team player and annoying others with her cackle and word salad. we've known that for sometime. why is this book coming out now? is it to convince kamala to quit?
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>> kaylee: sure and pressure from the democratic establishment for biden to push her out, as well. it would help his reelection chances. biden and harris have conden sension for his voters. harris's belittling of staff members and way she treated others in the white house showed she did think she would be handed the keys to the kingdom. biden vowed to be a one term president. maybe when he got on the job he realized kamala harris would not be suited to take over the role. it is clear she assumed he would be a one-term president. her aspirations are never going to come to light because of how poorly she performed in office. >> todd: play chess here. is this part of a play to
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bolster one gretchen whitmer to replace biden at the top of the democratic ticket? >> kaylee: gretchen whitmer played a game and has become a power player in the democratic party. michigan was expected to your honor it the page and you saw democrats sweep the statewide offices in state house and senate and that is due in large part to gretchen whitmer and she did that without facing responsibility for her go governance during the pandemic. i think democrats are stuck with what they've got, definitely in twenty28. >> todd: gretchen whitmer would give democrats michigan. they are not with michigan now, there is huge gap between donald trump and joe biden in michigan. something to watch.
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if i'm right, mark the tape, if i'm wrong, throw the tape out. kaylee mcgee white, we appreciate your time. first polls set to open 20 minutes from now. >> carley: we'll ask two independent voters who they are voting for when we come back. ♪ ♪ ♪ voya ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. that one. and look forward to a more confident future. that is one dynamic duo.
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>> carley: top of the hour, new hampshire voters will start streaming into polling stagszs to determine the first primary of the 2024 election cycle. >> todd: dixville knocks. six people voted unanimously for nikki haley. the future of the republican party in the balance.
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>> carley: president biden's name will not be on the ballot, many democrats plan to writes in the president's name anyway. there are 22 gop delegates up for grabs as hundreds of thousands get ready to vote. president of new hampshire independence voters. you are independent, who are you supporting and who do you think will happen? >> carley, what is interesting, this year is one of the most sad years we've had for a primary election. usually there is a lot of energy and suspense and candidates everywhere and people are filing in to make a decision. this year people want coronation
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instead of competition. the two top leading candidates refused to have debates and are asking like they have already won before the first vote has been cast. a lot of nchz npz /* /* indepenen dent voters will vote for nikki haley. dean phillips encourages competition and is standing up to party bosses, he's not such a party person. >> carley: you may be one of the first to bring up dean phillips on air. would you say you support him or nikki haley? who are you leaning toward? >> well, i think nikki haley has been running a very competent, professional and organized campaign.
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i am more enyaftic about dean phillips. >> carley: why is that? why? >> because he is actually talking about the issues. independent voters factor into the calculus, but never given a seat at the table and dean phillips is bringing us in and willing to work with conservatives, he is one of the most bipartisan members of congress and standing up to suppression voting happening on the democratic side. >> carley: tom, where do you stand as an independent voter? >> i've been independent all my life since i was 18 years old.
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i will be supporting president trump, four years of phenomenal support for our country, our economy, the border, all key issues and i think he's got track record that is second to none and will go down as one of our greatest presidents, frankly. i think in my opinion, nothing against governor haley, it is foregone conclusion, trump got 75,000 last election. he will unify the party like governor desantis did. inevitable for governor haley to step aside and let's get the job done so we don't have to have more democratic rule by the biden administration which has been abysmal record if you look at the economy and the border. >> carley: how do you feel about
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all the indictments of former president trump? yesterday he went from new hampshire to new york only for it to be cancelled, what a waste of time. does that give you pause or solidify your support for him? >> it solidifies, the weaponization and indictments is bo fus, it is not legitimate. are you kidding me? anybody with common sense to being looking at what is going on in georgia and new york, are you kidding me? mar-a-lago is worth $18 million, i'm in real estate, i mean, come on. it is emboldening people to support him more because it is unfair. >> carley: it is reflected in the polls. two voters will opposing views. have a great day. there is new twist in the story
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of a transgender golfer inchi closer to the lpga tour. >> todd: first we will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends" with lawrence jones. >> lawrence: big day in the first primary. what is going to happen today? i asked one lady who is going to win? she said there is momentum behind donald trump. how will it play out? brian kilmeade will visit with the former president and visits trump force one. nikki haley will join, doug burgum will tell us why he is endorsing donald trump and his mission ahead as he's decided not to pursue a third term. jam-packed day in new hampshire with a packed house in this diner coming up on "fox and
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friends." don't go anywhere. (puppies whimpering) (phone ringing) (dogs barking) - [woman] we're completely full. - it's okay, we're here to help you. (piano music begins) - hi, little guys. - [man] settle in. (van door closing) - time to meet your families! (puppies barking) (puppies sniffing) - hi there! - what should we name him? - buster!
2:52 am
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haley davidson to undergo additional testosterone compliance with the appropriate guidelines. tomi lahren joins us now. haley davidson responded saying, quote: i recognize that i did have an unfair advantage a few years ago. i have been transitioning for nine years. i have been on hormones for almost nine years. i have surgery coming up almost three years. i have lost just over 50 miles per hour swing speed. what do you make of those responses? one, the polling of the players. two, the testosterone testing but really this admission by haley that, yeah, i was better a number of years ago. better than the women. >> there is a throat tackle thered to. questions about polling the other players. that's the very considerate of this golf club to do that. to take the women into consideration but, todd, i fear that a lot of the women that are
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golfing are not going to want to answer honestly because we know the backlash that could ensue from the social media army others from public pressure if they were to state they found this one fair or bothered by. this but, i will also say this is really sad all together when you have somebody that's been transitioning for several years. has actually made an attempt to make themselves less physically strong, less quick, and many other things, many other advantages that men naturally have over women. it's sad that there is somebody that is going through that process, obviously to change their physicality. i find that quite sad in and of itself. i will also say this. you can take as many hormones as you want. you can be on pursuant blockers the fact remains if you are a biological man you are bigger in every way. your hands are bigger, feet are bigger, 1259 temperature is bigger. bone density different than that of a woman. you are always going to have a competitive advantage. yes it doesn't matter the
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hormones. they plan to test the hormones that is a way of making this more fair. unless you have a category for transgender athletes or you have these trans women competing against men, this is never going to be fair for the female golfers it's just sad that this social experiment has gotten to this point for everyone involved, including this transgender golfer. >> yeah, so polling does show, tomi, that a majority of americans agree with you and don't think that trans athletes should compete in women's sports by large margins like 70%. as it feels like the world is getting more progressive in this category, they are not. where do you see this going? what do you think the future of women's sports is? >> well, unfortunately, it's f. something doesn't happen and happen quickly, we will see the extinction of women's sports in the next 5 to 10 years as this trans fad grows and more people seem to join in on it. a couple years ago we were talking about lia thomas and swimming and it seemed like that was an outlier, an anomaly
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something we would have to tackle every once in a while. now it's becoming far more prevalent and beyond, this golfing not a contact sport. but you have got trans women competing against women in boxing events and other events where women could actually get hurt. you have seen female volleyball players actually get physically hurt because of this. so not only are we going to see the extinction of women's sports as we know and it love it. i think you are also going to see a lot of female athletes not only lose out on opportunities but potentially get hurt in the process. listen, this is not about excluding people. this is not about shaming people or making them feel bad. this and fairness for women's sports. something women have been fighting for so long that feminists on the left have been fighting for for so long. hopefully we can join together and understand this goes beyond just talking about inclusion and diversity and equity. this goes to the heart of what the feminist movement has been fighting for. and i home we can find maybe a happy medium here where everyone can compete and enjoy their
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sports and not lose out on opportunities and accomplishments due to something that is just blatantly unfair. >> todd: tomi, 45 seconds until most of those polls open up in new hampshire. >> carley: yes. election day. >> todd: at the end of today or 24 hours from now what is the discussion? you have 30 seconds. >> i think that nikki haley is going to do quite well in new hampshire. i want to remind folks that doing well in new hampshire is not the end all, be all. of course, new hampshire is an important state. we love you all in new hampshire. i think this is now the time where the rubber meets the road. time to unify around donald trump so we can take on joe biden or who i believe democrat nominee. gavin newsom, gretchen whitmer or michelle obama even. now time for the republican party dom together. move forward, unite and make sure we get our country back on track. >> carley: tomi, thank you so much for joining us on this first in the nation primary day. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪


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