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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 23, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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ah mornings! cough? congestion? i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart. headache? better now. new mucinex kickstart gives all-in-one and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season. >> ainsley: it's the 7:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends." that's the time here on the east coast. we are live from new hampshire. it's primary day it's tuesday, january 23rd. and voting hang right now as former president trump -- yeah, donald j. trump and nikki haley make their payable to pitches to the voters. haley is going to join us live this hour. >> steve: you are looking at live voting right now in londonderry here in new hampshire. a new twist in the fani willis nathan wade divorce court drama down in georgia.
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>> seal this border. election interference. >> let me interrupt you, let me ask you just to focus. >> brian: wow. this is not going the wave she thought. super sized mistake. a family thought they were getting 20 chicken mcnuggets but instead they got this. >> all those bag nuggets. >> this is a prank it. has to be a prank. i didn't van know there is 200 chicken nuggets. >> that's a lot. >> yeah. that's a lot. lawrence. >> lawrence: the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. [applause] ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ polls are nope new hampshire. 29 degrees here in bedford, new hampshire. we are once again this year taking over the as you can see the bedford village inn. and as we look at the drone shot right now, when i was walking in this morning, i realized and, mark, if we can zoom in, if possible. you know, the bedford village inn that's the main building. and if you notice, when we walked in the front door, there are -- there's is a silo on each side. our lighting people have made one silo red and one silo blue.
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that kind of sums up the primary election. you got people in their silos all across the country either red america or blue america but here in new hampshire, just like with the bedford marching band, it's the people in the middle today who matter because it's the independents at play and that is who nikki haley and donald trump are both trying to get enticed to vote for them. >> ainsley: if you zoomed back out in the right-hand corner you would see the tavern. and this is where lawrence is live. right, brian? >> brian: yeah, lawrence. i will tell you what, the democrats totally blew this primary off. they blew off this state. we had dean phillips on. we have had-talking to a lot of people. they can't believe the frustration r.f.k. jr. can't get on the ballot in new hampshire. the people people of the united states didn't do well in new hampshire. held his bret, took his ball and said meet new south carolina. i wonder how the people of south carolina feel about that?
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>> lawrence: it goes back to the original point of view donald trump about the forgotten men and women. it's not about helping the entire country. it's what is west for the current president politically. and because abc you noted, brian, it wasn't about iowa. it wasn't about new hampshire. but because jim clyburn came in to save the day with south carolina, he wants to give them a little -- some brownie points. wants to give them little cookies there. but to just skip a segment of the population i don't think those voters are going to take too kindly to that in the general election. because he still has to come back then. >> steve: yeah. because the democrats want to start their first primary in south carolina, with a more diverse population. and, regarding -- so the secretary of state here is suggesting that it could be a record breaker in the number of people who show up. they are saying maybe 322,000 people, that would break the last record. from 2020. but here's the thing. a lot of the local election officials, because they are going to be so many write-ins,
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presumably for joe biden, they have actually had to hire more elections workers. >> ainsley: a lot is going to be decided donald trump won in a landslide in iowa. if he wins in a landslide here by 15 points or more, probably, what does that mean for nikki haley? what if nikki haley wins? then they have each taken a state. but, if the polls are right and trump wins here. does nikki haley continue to stay in the race moving forward towards south carolina? >> weeks from south carolina. and right now and nikki haley is coming up in a matter of minutes on their show. what you are going to do in that interim time. i guess spent $4.5 million worth of ads in south carolina. you wonder, too. do people of south carolina really need to know their $4.5 million worth of ads? after all, if anyone knows nikki haley. it's the two-time governor of south carolina. she really need to identify herself. >> they love her in south carolina but they also love trump there. >> she is trailing like 30 or 40
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points. the other thing to add in she is not in nevada. nevada comes up first and she is not on the ballot. >> ainsley: not in the caucuses in the primary there. >> ultimately comes down to if she won big here today in new hampshire and you know the polls don't suggest that if she did south carolina that would remind governors governor twice. we're going to talk more about that. right now looking live at londonderry new hampshire, a steady flow of voters who are essentially signing in to go ahead and vote. >> brian: mark meredith outside the polling station in lugarton. hi, mark. >> brian, ainsley, steve and lawrence. good morning to you, friends. the poll where we are here will not open for another 45 or 50 minutes or so. we are expecting a large crowd thought the state. expecting 322,000 republicans to vote in today's primary. but overnight there were six voters who beat everyone else to the punch.
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this happened in the small town of dixville, notch a quaint resort community 20 minutes or so from the canadian border. we were there last night as the first votes were sent. in this tradition dating back to 1960. more media there by far than voters probably 8 to 1. the event certainly helped jump start today's contest. former u.n. ambassador nikki haley won dixville notch in a clean sweep earning six of the votes up for grabs. he has gained the support of the country's largest catholic advocacy groups earlier this week as well. now, trump says he believes he is going to be able to unify the republican party if he is elected as nominee. he campaigned with some of the men who up until just a few days ago were competing with him to be in today's primary. the men on your screen right there. trump also still in a bitter war of words with his former u.n. ambassador nikki haley. the polls going in today show haley trailing trump by a few points.
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looking to see if she gained any of the ground after florida governor ron desantis dropped out of the race on sunday. now, as you guys also mentioned, president biden not on the ballot in today's democratic primary. biden snunning the state vowing to first compete in south carolina, which is going to be holding its primary in just a few weeks from now. but as we talked about this write-in campaign that will be happening. how many democrats will show up to do just that. and whether or not we see that huge turnout here for republicans like we have seen in years' past or whether or not there is going to be this feeling of inevidentability that is yet to be seen. steve, ainsley lawrence and brian. either way primary day. >> brian: how quick are they going to be able to turn this around? iowa was rapid. was that an anomaly? do they expect to get something tonight, right away? >> we should start to see results pour in. working with the secretary of state's office. new hampshire takes a lot of pride and want to get this right
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it. >> ainsley: please no delays. we have seen n the past. you want to wake up the next morning and turn on tv to "fox & friends" of course and see who won. >> brian: i don't want bret and martha up all night. >> last night we were in dicksville notch when the votes were counted in two to three minutes. they turned it around so quickly. it was great. maybe this was telling. all of the people they had wine ready to go to enjoy and relax the second the election was over. >> brian: brian i'm sure everyy else will be yesterday to start their happy hour. >> steve: so six people voted for nikki haley, 6-0. but the press outnumbered the actual voters i read 10 to 1. and i read -- i know you are talking about booze.
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it was 1:00 in the morning. hell with it. this is a chance to do it. more press. we saw press from the u.k. from indonesia. all over the place but it was history, guys. this dates back to 1960. they take so much pride in it. one of those moments you go well, this is pretty darn cool. >> steve: bacon wrapped scallops. >> ainsley: thank you so much, mark. such a cute way to wake up in the morning on election day here in new hampshire. dixville notch a small town. only 6 people fewer republicans, two of them independents. all of them voted for nikki haley. the up to moderator says we get our 15 minutes of fame every four years his dad brought this to dicksville notch. all six of them or however lived there at the time were tired of driving 45 minutes to the nearest polling site. >> lawrence: i thought it was so
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unique, ainsley. i have been hearing about it: seeing the democracy in our republic at work such a magical thing people wish and aspire to be like. >> brian: imagine voting the day of voting and having a ballot that you count right away what a novel concept. i like the idea of bacon wrapped scallops. >> brian: the president got a huge endorsement yesterday. famously the evangelical vote in iowa. brian burch the president of the catholic vote they decided to back the 45th president to be the 4 #th president and represent him there the president indeed at love momentum going in winning by double digits. this is going to help dare i say more than dixville notch, lawrence. >> ainsley: i was curious because brian is catholic why do you think the catholic votes are
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going to trump? nikki haley is against abortion. she said she is. >> brian: although i know cardinal dolan and i brag about it. he likes me a lot. i don't know if that gets me in with the catholic expertise i would say for the people when they go to the states. believe it or not, new hampshire, if there is a poll like this goes to church actually less than almost any state in the country. but the catholic vote means a lot. it doesn't mean people aren't religious they just don't go to church as much. this means a lot for them to sit on the side, evaluate the situation and back trump. >> steve: if i had to guess and we should try to interview that guy. if i had to guess what they were doing, what i have read is they were waiting until the field was down to a little number. and we're at one vs. one. trump vs. haley for the most part. even though the new hampshire primary ballot, there are 25 names on the republican ballot, and 21 on the democratic.
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everyone who has run for the most part is going to be on the republican ballot. the only one on the democrat is joe biden. once they win knowed it down, they wanted to select somebody drive people to donald trump. maybe it doesn't have as much to do with nikki haley as it does winnability, because, ultimately, when it comes to the issue of abortion, joe biden and donald trump have two different approaches. you know. >> brian: joe biden is catholic. >> steve: one is pro-abortion -- that is problematic for him. donald trump realistic just like nikki haley, they are pretty much for anything that can get passed in a congress and so far nothing is. >> lawrence: i think when you talk to catholics, you have got to remember they are extremely pro-life and back in 2016 there was a lot of doubt about donald
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trump how conservative he is. when you have a record to run on. pro-life community and catholic community, they have been wanting the overturning of roe v. wade for a long time it was a dream came true because of donald trump's appointments. if you see them swinging their endorsement behind the former president, i think that's the number one issue why. >> brian: meanwhile what the president is best at is turning opponents into allies. >> ainsley: last night he was on stage with a few people he had been running against now putting their names behind him including vivek. here is a little bit of trump at his rally last night and nikki haley at her rally in salem. >> this is a very, very important vote. when you step into that voting booth. you are going to be signaling that we want crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of our country. we got get him out. if you want to seal the border,
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vote trump. [cheers] >> if you want to restore law and order in this country, vote trump. if you want to defeat the deep state, vote trump. if you want to fight inflation, vote trump. if you want to revive national pride in this country, vote trump. if you want to revive our national identity in this country, vote trump. if you want to make america great again, vote trump. >> trump and biden, it's a dead heat. it's going to be a nail-biter of an election. we all know what is going to happen. i'm in every one of those same general election polls. and i defeat biden by up to 17 points. you go in to d.c. with a mandate, a mandate to stop the wasteful spending and get our economy back on track. a mandate to get our kids reading again and go back to the basics with education. a mandate to secure our borders, no more executions. a mandate for law and order in
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this country, and a mandate for a strong america that we can all be proud of. don't you want that? [cheers] >> steve: joining us live from the bedford village inn here in about 20 or 30 minutes. it was really interesting to see all of those rivals, as you depicted them, brian, lined up behind donald trump yesterday. to talk about why he should be the next president of the united states again. one person who dropped out not there is ron desantis. and apparently the trump camp has asked ron desantis to appear on trump's behalf and make speeches. so far nothing is planned. but it's interesting, and one of the producers pointed this out to me this morning. down in the state of florida, there are a couple of state lawmakers who have suggested legislation that would create a $5 million -- essentially legal defense fund for donald trump in his legal woes. and so politico ran an article
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with the headline some florida republicans want to pay trump's legal bills. but then ron desantis responded -- and this is the first time we have heard from him in 24 hours. ron desantis said regarding the paying of the legal bills, he said but not the florida republican who wields the veto pin. veto pen. while some may want to pay for his legal bills, sounds like ron desantis is a no on that. >> ainsley: okay. lawrence, you are going to talk to some of the folks there you are having breakfast with? let's talk with. so folks nate the great is going to follow me here. one of the things i'm intrigued with travel the country get all the way up to election day. some people haven't made a decision who they are going to support. one gentleman i talked to earlier made his decision this week. and he was going between nikki haley and donald trump. the number one issue how the president stands on the world stage. let's talk about it.
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first of all, why was the presence of a president and how they reacted on a foreign policy from a foreign policy standpoint so important to you? >> you know, we potentially face three conflicts on the global stage. we have always been a beacon for democracy across the globe. and, you know, we fight for those freedoms, right? and for good reason. that's what propels us forward as a nation. >> lawrence: so you decided on who to vote for? >> who to vote for. and i sort of looked at two candidates. and looked at their strengths as leaders, right? and sort of the place that we are today. and felt that foreign stage is what made me lean towards one person vs. the other. >> lawrence: who is your candidate? >> trump. [cheers and applause] >> lawrence: that's interesting. it was the foreign policy it
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that load led to this decision. undecided voter but you say you lean toward nikki haley. >> yes. >> la. >> lawrence: why is she potentially your candidate. >> i like how she called out democrats and republicans for waste 68 spending in congress. i like how she showed her leadership during her time in the u.n. her husband is a veteran i think she cares a lot about the military and foreign issues. i think a lot of voters are ready for someone new. >> lawrence: thank you so much. >> lawrence: a lot of younger women nikki haley does have a pocket of support with them. she has operation women for nikki haley still got donald trump dominating the room. >> dominating the polls right now. [applause] >> lawrence: we are going to be tuning in election day as the results come in. first, there is some weather issues that's going to probably happen in new hampshire. we are going to turn it over to janice dean with our forecast. hey, j.d. >> janice: hello, say hi to everybody in the diner today.
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not too bad. we had incredible cold temperatures in iowa. temperatures in the 30's. the mid 30's. that's not too bad for new hampshire. and in terms of precipitation, we could get the potential of rain and maybe a changeover to freezing rain later this afternoon for the southeastern part of the state and then we will get some of that snow for the southern and central area of new hampshire. but, otherwise, it's light snow. it's not a blizzard. it's not an ice storm. and the temperatures are relatively warm for this area across the country. so there's your forecast highs today. mainly cloudy skies for much ever the day today. we will get some of that, you know, that mixture in the southeastern part of new hampshire, some snow later this afternoon into this evening so the bottom line is you want to get out there early. there's manchester, new hampshire. cloudy skies for the most part. and temperatures in the 30's. we will take it. better than the deep freeze like it was yesterday, steve, ainsley, brian. back to you. >> steve: that is much better forecast than they had in des moines and in iowa.
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>> ainsley: great better voter turnout. >> steve: all right, j.d., thank you very much. from the map to a live look at manchester, new hampshire as voters head to the polls right now. they open just a little while ago. >> ainsley: look how cute. that has to be a school, right? >> ainsley: yep. nikki haley joins us live this hour with her strategy for the last day of this pivotal primary. >> ainsley: but first, outnumbered co-host and former white house press secretary and our friend kayleigh mcenany is going to join us. hey, kayleigh ♪ ♪ ♪ here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs
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remaining 136 hostages hamas still holds inside gaza. huge news if that comes to pass. new overnight, faculty members from the california state university system has ended a one day strike without reaching a tentative deal. 95% of union members voted to go on strike in october after csu stood by its original offer of a 5% pay increase for all faculty. the tentative deal includes that salary increase retroactive to july. another pay increase this year is also included as well as four additional weeks of paternal leave. classroom instruction also resuming immediately. and check out all these chicken nuggets. you're going to see them right there. a family wanted two boxes of 10 but dear old dad mistakenly placed 20 orders of the 10-piecemeal on door dash. >> this is a prank. it has to be a prank. chris, what did you order?
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200 chicken nuggets. >> family ended up donating most of the food to a group of homeless people. they wanted 20 nuggets. they accidently ordered 200 it. happens to us all, right, brian? >> brian: i can't say that but i will go along with it. it will make me look like a better anchor. >> carley: you are a plus anchor always. brian. >> brian: thank you, carley. please don't touch my stuff until i get back. president trump taking aim at ddemocrats fight for the white house. >> previous president expressed his intentions quite clearly. and fast-forward to just recently says he is proud of what he did. he is proud that women have been deprived of fundamental freedoms to make decisions about their own body. >> brian: here we go running as if it's 2022 again. former white house press secretary outnumbered co-host all over the channel kayleigh mcenany we need your expertise
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as a communicator you are among the best. if republicans now have two years to message the right to life and being pro-life in a country not majority pro-life. how do you do that, hold onto your values at the same time win elections. she is obviouslying doubling down on that the vice president. >> she is. it was remarkable on "the view" when she was given low hanging fruit like january 6th. there are things she would take the view up on answering she took right back to abortion. clearly had media training. tick this box over and over owen and over again to get young women. pro-life party believes that must be some pro-mother. show compassion on the issue. >> lay out our plan to help single women pregnant in this country. vulnerable women. governor ron desantis started doing that in the last days of his campaign. i thought it was a great move on his part. >> brian: don't get into the weeks talk. don't talk about how many weeks,
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six or 12, message it pro-mother and how about this? when nikki haley said how do you feel why are we talking about a national ban? it's never going to get there. there is not 60 votes in the senate that want a national ban ever. >> ambassador haley emphasizing a reality that is a relate in the u.s. senate currently. >> brian: good answer it? >> is a good answer. paired with pro-life message about compassion and support for women. governor desantis, for instance, making child care products tax free in florida. maternal healthcare. pairing it with that a good answer. >> brian: turns out fani willis getting her herself embroiled oa scandal on the side. georgia case, state case against the president looking to manipulate an election. that's her claim. turns out she hires a special prosecutor who looks to be abundantly unqualified. nathan wade. he does divorce cases and accidents. he gets a huge salary. they vacation together. he files for divorce and his soon to be ex-wife has subpoenaed willis to testify. she wants to get out of it.
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she says believe me out of it. here's what the judge said to her claim and push to let her go back to doing her job. >> in this case, recognize beine issue she is dealing with fulton county election interference case involving former president trump. >> well, guess what, let me interrupt you. let me ask you just to focus on the part of the law that says the proposed opponent lacks unique personal knowledge of any matter that's relevant. >> brian: besides hiring what could be her boyfriend biggest case in her life former president is there anything besides a salacious story here? >> yes. absolutely there is you have one of the defendants who has said that she is disqualified. the judge will rule on that. it could go to a different prosecutor in a different jurisdiction. no this is misuse of ricco and
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misuse of racketeering charges. yeah, it could have implications. the case doesn't go away. if it goes to another prosecutor it's jump ball. >> brian: she circumvented the protocol to hire nathan wade and just put him in that position. and goes and vacations on the funds that he got and ex-wife might be, along with donald trump two of the biggest most disturbed people. we will see where this goes. kayleigh tapping into your communication ability as well as legal background. see you today at noon. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: speaking of the former president. part two of my exclusive interview. still ahead we go with the caravan and we go his big event and we get you behind the scenes. >> iowa last week, i mean you look at those numbers. those were incredible numbers. the best ever, actually. i think we are going to have the same thing here. i can feel it. >> brian: yep, but, first, guy benson joins us live to review and that's guy.
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♪ [marching band] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: so we're having breakfast with friends all morning. such a great crowd here. [applause] and so, wait a minute. what are you guys doing over
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here? look who is here? ainsley, kayleigh and the great brian kilmeade. >> brian: thank you very much. nate the great behind the camera. he was on the plane with me last night. >> lawrence: that's right. >> ainsley: lawrence, i'm jealous of you. you get to hang out with all the fine folks. pastor right here. i heard you are a born again christian. i think all of us are right? >> lawrence: such a great crowd. and a little bit of breakfast with the rest of our friends. send it over to steve with some other folks. hey, steve. >> steve: hey, lawrence, thank you very much. i already had bacon in there it's fantastic. just saying. today is primary day. of course, and joe biden is not on today's primary ballot on the democrat side. one name who is, a very long shot primary challenger dean phillips. he is making a final push to woo voters against what he ca callsa looming train wreck and that joe biden. >> i see this train wreck occurring and someone has to say
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it out loud. someone has to say the truth. practice democracy is not now when? >> steve: that was on our show yesterday. today we have guy benson. guy guy good morning. thanks for having me. >> you look at the public opinion polls and joe biden's approval rating never lower. >> it's bad. dean phillips said something that stuck out to me. he is saying the quiet part out loud i can confirm in d.c. when you talk to democrats they are whispering everything and more that dean phillips is saying out loud. we need to have some kind of a contest here. someone needs to make this case to voters. if we are really committed to joe biden and all of his flaws and vulnerabilities, we need to adjudicate that within our party. almost no one is really willing to do that publicly but he is. >> steve: you do live in the washington area so you talk to
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the insiders. if joe biden is this train wreck. do they have plan b? >> that's the million-dollar question. if they decide at some point it's time for a switch a radio. i know people love playing that parlor game, they are running out of time to do it. it seems like they have their horse. betting heavily on joe biden we will see how that turns out for them. >> steve: we talked about this last week cindy adams the gossip columnist maybe michelle obama who has been according to cindy has been talking to ceos and hedge fund people about i'm in. i need to raise money. you support me as i talked about that. you narrowed. you don't think this going to happen. >> i'm very skeptic of that. sometimes republicans talk about being nervous about. this fantasy that democrats have. what i have heard from everyone who knows anything about the obamas is that michelle obama wants no part of being in the political process again. i guess we could be in for a huge twist surprise. i wouldn't bet on that. >> steve: okay. guy, thank you very much. you can hear his radio show live
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from new hampshire a little later on today. >> guy: yes, sir. >> steve: on fox news radio. coming up, nikki haley sweeps the 6-voter town of dixville notch, so far it's haley six and trump zero. she is going to join us live. she is here in the bedford village inn and she is next on this very busy primary day. good morning, ambassador. ♪ ♪ i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ [cheers] [chanting haley] >> brian: well, a revved up crowd of nikki haley supporters cheering her on in new hampshire as primary voting is underway. she had a bunch of events yesterday. >> ainsley: she did. she has been all over this state. voting kicked off at midnight with a six vote sweep, all six residents of dixville notch voted and they all voted for her. her campaign reveals a spike in donations since ron desantis dropped out. >> steve: so joining us now on busy primary day republican presidential candidate nikki haley, governor/ambassador nikki
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good morning to you. >> happy election day. >> steve: so far so good. the headline is it's haley six and trump zero with dixville notch. forget about big money donations ever since you rolled into new hampshire, money is coming through the door. >> i mean, first of all, it's sobering that the first six votes in the country, you know, in a primary happened and we got those. so i am thrilled with that. i mean, that's exciting. >> steve: and the primary now? >> yes. and then you look at the donations. i mean, you know, everybody wants to talk about big dollar donations. these are all small donations. we received just in the last two days a million and a half dollars in small donations from all over the country. i mean, people are excited about a new generational leader. they are excited about something different. and they want to get our country back on track. they want that energy. they want that momentum, and they want to know that there is hope and there is solutions that we can do going forward. we're excited about it.
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>> ainsley: you had a big rally yesterday. you have been traveling all over the state. donald trump had a big rally, too. this is what he said and we want to get your reaction. >> now we have one left. we started off with really if you add some democrats into it, we started off with 13 and now we are down to two people. and i think one person will be gone probably tomorrow. [cheers] >> the other one will be gone in november now is the time for the republican party to come together. >> ainsley: nikki, what's your response? >> in his dreams. i'm not going anywhere. what i will tell you is keep in mind he got 56,000 votes in a state of 3 million. is that what we're going to say decides in the country? and i know the political elites are saying we all need to coalesce around him. this is not a coronation. this is a democracy. and so, you know, we are going to have, you know a strong showing today here in new hampshire. we are headed to south carolina. we are going to go through the tape in south carolina and then we are on to super too tuesday. >> brian: what is a strong
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showing? what's the showing you need to fight south carolina? >> i have been consistent. i wanted to be strong in iowa. we started with 2%. we ended with 20%. i want to be stronger in new hampshire. we will know what that is when the numbers come through. i want to be stronger than that in south carolina. it's just continuing to build. >> brian: what do you mean by that? i know you want to win. but, is -- within 5 points of the former president is that a strong showing? >> you know, at the end of the day, you guys are going to be talking about what a strong showing is or not. i don't know that you will tell the truth. at the end of the day, if you look at the fact that, yes, we are down. one more fellow in the race. i didn't get here by luck. 13 people, and i'm down to one more person? that's by outsmarting and outworking. >> brian: don't worry about us not telling the truth. the numbers are the numbers. what do you think is strong? >> i don't think like that. what i wait and see what the numbers are and see what they look like. i don't like to predict like that. at the end of the day, it's about the energy, it's about the momentum. and it's about if it looks like we are putting up a good
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challenge to donald trump, i think we have done that up until now. and i will tell you, credit where credit is due. we outsmarted, we outworked. all 12 of those candidates. and now we are down to one. and we had several hundred people there last night. we had 1200 the night before. the energy is good. >> steve: i spent a lot of sunday trailing you. i'm exhausted. >> you had a good time. >> steve: it was good. hockey game, brewery and a big thing at the high school. something you talked about is reflected in a headline the lead story right now in politico is donald trump has a big problem ahead. a whole swath of republican voters are firmly committed not to voting for trump in november. they simply -- a lot of republicans are not going to vote for him. that's one of the things out on the campaign trail you have said. and you reflect some of the polls that show you would beat joe biden by a larger margin even than donald trump. >> as much as you like to sit there and say trump is going to have. this the truth is you are not
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acknowledging that 70% of americans don't want a trump biden rematch. their disprove numbers are through the roof. and y'all have yet to acknowledge that what i will tell you is, look, normal people don't look at what the political elites are saying. normal people are not listening to what the media is saying. normal people are saying we want somebody that can go 8 years that's going to stop the wasteful spending of republicans and democrats. we want someone that's going to get our kids back on track. we want someone that is going to secure the border. here trump has lied on tv and spent millions saying i want to cut social security which i never said. >> steve: i saw that ad yesterday. >> you guys haven't talked about it. he said i was going to cut social security. i never said i was going to do it. >> brian: you are going to raise the social security age for the 20 somethings now, right? >> what did i say? anybody in the system we are not going to touch them. those new coming into the system in their 20's, we're going to go and start reflecting life expectancy. that's different than going on tv and saying i'm going to cut
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social security by 87%. >> ainsley: the facts are and i hear you. it's hard when you are doing these shows. we try to cover it all. we only have x amount of time. we definitely are doing our west to be accurate and give the facts. the facts are that donald trump beat you by 30 points in iowa. now in new hampshire the facts are that you were down in the polls. these are the polls. we know polls can be wrong. if you don't win today, do you go on to south carolina and i'm from south carolina, and we love you there. we love tim scott there, but donald trump is also loved there you don't want to go into your state and lose that state if you stay in the race because we love to see you in some other capacity down the road. what is your response to that? do you get out if you lose today? >> no, i don't get out if i lose today. first of all, again, i'm going to say this. we have had 56,000 people vote for donald trump and you are requesting to say that's what the country wants? that's not what the country wants. we will have new hampshire vote today. they deserve to have the power of their voice said. i have won south carolina twice.
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do they support trump? of course they do. i voted for trump twice. i think he was the right president at the right time. i don't think he is the right president going forward. there is a difference between support and where you want our country to go. i'm going to fight just as hard in south carolina as i did before. >> brian: do you worry the iowa polls were right. the distance what the polls are. down double digits in the last three major polls in south carolina you are down 40 or 50 point. so do you think those polls are that dramatically wrong and can you make up that difference? >> i'm not down 40 or 50 points in south carolina. i think we need to have a current poll in south carolina i will tell you this, when i ran for governor i ran against lt. governor and popular congressman. i worked it and fought for it and earned it a i'm going to go into south carolina and do the same thing i take nothing for granite. >> brian: no scenario you stop toned. >> of course not we made our ad
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buy. i don't know how much it is but it's strong. we saved our money. i hoarded money all the way through. we stayed in garden inns and residence inns, only one that flew commercial. i wanted to make sure we could run through the tape on this. i'm going to fight no matter. what i don't care how much you want to coronate donald trump. at the end of the day, that's not what americans want. americans want a choice and we're going to give that that choice. >> brian: keep say coronate lie, not telling the truth. i'm wondering why you think i'm the enemy. >> i have looked at the media. this is donald trump's to have. look at the political class all coalescing and saying everybody needs to get out. that's not democracy. that's not who we are who we are when have we ever had down to two people in new hampshire and you say oh it's over. we don't do that south carolina is an amazing. >> ainsley: three states really could choose an election for the entire country? >> it's what -- it's a beautiful thing, it's what we go through. at the end of the day, you don't
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do this for any reason outside you love your country. i'm doing this because i don't want my kids to continue to live like this. i don't want chaos in their life. i want them to know they can buy a home. i want them to know they can have a future. i want people to feel good about america. right now people feel chaos. they feel all kinds of divisions back and forth. that's not what they want. they want someone to go in there and work and show them. when i win, i will spend every day proving to people that they made a good decision. >> steve: all right. >> brian: you would not -- if donald trump becomes apparent to you that donald trump is going to win new hampshire, and he does and if you go to south carolina and win, would you endorse him just because ron desantis said i signed a pledge to endorse the republican nominee do you feel the same way. >> we will finish this and i will enjoy telling you i told you. so what i have also said i always said i will support the republican nominee. we can't have a president kamala harris. that's why i'm running because donald trump doesn't beat joe biden in a general election. we beat him by double digits. >> brian: in the real clear he
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is up 3 points as the average of the most substantive polls in the country. >> against joe? >> brian: donald trump beating joe biden by 3 points. >> that's margin of error, brian. we can that in 2018. we did that in 2020. we did that in 2022. i campaigned for a ton of candidates that were good and we all lost because donald trump was the incumbent. we can't lose again. this is about november, too. and at the end of the day, a kamala harris presidency, we won't survive it. and, you know, "wall street journal" showed i was up by 17 points. and donald trump said it was a dirty poll. that was his pollster that did the poll. >> steve: right. >> reality. >> steve: let's talk about the results tomorrow. >> thank you. i appreciate that. >> steve: tomorrow we'll know for sure. >> brian: strong against the president of the united states. >> steve: let me ask you a couple of questions. obviously donald trump would like to stop the primary early. that's what he would like to do because then he can save the money and stockpile it. i was reading in the "new york
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times" this morning. according to a trump adviser. the campaign will make it miserable for haley as long as she stays in the race. how are they going to make your life miserable if you stay in the race? >> i don't care. >> steve: i'm sure you saw that and a you thought -- >> look, i know what donald trump does. he starts to throw these temper tantrums. he starts to lash out. he starts to lie when he feels threatened. >> steve: right. >> he has felt threatened look at the millions of dollars. there is not personal for me. i don't dislike donald trump. what i dislike is what is happening in our country right now. what i dislike is we have two people that are going to be in their 80's. we need someone who can run for eight years. what i dislike is the fact that they are so distracted with vendettas and chaos and vengeance that they are not -- neither one of them has given us a vision for the future. i don't want that in our country. and i think our country deserves that. >> ainsley: what about unifying the republican party? if donald trump is the nominee and asks you to be vice president, you would get the
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female vote, you would get the moderates. you would get a lot of independents and even some democrats. some democrats in new york are coming up to me and saying i am changing my vote. i'm voting for nikki haley. you would get all of that he would get the mags, together the two of you could unify. >> i'm not interested in vice president. i don't play for seconds. i'm not doing that now. >> steve: real quick, i know you have been running 30-second ads all over for a long time. and when we had all the candidates in iowa. i asked everybody if they would like to make their closing argument. this could be the last time you speak directly to the people of new hampshire. there's the camera right there. 30 seconds, nikki haley, why do you want to be president? >> i think it's time we put an accountant in the white house. i have been a two-term governor that ran as the tea party candidate. i took a double dignity unemployment state and turned it into an economic power house. i dealt with russia, china and iran every day at the united nations. i know what it means to put them on their heels. more than that, there is no drama with me. there is no vengeance. at this point, we


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