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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 23, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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moderates. you would get a lot of independents and even some democrats. some democrats in new york are coming up to me and saying i am changing my vote. i'm voting for nikki haley. you would get all of that he would get the mags, together the two of you could unify. >> i'm not interested in vice president. i don't play for seconds. i'm not doing that now. >> steve: real quick, i know you have been running 30-second ads all over for a long time. and when we had all the candidates in iowa. i asked everybody if they would like to make their closing argument. this could be the last time you speak directly to the people of new hampshire. there's the camera right there. 30 seconds, nikki haley, why do you want to be president? >> i think it's time we put an accountant in the white house. i have been a two-term governor that ran as the tea party candidate. i took a double dignity unemployment state and turned it into an economic power house. i dealt with russia, china and iran every day at the united nations. i know what it means to put them on their heels. more than that, there is no drama with me. there is no vengeance. at this point, we need someone
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who is serious and who is going to work. we can either go with more of the same or we can go forward. 70% of americans don't want a trump-biden rematch. look at both of those presidents put us trillions of dollars in debt. and our kids are never going to forgive them for it. we can make this right. we can do this in a way that makes you proud. and, for once, we can do this in a way that we're all in this together and change the tone in our country. i'm going to do this. i'm going to make you proud. let's finish >> steve: good luck today. all right. >> brian: third hour "fox and friends" starts now. the 8:00 a.m. hour of "fox and friends" live from new hampshire on tuesday, january 23rd. voting is underway, as former president trump and nikki haley work to get supporters to the polls. >> if you want to make america
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great again, vote trump. >> you go into d.c. with a mandate for a strong america that we can all be proud of. don't you want that? [cheering] >> brian: plus more of my exclusive talk with former president donald trump. what is it like? the role his wife melania will play if she gets nomination to become first lady again. >> melania wants to be first lady again and will be involved. >> ainsley: cold weather didn't stop this cat trying to take a dip in this frozen pool. we have the video right there. don't fall in, baby. >> steve: no kidding. >> ainsley: goodness. lawrence. >> lawrence: third hour of "fox
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and friends" starts now and remember, mornings are better with friends. >> ainsley: always. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: that is bedford high school marching band. new hampshirers are already heading to the polls. >> steve: littleton, new hampshire just opened. mark meredith was up at midnight at dixville notch where nikki haley had a sweep. >> mark: all part of the job.
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a good team with me. it is 8:00 a.m. in new hampshire. all polls have opened and we saw a few folks lined up ready to go. i saw somebody wave a maga hat as they were going in, indication of where they were place their vote today. a lot on the line. 322,000 americans estimated to show up to work. in dixville notch, naomi campbell, six people live there, they were counting the vote. this dates back to 1960. and nikki haley won the small town, all six votes going to the haley camp. donald trump front-runner in new hampshire. he got endorsement from one of
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the largest catholic advocacy groups. senator tim scott of south carolina, doug burgum and vivek ramaswamy, trump says it will make a difference going forward. nikki haley believes it is time for new generation of leadership. polls show haley would be trailing trump only by a few points. looking to see if she gained any ground after desantis backed out of the race on sunday. desantis backed trump. president biden not on the democratic ballot itself. there are signs indicating they want people to show up for the president. whether the numbers come out in big numbers, yet to be seen. biden and harris looking ahead to south carolina. this is one day we'll be talking
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about, what happens in new hampshire could shape the race going forward. >> brian: it could end the race, do you get that sense? ron desantis surprised everyone last time, there might be a surprise end of this one. >> mark: i know you were trying to get haley to give an idea what she was going to do. the primary is a month away, a lot can happen between then and now. tonight will give us more indication of where things are. >> steve: combine regular job at white house with this job in new hampshire. joe biden is not on the ballot today, the primary ballot. they want to start in south carolina. ultimately today, he and kamala harris have an event in ma manasass, virginia, talking about abortion. the catholic vote is the big
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endorsement donald trump got yesterday. we have not been able to figure out why they did endorse trump over haley, they have similar approaches to abortion. do you think it has to do with the fact donald trump put three justices on the supreme court to offerturn roe v. wade? >> mark: it is possible and they saw polls where things were going and felt this would be the biggest bang for their buck when it which came to an endorsement. while haley garnered support in new hampshire, governor of the state chris sununuand groups that could put money in places like new hampshire. for trump specifically, this is support he would appreciate and talked about abortion at the town hall in iowa and said he would support exceptions for certain cases he realizes there
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is politics playing a part and believe how important it was for the three justices to be in the court. what drives people today, immigration, economy? talking to people in dixville notch, they indicated economy they are most concerned about. everybody has an issue or something they are thinking about as they go to the polls first thing. people are excited andir fooed up. >> ainsley: thank you, mark. lawrence, good point. you have been going to dinerings and he says economy and inflation is a big deal. harvard harris poll says immigration is number one issue. what are you hearing from folks in new hampshire? >> lawrence: it is a huge issue and connection of the fentanyl coming across the border that makes it a top issue. look, these diners give us
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insight on a day-to-day basis on what voters are feeling and why issues matter the most. talking to people that have been impacted by overdoses, that tells the pulse of the country, guys. >> brian: it is shocking if we told you four years ago immigration would be number one, maybe with us, but not with country and now it is number one and democrats blame congress and republicans, which is laughable. lawrence, great interview on sunday nights night, last night i tried to get a slice of the former president's life and talked about toll and sacrifice of his family and role of the first lady as she mourns the death of her mother just two weeks ago. here is a little of that.
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listen. >> word is melania will play a bigger role. you went through the loss of her mother-in-law, is that true? >> she did play a big role, somebody you could rely on, compassionate person. she wants to make america great again, too. i rely on her for advice and all the others. i think she will be very active in the sense of being active. same time, i don't want my family to be active, they were gone after by people who were unfair. they did tremendous job in terms of economic development and jobs, every one of them. >> brian: how tall is barron at this point? >> i'd say 6'8".
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he's a good boy, smart, good athlete, very good boy. >> ainsley: how tall is barron? i love it. >> brian: he's been to three different states and high school, must have been tough. >> ainsley: he's a great soccer player and trump's mother-in-law cooked him great home-cooked meals. >> steve: nikki haley was with us live, she is counting on an upset, a win in new hampshire that could remind south carolina of why they voted for her governor twice, where she was very popular. she wants to prove the polls and skeptics are wrong and will not drop out tonight regardless of what upon has, she's going to south carolina. i read in an interview she does not want to be part of a third
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party. here she is telling us where she is heading next. >> no, i don't get out if i lose today. i will say this, we've had 56,000 people vote for donald trump and you say that is what the people want. that is not what the people want. we are in new hampshire today, they deserve to have their voice heard dochl they support trump? of course they do. i voted for trump twice, i think he was right at that time. i don't think he is right going forward. i will fight just as hard in south carolina as i did before. >> steve: she's going to spend the day shaking hands in new hampshire. >> brian: lawrence, your thoughts? >> lawrence: give you guys kudos for the interview, tough interview, one people want to hear. they want to hear where candidates stand. one point in the middle of the interview, everyone in this diner gasped at her response
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toward the anchors. we offered nikki haley the opportunity to come and speak to the folks in diners and they declined. your reaction? we played the interview from the governor, what did you think? >> the fact she has to question whether or not you will report accordingly, be ins are numbers. some of her speaking, omissions are truths are lies. president trump said you see what she has said in the past and what she's done and says she will do. i'm going by what she hasn't done. if i look at our president and think about what he has done, he's followed through and then some is. it's unfair for her to push it back off you. if she doesn't do well, that is on her. >> lawrence: get to other folks.
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you saw the interview. what is reaction to the governor's interview. >> i had similar reaction. she was accuse tory. if i'm running for office, i will not accuse you of not telling the truth and lying. >> lawrence: let's get to the issue. ma'am, what is number one issue facing you in your life that you want to see candidates act on? >> i want them to tell the truth, i want them to support our life. i don't want to work until i'm 80's, make sure everyone in military is taken care of, the fentanyl crisis and live our lives. >> i'm a small business owner, the economy, retirement is huge. i'm getting older. i work 24 hours a dark, i'm
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self-made, the economy is number one for me. border for me, my health experience is crazy, i pay for it on my own. every month it's a lot of money. when we bring everyone in and giving them somewhat of a free ride, free healthcare, which is upon haing. that is happening. everyone knows that. it is painful for someone like me that endlessly works and gives and gives. i support my employees and treat them like family and to keep providing for them and their families is important to me. [applause] >> lawrence: when you go to diners, you have the opportunity to hear stories and some allegations thrown around that the diners are stacked, we send invite to everyone on social media, put it our show. no matter what candidate you support, we want you to come to the diners and you talk to the
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people yourself. you saw the gentleman earlier, he made his decision just this week, this is america, middle america and people that feel forgotten. when candidate don't show up and accuse press of favoriting a candidate, that is not effective. back to you on the couch. >> steve: lawrence over in the tavern. by the way, from the bedford village, inn, bret and martha will have some results and "fox and friends" live on the same curvy couch tomorrow. >> ainsley: okay, coming up, bill hemmer and dana perino will be here live. >> brian: plus immigration likely top issue today, pete hegseth is here with reaction as residents hit the polls. ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: we the people. ♪ ♪
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[cheering] >> ainsley: a revved up crowd of voters cheering in new hampshire for both candidate as voters hit the polls this morning. pete hegseth is live in new hampshire and we have our marching band outside. did they wake you up? >> pete: they did not wake me up. it is note a big event without our "fox and friends" marching band. >> ainsley: polls are open, what is your thought? >> pete: just a sense, talking about undeclared voters, it does
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not mean there are undeclared republicans. with desantis dropping out and vivek, i think you see a big night for donald trump tonight. i really do. i think mid-50s and maybe pushing toward 60. if that were to happen, i think the race ends in new hampshire. everyone should watch. i don't see how nikki haley continues if he has a big win going into south carolina, where she is behind in polls. momentum will continue and it is a general election at that point. >> ainsley: we always heard economy and inflation is number one issue. it is still a big deal. you heard the lady in the diner saying, i'm a small business owner. we know so many people in that boat in charge of people and it is stressful saving for retirement and college. it is stressful, can you imagine owning a business and being in
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charge. immigration is also a big concern and in new hampshire, this is big. lawrence interviewed people that said immigration is their number one issue. if you look at stats, pete, 2015, new hampshire drug overdose rate is the second in the nation. >> pete: small towns and blue-collar towns, mostly men, but men and women face tough job prospects and as result are turning to drugs. maybe they don't think they are taking fentanyl, they are laced. it gets traced back to china and southern border being wide open. who are you looking at? donald trump. this is not even an issue without trump making it an issue in the republican party. republican party before that was country club establishment, club
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for growth, koch brothers, republican party talked about c comprehensive immigration. trump said close it. he said as soon as i lift my hand off the bible as 47th president, close the border. the original gangster on securing the border is trump. he will go after china, too. people still believe he hears cries of middle class and want to represent. hearing joe biden say yeah, it is not the border is open, but it has been open 10 years, sham argument to ask for more money to cut more razor wire and let more illegals in. they are fast-forwarding. if your issue is immigration, you are coming to donald trump.
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>> ainsley: what is going on fox nation? >> pete: join us for the watch party, we did it in iowa. 8 p.m. eastern time. watch the channel and amazing coverage and have a second screen and we'll be at a watch party down the road with tom bevin, and ben and jimmy failla, brian kilmeade will jump in for a bit. you can watch with us on fox nation. >> ainsley: i did that during iowa. we were watching you on my phone. great to hear you during the commercial break and watching bret and martha on the channel. you can do both. are you having fun? >> pete: great. >> ainsley: good to see you. thank you. hand over to carley shimkus back in new york. >> carley: i am, hi. you are doing a great job in new hampshire.
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more news starting with fox news alert, u.s. and u.k. carrying out another round of strikes against houthi in reaction to continued attack on commercial shipping and navy vessels in the red sea. defense secretary lloyd austin appearing in his first virtual event since hospitalization due to complication from prostate cancer. he dlifr delivered opening remarks. voting underway in new hampshire and we're learning more about a movement to attract more libertarians to the granite state, lawrence spoke to director of free state project in maine state senator eric brakey. >> if you love liberty there is gravity to new hampshire and you
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find yourself drawn there. freest state in america, no income tax. >> carley: people are pledging to move to new hampshire. and slip, sliding away, cat caught on camera prancing across a pool in texas. this viral moment happened north of san antonio after a deep freeze. the cool cat did not fall through the ice, could have been a nightmare. i'm sure he doesn't like water. >> ainsley: good video, it is nerve racking, we all love our animals. if that were my doggie, i would jump in. definitely jump in. still ahead, trump making final pitch to voters and brian was there for it. watch. >> i just love this state, this state was very good to me. this is exciting, there is more
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enthusiasm than i've ever seen. >> ainsley: more from the exclusive interview and why he doesn't want his family involved this time around. more on "fox and friends." >> everybody talking about big dollar donations, these are small donations, we received million and a half dollars in small donations. people are excited about a new generational leader. >> ainsley: bill hemmer and dana perino are live with us next. republican what can i do to make a better cot we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom.
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>> ainsley: don't we love high school students? this is bedford high school marching band, home of the bulldogs. home of 1500 students. we are having a great time this morning. >> steve: there is dean phillips shaking hands before people go in to vote. i don't think those young people can bet. it is a grade school. making a last pitch. >> ainsley: he looks like david duchovny. >> steve: the x-files guy? >> brian: wonder what happened,
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maybe he is. nikki haley said this about south carolina. >> when i ran for south carolina, i worked it and fought for it and earned in. i will go to south carolina and do the same thing, i take nothing for granted. >> brian: no scenario where it stops tonight? >> absolutely not. we put in adbioand saved our money, i hoarding money. we flew commercial and i wanted to make sure we could run through the tape on this. i will fight no matter what. >> steve: we have dana perino screen left and bill hemmer screen right. >> dana: in case you couldn't figure it out. >> brian: it is here, speculation is over. >> dana: it is interesting, from nikki haley perspective, she last summer there were people saying she should get out of the race to make room for tim scott.
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months go by, she said she would get it to a two-person race, maybe not in time to make a big difference. the people are speaking loudly. she got it to this place now and i thinks with everyone asking, it is over tonight, right? she is saying, let's see. there is a different here the way people vote, 40% of people are registered independent. she has been accused of trying to court voters and not being conservative enough. if she gets above 40, what is the magic number? >> bill: that number is probably it. we did analysis on polling and when have polls been so wrong. it will be interesting. i enjoyed the interview with
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her, we had her on yesterday. the rub i see, you follow her the other day. seven events? nine the day before. seven yesterday. she's talking to voters all over the state, she went after you guys twice. >> ainsley: trump went after fox news yesterday, too. >> bill: what i don't hear from her is yesterday i met a mother, she was in the cafe, she told me this about her circumstance trying to raise her kid and put them through college and trying to buy a house, i didn't hear that from her. if you want to be really effective local politician, what new hampshire is about, you need to do that. >> steve: dana pointed out 40% of the electorate here are indepenent.
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polls don't take into account that. a lot of money has come in on her behalf from outside groups, one in line with koch brothers. they are focusing on undecided who vote in general but not in primary. >> dana: you had doug burgum from north dakota support president trump and all the endorsements, tim scott, vivek ramaswamy and ron desantis. does trump get those voters? if nikki haley got all of those, would it make a difference? it could be a surprise tonight, might be on democratic side. >> ainsley: if nikki haley -- you are the guest. if nikki haley doesn't win in
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new hampshire, she can't go to her home state and lose if she wants to run again later. >> bill: i've talked to a lot of people about this. say it is a blowout, does she offer concession tonight? i'm told across the board that will not happen. see if they are right or not. if you look at numbers, agree with dana, within 10 points, the media will declare her victorious in new hampshire. >> steve: because she is the underdog. >> dana: they like that position. that is what ron desantis said, too. >> brian: no nevada, no presence in nevada. >> dana: and donald trump 70 percent approval in nevada. >> steve: wait, he's higher than wayne newton. >> bill: on the show, andrew yang is heres with dean
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phillips. sean hannity will also join us. one thing people are not talking about, the write-in campaign for joe biden. how will this go? democratic operatives are optimistic, who knows, never been done this way. dana added wrinkle, progressives may write in ceasefire to have a presence here and deny biden. >> steve: 21 names and dean phillips, no joe biden, we -- aj and i were looking, candidate named paper boy love print and president r body running for president in new hampshire. >> dana: never know who you will meet. >> ainsley: on their resume, i ran for president. >> dana: we'll walk to the fox box. >> ainsley: thanks. >> brian: thanks for almost
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doing the tease. coming up, i caught up with former president donald trump for look at how he's running the campaign third time around and we talked about his family and melanie trump's future role. my interview with the president next. >> she will be very active, same time i don't want my family to be too active, they did a great job last time and were gone after by people that were very unfair. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. nice to meet ya. my name is david.
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♪ ♪ >> janice: new hampshire, today is the day. weather really not a factor. iowa was coldest caucus in history. we could see flurries and freezing this afternoon for southeastern part of the state, not talking big winter storm and temperatures not baz. no reason not to get out and vote. highs for new hampshire there. another storm system moving into the west and big old storm system bringing heavy rain for the plains, could see icing across the great lakes and look at rainfall saturday, five to
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eight inches. we were in a deep freeze for a lot of cities and a 50 degree change this week in parts of tennessee, alabama, washington, d.c. with temperatures feeling like springtime. most of the population will like that. over to you. >> steve: 50-degree swing, pretty good. >> ainsley: donald trump making final push in new hampshire for tonight's primary. >> brian: i went to his rally last night. we watched him land the plane and talked to him on the plane and went into the caravan that goes for another hour and a half to his event in the center of new hampshire. here is a look behind the scenes as he talks about his mindset going into a rally and the role his family plays. >> >> brian: we're here in dead
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center new hampshire. beautiful laconia, capacity crowd inside. the president just beat us in, let's go meet him. >> this state was good to me, number one. we want to thank the people of new hampshire. you started it, remember you started it. >> it was a big deal. we went from there down the east coast to midwest and all over the place and ended up winning the election. >> brian: you are thinking more national platform and less about the primary. >> that is true. beat the democrats and beat diy, he is worst president we've ever had. he's destroying our country. >> brian: you have some opponents now allies, tell us what to expect. >> we have vivek, we have governor burgum who is here from
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north dakota. actually a very high quality person. and we have tim scott and he just, as you know endorsed, and other fantastic people. >> brian: do you have a sense who you want to bring to washington with you to be on your team? >> i think about it all the time, i can't tell you now. i want the best people. when i first went, i didn't know anybody, i was a new york person, now i know everybody. and we're going to have an incredible team from the beginning, incredible team. >> brian: your family, word is melanie trump will play a bigger role. is that true? >> she's going to play and always did play a big role. she was somebody you could rely on. very smart and a very compassionate person. she wants to make america great again, too. i would rely on her for advice and all of the others.
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its really, i think she will be very active in the sense of being active. i don't want my family to be active, they were gone after by people that were very unfair. >> brian: eric and don jr., they are still involved, how has it been for them being you are probably one of the most famous people in the world always in the spotlight? >> they handle it well, in politics, you have a certain group that no matter what you do will never treat you fairly. they had to go through years of it, politics. it is a sad thing because we should be focused on america first, just doing great things for our country and instead always fighting. if not me, somebody else, they
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would be -- put them through the mill, it is a shame, bad system. >> brian: how tall is barron at this point? >> i'd say 6 '8", very good boy. very good athlete, he's a good boy. >> brian: you are relieved we are getting results issue innerstead of anticipating what it is going to be like, you are relieved. s >> i like seeing it. i like the process, i was honored by iowa last week, numbers were incredible, best ever actually. same thing here. this is -- i can feel it. >> brian: what are they going to hear? >> a speech from trump. >> we're going to win new hampshire and defeat crooked joe biden and make america great again. [cheering]
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>> brian: nervous? >> not too nervous. i've done it before and i've been interviewed by you before and you have always treated me fair. you have come a long way, i'm very proud of you. >> brian: i was there first. >> you might have done my first interview walking down fifth avenue. >> brian: do you think i'm running. >> nobody thinks i'm running, you think i'm running, right? >> brian: my guts mes me you are in. >> walking down fifth avenue, could have been my first. >> brian: thanks, mr. president. >> ainsley: i remember that. how did that happen? was he just considering it? >> brian: celebrity stroll. he said, i will do it, one block. >> ainsley: we should bring those back and dooce on the loose. >> brian: he said, i don't want my family involved, ivanka says
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i'm out and i appreciate that. they go on trial and you have jared kushner, try to put him in jail, did nothing wrong and don trump jr., adam schiff bringing him in multiple times on the russia investigation. he feels worse about his family. >> ainsley: we saw inside the plane and we had light-hearted questions, how tall is barron. good job. >> steve: brian had to stay up late to get that. >> brian: slice of life, lawrence had great one-on-one interview, i wanted to give a different perspective. >> ainsley: life behind the scenes. >> steve: we'll check back in with lawrence coming up. they are playing tic-tac-toe. >> brian: and pete hegseth.
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♪(song in french)♪ (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. [applause] >> lawrence: we're wrapping up our coverage of new hampshire. let's do a quick poll. number one issue inflation or immigration, who thinks
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inflation is the number one issue raise your hand. who thinks the border is the number one issue? let's go back to the candidate. who will support nikki haley today? you got one. and who plans on supporting donald trump. [cheers and applause] >> lawrence: all right, guys, great being here. send it back to you guys to the couch. >> steve: we'll be live in new hampshire. the rock will join us tomorrow along with will cain. >> ainsley: we have the bedford high school marching band behind us. >> brian: play us out? >> steve: hit it. >> ainsley: to play us out. ♪ >> bill: so good morning, everybody. we're live in beautiful bedford, new hampshire. we don't


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