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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 23, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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otto warmbier and the mother was saying nikki haley was helped her throughout. president trump has been appeased to dictators where she would be opposed to them. you can remember him meeting with putin and president xi and kim. haley and trump have total support. she have was at the u.n. and sported them and within the wider middle east and what we're seeing now president trump has already warned the u.s. is getting more involved in the middle east saying here we go again. adding that nothing good has come from military involvement there in the past. unclear how he would deal with iran this if he really are the ones pushing the buttons. and haley has also criticized trump when it comes to china. she says president trump was far too friendly with china. shouldn't have met with xi and only focused on economic restrictions. she would be far more involved in containing them along with
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allies in the region and saying president trump's policy would encourage china to invade taiwan. nato, president trump said he will really look at u.s. involvement with nato. rumors he might even pull out of nato. that would be a lightning strike across the world. nick haley said the u.s. is leading the way. it will be different if either one of these candidates got to power. >> bill: nice to see you. thanks, london. >> we're going to win new hampshire and defeat crooked joe biden and make america great again. >> chaos follows him and we can't be a country in disarray and have a world on fire and go through four more years of chaos, we won't survive it. [applause] >> dana: it's primary day in new hampshire. there is a lot on the line.
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donald trump and nikki haley going head-to-head in a two-person race for the republican presidential nomination. they are making history with that as voters head to the polls. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: good morning, partner. got another 14 hours in you? >> dana: i do. >> bill: just getting started. today's spotlight on the race for the white house. most republicans in the senate have enforced trump but not one nikki haley. another concern about republican leadership having trump at the top of the ticket. it could hurt the chances of winning senate seats in november. a look at that. charles payne and bret baier with analysis. let's go to the hill and aishah hosni has the reporting today. good morning. >> good morning to you both, bill and dana. good to see you. some senate republicans privately at least are concerned about what a donald trump top of the ticket would mean for the
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senate, whether they would be able to flip it this november. they point back to the mid-terms and what happened then with those trump-endorsed candidates. a lot of scrutiny on the quality of those candidates, the ones that didn't work out. worth noting here is that key members of gop leadership, we are talking about senate minority leader mitch mcconnell and whip john thune, they are still neutral. they have not endorsed trump as well as senior gop senator john cornyn has also not endorsed trump yet. steve danes is calling for everyone in the senate to unite behind the former president posting this on x. donald trump is the presumptive nominee and encouraging every republican to unite behind him . it will take all of us to defeat joe biden, take back the senate and hold the house. here is a look at all the senators who have now endorsed the former president. a large group, guys, doing so after the iowa caucuses including trump's 2016 opponent
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and pretty vocal critic back then senator ted cruz. >> the reason i endorsed donald trump is i think he won the primary. the results in iowa were overwhelming. i think this race is over. so i hope we see the republican party come together, unify to beat joe biden because the results of this administration have frankly been a train wreck and a disaster for the country. >> the most notable senate endorsement comes from senator tim scott who was with the former president last night in new hampshire and his name is being floated now as a possible v.p. pick. back to you. >> bill: aishah hosni on the hill. here is where we begin. two candidates, nikki haley and donald trump. sometime around 7:30, 8:00 tonight we'll start to fill in ten counties throughout the state of new hampshire. it's not just a battle for votes but also a battle for delegates. to get the nomination you need
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1,215 delegates. it won't happen tonight. trump with a lead at 20. desantis nine in iowa. he dropped out two days ago. nikki haley is at eight delegates on the board. this is a quick look at history, okay? want to remind you eight years ago when, i think, a lot of republicans and democrats woke up to the strong possibility that donald trump could run a national campaign. this is what he did in 2016 in new hampshire. he won by 20 points after losing to ted cruz in iowa a week prior to that. took all ten counties for the state of new hampshire. some of the names on the board, jeb bush, marco rubio, chris christie down the line. at the presidential level, though, when trump has been on the ballot, this is what has happened twice now, okay? from 2020 joe biden beat him by seven points. back in 20164 electoral votes on the line now and hillary clinton by half a point over donald trump. his new hampshire more like this
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in a contest in 2024? or is it more like this? that's something we'll try to examine throughout the next ten months. >> dana: interesting. i have to say. >> bill: what have you got? who are these guys? >> dana: bret baier and charles payne and nikki haley swept all six of those dicksville notch votes. that's a small town in northern new hampshire and it is not a reliable indicator of the eventual winner in the state primary or republican nomination. so she tweeted this. a great start to a great day in new hampshire. thank you. before we get to you, guys, let's look at the kind of support president trump had at his rally last night from people who used to be on the debate stage against him. >> america needs donald trump and the reason why we do is because he is the individual that knows how to solve these problems. >> donald trump will deliver this november, reunite this country, you guys do your part. >> your next president, donald
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trump. four more years. >> dana: what happened to tim scott's voice? is he channeling trump? >> he is already nervous. >> clearly the engagement. it's a big day, a day that we are going to see whether independents can take nikki haley to the promised land here. i think personally that she has to be in single digits for this to -- this machine to really keep going onto the next stop. she will lose in nevada, not even on the caucus for delegates. on the primary ballot. she has to defend if she goes on to south carolina. donald trump could become the first three-time winner of the new hampshire primary tonight. that is history in the making. and it is a matter of whether everything we see on the ground is going to turn out tonight on that board. >> bill: another thing on that. we'll talk about it later tonight. i don't believe a republican has won the first two contests in
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recent memory, iowa and new hampshire. >> right, together. and no one has not won those and not been the nominee. that's just a determinative factor. >> bill: charles, how do you see it? >> you mentioned which primary would it be? the last of the prior two. i think that's what will be important. the composition of a trump victory. and the issues that drive this victory. immigration wasn't a big deal, wasn't the issue that it was during the presidential election with joe biden. i think this makes it more of a hillary clinton type of situation going into a general election. that's one thing i think i will be watching for big time. i keep telling people immigration by itself is not the real topic because at least four sub-topics come under that. humanitarian, security, sovereignty and economics. it is part of immigration and explains why it is the number one issue in iowa and new hampshire. >> dana: not just in the southern states.
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>> i think the trump campaign has been disciplineed in iowa and new hampshire in their close. it is policy oriented. it is immigration. he hits nikki haley on social security. the ads are very focused. we focus on the controversial thing. in reality, he has been hitting policy again and again and both states iowa and new hampshire immigration is the top issue that voters care about. >> dana: what is he saying about -- if president trump hits the general election trail against biden what can he say about inflation that will make people think he whats the answers that could make a big difference? >> immigration. this is important that people understand this. this immigration battle we're going through is not just a current battle. this is a philosophical battle between the notion of government handing out free money what they call modern monetary theory, or a government that says no, we
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believe in organic growth. individuals in our country can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. it is not getting enough attention. this is a huge battle for the heart and souls of what kind of economy we're going to be. now, we had a chance to see modern monetary theory. it's like the movie the hangover. it was fun as hell at the mall every other week and getting it and feeling good. next thing i go to the store and come out one bag. what happened? we're in a hangover phase of that. the administration, whoever the republican is needs to drive home the notion that this free money is something that they would like to do forever. this is not a temporary program. in fact the whole covid was an excuse to put out the money. >> dana: look at the student loans. >> the government paying for everything including, by the way, you could argue up to 25% of the current jobs. they are creating jobs that
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gives the jobs market a false illusion. >> bill: the problem in the movie the alarm went off the next morning and you are back to reality. two clips of sound for you. what i find invigorating about the american democratic experience, when you go to any of these events voters are engaged and have a lot to say. a quick sample talking about the border and immigration that appears to be number one in new hampshire. >> we're concerned about safety and security. particularly the border. and education is a top priority for me and fiscal responsibility priority, high priority. >> like millions of people in the country and let them loose and let them with no housing, no nothing, it is really a horrible policy. it is not working. >> bill: so the policy -- the strategy on behalf of the biden/harris team is to for lack of a better word to defame these voters. they are ultra maga.
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that's the category they're in now and i really think the sound bite of the entire week last week was right here when jamie dimon flew to davos. he was on cnbc. he was not asked this question. he offered this answer. watch. >> i wish the democrats would think a little more carefully when they talk about maga. the democrats have done a good job with the deplorables, hugging onto their bibles and beer and guns. really? can we stop that stuff and grow up and treat other people with respect and listen to them a little bit? i do think the economy -- i think this negative talk about maga is going to hurt biden's election campaign. >> bill: take that last point. >> that was really a center point. at first i looked at it and said is he playing for treasury secretary under president trump? he was hitting on. when you demonize voters. we saw it with basket of
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deplorables when democrats talk about republicans who support president trump as insects in. they climbed over that log there. really they are people who care about their families, care about the issues, and i think that's a big thing you put your finger on. the other thing, tonight it could be interesting on this write-in for president joe biden. this could be an interesting race tonight if it's embarrassing for the president of the united states in new hampshire, not that dean phillips is going to win. what's the margin? suddenly it's embarrassing. >> a few days ago i went biden hates maga. that he would be this vitriolic for a large group of citizens. this is how nations break up. this is how you have civil wars. you know, i'm not trying to -- by the way, it is not just biden
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but folks in the media who support president biden drive home this maga thing so much and it is what -- people want their families to do well. this is not about anti-anyone else. it's pro me and my family and nation and i'm shocked his campaign still goes down that path. i am really shocked. >> dana: they must see something in the numbers that makes them think it works and clicks. wonderful to have you both. see you all day long. >> bill: we shall. we'll share a little bit what bret, you are on at 6:00. then laura, right, live in new hampshire and jesse and sean and bret and martha come back at 10:00. >> casts of thousands. >> bill: border torics on the hill continue. fear they may be imploding. senators temper expectations of a deal being reached. president biden doesn't want an
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agreement is what some think. >> he wants to reach a bipartisan deal with republicans in the senate and have the house not pass it and then he can go around saying look, we tried, the crazy republican maga people in the house wouldn't do it. now they own the border crisis. >> bill: chad pergram tracks that. is it dead in the water or no? >> good morning, bill. back in the 80s it was where is the beef? in the senate it's where is the bill as in the border bill? talks have dragged on for nearly two months and still no text of the bill. that frustrates senators. >> sounds like they are behind schedule for that. i would like to see at this point some text. you know? we've had everybody tell us it's the best deal in the world. nobody has seen a scrap of paper. >> some skeptics don't like what they are hearing even though they have not seen the bill. they believe the bill spends too much money. they worry it allows for too much overall immigration. >> i promise you in the end
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you'll say we fix the border, we need to hire more judges. you fix it by saying go back home. we're full on the illegal side. we'll take you if you apply. you should have a job and sponsor, you show up. >> one negotiator democrat chris murphy says they don't have much more to do. murphy says it's possible the bill could hit the floor this week. there is concern that some lawmakers just want to kill the bill out of hand. >> sadly, it's clear there are some in this congress and beyond who wish to prevent bipartisan action on the border and on our national security challenges. these minority voices are cynically working to stymie bipartisan cooperation. >> negotiators are now working on the international aid portion of the bill. there is concern about getting money to ukraine. that part of the bill was left behind. bill. >> bill: thank you, chad. chad pergram in washington. thank you.
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>> dana: potential setback for border security. supreme court allowing federal agents to remove razor wire along the southern border at least for now. will this only make the migrant crisis even worse? >> bill: torrential rain causing out of control flooding in san diego prompting dramatic rescues. people trapped in their homes. the major wash-out coming up. >> dana: the human cost of president biden's climate agenda. how canceling the keystone pipeline is scrapping one man's paycheck and he joins us ahead. ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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>> dana: fox news alert. a convicted killer escaping columbia entering the u.s. as a gotaway making his way to the
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outskirts of new york city. ice agents look for needles in hay stacks. the latest on the quest to track him down. >> they put emphasis on gotaways. illegal crossers observed by border patrol but not apprehended. they are different than give-ups. we don't know who they are, where they're from. they are seeking to evade apprehensions because they're like criminals. this man convicted of murder, now arrested by ice in new jersey. he was serving a 22 year sentence if columbia. never returned from a three-day furlough. made his way to the u.s., illegally crossed and entered and became a gotaway because they didn't get him. it was at an unknown time and location. he had been arrested by authorities in new jersey for simple assault making terroristic threats. ice will put him in deportation proceedings and send him back to
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columbia to finish his murder sentence. ice enforcement and removal office field director said this is a case of an individual with a very dangerous criminal history who poses a threat to the community. meanwhile, the arrest underscores what they're stopping at the border. border patrol chief jason owens tweeted over this past weekend alone agents busted over 300 pounds of drugs like fentanyl, meth, cocaine, 11 subjects with criminal history like sexual assault with a child, murder weapons, drug trafficking, you name it. $24,000 in cash and two firearms. finally moments ago fox news learning from our cbp sources that the drug seizures since the fiscal year began on october 1st. look at these numbers. marijuana more than 17,000, meth more than 4,000, nearly 1500 pounds of coke and over 1,000 pounds of fentanyl. 411 pounds of heroin. this is why they worry about the
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gotaways and when you have a give-ups, coming in such large numbers it opens areas for the cartels to exploit the vulnerability and move more narcotics across. >> dana: critical story. thank you, griff. >> bill: a stand-off on the border did not go texas's way. supreme court allowing federal agents to cut through razor wire that texas had installed to try to slow down illegal crossings. the lone star state says the fight is not over. chris clem is a retired border patrol chief in the yuma sector of arizona. welcome back. here is what brandon judd said. supreme court's decision today will undoubtedly encourage more illegal immigration. this means border patrol agents will be tied up dealing with the give-ups rather than going after the criminal elements that constantly cross our borders illegally. biden team wants the control of the border and got their wish with this ruling yesterday.
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>> yeah, there quite a few things to say about this. i agree with brandon. there will be some issues. it draws attention to the border. let's take this back a few things here. this isn't -- this is abbott versus biden. this isn't the state of texas versus border patrol which is what i see and hear from some talking heads coming out of washington and dhs. i guarantee the boots on the ground are working close to get things done. second, it wasn't the state of texas, it wasn't governor abbott that was criticizing the border patrol and making statements wrongly accusing them of actions. but let's talk about this supreme court ruling. this is the second one that has ruled in favor. executive. do what the executive branch needs to do. it hurts right now, let's play the long game. these supreme court rulings are going to set precedent. think about this. three of the four border states in the southern border are run by democratic governors who
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really aren't enforcing the law. tech as is. when there is a change in administrations hopefully as soon as this upcoming election we'll use those precedents and do what we need to secure the border. it takes a little hit right now i think we play the long game and allow the executive branch to do what they need to do to secure the border. >> bill: you know what the thing is in new hampshire, it's immigration. this administration has ten months to figure out how to slow the flow. i don't know a lot of people putting money on stopping the flow. when you consider the diplomacy that antony blinken has been doing for the last month in mexico city, hosting the mexican delegation. something is going on. they continue to fight to allow the foots stop texas from slowing the flow. if you are the commander-in-chief with an election online. what decisions do you make over the next ten months that would increase your chances of getting
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reelected if immigration continues to be issue number one in so many battleground states? >> you mentioned two states. i spent some time in iowa and new hampshire last summer. it's a big concern for the folks. if i was the commander-in-chief i would say the policies we've done so far are wrong and we need to shut this down and finish building the wall where it makes sense. put the technology where it was asked for and agents where they are needed. as far as the diplomacy and what's going on, i think we talked about this at the end of the year. there was going to be a lot of negotiating going on behind the scenes to make sure it looks good so they can show progress. i have yet to see what they've done. i know mexico has stepped up some things. at least on optics. you see caravans dissolving. but i can tell you now i don't see anything that will change this administration is bring
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people in. not about holding the migrants at a higher regard than our enforcement operations. i don't see a change. >> bill: clock is running. chris clem, thank you for coming back and thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> dana: president biden calls himself the most pro-union president ever. and this week that will be put to the test with a huge endorsement expected from auto workers. plus former president trump gets the back end of the largest catholic voting block in new hampshire. sean hannity is on that. perino on politics this week is trey gowdy. we talk about the 2024 race and the challenges facing mike johnson with his very narrow majority. go to fox news or wherever you listen to stream. ♪
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united auto workers, is expected to endorse president biden. you may remember biden joined the picket line with the union during their strike last fall. edward lawrence is live at the white house with more. edward, did the auto workers ever think about endorsing the republican nominee? >> they are considering it right now. the president himself will be at a campaign event in virginia later on today. we're likely to hear that he is the most pro-union president there has been. one union not quite sure yet. the united auto workers has yet to endorse president joe biden. basically because he wants to regulate the union out of existence. electric cars only take 40% fewer workers to make those cars. that means a smaller union. during the strike, i talked with workers last september in detroit who did not agree with the forced electric push. >> we stand behind these companies. we have been the backbone of these companies for so long trying to push us out to these electric vehicles is not -- it
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won't last, you know, we have families and we need this. >> so president biden refuses to change course. listen. >> president biden: anybody think climate is not a problem raise your hand. come on, man. i've been around the world and on the ground with you making sure to help strengthen the resilience and with stand the extreme weather and bring back a stronger economy and community. >> the "washington post" reporting the auto workers union might vote this week to endorse the president during their conference that ends on thursday because he spent a few hours on the picket line in support of their strike. more significant strikes have happened under this president. the california faculty association 29,000 members went on strike. reports are there is a tentative agreement now been reached and the president counting on this union vote this year. i can tell you the bosses might endorse the president, but i
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heard from the rank and file when i with as in detroit last september. there is a lot of support for the former president because of the policies they are seeing out of the white house. back to you. >> dana: all right, edward. thank you so much. >> bill: thank you. right down the road from us here in bedford, new hampshire here is nikki haley at a polling location walking in with the governor, chris sununu, who has been in her camp now for months and really suggesting in mid-december it would be a wipe out in favor of nikki haley. he has moderated that. >> dana: they only ever wanted to get to a close second. >> bill: hang on this for a moment. if she talks we'll dip into it. sean hannity is sitting to our right. he got up early twice in eight days now. >> i was on "fox & friends" yesterday. >> bill: you were with us in des moines eight or nine days ago. >> this is how fast the primary season goes. it flies by.
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>> bill: is she talking? yes or no just a picture. there we go. part of the reason why we brought you on, this -- >> dana: no one else would come. >> i was the only one left. >> bill: you answered the alarm. this catholic group is going with trump at 26%. a voter break down by religion. the catholic vote not only he is better than haley and catholics play a critical role in this election. there is a statement on screen. kind of reflects supreme court appointees roe v. wade, how do you see this having an impact? >> it doesn't hurt. if endorsements won races certainly ron desantis would have won in iowa because he had the best endorsements. he had the governor, prominent
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evangelical leaders supporting him. look, these are uncertain times. did you watch nikki haley? she was on "fox & friends" today. i'm watching her. she seemed pretty defensive. i'm not sure why. look, polls are what they are. you know what? some years they have been wrong and it's embarrassing. they're trying to get things right. the polls i look at insider advantage, trafalgar and inside advantage and i'm telling you the polls show donald trump has gotten a big bump out of iowa and that he should win handily tonight. now, if that scenario unfolds and the polls turn out to be true, if that happens, then i would say nikki haley has a very important decision to make. she was asked the question today very defensive about it. if you look at the polls currently, real clear politics she is down 30 points to donald trump in her home state. that is a big number to be down.
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now, if i'm nikki haley what am i thinking about? she is young, just like governor desantis, 45 years old. just a year older than me. and governor desantis has a bright future ahead of him. he is a leading conservative voice in the country and i think, you know, three years or four years from now there will be an open republican primary. i think all these candidates need to be thinking about what -- how will that impact that? if it becomes inevitable. if she really believes she has a path, i never tell anybody to get out of a race. if you lose here in new hampshire. >> bill: she sat in your chair yesterday and regardless of what happens tonight she will stay in for south carolina for sure. >> she may not. if you go to your home state and the polls show you are losing by 30, even if you lose by 15, i don't think that looks good for a candidate. i think you have to pull in your home state. she doesn't have either one of
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the two senators supporting her. she doesn't have the governor supporting her in her own state. donald trump has that. it's a huge advantage. >> dana: tell us what you think president trump is thinking right now? he has an incredible amount of energy and on the campaign trail and in court and campaign trail. he has to think ahead between a race between him and biden how does he do this? this would be the longest general election in american history. >> amazing, right? four years it will be back here and a whole world war iii will begin probably in new hampshire four years from now. i think what donald trump is thinking is if i was donald trump, let me put it that way, i would be thinking about i have my base. his base is going nowhere.
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base will fall over broken glass to vote for him. they did it in iowa in big numbers. if i'm him i'm thinking about what about suburban women. it shows joe biden weak with a big portion of his base are very real. it is being shown consistently across a number of polls. if he losing african-americans, hispanic americans, young people, the suburban women and if he is losing those demographics, and he now has to go back in and try to shore that up, i would say that's an opportunity for trump and i would pivot. knowing him for 30 years, i know a side of him that the public doesn't often see. he is gracious, he is funny, he is engaged, he wants to hear from smart people. he wants to be challenged. he has this whole real side of him and i think circumstances in many ways starting with the russia hoax all the way through 91 indictments and two
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impeachments in between have only shown one side of him. the more that he shows the other side of donald trump i think the better he does. i will make an outreach to those demographics. >> bill: different calibration in the speeches. one octave. different for him. we'll see whether or not it continues. >> see you at 9:00. you are going for drinks at 4:00, is that true? >> bill: 4:00 in the morning. >> dana: not going to go to sleep tonight. >> is dana going to do sports? jamie foxx said to be okay after a major health scare. that's hemmer celebrity news. people magazine reports the actor is feeling great after being hospitalized for an undisclosed medical emergency in april and back in action filming. is he 56? jamie foxx, 56 on the mend. feeling better.
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>> dana: really nice guy. >> that's your shot of celebrity news today. i like it. time for dana and sports. >> dana: the sports department, taylor swift will be at the super bowl. i don't know that for sure. what this means for students and teachers in the nation's largest public school system. public school system. kehr clearerate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to.
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>> bill: the only in-n-out restaurant in oakland, california is closing. california, in-n-out is where you eat. high crime rates are closing that store. the popular west coast chain telling fox business it is shutting the oakland location including break ins and property damage.
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robberies a common theme and they have had enough. buy buy for now in oakland, california. >> dana: public schools in new york city offering a lesson plan. cb cotton has more on this. hi, cb. >> the enhanced training for teachers on anti-semitism and islamaphobia comes after parents and some educators said new york city public schools are doing too little to address the israel/hamas war. it remains under federal investigation of complaints. the city will roll out new training and workshops for principals and teachers on navigating difficult conversations with students about the middle east conflict. more detailed specifics on the training haven't been made public yet. the announcement comes after the city said a jewish teacher was targeted for supporting israel at a rally outside of school hours. in november 4, '00 students
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swarmed the halls during a break between classes. you can see there on the screen at hill crest high school in queens demanding the teacher's ousting. the school went in lockdown a few days later. the school chancellor said there must be clear consequences for bullying and bigoted actions. >> i've heard some of our school principals feel disempowered from taking disciplinary action against student behavior. we will not have schools where students feel like they can do whatever they want without accountability for their actions. >> the u.s. department of education civil rights investigation into the city's education department is one of nearly 100 ongoing investigations of high schools and universities across the country over allegations of anti-semitism and islamaphobia. dana. >> dana: thanks for the update. >> bill: you might remember president biden killing thousands of jobs by doing away
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with the keystone pipeline. one of the first things he did as president. one worker is not going quietly even to this day. a live look in new hampshire, voting underway in the granite state. first primary in the race for the white house is now underway in the snowy hills of the granite state. veteran homeowners, with inflation on the march, here's a great way to get your monthly payments under control. call newday! while credit card rates can be 22% or more mortgage rates at newday are a fraction of those rates. with one easy lower monthly payment the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you pay off your high-rate debt. and you can save $500 a month. nobody takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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>> harris: live from new hampshire and voters right now are at the polls. i was there last night for primary eve stump speeches and more. nikki haley, donald trump will now face the ballot box. plus a democrat actually running against president biden says the left is deluded if they think biden can beat trump again. in "focus", new hampshire governor chris sununu, democratic presidential
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candidate dean phillips is here. pete hegseth. voters' voices new hampshire style. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: ohio lawmakers are talking about paying students to go to school. it's a terrible precedent. chronic absenteeism reaches ala alarming. >> it say alarge. one in four students are chronically absent. they miss 10% or more of school days. as a possible solution there state lawmakers are proposing paying parents of kindergartners and ninth graders to show up to school. it would be a two-year 1.5 million pilot program. here is how it would work. the state would make bi weekly payments of $25 in cash to parents of kindergartners and
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ninth graders payments made jointly to parents and student who kept up a 90% rate would get $150 at the end of each quarter and 500 at the end of the year. one of the lawmakers sponsoring the legislation i should hear his voicemail. it is full of messages from people who don't like this idea but he insists improving attendance is worth the cost. >> if it works, it's a win/win. we're saving money. changing the culture of attendance. if it doesn't work we need to try other things. this is an emergency. >> critics say paying parents for school attendance is like paying someone to obey the law. >> it sets a dangerous precedent. we will not pay the child. we will pay the parent to do what you are legally obligated to do, make sure your child is educated. >> the state bill just proposed
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has to go through committee. not clear whether it will pass. it is stirring a lot of debate at the moment. >> dana: all right. i want to talk more about this. thanks. >> bill: take the money, right? >> dana: i don't know. >> bill: good debate. 20 people are saved after being stranded on an ice floe in lake erie. they were stuck in frozen water a half mile from the state park in ohio. thankfully no one was hurt. everything is frozen in the northeast. >> dana: a lot of weather stories. look at that. no, no, no, no. everyone just be careful. be careful. we have pretty good weather in new hampshire. it is cold. >> bill: not like iowa. >> dana: let me tell you, it was cold in iowa. we can't wait to see you all day. a good two hours. harris faulkner will take you to the next. here she is.


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