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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 23, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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win for him that would pull her out of the race. i don't think that's happened. so i don't know how gracious he's willing to be. >> jesse: and he still has to take the fight to joe biden. he can also run the primary campaign at the same time, but keep everybody focused on defeating joe biden and stick to policy, and be gracious. that would be the recipe. >> brit: well, yeah, but... you know. are you a betting man? would you bet he would be? >> jesse: i'm not a betting man. i thought there would be a red wave, and now look at me. >> brit: you are still here. >> jesse: i'm still here, but you scolded me for raising my voice. i didn't get the all-star panel level that i should have had around you, brit hume. thank you so much. >> brit: it's hanging below your belt now. >> jesse: stay with our continuing coverage of the new hampshire primary. thank you so much. ♪ ♪
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>> sean: and welcome to "hannity." we are live in beautiful bedford, new hampshire, and it is now official. fox news is projecting that former president donald j. trump will win tonight's are public and primary decisively. the only question is, by how much? at this hour we are awaiting his victory speech. we expect it maybe at any moment. we'll bring it to you live when he steps on stage. by the way, we start now with reaction. kellyanne conway is with us, former arkansas governor mike huckabee is with us. this is what's interesting and what would make me worry as any republican in new hampshire. we talked about this, and that is it is mostly an open primary. 40-something percent of independents in this state. up until october, whatever the date was, democrats switching over so they could vote in the republican primary. to wreak a little havoc. if there's any state that's going to be favorable to nikki haley, this was going to be at, no? >> correct.
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she spent a lot of time here. you can't replicate your effort in new hampshire over the past year over the next seeds. you know how this goes, it goes very slowly and all of a sudden it is super tuesday and everything is very quick. her campaign put out a memo today admitting that they are playing the open primary, proportional delegation game. there's a place where it's not proportional, winner-take-all,, and that happens to be, drumroll please, south carolina, where she was governor a long time ago before she left her term early to come serve in president trump's administration, which she then left early to go sit on corporate boards and make speeches. that is her right. then people should know it is also why president trump is dominating her in these contests. he's on the precipice of doing something nobody has done for nearly 40 years, sean, winning both iowa and new hampshire and winning them with over 50% of the vote. and i would say probably by double digits by the tendinitis through. haley can stay in if she wants, but we have to put the iron in the fire on joe biden. we have to focus on the guy who's already got the job of president.
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he doesn't deserve to be there. he's destroying this country and our future. he's got a vice president he was terrible and i think trump will continue to be very gracious. if people say he insults that she's been incredibly gracious to ron desantis, even to nikki haley yesterday. >> sean: but is not just the concession speech and the nice things about governor desantis, which i think was the right thing to do. you are right, i think he'll do that tonight. but also his tone, his pitch, his cadence, delivery and these town halls prayed with me, with bret, with martha. he's been dialed in in a way i've not seen since 2020. >> this is the donald trump i know and work for and the donald trump all these voters say. remember, new hampshire loves to surprise the media, the electorate, pundits, anchors. but i think he's still the insurgent, the disruptor. he is still the outsider. so new hampshire going back to
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him makes a lot of sense. nikki has run a good race in many ways. i want her to be out there for republicans page he didn't campaign for them in 2018. she let the administration early in stomach and completely lost every thing. i want them out there defending himself. she could be out there persuading her voters to vote for him. she did very well in the open primary but most things won't be like this anymore. for her to carry on is one thing, and the other thing i want to say -- the fox news voter analysis tonight, this is incredibly important, 80% of those that fox news talked to in the surveys say they think donald trump will win and he'll be the nominee. that includes 6 out of 10 haley voters. if we are serious about electability and inevitability like the settlement was all those years against donald trump, left to be serious about it now. and really coalescing and unifying in the weeks to come. >> sean: let me go to governor huckabee. great to have you back. this is a very interesting night tonight. these numbers i think are going
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to go higher for donald trump based on the analysis i have seen and the people i've spoken to. with that said, he won iowa by a big margin. he extrapolate out republican voters only, he gets over 70% of them. maybe it's my own personal pet peeves, whatever you want to call it. i kind of prefer republicans choosing republican candidates, democrats choosing democratic candidates. i know many states have different variations of an open primary, but this one in new hampshire is pretty unique because of all the registered independents. >> for him to do this well in a state where there are a lot of people who really aren't republican or perhaps even conservative, where they just don't like trump, i think it said something about the strength that he has. i want to commend you, because you have said throughout this process that you would never tell someone to get out of the race. that's very smart, because, quite frankly, when you are a
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candidate, everybody tells you it's time to get out. but you are the only person who can really make that decision. and, sean, it's harder to get out of the race then it is to get in it. most people who have never run for office will never understand that. it's the most painful decision in the world to drop out. nikki haley is saying she's going to go on, she'll go to south carolina. i understand that. but it is a tough thing to go to your home state and get treated like a person that didn't want to even be invited to the family thanksgiving dinner. >> sean: governor, right now the current governor, mcmaster, senator tim scott he was appointed by nikki haley and who will join us later in the program tonight, lindsey graham, they are all supporting president trump. the real clear politics average, 30.2. with interesting, if you put yourself in the position as maybe being nikki haley's campaign manager, do you want to risk a big loss in your state
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and then think about running again in four years? if donald trump wins this election, you only have one term to serve. the question then is, for nikki haley, does she play long ball or does she just go for this and ride this to the very end? >> that is really the question she's got a face. i think if she goes to south carolina and she doesn't win in her home state, it dramatically affects her for the long haul. so it's a big calculated risk on her part to do it. quite frankly, i think one of the things we've seen come and you touched upon this, donald trump has been pitch-perfect in his speeches and town halls and in his interviews, and even the impromptu moments with the press. he's been talking about what's good for america. he's been looking in the windshield, not the rearview mirror. he has focused on the people that elected him. i'm hearing the same donald trump of 2016, and i'm going to tell you, he stays on that track.
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it's not that he will blow away everyone and anyone in the primary, that he will be unbeatable in november because all those people who voted for him in 2016 come back, and then there are a bunch of others, including some democrats, who are sick of the border, who are sick of the economy, sick of the foreign mess we're in, who will say, "my gosh, we can't have four more years of our guy. we are voting for trump." >> sean: got help us. governor huckabee, kellyanne conway, stay where you are creatively we will get back to you. we were just given a warning that, any minute now, donald trump will be speaking. when he does stick to the podium, we will carry that speech right here and he will talk about his win here in hampshire. we will bring you the very latest once he steps on stage. our very own bill hemmer, he's at the big board tonight to break down all the latest numbers. bill, what's the latest? >> bill: good evening to you. interrupt me anytime you want. we have a lot to show you right now and our viewers at home as to where we stand. new hampshire is counting slow tonight. i say that because you've got
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about a third of the vote in. i don't know if that has something to do -- i'm guessing here now -- with a democratic write-in vote. if i flip over the democratic race, we declared joe biden to be the winner, but you just about 40 percent right there. i don't know if that has something to do with the slow down, but it could be. 32% reporting. i'm going to flip through a bunch of stuff and try to explain a little bit about maybe what's happening out there. as i do that, this estimated vote that is in, just keep that number in mind, the folks at home. in new hampshire, 70% of those who vote in this state live in four county's and they are all in the southern part of the state. we will go through those right now. on the border he was massachusetts, hillsborough county, population 30% of all of new hampshire. that ranks 1 out of 10, okay? you see that? 32%. donald trump, percentagewise, leads by 12 points in hillsborough county. seems to be a good number for
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the trump team. conversely, over here in rockingham county, you are too out of ten now for the whole state. you have a lot of that vote out right now. 16%. trump holds onto a 6-point lead in rockingham county. if i were to take you back eight years ago, the entire race was different then. i grant you that. ten republicans. but in rockingham county against nine other republicans, trump fared pretty well. coming back to modern days, let's go back to concord, merrimack county. there's still a lot of vote out there right now. trump has a slight edge over nikki haley up by two points. when i checked this about 10 minutes ago, haley was leading in merrimack where you find the capital city of concord. and the 70% i mentioned, this is stratford county. they are counting quicker, that's 67%. two-thirds in.
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trump leads nikki haley in this by 11 points at 55-45. that's what's happening right now as i scan the state. now with regard to democrats, i look slings and thing right now and take you back in time. about 90 what the democratic challenge is for joe biden. we talked about this. biden, the write-in candidate. dean phillips still hanging in there, somewhat impressive, i would argue. if i were to come out of this and do a little history lesson, this is -- got it, okay. this is the democratic outcome for 2020. bernie sanders and pete buttigieg. they ran all across the state. but where is joe biden in that race? he was fifth, at 8%. if i were to tell you, week prior to that in the iowa caucus back in 2020, that it was bernie sanders and pete buttigieg. joe biden is not there in the gold, silver, or bronze.
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he was in fourth place, just shy of 14%. biden made a calculation when he was here in hampshire. he left before the tally came out. he did not go to nevada. he went to south carolina, and about 17 days after the new hampshire results, this is what happened. on leap day of 2020, joe biden, shy of 50%, that catapulted him past bernie sanders, led him on this chair across the country for the remaining states. he became the nominee and later became the president. so we are going to head to south carolina in about a month's time, and on the republican side, that is when the race will be held if nikki haley continues with her current position that she announced here just a short time ago. on the calendar, here's how it shakes down. in january, we had two big contests, new hampshire still playing out, as i showed you. and we go into february. this matters for republicans.
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the nevada caucus. donald trump is competing and he'll probably take all the delegates from that caucus that night. nikki haley, elected for the primary. it's a confusing matter. they split it up, it is what it is, but the caucus will matter. in south carolina, where we see the measure of strength right now in south carolina 50 delegates out there. as we started the night, hang with me once again here and i'll show you this. this is where we started the night. you need 1215 delegates to get the nomination. trump took 20 out of iowa, desantis took nine and dropped out, as you know, a couple days back, and nikki haley was at eight. she's going to get some delegates tonight but this contest could go on for some time. worked for donald trump during his term in the white house. she chooses to stay in and thats where we are. >> sean: bill hemmer at the big board tonight. we will check back in with you throughout the evening. first let's check in now with our own alexis mcadams.
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she is live from trump headquarters in new hampshire he is expected to speak any moment. alexis, what's going on there? sounds pretty loud. >> i would say this is the place to be tonight. it was called pretty early here for the former president, so he's done it again not just in iowa but now i new hampshire. the excitement in his room, you can really feel it. there's more people coming in minute-by-minute and we are expecting the former president to take that stage here in nashua, new hampshire, any minute. when i talked to trump earlier today on the ground in one of those polling locations, he said he had in the bag. that he didn't have to worry that nikki haley although it was down to that to happen person race that haley and her team wanted so bad. he said he didn't think it would help her in the end. one of the issues to hear about all the time on the ground, that they said they liked him for, is all about the border. we hear about the southern border all the time, eagle pass, texas, but the northern border is also top of mind for these
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voters and they want something to change. so that's one of the reasons they say they go to the polls and one of the reasons that we've heard from the trump team that they had the commanding lead that they have been able to continue to old dell not hold in the granite state. people are hitting the open bar, the music is on, and is a lot to look forward to it in his room for people who stand by the former president. vivek ramaswamy is here, senator tim scott is here, and they had will be on the stage n a matter of minutes, sean. >> sean: we are still waiting for donald trump to take the podium in just a few minutes. we bring back kellyanne conway along with fox news contributor charlie hurt and democratic pollster mark penn. charlie, let's get your take on the evening so far. it looks like a significant victory for trump coming off of iowa and then heading into south carolina. right now, the real clear politics average has donald trump up and nikki haley's upstate has a met
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32%. that's a huge obstacle for her. >> no matter how the media tries to spin it, you have to win to have a come back in hampshire. you can't come in second. that's a problem for nikki haley. if you keep coming in and doing impressive second-place fin finishes, you just going to lose longer than you do if he was big in one state. but the other thing i think is kind of interesting, she goes into south carolina, where, as you pointed out, she's trailing terribly behind trump. trump has managed to beat two sitting governors in their own home states. he beat the sitting governor kim reynolds in iowa with her preferred candidate in ron desantis, and now he's beaten chris sununu keep in hampshire with his preferred candidate. obviously the republican voters are not looking for an alternative. they want donald trump.
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that's why he continues to win. i don't see a pathway for her to turn it around from here. >> sean: kellyanne come let's go to that 30.2% number. if you are nikki haley's campaign manager and you've got to regroup after tonight, you lost iowa and you lost new hampshire, i would think that's a pretty favorable environment for her to do well with independent voters, crossover voters, fair enough. but donald trump is winning 77% of republicans here and 32% in south carolina, and he have the senators and the governor and a significant percentage of elected congressional leaders. that's a lot to overcome. >> and lieutenant governor and the attorney general and other statewide officials. >> sean: and kellyanne. [laughs] >> who were here in hampshire helping donald trump over nikki haley. let's review the significance of
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south carolina from 2016. it was winner-take-all, 42 42 delegates. donald trump won all 42 delegates. it's the place where jeb bush dropped out of the race, and marco rubio and ted cruz together got about 50% of the vote, but donald trump himself got over a third of the vote, and it is winner-take-all pray to get a third of the vote in a crowded field and all 42 delegates. i think people almost forget that nikki haley -- if she loses by significant double digits in her own home state, it's hard to see where she regroups after that. i'm struck by the voter analysis today that says over eight in ten of those surveyed say they want a complete and total overhaul of the way washington works. they still see trump as the person who will do that. that, coupled with the fact that they say the top and she was either the border where the economy, trump owns that issue when it comes to solutions. nine years ago, president trump
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elevated the border and immigration as a top issue. it was mired in single digits. he made those top issues. he did what politicians never do. he led the people rather than have the polls lead him. he told them we are not going to have a country. china is eating our lunch, the trade deals are not fair, but when it comes to the southern border, the crisis and of course ate many people here now. >> sean: that we bring in mark penn. i think the area of expertise, certainly have honed your skill working with bill clinton and the clintons. i use the phrase that donald trump defies conventional political gravity. by that, i mean most candidates, if they were arrested or indicted or had a mug shot, it would probably end their career. because of all of the different charges that have been made from the moment the man came down the escalator with his wife in trump tower, i think people are
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fed up with it, disgusted, and they believe the department of justice has an weaponized and politicized and they are angry about it, and it's not having an impact at all on donald trump. i think it's helped him. >> so far that's unquestionably been the case. i think there's no question that donald trump has an incredible hold on the base of the republican party. i think that, tonight, independent voters said not so fast, and a vote in 23 states, and those independent voters are the voters donald trump will need if he's going to be president. i think he can get through these legal problems, although i had a question if he's convicted on january 6th offenses. people would switch to biden and i don't care about the documents case.
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and that these things were politically motivated. the issue is really going to come down to those independent voters that nikki haley got tonight. he can get that -- he can't be president. >> sean: it's going to be interesting to see, because then you're going up against the president that really can't run on the old adage that you're better off than you were four years ago, and you might be voting for a guy that doesn't know tonight is to say. with that said, mark, stay right there. we go to trump headquarters were donald trump has taken the stage. a very big, large, excited crowd in new hampshire for president trump. ♪ ♪ ♪ where there is pride in every american heart ♪ ♪ and it's time we stand and s say ♪ ♪ that i'm proud to be an
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american ♪ ♪ where at least i know i'm free ♪ ♪ and i won't forget the men who died ♪ ♪ who gave that right to me ♪ ♪ and i'd gladly stand up next to you ♪ ♪ and defend her still today ♪ ♪ 'cause there ain't no doubt i love this land ♪ ♪ god bless the usa ♪ ♪ and i'm proud to be an american ♪ ♪ where at least i know i'm f free ♪ ♪ and i won't forget the men who died ♪ ♪ who gave that right to me ♪ ♪ and i'd gladly stand up next to you ♪ ♪ and defend her still today ♪ ♪ because there ain't no doubt i love this land ♪ ♪ god bless the usa ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> thank you, everybody. thank you. whoa! [crowd chanting "usa"] well, i want to thank everybody. this is a fantastic state. this is a great, great state. you know, we won new hampshire three times now. three. [cheers and applause] we win it every time three win the primary, we win the generals, we won it, and it's a very special place to me. it's very important. if you remember, in 2016, we came here and we needed that win and we won by 21 points and it was great. today, i have to tell you, it was very interesting because i said, wow, what a great victory.
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but then somebody ran up to the stage all dressed up nicely when it was at seven. but now i walked up and it said 14. [applause] you know, we have to do what's good for our party, and she was up and i said, wow, she's doing a speech like she won. she didn't win. she lost. [applause] last week we had a little bit of a problem. if you remember, ron was very upset, because she ran up and she pretended she won iowa. [laughter] and i looked around and i said, didn't she come in third? yeah, she came in third. then i looked at the polls, she was talking about most win-ability. i have one put up, we have won almost every single poll in the last three months against cricket joe biden. almost every poll. and she doesn't win those poles.
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[applause] this is not your typical victory speech, but let's not have somebody take a victory when she had a very bad night. she had a very bad night. and you have the now very unpopular governor of the state. this guy has got to be on something. i've never seen anybody with energy -- [boos] he's like hopscotch. i'm watching this guy and two weeks ago said, we are going to win in a landslide. about three days ago, we want to do well. that's a big difference. but i walked out, 14 points up, and i don't know what it's going to be. but when she was up here it was 6 or 7. and with like 7% of the vote count. let me just tell you, we had an unbelievable week last week in iowa. we set a record.
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it was the best in the history of the caucus, and i remember i had the same feeling. i'm up and i'm watching, and i said, she's taking a victory lap. we beat her so badly. but ron beat her also. he came in second and he left. she came in third and she's still hanging around. she only got 25% of the republican votes. i don't know if you saw that. tremendous numbers of independents came out because, in this state, because you have a governor who frankly doesn't know what the hell he's doing in this state, in the republican primary they accept democrats to vote. in fact, i think they had 4,000 democrats before october 6th who had already voted. now, they're only voting because they want me to look as bad as possible, because, if you remember, we won in 2016, and if you really remember and you want to play it straight, we also won
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in 2020. [cheers and applause] by more. and we did much better in 2020 then we did in 2016. but, as they said, we lost by a whisker. just buy a whisker. no, no. but we can't let that happen. you have to have people that speak up. i said, i can go up and say to everybody, thank you for the victory, it's wonderful, or i can go up and say, who the hell was the imposter that went up on the stage before and, like, claimed a victory? she did very poorly, actually. she had to win. the governor said she's going to win, then she failed badly. if he promises to do it in a minute or less -- but the only person more angry than desolate save me, but i don't get too angry , i get even. [cheers and applause]
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because he was there and he did fantastically well, by the way, and then he endorsed me. we don't have to talk about tim scott who, by the way, just got engaged, we have to tell you. [applause] and that's more important than all of this stuff. but a man that got to know her very well is vivek. i said, vivek, go up and say a few words about it. he has to do it in one minute or less, and then we are just going to say we had one hell of a night tonight. one other thing before vivek comes -- do you see that poll? we are going to put it up. we have beaten biden. you could almost say, who can't? who the hell can't? the man can't put two sentences together. he can't find the stairs off the stage. but, vivek, one minute or less.
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go do it, vivek. [applause] >> what we saw tonight is america first feeding america last. that's what we saw tonight. [cheers and applause] iif you want america last time e can go to joe biden and you got another candidate still apparently in the republican primary. cut your social security to fork over to kansas and kleptocratics can buy a bigger house. at the double digit victory as of right now. this man, donald j. trump, the leader of america first. and that means something. [crowd chanting "usa"] usa, and donald trump, america first. i got 30 seconds left. i want to make this point and say it right. we see with her continuing in this race is the ugly under underbellyof the american polit. the donors are trying to do one
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thing while we the people say another. it's up to us, we the people, two at long last say, hell no, we the people have said tonight that we want, again, as we did in iowa, donald j. trump. you want to actually speak truth, that's the truth tonight. and the only thing they rooting for is an ugly thing that we don't want to see happen. that's what these people are rooting for, to stay long enough so the reid hoffmans and the ugly democrat george soros juniors funding lawsuit against donald trump can prop up their puppet. we say no to that vision. i say the general election begins tonight, and this man will win it in a landslide. god bless you, donald j. trump. vote trump, usa. [cheers and applause] >> very nice. wasn't that nice? so, this was a great evening, and i want to thank everybody in
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the audience, and i want to thank the people standing behind me. you know, i think we called it right, immigration is a big deal. it's a very big deal. we have millions and millions of people flowing into our country illegally. we have no idea who the hell they are. they come from prisons and they come from mental institutions. it's just killing our country. and i'm talking about millions and millions and millions. they are drug dealers, they are everybody. and they come in just walking right through, nobody to check, nobody to vet. and we have a man with us, tom homan, he is central casting. i'd like you to say a few words about the border and who is going to solve that problem, and how quickly are going to do it, tom. go ahead, please.
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[applause] >> look, i've worked for six presidents starting with ronald reagan, and every president i ever worked for did something to secure the border. but no one did more than president trump. the most secure border in our lifetime. [applause] the most secure border we've ever seen, and donald trump is going to do it again. we're going to lock the border down, and go protect americans. because what's happening at the border right now, the record number of americans have died from spinach and poison and create a record number of migrants have died. a record number of sex trafficking. there's one man who has proven he can secure the border and he is standing to my left, donald j. trump. he's going to do it again. >> thank you, tom. [applause] thank you very much, tom. this is an evening that i will not forget, because it is the third time. but, more importantly, i think it's going to be the most
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important time. we won both. somebody said you rarely -- if you win both, they've never had a loser. let me put it that way. when you win iowa and you win new hampshire, they've never had a loss. we are not going to be the first, i can tell you. and i do want to reiterate the polls. we are way up on everybody, way up on biden, and over the last couple of months, if you check -- you have to remember, in 2016 they were saying, "what does he know about elections? he can't win." we won, and we got millions, and you can check this. i hope the cameras don't turn off, because they hate this, but we've got millions and millions more votes the second time. right, mr. congressman? millions and millions more votes, but we had covid, they used covid to cheat and they did other things, too. we are not going to let that
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happen. that is still going along. you can never forget history. if you forget, you never recover from it, and you repeat. we are not going to repeat. we are going to have the greatest election success. we are going to turn our country around. if you take a look throughout the history of our country, the ten worst presidents in the history of this not great country right now, it's a country in decline, a troubled country, a failing country, frankly. but if you took the ten worst presidents and put them tog together, the ten worst -- ice to say five. then i said, wait a minute, we can add another five. they would not have done the damage that crooked joe biden has done to our wonderful country. they would not have done the damage. there's never been anything like it. and you say, are they stupid
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people? i don't think so, because nobody can cheat that well if they are stupid. do they hate our country? they must hate our country, because there's no other reason that they can be doing the things they do. take a look. the taxes, they want to raise your taxes times four. they want to let the trump tax cuts, the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country, they want them to expire. your taxes are going to go through the roof. you take a look at regulations, they are throwing regulations. you can't even breathe with what they're doing. you take a look at our border, so bad, there's never been a border like this in the world. four years ago we had the safest, best border in the united states. i built hundreds of miles of border wall. "he didn't build hundreds of miles." because if there is a board laying on the ground they say that the renovation, they call it a renovation. if there's two nails from 50 years ago, they say that was a
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renovation. these are very dishonest people, and you're always fighting them. and just a little note to nikki, she's not going to win. but if she did, she would be under investigation by those people in 15 minutes, and i could tell you five reasons why already. not big reasons, little step she doesn't want to talk about, that she will be under investigation within minutes, and so would ron have been, but he decided to get out. he decided to get out. now, i don't think that at vivek would be, because he's perfect, right? and tim scott wouldn't be. you want to say something? i want him to say something. [applause] >> new hampshire! the president said a double-digit win in new hampshire, and you delivered a double digit win for
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president trump! [applause] well, i'm going to invite you to my home state starting tomorrow! this election is over. it's time for the republican party to coalesce around our nominee and the next president of the united states, donald trump! let's get that party started tonight! [applause] >> what a good guy. what a good man he is. just remember, i did hear nikki say now it's off to south carolina. well, i love south carolina. i love it. but she forgot one thing. she forgot one thing. next week it's nevada. next week is nevada, not south carolina. we love south carolina, but next week it's nevada. and i'm pleased to announce we just won nevada. 100%. [applause] because all of them, they looked
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at it and they took polls and i was pulling at 95% to four or 5%, and they decided not to play in nevada. so we just won nevada. we have a man from nevada here, wherever he may be, and the great john paulson made plenty of money in nevada. doesn't live there, but he makes a hell of a lot of money. he makes money everywhere he goes, actually. he's a money machine. you know what? put him at treasury. you want to make a little money? [laughter] anyway, good to have you guys. but we go to nevada, and that has been won, so we picked up all those delegates and then we do go to south carolina where we have done really well, and we have a great governor and lieutenant governor. great everything. almost every one of them have endorsed me. two great senators, which is hard. did you ever think she actually appointed you, tim? think of it, and you are the
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senator of the state, and she endorsed me. you must really hate her. no, it's a shame. uh-oh. >> i just love you! >> that's why he's a great politician! [applause] this is a great evening, and we are going to nevada for a little while. we are not going to have to do too much. have a great team there. but it's a team we can now send somewhere else. they did a fantastic job, and it is a fantastic place, really a fantastic place. but we will be leaving there very quickly and we'll head to south carolina where i think we are going to win easily. i think we are 50-points up. when a person was governor, that tells you something. but i felt i should do this, because i find in life you can't let people get away with bullshit.
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you just can't do that. when i watched her, the fancy dress, it probably wasn't so fancy. i said, what is she doing? we won. and she did the same thing last week, but he was much more angry about it than i was. i said, get up there and you let them know. we are going to win this. we have no choice. if we don't win, i think our country is finished. i do. i believe our country is finished. we have an opportunity to do something so amazing, and the good news and the reason we have such support, the best numbers i've ever had, the reason we have support is because they are so bad at what they are doing, and so evil, and they are destroying our country. so i want to thank everybody for being here, i want to thank this group of people. we will never forget you. we will never forget. and i made a pledge.
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i made a pledge to your state. you have the highest energy costs in the country. in the first year, they're going to be reduced by 50%, because we are going to drill, baby, drill. drill, baby, drill. inflation is going to come way down. but in the first year, your energy costs are going down by 50%. thank you very much. thank you very much. we'll see you soon. we'll see you on the trail! and thank you, everybody. thank you very much. we will see you on the trail. thanks. [applause] ♪ ♪ >> sean: all right, president trump giving his speech after his victory tonight and the great state of new hampshire. the live free or die state. america's first and primary state. let's get reaction, kellyanne.
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obviously he was clearly annoyed a little bit about nikki haley's speech, that seemingly she minimized the loss of iowa and new hampshire. understandable. i would prefer him going after biden. >> clearly, and they're going to have to do that to get. we need people unified to go after biden. it will be more difficult to beat joe biden then it may look. the democrats own the mechanics. they're all about early voting and they're not even interested in elevating quality people. we have joe biden and kamala harris as proof. i saw a lot of joy on the job there. people like me who worry about president trump safety, who care about him and his family, who have said, sign, if you never want to run again, enjoy a great life. you did a great job for four years. you see why he's running. he's doing this for the people. the people on him. i think the inflection point for him was east palestine, ohio. ron desantis grew up with in half an hour from there. he has relatives in that area
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never went. pete buttigieg had to go kicking and screaming. joe biden wouldn't go. it's donald trump who reminded everybody they have a place at his table. i see a guy having a little bit of fun, confident and competent going into south carolina. the person i thought was a little bit edgy and salty tonight was nikki haley. wouldn't you? >> sean: you might be a little confident, as well. >> she went after his competence today and said he had a senior moment. i don't really care for that. people accuse trump of behaving that way? it's a long road ahead of us, but give the man his due. in 2012 he had three different winners. for him to sweep those first three states, it's pretty decisive. this is a democracy, a constitutional republic. we must respect the will of the people. and nikki haley can't become an election denier. she can say tonight she came in second or you can say she came
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in last. >> sean: charlie? >> she spent more than anybody else on this campaign making argument about stop the chaos, putting aside the fact that i would argue donald trump isn't the one who started the chaos and not the one who made up the fake russiagate nonsense. he's not the one who made up the fake first impeachment. he didn't do any of that stuff. that's the reaction of his opponents. because i think he was being successful. she ran on the campaign of stop the chaos. well, republican voters in iowa and new hampshire are ready to saddle up and ride to the sound of gunfire and keep the fight going. the fact that voters come out and say, by massive margins, that the border is the most important issue to them, and donald trump has a proven record on the border -- coat >> sean: it's interesting, if you watch all the candidates, they had some version of donald trump's agenda, from energy to the borders to the economy to foreign policy. a lot of similarities. he has seemed to have set the
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agenda with slight modifications. "all the stuff trump did come of that i also add this." >> i take a chance when you can actually go back to the guy who delivered all those things you care about? steel let's get your take, mark penn. from your perspective, how do you read the numbers tonight and what does this mean going forward? >> first, i was amazed that there is now a donald trump who will share the podium with his former opponents. that is, as you say, a new donald trump out there. no question, when i look at these numbers, he has consolidated his opponents except for one, nikki haley. he is on the way to winning this nomination. but she is holding the critical swing vote in the election. if he doesn't reconcile with her, it will be a fission the democrats will be able to exploit with their key issues on abortion, climate change, and in
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those suburbs. so he still got a big job ahead of him. it's not over yet. >> sean: i think that's a great admonition and a good warning for everybody. at some point this will be a choice election perhaps unlike any we have ever seen in our lifetime. we talk a lot about choice elections. thank you. great to see you. thank you all for being with us tonight. let us bring in the cohost of "america reports," our own sandra smith with fox news voter analysis. a lot we can glean from the voters here in new hampshire. >> absolutely, and some of the new data points we have to dig into to see how donald trump had such a good night there in new hampshire. we want to look at some of the strengths that we heard from voters on the ground, the groups who put him over the top by 30 points in iowa. they showed up again in the granite state. take a look at some of these numbers. 81% of those self identified very conservatives went for
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donald trump. when you look at the turnout in iowa, you are looking at him winning with that group by a much bigger margin than even in iowa. that number was 58%. those with no college degree, 64% back to former president. this of the key strengths. take a look at nikki haley. she definitely had a different mix which led to her turn out there. she was counting on a much different mix then you are seeing with voters in that state, to boost her chances. among the moderates she did okay. college-educated voters, she did okay. suburban voters, you can see she won 45%, less than half of them supported nikki haley in this race. it was not enough. meanwhile, trump is still facing, as we know, multiple investigations and indictments. so we wanted to ask voters on the ground in new hampshire, republican voters, what they
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think about that and how it affects their vote. so we asked voters, the percent of them that said he did nothing wrong when it came to these charges against him, 46% say they think he did nothing wrong when it comes to january 6th. 43% say the same about his alleged interference in the 2020 vote count, and it is 37% when it comes to classified documents at mar-a-lago. so obviously we are watching that as a data point as we head into these other states. another one we asked, and this could be a key finding as we look forward to the general election, we asked voters whether or not they are concerned that donald trump is too extreme to win the general election in november. new hampshire republicans are about split on this, meaning about half are concerned that he is too extreme. among those who said yes, that he's too extreme, 71% said they support haley. that of course would support her
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contention that she has a better chance in the general election then donald trump. of course those who say he's not too extreme, 9 out of 10 of them cast their vote for donald trump. so those are just some of the data points that we can take away from new hampshire voters on the ground. we will have more as the night goes on. >> sean: one of the biggest points, sandra, as i was looking at the numbers, when you break it down, actual registered republicans in new hampshire, 70% went for donald trump. that's a big number. if you have estate without an open primary or you don't have as many independents, based on these numbers, that probably would favor trump moving forward. but time will tell. >> she did that it would some of late deciders. the fox news voter analysis reveals that, as well, more of them then not cast a vote for nikki haley in that race. those who have kind of known all along, they voted for donald trump. >> sean: our own sandra smith.
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great job tonight. sara carter is standing by at the red arrow diner in manchester. what's going on? what's on the menu tonight? i would take it -- let me see, i'll take a patty melt with extra onions, please. and american cheese. >> i got to tell you, sean, dave got a webbwich sandwich. david webb talked them into it. i said we've got to get a hannity special going here at the red arrow diner. you can feel the excitement in the air, right? everybody here is excited. it all starts here in new hampshire, and the voters are ready to talk. let's start with you. how did you feel that today's primary? >> to be honest with you, i've been a trump vote in the past but this time around i am dean phillips. he's the only democrat that talks about the border and that's my number one issue.
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>> president trump has been talking about it from the beginning. >> but trump kind of rub some people the wrong way. dean phillips is a nice guy. >> everyone here has their own candidates and everybody gets along, which is great. it's all about unifying as americans. how do you feel that today's primary? >> i think it's what we expected. i think it has been under the assumption that trump would get the nomination or win are primary. for months now, which is a very good thing. at this point we need to rally behind the party, unite, and we've got to get biden out of there. >> i agree with that. >> that's what everybody is feeling. everybody wants to get biden out here on this side of the table, sean. i don't know if you have a question for him, because i know a lot of people want to talk to you. >> sean: i just want to know what's on the menu. >> you want to know what's on
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the menu. everything that's good is on the menu here. tell me what you're hoping as we wrap this up. what are you hoping to see, come this primary? >> i'm hoping for trump. i am. i'm hoping for trump and border security. >> l, sean, this is what you say. border security is the number one issue here new hampshire as well as across the country. sean, back to you. >> sean: great job as always. we appreciate it. joining us now, fox news contributor ari fleischer and former senior advisor to president trump, stephen miller, and congressman byron donalds is here on the set with us new hampshire. good to see you. >> i'm doing good. how are you? >> analyst tonight. what do you see? >> sean: big night for president trump. this thing is over. we know this. this is going to be nikki haley's biggest opportunity. she's ten points down with 50% of the vote in. this is like when you saw it really low, where she started at 1-2%. you crest all the way out, and then you go over the edge and it's downhill from there.
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south carolina is not going to go well for her. nevada is not going to go well for her. florida is not going to go well for her. it's time for the party to unite. this primary is over but she wants to hang around, so we will have to beat her in a couple more take? >> unless she's able to make deeper inroads with the group that represents the most republicans, conservative republicans, she's going to hit a plateau and she might be there right now with about 45% in a state that is quite friendly toward an nikki haley candidacy. when she says she started 2% and has moved up, she's right. she should get credit for being the last woman standing. but in politics that's not good enough, and the fundamental thing she hasn't come to terms with yet is that conservatives love donald trump and she hasn't been able to crack that. that'll be a problem in south carolina, as well, i suspect. >> sean: we can see that trump is up right now by ten full percentage points. stephen miller, people i know crunching numbers, texting me,
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they think the number is closer to 13, 14, maybe even 15%. regardless, i agree with ari. if there was a state suited for a more independent or more moderate republican, it would be the state of new hampshire. and heading into your own home state, four years from now there's going to be an open primary. does nikki haley, if you're a campaign manager and you want her to be president one day, does she look at the idea of maybe losing her home state, down 30.2% to? the real clear politics average. does she take that risk and continue, or is it better to say i'll come back in four years and have a better opportunity? >> you would think that she would try to avoid the staggering humiliation of what is setting up to be a historic defeat in her home state. as your other guests have mentioned, new hampshire is where she bet everything. it would have been the perfect state for her. not only is she going to lose by
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significant double-digit margin, but she is going to lose despite the fact that a record number of unaffiliated and democrat voters participated in the primary. a record low, according to exit polls, 47% of new hampshire republican primary voters were actually republican. and yet donald trump still notched this massive victory. it's my sniffing and victory than it appears on paper for donald trump tonight. >> i agree. i've got to tell you, as you go from here, if you are donald trump, do you start beginning the transition to a general campaign? i would like to see him more focused on biden the nikki haley. i don't think it's going to be necessary in t the next states. >> i totally believe that's what needs to happen. it's about november, season.
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the primary son test is over. >> ari fleischer, 10 seconds? >> i don't think it's over but donald trump missed an opportunity. he should have gone after joe biden and ignored nikki haley. set his sights on biden. >> sean: thank you. when we come back. more "hannity." we are live in new hampshire. thanks for being with fox news. p you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. when we had a significant health scare,
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