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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 24, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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to $100 off the rapid receipt's price. go to or call now to get this special tax season offer. over $300 in added value. plus, buy today and also save up to $100 off the price. i came, i scanned, i conquered. epson rapid receipt. visit or call now. piece of cake, baby! >> todd: the results are in, former president donald trump is the winner of the new hampshire republican primary. he got over half the votes. nikki haley says she is not done just yet. >> we are going to win this. we have no choice, if we don't win, our country is finished. i do.
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>> this race is far from over, there are dozens of states left to go. [cheering] >> and the next one is my sweet state of south carolina. [cheering] >> todd: you're watching a sweet version of "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. other side of the political aisle, president biden defeated his challenger. he got half the vote from people writing his name down. dean phillips coming in second place with 20% of the vote. >> todd: brooke singman breaking it down for you. >> brooke: donald trump winning over nikki haley. he told me he is honored with the win and the gop is united behind his candidacy.
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trump is calling out haley after picking up a majority of delegates in the state. >> the polls, talking about most win ablts, we've won almost every single poll in the last three months against crooked joe biden and she does not win those polls. she does not win those. this is not your typical victory speech. let's not have somebody take a victory when they had a very bad night. >> brooke: 87% of new hampshire republicans back the former support and receiving 68% of conservatives and 64% of voters without a degree. haley says she is in it for the longhaul despite finishing in third place in iowa and second in new hampshire. >> most americans do not want a
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rematch between biden and trump. the first party to retire it's 80-year-old candidate will be the party that wins thiseck la. when we get to south carolina, donald trump will have a harder time attacking me. every time i run for office in south carolina, i've beaten the political establishment. they're lined up against me again, no surprise. south carolina voters don't want a coronation, they want an election. >> brooke: granite state voters named immigration and economy most important issues. guys. >> carley: you need 1215 to win and donald trump has 31 and nikki haley 16. she is saying don't count me out, this ain't over until it is over. this is just the beginning.
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s are looking to south carolina. latest poll shows donald trump up by 30 points, that is her home state, of course, which raises the stakes for her. does she have a path forward? that is the big question this morning. >> brooke: trump's campaign secretary said if nikki haley loses new hampshire and does not dropouts, she may sign her political death certificate in her home state of south carolina, which was a pretty fiery statement. polls in south carolina show trump with a massive lead over nikki haley, who was the governor in that state. looking back to 2020, joe biden, then vice president joe biden had lost iowa, had a poor showing in new hampshire and had his sights set on south carolina. we are only in january. trump has a massive and all
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polls against haley and has been leading the gop primary field. nikki haley may be looking to the biden strategy and say, i can turn things around, if she gets a great showing in her home state. nikki haley maybe thought she was not going to win by as much margin in new hampshire as she did. i think we'll see what happens in south carolina next month. we have a few weeks and a lot of campaigning to do. president trump says nikki haley is wasting her time and he has to waste money fighting against her instead of biden. >> todd: if you lose in your state by 30, your political career could be done. president biden had something to celebrate, i guess. >> brooke: he won as a white-in
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candidate, dean phillips grabbed 20% of the vote. biden setting his sights on former fight with president trump. >> president biden: donald trump is betting we won't vote on this issue, guess what, he's betting we won't hold him responsible either. he is betting you will stop caring. i believe 2024 will be the most important election we've had since 1864, i mean it. the reasons are clear. [cheering] >> president biden: democracy is on the ballot. freedom is on the ballot. >> brooke: fox news voter analysis reveal 47% say biden is too old to serve another term and 53% say he is not. phillips says he has concern about a trump-biden rematch in november. >> i respect president biden, my contention is he cannot defeat
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donald trump, he is a weak incumbent and we put together a campaign in two weeks and now at 21% tonight. if we're here for a couple more months, i think we would have won this thing. if he was a strong candidate, he would have gotten 90%. bruksz biden is shifting to united auto workers, even though they have not endorsed him. >> todd: bring in pollster justin wallen. the big question when it comes to nikki haley, should she stay or should she go? >> well, she is quite right to say she will stay through super tuesday. the loss she suffered last night, which is a big loss, definitive win by donald trump.
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not by large enough margin to suggest she does not have real ability to capture independent votes to be able to make a meaningful alternative to donald trump. she will get clobbered in the next couple primaries, no doubt. will she win south carolina? she will lose and will face pressure by those around her to exit the race. it will be down to whether money stays flowing to her through the end of super tuesday or not. >> carley: nikki haley attacked donald trump and joe biden last night, she says a win for president trump means win for president biden and event kamala harris. she says polls show she has easier time beating joe biden than donald trump. does that resonate with voters? >> i think it does.
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the challenge nikki haley is facing is juxtaposing herself to donald trump, it cannot be her only argument. she needs to talk about issues in a meaningful way and the top two issues are resonating with south carolina. she has to talk about the economy and immigration. so far she does not have clear alternatives to donald trump that give them a home to go to. we'll see if she's able to navigate that temperature is in her court. >> todd: i think kellyanne conway put this all together, interesting point, as to what nikki haley should do going forward. listen to what she had to say last night. >> kellyanne: nikki has run a good race, be out there for republicans. i want her out there when donald trump is sitting in blue city courtrooms, she could be persuading her voters to vote for him.
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she did well in open primary, most things won't be like this anymore. to get donations is one thing. >> todd: nikki haley loves to say she beats joe biden, that is irrelevant if she is not the candidate. should nikki haley say, i will mobilize while trump is in courtrooms and get my voters to pull the lever for trump and not biden or anybody else. >> if her goal is to look from a clearly objective lens and say i want the republican nominee over the crossing line in november, there is a good argument to be made to say i will coalesce behind donald trump at this point and move forward. i don't see her doing that. i think she still thinks that she is a viable alternative to trump and that voice needs to be heard through super tuesday and i suspect we will see what you are describing the day after
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super tuesday. >> carley: she wanted a two-person race and she got one, the results are in. thank you for joining us. >> todd: texas refusing to back down using razor wire to secure our border. >> carley: fox news voter,ainal sis showing immigration is number one issue for new hampshire voters, as well. it's00 he will tell us how important the border crisis will be across the board in november. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions
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so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. >> todd: texas refusing to remove razor wire at the border after supreme court said federal agents could cut it down. governor abbott says the state will continue to install the barrier. texas guard hold the line at eagle pass, texas will not back down in biden's absence. state officials say the wires needed to curb the surge of migrant crisis. >> peter: this will encourage more illegal immigration. do you know better than border patrol union?
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>> the border patrol needed access and that is why we sued to get rid of that razor wire so they could do their job. what else would help them do their job, more border patrol. >> todd: recent poll reveals only 18% of voters agree with the president's border policy. >> carley: fox news analysis find voters say most important issue facing our counter is illegal immigration. 61% strongly favor a border wall on the southern border and 18% say they slightly favor it. ron vitiello is former border patrol chief and joins me now. good morning to you. we talk a lot about the southern border. the northern border is contributing, as well. you used to be border patrol
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agent in new hampshire. what are the issues contributed to the crisis up north? >> good morning, carley. the same conditions we face on the southern border. biden policies are encouraging people to come to the united states from whichever border, canada, mexico, because they know many of them will be released into the united states. mayorkas in open source reporting told border patrol 85% of encounters are released into the united states. that creates a condition where cartel controls the southern and northern border. they get them to the border and they are allowed to cross, causing a surge from people all over the world. republican primary in iowa and new hampshire both responded by saying this out of control, chaotic border brought to you by joe biden and democrats need to
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end. they know president trump and competition in this republican primary, he has a record on this issue. he is thuz yaftic about securing the country, that is why people are voting in favor of him. he's done it ands he will do it again. >> todd: why this issue matters to voters, not just safety and securities, there are economic factors when voters consider illegal immigration. one woman in new hampshire spoke to lawrence yesterday during the diner segment and she summed up the concern so well. take a listen. >> the border for me, my health insurance is crazy, i pay for it on my own. every month it is a lot of money. when we're bringing everyone in and giving them somewhat of a free ride, free healthcare, which is upon haing, everyone knows that, right? it is painful for someone like
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me that endlessly works and gives and gives and support my employees. i love my employees, i treat them like family. to provide for them and their families is important to me. >> carley: this issue is important, federal, state, personal. can you give us insight to the resources being used at taxpayer expense? >> i agree with that lady, this crisis at the border is burden on healthcare, law enforcement, and on border communities and infrastructure that department of homeland security has. when i was deputy chief we had 3.5 billion budget, the supplemental is $14 billion. so that is a swing of 11 billion
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dollars they want to spend they did not have at the beginning of this year they need right now. that is an example of how terrible this is on budgets, besides the human factor across the border. border patrol is overwhelmed, we are spending billions to make this problem manageable and they are not fixing it because the policy is wrong and encouraging this. i'm in this race to make america safe. we need someone to understand this and can act on day one to help solve it. >> carley: the policies, ron, president biden did say he admitted our border is not secure, he said that on friday, but then said give me the money. that includes more money to process people. is that the solution? >> it is not the solution, go back to policies that work.
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people in the government will tell you there is no consequence for crossing the border. let people wait in mexico for their immigration hearing or put them in detention so they can have due process. that worked every time it has been tried. president biden tore it down, democrats watched him do it. we watched 300,000 come into the country last month. this will encourage behavior. they have to change the policy, there need to be consequence for illegal activity. >> carley: you have a june primary and running against tim cain in the election. best of luck. defense secretary lloyd austin made his first public appearance
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since his secret hospital stay. >> todd: and looking ahead to south carolina with south carolina congresswoman nancy mace. she will tell us why she is endorsing donald j trump over her former governor. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache.
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shifting focus to her sweet south carolina. >> todd: fox news analysis showing 95% of primary goers in granite state said they want a leader who is mentally fit and strong. age is something haley has been attacking the former president over. >> i've long called for mental competency test for individuals over 75. trump claims he'd do better than me in one of those tests. maybe he would. maybe he wouldn't. if he thinks that, he should have no problem standing on a debate stage with me. >> todd: grace curly, host of the grace curly show. grace, seems like that line of attack is not resonating with
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anyone. people are looking for someone mentally fit and they voted in donald trump as primary winner. >> yes, this is something i find amazing when people compare mental fitness of joe biden. the media did their best to pretend there is nothing wrong there. you see donald trump without a t teleprompter for sometimes two plus hours. will he make a gaffe here and there? yes, i make a gaffe here and there and i'm 31 years old. compare that to joe biden, he constantly has a cheat sheet and conbe stantly using a teleprompter and scares people how he can't put together a
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coherent thought. >> todd: crucial line of reasoning you just provided. it has to come out at some point, i'm getting people. my fraternity brother said, you never talk about trump's gaffes, trump speaks so much, he makes a gaffe now and then and so do you and i. biden does it as a daily occurrence, sometimes an hourly occurrence. voters said their families were falling behind. those voters back trump by 58 points. if trump is winning on immigration, grace, and winning on the economy, those are the top two issues in almost every state, notably iowa and new hampshire. what is left for nikki haley? >> it is a really good question. you know what, the important
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thing and carley pointed out with the woman from the diner, the two issues are linked closely, immigration and the economy and people are feeling foolish and i go back to that. people don't like to be felt like they are being made fun of and that is how they feel right now in this country. with immigration, everyone is allowed in and getting a free ride. with the economy, they are not doing as well as they once were and nikki haley need to make a case and people like donald trump's case and remember what they felt like when donald trump was president. if you don't like his tweets or personalities, it is hard to argue you are better off when donald trump was president. was my life easier? was i doing better? did i feel safer? it is hard to beat him. >> todd: 35% of new hampshire
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primary voters said they would not vote for donald trump in november. between now and november, how does donald trump bring those voters in new hampshire and the other 49 states back under the tent. >> i think what he has to do and i've thought about this before, take himself out a little bit. yes, does he rally people when talking about how he's being attacked by the justice system, he's been made a martyr that way and it's helped him and reenergized the base. with independents and people in the middle, you have to go back to bread and butter issues that are affecting them every single day. if trump can take himself out of it just a little bit and make the case to people as to why he's the better option.
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he once said something like you have to vote for me, even if you hate me, that is the argument he needs to make. >> todd: thanks so much. >> carley: senior meteorologist janice dean has the forecast. >> janice: you have to listen, even if you hate the weather. if you like it warm in january, my friends, eastern half of the country will give nice january thaw. you can see where air is warmer than the cold air bringing relentless slug of moisture over the gulf coast. we have flood advisories for the houston area toward new orleans. heavy rain over next few dayses, three to five inches, five to eight from new orleans to charlotte. severe storm threat, potential for tornados from corpus christi
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through new orleans and mobile, alabama. severe storm threat including hail and damaging winds and isolated tornados in addition to flooding rainfall. northern side of the storm is bringing yucky weather, some areas could get freezing rain. interior areas, coastal mess. from mississippi river valley and new storm in the west will bring coastal rain and mountain snow. today, thursday and friday, it will feel like springtime in a lot of areas that were in the deep freeze last week. nashville 17, it will now be 65. even pittsburgh 19 and 53, big change in the numbers when you look at last week. >> carley: what a difference a
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day makes. >> janice: you still love me. >> todd: you know who else we love? >> carley: the viewers. we want to hear andy zoo you guys, send a video of your name, where you are from and why you are up early and what you love about the show. we have fragile egos, tell us why you love us. friends first at >> todd: we need adoration. >> carley: exciting news on "fox and friends", the rock sat down with will cain and they are leaving no staen unturned. successes are the ones most loudest and get magnified. nobody talks about losses. it is times i failed, the things that started to create this chip on my shoulder that allowed me to drive for success. >> carley: they are talking ufc,
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political aspirations coming up on "fox and friends." >> todd: looking ahead to south carolina with congresswoman nancy mace, why she is backing donald trump over her former governor nikki haley. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> carley: fox news alert u.s. striking iranian backed houthi targets in yemen taking out two anti-ship missiles this morning. >> todd: trey yingst joins us. >> trey: united states launched strikes again houthi rebels in yemen. u.s. central command says u.s. forces identified the missiles in yemen and determined they were imminent threat to vessels and navy ships in the region and they struck and destroyed the missiles in self-defense. ninth strike against the houthis
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in the last two weeks. iran is sending houthis to aid their attack in the red sea. american strikes targeted militia position in iraq after an attack against the al assad air base -- the strikes were overseen by secretary of defense lloyd austin who was seen for the first time yesterday after his hospitalization. he provided an update on the war in ukraine. >> our support for ukraine struggle against tyranny makes our country more secure. sovereign and secure ukraine is critical to global security and we must not waiver in support for ukraine. >> clearly a lot of foreign
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policy issues to deal with as american allies around the world seek funding and support from the united states amid rising conflict. >> carley: trey, thank you. eighth south carolina gop leaders have endorsed donald trump going against nikki haley. nancy mace is a south carolina republican endorsing the former president and she joins me now. congressman, good morning. nikki haley lost in new hampshire, by a smaller margin than expected. do you think that result will help her in south carolina? that is what she's hoping for. >> south carolina is trump country and he is crushing it right now. i want to say that nikki haley ran a great race and made it deep into the playoffs, but the playoffs are over and it is time to start the super bowl.
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take on joe biden and take our country back, whether inflation, economy, immigration, crime in o our, donald trump made us stronger. we didn't have forever wars that joe biden started. we're in a proxy war with the houthi right now. everything was better and safer under donald trump. he will win big here. >> carley: nikki haley's campaign manager says south carolina elected nikki haley twice. people know nikki's strong conservative record because she lived it. haley said donald trump will have a harder time falsely attacking me in south carolina, they know me and know i cut taxes. this race coming up is first she will face where she has a record in the state, that raises the
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stakes. >> i've nefrp seen anything like it in south carolina, number of people i've spoken to and i sit on the sidelines for a long time before i decided to endorse. nikki haley was a great governor and south carolina loves nikki haley, but they want donald trump united states baof his record of strong economy, because of his record of peace overseas and none of the endless wars. he has that record. people trust him and want to go back to the time donald trump was president. they were wealthy, more prosperous, they were safer here and around the world and that matters. >> carley: your endorsement took some people by surprise. you and he had harsh words for
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each other. what was that decision for you personally, why did you make it? >> i'm first woman to graduate from the citadel, military college of south carolina. if i worried what people said and cared, i would not be where i am today. politics is a blood sport and races can be nasty, when i look at donald trump's record and what he was able to accomplish for america, putting america first, i spend months now listening to voters and donald trump is who they want to beat biden and it could not be clearer. this was an easy call, i am listening to voters i represent. >> carley: you will have an answer to the next question, in iowa and new hampshire, number one issue was illegal immigration, even ahead of the
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economy. what are people saying in south carolina, what will drive them to the polls? >> depending on the district whether purple or red, immigration could be the number one issue. economy and immigration is the top two issues, abortion is up there in a swing state. in south carolina law enforcement have arrested members of ms-13 gang, there are fentanyl overdoses everyday. millions of illegal aliens joe biden has allowed in, under donald trump, this was not happening. people see and feel that. even democrats in new york and chicago are angry at joe biden, it is all his fault. >> carley: limited polling in south carolina, polls show donald trump up by 30 points. nikki haley has work cut out for her and has about a month to do
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it. thank you for joining us, great talking to you. other side of the aisle, todd, one of president biden's allies in the media thinks joe is at his best when he doesn't show up. >> if i was biden, i would stay hidden, he does not inspire confidence. >> carley: our joe will dig into that next. >> todd: first lawrence is having breakfast with voters. it feels like you have been at a diner for a month straight. following today, will you impose a personal bacon and egg moratorium on yourself? >> lawrence: good morning, family. you know i love my diners and i'm happy to be at one of my favorites, the copper door. there are a line of folks that want to come in here today.
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they sold out of tickets, where they get breakfast and a drink, they want to have their voice heard today. the former president won by 10 points yesterday, but nikki haley says she is in this race to win it. coming up live on "fox and friends," don't miss a minute of it. i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion and may cause infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before treatment, tell your doctor if you have diabetes,
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>> carley: president biden heads
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to south carolina after two historic wins becoming the first republican candidate since 1976 to win both new hampshire and iowa. >> joe biden skipped new hampshire all together but still won thanks to voters writing his name down. so now the media thinks joe should, you know, just stay in that basement until november. >> for him to win a write-in effort like this where the biden campaign was not on the ground, they were not organizing is quite a statement. >> if i were biden, i would stay hidden and i will tell you why. he doesn't inspire confidence. >> this is a very bad night for donald trump looking at the pattern. >> nikki haley beat donald trump among independents. that is not a good sign for a sitting -- a former president of the united states. people writing in the president's name in a contest in which he was not formally competing, it is awkward and some of that awkwardness is about to get way worse. >> joe: a lot to break down
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there. joe concha a fox news contributor and columnist for the messenger. your reaction to all of it. >> first, do the republican side, todd. take the names out of it. because i think it clouds judgment any time donald trump is a vote. so what if i told you there was a primary for a presidential nomination and then i told that you one candidate beat another candidate by 32 points in iowa and then 11 to 12 points in new hampshire, but then i tell you that no, the candidate that got beat by 32 and 12 points in the first two contests actually, that's the one who is doing really well right now. look, i am with nancy mace on this. i don't see a road for nikki haley at this point. as mace pointed out he is up 30 to 40 points in south carolina. that contest isn't for another month. so, there will be pressure for nikki haley to get out. but it doesn't appear that that is going to be happening and the show goes on. meanwhile, as far as joe biden, guys, isn't it amazing that a
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former member of the obama-biden administration, van jones, believes that a sitting president should hide from the public and the media and not talk about his record for the past three years, talk about a confidence booster. either way we know that cnn, msnbc, they will do everything in their power to help basement strategy bias of omission. focus on donald trump in terms of his legal battles. they won't talk about a crisis that is at the u.s. southern border that topic that crisis richly deserves. they won't talk about biden's foreign policy. they won't talk about gas prices rising or inflation is 250% higher than it was when joe biden took office and they won't broach joe biden's age very much. so they will be happy to keep him in the basement and not talk about his record and focus on trump instead. that's better for ratings and clicks and because they hate the man so much. >> carley: as president biden certainly hid from new hampshire voters, it was symbolic race. there were no delegates awarded because he is all eyes on south
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carolina. ended up with 62% of the vote. do you think, joe, that margin of victory will silence the people who are calling for an alternative candidate to joe biden? a lot of those people also in the media i bet you could go out to the street right now and ask who challenged joe biden in new hampshire 95 to 96 to 100 could not name marianne williamson or dean phillips. these are not true competition as far as is concerned. gretchen women's, michelle obama on a ballot those numbers would look different. he's the incumbent. campaign's fault he wasn't on the ballot. even though he got 62% of the votes, set incumbent. doesn't matter where it came through a write-in or not, as long as joe biden stays in this race, obviously he will be the nominee. >> carley: we are in the presidential election now, the primary. a lot of people are already moving forward toward the general election in their minds.
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and then when you think about the media coverage, joe, and what that will look like, at this point, negative media coverage for donald trump is just baked into the cake. do you think that it's really going to have an impact on voters similar to the way it has in the past? >> well, carley, think about how long this cake, donald trump declared he was running for president in 2015, we are now nine years later and it's been a constant drum beat of negative attention. here's what i know back in 2016, the hill, where i used to write for, we looked at all the major endorsements from 59 newspapers throughout the country. and 57 endorsed hillary clinton to donald trump and what did that get hillary clinton? it got her a set of steak knives and concession speech. in other words you can talk about negative media coverage hammering trump you are right it's baked into the cake and people don't quite trust the messenger anymore when it comes to media coverage. they know it's not journalism. it's activism at this point.
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>> todd: donald trump is accused of denying elections every now and again. yesterday joseph biden during new hampshire campaign stop in west virginia reference'ed the governor as the real governor terry mcauliffe, yet, i'm listening, i don't hear anything from the mainstream media. will we have anything into the election denial in virginia? >> oh, boy, yeah, i saw that yesterday the real governor terry mcauliffe. glenn youngkin won quite easily there. you also have the white house press secretary who also has called donald trump illegitimate after 2016. hillary clinton did the same thing. stacey abrams. i could go down the library. if democrats deny elections, they then, hey you get a free pass. new hampshire new hampshire new hampshire won no delegates. then he got heckled 11 sometimes in virginia. i would call that a mixed bag in terms of success rate for him yesterday. joe, got to leave there. have a great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪


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