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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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difference in doing things and we're afraid to go down south to florida driving anymore because the crime. the crime, it is scary now. >> a lot of folks feel the same as you. my new buddy wyatt, tell the crowd who you voted for yesterday. who did you vote for? >> nikki haley. >> lawrence: nikki haley? who is your best friend? >> nikki haley. >> lawrence: tell everyone bye. >> bye. >> lawrence: back over to y'all. >> steve: great job at the copper door and thanks to bedford village inn. >> brian: and the crew that
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>> new hampshire is first in the nation, not the last. this race is far from over. >> this is a great, great state. we won new hampshire three times now, three. we win it every time. >> bill: big night last night. donald trump has taken the granite state securing his second victory for his return to the white house. nikki haley says she isn't going anywhere. biden's border crisis drove a majority of people to the polls here in the granite state as we say hello. the morning after. bill hemmer back live in bedford at the beautiful place we call -- i like to call it bedford falls. i know -- i know it's bedford village. >> dana: it is a wonderful life in new hampshire. a beautiful snowstorm overnight but won't dampen anyone's spirits. let's get to the news. two for two for the former
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president after his big win in iowa last week. fueling the victory in new hampshire is the border crisis. voters in the granite state putting it at the top of the short list of concern. the issue is a main stay of the trump agenda. >> immigration is a big deal, a big deal. a very big deal. we have millions of people flowing into our country illegally. they come from prisons and they come from mental institutes and it's going to -- it's killing our country. >> bill: we begin with team fox coverage. we have great coverage here in new hampshire moments away. let's get to the news the morning after with bryan llenas is manchester. good morning. >> good morning, after back-to-back losses to former president donald trump, his former u.n. ambassador nikki haley tried to make the case again that the loss was not the end but rather the beginning of her campaign. >> i'm a fighter.
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and i'm scrappy. and now we're the last one standing next to donald trump and today we got close to half of the vote. we still have a ways to go but we keep moving up. >> the counting is still going on in new hampshire. trump beat haley yesterday by about 11 to 12 points so far. trump last night won 70% of the republican vote in new hampshire according to the fox news voter analysis of nearly 2,000 new hampshire republican primary voters. haley won 62% of the independent or undeclared voters. her campaign continuing to target independents in her home state of south carolina now, the campaign releasing two new ads this morning reminding folks of some of her accomplishments as a
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two-term governor of south carolina. haley is holding a rally in charleston tonight. the campaign has made clear, bill, they believe the real litmus test in the election will be on super tuesday on march 5th. the campaign also trying to say here that it's not impressive that an incumbent like former president trump won just only half the vote and they are saying that the pundits had called it to be a 20-point margin. claiming a little bit of victory there as well, bill. >> bill: thanks. good fallout news from you, bryan llenas. here is where we are. you're at 91% of the estimated vote out there. donald trump 34,000 raw vote lead over nikki haley today. we talked about the margin deep into the night last night. right now a tick between 11% between the two. let's find out what is breaking down in this current race here. on the delegate tracker, the whole game in the primary, okay?
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first one to 1,215 wins it. as of today trump has 32 coming off 20 from iowa. nikki haley 17. the issues we went out to the field to figure out. new hampshire republicans now what do they say is the most important quality? overwhelmingly, 95% mentally fit. how much of that is how republican feels about the mental fitness of joe biden. talk about that in a moment. strong leader similar, 85%. policies, 75, can you win around 74. whether or not you care at 72. we'll see what that tells us in time. priorities, national priority, for donald trump 73% put immigration as number one, voted with him. conversely 26% for nikki haley. one more to share with you. what is the most important issue facing the country? in new hampshire by far and away economy and jobs at number two, immigration at 41%.
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we found that everywhere we went in the state over the past couple of days. move back over here and dana, bring in the all-star panel. can we use that phrase? >> dana: i don't think bret is here. i'm taking it indeed. kellyanne conway, the border over time especially over the biden administration has increased. we saw it was inflation for a long time. inflation is still not great but immigration has overtaken it in iowa, new hampshire and nationally in the polls. >> the arc of the issue elevated it into the national consciousness is remarkable a trajectory upward. biden's border crisis is the way most americans see it. the border is probably the most daily visible example of the failure of the biden add min is trigs. yes, gas and grocery prices but what is happening in the major
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cities, the footage at the border showing us what's happening in eagle pass, texas and elsewhere. an issue that nikki haley hasn't done a good enough job of here is my plan. i will succeed where donald trump failed on the border. i worked in donald trump's white house. on the border this is something we worked on daily. when the democrats took over control of the house in 2018, beginning in january, february of 2019 we had meetings in the situation room. i there with nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. she shut down the government over border funding and broke a record for an eight-hour filibuster on daca. so even there when they tried to tackle immigration or issues at the border, it was askew when you compare it to what people are really talking about. immigration is a national sovereignty, overflow of drugs in new hampshire.
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governor sununu did a nice job for a long time it was first in the nation and overdose deaths. last year border patrol 112 -- [inaudible] >> it's ridiculous. >> bill: take a step forward. you have nevada which will in all likelihood for for trump. today is january 24th. on february 24th is south carolina primary. it is a winner take allstate. 50 delegates on the line. lay out the path for what comes next for haley and trump? >> look, nikki haley was depending on a strong performance in new hampshire to springboard into the home state of south carolina and that would be the 1-two punch. the problem for her is she didn't do well enough with republicans. voters talking about immigration as their top issue, she lost those voters by almost 50 points to donald trump. she has become the candidate of
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the moderates, anti-trump, coalition, the trump skeptical voters. not enough to win in states like south carolina closed primaries and much more conservative. it will be a big challenge ahead. four weeks until south carolina. i can imagine trump will be out with attacks like we heard last night. it will be a challenge for her to expand her appeal. she could have had a chance to win new hampshire if she got more republican voters. her appeal came mostly from independent voters, not enough to win across the map. >> dana: president biden isn't waiting for haley's trip to south carolina. it is clear that donald trump will be the republican nominee and my message to the country is the stakes could not be higher. our democracy and personal freedoms from the right to choose to the right to vote, our economy, the strongest recovery in the world since covid are all at stake and also yesterday they made a big change and took somebody that has been in the white house, jennifer o'malley,
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and taken her out of the white house and back to the campaign which is exactly what barack obama said he needed to do. >> mike donelan. they are showing up what's going on in the campaign. they are starting to run a general election campaign and why they're out on the abortion issue, much bigger nationally than even immigration. when you think about immigration here, you think about it i think it was 40% of the voters say it was the number one issue as you saw those people voted for former president trump. but you think about where nikki haley goes on that issue. there has been lots of criticism among republicans that desantis and haley really have held back on criticizing the former president. you could say oh, the wall didn't get built. mexico didn't pay for it. an effort in 2017 at a comprehensive immigration deal. what happened to it? he says it's a big issue, continues to build it up. i think there is a lot of concern, too, that democrats don't see it in the way that
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republicans see it. if it's 40% here in new hampshire among republicans as the number one issue, it's less than half that among the democrats. you are talking in a general election reaching out to those voters who went for nikki haley last night and how does trump do that if he is emphasizing an issue with tremendous power with the maga base but not really? >> bill: kelly, you ran a campaign. >> dana: is it true that abortion is a higher issue of concern nationally than immigration? >> i haven't seen that in the polls. it is when kamala harris was reading from the teleprompter. abortion is important and if the republicans lose to a party whose party platform says abortion anywhere any time, any where, anyhow they become science deniers. they look at a sonogram of a 5-month-old and pretend they don't know what they say.
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it is waving back at you it's a male organ. we have to get real. they're extreme on abortion. four states in our country are all at 39 weeks. babies are being born at 24 weeks in those states, dana and bill. republicans need to sharpen up on the message and the 0 or seven. i was against doing that. too soon. you can't lose to a party that is pretending all these other issues aren't clear and present. i haven't seen a polling, maybe juan makes a point about non-republican voters nationwide but there is growing headaches for people calling the border a crisis, the female governor of arizona saying do something. that will snowball. let's be fair. you give donald trump the advice go to the border, smart. joe biden needs to get there. mayorkas needs to call it a crisis the way most americans do. kamala harris went one time when
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she went to mcallen, texas to give her the border czar title to fix our number one issue. every state is a border state now. people know what they say. i will make another prediction. what's happening in our cities, is not going to change the votes. our cities it will have a resounding effect on people outside the cities. they say i don't want my kids to go to colleges in that city or go there for work or entertainment. talking for every woman, is a fool. >> bill: joe biden has ten months to try to figure out and improve some of the issues apparent will many. thank you all for hanging out. >> dana: our own all-star panel. let's go to eagle pass, texas, hi, dana marie. >> just this morning as we pulled up we witnessed 30
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migrants cross a very high rio grande onto a shipping container here in shelby park lined with razor wire. we have video of that. we want to show that to you. now those migrants were actually using clothes and blankets to shield themselves to get through that razor wire. texas national guard and texas dps were on the other side. you can see them apprehending them on the other side to arrest them for criminal trespassing. put into a van, taken to a state processing facility and they will be held in jail until they stand before a court for their sentence. then they will be handed over to ice after their time served to see if they will be deported or not. we do want to talk about the supreme court decision that came down just a few days ago giving legal authority to border patrol to cut the wire here in shelby park. as of right now, no wire has been cut. that's because the texas national guard still has control
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of shelby park and border patrol is not allowed into the park to cut that wire. i did talk to officials how the supreme court ruling will affect how texas is defending the border. take a listen. >> we still are going to restrict access as shelby park and add additional infrastructure along the river. they are adding additional barriers to the wire making the areas more reinforced to discourage any illegal border crossings. >> you look at the rio grande. the water authority is raising the level controls of the dam up the river releasing more water due to recent rain. a reminder for migrants crossing it is a dangerous current in the river. the question remains if border patrol needs to come in, cut the wire, will texas national guard allow it? >> dana: thank you.
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>> cove-up? something is wrong with the picture. he has to know. he is a grown man, too. he has to know what happened. >> bill: you have a mystery in missouri these clouds of suspicion swirl around kansas city chiefs country. three fans got together to watch the game the other night. they were found dead yard in the backyard of their friend days after watching that game. was the delay is tragic accident or something sinister? we'll dig into that coming up momentarily. did you catch this? >> she is our chief. this is our chief. >> dana: homicides are spiking in memphis where w the democratic mayor standing by the city's top cop. >> bill: go to class, get a paycheck. in one state they're proposing to pay students to come to school. there is chronic absentism. what kind of lesson is this one
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teaching? teaching? kehr clear at lower mortgage rates
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>> dana: a new york man found guilty of murder after shooting a 20-year-old woman mistakenly when she mistakenly pulled her car into his driveway. you might remember the story. calen gillis. they were trying to find a party when they approached monihan's house last april and began firing his weapon. monihan was convicted of second degree murder after only two hours of deliberations. the district attorney says he will seek is maximum sentence of 25 years to life. gillis's parents say their daughter was looking forward to starting college and becoming a marine biologist.
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i remember when that story happened and i kept thinking imagine getting that call, the parents getting the call this happened. >> bill: dreams dashed. from new york. check this out in memphis. growing story, watch. >> i look forward to making progress in the city of memphis. we made progress. i look forward to carrying it further. >> bill: that's the current police chief. she has come under fire due to soaring crime and record breaking homicides. now the city's new mayor, paul young, is getting heat for defending her. jonathan serrie is on that story from atlanta. what's up? >> good morning to you, bill. the police chief cj. davis will be allowed to remain on the job on an interim basis. that will allow memphis city council members more time to evaluate her performance addressing the city's high crime rates including a record number of homicides last year. >> we all agree that where we are right now is untenable.
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398 homicides. i agree, it's on all of us. it's on all of us. [applause] i want all of us to understand. it is not on her, it is on every -- relax, relax, relax. >> allowing the chief to keep her job on an interim basis was a compromise between the mayor and city council that remains divided whether davis is the best person to restore morale on the police force and trust in the community following last year's death of 29-year-old tyre nichols. five members of the police department's now disbanded scorpion unit accused of beating the unarmed motorist repeatedly and delaying emergency medical care. >> we have to acknowledge that police play a role in reducing crime. without the trust of the majority of the people that serve under her it's not possible. those relationships have to be
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mended and we have to have public trust. >> city leaders have yet to set a date on when they will vote to reconfirm or not reconfirm the police chief on a permanent basis. back to you. >> bill: jonathan, thank you. watching that out of atlanta. >> dana: bring you more on this. ohio lawmakers considering a new bill that would pay students for good attendance. more than a quarter of ohio students were chronically absent last year. they missed at least 10% of the school year. this is a problem across the country and it is getting worse. nationally 6 1/2 million more kids were chronically absent in 2021 than the previous school year. leo terrell joins us now. i want to set this up and get your take. you were an educator and you have a strong opinion. the bill's co-sponsor call for number one is what he said. >> so we've tried pizza day, we've tried playground hours and
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we've tried all kind of fofo stuff. >> 25 made biweekly, 500 at the end of the school year. there is a critics of this as you can imagine and this is the last thing i will say before i get to you. this is a critic, state representative josh williams doesn't like this. >> why are we going to pay kids to follow the law? we have laws in place that say you cannot skip school. you cannot be truant. parents, your kids must be enrolled in school. if you don't enroll your kids in schools you can be charged and penalized. >> dana: what would you do, leo? >> first of all, this is outright ridiculous. it is scary, dana. you are negotiating with children what is in their best interest. kindergarten? six, seven, eight graders? it is ridiculous.
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the whole concept assumes the fact the kids are motivated for ten, 25. where are the teachers and parents? absenteeism results in the parents not taking charge of their kids. where is the incentive by the school teachers and the counselors? they are focusing on everything in the wrong direction. i find it offensive. what is happening here they are trying to basically incentivize what's in the best interests of the kids when the parents are the key central factor along with the teachers and along with the counselors. it is ridiculous. >> dana: the law says the kids have to go to school. when kamala harris was the attorney general in california one of the things she focused on was truancy. you know if you don't go to school what your life looks like in the future. >> quality of life depends on breaking the poverty level. you cannot. education is the key to break the poverty cycle.
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i will tell you right now, when you focus on the cause of the problem, which is what's happening in the house? the illogical concept here, dana, is that there is a different value system in every house. you have to go to each house and individualize the students' problems who aren't going to school. that's where the problem focuses at home and what is happening at the school? there is an assumption teachers are doing the right thing. i would represent to you that they are not because the kids are not motivated to learn. this is a problem that will not be solved by 15, 20, $25. >> dana: the other thing is there a problem in k-12 education. literacy rates record lows. so is math proficiency partly due to covid. but the schools are not -- i can imagine the parents are thinking he seems happier if he is not at school and learn enough maybe they'll figure out a way to do something online homeschooling, i don't know.
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they aren't doing enough. the k-12 education, that's what is not good enough. let me give you the last word. >> i will say right now that's an easy question. the unions, public school unions, remember during covid? they were interested in the teachers. they didn't care about the students. it's a continuation. get rid of school unions. out of public schools. i guarantee you will see an uptick of quality of education in public schools. >> dana: you heard it here from leo terrell. an interesting debate. thank you for coming on to talk about it. >> thank you, dana. thanks for having me. >> dana: take care. >> it's our sons, our brothers, it's terrible. we have to do what we have to do so that october 7th doesn't happen again. >> bill: you have 24 israeli soldiers dead this week. the most in one day since the attacks back in october. now israeli ground troops closing in on hamas's leader's home. is that the case? does that spark an escalation of fighting in the middle east?
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general jack keane will respond. his analysis in a moment. plus this online. check it out. >> are you vaccinated? >> yes, sir. >> yep. >> did we get it? >> remember when joe biden tapped the brothers now he is trying to reach younger voters and what they are doing to try to make it happen. ♪ if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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>> dana: fox news alert. u.s. military forces strike two houthi anti-ship missiles to be used on commercial ships in the red sea today. the recent retaliation in yemen getting rare bipartisan rebuke in hosni. we have more from capitol hill. >> it is very interesting because you have a couple of questions swirling around on capitol hill now. number one, are we at war with
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the houthis? number two, should the president be coming to congress and asking for approval to retaliate or escalate? some senators certainly think so. very interesting group of bipartisan senators here, senators kane, young, lee and murphy fired off a warning letter to the president yesterday. it reads this. the administration has stated strikes on houthi targets that they will not deter the houthi attacks. suggesting that we're in the midst of an ongoing regional conflict that carries a risk of escalation. so unless there is a need to repel a sudden attack the constitution requires the united states not engage in military action absent a favorable vote of congress. clear, right? biden's closest allies like jayapal and khana think what he is doing is unconstitutional. others wonder are we in war? >> do you think we're at war
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with the houthis? >> well, i don't know what else you would call it. they are shooting at us and we're shooting at them. you could call it war. >> the pentagon says we are not at war. chairman of senate foreign relations saying this is self-defense does not require congressional sign-off. >> at this stage the administration is taking a measured response in order to maintain shipping to protect u.s. interests. so at this date i think we're satisfied where we are. >> and dana certainly plenty of republican rebuke about this administration's actions when it comes to the severity. they want the administration to take stronger actions against the houthis so that this tit-for-tat doesn't keep going on. dana. >> dana: aishah hosni, thank you. >> bill: the u.s. carrying out strikes. these iranian proxies in iraq stirring up new fears the hostilities may spread. if anything else they aren't damping down.
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general jack keane is here oh that. nice to see you. we have to do something, right? we had our own people hit in this latest round but you could argue right now we're hitting hezbollah and houthi rebels at the same time. how do you see it now and where do you see it going? >> certainly responding in kind was the right thing to do. we have to recognize that hezbollah, which is the iranian backed militia group inside of iraq, they are armed, trained, and funded by the iranians. obviously shooting advanced weapons systems in terms of ballistic missiles is something iran has provided to them, has also provided to hezbollah in lebanon and also to the houthis in yemen. so i applaud the administration for doing something about it certainly and trying to take out the capabilities that hezbollah,
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much as we do the same thing with the houthis. but until we go to the center of gravity and deal with iran, change the strategic framework that we have with them, recognize that diplomatic appeasement and negotiation has not worked. we need to isolate iran internationally, economically we really have to go back to the full throttle sanctions and come forward to the congress of the american people and tell us what the comprehensive sanctions are that the administration says they are imposing. the evidence does not support it. iran is flush with oil money and the third thing is we have to deal with iran militarily. limited measured attacks certainly against the irgc training centers, bases, leaders and also i think with the israelis we need to continue the espionage and sabotage programs so successful in the summer of
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2020 when they took down the facility in terms of its advanced centrifuges and set the program back nine months to a year. we need a reset comprehensively to deal with iran and recognize that the expansion of the war, bill, is being driven by iran in directing their proxies to do that very same thing. >> bill: one of the many things on the list during this election cycle. when you think about it. how many things can this administration straighten out in the next ten months? do they have the right team to do it? it's a fair question to be asked going forward. now quickly in southern gaza where 24 israeli soldiers dead do you think they were getting close to the hamas leader? >> i'm not sure. where we are really in northern g gazas troops are in a hold position maintaining the
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territory they've taken and beginning to establish the buffer zone there like they are in other places. in the south the clearing operation systematically is still going on. air bombing campaign has dramatically been reduced. in the central part, the israelis seem to be surrounding the major city there and hamas's locations. they haven't begun the clearing. down in the south where all the people are focused and i think the leaders are there as well as the hostages, i'm not convinced the israelis have made up their mind whether they go into rafah or not given the civilian population there. they have to be reassessing their strategy, bill, in terms of is it still realistic to be able to destroy hamas given the subterranean challenges they have and the presence of the hostages that are still likely in the hands of hamas. listen, look, they won't give
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these hostages up. they are their ticket for freedom for the leaders themselves. that's the reality of what we're dealing with. this is a much more difficult challenge, i think, than what idf initially thought it was going to be. >> bill: wow. general, thank you. important topics all around. we'll bring you back real soon. thank you for your time, jack keane. thanks, general. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: bill, there was an election but also games. portland trailblazers not taking the loss to the oklahoma thunder sitting down. they filed an official protest with the nba. they say head coach was trying to call a time-out before portland was penalized for a double dribble. that happened with the blazers holding a slight lead late in the game. >> bill: wow, that's interesting. >> dana: what's the double dribble, both hands? >> bill: you could use both hands. you could dribble it, pick it up and dribble again.
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>> dana: i remember that. >> bill: the obligation is to make sure the referee or officials on the court see the time-out by the coach. whose job is that? did they miss it? is it just human error? >> dana: robot refs? >> bill: not much of a protest. what was that? got it. >> dana: i didn't hear anything. >> bill: i want to point out this real quick here, so being up here in the northeast, it's kind of old-fashioned. but it is kind of cool because every morning outside of our doors they get a stack of newspapers, right? we're not -- old-fashioned newspapers, the union leader talking about trump wins big. >> dana: haley strategically wanted to get out early last night. it's not just that trump won big, he did. but she said she continues on. that's the full story. >> bill: i like the paper print out. misconduct allegations mounting georgia election, nathan wade to
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the white house? what's going on there. did wade seek guidance from the white house on how to prosecute trump? and working in your sweat pants, dana, sounds like a perk, does it not? millions of remote employees may be double taxed this year because of it. are you one of them, america? i couldn't get my hair done. then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. still workin' for me. ♪see me.♪ i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great.
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>> if you could just make sure you do that from now on, that would be great. >> dana: i love that movie. pushing americans into remote work. the perks of commuting to your in-home office is falling short.
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work if home employees are facing a double taxation threat in the state they live and the state their employer resides. fox business anchor david asman. people might not realize this. states with the convenience of the employer rule, connecticut, delaware, nebraska, new york and pennsylvania. what does that mean? >> it means essentially you are getting double taxed. if you live in the different state than your workplace is, and if you think even if you are staying at home while doing the work, if you are working in a different state for your own convenience. the office isn't forcing you to do that but you are doing it because i like working in your pajamas you have to pay in those six states. five blue, one red, where there is coming from. they need more tax revenue. you have to pay taxes both in the state in which you are sitting in your pajamas and in your workplace even if you're
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not in the workplace. the reason this is all happening is because cities and states are going broke, primarily blue cities and blue states are going broke because of the high cost of migrants, the high cost of crime, people are leaving those states going to no-tax states and all that is causing a crunch. particularly in the cities. people just -- you see all these empty office buildings. i will give you one example. manhattan, an unbelievable statistic. in manhattan 100 million square feet of office space is sitting vacant. 100 million square feet of office space. that means they aren't getting paid rent on time. they are losing the tax revenue. so it is creating all these problems. two things that this is called the convenience of the employer rule is doing one, they are scrambleling for more tax revenue and two, it's kind of incentivizing people to get off that your duff and go to the
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office to bring them back in so they will pay taxes in one state. >> bill: on that note, employees would rather quit an give up their hybrid jobs. this doesn't add up to 100%. remote jobs people making more than $1 hundred grand a year. hybrid jobs. 69. in-person 93%. >> the thing about in-person jobs is you get paid more for them. the company is making more money. you are more productive if you come into the office. therefore the companies are making more profits, therefore they can afford to pay people who actually come into the office more. and it's up to you, if you want to make 25 to 40% less by working at home, fine, do it. right now there are enough jobs you can do that. but if you want to get on a fast track of making more money and making perhaps enough money to buy a house or to have the
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family that you want to have, then you are going to have to come into the office and one, it is probably better for you because it helps people to feel better to be more productive. but it would also be better for your family and better for the cities in which your business is located. >> dana: fascinating problem. >> bill: good advice, too for people listening. thank you, david. >> there are still nine states where there is 0 taxes, 0 state taxes so you could go to one of those states as well. >> dana: we are in one right now but we don't live here. >> bill: the number of known gotaways crossing into the u.s. in the last few months extraordinary. three friends and fellow kansas city chiefs fans get together for a football game and found dead outside a buddy's home weeks ago. the victims' families want answers. now that's elusive. >> just the thought of him dying and sitting outside for two days in the cold is devastating.
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dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. >> bill: mystery in missouri, three kansas city chiefs fans were found dead outside a friend's home after watching a football game. cb cotton is trying to get to the bottom of it. she has the story now. >> good morning, calls, texts, facebook messages went unanswered. loved ones tried to track down the three men who had been hanging out football sunday january 7th at their friend willis's home. loved ones are confused as to how willis did not know his friends were dead in the backyard. his attorney says his client slept the better part of monday and works from home so didn't go out on tuesday. the attorney declined to comment on whether drugs were involved. >> around 2:00 a.m. or so, he was tired, wanted to crash. he said goodbye to his buddies.
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he was on the couch asleep. they left as far as he can remember through the front door and that's the last time that he saw them. and he didn't know anything was wrong until the police knocked on his door at 10:00 tuesday night. >> a friefsh friend inside the home said willis and his attorney keep changing their story and one's father is not buying it. >> i think they got drugged and drug out the back door and booted in the backyard. i want to know exactly what happened. >> willis's attorney calls the dad's allegations ridiculous saying his client was close friends with all of the victims. his client has since moved out of the home. autopsy reports, toxicology results are still pending. kansas city police officers tell us they don't suspect foul play. bill. >> bill: curious story, cb cotton. a tragedy in kansas city. thank you.


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