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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 24, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> kayleigh: we begin with former president trump's big win in new hampshire, first time it's happened since 1976, taking both iowa and new hampshire in an open primary. that happened last night. the media had an interesting decision to double down on not showing president trump's victory speech in full. hello, this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany, here with my co-host emily compagno and harris faulkner. also joining, former gubernatorial candidate tudor dixon and kevin walling. the president took to the airwaves to celebrate his win over nikki haley. >> we are going to win this. we have no choice, if we don't win, i think our country is know iffed, i do. i believe our country is finished. we have an opportunity to do
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something so amazing. >> kayleigh: msnbc did not add the speech, they added russia collusion from rachel maddow. the former president has opened his remarks by proclaiming falsehoods, this makes it hard to take his pronouncements live, we'll try again, though. >> kayleigh: on cnn jake tapper did not run the speech in entirety. >> i heard two or three things that need fact checking. daniel dell, maybe you would
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have more to do. >> kayleigh: about daniel dell fact check these tall tale says from president biden? >> for education for real in the black church. that is not hyperbole, it is a fact. i have great honor with the un ambassador. for four years i was full professor at university of pennsylvania. i was raised in the puerto rican community at home. >> kayleigh: we had our brain room check this out and could not find a live instance, daniel dell fact checked republicans, . >> harris: there was an opportunity in the last 24 hours, he was virginia and he said real governor mccullouugh. they said it was a joke.
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was it a joke? it was calling into question the governor, youngkin did well in that state. he gets a pass, we understand that. bigger question, when he talks about the border, those are lies, too. and they are welcome to fact check any time they would the border is open. and every time he says it is not, we should then turn our cameras on the border live side by side with them and every network should do that while he's speaking, show the border. >> kayleigh: yes, last week he said it has been this way 10 years, we showed the chart and it has not. the strategy with president trump, they will continue to cut him off and muzzle him. this is after iowa. watch this one. >> at this point in the evening, the projected winner of the iowa caucuses has started giving his
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victory speech, we will keep an eye on that. there is a reason we and other news organizations have stopped giving a live platform to remarks by former president trump. his remarks tonight will not air here live. donald trump declaring victory with strong showing in the iowa caucus. >> kayleigh: jack tapper said you can hear him speaking under my breath, paraphrasing him. emily, this is strategy, they will not let you hear from likely the nominee of the party and the legal press conference strategy is so smart, that will be his venue for talking to a wider audience. >> emily: trump has occupied so many real estate, he is coming out of their mouths and subject of attention, whether or not they mute him. the irony, they want to quell
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his speech, they are giving him all the attention he deserves and wants. what kills me, in fairness, every time they call out the current president, it is lukewarm fashion. cnn ran a fact check and said unlike his uniquely dishonest predecessor and ran a huge three paragraph explaination that biden is nothing like serial falsehood person meaning trump that gave fact checkers a 24-hour a day job. that being said, they said, here is stuff biden has engaged in. it was the tip of the i'm going berg. biggest point is any time biden opens his mouth, he engages in tremendous falsehoods swept under the rug as gaffes.
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he is still given the microphone and there is a reason why everyone following trump says he listens to me and i will listen to him. >> kayleigh: tudor, you run for statewide office and ran for governor. what do you do if your local media blacks you out and says blackout on tudor dixon, you can't hear from her. >> tudor: i love this approach, i see them and think any time you ban someone from seeing something, they want to see it more. they get more excited and trump is more old school and people are passing pamphlets and talking and they are likely to say, have you seen what they are doing to him? there is something up with him ychl do they want to hide him from us? it gives them power. they are feeding into him and they don't realize it. i chuckle how silly they are.
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>> kayleigh: could backfire, deputy campaign manager of biden campaign, fultz, has tall tales were watch this. >> bret, what i would say about immigration, look back, donald trump had four years to do something on the border and he did nothing. >> i'm sure it is not good to talk about the economy booming with job creation up, consumer sentiment up, inflation going down, it is easier to talk about age than to talk about those things. >> kayleigh: bret baier challenged him with facts about the border. that second interview, he said we talk about his age to distract from the booming economy. tell that to the 30% approval rating for biden on the economy and 70% who say it is not booming. >> kevin: i'm a democrat and i think we should take donald trump live in conversations and speeches. as we saw last night from new hampshire, instead of actually
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extending a hand to nikki haley supports, he doubled down targeting her. that was not a general election speech, that was a primary speech, he did more harm focusing on her and not on the general election. i spoke to fox news general earlier this week, the former president is newsworthy. do fact checking on the current president or former president, you shouldn't not take him live. he is newsworthy and people should be able to see what he is saying. >> kayleigh: the american people get a vote, let them vote and make the decision, not jake tapper and not rachel maddow. biden got hammered last night on his speech, that was coming from a democrat.
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>> harris: president biden cannot escape thoughts about his mental acuity. >> teach donald trump a valuable lesson, don't mess with -- the benefit. >> what? >> harris: okay. do you have ranch dressing? >> not with me. >> harris: that was a word salad. now vann jones is offering this advice, just hide.
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>> if i were biden, i would stay hidden. i tell you why. he does not inspire confidence and he's not a great messenger for himself. we expect joe biden and he hid during the last campaign to come out and be flash gordon for his own campaign. >> harris: he was with the obama administration, obama's old pal david axelrod. >> i have said this many times, i think joe biden has done extraordinary things and history will shine on those. his performance is a problem and that is reflected in the polls and it transalates to image of weakness, given all he's dealt with, different question. there is sense the world is out of control and not in know command, that is what trump is
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going straight at. >> harris: for obama people to be talking, it makes me wonder if obama is saying, you are messing with my legacy. we have not talked to him though. >> i don't think there is love lost in terms of axelrod and biden administration. we will have replay of 2020 and there is concern i've seen now recently with donald trump. >> kayleigh: you cannot compare the two. >> kevin: we can. he said he won new hampshire. >> kayleigh: you cannot compare the two. >> kevin: he missed up nancy pelosi and nikki haley for minutes in a speech, there are verbal gaffes and miscues. >> kayleigh: two-thirds of people think that about joe biden, they do not think that about donald trump. >> kevin: majority of people
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feel same about donald trump. >> harris: i appreciate what both of you are saying, these two men are not the same, where they are in life is not the same. i upon don't think comparing the two examples are same as president who said minor incursion and russia moves in. stood in front of flag-draped caskets of dead americans after his botched withdrawal and looked at his watch. >> kevin: i view different on that watch. >> harris: you don't think he looked at his watch? >> >> kevin: no, he was looking down in prayerful reflection and watching the caskets come off the plane. >> harris: with his arm in the air? >> kevin: or looking at the bracelet or watch beau gave him he wears every single day. you can't question his commitment to the troops, having
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a son that served overseas. >> harris: can't question? they hit us over 100 times before any retaliation. he lost the location of his secretary of defense, with whom he should be speaking daily. >> kevin: that is a huge problem. >> harris: if you can take up part of the hour, we can with acuity being a question. emily. >> emily: i think a couple points are interesting. we talked about media just now and also a split in how the media covered joe biden's results. biden trounced that declaration and contrast that with dean phillips exceeded expectations. biden won, yes, dean phillips scored 20% and zero name recognition in the beginning. the pro-biden pac is spending one million for creator program
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to enlist influencers to post pro-biden messages on social media to attract younger voters. when you combine it with finding that 11% of new hampshire primary voters said they will not vote for biden if he's the nominee, there are massive fissures and we see biden campaign attempting to stop that with 1 million infusion and the like. question remains, is the table set for a larger name to come in, a democrat to come swooping in and say, biden, i've got this. would it be obama? axelrod and his cohort? whose voice is strong enough to say, step down and make way for someone that will prove or represent an actual worthy foe to trump? >> harris: maybe those voices with spoken. dean phillips told me he got
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started 10 weeks ago, i had no name recognition, who knows if i will get any votes. he got twenty %. if you want to vote democrats, you might write his name in, it wouldn't be the choice for 10 or 11% of those people. i don't know if million dollars is enough to pull him into the younger voter category. what about blacks and hispanics, how much will they spend on that? >> tudor: fact that many people came out for dean phillips, people are looking for an alternative and they don't even know who he is. >> kayleigh: all due respect, this is called projection, we know that age is a vulnerability for the president, we have fresh sound bites every week, could fill entirety of this hour with
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stumbles and fumbles and mishaped and we knew second donald trump became presumptive nominee, you would try to press age upon president trump. two-thirds of americans say biden is too old and converse with former president trump, a former strong executive. good luck with the projection. >> kevin: they will make that certainly. >> harris: challenger dean phillips calling on his own party saying they are delusional for repeatedly attacking trump voters, next. s .
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you are doing your job. you are not asking questions americans give a bleep about. >> emily: they are not asking the right questions. dean phillips took a shot at fellow democrats. watch. >> i went to a donald trump rally couple nights ago. i thought, what the heck, i'm going to invite people. met 50 trump people waiting in line. friendly, all of them frustrated they feel nobody is listening but donald trump. a diverse crowd. my party is delusional. >> emily: tudor, truer words never spoken and only qualifier to this, it makes me sad he had
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to just talk directly to trump voters. they are just like us. of course they are. they are facing singular issue of not being listened to except by one candidate. >> tudor: people are listed crazy people. i used to be in line interviewing people and he is right, diverse group, dedicated to the country, not just to trump. they love america. i have been when it has been below zero or 100 degrees. they are dedicated and feel this country needs to be brought back. they are genuinely loving people and i love he said that and cnn was like, uh-oh, we've been told
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the truth on. >> emily: and kevin, it is hard to truly explain or to truly convey the amount of rejection that americans feel and in that rejection to see everyday and to have reinstated everyday, reinforced that everyone is better than you are. take a walk down memory lane. examples of democrats and media repeatedly bashing trump supporters and republicans. >> you can put half trump supporters into the basket of deplorables. >> backs donald trump and want to think that donald trump is the smart one and you elitists with geographies and map and spelling and math and reading. >> maybe there need to be deprogramming of cult members. >> rural people are voting craziness about the cult.
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>> worried about fascismism in this country, the leader is part of the equation, people wanting that is bigger part. >> trump and maga supporters laugh about political violence. >> emily: how can there be any question how americans feel when we see that? >> i'm a democrat on fox news, i believe in engaging and authentic conversations are with people who watch fox and i engage with those folks. i will never attack a voter for donald trump or nikki haley ever. i will fight against them, i'm a democrat that wants the biggest tent possible. that is how we win as democrats like we did in 2020. i'm marrying a republican next month, it starts at home for me.
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we're americans first. to tudor's point, when you drown out the other side. >> lucky you and lucky him. >> lucky guy. >> emily: that is minority opinion, that is what we are faced with everyday that avalanche. >> harris: congratulations. it is minority opinion and changing a bit and maybe the 14 democrats who joined republican-led resolution to condemn biden's border crisis, maybe they are part of the growing voice, maybe dean phillips, who managed to scoop up 20% of the vote, maybe he's that. both sideings need to recognize each other and he said his particular side needs to stop calling names and then we had sununu come on and call names. dean phillips is right about that. maybe a crack of daylight for democrats to stop seeing
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republican voters as the enemy. it will take time. in the meantime, what happens? they could lose elections, black voters feel they are being replaced, some in chicago. resources being drowned out by biden's border policy. >> emily: if there is daylight, it is eclipsed by what is coming from the left, the free press saying retreat from democracy is in contempt for the voters. trump and 75 million americans who voted for him must be silenced and crushed, kayleigh. only one side of the political side has legitimacy and that is published. >> kayleigh: unbelievable. president biden feeds into it.
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if you think differently than him on covid, it is neandrathal thinking. if you are maga, you are clear and present danger. i saw dean phillips in new hampshire and i said, i want to say thank you. think what he did, he came out of his event, he is democrat, he saw a trump event going on. he did not scurry away, he went into a trump rally, not knowing if he would be welcomed and offered kind words. how much better as a society if a biden voter wanted to get to be a trump or haley voters get back to nonality as american citizens first. >> emily: a chicago suburb proposing sign-up sheet for residents willing to house
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♪ ♪ >> emily: thousands of unvetted migrants illegally cross into our country, one going viral for cryptic message to a journalist at the border. watch. >> if you are smart enough, you would know who i am. you are not smart enough to know who i am. soon you will know who i am. >> the entitlement.
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no, believe me, i'm much better than that. >> the entitlement, guys. >> emily: fox has not verified specific details about that migrant or location, all the unknowns raise safety concern. now a city councilman is asking his compassionate community to sign up to house migrants, it will be vetted more thoroughly before further discussion. here is josh mcbroom. >> we have a very affluent communities, i want to direct staff to create a sign-up sheet for individuals that would be willing to house migrant families. if there is people that would do that, god bless them. so if we could raise awareness
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that way, we need to find out who would be willing to house migrant families. >> emily: tudor, that is your home town, what are your thoughts? >> tudor: i thought, this is brilliant, i went through high school with them. there is a feeling of we have to be compassionate and help but not seeing the full picture. people in new york and downtown chicago see the full picture. this is not what we thought. bring them into your house, what people on the right have been saying. do you want to welcome these people into your home? he is offering a sign-up sheet and coming from there, people are going, that is not exactly what we meant. see where it goes. >> emily: tudor talks about the
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full picture, what is the full picture? >> kevin: to tudor's point, one-on-one level, i think more global picture and why i'm hopeful as democrat and former surrogate for the biden campaign, what we see with reform. you have oklahoma, chris murphy, democrat from correct correct and kyrsten sinema, independent working to reform asylum law and provide increased funding for border agents. i hope it will get a vote in the senate and house will act on that. we saw bipartisan immigration reform led by marco rubio die in the house of representatives under speaker john boehner. it is a crisis at the border, look at the imagery, something has to be done and i hope we will gets it done for the
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american people. >> kayleigh: house passed hr 2. >> zero vote from democrats. it is an estimation, i want to see bipartisan action we can get a large majority of democrats and republicans onboard. >> kayleigh: i don't think that will happen, only solution for democrats are delusion, you have a list of padilla, luhan, marky, widen and more on the progressive flank who said we will not accept asylum changes, progressives are staining in the way of president biden. >> kevin: i'm a democrat and i hope moderates like kyrsten sinema and murphy will pass this through. >> harris: why when the path to citizenship existed and trump had ability to willingness to
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discuss that, why couldn't democrats come along now, was there so much division and hate for the other side? >> kevin: the former president convened that cabinet room meeting, i think you were working for the former president then. we got held up on border wall funding, do we take it from the defense department? >> harris: democrats were willing to spend on border wall. >> we are. >> harris: where do you think kamala harris came from? democrats know walls work. >> i'm a pro-barrier dpie as a democrat. >> harris: putting people in private homes, if we can't vet at the border, can we vet them going into people's homes? >> no. the president increased funding for more border patrol, called
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up military to the border. >> harris: you call the military into their mansions? >> that is why i'm hopeful we pass this bipartisan bill that increases funding across the board. >> tudor: we talk about this as a crisis, it is a crisis we don't really think is a crisis. every year we are replacing, we have one and a half migrants for every child born, in a generation we replace america. it is a totally different country with people that we have no idea if they want to be americans. there is no vetting coming on. who is replacing our population? it is something the if the l president could make executive order to go back to remain in mexico, he could stop the flow, even rhetoric of the biden administration, do you think his
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numbers are higher than trump just because? it is because what he says everyday. >> kevin: republicans say it is an open border. biden says it is a closed border. >> harris: that is not true. >> kevin: i want a closed border, it is bipartisan solution we need. >> emily: dana white delivered knock-out response to a reporter questioning his fighter's right to free speech. that is next. ♪ zyrtec! ♪ works hard at hour 1 and twice as hard when you take it again the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. ♪ let's be more than our allergies! and for fast allergy relief with a powerful decongestant, try zyrtec-d.
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hour. ♪ >> harris: ufc had a major title tight in toronto. today an exchange between canadian reporter and sean strickland. he was questions about tweets against the lgbtq community. >> you said if i had a gay son, i would think, the swamp. >> you are a weak -- man, you are part of the problem, you elected justin trudea. you are pathetic. everything that is wrong with the world is because -- and the best thing, the world is not buying your -- pedalling.
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this guy is enemy. you want to look at the enemy to our world? is that right there. >> harris: media pressed dana white to censor his fighters. >> you give a long leash to fighters about what they can say when they are up there with a ufc microphone and homophobia -- >> i don't give anybody a leash. i leash? free speech. you want to control what people say? tell people what to believe? tell people -- i don't tell any other humainsay, think and no leashes on any of them. what is your question? >> i was asking that question, i will move on, though. >> probably a good idea. >> harris: tudor? >> tudor: it is so funny, they are like bringing homophobia up,
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no, you are bringing it up. the reporter asks the question, you created this. what do you expect? he's not a politician, you don't need that from him, he's got a job, he is there to fight. talk about the fight or don't talk at all. >> emily: the press was baiting the fighter and dana white and i love the question couched in hideous bending over backward for commitment every member of the left wing media seem to hold everyone to account to. that is a long leash? no leash at all, it is free speech and i don't tell another human what to think or say. i wish press would hold a slightest fraction of dana white
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letting everyone be himself. we would be a different counter. >> kevin: we set a record on "outnumbered" for the number of bleeps in those press conferences. i'm a free speech guy, biggest way to show they are idiot or wrong is to let them speak. he's a public official, cancel him personally, if you like, that is your ability, or tune them out. >> kayleigh: the fighter, i couldn't follow what he was saying, but with dana white, master class in how to handle the press. he stood up for the fighter, rejected the question. fant fantastic, well done, dana white. >> harris: sounds good. we'll be right back.
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♪♪ >> kayleigh: i know that band, is that the spice girls? >> spice up your world, spice up your life. >> kayleigh: pop culture queen. chaos caused by the stanley cup craze. a woman in california was
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arrested for allegedly stealing $2,500 worth of the popular stum -- tumblers. she left with 65 cups she did not pay for, and now faces a grand theft charge. you know everything about stanley cups. >> i have four daughters, middle school and high schools, the best marketing you have seen in your life. influencers came out and mom, we need a stanley cup. i'm like ok, what is this? so many water bottles. $45 for the water bottle, are you kidding me and like become a part of this craze. literally this morning i'm on the plane and scrolling through facebook and see this ad from pottery barn, get your stanley cup engraved and a moment i lost my mind and like i could do this. i'm like what are you doing? you don't need anymore water bottles, stop. it's crazy. >> kayleigh: $50, i could go
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with the good old fashioned red solo cup. >> emily: what blew my mind, $3,000 worth of theft and then it was like for 65 cups. what is this ratio? >> just like the ratio of that, and went on to read for example, 16-year-old in alabama, parents has spent almost 3,000, around $3,000 getting her every color and every type ever made. she has a huge collection, it's like the beanie baby craze of the past or whatever. but like to the tune of a million dollars more. mind boggling to me and feel so bad for any family who feels they have to save or scrimp to be part of this. you don't need to be a part of it. you do not need to be a part of it. >> kayleigh: stole 56 cups? how do you do that. >> i want to see the mug shot. >> harris: like 1980s and 1990s
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when everybody wanted the jordan kick, the kids don't want to be the odd ones out. i totally get that. now, stanley says it keeps your liquid hot and cold cold for hours. one of my girls puts ice in hers and overnight the ice is still in there. >> this is true. i have -- my daughter, so we got competing water bottles and then my 10-year-old twins came home and said noel's water is so much colder than mine at basketball. >> kayleigh: i prefer really stanley cups like the ones we won in tampa, with the lightning. >> nice plug for the home team. >> this is crazy. my sister-in-law, god love her liz, loves her stanley cup. shout out to liz and the folks that love them. >> kayleigh: hello, liz. enjoy your stanley cup. don't forget to dvr the show. here is "america reports". >> we need to close up this border, all right. so many illegal immigrants.
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>> mostly the border


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