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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 24, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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i totally get that. now, stanley says it keeps your liquid hot and cold cold for hours. one of my girls puts ice in hers and overnight the ice is still in there. >> this is true. i have -- my daughter, so we got competing water bottles and then my 10-year-old twins came home and said noel's water is so much colder than mine at basketball. >> kayleigh: i prefer really stanley cups like the ones we won in tampa, with the lightning. >> nice plug for the home team. >> this is crazy. my sister-in-law, god love her liz, loves her stanley cup. shout out to liz and the folks that love them. >> kayleigh: hello, liz. enjoy your stanley cup. don't forget to dvr the show. here is "america reports". >> we need to close up this border, all right. so many illegal immigrants. >> mostly the border.
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>> the open border is horrific. >> open southern border that's a disaster made worse. >> sandra: our exclusive fox news voter analysis confirming the crisis at the southern border was the top issue for republican primary voters in new hampshire but it may not be enough to sway president biden to address this historic migrant crossings before november. hello, and welcome everyone, i'm sandra smith in new york. incredibly telling stat last night. immigration top issue in new hampshire. >> john: and a lot to digest from last night, we will do it over the next couple hours. john roberts in washington. this is "america reports". border patrol sources tell fox news nearly 100,000 got-aways at the border this fiscal year. 800 migrants per day that have disappeared into america without border agents processing them, even seeing them. >> sandra: the white house continues to blame congress, and
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specifically republicans for what is happening, even as they do everything in their power to block the texas national guard from adding more razor wire and fencing along the busy rio grande sector. >> john: jerry baker standing by on why the border is shaping up to be the top campaign issue for voters in the granite state. jacqui heinrich on all the political fallout. >> sandra: first dana marie in eagle pass, texas, incredible live imagery moments ago. what is the latest response from texas officials over this razor wire fence? >> sandra, texas is not backing down. in fact, behind me they are adding more razor wire, reinforcing areas where migrants have already crossed. this morning we watched 30 migrants climb a shipping container and use clothing to protect themselves. the texas national guard and dps
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were on the other side of that to arrest those migrants from crossing and then for criminal trespassing rather than border patrol processing them. take a look at this. texas governor abbott said on social media that texas continues to hold the line by deploying razor wire to repel illegal immigration. gave legal authority to cut the wire but nothing has been cut. the texas national guard tells me border patrol has not tried to access shelby park or hundreds of yards of the razor wire line the rio grande. drone footage shows how dangerous the river is. the dam is releasing water increasing the current and raising water levels. a male tried to cross the river, he was swept downstream but managed to come ashore. you can see him walking towards the razor wire. he crossed but many don't make it. texas dps says the rio grande
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averages a drowning every day. >> texas is doing every measure, putting every measure in place to prevent that, to try to discourage that, but yet at the federal level, the federal government has not done anything as far as trying to discourage illegal immigration, especially those that want to cross a dangerous river. >> and this area in shelby park is secure, but thousands and hundreds of people are trying to cross and in other areas where that razor wire is not securing the perimeter, sandra. >> sandra: dana marie in eagle pass, texas. john. >> john: former president donald trump bringing his former ice chief, tom homan on stage during his granite stage victory speech, in a nod to voters fed up with the border. policies they say are adding fuel to the fire. jacqui heinrich is live at 1600 pennsylvania avenue.
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>> jacqui: president biden knows people care about the border. he knows enough to talk to fox for a little while last week admitting that the border is not secure and imploring congress to give him the money to fix it. this administration is having a tougher time explaining why they went all the way to the supreme court to force border patrol to remove that razor wire that texas officials put there to keep migrants out. >> the border patrol needed access and that's why we sued to get rid of that razor wire so they could do their jobs and you know what would also help them do their jobs, peter, more border patrol agents. there's an idea. and the answer we keep getting back from house republicans is no, no, no. >> jacqui: republicans calling out the irony of the biden administration, the union says is helping the core mission of securing the border. >> what kind of message does that send to illegal aliens
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across the world. sends the message that america is open for business. we don't have a border, even our own federal government won't enforce our border laws. >> jacqui: biden hopes it's worked out in the senate will show voters he's taking this seriously. but apparent snag with a possible vote next week, and unclear if it can pass the lower chamber. henry cuellar says it's likely going to take a mix of democrats to make up for gop defections on this vote, adding that some democrats who opposed changes to asylum are coming around. some 41% of democratic primary voters in new hampshire disapproved of the job that president biden has done on immigration. john. >> john: we saw the 14 democrats side with republicans in recent days as well, and a resolution
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to rebuke the president's policies. jacqui heinrich with the latest. thank you. sandra. >> sandra: we called up jerry baker after the big night, editor at large at the "wall street journal" and fox news contributor and lucky us you were available on set in new york. >> lucky me. >> sandra: we saw what happened in iowa, and saw by double digits immigration ranked over the economy as the most presidenting issue facing voters. fast forward to new hampshire, same thing by even wider margin. immigration the top issue over the economy. 41% said this is the most important issue facing the country today. well, when is the white house going to wake up? this is what voters care about. >> it shows you can't fool people all the time as the white house is trying to do. just as they have been saying there's no crisis with the economy, although people feel the effect of price increases, saying for two and a half, three years now no crisis at the southern border. you heard from the figures that
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john just talked about, over 100,000 illegal get aways in the first three and a half months of the fiscal year. it is a massive crisis and it is -- if you think, sandra. about the things a government is supposed to do. what are the absolute principle responsibilities of a government. right at the top of the list is secure the border. the economy is important but the government can only have an effect on the government. it's responsible for securing the border. it's not surprising in iowa, new hampshire, frankly texas, california, here in new york, people see the crisis of immigration and the inability to control the border and that's driving people to express themselves. >> sandra: and number two was the economy, and those two issues were far and away the most important issues foreign policy. voters in new hampshire, 60% feel like they are just holding
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steady in the economy. 27% say they are falling behind and when we broke that down by candidate, those voters supported donald trump in this race. they don't like the way they feel, they don't like what they see in the future for their family. >> and reflecting the reality. an interesting phenomenon with the biden administration and friends in the media, saying the economy is in great shape. must be because the terrible right wing media tell the people it's in bad shape. unemployment is relatively low, although a large number of people have given up looking for work. they fail to being a knowledge what that poll brings out and people are falling, feel themselves falling behind because of what's happened to pricis. if prices go up as they have by more than 20% and wages have for the average worker since biden became president 15, 16%, you are literally worse off than four years ago. and that of course feeds into
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the sense that people have that they are falling behind because they are falling -- their wages are not keeping up with the increase in the price levels. so of course they feel. >> sandra: and the white house likes to tout inflation is going down, it's not going down, it's down from the highs at which it was, prices are still growing, and guess what, once the prices are up there, they don't come back down. >> it's come down from high level 9%, now down to 3%, even though it has come down a lot, it's still, the rate itself is still higher than when joe biden came into office. not even as though they have his back on that number, that narrow number alone to where we were three years ago. we are not, we are behind that number. >> sandra: a couple other data points before we finish up here. a big point was change and voters looking for change in the way the united states is run today. this was huge in iowa, also in new hampshire. 54% of voters say they are looking for substantial, i should say 54% looking for
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substantial change in the country. they went for donald trump. the people looking for total upheaval, 29% of them, they went for donald trump, ok. another big one was trump's strengths, among conservatives, 81% of the vote. without a college degree, 64%. rural voters. he won all these groups that nikki haley was definitely looking for a different mix there. she was definitely looking to win over some of those that would traditionally support donald trump, that didn't happen. >> reinforces the reason donald trump has shot to the political, on the political scene in the way he has in the last eight years, if you want radical -- if you think the country is fundamentally on the wrong track and you want to overthrow the government, in some cases the constitution, you don't believe the united states is working, the basis of trump support, of course you vote for donald trump. it's what he represents. he is the original bull in the china shop, disruptor, nikki
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haley likes to call him the chaos agent, others do, too, but no question if you think things are badly, badly off track, much more likely to vote for donald trump he represents something outside the political mainstream. nikki haley, whatever her talents and qualities, is in the political mainstream the last 20 years. and donald trump represents the change. >> sandra: and add it up similar to china, 83% of voters in new hampshire looking for at least substantial change to the way the country is run. really, really interesting results from the fox news voter analysis. jerry, thanks for joining us. >> we have to ask the question whether that's true of the country. >> sandra: very good, jerry baker, why we have you around. republican voters in new hampshire. great to see you. >> john: iranian-backed houthi rebels not appearing to be deterred by the biden administration recent strikes. terror group fired three missiles at a u.s. flagged
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commercial ship in the red sea earlier today. moments ago john kirby addressed the situation and said the u.s. will need to keep taking steps to protect crucial shipping lanes. >> obviously underscores that the houthis still intend to conduct these attacks, we have to do what we have to do to protect that shipping whether it's on shore or knocking their stuff out of the sky like this morning. it's about self-defense. >> john: the 36th time the houthis have targeted a commercial vessel since november 19th. >> president has opened his remarks once again by proclaiming falsehoods about previous elections. this is what makes it hard to take him, his pronouncements live. >> sandra: so those networks, cnn, msnbc doubling down on the decision not to air former president trump's primary victory speeches in full.
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>> john: our political panel reacts on whether this plan might backfire. plus, the migrant crisis taking its toll on black communities like chicago. one resident so fed up he is running for office. andre smith will join us to talk about his plans to turn things around. veteran homeowners, have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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>> sandra: we are one day out from a hearing requested by a defendant in georgia's trump racketeering case. attorneys are seeking access to any records showing fulton county prosecutors and d.a. fani willis coordinating with president biden's white house, along with willis's alleged
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lover, special prosecutor nathan wade. steve is live in atlanta. is soap opera an accurate description of what is going on in georgia? >> we are hearing soap opera a lot, especially soap opera on the taxpayer dime. nathan wade the prosecutor, he spent more than $6,000 on travel in just two months of 2022, that's when he was working for his boss, fani willis, and of course at least two of those trips plane tickets he purchased for himself and willis to go to san francisco and miami. you mention add whole new line of inquiry, defense attorneys want to know more about meetings between the white house and these prosecutors. were the prosecutors instructed on how to prosecute former president trump. and this drip drip drip of scandal every day, you can tell it's really angering a lot of people here in georgia as you can see at this fulton county board of commissioners meeting earlier today.
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>> i'm disgusted at the information that is coming out of the district attorney's office as a taxpayer. i am done with most of your silence at the d.a. apparent love affair with the special prosecutor and gross mismanagement of taxpayer dollars to pursue what appears to be a frivolous lawsuit based off of partisan politics. >> as for that prosecutor, nathan wade, he's back in court again next week for his divorce proceedings. he's likely to be grilled about his relationship with the d.a., fani willis. >> sandra: a lot going on. john. >> john: liberal leaning media outlets tried to tune out former president trump, cutting away from his primary victory speech in new hampshire to offer a fact check to viewers. listen here. >> former president trump giving the mic to a second person in his victory celebration. daniel dale, i heard at least 2 or 3 things that need fact checking.
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>> the former president has opened his remarks once again by proclaiming falsehoods about previous elections. what makes it hard to take him, his pronouncements live. >> john: our panel, christopher bedford, and richard fowler. so, again we have the liberal media acting as the gatekeeper to what viewers can and cannot hear from political candidates. will they apply the same standard to president biden who has told his fair share of whoppers. >> we have to zoom out to figure out how we got here. i think what the president has done and worked for him to keeping his base in iowa and new hampshire, me versus -- me equals we frame. this is happening to me, this is happening to you the voter. voters seem to appreciate that. when others cut away from him and say we are not going to cover his speech, they add to the frame that everybody is out
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to get me. the sitting president, the former president, they all should be subjected to fact checking. about you knowing he is the gop nominee you have to cover his speech in fullness and then says he said this and now we are going to fact check it. that's what responsible journalism should look like. >> john: that the way, show entirely in entirety and then fact check? >> when you have a primary candidate the nominee for a party, someone who is a former president, should be able to speak to the american people and you hear so much complaining from i think justly in some ways the ways that social media has created information silos for people, only find things they agree with and are not challenged at all. but now you see some of the networks doing that. the cable stations doing that. and listening to mpr on the way to school dropoff and amazed, they said trump said haley was calling this a win, while haley has defeat, but the surrogates
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say it's a secret win, and he's won there, he said he's won the granite state three times. could be fudging the facts but they are splitting hairs here. >> john: call four number five, manases, virginia, when president biden was giving a political speech he said this about terry mccalife, the former governor of virginia. >> hello, virginia, the real governor, terry. >> not the real, real governor glenn youngkin, prompted peter doocy to question karine jean-pierre as to whether or not joe biden, the president was actually denying the results of the virginia election. listen here. >> is election denying a joke now? >> what do you mean, you have to say more than just make a random statement. >> why the president say hello, virginia, and the real governor,
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terry mccaulife. >> he was making a joke. he did not deny it. he congratulated governor youngkin. >> john: making a joke. the same standard when donald trump says i'm going to be a dictator on day one for one day. everybody is runing with that, like he is dead serious about it. >> look, it was clear that that was a joke there. i teach students -- >> john: clear trump saying he was a dictator with sarcasm as well. >> i teach journalism students at georgetown and i tell them you have to treat both candidates fairly, and know the sourcing matters, and the context matters. if you heard that clip without realizing he was in a room full of supporters and in love with terry, ran for governor, was the governor and then ran gore governor again. context matters and the clarity matters. if you hear the trump line and not the whole paragraph it was
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in and the question sean hannity asked him, it's out of context. and chris's point, the media silo we live in, it's important you give that context. >> john: and almost everybody including the biden campaign is taking the dictator out of context, and saying do not vote for him. >> they are humorless, and don't get the joke. and donald trump, straight up the most funny person that's been president of the united states, to go to his rallies, like a routine he looks at the applause, and going to the state of the union preview, some serious ideas are shared and you could tell after a little while he was testing material to see what got a laugh, to see what got a rise out of people and things that didn't didn't show up in his speeches. he's an entertainer. when you miss the joke you miss the context we are talking
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about. >> john: pleasure to spend time with both of you. thanks for stopping by. >> sandra: a battle is brewing in chicago. many of them, i should say. phil flynn and bjorn on another plan to ban your gas stove. now this. >> jason kelce. >> we are gonna show this to taylor. >> john: young lady getting a helping hand from the second most famous kelce brother in the nfl to get a glimpse of taylor swift. the 8-year-old and her mom will join us on the surprise of a lifetime just ahead. ♪♪
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they are coming for your gas stove? well, as part of president biden's green energy push, democrats in several cities are pushing to ban appliances using natural gas. mandating the use of electric stoves and furnaces. a plan the critics claim will drive up costs for consumers and actually increase greenhouse gas emissions. phil flynn and bjorn ahead, but first kelly in chicago, city leaders are moving to ban natural gas in new buildings. when will it go into effect? >> go into effect one year after passage which means if you have a gas stove like this one you would not be able to maybe move into a new build after it goes into effect that would in that case have gas. it would only have electric. the mayor's team says natural gas bills are more expensive,
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and chemicals cause cancer and asthma. and people's gas says electric is not more expensive and not as green as claimed. they explain in a statement that "the grid that powers chicago uses cole and natural gas to keep the lights on. renewable energy, less than 4% of any given day." and gas is more reliable. and another pointed to the customers without power last week's cold snap. >> chicago must work to reduce its carbon footprint. during the winter's frigid temperatures, tens of thousands were left without electricity, now is the worst possible time to slam through an ordinance without examining true cost. infrastructure requirements and most importantly, most importantly, hearing from residents.
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>> supporters say that this could save customers between 11,000 and and $24,000 over the years, the same ordinance that new york city put into effect in 2021. >> not sure what was powering your camera at the beginning of the report, glad you got it powered back up again. >> sandra: electric powered. phil flynn, bjorn lomborg, phil, you are the energy expert. why do you make natural gas the bogeyman? >> because they can, right? there's absolutely no reason, in fact if you look at natural gas, it's the cheapest hydro carbon in the world and i would argue that the natural gas industry has done more to lower global greenhouse gas emissions than
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any other alternative fuel on the planet. and why is that? they have replaced coal plants, so picking on natural gas is the wrong thing to do and is another reason why our cities, by making decisions like this, are seeing their economic collapse. >> sandra: bjorn, it's known to be clean, cheap, natural gas, and we make a lot of it, by the way. right now the percent of american households that rely on natural gas for electricity, up 40%, bjorn. highly relying on this. it's a natural resource that we have plentiful supply of. why are they demonizing it? >> well, this is the big problem with climate change. you keep arguing, well, we should take away stuff that you actually like. they keep telling you, oh, it's going to be cheaper, you are going to love it, and clean and all these things.
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tell people that and let them make their own decisions instead of constantly saying we are going to regulate this away from you, oh, and it will be cheaper but there's a lot of disadvantages, one of them we just heard about, if you have a breakdown of electricity, what are you going to do? how are you going to power your house? >> sandra: i guess you referenced the joke with the camera angle there. so, the percent of american households that rely on natural gas for heating, over half, 51%. to show how prevalent this is as we go after it. phil, meanwhile, toyota's chairman, speaking of passing policies without even really thinking of the impact of them. this is the chairman of toyota speaking in japan, making a prediction about the low e.v. market share. we are struggling to sell them here, not popular, expensive.
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he says no matter how much progress e.v.s make, i think they will still only have 30% market share and engine cars will remain. something that customers in the market will decide, not regulatory values or political power. he makes the case that thanks to the introduction of hybrids in japan, 20, 30 years ago, japan is the only developed country to have reduced co2 emissions by 22%, japan has its own way of doing things. i don't think the correct answer is imitate the west in everything. sort of poking fun at the struggles we are having here trying to push the e.v.s on consumers too fast, phil? >> you are absolutely right. they can do the math, right. they can look at the ranges of the electric cars and they realize we need everything and above strategy. we can go all electric, not only is it not realistic, it's
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dangerous. i mean, look at what happened in the cold snap in chicago. at 32°, the cars lose their energy, they freeze up. and really cold, they can stop dead. now, it was bad enough when we only have a few cars on the road that are electric. what happens if we, you know, have 50% of the fleet. the roads would be strewn with dead cars all over and what's worse yet, it becomes a threat to the safety of the people. you are driving a car when it's 50 below 0 and you are stuck somewhere and nobody can get you, that's a real threat to your life. >> sandra: bjorn, i say anybody who follows you or reads your books, you are not a climate change denier, but you are all about innovating over our approach to tackling it. and when you have e.v.s not popular, too expensive, breaking down in the cold weather, how do you expect to turn more and more people on to them? >> well, in some sense we are seeing exactly the same thing,
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right. politicians are telling you you must have an electric vehicle. oh, and they are wonderful, you'll love them. the reality is if they are really so great you don't need to have them, everyone will buy them. and the quote to the chairman is very similar to what biden's own energy information administration is expecting by 2050. across the globe, it will only be about 24% electric cars. majority will still be gasoline and diesel driven. we need to be realistic. and when you tell people you can't have that, you are essentially telling a lot of voters you can't have what you want. i don't think they are going to allow you to do that. >> sandra: that is fact. his own energy administration. phil, i know you know that, too, we ran over the stat together and i couldn't believe it, i went to the energy information website and there it was. they are pushing something that
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they can't even predict. appreciate the discussion, gentlemen. >> i am pissed off. i cannot articulate how utterly abandoned and frustrated and offended i feel. >> john: the big news, harvard launches a new antisemitism task force but wait until you hear who they put in charge. dave rubin coming up on that. >> sandra: plus the migrant crisis crushing communities with years of neglect. a man fed up with how democrats are treating black neighborhoods is fighting back. activist andre smith joins us on that. you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar.
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>> sandra: puzzling incident with kansas chiefs fans, three men were found dead in their friend's back yard after they got together for a watch party earlier this month. c.b. cotton has the details. how did no one notice the friends were in the back yard? >> i spoke with the attorney of jordan willis who lived there, and tells me his client had no reason to leave because he works from home. the three men had all been hanging out with willis on the night of january 7th. willis's attorney says he saw his friends leave through the front door and went to bed. for the next two days, he never noticed anything was wrong. >> he slept most of the morning on monday, he got up and at some point he relocated to the bedroom, got up on tuesday morning, he works from home, he had no reason to go in the back yard, he did not look out on the back yard, and like i said,
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these are his buddies. had he seen those guys out there, he would have gotten them help immediately. >> the victims' loved ones and a fifth friend inside the home have sai his attorney keep changing their story. ricky johnson's father is one of the many family members now desperately searching for answers. he believes his son may have been drugged and someone had to have noticed something was wrong. >> there was no way everything was right around there. vehicles out in front of his house. letting his dogs out. i mean -- there was no possible way you cannot for two days, i don't care if you are drunk or whatever, you still are gonna notice that. >> willis's attorney says his dog was not at the house, willis has moved out of the home. toxicology reports are still
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spending and kansas city police do not suspect foul play. >> sandra: a puzzling story. thank you. >> john: that's weird. a potential break against alzheimer's and will the health insurance pay for it. dr. marc siegel ahead, plus this. >> we don't put airplanes in the air that we don't have 100% confidence in. i'm here today in the spirit of transparency. >> sandra: and more issues involving boeing airplanes. does the company ceo have any answers? [sneeze] dude you coming? ♪ alka-seltzer plus powermax gels cold & flu relief with more concentrated power because the only thing dripping should be your style. plop plop fizz fizz winter warriors with alka-seltzer plus. my money should work as hard as i do. that's why i used my freedom unlimited card every time i get gas. [laughing] get a little slack on pump three!
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>> john: a new blood test that can diagnose alzheimer's disease up to 15 years before symptoms of the disease appear could be available in the united states in the next few days. dr. marc siegel is a fox news contributor from nyu langone center. how does this work, how accurate is it, and how useful is it? >> all great questions, john. first of all, it's taken from what we do in the spinal fluid. we test the spinal fluid for the abnormal proteins of alzheimer's
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disease. what's most exciting about this study that came out of sweden in the journal of the american medical association neurology, the same accuracy in the blood than the spinal fluid. you can imagine. we can't test the spinal fluid on a regular basis but can do a blood test. 96 to 97% on the abnormal proteins of alzheimer's up to 15 years in advance of symptoms occurring. and i asked a couple of neurologists, would you have a use for this? the top neurologist, my wife, by the way, said this. i'm constantly testing people for memory loss and i don't know if they are on the road to alzheimer's or not. 6 million people in the u.s. have alzheimer's but 40 million have mild cognitive impairment, forgot where they put the car keys. she said a huge step forward figuring out whether someone with memory loss might be on the road towards alzheimer's. even if you have the proteins does not necessarily mean you'll
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get it. >> john: so this test, not covered by insurance initially, is called alz path dx. cost about $500. is it worth it, do you think? >> i think it will be worth it and i think it will be covered by insurance for the simple reason that this study came out, which is unbelievably powerful, this study. over 700 people tested. major neurological journal. i would urge the fda to take a close look at this. even if -- we need a major agency like the american academy of neurology to come forward and endorse this. if the fda fast tracks this, we can use it in hospitals, john. in my office, appendage of the hospital. i think it needs to happen fast. again, more tools the better. about 80% of the people who are tested in this don't even need to go on for a confirmatory pet scan and the next question, what do we do differently? put it together with treatments
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coming out. >> john: actually, my next question was going to be, because this is very personal story for me, my mother died from alzheimer's disease in 2010, god bless her, she lived to be 96 years old, did not develop until she was about 93. so because i'm her son, i'm likely at risk for developing alzheimer's disease. do i want to know and why would i want to know? >> well, you are at risk, john, but you would be more at risk if you had something called apoe, higher risk genetic test. we need genetic testing to go along with this and keep pace. now, why would you want to know? because a drug like leconomob, controversy and is out, and decreases the risk of the build-up with the proteins has big side effects like brain swelling. i'm only going to want to give the drug to people at high risk of developing it. up to 15 years in advance. in the laboratory we are looking
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at anti-inflammatory treatments that may even be better than that drug. five years from now we are going to have treatments to offer. i want to know for another reason. with your mom, i want the family to be prepared. i am the family to know this might be coming. we want to do this without scaring a patient or making them feel they have a sentence on their shoulder. so i agree with my wife. i would only use it with people with cognitive impairment and memory loss. and not you, john, you don't have speck of that, and you are not going to get it. >> john: hang out with me the story might be different. but i'm curious, maybe it's something to consider. doc, great to catch up with you. appreciate it. sandra. >> sandra: a chicago man gets fed up with illegal migrants bussed into his neighborhood while his own community suffers. now he is taking matters into his own hands. we will speak to the ceo of
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chicago against violence coming up. >> john: memphis's top cop under fire for spiralling crime there. what about the city's democratic mayor who just passed the buck. that story coming up next. veteran homeowners checked your credit card rates lately? many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. veterans can save $500 a month. that's $6,000 a year. it changes everything for them. it can for you too. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life.
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>> i believe she is the person who can drive transformational change in memphis. >> she employs murderers, does not take accountability for her actions. >> sandra: the new mayor moves the controversial police chief to an interim position despite record breaking homicides and community pushback. jonathan serrie is live with more on this. why keep the chief but place her on interim status? >> jonathan: this was a compromise between the mayor who continues to support the chief and a divided city council. it is as a reflection of deep
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divisions in a community in shock over tyre nichols, by five officers in the scorpion unit. a record number of homicides last year. >> we all agree that where we are right now is untenable. 398 homicides, i agree. it's -- it's on all of us. it's on all of us. so -- i want all of us to understand. it's not on her. it's on every -- it's on -- relax, relax. relax. >> jonathan: allowing j.c. davis to keep her position on interim basis will give city council members more time to evaluate the police chief effectiveness, fighting crime and also trying to restore the confidence of her officers and the community they


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