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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 24, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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divisions in a community in shock over tyre nichols, by five officers in the scorpion unit. a record number of homicides last year. >> we all agree that where we are right now is untenable. 398 homicides, i agree. it's -- it's on all of us. it's on all of us. so -- i want all of us to understand. it's not on her. it's on every -- it's on -- relax, relax. relax. >> jonathan: allowing j.c. davis to keep her position on interim basis will give city council members more time to evaluate the police chief effectiveness, fighting crime and also trying to restore the confidence of her officers and the community they
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serve. >> we have to acknowledge that police play a role in reducing crime, and without the trust of the majority of the people that serve under her is not possible. so those relationships have to be manneded, we have to be on public trust. >> jonathan: and chief davis thanked city leaders for allowing her to continue serving the community and pledged continued progress moving forward. sandra. >> sandra: jonathan, thank you. >> we found, you know, some loose bolts on many of our max 9s. >> many. >> it makes you mad we are finding issues like that on brand-new airplanes. boeing is better than this, and flight 1282 should never have happened. >> john: ceo of alaska airlines sounding off ar finding more loose jets on boeing jets. a litany of problems plaguing
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boeing and a door panel blew off mid flight. >> sandra: nuts and bolts and doors falling off planes, not good. i'm sandra smith in new york. boeing's ceo dave calhoun is facing tough questions now on capitol hill where lawmakers are looking for answers about these disasters. a brand-new report puts blame for that specific incident directly on boeing, saying the company failed to properly install that door panel after repair work. >> john: hillary vaughan is live on capitol hill. did the boeing ceo say anything about that report? >> john, the boeing ceo dave calhoun was asked about the report, said no comment and talk to the ntsb. it's not going to fly with lawmakers after the report even more fired up about investigating boeing. >> this is getting pretty crazy. seems a new story every second
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or third day about a problem with boeing. looks like the cause of the door plug coming out in flight was actually a boeing maintenance problem. so clearly they need to answer some questions and we need to get to the bottom of what's going on in the company. >> mr. calhoun met with senator warner and senator sully can, and tomorrow ted cruz, as boeing tries to save face with washington and regulators. faa is ramping up oversight of boeing. they have moved into boeing 737 max factory and boots on the ground there. faa says moving on from a trust but verify approach to a direction inspection of boeing aircraft and they say they will not leave the factory until they are confident the issues have been resolved. major airlines are losing confidence in boeing. united stepping back from a planned order for the max 10 aircraft, the biggest plane, saying the problems with max 9 are the straw that broke the
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camel's back. i asked him what his plan is to get confidence back. >> mr. calhoun, how do you win customers back who say they are not going to get on a boeing plane because they don't feel safe? how do you get the customers back who say they are too scared to get on a boeing plane? you don't have any words for customers -- >> we believe in our airplanes, we field safe airplanes, our people do, we have confidence in the safety of the airplanes and that's what this is about. we fully understand the gravity. >> he said they do not put an airplane in the sky they are not 100% confident in but did not get clarity if they were 100% confident in the plane that fell apart in the sky. john. >> john: and could anybody check to see if the bolts were tightened down. good on you hillary for dogging him like that. that's what we have come to expect from you.
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keep it up. >> thanks, john. >> sandra: as harvard struggles to get a handle on antisemitism around its campus, chair of the house education committee virginia fox is blasting the university for what she is calling an unacceptable response to the committee's antisemitism investigation. dave rubin will give his take in moments. but first to molly line, right outside harvard's campus on all of this. molly. >> good afternoon, sandra. as this congressional probe moves forward, the chair woman of the house education committee, virginia fox, is calling harvard's response to the documents they have received in congress woefully inadequate, writing rather than answering the committee's request in a substantive manner, they are providing letters from nonprofits and student hand books, many of which are
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unacceptable. a harvard spokesman has responded insisting the school is committed to cooperating with the inquiry. noting the submission made addresses important questions raised by the committee, and writing we denounce any form of antisemitism in the strongest possible terms and are committed to the safety and well-being of our students. as students returned to campus, disturbing defacement of pastors of israeli hostages, and including those with children were smeared with antisemitic message. the harvard university police department is investigating but no indication who committed the act. and harvard announced creation of two presidential task forces, one to address islamophobia, and one to address antisemitism on campus, but the now co-chair of the antisemitism task force is already facing some criticism for his own views on israel
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specifically and also how antisemitism is defined. sandra. >> sandra: molly line, thank you. john. >> john: for more on all of this, dave rubin, host of the rubin report, and author, what molly was talking about, harvard has forged two task forces, one of which is the presidential task force on combatting antisemitism. it was done to reassure jewish students they are safe and welcome on harvard campus but picked as the lead of that task force a professor named derek pensler. what do we know about this guy? >> well, it sounds like he at least in the past felt that israel was an apartheid state which is hilarious, considering that 20% of israel's population is arab muslim, they are people who sit on the supreme court and have jobs across israeli
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society. he might be interested in looking at what's going on in the arab world where there are quite literally no jews left, a couple in the united arab emirates but none in egypt, none in jordan, none in lebanon, but seem to never care about apartheid with the other nations, only when it comes to israel. i would say that unfortunately harvard may be terminally infected with antisemitism at this point. you know, once you bring in diversity, equity and inclusion, look at groups as the oppressed or the oppressor, it's very hard to undo that and not just at harvard but so many "elite universities." it's not just about putting out a statement and saying ok, you can no longer call for the genocide of jews. thank you very much harvard for doing that. it's also that your departments, political science departments, sociology departments,
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psychology departments, even math, stem departments have been infected with this stuff. so until you deal with the professors, the other faculty, it's not just about the president and the students. you look at these kids. some sympathy for them, they are the end result of a system that has absolutely failed them and they don't know what they are protesting out there. >> john: as you pointed out, this fella penslar said israel is a regime of apartheid that has jewish supremacists. and they say we don't know what's in his heart but what's in his head. he equates israel with apartheid. when you take a look at the, supposed to be an impartial task force looking into the problem we saw laid bare for all the world to see and yet the players are coming to the table with some form at least of bias. >> john, the truth, the simple
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truth is that israel is the only nation in the middle east that isn't an apartheid nation in that sense. lebanon has laws against palestinians having certain jobs. the jordanian population is mostly palestinian and they are ruled by a kingdom and they cannot have certain jobs, sometimes can't vote in certain elections in jordan. not to say israel is a perfect state but anyone that has been to israel knows every single road sign in israel is in three languages. hebrew, english and arabic. if they were in apartheid nation who are going out of their way to discriminate against the israeli arabs there would they put all the road signs -- why is it the 20%, over a million arabs who live in israel, why is it they are not protesting right now, why don't they want to leave israel. because actually they have more voting rights in israel than they would have in virtually any other arab nation. so, much of this is due to the fact that places like harvard
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have taught a generation or probably two generations of young people all of the young things and then they become professors and they become newscasters and all sorts of people that promulgate the wrong ideas. >> john: more allegations of plaguerism, an institute has retracted six papers and making corrections to them because of allegations of data manipulation in this research, and you got to wonder with the plaguerism, data manipulation, where does it end, dave? >> this may be a true bottomless pit, john. now that we have a.i. and the ability to scan the internet and compare documents, compare dissertations and all these things, this right now is hitting harvard the hardest because of claudine gay first.
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this could hit every single college and university in america and beyond because again, once you allow dei in and say you are not necessarily being hired because you are the brightest, because you are the smartest, the hardest working, hire you on other qualifications, usually skin color or gender. suddenly you may be looking at a pool of people who did cheat and plagiarize, but if there are college professors or administrators, presidents, etc., who have cheated who happen to be white middle-aged men, they should go down in this, too. if we can't demand the standards of excellence are held at our ivy league schools to not cheat, not copy, not copy and paste, then none of these schools different a dime from anybody. they probably don't anyway. get a trade job and volunteer and you'll find your way if you are 17, 18 years old.
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>> john: equal application of the rules. you know, when you take a look at this, a.i. has opened up an entire new universe and you have big ackman, ceo of the, the billionaire ceo says he's going to put together an a.i. unit to put through the things published by all the universities and root out plaguerism and you have to wonder, as dave said, how deep does the well go. >> sandra: they have to get their act together, people are watching and closely, john. good segment and good discussion. >> john: always good to see dave. >> sandra: alarming report raising concerns about the state of our country's military. >> john: plus a chicago resident so fed up with the migrant crisis that he was ready to go to jail for it. andre smith will join us coming up next. >> we don't have that many resources as it is and you can spend this much money on somebody else that's not paying taxes? i got a problem with that. >> i believe that we have a
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>> the frustration we feel about border security is widespread in the american public, whether it's north, south, east, west, all america is concerned about the border and rightly. >> i think president biden knows he's in trouble and democrats know they are in trouble for the open border policies of the last three years. it's been unmitigated disaster. >> sandra: president biden's border crisis firing up both sides of the aisle. new drone footage from our team in eagle pass shows dozens of migrants climbing shipping containers and crossing into the
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u.s. groups like these are processed and released to travel all over the country. in boston, migrants are camping out on the floors of the airport there, and in chicago, city officials are stripping neighborhoods and taxpayers of resources to make room for migrants. andre smith, minister and chicago against violence and also a democrat and fighting his city and fighting for his city, we should say. andre, thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much for allowing your viewers to tune in to chicago and to this crisis that we are facing. >> sandra: we are deeply vested in covering this. our audience is as well. and when we see like in new hampshire last night, the presidential gop primary, immigration top of the list, concerns for voters in new hampshire. you realize how this has spread all over the country.
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now, you were willing to get arrested for a situation right there in your neighborhood. what happened? they were bussing migrants into your neighborhood and dropping them off at a school that was abandoned because you didn't even have enough resources to keep it open for the kids in your town. tell us about it. >> well, in the community that i was born in, which is called woodlawn, in the city of chicago, i did get arrested. i heard that they were bringing the migrants in on a bus, cta bus that was paid by the taxpayers money, and on the top of the bus it said my kind of town. so i stood in front of the bus and i refused for the illegal migrants to get into the wadsworth school. the school in our community that our kids went to, you know. but now they was told that they
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could not go to the school because of lack of funding and a lot of schools are closed because of lack of funding and how do you think those children feel now that they are driving past or walking past the schools that they was rejected from now migrants are living in. >> sandra: how should people feel about that? i mean -- you are saying basically that the policies that are being enacted, they are working completely against your communities, the black communities in chicago are taking the biggest hit. >> well, you have to look at it like this. we are a nation of laws and if we are a nation of laws, every person that enter into our state or into our nation, our county, our country, our city, they have to follow the law. you can't break the law, come in because someone decide to wake up and call a state or county or a city sanctuary. sanctuary city, sanctuary state.
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there's a law that has to be passed, and that's why we have the issues that we are facing now, massive destruction in cities facing sanctuary cities that busses are coming through. >> sandra: andre, just some of what we are hearing from residents about the migrant crisis and what it's doing to your communities. >> this should not be on the backs of the people here and draining our resources. i see a lot of wasted money because there's no structure. >> you've never had a time where south siders and west siders and north siders have come together. >> sandra: brandon johnson, the mayor, how he's responding to the criticism. >> my administration has responded to this humanitarian mission with the full force of the government. you know, what governor abbott is doing is quite frankly reckless. sending busses all over the state of illinois and all over
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the country is reckless and frankly is dangerous. >> sandra: you talk about a country of laws, he's blaming the texas governor for this crisis who is trying to enforce the laws. who do you blame for this country, or for this crisis? you are a democrat. >> i don't live in texas, i live in chicago, and i blame brandon johnson for continuing to silence the people and not allowing us to vote whether we want a sanctuary city or not and telling people there's more than enough, when there is clearly not enough. this is a disaster and why he's facing panic attacks as we speak. he's in and out of the hospital because he bit more off than he can chew. so when i become the next state rep i'm going to make sure that we recall the mayor. >> sandra: are you running as a democrat? >> i live in a democratic city, democratic state and i'm running as a democrat, and you know, the thing about it, we got to recall
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the mayor. we got to give the voters the right when things are going wrong to be able to call him back. >> sandra: by the way, what's the building behind you there. that's part of the story, right? >> yeah, this -- this building behind me is called near south health clinic. this is a clinic where the unfortunate people that did not have insurance, could not afford, you know, good insurance, they went here. this was a free clinic for this community. the community i'm in now is brownsville and it's closed. so the seniors that could not make it over to the cook county hospital four miles away, they went to this clinic. now it was closed, now migrants are there. so our parks, our schools, our clinics, and police stations have all became shelters for illegal migrants. >> sandra: wow, that is a harsh reality for so many there. i'm sure, and you are talking about the seniors who can't get the medical care in the building
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behind you. quick finish up with this. these are the words of a naperville councilman josh mcbroom and the migrant crisis, this is a western suburb of chicago. listen here. >> we do have a very affluent community, a lot of big homes, and what i would like to do is direct staff to create a sign-up sheet for individuals that would be willing to house migrant families. and if there's people that would do that, god bless them. so if we could raise awareness in that way, i think we need to find out. i think we need to find out who would be willing to house migrant families. >> sandra: andre, that moment has gone viral. i picked up the phone and called him this morning and had a long chat with him. he said his words are being miscontrued. he said the right is coming after saying what, because
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people have money and big houses they should have to shelter these migrants coming to their town? he said no. the point is people have yard sales, all are welcome, you know, that we are a sanctuary town, a sanctuary city, state, you know, bring the migrants here, they should be able to come. he said well, ok, let's start a sign-up. sign-up, you have a big house. naperville is an affluent community. big homes, wealthy people. so it was a challenge to democrats and those putting those signs in their yards, ok. well, instead of the taxpayers having to shoulder the burden, take them in your home. what did you think of that? >> i think that is someone that woke up and now had been in the streets of the city of chicago and seen our homeless under viaducts and crime at an all-time high. you can't make illegal legal, no matter what you look, no matter
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how you do it, you can't make illegal legal. they came over here illegal and as i stated before, we are a nation of laws. you must follow the laws. you can't put the burdens on the taxpayers by -- we don't have the funds, we don't have the money. and brandon made this a national disaster. >> sandra: it really obviously was very -- had a very big impact on those who heard it directly from you. your frustration with those schools that have been closed for kids in your community, because there was no funding, yet now they are housing migrants in those very schools that you were willing to be arrested for and they are paying for them, paying for their laundry, food and other resours. we appreciate you joining us. we will follow up with you. thank you, sir. and by the way, i want to mention that naperville councilman, josh mcbroom, he will join us live on this program tomorrow. we look forward to that.
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>> we are going to show this to taylor. >> john: a young football fan having her wildest dreams come true. we will ask her about the magical moment that jason kelce swept her up in his arms and she got to spend a little bit of time commiserating with taylor swift. stay tuned for that. >> sandra: what's better than that. united auto workers expected to endorse president biden on the race for the white house. why the move may not translate to votes. >> maybe it slowed down a bit in the last year or so, does not mean it's a lot worse than four years ago. >> you are getting less for your buck now.
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if operators are busy, please wait patiently. or go to right away. >> john: breaking news now, there you see the president of the united states at the united auto workers convention where he just is accepting the endorsement of the uaw for his
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presidential campaign. uaw had been one of the hold-out unions in throwing their support behind president biden disagreeing somewhat with his push for electric vehicles but he finally gets the endorsement today. we'll be talking more about this with journalist celina zito in a couple means. meantime, this. >> building an economies from the middle class out and the bottom up. >> i've believed the middle class does well, everybody does well. >> sandra: the president likes to say bidenomics is giving a helping hand to the ordinary american household but that does not appear to be the case according to a new study from the committee to unleash prosperity, nearly three-quarters of so-called elites, high earners with college degrees, believe they are better off now financially than they were when biden took off, and only 20% of those ordinary folks feel the same
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way. let's get right to jeff flock. he's in philadelphia for us. jeff, what's the data behind this discontent? >> well, sandra, i think the president is right when he says the middle class does well we all do well. but the problem is, are they are not doing so well. we at fox, the voter analysis people took a look at the people coming out of the polls yesterday in new hampshire, they found that the numbers said 13% of them said they thought they were getting ahead under president biden. the rest, 87% said either treading water or falling behind. and it's not just new hampshire. numbers nationwide. clever real estate group surveyed folks across the country, 40% said they were deeper in debt at the end of last year than the beginning. 50% dipped into the savings to make ends meet and less than half making enough money to be comfortable. consequently, running up debt. debt balances are soaring.
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take a look at these numbers, they say credit card balances are now 11% higher over the course of the past year. auto loan balances up 6%, mortgage up 4%, only thing down, student loans, partly thanks to the government cancelling some of the debt. and particularly as you point out, sandra, it's young people, gen z and those at the bottom end of the spectrum. we talked to some of them, listen. >> i have a great job and love my job and feel well compensated. i'm dog walking on the side to get extra cash and things like that, and i think we are all feeling that in the economy. >> i've gotten a raise this past year, but with the cost of living raising and you know, my rent has raised, just buying groceries, the raise did not really even do anything. just seems i'm living the same way and doesn't seem like it's going to get any better. >> and consequently, sandra, more people are carrying a
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balance on the credit card. tough t to get out of debt when you are deep in it. sandra. >> sandra: moments of honesty from those folks, and that is tough and when prices keep going up, it's tough to save and tough to get ahead, what showed up in the analysis. jeff, thank you. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> john: as we just mentioned moments ago, president biden receiving a long withheld endorsement from the united auto workers, pushing on electric vehicles, could mean fewer jobs in the long run for auto workers. celina, good to talk to you. so, the uaw was famously appeared to be at the very least holding off on endorsing a presidential candidate until today. i mean, maybe they were just waiting for the convention, i don't know. how do you see the relationship
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between the uaw and the biden campaign? >> well, union endorsements often are very transactional between leadership and the person that they are endorsing. and it's not always, in fact very often not always reflective of how the rank and file vote. you know, the rank and file voters who live in places like michigan and pennsylvania and ohio and indiana, kentucky, they are more culturally conservative first of all, they still may be democrats, but even more so, they have looked at this push from the biden white house on green jobs and green energy and e.v.s and that has a negative impact on their potential, right. their opportunity in the future for their jobs. >> john: here is the great irony in electric vehicles. it actually takes more people to
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build an electric vehicle, but most of those extra workers are in the battery end of things and most of the batteries are being made in china. when it comes to actually assembling the vehicles here in the united states, it takes 30% fewer uaw workers to do it. so in essence as you pointed out, biden, by trying to push these companies toward electric vehicles, is trying to reduce the workforce and also the push for electric vehicles before people are ready for them has now got ford talking about shutting down lightning manufacturing facility, which could put 1400 people out of work. >> right. there's all kinds of snowball impact of this electric vehicle. not only does it impact the labor force, but it is not something that the american people can feel. now, i know the biden administration cannot seem to grasp or understand that disconnect between the -- how they view the economy and how
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people are experiencing the economy. but the electric vehicle is just not something they can afford but it also is something that they have not a lot of faith in. americans love their cars. they love to drive and they love to go places and there is that sense that you might not get to a charging station to be able to continue your drive. >> john: yeah, range anxiety is a big thing. no doubt about that. i don't know if it's directly related to his push for electric vehicles, but might be part of it. when you take a look at the president's latest numbers in michigan, suggest he has a problem. 47% would support president trump, only 39% president biden, a difference of eight points and while other polls have shown trump out in front before, not by this margin. so, biden is actually losing support there in michigan.
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>> right. it's really remarkable to see how much that has moved. but look, people are impacted by policy. they are also impacted when they watch a politician, no matter what side of the aisle they are on, if they are doing something that is destructive to their livelihood, which is then for -- therefore destructive to their community and causes people to then eventually move away or their kids never staying there to live, there's a whole psychological thing going into that looking at who you want to vote for and right now biden is on the wrong side of that. >> john: and real quick, talk quickly about what happened in new hampshire on the democratic side. you talk about who you want to vote for. biden got 53.6% of the vote, but dean phillips, who is basically nobody knows who he is, got nearly 20% of the vote. what do you make of that? >> you know, i make the same
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thing i made out of, i don't know if you remember this, in 2012, i have a story of this coming out shortly. in 2012, barack obama lost -- didn't lose west virginia primary, but convicted felon in texas got 40% of the vote. and what it was telling me that democratic voters in that state were unhappy but those kinds of voters were also located in the great lakes. >> john: we are losing you. >> always going to win that race. >> john: we got you back. sorry, we were losing you a bit there. thank you for your thoughts. appreciate it. you appear to like your kitchen aid mixers. let's put those to good work one day. >> yeah, i do. thank you. bye. >> sandra: speaking of baking,
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arrests made in this crazy bakery crash and robbery. remember this? and the culprits may shock you. >> john: plus, a new report about the readiness of our u.s. military is sparking fears nationwide, coming up next. this is how it feels to du more with less asthma... ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. imagine that. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new
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and it's yours free just for calling, so call now for free information. >> sandra: a new heritage foundation report finds the country's posture is weak and at significant risk amid escalating threats on top of that, the armed forces missed recruitment goals by 41,000 just last year. grady trimble is live in washington and has more. how bad does this report look for our military? >> definitely casts doubt on the military's readiness as we are
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funding two wars and geopolitical tensions are growing. the think tank conservative one, heritage foundation, says this is the second year in a row military readiness has declined. part of the problem, it says, is inflation is eroding funding for defense. the report finds from 2020 to 2024, the army's buying power fell by combined $93 billion because of cuts and inflation. also raises concern several branches are failing to maintain or replace aging equipment and infrastructure. it labelled the navy and the air force as weak and very weak respecttively. the ship backlog grown to $1.8 billion and the air force, heritage foundation says an air force able to manage more than a single major conflict would necessarily require 1200 active duty combat fighter aircraft. currently the service has less
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than 900. and here is one of the authors of that report. >> we now have china representing a new peer competitor that's on pace to outstrip our capacity and capability by the end of the 2030s, potentially. and so we need to galvanize public will and i think everybody will recognize we need to prepare ourselves that impacts everyday american lives. >> and you mentioned across military branches falling short of recruiting goals. at his senate confirmation hearing the chairman of the joint chief of staff acknowledged the recruiting crisis. >> i believe young people only aspire to be what they see or know about and hard for them to be part of an organization or aspire to go down a career path they don't fully understand or appreciate. and so we have a responsibility to reconnect with the nation, to talk about the opportunities. >> and robert greenway, who you heard from before general brown, says he still has tremendous
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confidence in the military even if it is waning in the past couple years, sandra. >> sandra: grady trimble, thank you. john. >> john: thrill of a lifetime. an 8-year-old girl getting some help to see tay-tay swiftie at the chiefs game. she and her mom are here to tell us about that moment coming up. ♪ you've got a smile, takes you to another planet ♪ ♪ every move you make, everything you say is right ♪ ♪ llooo new apartment. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete,
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>> sandra: a lucky 8-year-old got to meet her favorite star sunday when eagle's player jason kelce lifted her to the front of taylor swift's box suite. that moment has gone viral on social media. and ella and her mother, jessica, join us live. what was that moment like you got to see taylor swift? >> yeah, it was amazing. it was like my dream come true. >> oh, i can only imagine. did you know who the guy was? he picked you up.
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did you know you were standing in front of taylor swift's suite? what was happening? >> yeah, so -- >> sandra: mom you can help her out. >> we knew that i was like right in front of taylor swift's suite because people were saying oh, she's there. so i actually saw her. >> sandra: i don't think she knew it was jason kelce. i had to explain after. >> sandra: i was going to say, i'm sure mom did. he was there cheering with his shirt off for his brother out on the field. he lifts her up, she gets to see taylor swift. this is incredible. we're talking about how now
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football has a new set of fans right now including your girls that hope to see taylor swift at football games. >> yeah, absolutely. ella has been asking me to go to a bill's game. we were supposed to go to the game before this. when they got in all the snow and it got moved, we couldn't go unfortunately. so we were able to get tickets. when we found out it was against the chiefs and that taylor might be there, it was her -- >> sandra: dream come true. ella, a few second left. what is you favorite taylor swift song? >> "new romantic." >> sandra: it's amazing. what an experience. you finally got to see her face to face. ella, jessica, thanks for joining us as well. >> thank you. >> sandra: all right. we'll be right back. i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold.
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>> john: an up date to the takeover in a compton, california bakery that we told you about. the l.a. county sheriff said it was a 13-year-old boy that was behind the wheel of that kia that you see there that plowed in to rubin's bakery and mexican food. that boy and four others have been arrested. we spoke to the bakery owner on this program about the incidents. >> the worst is seeing my parents that built something for over 48 years to almost lose it because of some -- this violence going on right now. the streets here in compton have been getting worse around worse. i'm not the only one frustrated. >> john: police say 100 people were involved in ransacking the shop. rubin's bakery has since reopened. >> sandra: it was his mission. thanks for joining us. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. see you tomorrow. "the story" with martha starts right now. >> martha: thanks very much. good afternoon, everybody.
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