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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 24, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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on. the dow a little is fortunate. nasdaq going just fine. here's the five. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> hello, i'yom just getting pear along wh jessica tarlov, charlie hurt, martha maccallum, and greg it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ the dust is settling in new hampshire, and the reigning champ remains undefeated. p former president trump notching another huge win in the g.o.p. primary, defeating nikki haley a by a significant margin of 11 points. y makes trump the first g.o.p. candidate since 1976 to win both iowa and new hampshire. and there's no doubt about it, the momentum is firmly on trump's side. but nikki haley is refusing tol call it quits. >> i want to congratulate donald trump on his victory tonight. you've all heard the chatter among the political class. they are falling all over themselves, saying this race is over.
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>> it's not over! >> well, i have news for all of them. new hampshire is first in the nation. it is not the last in the nation. >> judge jeanine: former president trump was noplaut too> pleased to j hear that nikki hay was staying ins no the race, anc went to scorched earth on her. >> i can go up and say to everybody, thank you for the victory, it's wonderful, or i a can go up and say, who the hell was the imposter that went up oh the stage before and claimed victory? she did very poorly, actually. i watcheh hed her, the fancy drn that probably wasn't so fancy, come up. i said, what's she doing? we won. >> judge jeanine: nikki haley getting a little help last night from people who aren't registered republicans. fox news border analysis says 67% of independents picked haley, asnd did 94% of undeclareecd democrats. it looks like a liberal network caught up with one of them.
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>> i voted for nikki haley and it was certainly a strategic vote. i wouldn't vote for her in aor general election h, particularla on differences with climate change solution and women's rights, bodily into autonomy.she helps diminish trut influence in the rnc and the nomination, and it's also about towards democracy. >> judge jeanine: martha, it's not the first time wu e are hearinaring us. the people who took advantage of the fact that 40% of independents can vote in thenew new hampshire primary, for either major party. lakind of did it to play games. but they won't vote for nikki haley in a general election. >> martha: it's not a huge slice of play that game.ters about 4,000 voters filed earlyoh enough. two democrats who wanted to participate, they have to doin that by the beginning of october in order to do that. this is a live free or die f state. i'm sorry, i can'tree talk. [laughs] 's of the largest political
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iticgroup in the state of new hampshire is independents. they are larger than republicans and democrats. are we are seeing this around the country.s in 43% now register as independents, and i think what's going on here, beside that young man -- and i think that's a very small slice of the pie in reality, but what's going on here is you have very interesting article in the free press called the great scramble. he created this movement in and of itself its own very fierceri driven force iven the country.g he's getting latinos, black voters, college women, a lot ofo people crossing into that category that were never there before. if that continues to increase, that's going to be a verype llcompelling argument for him fr another term. but you also have these peoplekt who feel left out by that
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process who consider themselveso conservative, looking for something else. the question is whether or not, as a quasi-incumbent, someone who was president and now isn't president and wants to be president again, the numbers heh needs to get over that is he getting those numbers to get back in? if you are an incumbent president will be with your own party at 84, 85, 90% in some cases. this is what we watch in terms of the politiclitis and how it s over the course of the next ten months. >> judge jeanine: greg, it sounds liksoe nikki haley is claiming victory. she came in third in iowa, second and new hampshire. looit looks like she'll get trounced in south carolina, her own statrth e where you've got everyone, the lieutenant governor, the governor, the, compass people, bothto united states senators -- she's going to get trounced. what is she thinking?>> >> greg: this is the system. you can't concede until you concede. then all the money goes away,
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and she's got -- so we can all see it, and clearly she did win the vote of democrats.s. if the democrats hadn't been in there, it would have been more lopsided than a sexy dude contest between me and kilmeade. this reminds me of the gamestop controversy. remember?ai all the amateur traders drove up the price of the video game company and the press went nuts, and the company turned into i obscurity and the media acted like it never happen. i feel like this is a great story for a couple of days, butu it is artificially created, and there is something about trump, s whenever he's in a race, everybody else sounds like a politician or act like a politician. and it forces people to choose their lanes. nikki, to my chagrin -- i'm noti even sure i''mm using that word cocorrectly. to my chagrin, she chose the identity lane, which fed the media and the democrats and got d goher democrats.
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bubut for me, as a conservative libertarian, ilibet turns me ofd it turns off republicans. we get enough of that identity baloney from the other side. so it felt like she wasn't running against trump, but running against the party byrt pandering to democrats. it was almost like a strategy was, hey, i'm not as racist aso. the party i belong to. so she talked about her race,me mentioned her gender. but thesndere postmortems always undermine the manufactured hoopla that precedes it. spent a week creating all this energy anxiety, excitement, and oh, yeah, we knew how this wasii going to go. people building up -- whether men building up a giant snowmageddon and you only get 2 inches. this is where you insert the jesse watters joke. >> jessica: that you told in the green room? >> judge jeanine: i will ask this of you, jessica. the truth is that, last night,
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cnn, msnbc, again they decided to dip out of coverage when donald trump said -- when he took the stage. th e democrats claimed they areecto the protectors of democracy and they don't even want to have americans hear someone who is destined to be the party's nominee. how is that democratic? >> jessica: i think they dipped out of the coverage when he lied about winning new hampshire in 2020. it was a fact-check, not that wn don't want to see him. it was different in iowa. or at least msnbc didn't want to take it, and rachel maddow andtalked about that. >> charlie: he did win primaries. >> judge jeanine: he won. >> jessica: but that's what he -- he won the primary but he lost handily, obviously, to joe biden and the general. but thatin wasn't what he was talking a >> what about the concept of not allowing a man -- i mean, don't they trust the american people to make decisions that they should tell us whaan pt to thin? >> jessica: i'm all for
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putting them out there as much as possible and letting people continue to see it. the truth of the matter is, the more people see donald trump, the more people dislike him anue vote against him. that's what happens. it happened in the four years of his presidency and on the campaign trail. he was a turnoff for people and that's why he loston.vo i don'tet work at cnn or msnbc. it is obviously reason they mak their decisions, and that's ther path they want to go down.that i think we should show all the candidates. i like thae cat dean phillips sp up in talks to people here, and rfk jr. i think it says something about who they believe are going to vote for them and what their intentions are are in terms of g "goorms d democrats." >> martha: there either>> covering the election or they're not. if you're covering it, when they come out to do their speech, you take the speech. if you want to talk about it afterwards and critique it, sign, but you can't take away their opportunity to watch it. come to a different channel and watch us. >> jessica: that's great, who had great coverage. i was thrilled to be part of ite d and you guys did a wonderful job.t ag
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i'm not agreeing with that d hapoint. i would have aired it. in terms of the outcome -- and i said this in iowa, as well -- it does liberals no favors to denyc the successes that trump hast had. he did in iowa was historic, getting past 50%.. it was a huge win last night ane it hasn't been done since 1976. but that doesn't change the fact that there are these huge flashing red lights for the republican party, and that's whatan p nikki haley is talking about. that shee wa won 67% of independents. if that trend continues, it's higher than it was in iowa and i doubt it will increase toin south carolinacr. but we know independents decided the election in 2020. and two really big numbers that matter they have jumped from iowa, 43% of supporters in iowa said i won't vote for him in the rsgeneral election. that went up to 70% in new hampshire. and then the question in the exit polls about what happens if donald trump is convicted of a felony, he has these 91 counts oucount there. in iowa, 32% said they wouldn't
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support him, and that number jumped to 50%. you cannot win a general election with those kinds of numbers, and that's the casei nikki haley is making and why these republican donors will continue to pump money into an alternative, because there arewh republicans who are extremely dissatisfied. charlie, let me askchar you this. the fact that both in new hampshire and iowa immigration came iinn first, the theconomy came in second, theres no question, if you want to talu about whether or not trump is going to win, all the polls show that trump is stronger than anyone on immigration. >> charlie: and those issues are most important among everybody, especially independents, not just republicans who care about it.,. i also think it's very hea interesting to hear democrats are always saying, no, we wantnd to face donald trump, because he'll be so easy to beat. but every opportunitto ey they , they go out and vote for nikki haley. so i don't really understand what the't - strategy is. but, stepping back to the big
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picture here, nikki haley -- if you want to know what money does in politics, money allows her to stay in the race. that'se ra why she staying in te race. the reason ron desantis had to d get out of the race is he had no money left. so she's going to be able -- my suspicion is that she is out with an ad already and she is g going to sort of test the watere for about a week and see if the numbers movingof south carolina, and then make a decision after that.ha t because, if she goes into south carolina, she will have lost iowa, new hampshire, andsh irnevada, and then she's going t be going into her home state. shme se has to reckon with the idea -- he obviously thinks she has a bright future and f utof course, republican politic, the runner-up from last time ise ialways in the best position. she's going to try to considerto herself that but dolf you want to fall into e ash heap of people like al gore and john edwards who lost theier own state? which is, like, beyond
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humiliating. manl>> judge jeanine: it is. cha >> charlie: i think, at some point, that big money that is behind her, because you're right, they don't like trump. and on the leasing about the big scramble, we talk about third-party candidates. the american system is very hostile to third-party but donald trump i.s sort of lie our first third party candidate, our first independent to everan run, and he pisses everybody off. republicans and democrats. which, by the way, i thinkse isa very good thing. not least of which, he has undone -- the answer to every election in memory has been money. ifmonee mo you have more money,u always win, except in the case e of donald trump. he beat hillary clinton,ikki nikki haley, and ron desantis even though they outspent him massively. >> martha: the enthusiasm is very visceral and very real. >> jessica: but he still loses the election. >> judge jeanine: we will see. >> j it's a different time. ahead, the media and democrats want to put grandpa joe in the
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basement again so he can win in 2024. ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) only sleep number smart beds let you each choose your individual firmness and comfort. your sleep number setting. and actively cools or warms up to 13 degrees on either side. now save 40% on the sleep number special edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. ends monday. only at sleep number.
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♪ ♪ >> martha: so, the liberal media is begging biden to take page from the 2020 campaign, and just keep the whole thing in the basement bas like last time, the president winning big ing innew hampshire primary despite the fact that his name was not on the ballot because theyki decided to skip new hampshire.w so it was all write-in and he neve r had to come to the granite stat te state and campan at all. former obama aide van jones thinks the secret to securing a biden victory in november may be
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by doing the same strategy allre over again and keeping him outt of theof public eye. listen to this. >> if i were biden, i would stay hidden. i'll tell you why. he doesn't inspire confidence,d and he'she not a great messenger for himself. rtrump's strength, his resilience, is really a reflection of biden's fragilitya republicans are not afraid ofra joe biden. they'ride not afraid. >> martha: even when he does come out and ends up meeting>>ti withng hecklers, they were pro-palestinian agitators interrupting them agita dozen ts speduring a speech yesterday. watch this. >> frankly, donald trumpthis and maga republicans, including thea woman hollering -- this is going to go on for a while. it got this planned.
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>> martha: so, that woman was yelling "i voted for you."jean to joe biden, judge jeanine. the question is -- first of alll you got to just absorb that reaction on the set when he saying this. i think van jones is pretty straightforward, says what's oni his mind. i don't think that i she doesn't inspire confidence in people around thehe and his press secretary was vers involved in the first campaign. >> judge jeanine: it really is disappointing when you hearat democrats, peopls e respect the. i respec t them, for what they'rey saying.u he's notkn a good messenger, he doesn't inspire people, but what kind of party would put up a candidate, a presidential, candidata e that they openly adt doesn't inspire confidence? he's not a good messenger. he so desperate for power thatsh they would rather appear weak on
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the world stage, unable to communicate a concept, and subjugate us to russia and china and north korea. you can only have so manysu surrogates, martha. o outhat many people can g and say you're the greatest president that ever lived., 66 but 66% of his own party doesn't want him to run. 77% of them think he is too old. and i don't think it is age, it is cognitive. have a nobody likene ldean phillips, 99% of the country doesn't know know who hs is. he gets 20% in new hampshirew when he just started a couple months finally, biden t is in troubleu with blacks, young voters, progressives, hamas, as you just saw, a ls well as latinas. there is no enthusiasm for this man. e hanow he's got a pac, giving a million dollars to tiktok to try to getars these influencers toy he is such a hot character. my concern is this, how did theu democrats yell so much k about
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democracy when they are willing to sell it short by putting outr t a guy they don't think is the best candidate for this country? >> martha: jess, if you are advising him, how would you tel him to run his campaign? >> jessica: i would tell himis to be out there as much ashere possible, quite frankly. you hear a lot about the lack of enthusiasm. joe biden, it's the first write-in campaign in historyf te what happened in new hampshire,a he's on track to get more votes than barack obama did in 2012. dean phillips at 20%, sure, butb let's talk about the unity. only 10% of democratic voters self reporting this that wouldt not support joe biden. >> martha: but that's not a number -- that's a normal incumbent number. >> jessica: he has a record to run on. he's acting like he's an is incumbent that he think he won in 2020, so he's half an incumbent, and 50% -- he getsan 50,000 votes and 70% of his competitors, voters don't even
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go for him. i hear about this basement the time, through 2020 and even now. we don't see joe biden and it's shocking we get all this footags somehow. but he's out there doing meaningful things. he was with the united auto workers today getting their endorsement. and the president talking about how donald trump -- when they had a strike in 2019, he didn't do anything. yesterday he had a rally for reproductive rights in virginia. it's goingoduc to be a crucial e for mondayer, the excess task force. he went to raleigh on thursdayeh to talk about broadband access and to meet with an educator who had his student loans forgiven and the impactade it has had wh hints family. by the way, they have made some very meaningful content out of all that. the man is not hiding, and he's doing well, and democrats are happy with their choice. >> martha: then the choice is likely to be trump for enthe moment when president trup was coming out of an event and he started
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talking to reporters anord he wanted to answer more d more questions all off-the-cuff, very transparent. so what is this race going to look like between these two people? >> charlie: i don't think anybody actually voted except for maybe jill and hunter voting for joe biden. t everybody's voting against donald trump, which is what the unity isp . the thing most amazing about happened yesterday, in this election where democrats are going to try to make it all about democracy and election integrity, they conducted a fake election. none of the votes that were cast yesterday are going to actually count.yest e which is amazing to me that ty art.e going to be lecturing us about elections and democracy. luckily for the biden camp, some people got together and dragged him across with the write-in campaign, which is helpful for him, i guess. i don't think that means great
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unity when you get into the throes of the general election. >> martha: so many people, say greg -- david axelrod, van jones -- saying he doesn't inspire anyone and he should stay in the basement. but cannot work twice, four years apart? that whole situation wasle s covid-driven. at least that was the cover. >> greg: his numbers are in the basement so we can keep them company. it's got to suck when the person you claim you're going to you support and vote for for president, you have to hide. you're actually saying it out s my guy but we can't show him. we can't take him outside, thatt we areak willing to have a mess president. how can you hold those thoughts inhave your head? as you know, i always offer suggestions, because i'm that type of person. you know how thepe pope has a pe mobile? i think they should have a abase basement mobile. it's a moving basement, and he can just sit there and have his hot cocoa, maybe some pudding,
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anhad it just moves its is wide, and he can feel vey comfortable. the i think the examples jessica gave of things he's doing our kind of layups. student forgiveness and abortion rallies, yeah, you are killing loans and he's used to i think we are building toward a scenario where joe biden will be seen as justified not to debate trump. we can't give trump's evil anynn traction.s ifho he's not doing this, if hes not even going to bother campaigning, he sure as hell is not going to debate, and that's going to say something. what it is, t i don't know.l >> martha:wa trump will want to debate himee. >> jessica: but he didn't show up for any of the debates. >> greg: he didn't have to. >> jessica: public appearances outside of a courthouse -- >> martha: when it comes to that, you would have to debate
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in the general election. >> judge jeanine: yes. and therdebae is strength and te resilience that van jones talked about. >> jessica: he loves to blow up democrats on tv.pu he does. >> i we are going to criticize him. >> greg: how dare you,he i jessica! >> jessica: i know you love a democrat. >> judge jeanineu lo: i love you despite what you think! ct right bac k atcha. >> martha: a wealthy chicago suburb challenging democrats tte live up to their values and take in illegal immigrants into their largre mansions. ♪ ♪ i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo!
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> charlie: sanctuary city.ies, democrats in a wealthy chicago suburb are putting to the testmh
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how much they love migrants. naperville city council is going viral after asking thempas compassionate community to sign up to house illegal immigrants in their mansions. >> we do have a very affluent community. a loryt of big homes. what i would like to do is direct staff to create a sign-up sheet for individuals that would be willing to house migrant families.f if there'sth people that would o it, god bless them. i think we need to find out who would be willing to house migrant families. >> charlie: and in nearby chicago, black residents are suing ultra low khmer brandon to turnfor trying community buildings into migrant shelters, and for showering 35,000 illegal immigrants with resources like screenings andgs $15,000 in rent support per person. judge, my question to you is,u are you going to house migrants
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in your home? >> judge jeanine: not a chance. first of all, they started with the hotels in new york city. i have done this summer were filled -- they are illegal immigrants, not migrants. unless you tel tell me they've already gottendy g approval by a court saying they are migrating because they are beingec persecuted in theiutr country, then the schools, half the schools we use our close down because we didn't have enough money to keep themno open, thate have enough money to put the illegal immigrants and then. now theyimmi want them in my ho. unless you vet them, fingerprinn them, do an interpol check, unless you tell me who is a pedophile, who's a rapist, who is an identity thief, unless yoa tell me they are clean, youth atsuffer if i lose anything. if there's anything i lose her any kind of crime that occurs around my house -- i'm sick and tired of veterans being thrown out of facilities and illegal immigrants being moved intoit them. it is time, and the blacks in
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chicago are suing brandon johnson have had enough of it. they are americans, 28% of them are below th te poverty line and they don't like that the illegals are being taken care of better than they are as citizens. it's not right. >> charlie: jessica, every time democrats get criticized for policies like defund the police, they always say, we are arnot the party of defund the. police. the democrats are the party of sanctuary cities. how is this not the fault of democrat leaders? >> jessica: the origins ofnt sanctuary citiesur weren't justs democrats, but now it is being upheld by them. very famous republicans like rudy giuliani was supportive of them, but now it's gone wildly out of control and you have strong dissatisfaction amongst liberals in these citiesdiss wh not looking to turn into republicans, but want to be heard. we talked aboueardt this story h couple months ago.e wa in chicago there was a city council meeting and all of these residents showed up and said, we want to vot shoe on th.
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let t our voice be heard on whether we can take in these busloads that are coming from texas and arizona. and they were denied that opportunity. >> charlie: like the people in texas or deny that opportunity.h >> jessica: someone saidam yesterday when we were ipshin new hampshire, how many people do you think can fit in eagle pass? if they can't fit in chicagon' theyt can't be in this tiny borderwn town. i know this councilman was dead panning, apparently, making ake joke, but it is something i hear regularly.d atyo a certain point you do hava to live up to the policies and the values thaciest you espoused the liberal city mayors are frustrated because of this and they are hearing it fromma the residence of all races, colors, creeds. all of, it. this isn't working. >> charlie: martha, how do you see this playing out polit politically? >> martha: i think the move to bus people from texas and florida and send them to otherm
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places completely changed the entire dynamic of this thi conversation. >> it sure and did. >> martha: that's why you have immigration number one now, because everybody understands what it's liket to live in eagle pass, texas, because thei kids in some cases are kicked out of school to make a room for migrants to sleep in their classrooms, or they are overflowing because they have so many new people. it's absolutely ridiculous that there's no structure to this. i had john kirby on today. i said, do we have a southernn border? he said, "yes, ma'am." and i said, hundreds of thousand people came across the border.ya "we are working very hard to fix it. we need congressional action. that's why the president has asked for additional funding." but at some point we have toat acknowledge that what you are doing is failing dramatically, so don't give the same answer every time when it is failing dramatically. and it's going to bite them in this election. it's going to be a huge issue. >> charlie: and it's not like
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the laws have changed between trump and biden, but all the policies have. >> greg: i feel bad, because i've been here many times where you just make a really subtle j joke and people believe itok.t. [laughter] and it goes viral and it's like, ike,dude, i was just having fun! liberals have a problem, they thalways focus on the benefits, the perceived benefits of their actions, but they never factorct in the consequences prayor they always look at the upside and e downside. our job and what he was doing warooms confronting them with te downside of their actions,wh whether it's immigration or crime or education. these arre all areas where liberal proposed ideas never decide to assess the damage that their so called help will bring. it's another idea that came downstream from "the five." i think we were the first to say bus 'em to the cities. i said this, that they should b
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living in the homes of thes of politicians, or we should bust them to their homes. thus the criminals, similar to the neighborhoods of the d.a.nk t and i think the brilliance of the migrant busing woke peoplepp up to the problems of liberal thinking.yo you can say immigration is wonderfuyol, you have these ably bodies, but it takes jobs, it lowers wages, and it drainsdrai services from the people who need them, the citizens who are whthere, hence the lawsuit. so i think this is just more billions on the part of republicans. >> charlie: have you ever thought about running for public office?>> >> greg: i have. g >> jessica: have you spoken to greg and know anything about his past? [laughter] >> greg: thank you, jessica. >> charlie: very good. c coming up, woke liberals demanding businesses stay open in crime-ridden cities. >> greg: it'll never happen. nd♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i have moderate to severe crohn's disease.
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: america's crime crisis taking a bite out ofca: california's most well-known fast food chain.n-ou in-n-out burger will close its only oaklandt location, which hs been open for nearly two decades. the company is citing crime and safety concerns is the reason an opinion columnist for "the san francisco chronicle" isn'tfr pleased by the move. she tweeted, "remember, in-n-out isn't some benevolent institution. a faas a fast food chain driven profit goals. if in-n-out's primary concern is the well-being of communities it serves, it wouldn't be leaving.e judge? n why me first? i'm disgusted by this! you shouldn't worry about the number of employees that are of assaulted, and when they leave, the new employees coming in who don't want to take the job, potential employees because they don't want to get assaulted, or
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the fact it takes police longer to get there because they've been defundecod or 911 isn't as fast as it used to be. you can't get employees who want to work late because everybody's getting beat up where the cars are broken into outside, and your insurance company will still cover you, and this woman is a former blogger who is a cohost of a podcast called the racist sandwich. she wants you to stay in business because she does. it's just stupid. >> jessica: that's why i wentir to you [laughter] charlie, this in-n-out has been there for 20 years. it's part of the community and people's kids have worked there and gone on to college.e. >> charlie: i'm just impressed by the amount of homework youes sidid. "the racist sandwich." cha i missed that part.. but he also sort of mopped up all the important points. this is the definition, the actual definition of communism,o where you control the means of
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production and you say you u sacannot go out of business, n though you are the same people -- not you, but theseut t people out there -- they are the same people who have ushered in all of the misery with all their crazy lunatic policies that make it have to close in the first place.ut b >> jessica: greg, do you like in-n-out berger or whataburger? >> greg: and try to think of what a racist sandwich obeyed. a "blmt?" she has a lot of time on her hands. she doesn't goreg: outside. she's in her footy pajamas holding a cat. that's what her life is. that's why she says, "you should keep it open!" y because she doesn't go outside. when you sto hear another stores closing in oakland, you're always shocked there are still remaining stores in oakland. if you're going to open a store in oakland, that's like getting dressed for the captain 's table at the titanic.e it'sca common knowledge, though. this is gavin newsom's favoritea family restaurant, so this is a
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direct attack on -- >> i thought it was the french laundry. >> greg: for histhis family. because they use the grease from the burger wrappers to shellac his hair. this has got to hurt. >> jessica: martha? j >> martha: i think everything'sry beethn said.>> >> greg: g really? >> martha: it's the town's responsibility to encourageonsi small business to thrive. anall d you do that by giving tm incentives to stay open. maybe they should be giving companies tax breaks in order to encourage them to be in oakland and then they have to provide police security paid when people break in, they have to put them in jail. up next, outrage is growing after the oscars snub the women of "barbie" but nominate ken. ♪ ♪
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i got this $1,000 camera for only $41 on dealdash., online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. this ipad pro sold for less than $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. i got this kitchenaid stand mixer for only $56. i got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm just ken ♪ ♪ anywhere else i'd be a ten ♪ ♪ is it my distant need to live and die ♪ ♪, i a life of blonde fragilit♪ >> greg: and i'mstin just greg.
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fans of "barbie" are outraged after margot robbie and greta gerwig were snubbed for best actress and director categories. ryan gosling, my look-alike, got nominated for his iconic portrayal of ken in the best actol r in a supporting role category, but even he wasn't pleased by thet pl page to picte q&a again. "there's no ken without barbie." you've been champing at the bit over this! it seems to me we still have a long way to go for women. they can't break the ceiling. >> martha: i'm sure everyone in his position feels bad for the people itionn the movie you didn't get nominated. i don't blame him. when i watch this movie, i didn't knoiw what it was. it waswas. trying to be so many things at once. at first it thought it was toy story. thye toys come to life. then i thought it was like else, the toy leaves the toy world and goes to the real world, but then it started layering on all these
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crazy heavy-handed ridiculous things about patriarchy and how women all just feel like this standard is so high for met it telling them and they can't beat it. the only thing i love that made me laugh so hard was "i'm just ken" by ryan gosling. so i think he's the only one whd deserved an award. >> greg: i heard the academyca snubbe, d the movie because they thought it was actually about klaus barbie.s bu >> jessica: i was bummed about this mostly for greta gerwig, and i don't know how that shege got the nomination for adaptedno miscreenplay but she could have directed a billion-dollar franchise movie anion d not hava gottenve it, and the song itself should have been nominated. so ryan gosling as an actor, but that song was a huge hit.. >> greg: is this pure sexism run amok? >> judge jeanine: no, because six of the eight nominated were
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females, number one. number two, he got nominated for supporting actor. she was not in the league of a leading actress, given the fact that we had emma stone, lily gladstone, and annette bening from "nyad." those were major leading ladies and major films. so i'm not surprised that she wasn't nominated for that. it wasn't that demanding a roll. demashe just had to look perfec. speak to feet. >> greg: i'm more upset that jennifer lawrence didn't get an oscar nod for "no hardd fo feelings," probably one of the p rogreatest female roles ever. >> charlie: she did her own stunts. >> greg: the beach stents were unbelievable. >> charlie: remarkable. i'm not surprised, either. >> martha: and martin scorsese got overlooked people didn't sit around the table and say it'sgo because he's a how many womenn. and how many m? and has to be even? it should be based on whether or not you did a great job and the movi
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e blow you away. >> judge jeanine: did what he did impress you as a supportingp actor? no! >> martha: i think he was ther? best thing the whole movie. they had to give it toke t a coe things in the movie. >> greg: we should have ledhe with this paid way more interesting then last am i right? one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪
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he's stuck in. yeah. so they had you know, they had to leave him there. they had to leave him there and my dad's story, actually. >> that's a very sad find, judge. just watch that. i got my. >> pull them up. yeah, that's what he's doing. it's getting the little guy out of the snow. see, this is a lesson to everybody when it snows. >> watch your horse go. there you go. >> all right, jessica. former nfl superstar eli manning took part in the first ever guide dog draft in new york city on tuesday. the event was hosted by guiding eyes for the blind, a nonprofit that breeds trains and raises dogs for people with vision loss. he personally handed over all of that yellow lab named ten after his new york giants jersey number to the new handler happens to be the organization's president and ceo. and the new york giants had retired that jersey and 2021 started. all right. it's time for.
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>> all right. so check out these robbers who did their best impersonation of the three stooges. okay. we apparently, larry and larry is the first to take it top of it. then curly tripped over him and more narrowly manages to stay on his feet as another group of them are. right. mark, i like that segment. oh, this is just a blockbuster box that's like those share library things in the neighborhood. but i do have nostalgia about going to blockbuster on friday night and like arguing over like, you know, which stack of movies i'm going to bring home for the weekend. and everybody could pick one. so and you took a long time, like at the get it? yeah. all right. that's all for any charlie. all right. >> check out this video of an alligator completely frozen, but still alive with his nose sticking out of the top. >> thanks to global warming, his swamp froze. >> oh. all right, guys. that's it for us. have a great, anmember, night. >> everybody will be back. welcome to jesse waters. prime time tonight


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