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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 24, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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>> all right. so check out these robbers who did their best impersonation of the three stooges. okay. we apparently, larry and larry is the first to take it top of it. then curly tripped over him and more narrowly manages to stay on his feet as another group of them are. right. mark, i like that segment. oh, this is just a blockbuster box that's like those share library things in the neighborhood. but i do have nostalgia about going to blockbuster on friday night and like arguing over like, you know, which stack of movies i'm going to bring home for the weekend. and everybody could pick one. so and you took a long time, like at the get it? yeah. all right. that's all for any charlie. all right. >> check out this video of an alligator completely frozen, but still alive with his nose sticking out of the top. >> thanks to global warming, his swamp froze. >> oh. all right, guys. that's it for us. have a great, anmember, night. >> everybody will be back. welcome to jesse waters. prime time tonight.
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>> i find in life you can't let people get away with both nikki haley and the indie pendentfactr factor. rfk jr is here, . no. 10 million. 20 million. third. no, no, no. a a billion? >> no. this is not about money. this is about our country. secret tapes expose. >> who picks our politicians?r federal government must let him in. >> that's why we have the voting rights act. >> the relationship between biden and kamala turning frosty. >> plu turnings, at the barrica the general election started last night. >> starte trump versus biden.woman but one woman is standing in the way. nikkis standg ini haley. >> so the revenge tour will be >>king a slight detour through
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south carolina. >> who the hell wasl the imposterwa that went upe on the stage before and like claimed a victory? she did very poorly, actually. she haadd to win the governor ss said she's going to win. she's going to win. she's going to win. but i don't get too angry. i get even. the only person is this a nikki haley movement or a mirage. o she landed in third place in ami caucus with a few thousandh votes and won just a quarterw th of republicansousa votes in a sn and moderate new england state where shd e outspent trump 2 to 1. prime time is curious about nikki's army. >> why did you vote for nikki hale y to vote against trump? i think it would be better to have her against biden. >> do you consider yourself generall hery independent, republican or democrat? democrat? if it was nikk youi haley againt joe biden in the general election, who are you voting for? >> joe biden?.
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>> who did you vote for and why? yes. so thank you. i voted foki haleyr nikki haley. it was certainly a strategic vote. i wouldn't vote for her in votel election.elps >> a vote for nikki haley is helps diminish trump's influence. is nikki mirage a little sabotage? mirag because how much of the haley vote is a vessel for democrats?s and how much of the haley vote is a vessel for never? trump republicans? m >> i'm sure nikki has a smallsu faction of earnest republicans . >> we don't doubt that, but we won't know the truth for a month. >> in between new hampshire and south carolinath, nikki and trump will be getting their licks in at each other. >> while biden hides and expands his war chest. >> so that means it's goingest. to be a messy month forl trump and republicans. s what's the nikki strategy? well, the theory is that east coast kingmakers or queen makers are either with deep dee pockets, will be financing nikki through super tuesday so she can collect enough delegates to leverage herselkkf
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onto the ticket. or the bank rollers will b e using blunt force trauma to theh head to create republican party unity and tee up nikki for vp nk and then potenkit in 2018. this is a long shot for a lot of reasons. o we get it. we don't need to get into all of it, but it's all moot if trump can blow nikki out so spectacularly in the palmettott state, the donors get alligator arms, nikki loses her juice, and then she limps into the convention. >> as an insurance policy, in case trump's court case is throw us a curveball. so here's trump's task. unite the party like he did in 2020, when 94% of republicans turned outhing biden did the same thing. 95% of democrats turned out then. >> but a quarter of ththene couy are independents. indeh biden andbot trump came to that election with equal basis, but biden won
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independents by 13 points, and that was the difference. so trump now has to unitemuscle his party with charm, little muscle and an air and of inevitability, and then rally the independents. well, how does he do that? policy. cytrump dominates biden on every major policy issue economy, lic. immigration, crime, foreign policy. so if trumf trump stays calmesse and stays on message, he wins because democrats won't be talking about policy this electionection.. >> it'll be racism, personality and dictatorship. >> i think that we're naive we' to think that he's trickinreg people into picking him and then surprise and act like a dictator. e e fowhat he's offering is strn leadership, the end of politics, the end of electionsctator, the end arer are the sidelining or domesticating as we've ben-ghiat says of the judiciary and the congress. i he won't be.t he'll be the man in charge and he'll get it done. and that's what he's selling. and that's what they are verydo
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eager to buy. >> so democrats have thene, thsl same democracy by slaying the dictator. well, how aresse: democrate theo that? apparently by not campaigning fodictatorr president. >> if i were biden, i wouldul i would stay hidden. and i'll tell you why. he inspire confidence. a and he's not a great messenger for himself. there's something wrong with this campaign where we're somehow expecting joe bide wen, who frankly hid during the last campaign to come out now and be flash gordon and save his own campaign. >> so not only do they not wantt joe biden on the campaign trail, they don't want him on the debate stag j oe, i but they're going to be hiding in trenches. >> i mean, are they goinn trg th i mean, are they going to be on the campaign trail? what is the campaign going to look like? >> are they going to bede debates? it is going to be. i think that's an open questiob? n . biden is going to let prosecutors in the press wagtioe the campaign against trump. >> don't you see savinpaigg democracy from dictatorship requires hiding the president from the public, arresting
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republicans and canceling debates? epubli it's just an excuse because weca are looking at the weakestrepres president since carter. >> last night, wide learned 10% of democrats will not vote for him under any circumstance. >> answers. 40% of democrats say he's too old for a second term and a majority of americans thinf ktal he's mentally deficient. >> but we're stuck with the oldest and most unpopular president in american history because he let obama pick his vice president. so dei he can't pass the torch.r >> he hachs to run again. by running again. i mean not running again. so will independent voters choose trump? the man who won't campaign or debate trump or another candidate? >> robert f kenned y jr is an independent running for president. he joins me now. n.rfk jr. ha what did you learn from new hampshirmpe? >> i guess i guess you're not.
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one of the messages is that$3 nikki haley spent 31 million there and 37 and i and did not perform that well. i k, you know, it seems ,ike what biden said president biden said last night that trump is the presumptivt te winner of the election. i think that is true. and i thin k it is true that president biden is notrobal going to is probably not going to campaign and that the democrats are relying on the court case and to try to to try to derail the election, try to keep i president trump off the ballot. and i think that's a very, very bad strategya very. i i think it's bad for democracy. i think it's bad for the democratic party. >> i think it's bad for everybody. it sure is. i meanybody.: it, he wouldn't de
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you now. it might look like he's not going to debate trump.p or >> he's not going to campaign. where does that leave rfk? >> jr in all this mix here? well, you know, i'm already favorability ratings are now better than eitherp or president trump or president biden. i am beating p bothan president trump and president biden and presidd americans, all americans under 45 and six battleground states. i'm beating them across votecountry, but i'm very, very decisively with independent voters that are now which are now the biggesch at party. >> this will be the first election in american historyy wh where independents are now the biggest self-identified party. >> and i'm gaining points about in the election about one point. >> we are months and i've got h nine months and i've gotav all 4
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need to do is to get to 34 points to win the election. e and i'm already at 24. wow. average in the battlegroun thed states. are you on the day are you on the ballot in these battlegroundon ballos? >> no, but i'll be on the ballot in every state and the district of columbia. >> we just completed our are signatories today for new hampshird e. >> we got 5000 signatures in a single day. so all it took one dayfo to qualify for new hampshire. so i'm very, verr new y confidet that we'll be on the ballot. >> and i can just see people you know, i don't think w we got to most unpopular are people running in boston history. >> and i think that americans deserve more than choosing y the lesser of two evils. >> i talf you if you talkocra to republicans or democrats, many of them sayts, i'm noten voting for president biden, not voting against president trumpt ,and vice versa. >> and i think it's really w
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important for our democracy that we have somebody who can inspire us and somebody that people actually like>> j and want to vote for. ac actually, like, imagineese, they imagine a politician someone actually likestu. that would be fun. all right. rfk jr. he say. sas he's going to be on the ballot everywhere and it's's a three man race, wan a three person race. >> we don't want to offend anybody out thertoe. >> rfk jr., thanks to all of you. if people want and if people want nothing more, they should go to kennedy 24. jesse, thank >> all right. thank you. secret tapes. se: thanallegations of senate b straight aheadof, there are some things that work better together, like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. acroe the rightin you amounts without over or underr amounts without over or underr investing across all your♪
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,their package in their feet. go, mando and smell better naked from head to toe. >> an alleged bribery scandal is rocking washington. ribery
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no, we're not talking about the chinese diamonds and the bidens, . >> we're talking about the americans who pick our politician picks. you all know that carrie lake in arizona doesn't have a lot of friends in the republican donor class. she's made some enemies, lostie the controversial race for governor of arizona, and nowt she's running against kyrsten sinema for the u.s. senate seat there. >>kyrste u.s but not everybody s her to run. >> a recording was made of a conversation between kari lake and the chai kari r of the ariza republican party. the chair of the party. jeff dewitt appears to be relaying an offer for kari lake to not run for the senate this cycle. >> in exchange for a cushy corporate no show job. lake says she can't be bought.y plain and simple. prime time has a copy of that tape. >> take a listen. this back they there are very powerful
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people to keep you out. >> oh, they do. >> but they're willing to put their money with the office in a big way. so thi, you know. >> this is crazy, though. they should want me.t i'm a great candidate. people love me. these people are corrupt. well c, maybe you're right. >> so what do they want? what do they want me to do? ? >> you want to stay out for? two years? but. >> well, i'l?l tell you whatu wt i want the asset i got today from back east was this for us? is there any companies out there or something that could just put her on the payroll and give her out? tepi said, what are you willing to do? whatever you need to. >> i'm not willing to accept that. then i'm going to be the biggest pain in these people's and go back and tellin them that i'm running and it tol will be the biggest pain in the . >> that. and willing to tell them
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that. and they're going to have to kill mep to stop me. is there a number of which i can be bought? it's what it's about. you can take a pass for matter. no, no . 10 million. 20 million. third. no, no, no. a billion? no, 20. s is >> this is not about money. this is about our country. i actuallyr try. wish you'd just give me a counteroffer this big. countee. ian't. i can't be bored. now, the chair of the arizonar republican party who you just heard on that tape, resigned today to it says it wasn't a bribe. he was offering a perspectivdewe and calls the whole thing a setup, accusing kari lakane of deceptive tactics and blackmailing him into resignin lakg. o resi if he didn't, she'd release more tapes. or wcarrie denies blackmailing. do it. for the record. politics is a filthy game, and we have a lot of questionss about the motives of secret recordings.
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>> one can't cries betrayalmp c while the other cries corruption. albut we're not here to sortto all that out with prime time is intrigued by is this when you pull the curtain back, men with money are pulling the strings in the political arena. >> and oftentimeba, s times voters don't get a fair shot fairasting their votes, the candidate of their choice. >> and we don't even think this technically a bribe, but it's dark and it's slim y and it's unfortunately how d.c. rolls. al you have to go along to get along in this business. >> and that does not always serve the american people's interest always. >> donald trump promised a lockn the republican nomination by super tuesday, and the media is already bday foaming at thep mouth. >> he's popular and his policiesopular are even more po. and the media won't expose you to a populart politician with popular policies. >> former president trumpving giving the like to a second
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person in his victorn inydaniel celebration. >> let's bring in daniel dale, because i heard at least two ord fact three things that need fact checking. >> the former president has opened his remarks tonight once again by proclaiming falsehood s about previous elections. this is what makes it hard to take hi m his pronouncements live. >> all right. first iowa now in new hampshire. our cable competition, if you can call them that, will not take the former president live. so cnn excavated their fact checker like encino man to interrupt a historic acceptance speech because donald trump's boasting that he won new hampshire three times when he only won it twice. hampshiso what? >> and voters need to be protected from such dangerousd o language. b >> and the media is alsootecte warning us that trump is not only dangerous, he's mentally deficienp t. y why? because he said, nikki, whenwhen he really meant. >> nancy, listen. i think it's fair to question his mental acuity. >> donald trump, let's recall,
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duckedo ques debates all primary cycle. he generallyp ducked avoids mosd adversarial interviews where he would be tested, in fact, checke tesd. and this race has only just begun, but he has already now, i through this testing and campaigning process, been caughts proc in a gaffe oh one . biden sees dead people onst stage. he thinks he's jewish. he gets lost . they give him little pictures of reporters to call on because he can't remember what theyers o look like. >> well, donal cd trump, a valuable lesson. don't mess with my work unlesswith you want to get a benefit. >> i have no idea what he just s said. >> host of the adam carollaid.a show and "new york times" best selling author adam carolla joins us now. so this is going to be a fun not campaign. you're not going to hear from either candidate becauser one hides in, the other justnd get censoredidate,. yeah, well, the reality is, is they turn donald trump intorn
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a cartoon character. and if they cover his speeches and his acceptance speeches, then he becomes a human being because he's pretty endearing and fairly magnani magnanimous in a lot of thoset speechesof. ei and they don't wantr audi their audience to discoveren he is a human being because they want their audience wan to think of him as a caricatured of and a big orange man. >> yeah. he was handing the microphone to one of his supporters and thanking them for being so hard workingg and helping deliver a victory in new hampshire. you can't see that at cn. n. that'll humanize him. and you can't humanize the monste humanizm anr. yeah. t and also, they're pretty wit obsessed with fact checks, but they don't want to heah fa o about any of the checks that came from ukraine. hunterut biden. that's right. those checks not so interested. , not soand i don't think huntea
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good name for that kid. i don't think his name shoul kdi be hunter. >> i think they should have called him gatherer. gath, it's very good. they didn't get that one right. i mean, you're right. d ha you'd have to cut biden off every 5 seconds. to c wasn't in business with the chinese, and, yeah, my sd the debt. i mean, you'd never get through a speech. we'll be bringing out fact checkers like they were in the same car next to me. , br >> but also, i find it rich that rachel maddow and jake tapper are worried about lying when ric those two toadies for the drug companies lied all through covid, every single thing sai they said was a lie for three years. ohd wa, i ivermectin horse pays. every single thing they said about covid was either wrong or an outright lie. and they're worried about misinforme d asian. >> yeah, russia, covid, the gatherer. that's his new nickname. i think we're just going to call him the gatherer. we got a new one for nikki haley, nicki minaj, and now wed
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have the gatherer gatherer biden. thank you, as alwaysga . icknam add that to the nickname bracket. at the end of the year. everybody go check out. i trademarked it. you got it. adam trades podcast. p >> thanks, as always, adam. >> major development on the southern border, major. southewe'll be right back. >> what is going on on american campuses? what do our enemies want to enforce? they want to influence the thought processes of our kids. if you see someone's pronoun in the wrong way, you can get kicked out of college. the jewish kids are hiding in their dorm, afraid to go to class. from the river to the sea, palestine must be free. that was allowed to be sat on campus. how did we get to this point? and can we stand up to it? poison ivy with pete hegsethoun, g now on fox nation. >> sign up at fox nation bbokay, when you turn around, you're going to see someone you're going to see someone in a turkey and cheese. let's imagine that our culture'n hadls bubble around them. my ne
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he announced in a statement that texas has a right to defend itself against invasion. and he says the biden administration has simply refuset itsed to enforce federal immigration law. abbott said in part, quotede, the federal government has broken the compact between the united states angovernd the states james madison, alexander hamilton and the other visionarieited stas who we the u.s. constitution foresaw that states should not be toe the mercy of a lawless president who does nothing to stop external threats like cartels smuggling millions of illegal immigrants presids as the border. and as details of a potential senate agreement on border security begin to leakty that would begin allow up to 500 illegal crossings per day. texa alls senator ted cruz says those initial details >>e completely unacceptable. this supplemental bill is a kamikaze plane in a boxa canyon with no exit headed forr a train wreck. >> negotiating with chuck schumer on securing the border is like putting hannibal lecter
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in charge bordere of a go vegand campaign. and jesse, in a shocking story here, border patrol report s they arrested a la linea cartel operative who crossed illegallyv into el paso.e and listen to this has more than 40 illegal entriesrecd on his record in just the last two years alone. for those who don't know, la linea is the brutal enforcementf wing of the juarez cartel. and it's been behind some of the most f th high profile massacres in ciudad juarez in recent years. the chief of u.s. border patrol tweeting in part, quote, hopefull y the courts imposeimpose maximum sentences. >> the only consequence these criminals understand. >> and jesse, that story right,n just goes to show everything that's wrong with our border right now. this cartel operativg g withe hs crossed into the u.s. illegally more than 40 times in two yearhs . and up to now has apparently faced little to no consequence s ,even though illegal reentry is a federal felony punishable by up to two years in prison.
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back to you. all right, bill, thankbacks so much. >> yeah, remember, wanda, the stuffer, she was a government worker in bridgeport, connecticut, who allegedly stuffed so many ballots they had to redo the electiony ballto. well, they redid their election last night. and wanda's boss the, the mayor of bridgeport, won again. was it a clean fight? s it a >> not exactly. the battle for bridgeport's corner office is also freshs frs with new allegations of fraud. thish with time it's the ganim campaign which claims golden's campaign operative, dannys camp solano, who, according to logs, pulled hundreds of absentee ballotai applications, violated election law by distributing those applications to campaign workers who weren't authorized. gomez also provided evidence showing a voter was issued an absentee ballot on the same day she died, with a completed balld back to thee clerk's office. >> eight days later, dea died.d people voting, ballot applications being given out like candyballot harvesting. ,
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it's so bad the secretary of state said, quote, maybete you're just better voting in person. if absentee isn't secure, justot get rid of the drop boxes. >> bridgeport is so crooked, even the new yorboxes.k times admitted voter fraud is real. >> look at the headline election fraud is rare, except maybe in bridgeport, connecticu it. s abou everybody knows about it. voters call warner and her crew the absentee ballot queens. >> our local fox reporter, matt karen, went to go see where they count these absentee ballot sees. the >> the city didn't really want to talk. can you explain to the notu expi people what happens in the ab canvasing? >> pat, why is it that you don't want to talk about how absentee t ballots are counted?t >> don'tee people deserve to knw how that process works? >> last year we told election officials across the country saey have to getfficials it togr by 24. if they want a safe and secure electionfe and.
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and so far, if you look bri at bridgeport, not looking sdgeo good. >> well, new book saysbook biden and kamalabide hate each other. that author's on deck, the first to document covid's origin, exposing human trafficking on the border and visible from its source for daring to tell the truth. we've been censored, demonetized and attacked. we've been jailed in china. in hong kong. we've been tortured at atlanta. we're tied to a chair and bloodied. in print and online. we have the courage to deliver the truth at all costs. yep. our countries is your source for truth. discover truth at the abov e times that. come now. ious chi. >> the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones.
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>> and we're praying. so carmel has been busy becausea biden can't be. >> she sat dow has been with kae couric. >> remember her some? people seem fixated on joepeople biden's age. o as >> but i wanted to ask you isu because they have nothin--g to run on katie. >> well, they're asian now>>. . >> they're running on to which they could actually participate in fixiny coulg. , >> right. and so no, but really, yeah. >> so you're right, they're running on immigration because they like havingg the problem. so they can they can have an e. >> jes >> as katie was going to ask kamala what newspaper she reads . >> but let me get this k straight. kamala says republicans are the ones who want open borders. >> this is why the white house her on ice. and a new book is revealing hen has been sio building between kamala and joe for three years. amateur hour kamala harris in the white house by charlie
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spearing digs deep into kamala's life and revealsrlie that the only reason joe biden's running fospieringr a second term is because he and his close circle knongw that kamala is not up to the job. the party brasw kamalas have abd the idea of kamala as president. why they believe she's disloyal, incompetent, and toot self-interested insides say the biden team believes kamala isn't a team player. >> quote, she's to. o interestedtical ca in her own political career to think about biden and alwaysi trying to write her own political narrative according th. er rules the author says kamo is only for kamala, the book describes after the awful afghanistan withdrawal , how kamala disappeared for several days and when she was supposedrawal,d to show up for a speech with biden, she hid in a a separate room, not wanting to be there for his momentg to b of crisie s. plus, kamala barely suppressed her impatience and disdain for
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the president. >> the strained biden and rel kamala relationship goes all the way back to the beginning. the book sayp goes bas biden didn't even want kamala as his vp. >> he wanted governor gretchen whitmer. >> but joe got bullied into picking by barack obama. >> and when dr. jill found out,a she reportedly told donors that kamala could go f herself. >> kamala and dr. jill still have a rocky relationship, kama forsame can't be said the second gentleman. doug is fresh. he and dr. jill are on greatl terms and their relationship is only getting better. but we didn't need to read wep. oh, anin to hel >> close they are. oh, and the whitee wh house apparently thinks carmel is a real crybaby. >> quote, her thin skinned outrage perceived grievances around every corner. the staf f bullying and endless turnover. >> she's hadbullying 13 staff ms leave since 21 because.
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>> she goes after her staffers with soul destroying criticism r . according to the book, spearing says she curses like a sailor. now that a secret tape that i want to hear. and this checks out because kamala's favorite pastimes, turning her staff into into t the wikipedia hate police. >> listen, why did i think y you were much taller? i recently learned you're only 52. is that is absolutely incorrect. okay, i amcorrec five, four and a quarter. okay. nine, five, three and a half. and with i heels, which i was around five, seven and a half. thank you very much. okay, wikipedi a, you're wrong wikip and we need to correct that. >> i've said this to my team. like. sai what, i don't know whe it came from. they just want to just make us smaller in every way.n >> i know. >>arlie spearing is the author of hour. >> all right, charlie, telselr us in one word what this relationship between kamal.areay and joe really is. yeah. jesse, it's actually pretty i frosty. kamala has no interest in in being buddies with joe because
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she wants to be treated like be president. jill has also is not really i interested in creating a sisterhood relationship with kamala harris because of everythin g she did against joe and the family. so it's really not a veragainstl matched, matched thing right now. >> so barack obama tapped biden's vp. he didn't get to choose his own vp. he wanted whitme, her. >> what happened there? well, he definitely liked whitmer. he he saw her as he you know,34 he promised to pick a woman vice candidate. am and obama really pressed hard for karma, urgin harg biden to forget the campaign, all the insults during the campaign, and to sort of get the band back together. we need it. we need a black woma k woman n on the ticket. >> kamala is the one that bring us together. you knows , but the obama people say, you know, it was always joe's decision, but certainly obamjoe's dea hadd hand in convincing joe to pick kamala. >> so we all kind of recognized after afghanistan that kamala just turnea.d into a
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>> you're saying she hid in a room? >> it's a combination of both things, right? the biden team doesn't trustd th her to go out there and defend the president. that's what the vicee vi president is supposed to do whenever he hits a crisis. >> kamala is alspresido notp jo interested in propping up joe biden in times of crisis. >> so, yeah, shebi went to it.o, you know, the staff said that, told reporters that she would be together with the president when he made that famous addres presi whes ae the botched exit from afghanistan. she was not there. she went to a different space. >> so she was not not wanting to be part of this this crisis. >> she went into a safe space as she likess to call it. did this thing start off horrible or did they start having their silly little lunches every wednesday? >> and then it kind of dissipated after a couple of months went by? yeah, biden really wanted a buddy, a true partner, just like he considered his relationship with obama. >> he really wanted somebody who coule he relatd be a buddy. but kamala has no interest in being a buddy. shinterest be wants very much ts
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on her future career. >> i report details s of attempo she tries to dodge. tough assignment, tougodgeh assignments, and then on top of that, she flubs mediaie interviewsws and. top that with all the word salads. yeah, the biden team just doesn't se bidm doese her as a s good asset across the board. so they're just going to let her playacross in her safe spac. >> during the campaign, there was we notic se here in prime ef time an effort, i think it was maybe six or nine months ago where there seemed to be this orchestrated effort to justth remove her from the ticket. you saw it in the press. >> you saw people flirting with the idea. what wasg with that process likc >> yeah, behind the scenes in, washington, washington can be cruel. and when you're not when you're found incompetent cruel , that it instantly turns on you and leaves you kind of hanging in the wind d. a lot of democrats do not wantnh kamala harris to be on the ticket. and you saw that effort among some brave souls who tried to step up and say something. but you can't do that in washington.
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i mean, in the democrat party, if you do, you're automatically branded as a sexist and a the racist. so i kind of pairwise at this point just pulling for joe to make iarparalyt across the finic in november. >> so joe doesn't think she haro what it takes. what is kamala think about joe. comen'. does ka >> connell is waiting it out joe when it comes to joe biden. she's going to show up and dor the bare minimum. mininf he wins reelection, the just be sitting there waiting for him to step down. few people believe he ca for tno it another four years and kamala is just waiting it out at this point, waitingears o out until nature takes its course. >> are waiting it out untilours >> gets reelected, waiting it out. he if he gets reelected, she'll be there if s waiting for him,r him and his family to finally admit he doesn't have what itwht takes to make it through another four years. that's what i start the bookt te office imagining what that case is like when biden and his tea mn no realize that he can he can nong longer go forward. and whater go forw it's whath they're facing with the real hassibility of kamala, have a
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president, kamala harris, who has never faced voters in her ownever ftial presidential election. she could very well be the next president of the united states. and that oh, god bless everybody, charlie. >> great book, everybodyt presie on. >> always love seeing you. you're a great author. amateur hour is the name of the book. i shouldn't be plugging other mines. mine's coming out. you can preorder it. it's called get it together. but while you're ot is cn amazo, go check out amateur hour. thanks, charlie. you be" ect. hour. >> thanks, jesse. first, it was oranges. now wome n are testing men withtestin ketchup. bye bye. call meter traffic congestion. call meter traffic congestion. >> 12 hours of relief. 12 hours mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion in any hot day or night. mucinex dm it's comeback season. now try to use the next insta sues, sore throat, medicated drops. >> right now someone could
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hillary is doing the macarena in spain. watch now. ho how do you forget the macarena when she nailed it at her husband's convention night? >> maybe she didn't nail it. she's not doing the macarena. she's clapping. do you remember the macarena? i would never the macarena at every wedding. i boycott that. you have some livee band herewo about the electric slide. i will not do that either. i choshe lidee to do to have th? your wedding. >> please tell me you did not. i don't remember specificalll m >> i told my dj.>> j absolutely not. no, mommy. riley, i was saying. but there wasn't any electric sliding? >> i do. i have to give her credit here, though. at leastese wao tric sliding. she's not like her husband. it's not a lap dance. it's got great taste in dance
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is actually very pure. she's a terrible dancer, but at least, you know, no minorse there and nobody sitting on her lap. she's a pure clinton. . >> she is. give her that. yeah, she's lovely. well, we told you about the orange peel last week, , but now women are testing us. >> men in a saucy new way.aucy >> okay, i'm going to try the, um, dripping ketchup on the counterounter and see hoy husband cleans it up. oh, can you clean it up for me right now? why do you do that?u clea >> i guess now you clean it up like normal. >> i so that's the ketchup challenge and test whether guys are willing to help with cleaninr guys g and chores. lookow, it looks like what he did usually is he cleaned up
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poorly, so he's not asked to clean up again. i thought he did a great job, actually. i mean, he scooped it all up with his hand. heo dainty boy or man. he he didn't have to go grab a paper towel. what i thinkve is that this is a stupid challenge ever. the fact that it has ove r a million views just goes to show how idiotic tiktok is ochallengr whatever platforms is going to circulate on it. >> why do you guys keep testin g us, julie? i don't know. i'm not testing you. i mean, if somebody doesju ot up in front of me, that catch would end up on their face. i wouldn't clean that up. dumhuyou throw that, and then you did your macarena over them. >> i not dance the macarena. i'd probably just kick them. okay. and throw the ketchup bottle and do the running man on their head. >> yeah, well, it looks like>> e jason kelsey's in the doghouse after ripping his shirt off at that chiefs bills game. >> gross. this is how my mind works after 40. miller writes, i don't think she was happy about it, to be honest with you. >> i'm not allowed to give kylie a heads up. the moment we got into the tweet, i said, i'm taking my shirt off and i'm jumping out of it. and she said
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, jason she said, jason, don't you dare. it's like we're not asking formo permission. i'm doing this. she was already telling me to be on my bestt asking behavi because we were meeting taylor. >> all right, so your boyfrien and your significant other, julie, if he goes out, notifica back 40 miller lights, rips his shirt off like kelsey,. that would be the end. it's again, this whole segment has reminded me as to whhat ysig i enjoy being single because that is disgusting. and he also picked up a little girng.l to show the little girl, taylor swift. he actually held her ud p and it was like the michael jackson move, not over the balcony, but nonetheless, in hi ss naked top belly. >> good hands.s, >> he likes the ball. he's going to dropwill n taylort the better kelsey out of the deal. so that whole thing i think that he did his brotherou a favor. >> you're not into beer bellies and chest hair a int. >> >> no, i'm not. no, i'm not. no, i'm not. what if he cleans up, catc not>g >> no, nothing. all right. nothing. i think what we lear.hat wen frm the sexting is julie is single. >> oh, yeah, that'
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s. we took the headline. happily single. thank you. and don't make me clean up after. >> that's true. she's got rules. yeahclean up >> got. you >> when i was researching c my new book, which you can preorderan , get it together.e we spoke to a woman who was what they call a free pn range parent. she raised her childre n with no rules, no bedtimes. they sleep in the same bed. sthere's no babysitters. there's no diet. they walk around barefoot. restn it's a very interesting parenting technique. injust one of the more fascinating chapters in get it together, we explore the personal lives of some of the most fringe characters th whose behavior is making our lives a little less comfortabls makin >> let'sdo do texts. >> jon from rutgers.m bill, virginia last week. you recommenderucksvild book fie wins. this book has many exciting twists and turns.i lo >> i just finished it and ive, loved it. i will never recommend a bad
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book ever. murphy from cincinnati, ohio if biden's a no show, trump could hold a debate with an empty podium that clint eastwood tried that didn't go over too well. carl from poughkeepsie, new york. if this in this election thi, the economy, stupid. >> it's the invasions, stupiisd yeah. >> tomorrow we're going to have a special report on what looks like a real constitutionals co crisis colliding in texallids. >> johnny from tampa. maybe that woman's dying wish was to votwoman'e in the bridget election. very insensitive, jesse. that's right. she's probably signing her will and signing her signatur e. wanda from frankfort, indiana. jesse i'm a good wanda. i have never stuffed the ballot box. you're giving us a bad name. wanda'wanda.s in karen's. k >> sam from michigan. y, sam. mortars. and this is mym er


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