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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 25, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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is staying on the ticket, sean. we have a president that you couldn't play in scrabble because he makes up words. eokay? you can't do this. four more years of the matter. >> but out of my son, when s the united states when the united states president speaks at the united nationstas they're not supposed to translate it to english. >> but here we are. here we are. jimmy fallon. great. ened now i feel enlightened tonight. all right. lef unfortunately. have a great night. that's all the time we have left this evening. t always, thank you fg the show possible. please set your dvr so you neve r, ever, ever, every" miss an episode of hannity. but it is any time every time.. all the time. hannity .com. in let not your heartr be troubled why greg standing a by he'll put a smile on your face. that's next. a great night.
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happy wednesday. so last night, new hampshire clarified few things for us. first, that donald trump will probably be the republican nominee t donald for 2024. true, that's as much a lock as president biden making up a new word, floating. a donald trump let out a valuable lesson. don' don't met national memorial work unless you want to spend >>e benefio get. wait, what was that?t less let's it exactly.on don't give a microphone to someone with dementia. an >> the second lesson that dana perino will never be welcomea new hampshire again. dana, that was a water fountain, no was at a bad day. e >> now, somehow nikki haleyho
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came out and gave a victory speech, which is kind of like the hindenburg declaring buctory over fire. but, wow, she's doing like a speech, like she wonoing a. >> said, wow, she's doing like a speech like she won. >> she didn't win. she lost. this is no.t typical victory speech. but let's not have somebody le a victory when she had a very bad night. she had a very night, a very bad night. >> and yet i go up and i cananko say to everybody, oh, thank you for the victory. >> i said, i can go up and i can say to everybody, oh, thank you for the victory. it's wonderful. it's won. or i can go up and say, say who the hell was the impostor that went up on the stagr the before and like claimed a victory. she did very poorl claimedy, ac' >> it's true. but you find in life you can't let people get with. with [ >> i find in life you can't let people get away with. okay, you can't. you just don't?just can do thaty
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and when i watched her in the fancy dress, that probably wasn't so fancy coming up. i saidwasn't s, she doing we won the dress. >> not so fancy. >> trump carried new hampshire by double digitstr in, a state where more democrats voted in the republican primary than republican ies. that usually only happens in chicago. are dead.voters >> it's not easy to lose badly in a situation like that andsheu then claim victory. she must be getting advice frosm liz cheney. >> ooh. so what gives? hampsh >> why would nikki treatir a new hampshire hammering like a win win she lost by less than expected? ,if michael jordan had, that attitude, he wouldn't be in cooperstown. i get it, actually. than getk you. >> but it comes down to money cs and powe dr if she acts like she lost. there goes the gravy train. and maybe shgoes the.e if she ss around, trump might put her on
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the ticket. >> after all, when it comes to people, trump will trash them, then appointpeople then th them again existing. hisone day you're in, the nextd you're out. i'm thaye same way with my my proctologist. e pr now, by some predictions, nikki did better than expected, be she couldhinchi have showed up and lit a chinchilla on fire and the medillea have said she did bettt than expected. the media says the same thing when biden doesn't his pants. >> but trump's victory means the deal's much sealed. and if we know that nikki knows that, which is, as primary dayph approached, a new nikki emerged, wokede nikki. >> suddenly, we're hearing pandering anecdotes about nikki facing discriminatio n for being brown when she was growing up. nikki also claimed that she sh from a beautyrows up. pageant when she was five because she was neither black nor white. but hey, that's happened to me, too. hned toi also blamed race when i didn't get the role for webster, but it's part of the g. game.
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>> you pick a lane and hers was identity. >> we were the only indian family in our small southern town. i was teased every day for being brown. >> i get it. i also was teased fo>> i getr being brown. >> but what do you expect when you get 28 wedges a daes a dayy you? well, look, i'm not questioningp her origin story or how it impacted her life, all that stuff. r life. but when you're pandering the dems as a republican, it's kind of embarrassing. so last night, her constituency wasn't really republicans. it was democrawasn't reallt. ags in a way. she's running against her own party, not just trump. >> and now the democratic primary in new hampshire was also las primaryt night, and twe known challengers got roughly a quarter of the votes them.. there is dean phillips, who is still unknown. >> his wife and kids asked to see his id. e himary williamson, who iscompe
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completely transformed into a scented candlete. g >> yet they pulled 20 5% of the vote away from this sitting president. >> and , even madonna after plastic surgerprt.y is more recognizable than both of them. mayb e because biden didn't evenre go to new hampshire. he was in virginia.. hamp maybe he thought it wassh new hampshire. and it was there that he said this. , virginia. and the real governor, terry mcauliffe. >> how's that for election denial? ow is thormaybe someone should e articles of impeachment right now. >> i say you should go to prisonares of impeachmen sho win the jarred sixers. but they've suffered enough alreaduay. >> so while the media contorts itself to somehow make thisr a loss for trump and you spent tens of millions getting pummeledd biden appears weaker, frailer and, frankly, deader. so when the media tells you this thing is far from over, they're right. the problem is they're talkinga about the wrong guthy.
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let's go. lcoms. 's ga when he trips and falls, ch always lands on hise hair. fox news contributor charliebut. hurts. even governor. hopeless. sorry he didn't beat her. lee >> former congressman lee zeldin, this cat has nine lives. thanks to being an expert at identity theft. the new york times best selling author and fox news contributor. it.utor kat and he's an expert y making men upgrade "new york times" bestselling author, comedian and former nwa world champion barrochw. charlie, i'm already sick of this topic, but we have to talk about it because it's supposed to be importanbecause t. >> do you think nikki haley is sticking around because she's angling for vproun or has that ship sailed? >> i don't know. i mean , his trump's commentsou about her a week or so ago, they werr e pretty shermanesquee
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to the point where he what he said about he said she was in presidential timber and then thisollowed it up by saying the fact that i said this means that you can hold me it and i can't undo it. and if you thinkt undo about, you know, whenever you have these discussions, my question always is, okay, what' discussss the democrats can run against them when he picks? o be >> well, it's going to be a pretty devastating ad. and we're not just talking wee comments about the dress, but i think it's funny. think iti thought his speech i , you know, everybody's been talking about how well behaved trump has been in the last couple of weeks. >> and then last nights he pasts like he took he took the chain off and went after her, i think, because she really i think she really ticked him off. yeah. and he was not going to. and of course, you can't blame him. ng to--yi mean, you can't truste thing everybody can agree upon about trump other than the fact that he's highly entertaining and hilarious. him >> is that if you poke him, he's coming after you. yes, exactly.
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he will come back with 100 pokes. t claim that you're a victim if you poke in first. >> yeah. you know i, lee kamala harris gt the v.p. nod after, basically. well, literally calling joe biden a racist. remember that in the debate saying i was that girl that and then all of a sudden he's so i mean, it could happen here.t the de >> right. this isn't the democratic part y of 2020, which has only gottenc. more since then. yes. kamala harris was able a to elevatebl the numbertion i two position in the country following this particular moden sf being the first thi the first that i don't think that donald trump, in choosing a vice president ins is looking for that above merit, above wherbovee person stands on issu, whether there's chemistry, that person's a hard there, hard worker, the right fit. he's not looking to trade all of those traits in the way yesterday. by it was a blowout amongst
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registered republicans. i meaned republic he crushed nikki haley. and i mean, she should be getting the hit here that time to step aside, allow us to unite. >> if she really cares t important,thisite if s which is saving this country, about making sure that joe biden doesn't get four more years. >> i mean, she could do her part in a reallyshe can do s by calling up president trump and saying, you're goingidt to 0 the nominee. i cannot win any of the 50 states. what can i d whato to.ds to >> that phone call needs to happen yesterday. it is not going to happen y. terdaha >> it should happen tonight. mm-hmm. lee zeldin happen , lee zeldin, clearly angling for v.p.. you a >> you're an astute watcher of primary politics. you up all night watching this, tabulating. you actually personally went to newght watching hampshire tol no, i actually watch. i did watch it. yed watcs. >> texted dana. i was like, how are you all? i got all daive?y. s the i know this is going to beye
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the year for the libertarians. just getting guys. i know it never it never is isr year. but that's you know, that's what i believe. yes. what nikki haley, i think it's interesting how she's trying to make appeals to people. you knowo ma appeals, growing us bullied like i was bullied. >> also growin g up, you know, and i didn't grow up to love war. >> yeah. excellent point. >> from the libertarian. yes. what were you bullied over? well , my being myself, my average guy on me, i remember. >> disqualified from a beaut.y. i would never go to a beauty pageant. you know what? you know what? i was very androgynous lookingui child. >> mm-hmm. yeah. but the more important questionn . >> did your parents ever enrolll you in a segregate d eye before? yeah. i didn't really understand what was this pageant? was it like? was it an america? like, where was it'trriott? >> apparently was in, like, the 40s. yeah, i need to watch faces
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50 something. so it had to be the late seventies. tyru0ss well, to be fair, in the seventies, it was still illegalt . some states, my home state of boston, massachusetts, foes r the for the blacks to marry the whites. yeah. marry the whes when she went toe world racist beauty pageant she was a little too confused and shane insulted the racist judges, which is hard to do. yeah, it's really at five. yeahard to d so here's the heres the issue i have. here' fort's just say argument's sake, that all of those things that she said happened. >> mm-hmm. all of >> all tha tt only further makes your journey to be able to run u for president in the united states greater because you overcame. mm-hmm. but that's not the speech she's making. because i woule ng.d that. day they called me brown every day. but guess what? now they mightguess call me mam president. mm-hmm. that's a great story. and as people who have use 's deveryo something because everyone in this audience has got a story. we all have a storneis audience. doesn't matter what color,
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what somebody like you for some reason. but she's not doing that. she's. she's placating that. who's writing the script now? do you know what she's doingo ? she was differentiating herself from other republicans sayinreng not racist like they are. >> yeah, which is crazy seeing how the most straight up letmosr the best man woman windless regardless of color is being showofn at the highest levele of the republican party. mm-hmm. high republiwe had two brown pe. mm-hmm. good thing vivekh didn't show up at. >> that beauty pageant been with her. >> imagine the look on the racist black guys and white guys like me. >> out to brown. he's got imeone ext. t in h and so. but i wonder if she everer brought that u bp while that was around. >> no, because whenever, you know, it's funny because the brown on brown he was pretty solid betweenn ha thanklk goodness bet that's why she just the look of him disgustedei her. >> she scoffs. he literally was behaving liketl the black and white
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organization didn't let her compete. you have to be careful compet that you don't become what you hate because whatever vet came in the roo amm like, i hate that brown. >> so we just have to be careful . >> it's so funny, though. she did call skull and skull. it was likkee asian on asian hae crime. yeah, he's korean. he's not chinese., you know? >> so it's like, wow, so true. upl right, we must move on. we got a great show. up next, whitmer landsthud witha thud by talking to a spud. are cl switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much, and the clothes still weren't as clean as withbe tide. tight. >> so we're back to tight and the clothes are cleaning it. do three times the laundry and get a tight clean. it's got to bent, but d nk those tight. >> we've planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. ing on >> you think those two have an o idean' that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? >> so they're basically on a gold mine? >> i don't think they have a clue.
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as the controversial movement grows. jesse breaks dowe, passion
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and music of god bless the u.s.a., a timeless legacy that to unite a nation. >> get yours today and your way. hey, hey, hey. yeah. >>ank you. i at these people and their head gov shows a tater love. true. gretchen gretchen went from a kidnapping hoaws love.x to man
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a horrible potato jokes. our video of the day comes wble to us from michigan's gretchen whitmer, who announced news about higher education with the help of a talking potato. >> roll it. govern >> hey, governor whitmer. how's it goin? hi, professoor whir potato. i wanted to share some yukon gold news with. you? my best. but what is it? we both agree that everyt spudmg deserves an opportunity to goan to college without fryin g their bank account. >> absolutely. a higher education helps. lls, you learn more skills, pursue your passions, and even plant your roots pursuns and right hee in michigan. >> i think we found out wherefo brian stelter'uns now got a tan. yo won't be any beauty pageants. >> all right. now, you might be thinking, amuh i on mushrooms? thisut no, this is a real videno released a sitting governor. so what's going on?? whitmer is acting more baked, gs that potato. but i guess if you want to tell taxpayers that they're footing
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the bill for even more useless ,you might as well use af [ blee potato. >> seriously, if a potato inspiresp you to go to college, maybe you should just start practicing the question. st practido you want fries witt more? >> please. >> but for too many colleges financially out of reach. that's why i'm so excited to announce an appealing plan. >> oh, i know what you're kno planning this year. we will work together to makeo e the first two years of community college tuition free for every high school graduate. >> that's right, professor. michiganders will save an average of $4,000 as they earn their associate degree. >> hey, that isn't smallt potatoes. that's a bigsmall potatoes deal. >> to learn more, make sure you tune in for my state. >> the state address. i'll be there for sure. . thereater later, tater. hey, hey, hey, hey. thinke high, and iought
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thought whitmer was only badwh at politiconlys. nice job. michigan. you elected a woman who talks elecwhe. you don't see tudor dixonyo chatting with a dish of cold slopu don or coleslaw. but that's democrats for you. a governor who talks to starches s. >>ve and a president who's a vegetable guy.ichiga kat as a native michigander, is that what you said? michigandendr. michigan. michigander. how do you explain this? hm expm. hi okay. well, we do sketches on this show sometimes. yes. ifs somebody came to me with a newspt and i looked down and it said i've got some yukon gold news for you. you're my bestu ar spud. like, i wouldn't do it right.o t i would also, who on the staff has a problem with me? yeah i'd prefer you just tell me directly. yeah, right. first girl, your staff hates you. >> there's no way anybody could have watched that. >> like, wrote this book. like, this is going to look good. yeah. everybody that works for her hate everybthat wors her because thig
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would have not gone through any other way. this is humiliating. and you coulot d told you coulds humi have known to be humiliating. so you people hate you. sorrliy to stop you here, but i'll be the one to tell you something. well, she needs. she needs a besthe needs a. so don't do the potato thing. yeah, don't do the potato thing . and that wasn't even an appetizing potato. usually,ty tha i love potatoes. >> i'm just curious. was idaho aware of this cultural robbery? >> yeah. anyone from ireland? potato? yeah. i was like, whoa. yeah. this is what happens when you don't chec hapk what your sf is up to. yeah. she didn't see the graphics. they said, hey, we've got this really cool thing. it's to be this. it's gonna be like sesame street, and you're going to talk to a potata poo. >> she's not like a potato puppet, like. yeah, kind of. of. witand it's like the dude we upside head doesn't even look like a puppeoesn't et. potato looks like some thick, furry thing. >> a caterpillar, maybe. but whatever it is, it's terrible. caterpil.and didn't see it becae
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was lazy. she wouldn't go in the studio. e >> she didr it on her phone. yeah. ta she has no ideaha what she'ss talking or whom she's talking to or what technology is involved. she just saw it when it was done. yeah, it's fine. it's fine. when i, hingey hit the thing one of her staffers was like, oh, did you see the thing you just did? you didand she was like, yeah,t do that. >> oh, my god. how do we get out of this? like, this is what happens. you've b. got to double checks. that that's why you check everything before it comes on air. beon airof. >> of. potato. i really. i'm dying. yeah. i want to look at that potat t o. you know, i'm glad the mustache looks like the guy with the mustache. you know what it reminds me of? >> hunter. oh , and through a lot people.lot, by the way, she miss a pun there. >> he could have said, hey, what do you do for a living? and you can go idahofor a . yeah, it's a pun. people. >> i don't really mean that. the only way this works is if>> the potato the o tries to kidnar her work a bunch of fries, come up behind her. com ite up was really good to go.
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you could be an undercover fed. yes. bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. all right, leigh, you can do potato puns if you want or you can address what is wrong with our governors. o what? i was running for governor. i was trying to working hard to connect with gen z and millennial voters. and i hannect wid idea that thi is what they're looking for. wh a governor who spendsa their day talking a potato. i never realized that. and first off, it's crepes p potato. >> to theresa's poinotatot, youe to you have to address that. >> like, seriously, who who doesriously, this relate to? >> yeah. i mean, other than brian stelter. e her thanthe target audience of s particular video, i can't namesd anyone who is watching this and saying, yeah, it's -- it's like it resonates. >> it's like babies or something. it's like a barney video. this is not for people going. to college. it's -- it's warped. it's strange.
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i am what i'm worried about.chab >> this is impeachable. leis she's trying and it's a tease to watch her state. the state address. but what sesame street viewer is going watch this and then tune into her address. ini impressed that you went with the brian stelter thing that was that a low hanging tuba. >> yes, it was. >> ybut no, but this is what the funny thing about all this is that t she's supposed to be the smart one? yeah. this comes out as the that book came out, right, that the biden didn't want to pick kamala harri bnt tos at all in . first place. >> he wanted to pick. oh, yes. and it's like. she she's the smart one. >> there's it's like where we go from here. yeah. don't worry about that, silly. get sued because ll get who i people identify as potatoes are going to be furioudes. but they had a keyboard and aa laptop there knowing the potatoeslaptop don't have hs so you just run the union face.
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that a vegetable without opposable thumbs. >> so she's got enough problems to deal with right there because the potato bites, the potato eaters are going the to be furious. >> and they will well, all eyes will b es will e on you, governor. i's very appealing. potatoes have eyes did you knows that because you live underground? >> i know it makes no sense to me. that's why he know n m alls. >> yeah. oh, wow. that is the daily show toast with a recycled. listen up, america. you can now listen to every show on fox news the next day. every day. i'm harris faulkner. you were in the faulkner focus all your fox news favorites all in one place like "fox and friends". he's going to be an unbelievable day of so don't miss a minute special report. we will continue to follow this story and the five and all of your favorite fox news shows are available to listen the next day, every day on fox nation, from "fox and friends" to. listen to fox news on fox nation sign up today. right now, someone could be listed as the owner of your home and stealing thousands
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ready for the nfc championship game on fox. jericho has the lions one win away from their first ever super bowl appearance. oh my goodness. now they'll take on christian mccaffrey and the top seeded niners three lions niners. the nfc championship sunday on fox. is this guy right. jon stewart returns as daily show crashes and burns. drew stewart is returning as the host is rett of the daily show nine years after he left af he's what late nightate-ni comedy needs new bloodgh. yes, he's following the old show biz tradition of going out on top and then crawling back ad decade later. >> but here we go again, whather old white male runningin
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a show. what happened to diversity, equity and inclusion diversi? >> i mean, at least give itwa to a woman. that way you could pay her lesys . oh, sexist would say. a sexisbut maybe by hiring a whit guy, that makes it easier it to blame a whiteeasi when it fa. so he'll return as host every monday, startinghost on februar' 12th. but, you know, it's a bad sign when something called the dailsy show only wants you once a week . this after comedy central threw hordes of guest hosts against throwall . none of them stuck. most of them stunk. nk. feature the nights rotating comedians, although they'd get better ratings, rotatingedians they ge rotisser. oh, tyrus you know, is he going to be the same jon stewart? jo, think everybody's goingto to expect he's coming out to bash trump. but what if doesn't? then he be loose his mondays. yeah , well, he had the he had the streaming wor yeah. how'd that work out? not well. not well.
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so. k ounobut it's trump season officially after new hampshire. right so his guests are gonna be like jim acosta. yeah, he's going to all guys who made money off the trump previous thing are now coming. in droves. mm-hmm. it's going to start out as monday. yeah, but he'sill start as mondo there all five days. weeks. but they don't know how to be hones bt with the otherillini comedians that they have filling in. >> so he's just doing mondays. he is yeah, that's the peak day. that's the day you want to get everyone off and running as a monday. but johnson is going to go on the trump tour. he's going to be everytour avery have a different heart attack from trump. and they brought me back in trumay it's a good story. that's how they're going to play it. and they'll they'll do greaty ie with 300,000 people that watch it. >> yeah. you know, lee, obviously0 peopl, they're this because this show is just destroying the competitiodoing thn. o brin >> so they had to bring back yeah, you're welcome. >> you're welcome. lee, is this a good moveyo? ? >> the audience that moved overe to gutfeld. rt
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they're running back to jon stewart. they're happy where they are. and as far as jon stewart's attire says point, he is part of that angry, unfunny delivery of of comedy eroded by somebodyo who forgot what being a comedian evetn is. he is willing to cashhe in whatever chits been earned,ar whatever capital has been earned on funny jokes in the c past to be able to to speak to to an audience one night a week. and i would say my prediction is exactly a wredictio, tituss,. you're going to get anti-trump angeger between now and novembe. who knows what he's going to want to do nexts e will. isot but, you know, he's surrounded by poison with some of the people he he speakle hs to hateh trump so much. and i think it has it has impacted. and this is a guy who was,a gu you know, talented and able to delivero is funny joke and hs career wasn't on the right path . but i think trump derangement syndrome has blown it up. we'ri think e to see anger and y
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material coming out on mondays l . >> comedy central. yeah, that's my turf. that ischarlie but dude, i'm gg to be more diplomatic. do you think he's going? i mean, he's got colbert and kimmel and that other guy that night seth franklin. yeah, it's seth meyers.ers. there you go. yes. is he do you think he's going to fall into that group or what? well, i mean, if he has an ounce of integrity, he won't. and i have to be honest,neve i never watched him when he wash big and when he was doing it every night, not just mondays. >> s mo but -- but. but at least you'd hear about it sometimes. abouometimese, no, there wer i mean, i do think there's some talent. >> he's not as dum as tb as the rest of them. he actually has he has some,y like independentha. s an and if he has any integrity at all or any business sensegrit foy at anyr matter, he would ree there's like this wide open territory bill maher is doing. yeah, you can just go out there and just eat it up and giveon ad
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you a little competition to make you work for. look, i don't want to work m or it.. think >> well, i think. i think it'll make it better. oh, no, it won't . sharpen iron chef. better. i get me egg. >> look at this is the best you're ever going to get from me anyway. charlie. you'v >> cate . he had three loyal fans and like, oh, yeah, yeah. i'll go, like, thank. oh, i feel so much better being forced to applaud me. you cat, are you as upset as i u am that you know he's going to get pai wild more for that oh show than everybody in the studio combinen. he's going to get that maddow deal, right? i'm million for one day a week,a mayb we. probab probably. i like jon stewart. i think that he di rtd a good job.d watc i liked watching him. i thank you.hi one other person, he wasf in actually he had a lot of independent thoughts. i thin
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k he's.e thos >> funny. i can't imagine how those other people feel that or thought they were in the running for it, though comed y y centrawerel di idmedy like the tv equivalent of like dating a bunch of people, then going back to the wife they said they were separated from. >> yes. like nhey were o need to worry about it.e >> like you said, you two are all over. i woulovwould bed a little upse going to watch. >> i'm going to watch. k the mediarewatch is going to adore him because he's back. but i thine he ik he might makem i think he might surprise them because i feel i think he's going to notice that the lane is already clogged. >> well, he's already at odds them with the pandemic stuff. yes. and i'm sure there's going to be a hugetuff deal with him notnot open openly supporting hamas. yeah. he's going to have thoseupporti. hurdles even before he gets to trump bill. >> yeah, that's true. but he's got an opening ther>> o there are a lot of people who are sort of emerging from trump trump derangement and a lot of young people who are like, wait a minute, why did i believe all of those things? and questioning and of course destroyingd the credibility of the media and all of these it's going to be like one of those like 9 to 1 ratio is, okay, i said's one o one thing w
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critical left. >> now i get like nine anti-trump jokes. soetnti- truokes there'll be a n where maybe stewart says something that's hilariouststuat and everyone's watching like, oh, maybe he's coming around. but yeah, the rati o is, there's nine more jokes that com going after the right. >> all right. >> all right. mayb.e we'll get one in. >> coming up her brain money is devoid yet she acts t liked d freu.d. >> i work hard and i wantrning my money to work hard too. so i use my freedoonm liberty car. and on my favorite soup, i gotim it burning and daddy. >> clear. don't touch it. don't touch it. don't touch it. . >> let me get the big one. nope. this one? nope. this one. ye s. no. when the big one girl. same size. >> let me get them all. let me get them all on. big chase. freedom unlimited. how do you cash back? chase? make more. what's yours? >> what do you do when you're tired? goes flat and there's no air to fix that you reach for bullseye pro the smarter faster
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. we got clear from you. it's video. hey, hey. hi. to. wow. oh, groovy. i like that jean, come over later. we'll have some drinks. where? that thing i lik . where e to wear. aoc gives a glimpse of why she e prefers wimps. usexandria ocasio-cortez brings us our second video of the day. here she is psychoanalyzing trump' t thes and even uses wors with multiple syllables. d trum >> donald trump is what you actually get when you want a politicianp to embody all of
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your hopes and dreams and like caricatures of yourseldreamsf. and donald trump affirms insecure men's idea of masculinity a. they affirm insecure people's idea of wealthe pass. internalized misogyny. yeah. in i.n insecure white folks. >> idea of race. mm-hmm. she wants me to. mak she makes me wanes mt to get a s stove so i can stick my head in it. >> so now aoc is some sortpsycho of psychologist. makes sense when evelogistr america hears her talk, we all feel the need for prozac. but reallyneed frozac., it's gok an entire group of people with dime store theories about manlinesup of pes. it's only fair to return the favor. maybe she's got her own insecurityhe about her boyfriend's masculinity, and she's doing her own her . tng i mean, it has to to be dating a guy with smaller than you. or maybe she's insecure
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about her own femininity. >> meaning it must startr own to have bigger in your boyfriend's. >> are we? >> i go to you first. good luc k. . because you're a new york dude. you ran for. . >> i always find it interesting that she can happily psychoanalyze in sexualized ca. ps of people but if you do it to her, she she becomes a victim. oh, god, you can't say that.evee i just reverse mapped exactlyd what shemapped said. tim >> yeah, 100% of the time. if you go after her, it is because whatever biographical demographic information she wants to throw out, we were bothhic all the house financial services committee. we had some ceo of some banke in front of us and she's grilling that bank, trying to get the ceo to admio gete of that they were one of 19 banks to help fund the keystone xl pipeline 1s help wants them tot that they should be liable for any environmentamit theyl cause. keystone xl pipeline.
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>> and you can hear the mic bite and make mike go hot. >> i wanted to ask with the gentleman yield, shouloulddphon the that manufactured the microphone, she's speaking it to be liable. righ the that's coming out of her mouth right now. i was this close to going livete and she probably been like i'm the victim. >> i mean, you're going after me because dot, dot, dot,us whatever demographice ofnformati biographical information she wants to throw out. no, it's because the argument that you'r wante every day, all the time is just too often. yeah, you could say that. now. it's okay. you can say that now. wait, what you can sayyo that won't with me. m >> know my favorite word now? acceptabley it's now acceptabli i met with thed association and they said, yes, charlie, the the thing that bugs me about this is that instead of just like, okaynstead, there are 70, 80 million people who think differently than you do, whople whoy? >> just think about why instead of just calling them deplorable ,racist or insecure, it's like, you know, at least
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you know, we go after specific people. >> we don't go blanket groups, you know, unless they're blocking traffic . >> but i mean, it's like she just had like it instead of id f mean, that was such a cliche and she could she might want to go home and go like, why is this person so appealing? what am i missining?g? >> s because she's unburdenedhe by caring about any of this or ,actually solving anything or actually understanding anything . and all they care about is winning. and they've discoverede abou wif you are totally racist and you divide everybody into groupsracl racial groups or gender groups or whatever it is their identities are, then or wh you d just talk to them about like that. and gin, you know, generalto controversy to pit them all against one another and win elections. it's -- it's powerful and it's very effective. and that's. can you imaginit's pful and e i, a republican or a politician were talking this way about blacks. yeah. or, you know, you know these women it would just it would
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like media would like melt down. but the other thing that i f thought was really funny and i deserve jon stewart salary foruo actually that entire video that happened to me was the part where when they began, she started complaining because she was intimidated by the fact that aboutwa how men talk in sports, references in the workplacortse and how upsettingh finds this and how bizarreis. yeah, i thought, oh man,ve you should hear the stuff. i think. yeah, no t to. sports references here. yeah, exactly. it'll never happen. terest >> iint is interesting, though, you know, kat, it's like that. who'kat,s that dude, dean phillr right? he so he went actually to a trump rallallyy and he, like,o hang around people and he talk to him. that's harde r than just saying you like trump because you're insecure about your. i need to say this because i am the only woman on the panel. once againam onl, i think no, but listen. okay. um. okay. yes, i to support you no matter
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what. you know that, um. yes, but women kind of do just, like, hang outout and psychoanalyzale people, lik, all the time when you what? yeah, women psychoanalyz.ethat's people, like, hanging out are like, that guy's a narcissist. like, of course, like if you do just recreationa wl. but, um, don't act like a you're different. i seree you. right. okay. it'sbut think it's. it's clear that they don't. they've never met somebody tha . yeah, people who vote for trump. there'p.s a lot of different people who vote trump. people some like love and someyo people like, oh, he's better than the other guy. so you can paint with millionsud and millions. millions people. yeah. you know, it's an interesting kellan intere that famous moment when megyn kelly asked trump about, you said >> and he says, to be fair, rosie o'donnelo'dol, and it was like a legendary moment. there's a difference between di going after a group and an individual. and i think that's the thing e the media doesn'tdersta understand, is that trump only
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went after likndump onlye one dr >> he would never say anything about voters. he would go, rosie o'donnell or he go after megyn kelly, but he never would go like an entire swath because that requires high level intelligence to go after the person you have an issue with. yeah, so that's and. cohe issue wn yeah. what what district did she? is she running or does she. >> harlem. i can't remember. you're 13. okay. if you ever brea k in new york 13. >> understand this is the leadership. just wals isk. st wal chalk it ukep like who voted?y why are you doinarg your jobe y yeah, but like this, if you're ever on a show with their rebuttalou to everything you say. yeah. you're on a really bad snlis skt . >> yeah, i'm like the 1980s. 19 same thing three times. >> the only thing she changed was man and person . yeah. and then other party all internalized masculine. so if it's internalize at meansd meanscret i'm keeping a secret. >> yeah, well, how would you know exactly. >> stupid. yeah, i believe the term is . yeah>> stu.
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five miles of steps per hour. the step counter, the smart mat and wireless remote call. now a story in five words. >> now it's a falling wheel. e,d all right, charlie, a delta flight from atlanta to columbia lost itselt from tire right befe taking off on saturday. song we had a door plug.. now we got a wheel. and apparently another plane noticed the tire fall off and alerted the pilot. and he said, thanks for that. you got a problem? yes. there a common origins corigin this. what do you think? yeah, what a time to be alive. >>ben like 60 6 yes. we supposedly pu0 yet a maarn the moon. yeah. and it's like. it's like everything is going. >> i think. a i think trump would have a good description for where everything's going. thes goodfor where days? yes. go to. yeah. i don't think he wouldn't saoin. y that. he would say that. he'd say something else. tyrus, can womethinge blame thin
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mayor pete? >> i would like to. yeah, i'm going to. i woul. to. you know what? so i flew out last friday. hada my flight was scheduled for 8:00, but we had a flat tire and. they had to change the tire and only took 4 hours. and i watched and they had the same problems that we have trying to change the tire. like no one can know who has the jacket. like everyone was callinthatg. i so that's literally what they're looking for. and then when i saw the size of theng jack, i'm like, you've lost that. so i got to sit outside. outside i'm sitting at the gate window watching this groupe gas of men circle around going, only do this, you do this. >> and i was liku do thie, we'r. getting this tire change. oh, no, no, it's no problem. we do it all the tim problemimen it's always like the indy 500. there was a pop and bring the tire offiv know they had five teams of experts to say yes. wow. yeah that's just to get it started. then they get it finally done. we're on the plane done an and n i hear of somebody misplace the paperwork. yeah, we somebody mispla to wai. >> and i was like, didre they kick the tire? o? can we go? wait, these are falling apart
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because this is the result of these equity hires and managementthe result. >> this is what we're seeing. that's what it is. but why are you trying to blame pit bull to judg>> whye was nikh haley, who is on the board of boeing. >> oalh well played man with the nice hair when she left because they said she was brown. lee, why didn't they just call triple aa? l th >> well, they should call the tsa. the way that the tsa inspects us through is agents should go do that with the plane before we takeh off. it's always hard to take care t of your on these planes, but in a way, it's starting to get easier now. s that that we used to do in the bus, you know, like the wheels on the bus go around the room rou. on >> but now it's like, you know, the tires on the plane are falling ofre f.f. >> the walls of the plane are falling off. >> so, i mean, i guess in a way it helps you to entertain your kidrtais a little bit bettt cat. last word to you. are you alarmed or, last do yout
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this is just you? >> all this boeing stuff would make me really nervous>> all t v if i knew ever what kind of plane i was getting on? yeah, that's not to know. best.s best n not to know. yeah, it's a plane. yeah, there. right? yeah. i mean, look at total. look, you don't ever look at the safeteverhey placard this year, okay? >> hey, they don't even say it anymor no.e. they're like, thank you for flying. that ihank you flying.s all.all. >> they're not listening to anybody. yeah, exactly. put on younot listeninr headpho a pill, and pray when emergencty exit seats are free. >> be concerned. e let we'll be rightou back. ease. jordan saw knows let out in need a fiery sneeze. so dad grabbed a possible solution to soothees puffs with. pass. plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin and locks in moisture provide soothing relief and those in need is a response. indeed, america's one lotion tissue.
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