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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 25, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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you love may not be loved by people voting. >> joe: i love when elites complain, go vote on your people in the industry, if anybody snubbed, it was "sound of freedom," they got no nominations at all, stop complaining, this makes me want to throw up pink. >> laura: isn't gossling trying to virtue signal, i'm for the gals, the ladies, the women? that is what he's doing, all virtue signalling. >> joe: he takes home his golden globes. >> laura: i have not seen "barbie" and -- than >> carley: big money is backing away from nikki haley, warning
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her to save her reputation for 2028, instead of risking political suicide in her home state of south carolina. >> you got to know when to hold them, when to fold them. it's time for her to fold them. she has absolutely no chance. >> todd: plus, hillary clinton making greta gerwig, barbie oscar snubs about her and it has something to do with her 2016 election. >> carley: i'm shocked. and jim harbaugh heading back to the n.f.l. >> todd: you upset and nervous about that? >> carley: big topic of discussion, my husband is a huge fan. you are watch ing "fox and friends" on thursday morning. i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. a lot going on this morning. all anyone is talking about, the
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border battle in texas. democrats calling on to federalize and governor abbott is not backing down saying his state has a right to defend himself. >> carley: lucas tomlinson has details. >> lucas: good early morning, carley and todd. only 18% of the country approve of the job president biden is doing. many democrats want biden to stand up to texas governor greg abbott. here is congressman castro, saying governor abbott is using guard to create chaos at the border. patus needs to establish control of the national guard now. governor abbott responding with a scathing statement accusing biden of be lawless president. there is a constitutional duty to enforce laws protecting
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states, including immigration laws on the books now. president biden refused and even violated them, he's smashed records for illegal immigration. illegal migrants have disappeared, amounting to 800 per day, numbers that have the attention of the white house. >> one of the reason the president is having the negotiation is because we want to deal with what is going on at the border. he's taking this seriously. we're doing what we can at the border. dhs is maximizing the process and doing what they can at the border much >> lucas: here is white house spokesman john kirby. do we have a southern border? >> yes, ma'am, we do. >> how come people can flow
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across it everyday? >> we're working hard, the president asked for 6 billion to get border security enhanced, the idea we have not worked with this in concert with congress is ridiculous, we are. >> lucas: democratic controlled senate allow 5000 migrants per day to enter the country. >> todd: lucas tomlinsons, thank you. montgomery county is the 51st to declare it an invasion. he will tell us what he's seeing down there. >> carley: this issue is affecting all parts of the country and a democratic activist in chicago is calling out leaders for allowing schools to close. andre smith, chicago against
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violence, says the city inspired him to run for state house and he will lead a recall effort against chicago mayor brandon johnson and push on their status to be decided on by voters. schools closed because of lack of funding, how do you think the children feel now walking past schools they were rejected in and migrants are living in. fist people have seen our homeless and crime at all-time high. you can't make illegal legal. they came here illegal. as i stated before, we are a nation of laws, you must follow the law, you can't put the burden on taxpayers. >> carley: quote of the week, you can't make illegal legal.
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do you remember the city council meeting in chicago that took place and went off the rails and got shut down because so many residents went to the meeting to protest the sanctuary city policies, there are schools, field houses and gyms shutting down and being turned into migrant shelters. so kids in chicago, sometimes sports is only option outside of gang violence, so important for inner-city kids and they are no longer able to play. you are seeing a trickle-down effect. you have what is going on with the federal government, what lucas tomlinson was saying, how they are handling the border crisis trickling to smith in chicago speaking up for people who are so impacted by this crisis right now. >> todd: when you look at chicago and new york, you are realizing more and more, this is
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not republican versus democrat issue anymore. this is an elite issue versus the rest of us and elites want open borders, cheap labor or globalism, unclear why they want us. the rest of us tax paying citizens, our tax dollars go to pay for migrants, giving them everything they want when i don't know about you, i understand my tax dollars aren't all going back to me, they go to some who need it more. i want those people to be citizens, i don't want thousands upon thousands of dollars going to people who are taking advantage of the system, they are not legally based upon definition asylum seekers, they want free stuff and they are coming here to get it and it is not right. >> carley: number one issue in new hampshire and iowa is illegal immigration and it is because it is all encompassing
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issue, not just national security, it impacts the economy. there was a guest lawrence talked to this week that said she is a small business owner and it is painful for her to see all these people getting a free ride while she is struggling to make due with what she has. her taxpayer money is going for health insurance and people don't see that as fair. >> todd: everybody talking about this story, three kansas city chiefs fans found dead in their friend's backyard. we are told two other people were there and survived. you have not heard this yet, their stories appear different. the family of one of the victims think they know what happened. >> carley: and a woman who killed her boyfriend after stabbing him 108 times sentenced
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to probation, family members are here to react to shocking news. after last month's solar flair with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. hillsdale was founded in 1844 we're passing on a cultural heritage, the culture of the west when the federal government started giving money to colleges, we didn't take it. that independence has allowed us to stay with our mission that we established 175 years ago. because we don't accept federal money, we are free to concentrate on the mission of the college we care about freedom and that affiliates us with the free institutions of america.
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>> todd: such a bizarre story. a fifth friend who was at the kansas city chiefs watch party where three men froze to death in the host's backyard is
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speaking out. brooke singman has more. >> brooke: we know three men were at jordan willis's rental property watching the chiefs final game before being discovered dead in his backyard two days later. a fifth friend is contradicting willis's timeline of events. he arrived at 7:00 p.m. and left at 10:00 p.m. willis claims he fell asleep. the fifth person says willis and the three others were still awake when he left. two days later the bodies were discovered. willis's attorney is trying to keep his client's story straight. he slept most of the morning on monday and relocated and got up tuesday morning. he works from home, he had no reason to go in the backyard.
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these are his buddies, had he seen those guys out there, he would have gotten help immediately. >> brooke: family members are demanding answers how their loved ones froze to death. >> i'm furious. everybody is furious. nobody believes this story. >> i personally think they got drugged and were drug out the backdoor and put in the backyard. i want to know what happened. >> man up. man up. tell us what happened. he knows. he has to know. he's a grown man, too. he has to know what happened. >> brooke: despite suspicion, police say this case is 100% not being investigated as a homicide. the resident was cooperative the day the deceased were discovered. it is unclear if alcohol or
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drugs are involved, authorities say toxicology report will be available in weeks. a celebration for david harrington was held on sunday. >> carley: a lot of questions remain. thanks for following it. this case out of california is getting a lot of attention. a woman will not serve jail time after stabbing her boyfriend 108 times killing him. she received two years probation and 100 hours community service in the stabbing death of chad olenna. it was determined she had adverse reaction that sent her into a cannabis induced rage. >> there are people that get behind the wheel of a car, they have had too much to drink, they
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kill somebody. when that happens, they spend time in jail. i think the jail was extremely bias. he set a prez precedence in california. >> carley: chad's mother died after he was killed in 2018 and her friends say it was because of grief of losing her son. close friends of chad's mother join us now. thank you for joining us, as you grieve the loss of chad and michelle. lou how does a woman get just two years probation after killing this innocent man in such a horrific way? >> we are absolutely outrage and disgusted with the sentence. the judge was biassed and showed
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preferential treatment until the end. it is setting a precedence and we can't believe it. it is unacceptable. she is getting less hours -- go ahead, i'm sorry. it is just very disheartening. 100 hours of community service is not even one hour per stab she inflicted on chad. it is unbelievable. so viciously horrific. >> carley: robin, we are looking at pictures of chad, young, hand some man, full of life. tell us about him and his mom michelle, you say she died of a broken heart. >> yes, we've been friends with michelle since first grade, over 50 years.
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obviously we threw baby showers for her for her son and we saw him grow up. a sweets, funny, athletic, kind-hearted young man fchl he walked in a room and saw anyone sitting by himself, he would go over and make friends with them or make sure they felt comfortable. he loved his family, he loved his dog. he would never have hurt anyone. he had life-long dreams to become an accountant, he graduated from college, he was a good man. his mom was, the grief that she endured tormented her day and night. her biggest heartbreak was the way he was so viciously and horrifically murdered. we thought all the time, was he
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calling out for me, calling for his mom. to see this mgs person continually make excuses why they needed to prolong the court dates and extension, frustration and the way the o'melia family was treated by the judge and by brynn's attorney, bob schwartz is unimaginable. >> carley: it is unimaginable. this is the key here, what do you think motivated this judge's l leniency? >> i think everybody was just -- she was trying to pull at the
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heartstrings and because of her background, she did not have a history of any type of crime. regardless, she committed a vicious crime. what they were discussing is the fact this was a psychotic break and yes, it was, that is not disputed here. she did not mean to do this, but she did it. she took the hit of marijuana. she asked for it. she asked for the second hit, this is nothing coerced, tricked, forced upon her. she took it and she needs to take responsibility and we needed the judge to make that ruling. you have to be responsible and there is consequences to your actions. >> carley: i've never heard of a marijuana-induced psychotic break. chad's father said by this man's logic, every person that drinks
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and gets behind the whole and kills somebody should not be held accountable, either. you are wearing the same scarf, can you tell us about that? >> the o'melia family and michelle are fans and that is the color we are using throughout the funeral and trying to make a statement and get the judge's attention, we're wearing this in honor of michelle and chad and the o'melia family and we want to bring attention to judge worley. it is unimaginable, seems unlawful and unfair. he has done irresponsible, disrespectful precedent that is dangerous for the state of california and any person who
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gets high or like you said, under the influence now can say i was in a psychotic coma. >> carley: judge david worley, anyone can understand this is miscarriage of justice. sorry for your loss two times over. lu and robin, thank you for joining us and telling the story. we'll follow it. thank you. >> todd: amazing what the justice system has become, especially in california. i don't get it. >> carley: this happened in california, notable part of the story. >> todd: biden's ally is begging him, let it go, joe. >> people keep telling me, you have great employment numbers in the black communities aren't you happy? they are crappy jobs. >> todd: greg steube will be
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waking up with us. >> carley: send us your videos, we got a ton of amazing, responses, e-mail them to >> my name is jason, i'm a truck driver from illinois. i listen to your show every morning from 4:00 to 6:00, driving down i-94 from chicago to detroit everyday. welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial.
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it took place in the gulf of aden, south of yemen. two out of the three missiles were intercepted by the uss gravely. the united states launched ninth round of strikes against the houthi in just two weeks. the houthis claimed they hit a ship, but provided no evidence for that claim. talking for the future of u.s. in iraq. there are 2500 american troops stationed there as part of the coa ligsz against isis. with the war between israel and hamas at day 111, there are no signs the conflict will die down any time soon and thus the attacks on u.s. forces are expected to continue.
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there is a risk of dragging the entire region into a broader war, those forces inside iraq and yemen are trying to kill american troops, so far they have been unsuccessful. >> todd: trey yingst live in tel aviv. montgomery county texas declared border invasion, direct response to supreme court ordering texas to remove razor wire put up along the border. a security law expert joins me now. jonathan, you say there is strong legal basis for texas to do what it is doing and your county, explain. >> jonathan: good morning, todd. great reporting on this. montgomery county is the 51 rs county in texas to declare an invasion. it started back in 2022, with
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goliad, terrell county and kenny county. we are being invaded and they are citing the constitution of the united states. you see governor abbott's response yesterday, he is invoking constitutional provisions, which is supreme law of the land and overrides any statute, any regulation, any failure by the current administration to the constitution and framers envisioned this where the states would need to invoke invasion clause. they were guaranteed sovereignty, right to security, right to protect lives and property of their citizens. the fentanyl pouring over and the scourge of criminal activity at behest of criminal organizations has to be repelled and stopped. >> todd: john kirby was on "the
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story" with martha trying to defend joe biden on the border. watch this. >> there is no lack of sense of urgency working on the border. executive action can only go so far. >> martha: he has not, john. you say no lack of urgency, he's been president for three years. this is not the same old border issue. these are record numbers. >> that is why i'm glad i am here with you to explain that. he has taken executive action, there is limit to what executive action can do. >> todd: with this resolution, you are making it invasion, calling it an invasion, nothing to do with immigration anymore, it is an invasion. how worried are you based upon an answer like that and last three years of this administration that joe biden does not see it that way? >> i mean, i agree that joe biden has taken executive action, first thing he did was
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reverse executive orders president trump had enacted. he's taken a lot of those to strike those out of the executive branch. this is about congress failed to really do a lot of their job to secure the border. this is about the executive branch, department of homeland security, they failed and citizens of texas are suffering and the united states is you have issering. every county in texas is now a border county and i would say every county in the united states is a border county. it is important for people to recognize this at the county level and get involved. >> todd: they have to, it makes no sense why biden would fight texas when texas is doing what the nation needs. thank you for your time.
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carley. >> carley: let's send it to janice dean for fox weather forecast. hello, janice. >> janice: hello, feels like springtime, it is 50 in new york city. 46 in d.c. we have cooler air as part of this trough across the west. ahead of it, heavier rainfall from gulf coast to the northeast. there is live radar, could see heavy rain and severe storms today and through the weekend for gulf coast states and southern plains. that gulf of mexico moisture surging northward for friday and the weekend. this is rain still to come on top of inches of rain we have had over several days. feels like springtime in the new england area. temperatures are cold enough and could see mixing and freezing rain so ice on the roads and power lines for new england, upstate new york.
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that is dangerous if you are traveling. future radar for saturday and sunday, we have a new storm setting up that could bring snow on the backside for parts of upstate new york. i see todd looking at the map, is it me? is it affecting me? it could. there is snowfall totals, not a blockbuster storm, with warmth we have seen and we could see snow on the weekend. >> todd: reading my script, you say snow. >> carley: call lou, the plow guy. >> todd: it's lee. i will get lee to do a video. georgia lawmakers putting fani willis on notice in light of accusations again her. how he is standing up to her. >> carley: new jersey plastic bag ban is latest example of virtue signalling gone wrong.
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we'll explain with joe piscopo coming up. >> sydney australia greeting you, we watch the show every night, enjoy the politics and keep up the good work. cheers from sydney, australia. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems,
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>> i believe by being in a relationship with mr. wade and not diz cloeging this relationship to the grand jury it resulted in fraud against the court and taxpayers of georgia. in closing, fani willis do the right thing and dismiss charges and save georgia and you and mr. wade any more embarrassment because of your poor judgement. >> carley: demanding fani willis drop the case against former president trump while she deals with inappropriate relationship with a special prosecutor she appointed to the case. brandon veech joins us.
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why do you think this case should be dropped? >> thank you for having me. when you look at details of this case it was prosecution for personal profit. mr. wade and ms. willis have been in a long-time relationship, long before she hired him. she hired him the day after he files for divorce and they take this special grand jury and drag it out for nine months so he can bill hours and this regular grand jury dragged out to bill hours, he has billed $654,000 to the state of georgia. this guy had never prosecuted a felony period. he wants to have a rico case against the president of the united states. he is not a superstar. now the credit card transactions
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that surfaced and trips to napa value and caribbean cruise, i want to make sure taxpayer dollars were not used for lavish trips. she took her security on these trips and that is wrong, this is nothing more than a political sham to go after the president of the united states and up her political profile so she can run for higher office and that is what this is about. >> carley: that is what you are saying, your colleague, david lewis, disagrees. he says there is a case against donald trump because somebody did something wrong. he is saying this money being used for romantic relationship is speculation, and let the case play out. what do you say to that? >> look at the credit card filings, that tells everything,
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they went to napa valley, there are hotel receipts, the facts are there, they traveled together and mr. wade went to washington, d.c. and met with the white house and ms. willis said there was no coluge or correspondence with jack smith and that has been proven -- >> carley: i believe we lost the great senator brandon beach. people did not want this case to be prosecuted from the start now has this to point to for it to be dropped. >> todd: from that to plastic bags, transition i'm going to do now. plastic consumption has tripled in the garden state since banning plastic bags in 2022. over 150 million pounds of plastic now. the study says it is because
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typical reusable bags use 15 times the amount of plastic and generate five times the amount of greenhouse gas emission. when you talk jersey, who do you go to? joe piscopo. why would the left let facts get in the way of the perfect opportunity to virtue signal. >> joe: all on the air with carley and todd and joe piscopo. so typical the jersey state, they don't care about us, they overtax us and put that plastic bag thing in. i go over states lines and ask for plastic bags. you use twice as much plastic as before with the new bag. we end up throwing out the bags
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because they clutter the house. a big fail. along with windmills off the coast of new jersey. which they are not building anymore thanks to congressman jeff van drew. taxes are killing us. >> todd: going back to the bags, like they do not do research before they put out notions to follow and it is about control. speaking of control, hillary clinton like to control situations and she's making the barbie movie oscar snub about her. she posted greta and margot, it can sting to win the box office and not take home the gold, your fans love you. you are enough, hashtag hillary barbie. nod to electoral college she lost after winning the popular vote. it's been eight years, will she
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ever let this go? >> joe: i don't know, i'm not in a position to judge hollywood, i'm not on the a list, b list or even the wait list. i stay home in jersey, i don't really have no right to comments, nor does mrs. clinton, i don't know where that comes in. the movie made all that money and should be grateful for it. did you see it, you are a great dad. i have three daughters and i watched the film and i didn't get it. >> todd: i have to correct you, you are not d list, or wait list, you are a list, you are joe piscopo from the great state -- >> carley: i love you, too. trying to get in the shot. >> todd: you know who else carley loved at least prior to
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yesterday, after nine seasons and one national title as michigan head football coach jimmy harbaugh heading back to the n.f.l., los angeles chargers announcing the move by changing their profile of this close-up by their new coach. we got him. did you? we agreed to terms with jim harbaugh to be our coach, a five-year deal, harbaugh played for them from '99 to 2000, first former player to return for the head coaching gig. when i played for the chargers, the family could not be more gracious, it is great to see those things have not changed. >> carley: thank you for the win three times over against ohio state, beating alabama and taking it all. michigan man. big money backing away from nikki haley warning her to save her reputation for 2028 instead of risking political suicide in her home state of south
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carolina. congressman greg steube is here to react to that. >> todd: now to steve doocy, live with what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> steve: why are you surprised they had that extreme close-up of jim harbaugh? think about it. you're a lawyer. he was wearing somebody else's hat, you can't put him on a new team with a michigan hat, they were cropping out the m. >> todd: they could photoshop it. >> carley: ai that hat out. >> todd: it mimics my instagram stories in the morning. >> steve: that would be fake news, just zoom in. >> carley: he's got it covered. >> steve: good morning, in nine minutes and five seconds, vice president harrises republicans don't want to fix immigration, they want it as an issue to run in november and are.
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we will play what she says to katie couric. and faa cleared the max 9 planes to fly once inspected and the ceo faces tough questions on capitol hill, what it means for your next flight and to tell if you are on one of those planes. and a mystery of three kansas city chiefs fans found dead in the backyard. a family member says things do not add up. cash to attend class. know kindergartners could receive $750 for going to school, what state is pushing that bill? we have pete hegseth on that and more. stick around, fox going to start in about nine minutes and todd and carley back in a couple, you are watching the fox news channel.
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2:56 am to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. ♪ >> carley: here is a development, big money is backing away from nikki haley after her new hampshire primary loss. >> do you know kenny rogers? >> yes. >> you have to know when to fold them, you got to know when to walk away. it's time for nikki haley to walk away. i will be the first person to write her a check for president in 2028. there's no viable path to
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continue. you can only harm yourself by going to south carolina and losing by 30 plus points greg steube joins us now. should nikki haley go on the one hand kenny rogers or in a not to you being a florida gator alum tom petty and not back down? >> republican party is all behind donald trump. it's clear. he crushed it in iowa. he won the most votes on the primary vote on the r side or d side in new hampshire. and leading nikki haley in south carolina by 30 points. there is no -- just like that donor said, there is no path for her. ron desantis got out. tim scott out long before because he saw there wasn't a path for him. it's time for the republican party to unite behind donald trump as our nominee and go into november fighting against joe biden. >> so nikki haley says the worst
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kept secret in politics is how badly the democrats want to run against donald trump. what about that, the fact that polls show that she defeats president biden more easily than donald trump? those poll numbers are more head-to-head matchup. >> i just saw poll numbers that were the opposite of that. it shows trump beatings biden and her not winning biden. i think it's real clear politics. of course it depends on what polls you look at. consistently the last six months to a year, the strongest person to go against joe biden for republicans in november is donald trump. he is the only person that can walk in on day one and reverse all of this horrible policy that the biden administration has put on the american people over the last three years. i endorsed him a long time ago. it's time for all of us to get behind, symptom spending money on primaries and focus on joe biden. >> carley: congressman, a lot of people are already looking ahead toward the general election and saying what they think is inevitability that former president trump is going to be
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the eventual nominee. but there is also conversation around uniting the party and some people think the way to do that is for donald trump to pick nikki haley as vice president because she then would get moderate voters. what do you think about that? apparently he has made that decision. i don't know what he would gain by picking nikki haley as the vice president. i certainly would want somebody that's going to diversify the ticket from a political standpoint. he is apparently already made his decision so i don't want to specht as to who tha speculate o that person is. we need donald trump in the white house in november to start in january to bring our country back on track. >> todd: that donor saying the same thing. don't soil your reputation for 2028. you have a long career. you are young. seems like she is going to stick in. we will see. before we let you go an atheist group sent you a letter about the christian flag displayed.
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they write this flag sends totally inappropriate message for this reason alone it should be removed. congressman, obviously you are quaking in the fails of these demands. 20 to 30 section for your response. >> yeah. obviously that flag is not going anywhere. i'm honored to display my faith in the halls of congress where, thankfully, we have a constitution that gives us the right to express our religious freedom. and i'm honored that i have the opportunity to serve in the military and fight for their freedom to not believe in god. so, the flag is not going anywhere. and honored to show my faith. >> carley: when i saw this headline i said they can make that demand all they want. that flag isn't going anywhere. congressman, thank you so much for joining us this morning. have a great day. >> see you guys. >> todd: congressman, thank you for agreeing with me that that florida gators line was good. carley said it wouldn't work. >> carley: i guess you win. >> todd: "fox & friends." >> carley: have a great day. >> good morning,


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