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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 25, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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totally inappropriate message for this reason alone it should be removed. congressman, obviously you are quaking in the fails of these demands. 20 to 30 section for your response. >> yeah. obviously that flag is not going anywhere. i'm honored to display my faith in the halls of congress where, thankfully, we have a constitution that gives us the right to express our religious freedom. and i'm honored that i have the opportunity to serve in the military and fight for their freedom to not believe in god. so, the flag is not going anywhere. and honored to show my faith. >> carley: when i saw this headline i said they can make that demand all they want. that flag isn't going anywhere. congressman, thank you so much for joining us this morning. have a great day. >> see you guys. >> todd: congressman, thank you for agreeing with me that that florida gators line was good. carley said it wouldn't work. >> carley: i guess you win. >> todd: "fox & friends." >> carley: have a great day. >> good morning, everybody, 6:00
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a.m. on the east coast. thursday, january 25th. welcome to "fox & friends." well, it's a texas-sized showdown with the white house and governor greg abbott invoking the founding fathers insisting on defending the texas, mexico border his way. >> carley: and new revelations in the mysterious death of those three chiefs friends as a fifth man at the party claims he wasn't the last person to see them alive. we're going to talk to one of the victims' brothers about the developments. >> brian: froze to death. 30 years later hillary clinton still hasn't mastered the macarena. ♪ hey m macarena. >> i thought that was american version of a spanish dance. >> steve: macarena guy right there. >> brian: "fox & friends" starts right there. remember, mornings are better with friends. get dressed. ♪ ♪
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♪ barnes. >> lawrence: the border battle down in texas intensifies with democrats now calling on the president, joe biden to federalize the state national guard. >> ainsley: but, governor greg abbott is not backing down saying texas has the right to defend itself against the migrant invasion. >> brian: they're using the constitution as a weapon. lucas tomlinson is live in washington with the details. all right, lucas, unwind this. >> hi, well, good morning, my friends. the texas border standoff continues. both governor greg abbott and the white house refusing to back down. now g.o.p. reinforcements are pouring in. seeing the support of many republican governors such as florida governor ron desantis, virginia governor glenn youngkin. south dakota governor kristi noem, governors from montana, georgia and utah. some on the left want president biden to do more. texas congressman joaquin castro says biden needs to take control of the texas national guard
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right now. other democrats rushing to his defense are congressman greg kosar and beto o'rourke. and invoking the father of the constitution james madison as steve said off the top and alexander hamilton. outrageous not a statue of him in st. croix, i i do yes. congressman scaght statement accusing biden of being a lawless president. saying, quote: the executive branch of a national branch has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting states including immigration laws on the books right now. president biden has refused to enforce those throughs and has even violated them. the result is that he has smashed records for illegal immigration. this comes, of course, as the border bill in the senate is in danger of falling apart. which allows thousands of migrants into the country each day. drawn the ire of many house members, including some republican senators as well, guys. >> steve: hey, lucas, is this the first time in modern
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american history where the united states government, which is in charge of keeping us safe, is being accused by a state for allowing people to come in with little to know vetting and things like that? essentially texas is saying there is an invasion. and so, ultimately, it becomes a question for the courts of what constitutes safe. because the people of texas say we're not safe. >> and, steve, that's one of the reasons why president biden only has 1% approval rating with his handle of the southern border, according to a recent abc news poll. many in america want to see that southern border fortified. >> brian: thanks, lucas. >> steve: no kidding. >> ainsley: if you look at the harvard-harris polls it says this is the new issue overtaken inflation. we have different ideas of how to fix it. republicans say that it's like 85% of them say it's got -- 81% say the conditions are getting worse on the border. only 45% of democrats agree with that even john fetterman, the
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progressive senator out of pennsylvania, is he a democrat, he is calling this a crisis. and he said the senate in congress have to deliver on this border security situation. i don't understand why this is controversial e made the best point. look at the numbers. in december we had 300,000 encounters. he said that's larger than the city of pittsburgh. and he said and that is just one month. >> steve: that's right. >> lawrence: brian, it looks like this is going back to the courts again. this is what texas is saying. according to article 5, section 4. the states, the federal government has a duty to protect each state from any type of invasion. and if you look at our border and our live shots. every single day at the border, it's very clear that texas is being invaded by several countries. he is saying that -- this is the governor, who used to be the attorney general of texas. is he saying because you have failed to do article 45 section 4, we're going to use article 1 section 10, clause 3 to enforce that. so, essentially, it's the saying
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that if the federal government refuses to protect any state, we have the right through whatever national guard or texas department of public safety, to defend ourselves. >> brian: listen to this. so the governor of oklahoma stands with him. governor of montana. the governor of georgia. the governor of florida. they're all saying we are with you, texas. we get it. we are 100 percent with you. if you want to get some momentum for any type of legitimate border protection worked on by senator lankford and murphy heading it up and the president comes out and says it is a crisis we are going to fix it. if you want to know if they're sincere. why would anyone think the president is sincere about it when he is doing everything he can to cut the razor wire that texas is forced to do themselves and sending in the federal government to do it. why would anyone feel good about it when he is backing up all those cities that have sanctuary status. if you look at the inverse of what we're doing at the border for what texas is doing at the border. think about these cities are trumping the constitution in
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these sanctuary city status. you are saying i don't care what the federal government says, we are forbidding ice from kicking out people whoee know are here illegally from even asking them. that's also unconstitutional. the president stakes his power and sends the courts in our legal system after states that just want to hold on to their sovereignty and protect their people. >> steve: listen, i saw something in the "new york post" yesterday. we were up in new england, so we missed it, but i picked it up today. the migrants are winding up in this country with preloaded debit cards and envelopes of cash, right? do you know where that money is coming from? it's coming from the united states of america. let me explain how all of us, america's taxpayers are paying for those people to come across that razor wire. the "new york post" has this story that talks about how the united nations has got this inner agency platform for refugees and migrants from venezuela. and they have got $1.6 billion to help people reach the
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u.s.-mexican border. and so that razor wire slows them down. and so they don't like that. and so the united nations, you know, they have given all these people money to make it to the southern border, that's slowing them down. so what is joe biden doing? he is making it easier for them to come in. here, ainsley, is the important part. with the united nations, we have talked about this for decades. who is the biggest funder of the united nations? the united states. absolutely. we pay 22% of the u.n. budget. so, keep in mind. we are financing most -- a lot of those people. we are financing more than any other country on the globe. those people, to come into this country illegally. you know, and so we're going to play the soundbite in a moment of kamala harris talking about how the republicans have made this a political thing to run on. look what joe biden is doing. he is taking our taxpayer money, putting it in their pockets and saying come onto the united states. >> ainsley: republicans want the problem fixed.
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>> steve: democrats do too, right. >> ainsley: reason tom homan says because fox news has been pushing this conservatives know about this issue. we are seeing it in our cities. you are seeing it in texas and all over the south. now democrats are seeing it because now other channels have to cover it because it's coming to states like new york. and it's coming to big cities like chicago. all these governors are saying we don't have the money. our mayor in new york city is saying federal government give me help. i need help now. so now it's an issue that everyone in our country, democrats and republicans are noticing and seeing kamala harris saying republicans are using to win elections. no, republicans have been screaming saying help us. our country something invaded by not only illegal immigrants and you have to foot the bill, but also by criminals that are bringing in drugs, why terrorists tom homan said there are terrorists in our country. listen to what our vice president is trying to say. >> some people seem fixated on
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joe biden's age. i wanted to ask you -- >> -- it's because they have nothing to run on. >> immigration they're running on now too. >> they could participate in fixing. >> right. >> no, but, really, so, you are right, they are running on immigration because they like having the problem so they can -- they can have an issue. we hope and -- and are really trying to compel -- particularly some of the republicans in congress, to participate in the solution. but, sadly, you know, we want to fix it. they want to run on it. they want -- they want a political issue to run on in november. >> brian: so no interest in trying to fix it. she only went there once for an hour. went to the border and left. one of the biggest embarrassments when you realize how useless she was when she basically punted when asked to take control of the border like vice presidents biden was asked by barack obama to his whatever
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policy they had he actually did something. for couric not to ask don't you feel responsible for the worst disaster in history at the southern border is crazy. >> i'm not sure if she is still with today show. the other thing with kamala harris is almost everything that kamala harris and joe biden can do right now could effect the border and help their political fortunes. just reverse of the amnesty problem. reverse the parole. do the remain in mexico. you don't need congress for that at all. you don't need any more money for that at all. you could get additional money to adjudicate quickly for people. but, if you change the questions that they are asked at the border, can you no longer come in here and say i'm being threatened in my country. that's enough to say stay. now you say it doesn't matter. go to another section of your country. if you don't have enough proof, you don't stay. >> lawrence: i'm baffled by the headline republicans have nothing to run on. immigration is number one on top of the list. >> ainsley: long list. >> lawrence: you got national security. you got what happened in afghanistan.
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we can keep going over and over. and the fact that you have a reporter right there that is supposed to be representing american people and our interest on the day-to-day basis not push back and say what about these issues? i think is stunning. >> ainsley: you know what? when the joe biden team came up with their game plan for 2024 race, immigration, migration, and these images from fox and now they are on every channel in every big city because the sanctuary city, they weren't counting on that. they were going to run on it, you know, we're being inclusive. and now it's like the people of the states are going please, turn it off. we were all at the boston airport yesterday. did you realize that boston has got such a migrant problem that just like chicago now, they are keeping the migrants at the airport simply because -- and we all know it's freezing out there. it's warm. >> lawrence: we will be interviewing folks about that later. >> brian: carley shimkus, 12 minutes after the hour making debut on "fox & friends." >> carley: for t this day.
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i stayed on that couch three straight days holding down the fort. >> brian: did you sleep here. >> carley: 4 clock in the morning i would go downstairs and just wait. >> steve: why on the couch? >> carley: personal choice. >> brian: protection. >> carley: i am glad you are back. glad to see everybody out there. have some searness to get. to say u.s. navy interpreting two missiles launched by houthi rebels yesterday. the iranian backed terror group was targeting a u.s. flags container ship in the gulf of aden and pentagon officials will discuss the u.s. military presence in iraq in the coming weeks. there are currently 2500 american troops stationed there. this comes after the u.s. launched retaliatory strikes in iraq, killing seven iran backed militia fighters. a lot going on in the middle east. a manhunt in philadelphia after yet another at this prisoner escape. the teen murder suspect in
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police custody when he made a run for it in the parking lot of a children's hospital yesterday. authorities say he is awaiting trial for a 2020 killing. police warn the suspect is dangerous and may be driving a stolen ford f-150. the escape is just one of many in the philly area. months ago convicted miller danelo was arrested after breaking out of prison. cars in and around new orleans yesterday. the city's metro two inches of rain an hour. extreme flooding also hitting the nearby city of mandaville. before this, louisiana was dealing with drought conditions. not anymore. look at all ever that water. those are your headlines. ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: all right. thank you so much, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> ainsley: latest developments involving the 737 max 9 fleet. boeing ceo dave calhoun is set to testify on capitol hill second straight day.
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going to be disulling the alaska airlines incident where the door plug flew off mid flight earlier this month. fox news correspondent hillary vaughn calhoun on customer safety yesterday. >> you don't have any words of assurance for customers scared to fly on boeing plane. >> we believe in our airplanes. we field safe airplanes, our people do. we have confidence in the safety of our airplanes. that's what all of this is about. we fully understand the gravity. >> boeing says production at its seattle area plant is currently at a stand still as employees are focusing on improving processes to ensure quality after allowing max planes flights once airlines complete thorough inspections. the faa officials saying this inform boeing it will not grant any production expansion of the max, including the 7379 max. this action comment on top of the faa's investigation and ramped up oversight of boeing
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and it suppliers. the national transportation safety board is planning to visit boeing 737 factory in washington state tomorrow and we will keep you posted. >> steve: right now a lot of big airlines have a lot of big orders with boeing. and suddenly looking at airbus. i haven't seen a door fall off an airbus. >> brian: spirit airlines, you are not to blame. it is boeing's problem. it is, you know, you got airbus and boeing. it really hurts america -- americans defense it. hurts america's transportation it. hurts america's economy and the question is, is this about dei. are you not hiring the best people? are you hiring the most diverse people? we already saw what did did with the white house. diversity. bunch of people don't like joe biden. they are protesting him. is that causing quality problems here? >> lawrence: we'll see. >> lawrence: good help is hard to find these days. >> ainsley: when you get on a plane have you checked to see
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what kind of plane is. >> steve: every time. when i get in the -- as i go through big door, there is a little sticker right there, and it will give the date the plane was built. >> ainsley: i don't know if you want to look at it. >> steve: usually the plane is 20 years old. they have new interiors and you never know. >> brian: i pop the hood. >> steve: where is the hood? >> brian: right in the front. >> ainsley: i bail you out. >> brian: i want to make sure the spark plugs are good and everything. i know what i'm looking at. [laughter] >> brian: that's right, i fly private. you are right. >> lawrence: new questions continue to emerge in the kansas city chiefs friends found in backyard. we talk to the victim's brother who says things aren't aggravated up. he is calling for investigation next. >> steve: morton this story as well. first it was chicago o'hare and now as i mentioned a moment ago it's boston's airport, logan.
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one resident is calling out the biden administration for the inhumane conditions as migrant families are forced to sleep on the cold floor. >> brian: plus, sports. jim harbaugh's big move. we are going to tell you what is next for michigan's former head coach. ♪ baby, you're not dancing on your own ♪ ♪ ah mornings! cough? congestion? i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart. headache? better now. new mucinex kickstart gives all-in-one and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season. there's nothing better than a subway series footlong.
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♪ >> brian: we are back with the latest on a shocking case out of southern california. a woman there will not serving time, any jail time at all despite stabbing her boyfriend 108 times, obviously killing him. a judge sentenced britain speech probation and 100 hours of community service in the stabbing death of chad o'melia. showed lien is i because the couple had smoked marijuana. experts determined she had adverse reaction that sent her into cannabis induced psychotic break. here is what the father had to say after the light punishment handing down. >> i feel the decision completely unjust. people get behind the wheel of the car and had too much to drink.
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and they kill somebody, when that happens, they spend time in jail. i think the judge was extremely biased. he has set a precedent in california where it appears to be okay to smoke marijuana and commit a violent crime and you are only going to get probation. >> unbelievable. friends of chad's mother telling fox earlier how devastated they are by his death. they are demanding the killer face the consequences. >tormentedher. tormented her day and night and her biggest heart break was obviously the way he was so viciously and horrifically murdered. she needs to take responsibility and we needed the judge to make that ruling, that you have to be responsible for the cons scwefnses to your actions after-effects of this decision. involuntary manslaughter. now given the opportunity to
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teach others about the potential dangers or dangers of marijuana. >> those are your headlines. ainsley? >> ainsley: thank you so much, brian. >> ainsley: this morning, so many questions after those three kansas city chiefs fans were found dead in the frozen back yard of their friend, jordan willis. more than two weeks ago. willis' attorney admitting a fifth person was also in the house when willis went to bed on the couch where he slept for two days, he says, until his friends' bodies were found. >> before he fell asleep, they were going to leave. he actually escorted them to the door. said their goodbyes, went to the door. he went back on the couch and he crashed. >> ainsley: but that fifth person reportedly denying all of that he claims that he left the house while the three friends and willis were still awake watching jeopardy and insisting that he was not the last one to see them alive. grieving family members, including our next guest demanding answers. jonathan pryce, his brother, was one of the men found in the
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backyard. thank you so much, jonathan for joining us. i know your family devastated. everyone on this couch has a brother. you say things are not adding up. what do you mean? >> well, for one, like you guys just showed, you know, does he know when they left or does he not? does he know if his dogs were there or does he not? there is way too many questions still needing to be answered. and nobody can answer those questions in honesty except for jordan. the fifth person -- he was there but he wasn't there after a certain time frame. >> ainsley: didn't jordan's attorney say and correct me if i am wrong that he saw his four friends out at the end of the night? >> yes. that's what he originally said. and then he kind of backtracked on it after the fifth person came out and that's just the stuff that's not adding up. you know, if you have to change your story, then how do we know
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at any time were you telling the truth? it doesn't make any sense. >> ainsley: jonathan, some people when we read this story for the first time who sleeps on a couch for two days? what do you think happened? >> i mean, that part makes no sense to me especially when it seems like you are responsible individual, a responsible enough individual to get -- to gain a ph.d. and what seems like a very complicated science. you know, if you are one of those type of people, in order to sleep all day on a monday, which i assume was a work day, if you are working from home, i mean, i don't know how that is possible. i definitely wouldn't be able to do it. >> ainsley: it's being reported that jordan willis the guy who owns the house who has been a
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sleep on the couch for two days. what have the police told you. >> not a single thing. my mother -- the last my mother heard was they were still trying to get through the phones and that was well over a week and a half ago. >> ainsley: and clayton's finance save, clayton is one of your brother's best friends all three of them were inseparable. clayton's fiancee had to break into the house two days later because she wasn't hearing from her fiancee, right? >> correct. >> ainsley: and what she did she find when she went into the house? >> well, she announced her presence. she made that very clear. and there was no answer from anybody. so she assumed that nobody was home. so she continued her search to where she -- the official statement wasn't actually released so i don't know who she found on the back porch. but as soon as she found someone on the back porch, she immediately called the police and when the police showed up, that's when jordan answered the door as if he had no idea
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anything was going on. and from there on, it was -- we can call the truth of anyway. >> ainsley: three men found in the backyard? were they frozen to death? >> well, the official cause of death is not stated they do say at the very beginning that they did freeze to death, yes. >> ainsley: were there any drugs involved? have you gotten toxicology reports back? >> toxicology is still waiting for a couple weeks, they said. that's the last we heard from jordan's lawyer because apparently they are anxiously waiting for that as well. i'm sure they would be, especially if he does know what is going on. >> jonathan, i know that the police are conducting this investigation but what's your family going through, especially not having any answers?
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>> that's the biggest thing is, you know, i can't speak for all of my family but for myself, it's been very difficult, and i don't think that i can ever fully heal until i fo find out t happened. i will never be fully healed. i admired my brother so much. >> ainsley: what was he like? >> huge sports fan, everything sports, no matter what it was. his three beautiful daughters, he loved them to death. and you ask see him, when you look at them so much, they look just like him. and it's very difficult. >> ainsley: how are they doing? >> well, not all of them understand. the older two definitely going
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through a very hard time. i'm not sure if the younger one understands right now being 4. i'm not sure how much she has seen online and everything. but it's just very difficult to -- yeah. >> ainsley: jonathan, this is a very important story. everyone is concerned about this because we all watch football. we have been watching the chiefs. and woe request all relate to this story. we go to tail gates, we go people's houses to watch games and we bring dip or chips or whatever. you are in our prayers, god bless you so much, jonathan. >> thank you. >> ainsley: all right. we'll be right, ♪ you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health.
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>> lawrence: this morning democrat-run sanctuary cities rocked by the grog migrant surge. this video from boston's logan airport joined dozens of illegal immigrants camped out with small kids. just like the scene at chicago o'hare airport where another 200 migrants were camped out last month with nowhere else to go. our next guest calls it inhumane and says the biden administration is doing nothing to fix it. boston resident and law student jill jacobson has been kind enough to join us this morning. jill, you know, not every city is sanctuary city, so they tonight have these migrants there. can you explain to our audience what life is like and how you have been impacted by this? >> good morning. thanks for having me. yeah, that's an interesting point. not every state is obligated to undertake what boston and massachusetts have committed to do because boston is actually the only -- massachusetts is the only state in the country that has the right to shelter law.
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so, there is a legal obligation to provide housing for these individuals, but boston already is amidst a huge housing crisis with lifelong residents. we have a very tight housing market here. we are legal obligated to provide housing that unfortunately we just don't have. >> lawrence: so, i guess that begs the question, jill, what about the -- i mean, we got high inflation. we have people living paycheck-to-paycheck and a lot of folks aren't making ends meet. if he they're taking care of all these migrants are they able to take care of the average day citizens that are struggling? >> yeah. it's certainly put huge pressure on our administration, on taxpayers. it's projected to cost almost a billion dollars to handle the migrant crisis. the average price of a one bedroom in boston, massachusetts has exceeded $3,000. and that's for lifelong residents, which is why we are seeing all of our shelters at max capacity and, unfortunately
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i object coming migrants being forced to sleep at logan airport. lawrence lawrence i know in politics it's hard to decipher who is responsible. who do you think residents like yourself blame for this crisis? >> yeah, i think sometimes in politics it's difficult to discern who is responsible but it is surely not in this situation. this is a federal government created problem, right? the governor of massachusetts, the mayor of boston, they are not down at the southern border. this is the biden administration's making and, unfortunately, it's been put on state and city governments to solve, despite the fact that it was created by the federal government. i know governor healey has reached out to the biden administration multiple times asking for assistance, and her requests have largely fallen on deaf ears, unfortunately. >> lawrence: jill, if you had the opportunity, i guess, to talk to the president or someone within the administration,
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because they think that this -- allowing people to come, this is just compassion. so what would you tell them to counter that? >> yeah. i would say, you know, to me it is morally hazardous to call this sort of behavior compassionate. because you convince yourself that an open border immigration policy for example is compassionate because everyone deserves the american dream, for example. and, you know, we live in a great country. i would hope that everyone gets the opportunity to contribute to it and be here. it's a great place. but the problem is when they arrive here they are not getting the american dream. we do not have the administrative capacity to process work permits. we don't have housing. they end up in really horrible conditions, like sleeping in logan airport without showers or food. and it's really, really cold in boston. and they won't have anywhere to go, largely. so i would say let's be honest,
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this is in the compassionate. and let's be really realistic about the capacity that we have and the opportunities that we can provide and the opportunities that, unfortunately, we cannot provide right now. >> lawrence: it's a valid point, you invited people to come to the country illegally, you have no place for them. they are freezing in the cold. got people drowning every single day in the rio grande trying to come across the border. that's not compassionate. jill, thank you so much -- >> -- i do want to be clear, it is an invitation. the biden administration has said come on in and these people largely view it as that. that is an important and concerning part of the equation. >> lawrence: such a critical point. jill, thanks so much for joining the program. >> thanks for having me. >> lawrence: it's an invitation. don't forget that coming up hillary clinton showing off her dance moves attempting to do the macarena dance. dolly parton's revealing reaction to dallas cowboy outfit and tiktok herb creating a salad
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bar inside of her fridge to eat healthier. did it work out? find out next on fox and trends i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell?
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only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ mom! mom! every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt. joint pain was killing my creativity. blue-emu gave me my hobbies back. it's the arthritis pain relief our joints rely on. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers.
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>> brian: i hear you mark levind everybody watching at home. here is what is happening in sports today. coach deion sanders bringing in a group of marines to help train his players. the team embraced the semper fi spirit and the marines put the players through the ringer showing them techniques to boost up their stamina they use in the field. his staff is working to finalize upcoming roster. he likes to turn that whole thing over every year. next, big news over in san diego that now los angeles. after nine seasons and one national title the michigan football team is saying i need a new coach because jim harbaugh
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is heading to the chargers. the family is thrilled, announcing on x by changing their profile picture to a close up shot. there you see it. very close-up shot of the former michigan coach. ladies and gentlemen, we got him. good job, he gets a huge contract. he is the most sought after free agent coach out there. bill belichick i guess you could get the atlanta job if you want it. what about this coors video all about getting aboard the chill train. coors light giving nfl feature super bowl ad. the commercial will speed through the u.s. going straight through the rockies and fans featured will be getting $500 talent fees but the super bowl isn't set yet. be sure to turn into the nfc championship game lyons and 49ers sunday only on fox. it will be fantastic. beginning at 6:00. beginning now in a matter of moments it will be carley and steve. but let me tell you tomorrow, coming up that is gronk looking civilized he will give us
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exclusive preview of that title game and what it takes to get to the super bowl. first, instead of going to these guys let's go outside to janice who wants to do the weather. you were once on this wall. >> janice: i know when you were in new hampshire i took over the wall. you do a much better job and you walk backwards while talking which is very impressive. i know. and now he is off screen. so let's do the weather, everybody. current temperatures it feels like springtime across the eastern third of the country. unfortunately, we have rain in the forecast from the gulf coast all the way up towards the northeast and the potential for a little bit of a mixture, even some freezing rain, not only for new england but parts of the midwest today. look at the departure in terms of temperatures thursday, friday and saturday. way above average. it is going to feel like springtime. we are going to have to watch for, you know that, sea saw because it's going to get cold again, i promise you that look at the changing of the seasons. last week 17 in nashville. this week 64 in new york city. 24 last week. 46 today. so, that's a temperature difference of 23 degrees. that's your forecast. i want to talk about something
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i'm going to be doing tomorrow night at the garden city hotel for the michael r. davidson foundation. eileen davidson is the wife of michael. we lost him in the line of duty in 2018 at five alarm fire in harlem. this is their beautiful family. she has turned grief into purpose. and she wants to bring honor to her husband's name by raising money and donations for other families of first responders. so i'm so honored to take part in that. that's her beautiful family. of course you know i'm married to a firefighter so this is near and dear to my heart. so you can support them if you want to. find out about the foundation. michael r. davidson all right. over to you, steve and carley. >> steve: you are a wonderful person for doing that. >> janice: thank you. >> steve: you bet. all right. five minutes before the hour and time for "fox and trends." carley and i are breaking down this week's biggest stories and
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it's a good one. >> carley: turns out nearly 30 years later hillary clinton still hasn't mastered the macarena. ♪ >> steve: turns out she was in madrid and met with spanish big shots. those guys from from the band lost del rio the macarena guy. they see her. they pull her up. >> and then she clearly doesn't know it this song is now going to be in all of our heads for the rest of the day. it brings me back. i remember the dance moves hands, hands, cross the body up to the head. >> steve: here is my problem the macarena came out about the same time as the electric slide. we would go to my kids event and doing the mac reena. and then we gold to a wedding and everybody would be doing the electric slide. so just like i went.
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>> carley: there she is. >> steve: she knew it then. >> carley: apparentry this song was played constantly during bill clinton's re-election campaign in 1996. they call it the unofficial anthem even then she is not doing the moves. we can forgive her for not knowing the macarena dance. a lot has happened to her between now and 30 years ago. >> we showed you at the top of the hour. katy couric got an exclusive with kamala harris. they talked about all sorts of things. one thing apparently when they were together, they were discussing their height. and here's what kamala had to say about wikipedia's official height for the vice president. >> recently learned you are only 52. >> that is absolutely incorrect. >> i'm 5'4" and a quarter. >> i'm 5'3". >> which heels i always wear 5'7" and a half thank you very much. >> wikipedia you are wrong. >> i said this to my team i don't know where it came from. literally they want to make us
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smaller in every way. >> carley: wikipedia wants to make her smaller she says. >> steve: she is in charge of the root causes of all of these things. she is telling her team what's up with wikipedia. >> carley: critic would say she has more important issues to worry about and a lot more problems. a critic would that say. i'm not saying that, steve. >> steve: wikipedia done by people who just in some cases. >> carley: like you and me, right? just random people. >> steve: come out live here to the studio. let's go ahead. >> carley: what are we doing? >> steve: somebody please add this to our wikipedia. my height is not listed. i am 6 feet tall. my son is 6'6". >> carley: i got heels on. do you want to see my actual height? this is how tall i really am. >> carley: i'm 510. >> steve: i'm one inch. somebody out there go on wikipedia. i'm 6 feet.
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>> carley: i'm 510, i understand what she means. i have a lot of shorter friends and they cling ton every quarter inch. i'm 5'4" and three quarters. >> carley: you look down to a lot of your friends. >> physically yes not in the other sense. >> steve: dolly parton one of the greatest performers of all of time. remember when she came out at dallas cowboy game last year and that outfit disubbed the world. keep in mind at that point in her life she was 77 years old. she is now 78. but, now she is talking to page 6 and she had a conversation with her husband karl dean who we never see. what, is it a little short? don't you think? >> carley: yeah. this is dolly parton summarizing that conversation she had with her husband before she did the halftime show on thanksgiving. she said he did say something like what, is it a little short? don't you think? i thought most people would excuse me if it didn't turn out.
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i thought they are just like us some older women making a bad mistake well, maybe it will just be something cool to do. the whole point is that it is short because she is so beautiful. and she looks so good in that outfit. that went viral. people were talking more about that outfit than even the game. it was a big thanksgiving game, too. >> steve: who won the game? dolly parton. >> she won the game. i don't actually remember who won the game because everybody was talking about this outfit the fact she could pull it off. >> steve: dolly is coming out with comfort foods line of cake mixes and muffin mixes and breakfast food. >> carley: that's so cool. >> steve: waffle mixes and stuff like that. no longer working 9 to 5. doing breakfast working 6 to 3:00. >> carley: next person can't have any of that food. this woman going viral on social media. her new year's resolution was to heat healthier. she created just look at this. an elaborate salad bar in her refrigerator.
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watch. >> look at this. [gasp] >> perfect. oh my god. >> isn't it great? >> chris? >> i know, it's my dream. >> carley: if you want to eat a salad. create that salad bar in the crisper section. >> steve: you and i have both written cookbooks, i think people think our refrigerators look like that. >> carley: mine is sparse. >> carley: she is going to have to eat a lot of salads really fast because that stuff going to go bad. >> steve: what is she going to do with all of those zucchinis. we are stepping aside more "fox & friends" coming up right now. ♪ ef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm...i...added...the garnish. book direct at tempur-pedic designed the ergo-pro smart base, to help you fall asleep - more easily. it's the only smart base with soundscape mode™. it's gentle massage and relaxing sounds help you drift peacefully off to sleep.
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