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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 25, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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>> steve: welcome folks, 7:00 a.m. january 25th. this is "fox & friends." we made it back from new england. >> lawrence: texas size showdown with the white house governor greg abbott invoking the founding fathers insisting defending the border his way. >> plus, third party pressure? with a trunk biden rematch looking more likely could a third party ticket gain more steam? >> brian: cash for attending class. a new ohio bill pay kindergartens for going to school. about time. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, your mornings are better because, look around you, you are better with friends.
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♪ ♪ i'm on top of the world ♪ hey ♪ i'm on top of the world ♪ ♪ >> brian: one of the most under estimated place in this country is upstate new york. i have been there a lot because i had three kids go to college up there. and as i went up there, i said did i not know it was that nice. glen falls also beautiful this time of year. and a special thanks to mother nature for providing the snow that made the shot that much more glorious. >> steve: glens falls looks a lot likes a we left bedford up in the great state of new hampshire yesterday. it was just like that when we all left town here in new york city a warm front. foggy. >> lawrence: couldn't see out my window this morning. >> steve: you must be on a high floor. because i'm on the second floor i can see right out.
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>> lawrence: i couldn't see anything. >> brian: i remember i had a '69 mustang and had no defogger on it. what i used to do is what everyone should do when you first get a car you wiped it with your hands and then i got this thing called manual defogger. do you know what it was? a sponge. and i just thought to this day i'm like who is the genius took it from the supermarket to the auto store and go we are going to call it the manual defogger. i thought to myself i have been taken. >> ainsley: mustang still today. >> brian: the one i got. some things like older car stop working. >> ainsley: that feature cost as little bit more. you wanted that mustang so bad. >> brian: it went 100 miles per hour. i had no idea all engines weren't that big. 351 engine. and i did a great thing. i put rug on the dashboard which to this day i'm horrified by. and it was unbelievable. and you would sit down and i go why is everyone not keeping up with me? someone with a license, the best car to have a car that goes way
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too fast. so it was trouble. i realized i should give it up when they told me put it on the lift and they looked up and they said take it down i go what happens he? said your chassis is cracked. >> ainsley: what does that mean? >> brian: i gave it to the guys in the metal shop and i said would you do it back together? then i thought to myself would you let high school kids put a chassis back together? and i ended up giving it to my neighbor. he said chassis is cracked. i said yeah. he goes i probably can't drive it. you want the car back? i don't want the car back. >> steve: my first car. >> ainsley: fix my chassis. >> steve: barracuda something like a 70-something barracuda. 500 cubic square inch engine. only time i have ever seen -- and before it became a used car it was a stock car. people would race it. only time in my life i have ever owned a car that had a parachute. >> brian: that's fantastic. 6 miles to the gallon. >> ainsley: let's talk about the
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election. everyone is wondering why is joe biden staying in race? is somebody else going to get in r.f.k. has a theory they are keeping him in the race because of all of these court cases they are hoping that did l. derail donald trump's campaign. listen to this. >> president biden is probably not going to campaign and the democrats are relying on the court cases and to try to derail the election, to try to keep president trump off the ballot. i think that's a very, very bad strategy. i think it's bad for democracy. i think it's bad for the democratic party i think it's bad for everybody. >> joe biden is behind all the court cases case in point look at georgia we found out these invoices arrived that seems to be under qualified, special prosecutor picked by seeming to be the girlfriend of the guy who
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prosecuting, fani willis, he provides these invoices that shows a meeting in the white house, two of them. so you do have a direct parallel. and see how easy r.f.k. jr. said that? he said everyone has figured it out. everyone locally, nationally, civilly, there are people behind it out there to derail the president. what they are not counting on is the delays. there is not going to be a march court case. looks like alvin bragg will be the first case. the immunity has not been decided yet on j 6 as well as the documents case which people need special clearance in order to even look at to put up a defense. it's delay, delay, delay. >> lawrence: you are right when it comes to georgia. it's easy to, you know, get caught up in the love triangle. but the real revelation is the allegation that the special prosecutor was meeting with the white house counsel, as well as the special counsel to figure out exactly what type of charge
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they could use. >> brian: should not be going to the white house. >> lawrence: prosecutor never done any of these cases before responsible for personal injury. all of the sudden he is the most qualified. maybe it was because he was sleeping with the d.a. >> steve: allegedly. >> brian: really good with accident cases. >> steve: the point that r.f.k. was making is essentially the thing we heard from the nikki haley campaign on why they are staying in. you know, she also is getting delegates as well. and essentially and we have heard this over the last couple of weeks, you know, particularly this week when we were up in new hampshire, and that is that if something happens to donald trump, or whatever reason maybe it's legal or whatever, she would be right there. when you think back-and she has made it very clear, she is not getting out. why should she? you know, the primaries are all about gathering 1215 delegates. and right now donald trump has got 32. >> and she has got 17. i was thinking back, you know, as long as we have been on the
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couch, probably the most exciting election primary season we have ever had that we have reported on was 2016, when it was donald trump and all those other people. and, remember, donald trump, you know, he didn't win the first contest. it was ted cruz. then he won new hampshire. and then it was back and forth between those guys. do you know when ted cruz dropped out? he dropped out in may. they kept running up the delegate count until it became mathematically impossible. >> brian: made much more sense for ted cruz to stay. in. >> ainsley: he won ohio. >> brian: iowa. >> ainsley: yeah, iowa. >> steve: all about delegates. >> ainsley: even some of her biggest donors are saying she had that speech in charleston and ralph norman congressman represents where my aunt and uncle live in the rock hill area. he was on stage promoting her and she makes a good point. i still have 48 more states to go. she has lost the first two. a lot of people say there is no path for you. doesn't mean people don't like her.
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she is a strong candidate. a lot of republicans like her. rim like her. she has raised money. she raise add millions since new hampshire in the last two days, she said. one of her donors said, look, i will be -- i will write a check in 2028. if she wants to save her career she should get out. listen to this. >> you got to know when to hold them. you got to know when to fold them. it's time for her to fold them. she has no chance go south carolina and 31 points down and two senators and a governor supporting trump, why humiliate yourself and ruin your political career. she is better off taking that money. i will be the first one to write her a check in '28. and, for some unforeseen reason, trump implodes over the next six months for something none of us expect, she has the money to jump back in.
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>> brian: that's why her campaign would be suspended, desantis suspended. even asa hutchinson suspended, not over. trump won men, he won women. 75% of the republican vote. >> ainsley: he won more women than ghal. >> he had the women vote out of new hampshire, and she also had men without college degrees, especially, extremely high. so, what ron desantis seems pretty angry and bitter and he says the mainstream media has turned on donald trump all of a sudden pointing out his problems -- i don't know what he is talking about. it's been only 48 hours since he got out. i don't think anything really changed. for nikki haley, what i was most struck about is she is still going after trump personally. it's how she lands will decide where she is going to be in 2028. and when what when she is going after his intellect and temperament and vladimir putin. tell him to stop the bromance. wow, wait a second. she is not looking for an off ramp. >> lawrence: when you look at
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the rcp on the national level, trump is up 55 points. and when you go to nevada, which nikki haley has decided to skip, the president is up by 60 points. and when you go down to her home state of south carolina, which -- even if you added desantis supporters as well as christie supporters, it still wouldn't make up for donald trump's plus 30 lead there. so i think a lot of republicans are saying right now at this moment is kind of like what it was for tim scott. we are not telling you no, not never. but it's not your time. and when you got joe biden, immigration being the top issue, it's time for the republican party to take him on. >> steve: sure, without a doubt. according to our exit polling, the voter analysis, donald trump has got a majority. overwhelming majority of the republican party. but she won 60% of the independents. and you need the independents to win. and, brian, you are absolutely right, it has gotten personal on her, you know, she is getting personal with him. she is sharpening her attack.
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he has been very personal with her as well. and yesterday, i read that apparently now, according to truth social, the former president is threatening nibble who supports her and makes a contribution will be barred from maga camp. i don't know if the small donors who are coming up it will be interesting because she does have some big fundraisers in texas and california and new york. if anything is impacted by that. >> brian: all right, 11 minutes now after the hour. the other person is this person named the president of the united states, joe biden, is not backing down when it comes to bidenomics. he says everything is turning my way. listen. >> we all do well. it's called bidenomics. if you notice, all the major -- all the major economists are talking about it going to be recession next week, next month. all of the sudden, they are
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seeing the lord. >> lawrence: the bragging. the bragging. it's such tone deaf to the average day american. ainsley, i was in the diner yesterday with a retired person saying she is having to go back to work because of his illegal immigration policy how it's impacting. when you talk about average day american, this used to be his strength. this used to be he could sympathize with the american people. may disagree with the politics. thought it was a good guy and understood your situation. that doesn't sound like that. >> ainsley: fear people having to go back to work. eric trump hit on that. joe biden says he cares about the border. is he cutting the barbed wire to allow illegal immigrants. he allowed inflation hit 10%. stopped the oil drilling. this guy's policies are reckless. we are losing our freedoms and constitution and losing god in society. >> steve: there he is yesterday getting the endorsement of the
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uaw, united auto workers. here is the thing, he and the white house have a bunch of graphs that showed the economy is doing better. but it doesn't feel like that. and it is costing more today than it did four years ago. you were at the diner yesterday. i was at walgreen's. i was behind a lady. she probably was 75 years old. and she asked for her prescription and they said that will be $450. and she said i can't pay that. and then the lady at walgreen's said, okay, you want to call your doctor and see if we can work something out? she said i have got an appointment. how much for just a couple of pills. they said i can give you five days for $85. and the lady -- the walgreen's lady said how quickly do you need the pills? when did you run out? she said i ran out a week ago. i have have been cutting the pills in quarter she says you are supposed to take two a day. so i was going to pay for the lady's prescription. but she said let me go out to my
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car. she never came back. that goes to show you, everybody is impacted. everybody is paying more. some people are not taking their heart medicine because they are just simply strapped. >> ainsley: bidenomics even worse. that's called stress. >> brian: six in 10 -- 06% of the people say they are holding steady. 3 in 10 feel like they are falling behind. wisconsin voters in particular, who elected biden by a margin of less than 1% in 2020 are at the tipping point, they said on the 2024 election. and he has been advised by everybody on the outside from axelrod to his former staffers on msnbc stop with the bidenomics talk. stop it. >> steve: call it something oelse. >> brian: all summer spent $40 million to promote bidenomics. and he lost ratings with it. but he is still doubling down. also, what insult it is to think that everybody who is in a union wants to be yelled at? he has this persona i'm a regular guy, yells at them.
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as if they are like morons or something. they are unions endorsing him because he walked the picket line with him. how much more pandering do you need to do and by the way hurt everybody because they're laying off people like crazy because of the deal uaw cut with those car companies. >> ainsley: union umbrella might say we support biden a lot of the blue collar workers support trump and they remember what it was like to live when he was president. family and friends of those three kansas city chiefs fans found dead after a watch party are demanding answers. >> steve: that's right. one of the fans on hand is speaking out and contradicting the story being told by the man who hosted the party and his attorney. >> lawrence: lucas tomlinson is live with the latest on this. what can you tell us. >> a fifth man at the watch party says the host willis was awake until midnight. this comes as willis' lawyer says his client was asleep. so some contradiction there. police say it's not clear yet if drugs or alcohol were involved, which has raised eyebrows with many following the case, of
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course our viewers. the mother of ricky johnson, one of the three found dead outside that kansas city home telling fox digital, quote: something that comes to my mind. this guy wants to rag about how smart he is. he is a scientist. my thoughts are that he concocted something and gave it to all three men. i know i'm just thinking but how could this have happened? here's a photo of the rental home where the bodies were found outside in the freezing cold on january 9th. the kansas city police department says foul play is not suspected right now. detectives are still waiting for autopsy and toxicology reports. david harrington, leyton mcgeney and ricky johnson were found dead in their friend's backyard two days after they came over to watch the last football game of the regular season. a lawyer for jordan willis, the hiv data scientist says his client is innocent. >> spent most of the morning on monday. he got up. at some point he relocated to the bedroom. he got up on tuesday morning. he works from home. he had no reason to go in the
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backyard. he didn't look out on the backyard. and, like i said, these are his buddies. he had seen those guys out there, he would have gotten them help immediately. >> still, some are not so sure asking why it took two full days to discover those three bodies in willis' backyard, guys. >> steve: that's right. thank you very much, lucas. the missing people's families were calling this guy and texting this guy. and the fiancee went over and knocked on the door. she broke in, i think, through a basement window. found one of the people in the backyard. but the question becomes, okay. we're waiting for 9 toxicology. how do three grown apparently healthy men freeze to death in the back of a suburban kansas city home? i can understand if they're on top of a mountain top and doing exploration. these guys just watched the kansas city chiefs and then froze to death. what happened?
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that's the puzzle. >> lawrence: one of the things you learn in forensics 101 is preservative of a crime scene. one thing that they have going for them, even though the police have said there is no foul play is that they were in the frozen condition. that means everything was preserved right there. >> lawrence: if he drug them out there and kind of hard to believe if he was able to drag all of those big men out there, then the body would have shown that. marks on the body. >> ainsley: walked outside to have a cigarette together or something. for three men to be found outside, outside of the house. >> lawrence: big deal is toxicology. and if is he a scientist he must know he can't escape that. >> brian: got to be something they took logically. if you are locked out of the house, walk next door. walk home. call an uber. i mean, they were out of it. >> ainsley: jonathan price is the brother of ricky, he said ricky and clayton and david, the three guys found outside were all best friends. i didn't know they were older gentlemen. ricky has three kids.
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his youngest one is 4 years old. here is jonathan price, the brother of rickey. >> there is way too much questions, still needing to be answered. and nobody can answer those questions in honesty except for jordan. he kind of back tracked on it after the fifth person came out. and that's just the stuff that's not adding up. you know, if you have to change your story, then how do we know at any time were you telling the truth. for myself, it's been very difficult and i don't think that i can ever fully heal until i find out what happened and i will never be fully healed. i admired my brother so much. i looked up to him. >> lawrence: so sad. >> steve: just wants answers. >> ainsley: the mom -- he doesn't have answers, his mom doesn't have answers. what's bizarre is who sleeps on a sofa for two days. >> lawrence: why were they out cold?
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and what were they on to be out that cold. >> steve: story apparently when the police came, i believe mr. willis, the host of the party, answered the door in his underwear holding a wine glass according to the daily mail. >> brian: 20 minutes after the hour the right to self-defense texas governor greg abbott fighting the invasion at his southern border, in our southern border as democrats push biden to seize control. a live report next. >> ainsley: plus, paying kindergartens to go to school? a new ohio bill looks to pay 5-year-olds just for attending class. >> brian: all right. >> lawrence: pete hegseth is here with reaction, next. >> steve: i know what he is going to say ♪ dollars is what i need ♪ if i share with you my story ♪ would you share your dollarss ♪ would you share your dollarss with me ♪ bad times coming do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything.
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switch today. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: the border battle down in texas intensifies with democrats calling on president biden to federalize the state national guard. >> ainsley: governor greg abbott is not backing down. he says texas has the right to defend itself against the migrant invasion. >> texas governor greg abbott is call the biden administration's border policies lawless. today the white house is pushing right back insisting the governor is simply politicizing
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what is happening in his backyard the governor posted a pretty length letter on wednesday when he said texas is experiencing a quote invasion of migrants. ecutive branch of the u.s. has a constitutional duty to enf enforced presidency has refused to enforce those laws even violated them. the result is he smashed records for illegal immigration. that's the letter from the governor. several high profile republican governors, including ron desantis of florida now rushing to abbott's defense, arguing states like theirs also have a right to protect themselves and their support comes only a few days after the supreme court sided with the biden administration ruling some of the border razor wire put up by texas must come down. now as you guys also mentioned a small number texas democrats calling on biden to national guard. the white house is not looking to do such a thing even though it's pushing for a legislative solution with congress. >> one of the reasons that the
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president is having these negotiation procedures or process with the senate with both republicans and democrat as i have said many times before want to deal what going on with the border is he taking this seriously. we are doing what we can, right? at the border? dhs is maximizing their process, doing what they can at the border. >> white house says still waiting to seem what kind of framework congress will come up with overnight we did hear from the mike johnson sides with the governor of texas and he believes the next steps for congress holding the dhs secretary accountability. steve, ainsley brian and lawrence back to you. >> steve: anything going to happen kjb reads out of the big book and says it's congress' fault. >> this has been the answer that the white house has given now several months if not years. >> they say we believe we have x-authority to do this but up to congress to do this framework. there is a real question even
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this morning given the timing of how quickly the election is approaching whether or not we will see anything really get agreed to. even if a deal is presented could it pass? that's the big question. >> steve: right, could it pass. >> ainsley: mark, thank you so much. >> you bet. >> ainsley: hand it over to carley for more medicine lines. >> carley: texas to california we go. police in northern california are searching for a gunman who shot an alameda sheriff's deputy serving an eviction notice. officials say the shooter is armed and dangerous. they believe he may be in an area just south of oakland. the deputy is expected to survive agency pointing the scams up up since 2021 -- i'm sorry 2001, rather. the fbi says from october of 2021 to march 2023, the agency and homeland security received over 16,000 reports of online financial sextortion of minors
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including 1,000 victims which prosecute primarily little boys. one of hunter biden's former business associates having closed door impeachment interview with house oversight investigators this morning. his name is mervin, a chinese businessman who they say was connected to hunter through that chinese energy company cfc. money through a shell companies hunter was involved. in the chinese firm also has ties to the chinese communist party and alleged fed money to the biden family. and those are your headlines. that impeachment investigation, guys, continues. >> steve: it keeps going on. thank you very much. >> brian: thanks, carley talk later. students as young as 5 could get paid for showing up to close. >> ainsley: proposed ohio law pay $25 to select kindergarten and ninth grade students for attending class at least nine of 10 days during a two week span. >> lawrence: students who keep up 90% attendance rate could
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earn hundreds by the end of the year. >> steve: just imagine if you had a lot of kids you could make a lot of money. pete hegseth has a lot of kids. pete, i'm sure you think this is just a fantastic idea. now we are reduced to if we want kids to go to school, which cost taxpayers a fortune, we are going to have to pay the kids to show up? >> pete: not a bad idea, steve. i should move to ohio and send my kids to this program. >> steve: you would be rich. >> pete: once they attend 90% of classes i will collect the money. what a sign of the times when you step back and think about how far we have fallen. first of all we are trying it with 5-year-olds and kindergartens if i ask my 5-year-old how much did the car cost? he would be like 4 trillion. i don't know what $245 is per se. and then a ninth grader, just because you are getting paid to enter into the doors of a school doesn't mean you are actually
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going to learn or be invested in your classes so, okay, you are there. you are not getting in trouble somewhere else. this is ultimately an attempt yet again to replace the role of parents. i hate to come back to this ultimately a lot of these kids not showing up from school are coming from broken homes, where the mother or the father or neither are not putting a boot in their you know where and saying in this family we show up. and, the school districts aren't holding the parents accountable. there are laws against truancy there are laws against kids not showing up to school to a certain age. and, as a result. those laws should be enforced against parents who don't ensure their kids show up to school. so, again, the parents want to play mommy and daddy and that's a bad sign. >> ainsley: pete, you have seven children. a 5-year-old you say you are going to school. you don't have an option. and you put your child in the car and you take them to school. 's it's pretty easy to send a 5-year-old to school. >> pete: exactly. that's only parents. that's only parents.
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a 5-year-old doesn't know up from down is the parents getting them dressed? getting their snack? getting in the car? dropping them off, walk them to their class, make sure they stay? what are they doing? fleeing? prison breaking? kindergarten? no. it's the parents who are ensuring that they are there. hold the parents accountable. fine the parents. figure it out. handing money to a kid is -- i mean, the fact that this is a bipartisan proposal in the ohio legislature, by the way they already spend 12 grand a people in ohio. almost 16 grand in some inner cities in ohio. plenty of money. >> brian: the success of poison ivy is still out there. are you -- might you do something like poison kindergarten? >> pete: that's next, brian. stay stay tuned, fox nation.t-ti >> lawrence: more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪oms, you ( ♪ ) wake up to a new you. with mucinex nightshift,
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♪ >> brian: this morning both the trump and biden campaigns gearing up for potential rematch as skeptics warn it's not in the bag for either of them. >> those numbers last night not those of a strong incumbent the lowest approval numbers in measurable history. i'm trying to wake up my party to what is an impending disaster. >> 35% of republicans in the state are not going to vote for donald trump. is he bleeding centrists. how did ronald reagan beat jimmy carter? he beat him by winning democrats who became republicans over time. the republicans need the haley democrats. if trump can't win them over, is he not going to win the presidency. >> brian: as a result heavyweight centrist group no labels barreling ahead with a plan to field a third party unity ticket announce candidate after super tuesday. no labels co-chair pat mcrory
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joins us now. great to see you governor. >> appreciate it. >> brian: jump in see a rematch. looks like on route to a rematch. >> all indications yet, 65% of the american people do not want a rematch at this point in time. so we have never really had this in american history where such a large percentage of people are not satisfied with the possible selections coming out of the democratic and republican primaries. and if not now, when for the possibility of people having a choice. and what's unique about this it's winner take all in all ths. winner take all, including my state of north carolina. so you could get 35% of the vote as a third party and win. and we're right now gaining access to ballots across the nation. we're the only independent group that has an opportunity to get on all 50 safety ballots. and we have been working on it over a year. and i'm proud of being part of the effort with ben chiefs and joe lieberman. >> on 14 right now and working in over 20 states right now.
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we are ahead of where ross perot was when he decided to run. by the way when ross perot ran when only 40% of the people disagreed with the candidates being selected. >> right, clinton and bush. he was up to 35% beating clinton and bush. he suddenly dropped out of the campaign and even after doing that he got 19%. super tuesday. we will pick a slate to win and then it's up to those candidates to run a winning campaign. >> brian: hard to get on ballots time period ridiculous. signatures you need and who is the candidate. they are made to prevent you from being part. >> two parties make the rules and they want to protect their duopoly. listen, i know the game, i have played the game. i want to change the game because the game is broken right now. the american people are saying enough. we have had enough.
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we want another option. and why should the american people not deserve another option? right now we have some left wing groups move, the lincoln project trying to intimidate our efforts and going after people's livelihoods to say we are going to work against you any way possible. >> brian: look at past elections jill stein made impact with percentage points. ralph nader blamed that al gore was not the president of the united states. john anderson made a little bit of noise decades earlier. for you guys, is there a pathway to victory. >> absolutely. >> pathway to relevance. >> no. the only reason we are going to get in is to win. we are not getting in to this for ego or pride. we are getting into this to win. as i said, can you win with 35% of the vote. winner take all in all but two states. nebraska and maine. that's it. winner take all. and, if you look at the polling right now, people are upset about the way the parties are
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broken. they are not dealing with the issue of immigration. they are not dealing with the deficit. they are not dealing with crime. they are not dealing with a solid foreign policy. and both parties are just in the corner and accomplishing nothing. people are looking for an alternative. and i think people deserve an alternative. i'm a republican conservative who believes in competition in the private sector, in sports, and in politics. and the people deserve that competition. >> brian: if joe manchin is available is he choice or is it wrong to say he is the top five? >> joe is a great guy at this point in time it would be inappropriate for me to start naming all the potential candidates. what we have done is ask the american people what type of candidate do they want? and they want people with character. they want people with experience. >> brian: how are you going to pick them? >> we are going to be announcing that process in the neither future. we are going to be listening to the american people. and the american people right now say we want a choice. and we want people that don't make us squirm every time they get on tv.
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people that can be proud of and get results. people are saying enough. we want another option. >> brian: will the president get a chance to pick the vice presidential candidate. >> right now most likely that will be no labels and whoever is selected as president will be involved in that decision-making process. >> brian: comes after super tuesday? >> most likely. our plan has always been after super tuesday because, at that point in time, we'll probably know who the final two candidates are it might happen earlier, which is a sad commentary on our political process. >> brian: when both parties are against you might be doing something right. pat mccrory thank you very much and they are against you. the rising risk of marijuana as cannabis related er visits kwame in children during thec. emergency pediatric physician on the harm to brain development next. plus, border czar kamala harris playing the blame game saying republicans don't apt border solution. >> fix it, they want to run on it.
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>> ainsley: experts sounding the alarm on the risk of marijuana use as people under 25 made more than 500,000 cannabis er visits
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since december of 2018. marijuana use among pregnant women has also increased by 25% with thc being found in 22% of umbilical cords. pediatric medical physician joins us now and joins us now. good morning, dr. ward. >> good morning. >> ainsley: what are you seeing in your er and why are we seeing this increase. >> two settings that i see people presenting for care african business exposure. the first essentially young children, toddlers and preschool children who are getting accidental exposure usually to edible cannabis products. and then the second is older children, school-aged and teenagers who have behavioral exposure and coming in either with acute symptoms, intoxication or very rarely psychosis, or more commonly the long-term subtle effects which the impact it has on behavior and mental health. >> ainsley: when you look at the risks of marijuana use, there is depression and anxiety,
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psychosis, breathing and lung problems, heart failure, heart attacks, strokes, judgment and memory impairment, and then why are we seeing an increase in pregnant mothers? don't they know you are not supposed to do this while you are pregnant? >> we know that cannabis has significant harmful effects for teenagers and children. and pregnant mothers. i think it's important that folks hear the message that legal does not necessarily mean safe, and in particular does not mean you legal and safe for children and adolescents. >> ainsley: if you look at the stats, children between or teenagers, i should say, between 18 and then we go into the 20's, up to 22 years old. 1% to 2% of them say they drink alcohol every day. 6% to 11% say they use marijuana daily. what do you say to your patients that do marijuana and then they come into your office and say isn't this safe? >> yeah. so it's exactly what i hear when i talk to my patient and mirrored in studied after study.
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do not receive the same cannabis products have the same risk they used to do. important for pediatricians, families, teachers, members of the wider community having honest discussions with teenagers, much like they would around cigarettes, alcohol, sex, all those other things that can present a risk to the health of teenagers. >> ainsley: if you look at the potency, too. marijuana today is more potent than it was in the 190s, some say it's 20 times more potent. are you seeing that? >> it's hard to know whether the increase in er visits and calls to national poison center hotlines is due to increase in potency or increased poo tensey in the community but both are at play. >> carley: what happens to the women pregnant and deliver their babies. do the babies have side effects because of this? >> so, as a pediatrician, looking after newborns and presenting them to the er, we do see that the children in a setting can be smaller than other children and can have
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cognitive or brain development problems. an area understudied and further research is needed to get a better handle on exactly what that risk level is. >> ainsley: dr. ward, thank you for coming on. >> thank you for having me. >> ainsley: numbers going up so much. thank you. hand it over to carley for headlines. >> carley: staying on this topic, file this one under what did you think was going to happen? oregon democrats are now backtracking on their state's lax drug policies due to crime and people using drugs in public. 2020 state lawmakers decriminalized drug possession but they are now pushing a new bill that would enable police to confiscate illegal drugs and crack down on people using out in the open. it would also make it a misdemeanor for possession -- for possessing small amounts of illegal drugs. lawmakers will only have 35 kays to pass the bill once the legislative session starts on february 5th. one to follow. an oklahoma highway trooper nearly killed during a traffic
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stop on a busy interstate and a warning the footage we are about to show you is graphic. [crash] >> carley: it is shocking. the trooper, someone gets up and walks away. he was hospitalized along with two others. they have since all been released. that is a miracle. oklahoma highway patrol says they released the dash cam video to remind people of the consequences of distracted driving. those are your headlines, janice, i don't know if you see that video, but it is unbelievable. thank god that man is okay. >> janice: it's terrible to watch. it's important to see so that people have more awareness, unbelievable. i'm so glad everyone is okay. okay. so it's raining, it's tough driving out in some areas, especially across new england. take a look at it. it feels like springtime though. 51 now in new york. i can't believe it. we have some of this moisture working its way into the new york city area and boston.
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the ice is my biggest concern for travel for upstate new york and northern new england. so just keep that in mind. there is the rest of today's forecast. we have the southern part of the storm bringing a ton of heavy rainfall for the gulf coast states and then the chance for a wintry mix for parts of the midwest. the rockies getting ♪ the west coast getting wet again and there are the flood alerts for the south and southeast as we are expecting 3 to 5 more inches on top of what we have already experienced in the neighborhood. so, keep that in mind. and fox will keep you up to date. there is some of the rainfall totals. here in the northeast, by the way, ainsley, another shot at some snow this weekend. >> ainsley: yea. >> janice: stay tuned. it might be too warm in the northeast but i'm pulling for it. i'm hoping. >> ainsley: first i have heard of it. i'm so excited. >> janice: okay. sounds good. >> ainsley: coming up jim harbaugh's big move. we will tell what you is next for michigan's former head coach. ♪
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>> lawrence: 8:00 a.m. on east coast, it is thursday, january 25th, this is "fox and friends." >> steve: welcome aboard, texas-sized showdown with texas governor gre


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