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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 25, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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the 38th annual super bowl breakfast, athletes in action, saturday, february 10th at caesars. we'll present the bart starr award. outstanding leadership. you see mike fitzpatrick the safety from the pittsburgh steelers, christian, believer in christ, so we're excited about it. bart starr. the guy was an amazing person, faith, family, leader, won the first two super bowls for the green bay packers. we're excited to be las vegas at the super bowl breakfast. you have seen individuals who won in the past. >> lawrence: thank you, sir. brian and gronk will be on "fox & friends" tomorrow. >> bill: good morning. the state of texas firing back at the feds in washington. governor greg abbott refusing to
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reopen a key stretch of the border prompting calls for president biden to seize control of the texas national guard. where is this going to go, huh? what will give? back live in new york city today i'm bill hemmer. hello at home and hello partner. it's been a minute. >> dana: here we are back in business and glad to be here. i'm dana perino, this is "america's newsroom." the border stand-off is escalating. a sours tells fox news more than 96,000 this fiscal year, 800 per day. >> like a new york subway stopping at every stop every couple minutes, 800 people get off the subway. think about that. everywhere in the city. governor abbott calls it a dereliction of duty. senator cruz goes a step further. >> joe biden deliberately systematically broke the border and opened it up. illegal aliens look for border patrol agents, affirmatively turn themselves in.
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the agents ask them where do you want to go? he want to be in new york, chicago, dallas. what happens? joe biden and his administration puts them on planes, buses, sends them to every city in america. >> bill: they've got a plan and we have team fox coverage. karl rove is live in austin. garrett the tenney is live in chicago. let's start in the heart of the matter that's eagle pass, texas and matt finn back on duty there. good morning, matt. >> good morning, bill. as it stands right now you might be able to make out behind me texas razor wire is still here inside shell be park and remains untouched. the biden administration has warned texas it has until tomorrow to allow biden's border agents back into shelby park and the ability to remove texas's razor wire as it sees fit. a federal attorney writes to texas attorney general ken paxton the supreme court ruled in favor of the biden administration ending a temporary restraining order that
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prohibited biden's border agents from touching texas razor wire around shelby park. the biden administration in the letter to texas reads the supreme court restored the department's right to cut and move the wire placed by texas in order to perform their statutory duties. in sum we require full access to the shelby park area currently obstructed by texas by january 26, 2024. please confirm the state will provide u.s. border patrol with the access described. the biden administration goes into detail about the access it wants. access to shelby park, the nearby boat launch and the international bridge. for two weeks now governor abbott has seized this hot spot for illegal immigration and kicked out the feds. arguing that president biden wants an open border. governor abbott said president biden's lawless border policies allowed more than 6 million illegal immigrants to cross the southern border in the past three years.
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abbott has used his authority to declare an invasion writing that authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes the federal statute to the contrary. the texas national guard and other texas personnel are acting on that authority to secure the texas border. this morning the u.s. speaker of the house and six other republican governors from various states are backing texas governor greg abbott. speaker of the house says it will do whatever it can to support governor abbott. the showdown continues. >> bill: rubber will meet the road somewhere. thank you, matt finn, on a foggy rio grande. >> dana: s.o.s. in massachusetts. dozens of migrant families camping at logan airport. the democrat governor is pleading for help from the federal government. local taxpayers are picking up the tab and state police working overtime at the airport. let's go to chicago and check this out. officials are stripping neighborhoods and taxpayers of
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resources to make room for my granulitis. not sitting well with a key part of the democratic base there. garrett tenney is in chicago. >> we are here where migrants continue to be dropped off on a daily basis, nearly $800 million that chicago and illinois have put toward taking care of the migrants who arrived over the last year, healthcare, housing, education. that's frustrating a lot of folks in chicago's black communities. those are the same resources they have been needing and asking for for years but have taken away or denied due to a lack of funding. funding that is now apparently available for the migrants. that has led to protests from the black community against mayor brandon johnson who continues to welcome migrants while touting chicago's sanctuary status. >> setting the city back. they don't have the infrastructure or the finances. at some point it has to stop.
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>> it's also led to a lot of frustration with democrats in general including president biden. now we're hearing from some life long democrats who are considering voting for a republican for the first time in their lives this november. largely due to the border crisis. >> the vote changed for me. it could change at the voting ballot box. >> what i say to president biden and the entire democratic party is that you have missed the mark with this. and you have lost some very committed voters. >> nearly half of black voters in a recent fox news survey said they didn't approve of biden's handling of border security and if enough black voters stay home or vote republican it could spell trouble for president biden's re-election chances. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: karl rove is with us live in austin. good morning to you. a couple of things. a little curveball here, guys. show us number five first.
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this is illegal immigration and what you will see screen left is during the trump years and the yellow line shows you what happened during the biden years. that is people coming across. that's the preface for the following sound bite with kamala harris and katie cureic. >> some people seem fixated on joe biden's age. i wanted to ask you. >> it's because they have nothing to run on. katie. >> they're immigration running on. >> they could participate in fixing. >> right. >> really, you know, you're right. they are running on immigration because they like having the problem. >> bill: they want a political issue to run on in november. what do you think of that? >> i think this is complete baloney. i can't remember a speech of kamala harris that she outlines a way to secure and control the
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border. what does she propose? when we've heard her talk about this she ex tolls the great work she has done in the triangle working with guatemala, honduras, nicaragua but what in the heck does this administration needs to be done to secure the borders? she hasn't offered a plan. all she does is says republicans haven't cooperated with us on a plan that we haven't laid out that doesn't make any sense. so let me. this administration thinks it is doing itself and a favor by having an open door to illegal migration. but now they're hearing from democratic mayors and governors, voters, in places like chicago and denver and washington, d.c. and new york that this is a problem. well, welcome to the reality of arizona and texas who have been suffering under this for a long, long time. you had a reporter in eagle pass that has 70,000 people in the
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eagle pass and del rio sector in those two little towns and 12,000 people a week are being dropped off by the federal government coming across the border and chicago is complaining because over the last year and a half it has had 18,000 people arrive. try doing that every single week and see how you like it. >> dana: let's go to way back. remember during the bush administration when chuck schumer to help obama torpedoed the immigration bill at that point because they said they wanted it as a political issue. >> right. it was harry reid. it was the democratic leader of the senate. we had a vote set. setting up a vote where we would be able to have people able to offer ideas and amendments to the administration's package. a bi partisan traffic and we had conservatives happy with the idea of being able to make a recommendation to improve that package and harry reid pulled it
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down, allowed only four amendments. each one blew up some element of the immigration reform package sponsored by a senator from north dakota defeated in the senate. harry reid did it for one reason only. he wanted to keep it alive as a pool it call issue so they could say the administration failed to get anything done and barack obama could do something about it when he got elected or whomever got elected. this was 2007 and it was hillary clinton who was at that point the frontrunner. the democrats did nothing about it during the time they were in and now we're in the fix we're in. we had the border under control using administrative power and executive authority under donald trump. now the border is a gigantic flood of illegals taxing the social services, the law enforcement, the hospitals, the neighborhoods, public safety, all along the border and this administration has offers this
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woman, kamala harris, who has done 0 to help secure the border and claims that really her focus is on the south and central america portion of this. you know, we don't need to worry about what's happening on the border. >> bill: we're out of time but want to share this. back from new hampshire. issue one in new hampshire was immigration. everywhere we went everybody talked about the border. now you have all these republican governors, georgia, florida, virginia, they're all reaching out supporting governor abbott. a quick answer on this. in our prime time coverage on tuesday night dana came on the air and said if i were donald trump i would go to the border. what do you think about that idea now? >> absolutely. go to the border with a concrete set of steps that need to be taken. be able to articulate what they are and the contrast with the lackluster do nothing policies of the biden administration would be crystal clear. >> bill: thank you, karl. see what happens. >> dana: it will happen at some
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point. my point that night was just that if nikki haley is staying in the race, she is and will spend a lot of time in south carolina and also maybe fundraising, and the number one issue in iowa, new hampshire and now amongst chicago democrats is the border, i would go there. the press would have to cover it. i agree with karl, you don't go there to watch you go there and say if i'm elected president this is what i would do here. >> bill: be a contrast. greg abbott is the governor of texas and in the middle of all of us and will join us live next hour. don't miss that interview coming up. let's get to this. >> he has set a precedent in california where it appears to be okay to smoke marijuana and commit ooh violent crime and you only get probation. >> bill: a woman who says the marijuana caused her to stab a man 108 times was given probation. now the victim's family is reacting. >> dana: cia seizing on a once in a lifetime opportunity to
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recruit russian spies. the agency is doing it out in the open. >> bill: we await a hearing in the georgia election matter that might have a bombshell. >> i am done with both of your silence at the d.a.'s apair interest love affair with the special prosecutor and mismanagement of taxpayer dollars that is a frivolous lawsuit based on partisan politics. r strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) i did have hearing aids from another company. i was just frustrated... i almost gave up. with miracle—ear it's all about service.
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>> donald trump got out there and threw a temper tantrum. he pitched a fit. he was insulting, doing what he does. but i know that's what he does when he is insecure and what he does when he is threatened and he should feel threatened, without a doubt. >> the first appearance back in
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south carolina last night. nikki haley mocking donald trump over his speech after he won the new hampshire primary. the former president fired back on truth social and said this quote. anybody that makes a contribution to bird brain from this moment forth will be permanently barred from a maga camp. we don't want them and won't accept them because we put america first and always will, end quote there from. 29 days of this and maybe more. >> dana: or maybe less. you never know. something to keep an eye on. she looked happy to be back in her home state. president trump back in court today. as we saw one of the things for republican voters is that they feel very strongly that for him that's actually a strength, right? it's sad state of affairs but it is the way it is. democrats played that one incorrectly, i should say. want to get you to this as well. an important story out of alabama. alabama is set to try a controversial and untested
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method of execution tonight. the state will put convicted murderer kenneth smith to death using nitrogen gas. we're following the story. we have the details. >> yeah, we just learned smith has filed another last minute appeal hoping to delay this execution. the supreme court and 11th circuit denied a move to block it or stop this from happening. the case has gained a lot of attention. senator cory booker sounded off on x a short time ago. listen to that. >> no u.s. state has ever used nitrogen hypoxia. the process is untested. this amounts to a human experiment. the process presents a risk, a prolonged and unconstitutionally painful execution. >> alabama officials disagree saying once a mask is fitted over smith's nose and mouth a flow of pure nitrogen will render him unconscious in
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seconds. perhaps the most humane method of execution ever devised adding such treatment is much better than smith gave elizabeth nearly 36 years ago. smith was convicted twice by a jury for his role in the murder for hire beating and stabbing death of elizabeth senate. prosecutors say he did it for just $1 thousand. added smith himself demanded death by nitrogen gas. this is also the second time that alabama's effort in his death. back in 2022 an attempt at lethal injection was called off when a vein could not be found. it is a state matter but ignited concerns among progressives about a promise president biden made on the campaign trail vowing to end the federal death penalty and wants state the stop executions. they would seek capital punishment for the buffalo supermarket shooter. as far as the nitrogen gas
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execution is approved in alabama, mississippi and oklahoma. >> dana: keep us posted on that appeal. >> bill: the cia is using a novel idea to try to reach some disaffected russians using social media in moscow to recruit russian assets. they released a video encouraging russians to join them if they are not happy with putin and the war in ukraine. the third time the c.i.a. has been public about this and launched a social media recruitment effort. former c.i.a. station chief dan hoffman stationed in moscow for some time. you like the idea. i looked at it. it is in russian. i could not translate it. what did you think? >> i thought it was a really well done, very sophisticated video in russian appealing to russians particularly those serving in the military and in russia's intelligence services who absolutely know that russia is at war with ukraine. it is not a special military
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operation. they have suffered over 300,000 casualties and have to be questioning the leadership in the kremlin. it is aimed at them and i think one of the best parts is that we're using social media to our advantage. we're used to vladimir putin using cyberspace against us. cyberspace is a force multiplier for freedom of speech and commerce and putin uses it for propaganda purposes to interfere in our democratic process. now the c.i.a. is turning the tables on him. >> bill: this is a way publicly of saying we can do it, too. >> it is, and it's an outreach to russians who are disaffected and they will know how to get in touch with the c.i.a. clandestinely. it's letting them know we're here and their patriotic duty to call out corrupt russians like putin who enjoys luxury yachts and residents on the black sea and puts so many of his own people to death.
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i think the c.i.a. is banking on russians to make that kind of a calculus that we've seen in the past from russian sources. it's important today. >> bill: this is what the kremlin said. somebody should tell the c.i.a. -- a russian social media site -- is much more popular here than the banned x formerly twitter and it has a much larger audience. i don't know if i'm saying that right. what do you think about that response? >> it's close enough, bill. it's just a feeble response and look, the c.i.a. is facing, i think, requirements from the biden administration, from democratic and republican lawmakers who want to know vladimir putin's plans and intentions. not just about ukraine. russia's relationship with iran and north korea and china. russia is at the center of so much what threatens our national security. i think that's why the c.i.a. is
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pursuing this. i draw everyone's attention about a year ago the former deputy director of operations of c.i.a. was speaking at george mason university and talked about this very public outreach and emphasized that yeah, it works and that's why we're doing it. it gives us this outreach to so many russians. >> bill: imagine what? >> we have. imagine if we didn't have the internet. awfully hard to make contact with so many disaffected russians. i think this is the third video. f.b.i. put out a video as well. >> bill: in july on recruiting russian spies. >> disaffection with the war will continue to gnaw away at the russian leadership. state propaganda and practiced repression. that creates a once in a generation opportunity for us at c.i.a. >> bill: here is the golden question, dan. how do we know if it's working?
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>> well, i think that we and the public will probably never know. i think the house and senate intelligence committees members will know and the president will know if the c.i.a. is recruiting sources based on this video and other outreach the c.i.a. is making to potentially disaffected russians. russians don't like the idea of bending a knee to china. china today is imposing their will on central asia with outreach economic against uzbekistan and that's russia's sphere of influence. now the russians are dependent on china to import chinese goods which are inferior to the ones from europe that russia used to import. let's see how it plays out. i'm sorry to say we won't learn a lot about it publicly, bill. >> bill: hope not. otherwise we're really doing something wrong. thank you, nice to sigh again.
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-- see you again. >> oh my god, it's on fire. oh my god. >> dana: the faa will allow boeing 737 max jets to resume despite a series of frightening incidents this month. is there a reason for concern? jim harbaugh is returning to the nfl. can he recreate the success he had at michigan? go blue, big blue. ♪ nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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>> it's just very disheartening, this 100 hours of community service isn't even one hour per stab she inflicted on chad. >> bill: out rage growing after a woman in california got community service and probation after stabbing her boyfriend more than 100 times. her lawyers argue she was
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suffering from marijuana-induced psychosis when it happened. crazy story. william la jeunesse from los angeles. >> commit a crime in california, just use the marijuana made me do it defense. that's what critics say happened here. 32-year-old bryn spejcher goes on a date, normal. boyfriend o'melia let's smoke marijuana from a bong. second hit she has an adverse reaction, a marijuana-induced sigh companies sis. they don't understand what's going on around them and becoming violent. >> she is kneeling over him, covered in blood and his whole body is there on the floor. >> speecher said she blacked out.
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police tasered her. police break her arm in five places with a bat on. prosecutors reduced the murder charge to manslaughter but defense argued she is not responsible at all because of the pod. >> the defense says it was involuntary intoxication. they tried to claim when she took the bong and the second hit it was involuntarily accomplished. >> prosecutors wanted five years but judge david worley gave the woman probation. >> we are absolutely outraged in disgust with the sentence. the judge from the beginning was biased. >> she won't learn from this experience. this won't make her think. she just got away with murder. >> so because pot is so powerful experts say the psychosis is real. prosecutors say this judge has definitely opened a pandora's box.
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>> bill: more to follow on that likely. william la jeunesse, l.a. >> i heard screaming and i heard crying. i saw the flight attendant struggling to close the cockpit door. >> my brain couldn't compute what i was looking at. part of the plane was gone. >> dana: faa set to allow boeing 737 max nine planes to resume flight. they were grounded after a door flew off earlier this month. ed pearson is a boeing fact re manager. listen to the ceo of boeing and hillary vaughn yesterday. >> how do you win customers back who say they will never get on a boeing plane again because they don't feel safe? >> how do you get those
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customers back who say they are too scared to get on a boeing plane? you don't have any words of assurance for customers? >> we believe in our airplanes and feel they're safe airplanes, our people do. we have confidence in the safety of our airplanes and that's what all this is about. we fully understand the gravity. >> one of your planes fell apart in the sky. >> dana: there is a high amount of interest. ceo back on capitol hill. what do you think of things right now as the faa is saying we'll let the planes fly? >> good morning and actually, dana, i think it's a horrible decision and horrible idea. i feel like it is completely irresponsible. we found that there is many more airplanes that are having problems and we've been watching this for a long time. we think it is a terrible decision to even consider doing that. we're also very concerned about the dash eight airplane not just the nine. eight has had four serious incidents this month.
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we're concerned all around. >> dana: describe the root of your concern and how you came to have these experiences with boeing and the feelings that you have now. >> the root of the concern is leadership or the lack of leadership. the ceo and board of directors and all the senior executives are completely out of touch with people working in the factories, on the floors of these factories. these individuals are being pressured to produce. they are given unrealistic deadlines. the pressure is get the plane out the door, push, push, push instead of let's make sure the airplane is the highest quality possible. flight crews and passengers are expecting that. unfortunately we've seen at least 20 serious production defects on the 737 max since it was grounded. and the track record shows that you could be as confident as you want as a ceo but he is out of touch and it is putting passengers at risk.
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>> dana: he is on capitol hill today. what's a question you would ask? >> well, i guess the first question i would ask is how many times have you actually spent time on the factory floors and actually walked and talked to the employees that are dealing with all the issues with the supply chain, the technical lack of quality control support, i would ask him how many times have you been in the other factories in the company and he is sitting in his offices in arlington, virginia and then he comes out to washington where the 737 factory is like he is coming from on high and it should be routine. you should see your leadership in these facilities. the fact you never see him is pretty telling. >> dana: can i ask you? i haven't read much about it. did the pandemic have any impact on workload, the workers, and output? >> yes, actually there was a
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significant loss of experienced employees at the company and we lost very senior engineers. we also lost a lot of manufacturing talent. and nothing to discredit the current workforce, but you just can't replace a 20-year mechanic or technician with a new person and it takes time to develop these skills. these are all highly skilled employees but again, you know, think about any job that you've done. if you are given less and less time to do it, it affects your quality. this is an ongoing problem and stems back to the two crashes. those planes boeing company doesn't talk about it, but those planes had manufacturing defects in them as well. >> dana: last question, i don't know if it's easy to answer. would you let your family fly today? >> my family flies.
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they have to fly. we avoid the max 737-eight and nine and we shouldn't have to do that. we should be able to go on your -- get your ticket and get on a plane and not have to worry about what plane you are flying. that's right. >> dana: thank you for being on today and watch the hearing on capitol hill as well. >> thank you for your time. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: bill, there is news, major shake-up on the sidelines in football. jim harbaugh is leaving the university of michigan heading back to the nfl. that's the national football league becoming the head coach of the last chargers, the team announced the move yesterday. he is going out on top. michigan won their first national title this past season for the first time since 1997. >> bill: smart move. he will make some money. he was making money at michigan but wins the title and gets out from underneath all the allegations of stealing signs. >> dana: more fun to be a coach
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in the nfl or college? >> bill: i think it depends on the person. listen to them carefully how you raise a young man and coach him and manage him versus how you raise a grown man and manage him. >> interesting. >> bill: very cool psychology. depends on your skill set. >> dana: good luck. >> bill: roll this. >> does he know when they left or does he not? does he know if his dogs were there, does he not? there is way too many questions still needing to be answered. and nobody can answer those questions in honesty except for jordan. >> bill: this is an amazing story. a huge mystery. the deaths of three men in kansas city. families ramping up calls for answers. we'll get to that coming up here. taylor swift as a stalker who is a repeat offender time after time. he went straight from jail this time to digging through her garbage outside of her building.
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>> are you in love with her? >> dana: taylor swift's alleged stalker released without bail only for him to immediately show up to her apartment again. he has been caught lurking around the singer's home 30 times. tyrus and kennedy are here for this. criminal complaint, kennedy, first arrested november 25th. visited the home 30 times between november 25th and january 22nd and warned ten times to leave by the building custodian. i'm sure her security is on top of this.
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unfortunately she last to deal with it. >> there are more tools at their disposal and not yangs them. one of the break downs we're seeing in new york city. very dangerous. the threshold they have for stalking in new york, you have to either hurt someone or really almost hurt them. you have to come so close to causing bodily injury. the only way that you can be held. that's not acceptable. you are really tempting fate here and this person is obviously very sick. he is not getting the help he needs and not being kept away from someone whom he might harm. you just don't know. there are too many variables. >> bill: dude is a nut. we have an expert on this security. >> spent a lot of time in the gym. >> bill: this is tyrus with snoop dogg on duty. >> right. oh, nice picture. i did used to wear suits. here is the thing. taylor swift has executive protection. guys like myself and probably
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undercover f.b.i. so she has that extra three or four layers of protection the average person doesn't. the average woman in new york being stalked by someone is in real danger because he will go right back to it. no deterrent. he did not even walking out the people laugh about oh, the bail thing. bail hurts. someone has to come in and pay for you or you have to put something up. he doesn't have to do any of that. he went right back to it. you will continue to see this behavior. when it happens to a star we're talking about it. i guarantee this is happening to hundreds if not thousands of women throughout the country stalked episcopal fly places where there is no bail. when your guy spends the weekend in jail he has time to think. this guy is in and out and being are you in love with her? the questions being asked by the media for the gotcha line is encouraging him. so it's really tragic. if taylor swift, she will be fine. but taylor jones will not be.
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>> dana: if you think of a lot of cases we cover has to do with men hurting women. and their loved ones. want to ask you about this, kennedy. thought you might have an opinion. police have been asking for their ring doorbell camera to help them solve crime. apparently this will go away. the ring blog posting public safety agencies like fire and police departments can still use the neighbor's app to share helpful tips and events. they will no longer be able to use the request for assistance tool to request and receive video in the app. what do you think of that? >> i am fine with this. the more invasive some of our devices are, it is scary the alliance between law enforcement and technology. and there are times you could be completely innocent but they could knit a case together with some of the items you've got. whether alexa or ring doorbell cam and shouldn't be used to target or prosecute americans
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who really haven't done anything wrong. and it is the users, the ring users who have been begging the company to respect their privacy and not give in to all the requests. not necessarily warrants, just requests from law enforcement. privacy advocates are saying for a long time tech companies are a little too cozy and giving too many of those requests. >> bill: that fine and stays that way until you have a major national case. the shooting in california when apple refused to unlock the iphone. and there was information on there that could have helped a federal investigation regarding terrorists in america. >> i have agree with kennedy in spirit. at the same time i think we are living in a time when law enforcement is handcuffed in every other situation. a lot of times these videos of people attempting to do harm, trying to do harm caught on these. also fraud. people who are dishonest. selling your information to someone who is trying to use your algorithm is complete b.s. law enforcement using that tool
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to help arrest criminals and people who are doing -- i have no issue with that. if you are not doing dirt in front of your house it shouldn't be an issue. if you are shady and cheating on your husband at work or whatever and police get the ring thing that's bad, too. we have to give the police some tools. >> bill: good, sober discussion. nice to see you again. donald trump's defamation trial in new york city set to resume. he is back in court today. will the former president take the stand. a high stakes interview on the hill. another associate of hunter biden going behind closed doors with house impeachment investigators. what will he say now? (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source
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>> dana: alec baldwin demanding his manslaughter trial start sooner rather than later. requesting a speedy trial to
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minimize public vilification. he maintains his innocence after being charged for the second time. >> bill: watch that. two days after new hampshire former president donald trump and e. jean carroll back in court for the trial in manhattan. we're outside the courthouse with that. >> good morning, bill. on this rainy day in new york city. the former president is in the courthouse behind me. proceedings about to begin in the defamation trial broad by magazine writer carroll. the president is pretty confident when he left trump tower. look at this. he pumped his fist in the air, a sign of optimism perhaps that he is ready potentially to testify in this trial. the big question is, will he take the stand basic any in his own defense in this trial? previous jury last may found that the former president is liable for sexually assaulting
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miss carroll in a department store dressing room back in 1996. he did defame her. despite his denials he continues to deny this he knew her at the time. the jury will only deal with the amount of damages dealing with this situation, not whether or not the facts of the case as they have been laid out and as he has been denying them. the judge holds a tough, federal judge and likely try to restrict mr. trump to the law under. under the rules of the law because this is only dealing with damages, the former president will not be allowed basically to deny there was the assault. the jury has already found the previous jury as a matter of fact that he did assault miss carroll. so we'll see whether or not the president will testify or he may do it not in the presence of the jury and the judge will rule whether or not to admit what the president may say. we'll see what happens.
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ms. carroll is asking for at least $10 million in damages. >> dana: republicans are following the money trail right now preparing to interview a key player in hunter biden's financial deals with a chinese energy company. this is all part of the house impeachment inquiry against president biden. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: good morning. still going. you too, right? >> dana: yeah. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer, good morning. today's closed door interview will focus on millions of dollars in funds sent from china following a closed door interview with hollywood lawyer kevin morris who loaned hunter millions of dollars to pay off back taxes and other bills. house oversight committee chair james comer telling sean last night it does not pass the smell test. >> we have a guy that has a loan i've never seen in my life. hunter biden doesn't have any assets or income. and he owes at least


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