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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 25, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> we'll get the final numbers around june, bill. it is not looking good, frankly, for l.a. >> bill: it might change by then even. thank you, jonathan hunt, los angeles. >> dana: before we go, you have to watch this video. very dramatic. captured the moment an oklahoma highway patrol trooper was hit by a car during a traffic stop. >> bill: unbelievable. >> dana: it shows the trooper flying backwards and landing in the grass. reports say he is okay. what a miracle. >> bill: how about the other car? it flipped over. they are all okay. >> dana: wow. you have to be careful out there. >> bill: amazing stuff. have to talk to him real soon. good to be back home. tell the dog hello. >> dana: back with percy and peter, of course. harris faulkner is up next. >> harris: the texas border battle. it's the governor of texas fighting a historic surge of
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illegal immigrants, drug cartels, sex trafficking, all the horrible things coming across our border and now abbott must fight even more fiercely against democrats. get this, lawmakers on the left want president biden to take over the texas national guard. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." governor abbott will not budge. he says our nation is being invaded. texas put up razor wire, as you know, to keep the criminals who are breaking america's laws of entry out. the u.s. supreme court recently sided with the biden administration saying it could actually take down that razor wire. here is governor abbott. >> because the biden administration has really truly abdicated its responsibility to secure the border and enforce the laws, texas very simply is securing the border. texas has a right as a state to
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stop criminals from coming into our state. joe biden's option is to enforce the laws of the united states and stop this illegal entry. what texas is doing is what americans expect to be done. >> harris: and we have the latest numbers on the gotaways. people who sneak into our nation without any of the cameras or detection systems being able to capture them. 96,000 gotaways just since october. that's 800 criminals per day. they are criminals because they are breaking into the country. the white house in a back and forth with fox. >> doesn't seem like there is a lot of fire in his belly, john, to stop people from entering. it seems that he wants -- he is okay with the opposite. >> i don't think he is lacking any sense of urgency about the need for border security. >> you say no lack of urgency. he is president for three years.
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>> there is a tloiment what executive action can do. we need support from congress. >> do we have a southern border? do we have a southern border? >> yes, ma'am. >> how come people can flow across it every single day? >> we're working hard to fix that and why we need congressional action and why the president asked for additional funding. >> harris: critics say president biden and his homeland secretary could end the crisis without passing any new laws. house republicans now have scheduled a vote to impeach homeland secretary mayorkas next week. >> 800 more got away yesterday and 800 more today and tomorrow. no known plan for them from an administration that has a year's long backlog to adjudicate the border crossers they do catch. >> does president biden want to
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locate these folks who have disappeared into this country to parts unknown? >> so here is what i will say. is that the president, one of the reasons the president is having these negotiations procedures or process with the senate, with both republicans and democrats, as i've said many times before is because we want to deal with what's going on at the border. >> it's going nowhere. mike johnson said i stand with governor abbott. the house will do everything in its power to back him out. the next step holding secretary mayorkas accountable. abbott appears to be daring the federal government to continue suing him. it has only been a couple days since the administration beat him in court giving them the new ability to cut razor wire in emergencies. >> it is hard for me to tell what's going on. what is clear is that joe biden has from the time he took office actually during the time he was campaigning had no intent to secure the border. he talked about open border
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policies during the campaign and now he has allowed open border policies with most americans not knowing what that meant. >> immigration is just not a top priority for this president as he campaigns for re-election. his schedule proves it. this week it's event ants promoting union jobs and promoting access to abortions. >> harris: peter doocy. thank you. jason chaffetz. fox news contributor and former congressman from the great state of utah. so to hear john kirby at the lectern inside the white house saying they're doing everything they can do, it sounds like the choices are, are they really or are they really bad at their jobs? >> two initial thoughts. one is what if they enter into a memorandum of understanding with the states and get their help in securing the border? they don't want to do that. they want to tear down the walls. president trump had tens of millions dollars of fencing that
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could have been put up. they don't want to do that. one of the most daming things is the border patrol represents the majority of the 20,000 border patrol agents. why don't they talk to them? the last time brandon judd and border patrol union had a discussion with the secretary of homeland security was july of 2021. so if you want to actually get it done, don't go to congress. congress is not -- congress already has the rules on the books. there was comprehensive immigration reform. guess what? the administration is not locking down the border. the president today is going out to talk about union jobs. why not talk to the union workers that are there as border patrol agents and lock down the border? do what they say. it doesn't require more money. they have a plan but they won't have the discussion with the men
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and women on the border. that's what the president should do and what he is not doing and why they should impeach secretary mayorkas. >> harris: at least. he will just be the scapegoat. some of this will continue just the way it is if it doesn't worsen. we pray that doesn't happen. the illegal immigrant crisis has thrown deep blue chicago into complete chaos. people who live there especially in struggling communities of color are now very angry with the far left democrat mayor, the brand-new one, brandon johnson. you know chicago is a sanctuary city and it spent some $8 hundred million caring for the illegals while people in chicago are seeing schools closed, health clinics shut down and resources vanishing. >> i blame brandon johnson for continuing to silence the people, the rest of the voters and not allowing us to vote whether we want a sanctuary city or not and tell the people there is more than enough when there is clearly not enough. this is a disaster.
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>> this should not be on the backs of the people here and draining our resources. i see a lot of wasted money because there is no structure. >> you have never had a time where south siders, west siders and now northsiders have come together to unite under one issue. >> the issue will take a toll on president biden at the polls if this is any indication. a recent fox survey shows 63% of registered voters do not like the job biden is doing on border security. among black voters historically reliable democrats, nearly half disapprove. jason. >> there are millions of dollars that were allocated for those very communities to help the united states citizens. the ones that actually pay the taxes, and guess what? they have to deal with the illegal immigrant situation. there are millions of people here that need housing, they need food, when they needed indication, they need healthcare and there is an effect on that. why are prices rising?
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why is rent rising in these places? there are millions of people now competing to get that same very housing. and they are sanctuary cities and states. they won't even get rid of that. in fact, some of these states in places are trying to figure out how to get the people here illegally how to vote. that's where they are spending their time and effort. >> harris: i want to move to this. a hearing this afternoon could reveal new details on district attorney fani willis and her so-called lover, nathan wade. they are the ones heading up trump's election case. attorneys for one of the defendants in that case, jeffrey clark, are demanding more information on the meetings wade was holding with the white house and other government officials while investigating the former president. we all want to know what's going on. the alleged affair between willis and wade has led for multiple calls for investigations including nathan wade's qualifications and reports of his lavish spending
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on cruise trips with fani willis possibly as his travel companion. you know how we got that, right? from the divorce filing that was unsealed and his wife's receipts. can you imagine going through the credit card statement and finding that potentially? people of fulton county sounded off last night. watch this. >> i don't want to approve any money until these allegations have been addressed. she has been asked to comment on them and she has not. >> harris: an opinion piece titled reality check on the fani willis scandal. the technical legal phrase for the situation is a mess. and willis's handling of it is making it much worse. at a bare minimum she owes her constituents and the american public a much more direct and full explanation of the facts. and owe them money. the man she hired who she allegedly is having a love affair with, or did, made
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$650,000. >> yeah, for a talent and skill set he had never exercised as an attorney. it was the day after fani willis awards this contract to nathan wade, the very next day he files for divorce. what is really interesting i think to congressional investigators is the meeting that nathan wade and others had in the white house. why would you go meet at the white house? the most important information that could come out of there for investigators is who was in that meeting from the white house? then you can subpoena and do freedom of information requests on notes and email traffic. why was the white house taking a meeting with the prosecutor from georgia? that has to be flushed out. these ideas that they were spending all of this money to go on these lavish trips on a contract she awarded to her alleged lover? i mean, there is a lot that
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still needs to be uncovered here. >> harris: and just wonder how much we would have even known had joslin wade not wanted to press with that divorce filing. it popped open unsealed and we learn new stuff every day. that's where the receipts are coming from. thank you. one blue state's green push should have its leaders blushing red. the recent study finding the plastic bag ban backfired in jersey, like really big time. backlash to biden's electric vehicle push. >> we're all focused on electric vehicle. phony economy, not ever going to work. >> harris: critics on both sides of the aisle have a lot of problems with a whole bunch of president biden's green dreams. ben domenech in "focus" next.
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♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪
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>> we supercharge advanced manufacturing including electric vehicles made by union workers in america. china is determined to dominate that market with ev predominantly made in china and chinese jobs. the previous administration was content to sit on the sidelines and let china take all the jobs. i won't let that happen. [applause] >> harris: president biden wants the united states to lead the industry of electric vehicle production. he ought to check with americans. polling is not on his side. his first speed bump has to do with china. >> china's geopolitical position on building electric vehicle batteries is tremendously in
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their favor. this policy that the biden administration is pushing is trying to force early entry into the electric vehicle market where the market just isn't built for it. we don't have the market share. we don't have the production capability and we don't have the mining capability anymore. we need to build all of those out before we go rushing into this. >> harris: and you don't have the customer base that wants it. that part. biden has waived requirements to make ev charging stations in america with only american products and e.v. tax credit is also a problem. senator joe manchin attacked biden's broad guidance that gives e.v. charging tax credits to communities that actually don't need it instead of prioritizing low income areas. he says the administration will not stop ignoring the law in pursuit of its radical climate agenda no matter the cost. this proposed guidance
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completely spits in the face of rural america. biden also hit the brakes on a major energy product. "the new york times" is reporting the white house will delay its decision to approve the massive natural gas project. a "wall street journal" editorial argues the move could harm the economy and u.s. national security. ben domenech. fox news contributor, editor of the spectator. i'm starting to think the white house is not gifted at green things. >> i think that one of the things that we have to understand about this agenda is that it is not motivated by what's in the best interest of america or american consumers. look, if american consumers want to purchase electric vehicles, if there is that demand that's there of course it should be something they're able to do. this is the situation where the biden administration is really putting the levers to what is going on within the marketplace in a way that benefits china and doesn't stand to benefit america despite what the president was
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saying there, he actually has gone down this road in ways that have raised all sorts of different concerns rick not just the ones that joe manchin raised, the deal he struck with the white house a couple of years ago, one that is increasingly frustrating for him but also goes back to, i think, this just complete opposition to using american resources the way that they ought to be used. the environmental lobby and other forces are having an effect that makes america not use the resources under our own feet and instead pulling cobalt from the other side of the world. enabling the kind of expansion in china of this industry. that is all something that goes against our interests as a country and it is one of the reasons why we need to get back to an energy policy that puts america's interest first. >> harris: china is loving it and it is rather confusing why the white house wants to make china love everything. the elites are railing about --
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hold on a second, the climate dangers of coffee. >> basically the coffee that we all drink emits between 15 to 20 ton of co2 per ton of coffee. we should all know that this is every time we drink coffee we are putting co2 into the atmosphere. >> harris: social media here, now they are coming for your coffee. and you need to stop drinking coffee so a swiss banker can fly another four miles in his private jet. but hands off our coffee. ben. >> you know, i take this personally as a former starbucks barista back in the day. i don't understand why they are coming and attacking my culture, which does include coffee on a daily basis. i think this is a completely bonkers. it's the kind of thing we've
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gotten used to hearing from the elites to jett around the world and think you should be the one to pay for that privilege on their end. something that is offensive but runs through all the different attitudes of the elite left in this moment. they want to be able to look down on people around the world, demand things of them, order them to do things, order them to live differently so they can sit back and feel self satisfied about the great achievement they've done without altering their own behavior. >> harris: the world's top two brazil and vietnam for coffee growth and production, don't they care about those people? i would hope that they would. that would greatly impact their economies if they convince people to stop drinking coffee. you can't convince me they don't serve it on the private jets. a new study found that new jersey, full disclosure, my home state. our plastic shopping bag ban there is backfiring in a big
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way. we told you. researchers found that after the ban that went into place in 2020, a nearly three times increase in plastic consumption by consumers. yeah, we hoarded plastic bags as a state and then they make the disposable bags out of plastic and we horde those, too. on opinion piece with this headline. new jersey's plastic bag ban still stupid after all these years. comedian joe with this. >> it is so typical of the garden state. the new kind of plastic bag they have before uses twice the plastic and all of us end up, forgive me, we throw out the bags because they clutter the house. a big fail. >> harris: we're not all keeping them in the back of our cars. he is throwing his out. did they market test this idea? >> look, these bag bans have
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been so stupid. it is of a piece with the plastic straw ban and everything else they do. they use these little things to try to indicate that they've done something. it is the don't just stand there, do something problem that the left always engages in. but they don't actually address the real problems involved. they are just designed to punish you or make you engage in something that's more like a religious indulgence as opposed to changing anything for the better. when it comes to these reusable bags and things like that, there is all sorts of outcomes that are related to them that we know from real studies and evidence can affect the food that you are carrying within them. one of the reasons to have plastic bags was so you don't have those types of effects of the germs and other things that are left over from previous. >> harris: the contamination factor. he probably read the label on them. most are made out of plastic the, reusable ones they're giving us. all right. ohio is the latest state to ban
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gender affirming treatment for minors. the republican controlled senate voted to override the governor's veto of that bill. it also looks at transgender girls and keeps them from participating in female sports teams at both the k-12 and collegiate levels. ohio is now one of 22 states to put restrictions on trans treatments for surgeries for children. ben. >> look, the decision by governor dewine to veto this originally i think was really wrong headed and it is of a piece with the decisions that a number of other republican governors have made at various points including vice presidential choice kristi noem riled up a lot of people who want to see their girls protected. there is a position within the republican cohort that says we don't want to prevent businesses from coming into our area.
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or ncaa tournaments from coming into our state. but there are more important things going on especially when it comes to the ability and protecting the rights of parents to raise their children according to their own biological gender and the protections involved in this bill that the ohio senate passed overwhelming the governor's veto are very important. the people in the future will look back on this as being something completely wrong headed and i'm glad there are some state senators out there with their heads screwed on straight. >> harris: we saw each other in the parking lot of new hampshire. you know this is an issue for voters about parental consent and power. in their own households with their own kids like you just said. thank you so much. another state is looking to keep president trump off the 2024 ballot and critics are ready for it. plus voters say border security is a top election issue. we learned that from iowa and that's reflective across the
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nation now. republican lawmakers are ripping a big part of a proposed border security bill to shreds. >> without this stinking pile of crap bill, donald trump got the numbers down here. joe biden deliberately took the numbers up to here. >> harris: oh, look at this. missouri senator josh hawley is in "focus" next and he will take us above and beyond to here. ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal,
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ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> harris: now hawaii wants to keep president trump off the 2024 ballot. that state is claiming he indicted the january 6th capitol riots -- incited, i should say. meanwhile, maine's top court rejacketed an appeal of a lower court's decision to kick when him off its ballot. the u.s. supreme court will have
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to deal with that. now at least 35 states have some type of challenge to donald trump appearing on the ballot. critics say the motivation is quite clear. >> it's another front that they've opened up against this candidacy. they will stop at nothing. for all the people hoping that these decisions in maine and colorado are upheld, i would just say be careful what you wish for. the potential for abuse is so obvious. >> we need decisions to be made by judicial bodies following the rule of law with due process. >> harris: potential for abuse. why can't we say the abuse is happening? missouri senator josh hawley on the judiciary committee and homeland security and governmental affairs, energy, natural resources and small business and entrepreneurship committees. the busiest man on capitol hill today. let's break this down. if you are trying to keep a former president off the ballot, how is it not political?
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he hasn't been charged, convicted of anything that they are charging him with. >> it's 100% political, harris. this is nothing but election interference by democrats who don't want voters to vote. think about what they are saying here? they are telling voters we don't want you to have the choice or be able to elect the president of your choice and be able to weigh the options. we'll take it a i way from you and we'll decide before who can be on the ballot and who can't, who can be president and who can't? it is radically unconstitutional. >> harris: at the same time, you have these states telling their constituents that but you also have it catching on even more across the country. what is driving that? are all these people getting together on the phone on zoom and saying if we build a firewall he won't be on the ballot anywhere? >> i think they see what each other are doing and believe the stuff. they believe that they have the right to tell voters they cannot choose who the next president is. they believe that they have the right to say you know what?
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he shouldn't be on the ballot even though he qualifies under all the relevant rules. let's be clear about this. the constitution gives absolutely no justification for any court or official to kick donald trump off the ballot. none whatsoever. he hasn't been charged with insurrection. he hasn't been found guilty of that. the senate acquitted him of incitement. the closest thing. he was acquitted of that. this is a brazen attempt to strike down democracy. >> harris: after his victory in new hampshire names are former challengers, ron desantis, doug burgum and others. and kari lake in arizona. even possibly former speaker of the house kevin mccarthy. voters share their thoughts on the top running mates if trump is elected. >> elise stefanik.
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>> as long as it's somebody that supports the main person. that's the most important. >> it has to be someone younger. a lot younger. he is old, biden is old. you know. the number two is really important in this election. >> harris: one republican strategist said whoever he picks will be the frontrunner for 2028. it is not an inconsequential choice. >> i don't have any advice to give him other than to say i hope he continues to run a strong campaign focused on beating joe biden and focused on doing what the american people want, which is shutting down this border, protecting us from the inflow of drugs, from the crime, from the cartels. focused on getting our jobs back in the country. joe biden's whole policy has been to make china rich and america poor. donald trump knows how to turn that around and think he will run a campaign focused on it and i think he will win. >> harris: a while ago i doubt you were watched because you are working on those committees. we were talking about another way that the biden
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administration's policies will make china rich, the e.v.s and batteries that go in them and that's a big push from the current president this week. okay. you were just talking about this. republican senators working now as i understand on a border bill and they are angry over a possible provision of it. it would allow 5,000 illegal immigrant encounters per day before a title 42 type policy would go into effect. a bit of reaction yesterday. >> this supplemental bill is a kamikaze plane in a box canyon with no exit headed for a train wreck. this bill is not designed to fix the problem. >> we're hopefully going to have a new president. when we get a new republican president, we should make sure we don't pass a bill that will impact their afwoilt secure the border. >> part of my problem with the 4,000 threshold is discretionary and 5,000 mandatory shutting
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down the border. my first question is how will you do that? >> harris: congressional budget office reported a record 860,000 gotaways last fiscal year. yesterday you sent a letter to dhs secretary mayorkas quoting the numbers tell the tale. you have utterly failed to secure the southern border. senator. >> well, not only have they failed. this is their plan. they want the border open. joe biden all of a sudden has just discovered there is a border problem. he created it. this is his agenda to crash our immigration system. listen, 186,000 gotaways last year. that's more than the population of st. louis and kansas city and my state combined. over 2 million illegal immigrants across the border while joe biden has been president. i'll say this. if he is serious about tackling this, he could reinstate title 42. if the senate wanted to do something about this we could
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reinstate title 42 and remain in mexico and close the border. but that's not what is under discussion. all i hear about this deal it's just a way to normalize 5,000 people coming over the border illegally every year. there is no way i'll vote for that. >> harris: quickly, the oklahoma governor and several other governors were active on social media saying they support the state of texas. what is happening for your governor in your state? what are you hearing? >> well, i think the governors all over the country understand that every state is a border state because of joe biden's policies. i will tell you the state of missouri we have drugs pouring into missouri from across our southern border going into every school, every school district in our state. they are coming from mexico. they are coming across that border. i just say texas is right here. the supreme court got this wrong and i've actually introduced legislation to allow texas and every other state to enforce our nation's border laws. if biden won't do it, let the states do it. but in any event, close that
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border. this is an invasion by the cartels. it is deliberate and it is literally killing people in my state. >> harris: tell me about what you have going forward and what you need to push that through. we saw 14 republicans last week join a republican-led resolution in the house to condemn the biden border crisis. so what is it like inside the senate? >> well, i tell you what, we need to have inside the senate is real action. if you want real action at the border let the states enforce the law. texas wants to do it. other states want to do it. we have a president who won't. so let's make it easy. if a state wants to enforce the federal law on the border, let's let them do it. texas is willing to do it. we all need to stand with them and shut this border down and protect our people. >> harris: i think governor abbott gets it. maybe it is what he wants. he has to. somebody has to protect the american citizens. senator hawley, great to see you today. thank you very much for being in
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"focus." >> thanks for having me. >> harris: alarm bells in the biden campaign. what voters are saying that has some democrats calling for a reset like now. plus hillary clinton facing brutal ridicule over a cringey social media post. her comments about barbie. ♪ jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care.
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>> harris: right now lawmakers are in a closed door interview with another one of hunter biden's former business associates. mervyn yang new hunter through a chinese energy company. investigators are coming that his business used shell companies tied to hunter to funnel money that ended up going to president biden. they are following the money. we told you this last week. another connection to hunter, hollywood attorney, kevin morris, also spoke with the committee about some $7 million he gave hunter. it wasn't a loan. he never said he anticipated to get anything back for it. house oversight chair james
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comer with this. >> here we have a guy that's got a loan i've never seen in my entire life. hunter biden doesn't have any assets or income and he owes, you know, at least five to 6 million if he has to pay interest on it. how will he make that payment? it is not humanly possible. >> harris: kevin morris said no one anticipated that he would ex pect to get paid for that because hunter was a friend. david spunt is live at the justice department now. david. >> mervyn yen began his interview two hours ago. it is going like the to the interviews, transcribed, behind the scenes. not under oath. however, it is ill advised to lie to congress. he could get in trouble for that. now cefc is the now-defunct
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energy company based in china with alleged ties to the chinese communist party. that is the connection between mervyn yen and hunter biden. yen will be asked questions about how money came from cefc and then went through various shell companies allegedly and how it made its way to joe biden. this is an allegation from james comer who you saw there. specifically $40,000 payment listed as a loan repayment from the president's sister-in-law, sarah. comer says the origin of the money going far back or edge gnats with a company that benefited from cefc which in turn benefited from the chinese government. now remember, this interview is part of the larger impeachment probe of president joe biden. yen's attorney wrote comer last may quote saying he has had no professional contact or communication with president biden at any time. mr. yen has no information about any alleged connection between president biden and hunter and
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jim biden's business endeavors. he has no documents in his possession or information which demonstrate misconduct by president biden. tomorrow another former hunter biden business associate, rob walker, will be on capitol hill doing the same drill as mervyn yen today. the big news will be at the end of february when hunter biden comes and sits down before two committees and answers questions under oath. harris. >> harris: thank you very much. >> hello, virginia. and the real governor, terry mccauliffe. >> harris: critics say biden is an election denier for that comment and a new survey shows he is losing the confidence of that state's voters. 59% of people surveyed there said they disapprove of president biden. only 20% said the country is headed in the right direction. the white house defended the
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president. >> why did the president say hello virginia, and the real governor terry mccauliffe. >> he was making a joke. if you play it back it is clearly that the president was making a joke. >> what's the joke? >> about mccauliffe's previous term of governor. >> how will you guys convince people denying -- >> he did not deny. he was making a joke. >> harris: the fox news voter analysis from new hampshire shows low enthusiasm for joe biden among democrats there. just 55% say they would be happy with biden as their nominee even more concerning for him. 13% said they would not vote for the president if he is the nominee. sirius xm host shermichael was with me yesterday. >> the most troubling things for democrats and joe biden most
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democratic voters in new hampshire don't want joe biden to run again. most believe he is too old. they are not excited and enthusiastic. his flame is dimming and people are walking away, anyone out there but him. >> harris: here is morgan with this. biden's woeful incompetence has turbo charged trump's monster comeback. sean duffy co-host of the bottom line and former wisconsin republican congressman. patrick murphy, former pennsylvania democratic congressman. great to see you both. so when you hear what shermichael just said, what is your reaction, sean duffy? >> well listen, i would agree that joe biden doesn't really have -- it is not because he is old and senile. his policies haven't work. people look at inflation, the border, the economy, crime. with that they go joe biden's leadership hasn't made our lives better. in that same speech he was also talking about the issue of
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abortion. and when you can't run on your record, harris, you have to have a boogeyman to run against. run against something else. they were successful in 2022 on the abortion issue. i think they'll run on that as well and take a single digit issue and make it the main driving factor in this race and by the way republicans do a horrible job talking about abortion. they could win or fight to a draw but they disengage and get absolutely crushed on it. so i think that's a real strategy, not records, not cognitive ability, but abortion. >> patrick. >> i think president biden and the economy is going in the right direction. stock market at an all-time high tied to people's pensions. i agree with some of the points made, though, harris. most americans aren't excited with either candidate or not fully engaged. when you look at 2/three of the voters in new hampshire went for
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nikki haley and not president trump it says something. i think it will be an election about the battle of the soul of america and it will be decided by independent votes. independent voters will decide it. we know sean's side and the fact republicans don't like president biden and vice versa. they won't go down to folks undecided. buckle up. >> harris: he is willing to take on president biden. and it isn't all about age. different ideas about even the college repayment and what that ought to look like. people ought to have skin in the game and volunteer, join the military, do some things. he is a different democrat than biden. why not get behind somebody like that? he was on the ballot and still got 20%, entered the race ten weeks ago. so biden has some competition potentially. i just want to get your quick thought on this. sean duffy, hillary clinton
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dragging barbie saying that she knows how the star and director felt to be denied the way she was in 2016 apparently. >> you know, harris, hillary clinton is a sore loser. stop bringing it back to yourself and stop blaming your losses on someone other than your performance. you can't blame deplorables for your 2016 loss. get over it, hillary would be my advice to her. again, they -- this wasn't schindler's list it was barbie. they were angry and upset only because this was a woke feminist movie and they wanted more awards for it. good for kids but not great for an award. >> harris: just for sake of saying she didn't mention 2016 but she did mention losing. good to see you both. thank you. "outnumbered" after the break. >> thanks, harris.
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