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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 25, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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believe it's what god would have us do. please don't hesitate. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and >> sean: let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld will put a smile on your face. we will see you tomorrow night. >> [cheers and applause]. >> ♪ ♪
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>> greg: yes! happy thursday, everybody. calm down. >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: calm down! i understand. all right, if the white house out of order stopping texas from defending its border? the white house is determined to let as many illegal aliens into the united states as possible with migrant mobs as big as the fans of gutfeld fans at eastern state correctional. >> [chanting]. greg, greg, greg! >> greg: stop it. grandpa joe told them to surge to the border like it was a new slogan for taco bell.
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>> i want to make sure -- there is -- immediately surgery to the border. they deserve to be heard. we say if you want to flee, you should come. >> greg: did they ever listen to him. he's been waveing in illegal immigrants like they are kids with freshly washed hair. doesn't joe know this invasion's exhausts america's resources the way he exhausts the white house plumb being. -- plumbing. here is joe in 2007. >> will you provide them
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sanctuary? >> would you allow those cities to ignore the federal law? >> no. >> oh! >> greg: that was well before joe became a spokesman for life alert. >> [laughing]. >> greg: since then joe learned to ignore a lot of things like the border crisis and his extra grandchild and the stain on the front of his pants. it's not a battle between americans and migrants or republicans and democrats. it's a fight between a bloated power hungry government and states that get screwed. greg gutfeld and ron desantis are sending illegal immigrants to border states to other states. democracy keep touting sanctuary
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cities. but then they realize these people want to stick around. all they do is whine about the overflowing migrants. like bartenders at last call. you don't want to go home but you can't stay here. i think of it as reverse socialism. lefty's demands to share other people's resources. now it's time to share the pain. martha's vineyard shipped them out faster than amazon prime. yesterday abbott said the federal government broke the compact between the united states and the states. the executive branch of the u.s. has a constitutional duty to enforce laws on the books right now.
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president has violated those laws. he smashed records for illegal immigrants. yes, that was a lot of words. abbott invoked article 1, section 10, clause 3. exactly what you said, kat, of the constitution. arguing that the u.s. is being invaded and a state has a right to act on it. not only is biden ignoring the law he is sending feds to take down the razor wire set up along the borders. that's like painting help yourselves on the garage door. the supreme court ruled that biden could do that. but abbott vows to put the wire back up as fast as feds take it down. the court is not order texas to do or not to anything. but beto o'rourke calls this a violation of law. with his track record the only
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contest he hasn't loss yet is miss black america of 2024. >> oh! >> [applauding]. >> greg: dems are terrified that illegal immigrants will hurt themselves trying to get through the wire. if it was left up to the dems they would replace the wire with silly string. sorriy you [bleep] you don't deep out invaders by-lining the border with sheets. i never walked past an auto repair shop and thought if i climb through the barbed wire i can play with that friendly pit bull. the border is a line separating 2 areas. you are not supposed to cross that line without permission. every country has them. think of the rubber chains at
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the supermarket that separate your groceries from the guy behind you. it clears up what is yours and what is mine. it keeps one area distinct from another. if you don't think that's important listen to democrats bitch about culture appropriateion. you can come over here but don't wear a sombrero on cinco demayo. they are hoping to replace don't mess with texas with bend over for biden. some call for texas to secede from the u.s. they have the experience. texas was its own country back in the 1800's when it was
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founded by cctop. are we on the brink of another civil war or will grandpa joe just take a nap? one illegal immigrants get into the country they can go anywhere they want. do states have rights or is the president the king? when you are a democrat it depends on who is in power. >> look, i agree with that guy that was good in the movie the joker. i went to school with the real joker. i beat him in arm wrestling. there won't be a tex-it. they will call it texaco. like mexico but with oil wells. black gold. texas tea.
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♪ ding, ding, ding ♪ >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: he was voted guy most likely to get robbed on the way home. tom>> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: his act is perfect for people who hate crowds. actor and writer jamie la salle. she is known for intensity and lack of bone density, kat timpf. >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: "new york times" best selling author and former world champion tyrus. >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: tom! could this evolve into another civil war like the one you loved so much? >> [laughing]. well, greg, i am so glad you got
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the reference. when i send in joe biden videos your young staff is i don't get the reference. greg will get it. >> greg: yes! >> this is amazing. going into an election year this will be a bad look for the biden administration. abbott is putting up the fence. he will keep cutting it down all year? they are literally cutting holes in the border wall. is this more proof that the federal government wants to flood our country with illegal immigrants? it will be a very bad look. i am not worried or angry at tony barrett. i don't understand it. >> greg: they didn't explain it well. >> no, they didn't. i guess the federal government has the right to cut the fence down and texas can keep putting it back up. let's see how that looks for the next year.
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>> greg: jamie, you are used to people telling you to keep out of their lives. do you see texas and america heading to a divorce much like the one you experienced? >> oh! >> [laughing]. >> happy new year! i wonder which side will be like my wife and which side will not get anything? >> [laughing]. >> since biden has been talking, when i watch tom do biden, it's now like biden is doing an impression of tom. >> greg: that's true. >> [applauding]. >> my uncle lives in texas. he said it's chaos down there. he is against illegal immigrants. he owns a shop that only sells razor wire.
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razor look at my record, i have always been in support of closing borders. always been a barnes and noble guy. >> i saw that one coming so far away. >> the whole thing is upsetting. if we are going to put an old guy in it office who better to yell get off my property than joe biden. >> greg: put razor wire around that joke! >> oh! >> greg: kat, where do you stand on in? you are a states rights lady? >> that would be interesting way to look at it, the 10th amendment. >> it comes after the ninth. >> greg: thank you. [laughing]. >> so close.
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the 10th amendment says all rights belong to the states. nothing talks about migration in the constitution. that would mean that the federal government would not be able to do anything about it. i would like to seat 10th amendment make a come back. putting up the razor wire while someone else taking down is the microcosm of the whole election debate. i am talking about the government. one side is hear me and the other side is stupid. the system is completely broken. it's hard to come here legally. look at the border. i don't need to say more about that and joe biden saying oh, no, on sanctuary cities and the political climate changes and
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you say something else. i don't know how many people care. >> greg: he's been on every side of every issue. if you live long enough you will turn into a hypocrite every 3 years. tyrus, 25 states supporting abbott. is there is a civil war. will bo we be on the same side? >> not in first 8 minutes. i have to put hands on you. i think it's a wonderful idea that the federal government is going to come in and take out the razor wire. i would like to be sent there on aa signment. all i need is a camcorder to record the man in heels holding his yorkie will be hilarious.
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understand who has been working with the federal government. someone will be up there. i am the first whatever to cut this thing. then 4 hours later they are the first person to die of affixiation by cutting these wires. please do! >> greg: that's what joe should do. a trans-non-binary person of color to cut the razor wire. >> that's exactly what it will be. this is the burn. they will hire a commission to investigate why the wires not cooperating. everyone knows that razor bob wire was made during white supremacy. there will be a whole racial investigation of the systemic racism of barbed wire. i will be fine. a little chair. a cooler with some beverages and
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a camcorder. you are doing good. >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: up next barbie fans are pissed because margo got dised. we needed to act quickly. because we had christian healthcare ministries. i went directly to the specialist i wanted. they took care of all our medical bills. over $60,000. joining christian healthcare ministries is one of the best decisions we've ever made. we're the suarez family, and this is our chm story. choose your doctor without network restrictions, all at an affordable price. enroll anytime at chministries. dot org / enroll. it ain't my dad's razor, dad. ay watch it! it's from gillettelabs. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face... gamechanga! ...while the flexdisc contours to it. so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke. for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. the best a man can get is gillettelabs.
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>> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: thank you. stop it! i said stop it! barbie fans clutched their pearls because oscar ignored the girls. hillary returns to the shelf to make it about herself. the oscars snubbed a barbie star and the director. they already cryed into a bag of money. ryan who plays ken was nominated
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for best supporting actor. but he was not happy saying there is no ken without barbie. to say i am disappointed they are not nominated would be an understatement. that's the kind of comment you expect from a man with no genitalia. we didn't even have to blur it. critics call his words virtue signaling. women who don't win, hillary clinton took time off from luring children into her ginger bread house to chime in, while it stings to win the box office but not take home the gold. millions of fans love you. you are so much more than ken. # hillary barbie. when i were ryan i would let the
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world know i have no plans to kill myself. do the oscars matter anymore? they are not even a big event they were once were. with jimmy kimmel hosting again. the event is black-tie and not black face. >> good point. >> greg: the problem with the oscars none of the subject matter resonates. hollywood misses the real stories that affect real people. in a perfect world these would be the oscar flicks. teacher transformer. he changes his student's life one massive boob at a time. or captain underpants. a super hero movie for today. a biker who video bombs tv shots of a political pundit and wins
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the hearts of americans everywhere. and daddy divorce. oh my goodness. the good news is it will be starring you jamie and you will be playing yourself. >> when i looked at that graphic, i don't remember the last time i looked that sad. then i remembered it was just now. >> [laughing]. >> the last segment. >> greg: have you been thinking about this story and how much it affected your life? barbie the active was not nominated. >> my ex-wife won best nonsupporting role in a marriage. >> [applauding]. >> [laughing]. >> i don't like rich successful people complaining about things
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that don't matter. i think ryan won because he was best supporting actor. it's an easier category. like going into that category makes it easier to wins my understanding. i don't watch the awards show. i don't know what i would say. they go i want to thank my wife. i did it even though you tried to stop me. >> [laughing]. >> inspite of you! >> greg: you would be doing no thanks to my kids who won't return my calls. no thanks to my divorce attorney who let me get cleaned out. >> yes, thanks to -- does anybody want me say their name. thanks to tyrus. >> [laughing]. >> [applauding]. >> greg: kat, how sexist is that margo was not nominated and they dominated another woman in her place! >> [laughing].
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>> greg: that's sexist. >> okay, i will do something i rarely do on this show: defend a man. ryan, what was he supposed to do? he doesn't get to be excited now. he had to release that statement. hell yeah, suck it, bitches. >> [applauding]. >> i don't like people criticizing him for doing this. it was probably already written for him before he saw it happened. hillary clinton has never taken off as a feminist icon. you can't be this feminist icon and married to bill clinton. >> greg: and trashed all of the women he slept with. that's a big team.
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tyrus they are all real women. no men in that team. >> if there is, that's okay. >> [laughing]. >> greg: okay. >> he can play the saxophone. he can do anything. listen, jamie, thanks for your service. bringing so much joy to so many ass holes lives. >> [laughing]. >> robert downy jr. should go on x tonight and complain. somebody from jure assic park. the barbie movie did great. my kids loved it. when you are a part of something that is already its own enterprise, playing a character doesn't mean you will get nominated. you should be excited that one
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casted member was dominated given that you are doing a doll movie. everybody who watched star wars, why didn't luke get it? the academy doesn't put weight on action movies and money making movies that are designed to get people to buy more barbies. they accomplished that. jurassic park. everybody's kids wants to by a dinosaur. they accomplished that it. we live in a time if you don't dominate me, it's all bad. it's like a spoiled brat. be happy for the guys that were nominated for something. there are a lot of movies that were not about dolls that were movies about different things. they got nominated and you didn't. hillary, she just wants one person to say hillary we like you. thank you. you are good. you may go home now, rest.
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>> greg: exactly. >> climb in the coffin and just call it a day. >> greg: a related topic, was is your remake of birth of a nation coming? >> [laughing]. >> not that old-fashioned, greg. i come from a day, greg, when you made the movie and then you made the doll. you made the doll second. hillary clinton went further than that quote. she compared barbie getting the most money but getting snubbed at the oscars to her getting the popular vote but not winning the presidency. the analogy should be lipped around. -- flipped around. they already got their money.
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i get naus's looking at the movie because of all the pink. the stupid ones were right wing guys and went to review and gave it a bad review. >> that's a great point. i didn't care for it. my kids loved it. i went to it twice. are you going to tell me not to take my daughter to movie? we will go again and i will make you sit on my lap. daddy can, i have it? >> of course. >> greg: nominated for 8 awards. i loved the movie. i dressed up for had. up next. he played tunes and got
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threatened by goons. hi, i'm sally. i'm from phoenix, arizona. i'm a flight nurse on a helicopter that specializes in trauma. i've been doing flight nursing for 24 years. as you get older, your brain slows down and i had a fear that i wouldn't be able to keep up. i heard about prevagen from a friend. i read the clinical study on it and it had good reviews. i've been taking prevagen now for five years and it's really helped me stay sharp and present. it's really worked for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. if you■re happy and you know it, clap your hands, if you're happy and you know it, ride your bike, if you■re happy and you know it,
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>> video of the day! >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: thank you. >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: this video streaming had comis screaming. it comes from a train station in london where a you-tuber was playing piano and a group in the background said they didn't want their image online. >> roll it. >> ♪ ♪ >> of course, of course.
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we have the chinese here. >> [inaudible].
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who knew there was an age requirement for touching communists. i would have antagonized the chinese by playing chop sticks. that's the only thing i can play. the police came in to diffuse the situation and sided with kavanaugh because in britain unlike china in a public space there is no right to privacy. the piano donated by sir elton john was roped up. the and elton's hair was made in china. look, communists from china, if you don't want your faces seen
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on camera do what everything else does. go to cnn. >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: kat? >> nothing pisses me off more than somebody telling me i can't do something when i am smiling. [bleep] off! did you see entitlement there? it's insane. if they said nothing, nobody would watch this video. >> greg: now it's famous. >> they are overestimating about someone caring about them watching a penno. -- piano. >> greg: tyrus, what was missing here? >> the chinese word for karen. mr. karen too. all inclusive. if you stand there with two
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versions of the communist china flag. where do you come up with don't touch her! they watched a lot of american tv. a lot of news stuff. that was the reaction. tried to create something that was not there. another thing is someone let our president know. if you are older than someone, you can't touch them. >> [laughing]. >> does that go for smelling hair? kat is right. i would have broke my phone out and get every angle of there. go live on every known social media around. their whole point was you can't do that. this is england. it's a free country, kind of. this is what happens when chinese karens watch american tvp. >> greg: tom, you loved this video? >> it was amazing.
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it goes on and on. what were they going for? he said you can't steal our images? i think they know their chinese communist government likes to steal people's images through tiktok. they are probably connected. they were waving the communist flag. >> greg: communists disguised as econ communists. >> he made them look bad. he might be put in a prison camp. >> greg: jamie, your thoughts? >> i am triggered. i kept hearing don't touch her. my wife -- >> [laughing].
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>> kat made the greatest point of all. if you are in the back of a piano video, you can assume no one is looking at you. you could be in the witness protection program gstand in the back of the piano video. the quickest way to get your face filmed is to go don't film my face! don't look at my penis. >> greg: people who are not famous coming out of the bar they go like this. >> that's why i do that! this is weird. the pianist was playing in e-minor and that one lady was a major-c. >> oh! >> [laughing]. >> greg: i don't know what that stands for. >> confrontational. >> greg: no chinese. a major chinese. >> the whole time i was watching this, if i lived in china in the
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'80s i would only have one disappointed kid. >> greg [laughing]. >> [applauding]. >> greg: on that note u won't get the blues with our local news. that was brutal.
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>> i am elmer heinrich. our company sells an incredible nutritional supplement called immuno 150. now it contains 70 minerals and 80 additional nutrients. i suggest you try immuno 150 if you want a chance to be in good health and feel good when you're 89 years old like me, with no arthritis, no heart problems, no diabetes or high blood pressure, dementia or aches or pains of any kind. now immuno 150 contains eight times more minerals than the average food. our foods lack minerals, so we lack minerals . no wonder the world is sick. now look at the two videos on our website. you will see immuno 150 is a concise and complete, no-nonsense, no-hype product, so place your order online or call 888-497-4535. that's 888-497-4535.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ coast to coast with stories that matter most. you are watching local news. with emmy winning anchor crystal kelly replacing fred who died. here's kelly. >> [cheers and applause]. >> i am kelly crystal kelly. it's local news. every guest brings a story. jamie you go first. >> thank you. alaska airlines is grounding a lot of the 737's. it's a costing them 130-million
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dollars. but they should be back in operation by friday. they feel like they will be safe and back to normal. alaska is saying if something goes wrong in the exit row, you will be the first one off the plane. >> [laughing]. there were loose bolts on the exit doors. i don't know much about the job of installing an exit door. but putting the bolts on is the first thing you would do and also the only thing you would do. my flight got cancelled tomorrow. i am on frontier airlines. the last time the pilot came on and said we will be flyingality an altitude of -- what do you think? back to normal by friday. >> thoughts and prayers. tom?
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>> 24 hours candy shack in massachusetts called the sugar shack that operates on the honor system. you weigh it and pay for it. the candy store is popular and no reports of anybody stealing candy. if anybody does, president trump has a message for them. let's take a look. >> if you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store. >> [cheers and applause]. >> shot! >> [cheers and applause]. >> i was thinking about sense it makes that you are from massachusetts. >> every day he fights to keep that voice. >> exactly. greg. >> in and out burger in oakland closing its doors for good. this is the first time ever they
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have ever close aid store. it was one of the most successful stores but they closed because of crime. the only one in oakland and pissing the hell out of gavin newsom because it's his family's favorite restaurant. he didn't care about anything else but trying to keep this one off. -- open. he was offering to pay for security because his kids are pissed off. >> they have one of its own colleges. it's usually a 58 place. -- happy place. if you are getting beat up and robbed there your neighborhood is gone. the damn burger is pissing me off. oh, this is so good. >> greg: not like panera.
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>> i cryed in so many panera. >> i have too. >> everybody cries there! it's true. >> speaking of tears, antelope valley junior college where i got my start. saturday i am being put in the hall-of-fame in football. >> [cheers and applause]. >> i was the only unanimous inductee ever which is pretty cool. >> [cheers and applause]. >> half of the country hates us. whatever. those of you who saw me walk in tonight, i messed my hip up. i will fire up for that 10 foot walk. i will see a lot of old football buddies i have not seen as year. hopefully they are as successful
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as i have been, not! just kidding. i get a ring. >> [cheers and applause]. >> congratulations. leave that graphic up. i saw that on social media. i thought you died at first. >> my goodness. >> i should have done this way different. >> getting a ring. i used to have one of those. >> up next a flight caused a fright. t and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc.
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one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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>> [cheers and applause]. >> a story in 5 words. >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: in flight farts cause chaos. a plane had to return to the gate because a passenger would not stop farting. are farts free speech? >> they got him off the plane because he was acting like a jerk. it may have started with this issue, but he started complaining and people were yelling at him. he yelled back. they made this about farts because they knew they would get
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on "gutfeld!." >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: tyrus, what is the scientific reason for high alt altitude farts? >> they ate too much. you can't hold it. there are 47 bathrooms before you get in there. to tom's point. he did and he got caught and became like every other american today when they are called out on something, they fight back. don't touch me! no one wants to touch you. you flooded the airplane with your essence. no one ever says excuse me anymore. >> jamie, you fly a lot. you have been a victim of flatulence. >> they are making the guy sit in the exit row of the american airlines flight. you can fart but it's just $20
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extra. >> [laughing]. >> that's good. >> greg: last word to you, kat? do you think farting was behind this or another reason? something to this story that smells? >> i think it sets a dangerous precedent. get on a no-fly list because you farted. >> greg: a no fart list. i hope bret baier covers this tomorrow on "special report." do some hard news for once. okay. we'll be right back. thrill seek. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect.
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you never know when it's gonna be a weathertech day. perfect weather today... >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: out of time. studio audience. fox news at night is next. >> [cheers and applause]. >> trace: i am trace gallagher. 11 p.m. on the east coast and 8 o'clock in los angeles. this is america'


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