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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 25, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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last give anyone's guess but for now they are loving it. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: hi, i am greg gutfeldne
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with a judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, jesse watters, and she needs a stepladder to ♪high five a keebler elf, dana perino, the five!a a major standoff at the bordernr is underway right now, texas trading barbs with the federalla government, over literal barbs, and democrats now on joe biden to seize texas troops to sort it all out. governor greg abbott pledging to wrap the board with more razor wire as the supreme court gave biden the go-ahead to remove it. avid argues it's his statespr icright to employ the prickly barriers, where he accused him of violating his oath. speak of the biden administration has realldminy ty abdicated its responsibility to secure the border and enforce the laws, texas very simply is c securing the border. and so we put up the razor wiree you are talking about, build, and put up all of these barricades that actually have
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denied illegal entry, and as you pointed out, they are our triples across the border. texas has a right as a state to stop criminals from coming into our state.. what texas is doing is what americans expect to be done. at >> greg: so far 17 republican governments are backino seg the l defendants, how'sr this for the malarkey? the be the win border patroll agents witagh the lunatics are l of a sudden concerned that greg abbott is putting them in t is way.. >> we have been very clear, we want to make sure that we get g done at the border, that's why we have been having ersathese conversations with see republicans and democrats for the past several weeks to come with a bipartisan agreement to deal with the border. governor abbott is not interested in that. he wants to politicize an issueo mmand is not helping communitie, he isn't. he is puttintualg border patrol agents in harm's way by doing what he is doing.
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>> greg: the standoff is a mess, and our fearless leader has not been able to find a solution. >> sadly it has been so deeply partisan and the subject of then political gamesmanship when in fact the solutions are at hand and we offered a solution. early on. and invited bipartisan work, let's work on it to fix this, but sadly, you know, we want to fix it, they want to run on it.h they waneyt a political issue to run on in november., >> greg:th all right, dana, this is interesting, they said they could take down the razor wire,t but texas could put it back up. >> dana: they did not say texas did anything wrong, whatac the supreme court did without giving an explanation which ig think is a littlmue bit part of the confusion and might of been a good idea to like right threet paragraphs as to what they were thinking so that it goes back to the appeals court and i think seventually it does get to the
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supreme court and i think it'ss up to 24 states that are supporting abbott, so this comeo down to a question that waslly fundamental to the founding ofth the country. the reason all of the states got together to form a union was the federal government said it would protect thstate states and if is not going to do that for some reason because it did not want c to or couloud not, then you coud protect yourself. so this could get to the supreme court and be very good,o and i don't think there's a bit concerned that all of a sudden thee biden administration once a picture of sending in a bunch of feds in order to try to deal with this, because guess what, they have not done that for thet last threear years, why start nt cahin i do think when kamala harris says that thla he republicans just won a politicaa issue, this has been going back and forth for a couple of of decades in 2007, harry reid, remember that guy? they did the same thing. sai they said we don't want to have immigration and was much further along and really was basically said that we won hillary or
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obama to run on this issue and then look what happened and never got solved. >> greg: exactly. jesse, good to see you as always. welcome back t to tho e show. >> jessica: what about me? >> greg: i already said that to you. jesse, you just heard kamala harris tell us that she had a solution, where was thee solution? waremember it was about root causes which included her incompetence? >> jesse: writes, so the republicans in the house passed a border security bill last year and it died under chuck schumer, they said they did not want to touch it because it did not address root causes, yes, it did. imagine greg russians just are pouring over the bering strait intoaska alaska and the federal government just processes intoth the state and would not let alaska repel them or the chinese starstarted coming in on their vessels into hawaii in the federal government just governprocessing the chinese ths day after day and start filling up hawaii and hawaii could not
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defend itself, that's crazy. is absolutely crazy. texas has tohas clear this invasion, now the polling shows the majority of the american people believe it's amazing, and if you look at legal precedent, it says the supreme court has said thaecedt the states have te right to use force to repel an invasionel a. they are saying this is not a violent invasion? what about the drugs, the human, and the sex trafficking that comes along with this?w th now the democrats have alreadydy said what their goal is. kamala harris just said it yesterday, the goal is to ssprocess more migrants and give them a faster pathway to citizenship. dlerjerry nadler said they wanto so that they can pick props and have babies, theo brothers saithd they want to tus texas blue, the other democrat said they want to boost thean migrant population in thee th district because the sets of illegal so that it gives them a boost in representation. joe biden has treaded since they
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were in every single thing donald trump put there. he stopped deportations. he stopped theepor wall, and stn handing out bus tickets turning the border patrol agents into a turnstile. so if you are going to catch a guy 40 times a traffic girl for a cartel and release him, 40 t times he is caught and releasede you don't want to stop the border crisis, now california is paying for changes for illegal aliens. juan comes in, becomesco juanit. we get the bill.yo u >> greg: i don't know ifare? that's bad?om less competition. judge -- >> jesse: you are doing all right. >> greg: judge, civil war isg>>g coming, we have 24 states on texas' side that leaves 26, no, that's 60. is that 50? i was an english major. so whose side would you go maj ?
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>> judge jeanine: take a guess. >> greg: i would have to pay for texas? ding>> judge jeanine: texas isen defending itself from lawlessness and whatg in is happening was there was a move to vacate the injunction. that case has not yet been decided in terms of the nly subsidence cases, it's arazo procedural thing where they have to take the razor wire down. the biden administration ismp licomplicit in aiding and abettg the invasion of this country by, uninvited unvented illegalgran immigrants. that's the headline here. to prove its, they have fought every state action where governors have tried to protect their state from illegals whether it's texas and the buoys buoyin the water, texas and the razor wire over the river or whether was arizona that tried to build the wall. to prove they are complicit with the invasion, they moved all the way to the united states
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supreme court to stop the enforcement of article 42, title 42 which required a slowhe down at the border. they did not want that.pete and while americans, first responders, nurses, doctors, veterans, cops, they all had to be vaccinated, the illegals not only were never tested, they were allowed in during a international pandemic anonald were never required to e a vaccine. all the immigrants enter this country, and they are allowed to just enter, there is no remain in mexico, and what the biden administration did was theylo allowed millions of dollars inwe construction property that was ready to build the wall to be stolen or scavenged at the border. and finally on top of the actions, they did this administration what criminals do. they lied. joe biden lied. karine jean-pierre lied, mayorkas lied to congress openly. errant biden said i would not allow my secretary to lie to thn peopled and tell the border is
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secure, because it's not.lo he not only allows biden ally, but they lied about late skates, the razor wire saying we needed to protect the illegals in case they germs, then we find out they drowned an hour before the border patrol even knew about it. so this bill that they are talking about, when the democrats had the house, thee, senate, and the oval and they could've sold this themselves, what they want to do now is thew won't allow 5,000 people a day, that's 55,000 people a month, when the highest number when donald trump was there was 70,000 and they want to double it. i don't want to pat y for them,e don't want them in my school. i don't want my hospitals to go bankrupt because obaf this., >> greg:i jessica, i was so pleasantly surprised when yon ru came up and you said you know you saw this coming, donald trump. if only we had listen to himned about the wall, we could've avoided this mess.and and i thought wow, jessica, that was amazing. >> jessica: every time you
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share a private conversation, a little bit of my heart breaks.yo i'm mostly wondering if i can get the same research as jesse so i can get those nadler votes about picking crops and making babies. >> jesse: you have not seen "tha: i t jesse watters prime t" how dare you! >> jessica: i am tending to my child. i will surprise you a little,[lu but then i will go back. the surprise is that the republicans and specifically greg abbott aaron r ron desantis, theit anr thesis that busing migrants to liberal cities has workelibed out for t, remember, there was a goodan amount of outrage, certainly and even some moderates who thought that the martha's vineyard thina wa'ss a stunt and bad, but nowd that it is turned into hundreds of thousands of people, you havl liberals on the side saying this is a huge crisis and we have to deal with it. don't worry, guys, i'm back. so the bipartisan deal that hass now been scuttled becauseca donald trump called out mitch
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l and said, hey, ii noticed in iowa and new hampshire that the n immigration as the number one issue and i can't run on the economy anymore, because it's going gangbusters, i just wantrk larry kudlow to shout you out, so 3.3% growth, he said today. >> greg: mostly government spendingsica. >> jessica: larry kudlow, fox business employee, i would be out swinging that hash too. >> greg: it's really cheap hash. they are spending our money -- tour raise -- >> jessica: i will be done so much faster if you just let mens go. the >> greg: i wish.>> >> jessica: reported that tch mitch mcconnell told theca assignment conference, donald trump wants to run on this, the politics of change and ani doge want to undermine him. mitt romney was in the hallway with the gavel talking to cnn confirming this and then someone, senator tillis talking about hoedw he did not come to e
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senate to kowtow to a presidento rmlet alone a former president o is now a candidate. he wants to pass goods and solid policy. this is where if democrats can talk about a properly and they certainly showed, antaind theyy should be big upping this bipartisan deal which is what includes the ukraine funding and the israel funding and it doest make it harder for migrants to claim asylum and having that fail-safe mechanism -- jessica, if you did d noidt want trump to run on this, why did you not solve the problem three years ago, to stay old, my god, they are not solving because they want to run e th it, you guys have been playing politics longer than anybody.anybyou you have the house, the senate, and the oval. nobody wants -- >> judge jeanine: it is not enforcing the law. all he needs to do is enforce the law and that's the end of it. >> jessica: no one needs to yell, no one wants to solve the illega l immigration problem.
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>> greg: i do. >> jessica: i don't believe you.f >> greg: a little part of my heart just broke. m fi>>i do have a heart, i thin. coming up, the human cue ball himself, for normalizing president trump. s ♪ ♪ so... - we're engaged! - we're engaged! congrats carol! your youngest finally popped the question. but now, you're really going to have to get those new dentures. after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dana: former president trump on an unstoppable path to the g.o.p. nomination, and has democrats and liberals throwing everything at the kitchen sink tohe try to stop his momentum.carv you remember him, he would like the media to stop treating trumt
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like a normal candidate. >> there's a massive effort to normaliz>>e this t.iz you see "the new york times"this column say the trump people have a case. go see jpmorgan chase saying they will write about some things. yos.u see reporters like jason mela and the port des moines hotel reminds me of a bunch of german reporters anda bu some m bar in 1935 saying, hey, was ant aientertaining guy, he had some great stories. nothing is normal about this. at all. >> dana: and nancy pelosi is attacking his fitness accusingci him of having a cognitive disorder, but then she herself got confused. >> not going to spend too much time on donald trump's cognitive disorders. he tried to say that nikki haley did not allow the national guard to come, but it was nancy pelosi. it was nobody, it was
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donald trump. he knows and you know that mitch mcconnell, chuck schumer and im begged for hours for the national guard to come. >> dana: greg, james carville, he just does whatever. throw it against the wall and see if it sticks. no consequences. >> greg: he's an expert inhe abnormal, him calling anyone unhinged is a human flapping screen door in the twister.. i think of a chipmunk possessed when i hear him who just got you into your ritalin. and the fact is,n. what he is saying is like they are trying to flip the script apparently oe mental fitness, but they wroteie that script. they were the first on the blocb to introduce mental fitness and sanity is fair game, remember trump in the 25th amendment, they wen at so hard on mental illness they actually creatediln one for themselves, trump derangement and it has gripped everyone from cnn to msnbc, youm can't mention trump without them
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seizing up of some internal caesar, it's a stun gun to theib extremities when you bring up donald trump. i predicatt that this year is going to be insane because all the previous election years were insane and this will make it crazier, but maybe i'm wrong. maybe it's just these people, right? r when you remove these people from the equation, maybe, because they have flown their wad for years on the stuff and nobody outside their bubble takes it seriously, maybe this is all that's going to happen as these people in america gets het mother lives lives and boats. >> dana: jessica, do you think anything he said was useful for democrats?: foain >> jessica: for a certain subsection of democrats, and he is a party elder, right? and and he is responsible for one oe the more successful democratic presidencies in history,, ri republicans in '90s, the economy is stupid and he wouldwl not have that if you did not have james carville, so that'srl important, but the overarching point he is making about thet.
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normalization of trump is important. and when you think back to how much we lower the bar in the beginning, we would say he did not mark a disabled reporterdidn today, or he did not mark a war hero, or he did not say that a h woman had blood coming out of her nose and her whatever, e is having the most fantastic da y and we had learned no lessons, go back to iowa, coverage on election night of the primary, and this was across-the-board, people saying oh, he is acting so civilized. being nice and conciliatory, and then 10 minutes and he starts talking about how immigrants are poisoning the blood of america and got to new hampshire going after nikki insinuating her dress is too cheap to wear init that is ugly. >> greg: how dare he. >> jessica: it was a nice dress. that's true, i did not die from it, it is not something i want to hear from someone who is going to be president.>>
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mostly you would just taketake interrupting me over anythinga any day. the cognitive dissonance thing is faissonr game though. and people want to minimize andw say if he has three blunders in joe biden has six, that's what itin is. but then nikki haley andlosi nancy pelosi with the magnets and water, acting out missile defense systems, dating, dating, whoops, that's what he did. >> greg: at such an old argument. >> dana: it feels like whatn democrats did in 2016 an20d los. >> judge jeanine: yes, you know, he is worried about donald trump being normalize. mai haveli news for him, donald trump is normalized in 2020 when he was elected president of the united states, okay. donald trump is being normalized again. is he is coasting to be the candidate for thepu blrepublican party to run again. and i am sick and tired of the hitler reference. r efwho did he kill? where's the? you want to talk about 13
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american servicemen outside in an airport in afghanistan? they were waiting for permission to do a kill shot and the biden administration is so cluelessen they cannot even get involved with the rules of engagement tog give them permission to shoot t something. you wantshoo to talk about killg people? let's talk about the fentanyl, the drug trafficking and what is coming through the southern border? when i talk about that, the men anin id women in syria, and thei not respond until commercial e interfered with by the houthis how much lower can the democrats go to compare aed president of the united states and the most evil man in ourime. lifetime, and jason miller being a nazi in a munich bar.ea our people have been spit on, thrown out of restaurants, they, were told to get in our faces. e you want to talk unhinged,
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vaccine borders is unhinged.nhin i'm sick of them saying that wea are a threat to democracy, they are a threat to my democracy. they are a threat to my first amendment, second amendment, my religiouse, freedoms, as a parent being called a domestic terrorist, nos they want to put illegals in my home, my third amendment, fourth amendment, getting her bankds records withou at search warran, why don't they - take the time o just sayth, you know what, why d you vote for donald trump? >> jessica: we do,do every article is about the safari for trump world?re r >> judge jeanine: we are rude and a bunch of rudes, the cognitive disorder is theg jo mumbling bumbling joe biden who can't even stand up withoutrds falling down. >> jesse: democrats are walking into ag in trap, trump a nikki, he means nancy, your guye can't walk, can't talk, and sees dead people. it's tonight's campaign, not debates and then hide from the
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press and the public, it's to arrest him, strip's businesscens license and off the ballot andot then censor him when he is on tv. censor his spokesman and accuse him of plotting associate nations and world war iii, the civil war, i mean you say he is going to create death camps and pu andt jews, gays, and journals to death. he is ahead six points in the latest reuters poll, that's probably why you are wetting thl bed and the blankets on the throw pillars. >> jessica: that's a good pee we had. >> dana: that was true and 26% undecided. up next, major outrage both from a woman who says marijuana caused her to stab a man 108 times.only she only got community service. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: reefer madness ♪ ♪en >> jesse: group of manas has a manslaughter depends, no jailabi time for fatally stabbing her boyfriend more than 100 times. lawyers for 32-year-old brain speech or blaming marijuanama induced psychosis as a reason why and 2018 she grabbed a serrated bread knife and stabbed her date chad moremore than 100d times killing him. she also stabbed her dog and tried to kill herself when cops arrived. prior to all of this carnage,, she had taken two bomb hits. later found guilty offa involuntary manslaughter, but psychologist saiguild that havig somatic stabbing streak was 100% caused by cannabis inducedhe psychosis. the judge agreed and said she
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had a psychotic break of reality and had no control of herga actions, gave her two years probation and community service, and the victim's friends and family are outraged. >>aged he has set a precedent in california where it's okay to smok me california and commit a violent crime. she just got away with murder. w >> this 100 hours of community service is not even one hour per stab she inflicted ostn chad.s >> jesseth: this is the hunter biden defense, judge, i t have to pay my taxes, iin was in a cocaine induced psychosis. >> judge jeanine: i got to i tell you. i would like to laugh, but this is so painful, so many familiesa are like that father and mothere who did not say anything. the fact that she voluntarily engaged in smoking marijuana through arija bong makes it clear she is culpable. let's get something straight. she is convicted of involuntary
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manslaughter, the only thing that thes co bong did, or the consequences of thhee bong prevented her for the specificnt intent, which is why it was not a homicide or an intentional murder. it'that's why it's manslaughte. that judge did not have to take into consideration that it was a psychosis induced inhalation of the marijuana. he could'v e just said i have one life here, gone, a young man who did nothing because she made a decision to -- not just one hit, but two. it was her voluntary act dider that because that man to i don't care d if they think tht she is not responsible ultimately, all i care about is she could not form intent for murder, but still is guilty ofe. involuntary manslaughter, she should have her butt in jail. >> greg: sheutfe has a great lawyer, that's for sure, imagine
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a drunk driver plows into a family and kills them and she was drunk on really hard alcohol. oh, it was really hard alcohol, that should not matter. it should not matter, she drank, she had the family, that's it. you go to jail.ja ilso this is strange. i think it's like, i keepp thinking, thi wonder what woulde happened if the genderuld s were reversed. you know what they mean? is it because it was so brutal and that she is a female that that was the way they were able to say it had to have been the drug, because she is a woman ana no woman would stab 100 times? and saying that somehow she was coerced to take the bong hit?-- it's garbage. ijustit's an injustice.: >> dana: i agree with all of that andth i think of somebody like daniel penny who is facing an involuntary murder charge, here in new york -in n- manslaughter, because -- and he was not on any drugs, because he was trying to protecr
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people on the subway from a crazed man who was on drugs. that is outrageous. >> jesse: jessica. >> jessica: this high potency marijuana defense or the drug itself is now goin thig to turn arso many people concerned aboum and i've beeonn noticing thatds amongst my w friends who its le here, folks, who smoked pot they won't buy from a dealer anymore, they have to go to a story. somewhere theyu you know it's nt laced with fentanyl or something else. and i'm sure this will be the new frontier. if you hear that someone -- and i don't know this woman, seems like there should be greater punishment than when she got for i would not imagine if she s was dating a guy and she went over00 to stab him 100 times and then tried to k kill a dog and herse, obviously something he did n her toly react withi do it, but this is going to be a new thing that we will have to e be concerned about. >> greg:out. think about this, let's say there was a fight and n the thirdcaim in o
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stab she was like i should go for it, because then it went mur from murder to psychosis. you just do something completely insane>>.: >> jessica: a basibac instinct.c >> judge jeanine: both the prosecution and defense agren e she was in a psychotic state ani that's why this thinngg is sucha low crime, for what she could face only four years, but we'vey what youou are saying is so important, jessica. when i was d.a., thc was 4 percent in marijuana, today it's 90%. that'st a real u >> jesse: okay, coming up next, the homeless crisis goes deep in america. 20 feet below street level. to the homeless found living in caves. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1,
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: a shocking new low for the homeless crisis in liberal california and i am talking really low. most people have been found living in caves at about 20 feet below street level. police and volunteers clearing out one deep dwelling aboutes 75 miles from sacramento. f the underground layer came fully furnished with trash and drugsth but was dangerously constructed and many feared it could have caved in and seriously hurt someone. but ifone. caves are the new no, then officials in los angeles will have to do some extraave di digging. right now 6,000 volunteers are walking around the city ofng angels and painstakingly counting vagrants onlye by one r danannual count of homeless residents. all rights, dana, i will start with you. it's great that police are getting them out of caves, where do they go from there? >> dana: i don't know, but it
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takes 6,000 volunteers to count the homeless, this is crazy, very peoplern in california have had enough. .the homeless situation is not good for anybody. it's really nogoodt good for business or the people who arerh homeless and their families. i think we forget about that. the families that are saying wea want to get them into treatment or somewhere to be safe. imagine if you know that your brother, your sister, your cousin as out on the street ina the english that brings. the other thing that is happening in california as we have all the retail theft and ia wands learning more about this t odtoday, the california districc attorney's association has a repeal effort from pot 47 thatta we talk about that says you can you steal anything, does not ma. they have 2,000 signatures in under 30 days to repeal it.t. their polling shows that 70% ofu ldcalifornians would support th. 89% wanted changed. when it include tougher penalties for things like treafentanyl distribution and dg treatment. so there's aic move by thee th district attorneys, those areit good people and it's not a red
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versus blue issue. it's not partisan, this is about saving the state. >> judge jeanine: and you know, los angeles is getting funding based on how many h homeless they have, soow is it n thein r interest, greg? >> greg: it's tough, if they count more they get more money, but if they kill more of them,n they look like they are doing a terrible job. but this whole cave thing, we grew up with this, it was the eflintstones. and maybe it's a solution. n better in a cave than in the subways or the streets harassing people and creating chaos and eyesores and mayhem and pushing women in front of subway cars, you know, people in charge carth refused to do the righint thing. the solutions are tough, bute that's the only way you can do it. and if you don't do it, you endp upeo with people in caves. you can't if they are mentally't ill, you can't institutionalizet them, that's too mean. ifhe they ary e drug addicts cog can't force them into a facilit and get them cleaned up, because that's mean. you end up with people on the street or in caves.
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i think we need more enforcement of these laws.orce we need to make it -- we need to just incentivize this, because we are not talking about ag ab family living paycheck to paycheck. anybody that has been around living in cities knows that's not the case. we have been fed a lie that oh, my god, they are just like this young couple down on their luck with the baby. nev no, you have never faced cit new york city homeless. it's just proof thatw we progressivism is progressivism, now we are back to living in caves. get rid of cars and appliances. what's next? you are going to poll women by their hair? oh, wait, they are doing it. because women can fight the mene in mma. >> judge jeanine: i love that. what are your thoughts? >> jesse: it's a man cave, so what. we finally found a solution toho the homeless crisis, they are not on the sidewalks, they are in a cave. people go exploring into the wilderness and pitch tents, build fires, they call it
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camping. let them sleep in the cave.>> >> greg: at least they g are camping in the right spot. >> jesse: you are upset in l.a., because he can't profit off of them in a cave. you can't give them services. you can't count them. >> jessica: but it could collapse and they die. >> jesse: people are dying on the sidewalks. they are safer in a cave. out of sight, out of mind. >> greg: dying never mattered to the left. >> jessica: not bothering youeqa does not equal safer. >> jesse: safer than dying on the streets! >> jessica: you guys were in unison! that's crazy! did anyone hear an echo?i' i'm done. it's me when you're done? she's done. you will lov? e the next thing. up next, hillary clinton attempting the macarena and it goes exactly how you think it would. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jessica: welcome back, you are never too old to get in thep groove, hillary clinton attempting thaght t macarena dae with the ban who hit those song
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during a party in spain. ♪ ♪ [singing "macarena"]but >> jessica: is not the firstd time hillary has busted a move here's a blast from the past. the 1996 dance. ♪ ♪okay okay, who wants to make fun of y hillary clinton, greg?t of >> greg: while she does her dance, bill unbuckled his pants. >> jessica: somebody -- >> greg: while she does macarena, he does a waitress named gina. just two today. >> jessicajudg: judge.
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>> judge jeanine: i have nothing to say. she's so light on her feet, that's because she has to keep - steps ahead. t do it.come, i can' >> jessica: are you going to add macarena. >> jesse: one, two, and th then -- mergreg: why did you work fo satan? >> jesse: thisis w way, this wa, this way? >> greg: you can even make the macarena look sleazy. >> jesse: [laughs][lauu. thank you. >> dana: if yo u get invited toa pa the party and they are playing thatthe song and you have to gu, you give it a shot. >> jesse: you can't not say "hey." >> greg: it's about a horrible crime committed in the city ofit macarena, and they are celebrating it.>> >> jessica: he is making that up. >> judge jeanine: did they make money? the
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>> greg: yes. >> judge jeanine: that's the crime. : ev>> jessica: everything is coming okay, "one more thing" is upup nnext. ♪ ♪ with your hearing, if you start having a little trouble, you're concerned that it's going to cost you money. to this day i only paid...
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-[ gasps ] -come on. let's go. oh, boy. ooh, that didn't turn out how you wanted. switch to progressive, and you could save hundreds. hi. are you ready? are you santiago's mother? yes, i am. and she's a thief! [silence] let's go. dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now.
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thing, jesse. >> who needs rosry.e is in chocolates, greg, when you can just go over to the fox news r shop for valentine's day. >> look what we have here. a sherpafor blanket. >> snuggle up with your loved one. or maybe you don't love her. yon just snuggle up. wine tumblers as well. new mugs. fox news shop .com tonight jesse watters prime time. >> it's thursday. . tonightcelebrating at eight. excellent job there, jesse. thank you data. >> see how a lot of people like to complain about airline. oh, i hate >> i hate when they complain. but check out this lady. she works for southweshe workste carousel was or the bag baggage thing was broken. e by o
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she brought each of those bagsne up one by one by hand. wow. so i hopby hane southwest givess woman a raise. >> check her out. i'll bet a rais everybody at the airport loved her. >> absolutely. oh, that lady has a lot of baggage. and i say, all right, this is me tonight. >> oh, what do i have a great show or what? check this out. tom shillue. jamie out. cat. tim, tiger. if you don't watch that, you are dead to me. hey, let's do it. greg you guess the animal sounds all right.ds and >> y so you get the we're going to play the animal sounds and you guys get. oh, good. jessica, you got to get excited . >> i play the animal sounds. what? it sounds a bit like james carville. all right. yeah.
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judge peacock, a peacock. >> it's not going to be right. for a second, i thought hyena, but it's probably like a squirrel oow.r something. a steer. steer? it's definitely nor.t a steer. that's the lady from wyoming >> sle. a seagull. all right, why don't we play i t ? yes, it's out, baby.y zoo. bella became model at the oklahoma city zoo, and it lets out happy squeals when it playsi . >> i want to go for the record h that a steer is closer to anlos elephant than a seagultol. okay. fair. all right. i just learned that baby elephants weigh 205 £250 when they're born. oh, is that where you forever g a four year old? imagine it, jesse. that's the bad news. men neveete thatr get to imagin, right, judge? >> all right, good. diligent dog named little manlen understands the importance of keeping your eyeiz
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on the prize. he sleeps with his tennis ball at allwith his times because het want any of his siblings waking up first and stealing it. >> oh, you snooze, you lose. >> not in this case. where is he? sleeping. >> this is some kind of weird hotel for greyhound. i could pull out better than i have it in his cage. right on top of the cage. yeah, yeah, yeah. well, when it pulls out, you can, first of all, with that tmj. when he doesn't have that ball in his mouth, you know? >> all right, jessica, itca apparently is your turn and you have plenty of time, so stretch it out turn. a little bit. works in politics into it. i don't want to people enjoy this segment, so i'm not going to bring anything up about that. but i thought this was a cute story. it was out of there's a big intervie there g inw with tom hollander, who stars in white lotus in the guardian and he was telling a story about how he once received a seven figure bonus meant for spider-man metar tom holland. so he's at the theater and he thecksfor tom t the th his emaie
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of the show like an intermission, and suddenlyow inu you got a bonus worth more money than he ever could ws imagine. obviously, it was a huge accounting error from the agencye . >> and he said he fessed up. yeahed up?, i don't think it wod like it didn't deposit into his account. >> can if you gote somebody else's bonus, you can't work. no, but if it's not working, you know that what they got that bonus with that just>> yes burned you up. >> yes. yes it would if you got kmt's bonus. oh, my god. yeah. to get whistle time. what. how that why that guy gets paid is beyond me. i thinisk he pays fox to work. i believe that that's truly what it would have to do now.n >> well, we have a lot of time.e we jusof tt baskime, hill made t there. all right. that's it for us.t >> have a great night. >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonight jesse:


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