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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 26, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. come and take it, that is thenda focus of tonight's "angle."he good news from the texas ag, gimp extant today thee do lone star state does not intend to bend to federal agents trying to enter e shall be parked in eagle pass. the agents use the parcy ik is d of a staging ground to process migrants and do other things, migrants crossing into the united states. but texas governor greg abbott released a statement on tuesday accusing biden of violating hisd constitutional duties to execute immigration laws. them today, this period speak of the authors of the constitution knew there would be times when the federal government would not live up to its duty and so they empowered states and the sectioe right to self-defense.. but what texas is asserting is article one transection of self defense because the president of the united states is nots fulfilling his duty to enforce
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the laws passed by congress thay tonight illegal entry into the united states. >> laura: greg abbott is 100% correct. from day one of his presidency, biden and his puppeteers havesi done everything possible to signal to the world it is open season at the border, everything! we all know the results. a complete catastrophe and ags windfall for transactional gains in child sex traffickers. i only wish texas had done what it is doing now sooner. biden's lawyers in federal court emphasis all happening, suing texas for taking action to secure the border. it is shameful! so if you are living in a state where your governor has nota issued a statement supporting texas and sent off witpporh the federal government and thecons border, than at this point you should consider moving. now, the list is growing of republicans pledging to stand with texas come about 24w an governors now and against the biden administration's attempt to facilitate illegal border
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crossing into the u.s. all of these are stated bys ledy governors who care about preserving our country and certainly care about preserving a rule or ruf law. so i'm asking tonight, where is kathy vogel of new york?here maura healey of massachusetts?dy where is andy beshear of kentucky and remember he such a moderate. and where is j.b. pritzker ofe illinoisis? well, expect only crickets fromg them, which means only one thing: they support biden andthy his open biter and domestic borders more than they caree ow about the residents. heck with schools, hospitals, law enforcement's, state budgets, don't worry about that. care about political cover to biden on an issue than closing the border at the cartel in the traffickers. speaking of shameful, or theator u.s. senators so desperate to shovel $60 billion more to zelenskyy that they will sell us
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out with a fake border deal? out president trump has smartly come out against any bill struck wit biden, which is sending haley nomadic nikki haley wing of the party into a think about this, biden homeland security department is, again, literally suing texas to prevenc it from enforcing the border. and yet, mcconnell, langford and other yes-men like north dakota, todd young in indiana, they want you tobe believlie that suddenly biden c be trusted to enforce a nenewha' provisions. >> what isn't interesting to me there are a lot of angry people out there and that is why the border crisis is number onese issue for voters. e ave i don't see how we have ar story to tell when we missed the one opportunity to fix it. >> anything that interrupts that negotiation i think would be tragic. i don't doubt he wants a perfect deal, so do i. but we have to do something right now to get as much done as we can possibly get done. >> laura: republicans, who the
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heck needs democrats? they all know that biden doesn't need legislation to fix the border. plus, one sourcekn with knowlede of the text of the so-calleder b bipartisan bill said it will still allow biden to parole and close to 2 million migrants over the last year in office. and by the way in addition toha, the fast track, hundreds of thousands of more foreign workers on that whicrkerh is whe liberal open borders, democrats like chris murphy are also anxious to run it all through. >> i hop hope we don't live in a world today in which one personn inside the republican party hold so much power that thehoy can sp a bipartisan bill. >> laura: actually, the one actually had our border under control is precisely the person we should w be listening te o come along wih the american people, of course. so, mitch mcconnell should putsu an end to this nonsense. ton
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do it tonight. all of the exit polls ins new hampshire show americans believe migrants are hurting the country. and they want this flow stopped here they don't want. it manage. it will only be stopped,'t of course, when trump is back in office. don't pretend otherwise. by the way, most americans are not in favor of sending money to t toukraine either. they want to take care of business at home.b, s do your jobs, senators. american is smarter than you think. i'hankm stunned how little washington thinks the common sense of the american people. they see the unipart he didn't c care much about securing ourne border until they needed to find a way to funnel more money to secure ukraine's they see the t democrats didn'tc care about it until the issue started really hurting biden. and the telltale sign that "the angle" has been right all along about the border sneak,
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well, thurston held the third is for it. >> president trump indicated to senators that he doesn't want us to solve t the problem at the border. what he wants to lay the border at biden. the idea that someone running fo r president would say, "pleaseoo hurt the country so i complain my opponent and her politics" is a shocking development. >> laura: with such transient analysis, he still lost in 2012? that is shocking! the whole notion that donald trump or republicans want chaos at the border to use as an issue again biden, is, of course, facture was an fatuuntrue. went trump was present, handed the chaos at the border, evene t though it made it easier forthe biden to enforce borderorce enforcement and the 2020 campaign. from beginning tampao end, theyt
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strong and effective border enforcement, no matter who is hap what is actually happening, of course, biden's team was working with chuck schumer behind closed doors on a secret deal that would not and chaos at the border. it would have enshrined it. it would give the biden administration not one, but twoi political victories. first, the stories in the mediah how the republicans had agreedr with biden on stronger enforcement measures, ridiculous! a and second, that the administration would still be free to do catch and release,h s which is, again, great for the cartels and great for the human literally nothing in the country would improve except biden's political fortunes. it would be suicidal for thep th g.o.p. to help biden sweep the border chaos under the rug so w can have even more chaos once biden is reelected.ue this issue should be presentedto clearly to the voters in november. it is a clear choice.
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it shouldn't be muddled with a lot of talk about a deal that would leave biden's most destructive policies intact. if the biden administration wants to take the border issueeo off of the table in november,tyt they have the legal authority to do it right now, tonight. but they do not. instead, they will do otherthin things like sue texas, which is actually daring the fedsac tove iremove its border area razor wire. now, last night my told senator ted cruz that someone should make come and take it the alamo style deal with the flag and put it on t-shirts, bumper stickers, you know, kind of new gear for the occasion. so he tweeted this out today. i love it.n to govern is to choose and the democrats choose open they would rather increase trump's chances of winning in november even than to do what they can do right now to seriously enforce immigration laws. why are they doingy ar this?
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because that is what fanatics do. ananthatd that is "the angle." we have a fox news alert, donald trump's urging states to send their national guard members to texas to helpbo governor greg abbott andtt his stand up for the biden administration to secure our southern border.orde joining us now is texasr lieutenant governor, dan patrick. governorarti, i've already gottw text messages from people whhoor are concerned and hearing that that this is just what biden wants. he want something to trigger something that wil l end up i ending up in some type of violence involving states versuh the federal government. are you concerned about that given how this is changing? >> i'm not concerned, laura. the biggest mistake the biden administration couldbigg make wd be confronting law enforcement l or our military, our national guard, and are border atpark this part when we are
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actually doing the job that the american people want t. so, if they come down and create a situation, all of america already knows now they will clearly see that the democrats take on a state that is operating under ouroper constitutional right to protect our people and protect this country. i don't think even biden will make that mistake. are not looking for a confrontation. we are looking forar them to do their job and protect the lives of texans and americans and protect the borders in this country. for every pe that has died from fentanyl or murder by ms-13 and every law enforcement officer killed in thine line of duty because these people cross the border, that death is on the hands of joe biden and this administration and the policies on the border. they should not confront us. they should just let us do our job. > laura: to you welcome national guardme members from
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other states?s, are you encouraging them to come join you and if so, for what purpose? >> so, laura, we had operation from other states and we had national guard from other states and texas will take all the help we can ited shows a unified america.nii it shows a unified group of republican governors who want to protect this country. org but it has to be organized. we don't want to have thousands of people show up tomorrow. we want to work with the department, the national guard. but in terms of asking for help, we are glad to have the backing of these brave, bold governors lieuand lieutenant governors and senators and the republican party around this country who realize they are willing to come to the aid of they know we are holding the line. >> laura: would it take the form o f perhaps confronting border patrol who are trying to get into certain areas? would it be putting up more of
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that razor wire or other types ofpes obstructions at the bordt what exactly would e they be doing? >> you are talking from the national guard? >> laura: yeah. >> i'm sorry. >> laura: yes, the national guard.eople to >> there are lots of jobs to do. remember, our border, laura for folks that don't know is longer than the distance betweenma atlanta and portland, maine, 2100 miles. we need people everywhere.le but let me tell you what we arej doing thobe job. if joe biden would get out of our way, we will do the t we will secure the border. we don't need them. alalso, let me say something abt the border patrol.for border patrol works with us, rank and file every day. we work together like this. it is joe biden that wants to come in and split us apart. for what reason?t. we are doing the job at the state park. they have no reason to be therem they have 1,200 miles to cover peer they are trying take o make this a fight we are trying toer
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protect the border and protect american lives protect texas lives. he's trying to turn into awith battle in a fight with our state. don't mess with texas. >> laura: lieutenant governor dan patrick, thank youl as always. are democrats who openly call on biden to use the full force of the government to stop border security, they have asked people to bargain the mic bargain with onboard security. senator mike lee calling them out. kind of offensiveat given still sitting on the text, whe y can'tet we see it? we ought to have access to the text that we can read it, understand it, prepare amendments, but on the amendments, and receive input from constituent recs peer they been negotiating this thing i believe since october. if they have access to what they are doing for months, three weeks is not too much to ask. >> laura: joining us nowing senator dominic missouri senator, josh hawley. as we cover the standoff at thet
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border where the federal government io s trying to stop texas from doing basic things tt protect its state sovereignty, that is happening, yet republicans are grousing aboutau populace and president trump sayisaying, "no deal, that you t trust these people." what the heck is going on here? >> as always, opposite stay in washington. the biden administration is 100% responsible what is going on at the border. here i't cs why, the law has not changed since donald trump you're the only thing that hasds changed joe biden. once the border open. that is why it i s open. once the drugs pouring across and why t they are coming into my state in every state across the country.c the human trafficking, humanme smuggling, the crime, all of iti because of biden's h why they would bail him out and give him more money to keep up these terrible policies, why they would ever help him open t the border furtherhe or approve 50,000 more green cards every
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year is beyond me. i can tell you come i will not vote for any of that! >> laura: your reaction to mitt romney, kramer,from senator cramer, senator fromlway indiana, whose name i forget, todd young that's how little i see him, todd young and others, langford saying, wait a second. one person should the scuttle this great bipartisan agreement. the tragedy, we are really going to fix the border and trump is trying to stop us. >> you know, this isn't about donald trump. this i s about the security of the american people. and i think, let's not blamein trump for doing something all of the american people are saying, which isure secure the border. you look at -- by the way, noe'e one has seen this deal and it is the best deal ever, it is wonderful. you should support it peer they won't let us see it. if it ust is so wonderful, publh it. let us, c it see it. what i do hear about it, laura,0 it m will allow 3,000 more green
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cards. it sounds like expedited work permits for illegals in the country. sounds like the border will not be closed at all. that is no at t a deal. a a giveaway to joe biden. why woul.d anybody in their right mind, dependent, republican, independent support that? the american people do not support it, that is a bottom line. >> laura: they are suing texas for enforcing the border. abutment romney, donald trump i trying to prevent the deal. they will obviously not enforce the border.tal you don't have to work at the capital to know that. this is logic and common sense. by the way chuck schumer has a message for republicans. >> democrats will stay the course until the job is done. president biden on numerous occasions has stated he is willing to work with republicans in a big way on immigration. over the past two months, democrats have shown we areemen serious about reaching an agreement by remaining and there at the negotiating table.
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>> laura: a complete fraud res appeared senator, your response to that. in comedy i have heard and sometime. >> the only thing that joe biden and the democrats are serious about is enabling the last mass migration and illegal border crossings ever in the history of america.e s i havera set across from the dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas who is in charge os f the border, ad he has told me under oath and go look it up, that their policiesy are working! he said the biden policies are working. that is the problem, they areey working! they want is chaos. open borders. this is what they want. this is why republicans need to say no. >> laura: senator, is thisef deal that effectively? >> i hope so. b it should be. if it is not dead yet, it should be pure there was absolutely no reason to agree to policies thab will further enable joe biden. joe biden needs to close theorde border now. he's got the authority to do it. just enforce the law!. it is that simple! just enforce the law. that should be the bottom line.
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>> laura: senator, thank you. how does a union endorse aent president whose policies will effectively destroy the union's industry? well, corruption and the uaw go hand-in-hand pure tulsi gabbard lifts up the rock for us after this. shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free what is cirkul? cirkul is
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> days of work being built out of a deal l are over in this country. [cheers and applause] >> working classpeopting peoplee hurting. for decades, we have been ignored.ab this election is about who will stand upou with us and who will stand in our way! donald trump is a scam! [cheers and applause] trump is a billionaire, and that is who his ae represents, the uf endorsing joe biden for president of the united states!e [cheers and applause] >> laura: what a pleasant voivoice. well, except he's talking about the billionaires, thmieon billionaire supportingal donald trump. does he know that the billionaires don't care about working people are also supporting biden? among him his own governor j.b. pritzker. well, the truth is biden's
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electrical vehicle pushed that 60% of u.s. vehicles will be electrically powered by 2032 aut peer that will put tens of thousanduld s auto jobs in riskr that will kill the auto industry. but he does not give a rip. someone from hawaii and fox newm contributor, tulsi gabbard, what is the union's real motivation here? the guy who renegotiated nafta to help protect the u.s. auto industry is now the temple who is standing with the billionaires who oppose that? what is that about? >> laura, i think what we are seeing how more and more of these unions founded, whose existence is supposed to be and whose mission is to fight for working people exists instead to serve themselves and their friends and the democrat eliteed in the swamp of washington. i think it is very telling when you hear joe biden say he hasni
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onthe most pro-union president ever. that is a very clear distinction from a president who says theysa are the most pro-american people president in history. a union doesn't exactlyth represent the interest of the american people oreric even ther members, which is why we have seen and i have experienced over time unions you choose thees democrat elite and you choose pw the democrats in power over the interest of the working people of even their membership. their membership is going to vote in their own self union peer they are not stupid. see they see how the biden/harris administration time after time have set their policies in place and created a terrible economy and that has graded a higher cost of living peer that has created an open border making o. policies that support the criminals rather than those who are victims of crime who put our law enforcement out there working to keep our communities safe in the backseat stating,
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"we don't have your back whenba you put your lives on the linesn for us every single day." i can continue to go on and ongh how this administration is not putting the interest of the american people are working men and women in this country firsti they are putting their ownn selfish interest and they were own power first and this i iss towhere they tie into their friends and so many of these unions whose existence is based upon that connection. how do we stay in power and get more power? and not thinking about the well-being of the people. >> laura: it is the same thing we see with the teachers unions. i know a lot of teachers who oh, they make me pay these union dues. you don't have to pay. the supreme court case, but you if you don't. and and they don't even -- as you say, represent the union membert themselveshe. because a lot of the stuff they push bar on the teacher's side and up ultimately hurting public schools, hurting the competitiveness of the schoolse of the same thing in this case.n by the way, elon musk, tulsi,
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sent out a tweet yesterday warning the biden administratioo about what is going to happen,go wanting the people of the country i should say what will happen if bide in gets in power for another term.tari because, you know, the tariffs will probably be and he said, "if there are no trade barriers established, they will pretty much demolish all other car companies in thehina world" speaking of china. we know in a second term, biden will be able to do anything he whatever he does come it is 4 benefit.t. >> hey, laura, you mentioned th teachers union appeared as an example, my father-in-law retired from being a public school teacher. i've heard story after story for hio mam and it so many others wo choose this honorable job which is often unfortunately thanklesa to go and teach our children. but instead of having people who are to fight for them, you see
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them pushing the so-called woke agenda, these insane narratives pushing these grotesque r-rated books books intoe r- our kids classrooms, trying to push this ulterior agenda that serves their interest . again, rather than saying, hey, we should stand for theid education of our kids. we should stand for those dedicating their time to serve yoour children.s you can look across many of these industries, and unfortunately, they have losted the leadership tha at they need. this is where i encourage people vote based on what is in the best interest of the americanhe people. the contrast is very clear. >> laura: real median wages,dian we are doing a lot better under trump without that inflation the that they are doing right now. if buying power of all of the auto works much decrease because of biden's policies. tulsi has always, great to seefd you. the great defenders of democracy, they are in meltdowno mode the closer trump is getting to the nomination, the more afraid they are of voters actually being able to hear him.
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vivek ramaswamy is next and he reacts. ♪ ♪
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>> a massive effort to normalize this. well, the trump people have a case. you say they have jpmorgan chase who i will bank in the united states. well, they are right about some things. there is a chance that trump cai win this election.wins the way he wins, he is treated as a a normal candidate.>> o >> laura: of course, if trump was as wacky as they say, theywa would want him on tv as often as possible, right? and then there was this moment when vivek ramaswamy threw down with charlamagne tha god this morning. >> they will pick one word he says and then actually haveis
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respond to that. talk about thell p actual subste that we need to address. >> it is hard to when a guy says he wants to be a dictator for a day. it is hard to say you have toth terminate the e constitution and overturned the election. it is hard when a guy -- >> charla the main. you are under the terrain syndrome. >> laura: over 2024id atpresidential candidate, vivek ramaswamy joins us now. i thoroughly enjoyed your exchange. he is kind of a fun guy. he brings some people that disagree with him. so i respect charlamagne tha god. a lot ofeopln't left-wing peopt do but they still don't really get why millions and millions of americans like trump, do they?tt they don't understand that. >> i think i made progress. we were supposed to go for 45 minutes and we went for an hour and a half. one of the things i had him do, laura, trump was quoting hitler. he couldn't get off at that.
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let's pull up the exact quote oa what donald trump said. i know donald trump and he willh not quote adolf hitler. it was a basic statement of a border crisis we have andy happens to coincide with a bunch of other things people have said through human i did think thate changed their mind a little bit. they didn't even know what donald trump's quote was butis what msnbc said it was. so the path to winning in novembere la, laura, stick to te truth.-win cut through the left-wing media narratives and get to the factsr free speech is the american way. let people you're the best argument from every candidate to make the right choice at theese ballot box. this is exactly what these people want to repent from happening. but the more work at our site ie committed to free speech, the more likely we will deliver a landslide appear that is what is coming this november. >> laura: just for fun, i want o to play a clip from this interview. you made a very excellent point about american sentiment towards our founding fathers.
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this was great. >> john adams, d joho you know o his son is john quincy adams. one thing he regretted not doing as a president is abolishing slavery. >> but you can't ignore the fact thomas jefferson. i'm not telling people to ignors that we will not listen to thomas jefferson or founding wae illegitimate because they wereb deeply imperfect and flawed is every bit as bad as someone who will say i will entirely dismiss the fact they were slave owners. >> laura: nice look in the black t-shirt. that was very cool., but why do you think some republicans seem to have such difficulty with the american past and history? ver they get very scared when they are talking about people like thomas jefferson. >> see, look i'm open about the fact thomas jefferson was myent favorite president. he signed thion e declaration of independence, laura, at the age of 33. while also inventing the swivelo chair.ut
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think about that.ere these people were inventors, intellectuals and yes, alsothe founding were theeyy imperfect?e of course, they are the same way you, in every american is pure theople very people would decryr founders for being slave ownersc and the republicans ande, t democrats alike, they are the slave owners 200 years ago.ther the founding fathers were not the conformist but the pioneer's explore spores. what i want to revive is the compounding spirit but not by claiming perfect buthey imperfections and committed to e pursuit of more perfect union appear that is what we are as a country. we are not perfect but we are found on pursuit of a more m perfect union. that is what makes america great. anhyd i think that's what republicans need to be not so shy about and wear it on theet sleeve. >> laura: if youpt t ever get a chance to debate or talk to kamala harris because biden wil not be debating anyone but why
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shouldn't george washington be youed? if you take all of these other names and the statues down, why should washington still be around of any figure we repair giving his slave on her past? >> i will file that awake, laura. i don't expect it to be super coherent but i will face offpeat with her on it. >> laura: she willph repeat the same phrase over and over. good to see you. the democrats love this drove this woman to merge up your doctorgel s dr. siegel is heren he's been warning us about this. $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. i got this kitchenaid stand mixer for only $56. i got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: now "the angle" has been warning you about the dangers of marijuana inducedmari psychosis. now in california, there is this horrific story of a woman who stabbed her boyfriend moreabbe n 100 times during a psychotic episode after smoking high thc marijuana.orre fox news national correspondent, bill melugin. bill, you have all the details. >> yell, laura, this is a crazye story we have seen in quite some time. a california woman high on pot stabbed her boyfriend over a hundred times and slit her throat. she will not serve prison time
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whatsoever. they found that 32-year-old from ventura county guilty of manslaughter in december.mber this was after she stabbed her boyfriend, chad, 108 times while in an apparent pot filled psychosis. when the police got on the scene, she stabbed her own neck and stabbed her dog. that happened 2018 and amelia's apartment in thousand oaks and screaming hysterically with a knife still in her hands.nd the ventura county d.a.'s offict at both taken hits with aha bungalow tube with marijuana and an adverse reaction to it anad involuntary cannabis induced psychotic disorder. >> she is literally kneeling over him, holding a bread knife covered in blood. and his whole body is right there on the floor.. >> and ultimately, the judge in the case decided she would serv no time in prison.
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instead, sentencing her to two years on probation and 100 hours of community service. are amelia's friends and family are outraged with that sentence. we are absolutely outraged and discussed with the sentence. judge whirley from the beginnin is biased. >> she will not learn from this experience. this is not going to make her think. she just got away with >> initial charges werer downgraded to involuntary manslaughter over a protest from the victim's family here at that decision led to protest outside of the courthouse from supporters of omelia's familyth but that protest did not work, laura. she isn getting off essentially scot-free. back to you. >> laura: my breath is takenlifo away. california, that is one of themr bill, thank you.rk joining me dr. marc siegel, fox news contributor, and former prosecutor and criminal defense attorney. dr. siegel, let's start withfor
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you. the cannabis induced psychosis that has been studied by yale and harvard is a real thing. but does not mean everyone who y uses marijuana develop psychosis. but what happens especially when you start young with marijuana use? >> well, it has to do, laura,e with th c, the active ingredien. thc has gotten extremely high everywhere, by the way, except to countries italy and spaini, where it is low. guess what is lower? cannabis induced psychosis. people with underlying anxiety, depression or tendency bipolaro disorder or schizophrenia. they are more inclined to that.e obviously, there is a ton of high thc content in california, colorado and every state where it is legal and, of course you can get it illegally that way but to say something quickly what i think we'll get to, even legally, this is not defensible issue because it is not
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something called settled insanity. in other words it's not that you take a bomb hit, go crazy and murder people. you would literally have to be psychotic a month afterwardsered before that could be considered a defense.sohis this is a disgrace legally.amou medically, the disgraces the amount of thc in marijuana and we shouldn't call it marijuana anymore. it needs a new name because it is a different drug, laura. >> laura: doctor, i promise i will not make you go on and off about the medical side, but this idea that you can use potps psychosis in this waycy as a defense, given the barbarity of this murder. your reaction to that. >> well, you should certainly bt allowed to use that defense or any defense you want. and they did. and it didn't work. and she was found guilty. they didn't excuse her conduct. they said you are criminally responsible for your actions. and she got the same sentence ao somebody whody typically would have a bag of weed, not someone
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who committs ms murder. i am blown away. it is unprecedented and i've been and they had criminal reign of 30 years and despite myve youthful appearance.on i have never seen anybody get probation for a case like this. >> laura: mark, what is this doing to california? i know so mao many people in california and they are terrified. i'm and i'm talking neighborhoos that are nice neighborhoods, mark. this is scary. one more for mark eiglarsh and then i will go back to dr. siegel. >> it is not just california. now the word is out, he come if you are a stoner and commit a offense, i might use that with my client. it is concerning when someone avoids real responsibility when the victim's family is sagging we want justice. justice like cases being treated alike as aristotle said but >> ithere was no justice here. >> laura: dr. siegel, what ismih so sad is when you actually talk to people who are addicts on the
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street. aske ces i did in my many repon d san francisco, and everyone hs a story how they got there. thbut i woulerd say 9 out of 10f the folks that i interviewed in any given time that i report on this, they started withar marijuana. they didn't t start on fentanylt they started on marijuana. they say it is not a gateway drug. well, not for everybody but... >> it is not just use, daily use. you can get it off of one or two times use. it is nista disgrace to the bidn administration now trying to make it a scheduled three gnomic free drug. it needs to be restrictive for the very reason you said.nt when it gets this potent it isrt not so different than the cycle active drugs, psychedelic drugs that are restrictive. it has to stay restrictiverict period!here alcohol psychosis or any substance abuse can cause a psychosis. but it is no excuse for murder because you choose to take that drug, don't you?
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>> laura: dr. siegel and mark eiglarsh thank you so much. our kids online heroes and also the biggest threat. a warning to parents everywhere next.
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>> alright. have you ever heard from a >> laura: all right, have you ever heard from a kid, "i want to grow up and be a youtuber?"as that is my 13-year-old appeared about youtubers are doing dumb and dangerous thingsincr they dt get views and the kids who watc them want to copy the behavior. now a mother of three teenagers so this is very personal to me. one youtuber is currently wanted by authorities after he recorded himself speedingr at over 150 miles an hour through traffic on a road inffic colorat another online personality was sentenced to six months in prison after he staged a small plane crash all in the name of getting more clicks peered over on tiktok, another daredevil trend popular last summer, you'd jump off of the back of boats.
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people got injured there. i famous youtuber almost 3 million followers who doesn't need to resort to those tactics and yet, still gets a lot of views. i will call you tracks, okay? because i understand what i t should be callinhag you. what about this?e people say you don't have to watch it. if you don't like it, you don'th have to watch it. but is some of this too much at this point? >> i. mean, i guess you could definitely say that we were to when i was a kid whom i like to be a class clown and doou something stupid to get some attention. and now, before you could mentally develop, you start making these dumb choices and it affects you for life adversely. so you know, these kids need guidance and that doesn't change and it hasn't changed. >> laura: what is that gold thing you are holding? >> this is what i do to get attention and this is a big gold bar that we just melted to go into the street with and ask
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people how much they think it is worth for a prize? >> laura: that is actuallyit cool unless you get robbed in the city for then it gets dangerous.. about okay, i knew there was some story. >> i'm going to do it in front of fox news where there are plenty of people. >> laura: i would like s to see the answers. pla remember parkour videos all over the place? okay, kids were always up on people's roofs jumping roof to roof to roof. this is ten, 9-year-olds. my friend is like, "can you get your son off of my roof?" where are they learning this? all of those controls on youtube, but it gets a littlem bit much. >> all of these viral -- i'm sorry, having all of these viral videos out there influencing kids is just an application what's been going on a time. ife you are and are not aware f your own kids and giving the right guidance, you will be in trouble. >> laura: dois you have a gifts
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for me? is it that gold bar? >> it is not the gold bar, but t know you like to show your faith. so maybe you would like something along the lines -- >> laura: what is that?ines made out of rhinestones? >> that is a diamond cross where veyou can have it in opal. >> laura: i like it, that is. pretty. i'm not sure i would wear that.u >> for you, laura, what you can imagine, we can make it happen. >> laura: those are fake jewels. those are not real. are those real? >> we are in the diamond district right now, laura. >> laura: okay, that is another daredevil move.wa nthey, trax, great to see you. i will find you in the city too. t>> thank you so much. >> laura: that gold brick move. i >> todd: a fox news alert, the battle is on between the white house and text. governor gre


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