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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 26, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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i'm proud of the state of florida who is exploring ways to do that. and i think you're going to see that all over the nation. >> carley: attorney general what would you say to a parent who says i live in the state of florida so i can make the decisions for my own children? i don't want the government to get in our way? you have about 20 seconds remaining to answer that question? >> look, there are numerous examples where we want to protect the safety of our children, especially from those, you know, perpetrators, bad actors, i think florida is trying to balance the protection of parental rights with the protection of our children. and we have always done a great job of that, we will continue to do that. >> carley: all right attorney general ashley moody, thanks so much for joining us on this friday. we appreciate it. have a great day. >> great to be with you. >> todd: as parents, i love this. it takes one thing off of our plate and i think it's important. >> carley: todd, thanks so much. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ >> steve: hello, everybody from studio m. it's 6:00 on the east coast.
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this is friday. >> ainsley: did you say friday? >> steve: tgif. thank goodness it's fox. this is "fox & friends." biden, abbott, and the border battle. the deadline is up today to give federal agents access to that shelby park surrounded by razor wire. but texas not going along. >> ainsley: and the lone star state is not alone. 25 governors, look at those pictures, they are all supporting governor abbott. >> lawrence: that's right. don't mess with texas. plus, president biden is going to south carolina tomorrow. joe manchin got there first and had this to say about the current administration. watch. >> i'm talking about [bleep] crazy. i know these people, i have worked with them for 12 years. >> he is talking about the biden staffers after he named them. that's what he said to joe biden. and how do you shovel snow off your roof? let's ask this guy. >> oh.
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>> brian: i don't know. does tend up -- it's a cliffhanger. we don't know if it works or not. we don't know. >> ainsley: we will ask dawn, his wife. she is the one that shovels. >> brian: you are with friends. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: so there is a border battle underway in my home state of texas. governor abbott is showing no signs of caving to the biden administration's demands. instead of giving control of the border back to the federal agents, texas is installing more razor wire to crack down on the migrant illegal incongratulation, watch. >> texas has a right as a state to stop criminals from coming into our state, to make arrests of those criminals. and we have national guard as well as texas department of public safety officers who are
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there to make those arrests and to deny illegal entry. and joe biden actually does have an option here. joe biden's option is to enforce the laws of the united states and stop this illegal entry. >> lawrence: it is just greg abbott. now 25 republican governors signing a joint statement with governor abbott a joint statement on the side of texas. south dakota governor kristi noem is one of them and heading to the border today. oklahoma governor kevin stitt is also backing abbott and he will join us later in the show. former justice department official and the trump administration gene hamilton saying, quote: unless and until a federal judge comes in and says you may not, state of texas, put razor wire up along the border anymore, texas should keep doing exactly what it needs to do and eventually this turns into a game of will between the feds and the state of texas. now, unsurprisingly, california governor gavin newsom is coming to biden's defense. >> i thought that was shameful
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what was reported out that he just completely rolling over and capitulating. don't even get me started with the weakness of the current speaker of the house. i mean, the don't want to deal, period, full stop, they don't want a deal. they don't want to make it a quote, unquote, campaign win for joe biden. says everything you need to know about the fraud that they're perpetuating on the issue of the border. they want to make this a political issue consistently. >> lawrence: and, of course, whether it comes to resources, border funding is still tied up as republicans and democrats struggle to find a compromise on spending. we're going to continue to covering this throughout the morning. we will let you know where we get over to you guys. >> brian: yeah. it's amazing. we are watching the country divide again right before our eyes. and it's hard to defend going against texas. you are on the wrong team if you think that texas, the federal government is doing a good job at the border. 25 states back the texas governor. they are all republican states. i mean, can you believe we are watching the divide of america
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on the border issue but, on other issues, too. i mean, if donald trump was president right now, they would be saying this guy is terrible for the country. we have never seen anything. he doesn't know what he is doing. it's the experienced guy that's doing this. >> steve: donald trump is telling republican governors send more national guard from their state down there. more with kevin stitt as lawrence just said. >> ainsley: lawrence is live at shelby park. >> steve: absolutely. that was ground zero. >> steve: meanwhile, you were talking about thank goodness it's friday. long week, we were in new hampshire to start the week where donald trump came in first, nikki haley came in second. she has made it very clear at this point she is not dropping out. essentially her camp is saying, look, we have only decided only 61 delegates have been picked, 2368 to go. ronna mcdaniels, however, has said the last 48 hours, i just don't see the math and the path going forward for haley. so, we found out late yesterday,
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david bossie, who is a big trump supporter proposed a draft resolution to the rnc to essentially declare donald trump as the nominee, and then that resolution would be taken up by the full committee and the whole rnc would vote on it with like 168 people. at the 11th hour, after they had gotten a lot of blowback are you trying to short circuit the process, we heard from donald trump. >> ainsley: donald trump wrote this on truth social while i greatly appreciate the republican national committee wanting to make me their presumptive nominee and while they have far more votes than necessary, to do it, i feel for the sake of party unity that they should not go forward with this plan, but that i should do it the old fashioned way and finish the process off at the ballot box. >> steve: good. >> ainsley: thank you to the rnc' for the respect and devotion you have shown me trump 2024. what i gather for that is let's don't go down this path. let's not allow anyone to say that they did did something behind the scenes to allow me to
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win. let's just continue down the path and let the voters decide, and i think he was also trying to compliment the rnc and say thank you for your support, but i don't want this to be looked at the wrong way. nikki haley's campaign was lashing out at the rnc for this. they said their team has raised $2.6 million in the last 48 hours. and they are asking now for a debate between trump and haley in south carolina. her super pac says our phones have been ringing off the hook since trump, they said, leveled his threat yesterday. this has nothing to do with trump. this was the members of the rnc. this was david bossie who brought this to the rnc committee. they're going to convene at the winter meeting in las vegas next week and all 168 committee members would be able to decide, brian. >> brian: this is going to continue. looks like they will continue to fight it out. take her at her word. five weeks to south carolina. she is not competing in nevada. she said she had no shot there. i'm not sure what her reasoning is. >> ainsley: trump said she didn't fill out the paperwork. >> brian: she said trump rigged
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the process, i'm not really sure. she is not going to be a factor in the first week of february. wait until the end of february in south carolina to find out what she has. we have not seen a poll in -- since october in south carolina. now, there's a reuters poll out. so, for those people who come out and say donald trump can't win the general, you have to make another choice. and there's a lot of people out there. the polls are just not reflecting that. reuters has trump up by 6. and when r.f.k. is in the race, i think he wins by 4. r.f.k. ends up getting about 8 points. we don't know if any other people are going to add up. r.f.k. looking to be the biggest threat to trump. other thing to keep in mind, too. trump should want this race. because the minute nikki haley steps aside, and he wins, and it looks like an event actuality, then the only thing to talk about is his court cases and only thing to talk about is the matchup with joe biden. right now other networks had to
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bite their tongue and say that donald trump won. sets record in iowa. 11 point victory in new hampshire. donald trump, this horrible person, halls now done something that no one has done, nonincumbent, and that's win the first two states. >> ainsley: good point, brian. >> brian: all of a sudden talking about nikki haley who, by the way is a really good candidate and she has support and she is not a moderate. she is a legitimate conservative. so i find it fun to report. this. >> steve: you are right. i agree with almost all of that stuff, brian, because you are right. you made this point a couple of days ago. she is not a rino. she is not. she has been a conservative from the get go. the interesting thing about her story i believe in the beginning she was trained as accountant. in the very beginning, when she started to run at the state level, she actually didn't do very well, in the beginning she was against all odds. she eventually got to the state legislator and then eventually went on to beat the governor, a
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very popular governor in south carolina. now, speaking of south carolina, joe biden is going to show up tomorrow for the first in the nation celebration dinner at the fairgrounds in charleston. >> ainsley: no, in columbia. >> steve: here's the this bing. this calling this first in the nation. what about iowa? what about new hampshire? the democrats have different rules. and so it's going to be interesting to see what happens. actually, yesterday, you know who showed up? in charleston that's why i was thinking about that, is gavin newsom. gavin newsom is essentially going out and he is giving stump speeches for joe biden and who he refers to as his old friend kamala harris. is he trying to, you know, is he trying to grease the wheels for when they roll in tomorrow so that there is a little momentum. >> ainsley: yeah. >> steve: we have already had two races. they are trying to get this process up to speed for the democrats. >> ainsley: now the race is on for south carolina. nikki haley said we are going there. she was in charleston.
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we have seen tim scott spiking there. donald trump is going to go there. the president is going there tomorrow. but senator joe manchin is already there. and he had an interesting comment about his conversation with the president of the united states. he's not running again, unless he decides to run under the no labels for president. but he -- i think he feels like now he can be honest with the president about what is actually being said behind the scenes. everyone is afraid to go and talk to the president but they are all worried. listen to what he said about trump's cabinet -- no, i mean, excuse me, joe biden's cabinet. >> i said, mr. president, when he first if come back, i said you have the most liberal administration i have ever seen. and he said joey, they tell me i have the most diverse. sir, i'm not talking about diverse, i'm talking about bat [bleep] crazy. i know these people. i have worked with them for 12 years. i'm so sorry. i'm just trying to be as honest and straightforward as i can with you all.
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there is a lot going on. there is a lot going on. and there is a lot of good people that are kind of afraid to speak out because they are afraid they will get primaried or they will afraid they are not falling in line enough so they will stay quiet. >> brian: that's a democrat speaking out about all the things that logically we know. we don't know where the administration is coming frommen all these issues. i thought this guy was a moderate. clips from 2007 where he is doing the exact opposite of what he used to stand for. we don't understand why it's in anyone's interest to let the border fall apart. we don't know why it's in anyone's interest to stop what they did yesterday. they are freezing all contracts on that new drilling on natural gas which burns clean. they made up some story that transporting, there could be leaks in order to service customers like our allies. so, what he is showing to be a practical person. if he could get on -- he said flat out, if i could get on 30 states, with no labels, i think
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he is. in he says if it's trump-biden i'm in. and if it's 30 states, no labels. i'm in. i believe they're at 14. i was speaking with the governor yesterday, who is co-chairing it. he thinks they are going to get there. so then it would just be joe manchin and a running mate. >> ainsley: how weird is this election cycle? >> brian: nuts. >> ainsley: so nuts. joe biden show this later on with his gaffes and barely understand what he was saying bless his heart, at that brewery company. donald trump entrenched in court cases and continuing to go up in the poll no matter weigh that do to him. nikki haley not dropping out. traditionally a nominee would drop out if they lose iowa and new hampshire. >> steve: whether they run out of money and run out of path. >> ainsley: normally they would probably drop out. it's nuts. she is not doing that joe manchin saying let's start another party. and then you have r.f.k. jr. people like. >> brian: we know him, too. >> ainsley: congressman phillips who did well.
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it's crazy right now. >> steve: i wonder if joe manchin was blowing up people in the administration because that's how he actually felt or was that the beer talking? were you watching? because he was at an event called pints and politics at low five brewery in charleston. there is so much going on in your home state, ainsley. >> ainsley: i know, joe concha, i was watching him one on todd d carley. i couldn't kegs do you think he was drinking before hand. >> brian: joe biden. joe manchin, i will stay i did see him at an event where there was liquor and he didn't drink anything. >> ainsley: joe biden? >> brian: joe manchin. >> ainsley: lots of joes and drinking. >> steve: joe manchin lives on a house boat. >> brian: one thing third party candidates don't need introduction. everybody knows them and make the debate exciting if they do, in fact, have debates. >> steve: more on that throughout the morning and throughout the year. we are going to be talking about it for a while. in the meantime, there is an unusual story a crazy story.
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the father of the man who held a kansas city chiefs watch party at his home is defending his son as questions are swirling over the death of three of the guys friends who were found frozen in the backyard. >> brian: lucas tom lionson joins us with the next wrinkle to this story. >> the father of the man who hosted that watch party for the kansas city chief regular season finale defending his son found dead outside the house. jordan's father said he would never in a millionierees do anything. these were all good friends of his. these are all people who he went to school with and he took them to a football game the day before the chief's game. the father of one of the victims tells our colleagues at fox digital this might be the motive. there were four of you in the house and now three of them are dead and you are not. that doesn't add up. i'm thinking he, the three of them learned something or saw something that they shouldn't have seen and he decided well, i
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need to get rid of you now, friends or not. the brother of another victim spoke on "fox & friends" to you guys yesterday. >> question needing to be answered. nobody can answer those questions in honesty except for jordan. but, for myself, it's been very difficult. and i don't think that i can ever fully hearing until i find out what happened and i will never be fully healed. i admired my brother so much. >> and here's a photo of jordan willis' rental home where the three bodies were found outside in the freezing cold on january 9th. three victims are david harrington, clayton mcgeney and richard johnson found dead in the backyard two days after they came over to watch football. police say foul play is not suspected. they are still waiting for autopsy and toxicology reports. willis' attorney says his client who hosted the party and is a
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scientist had been asleep to a couch next to a loud fan for two days when his friends' bodies were found outside, steve, ainsley, and brian? >> brian: loud fan in the winter? >> ainsley: strange. >> steve: some people use it as sound like a white noise. lucas, when is this toxicology report coming back. >> waiting for it any hour now, steve. >> steve: it's been a few weeks? the family we interviewed yesterday said it will take a few weeks. >> steve: 6:16 here in the east. carley joins us with news from alabama. >> carley: it certainly is developing overnight. in alabama, convicted murderer, kenneth eugene smith became were the first inmate in the country executed with nitrogen gas. smith was sentenced to death after killing elizabeth senate in a murder for hire plot in 1988. >> the victim's son speaking out after the execution.
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>> carley: smith petitioned the supreme court to intervene in his case but was ultimately denied. a russian court extending "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich's detention until at least march 30th. that means he will spend at least a year behind bars before his trial even begins. evan has been wrongfully held in moscow since march of last year when he was taken into custody on accusations of espionage. this is the fourth time his detention has been extended. and finally, a shocking upset overnight in the australian open as world number one novak djokovic falls in the tournament semis. [cheers] >> that's it. >> 6-7. >> in a stunner down under dethrones djokovic.
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>> carley: tallian taken taking down djokovic 33 consecutive wins. center will make grand slam final debut on sunday, a big moment for him and just 22 years old, guys. those are request your headlines. >> steve: i have been watching him. he is very good. >> ainsley: shocked by that we are going to talk about how pickleball is now being done in high school. competitive sport in high school. >> ainsley: you have an interview with gronk. >> brian: is he coming up. i am curious to see how that goes. pickleball i hope replaces square dancing. because that is not a sport. >> steve: i don't. >> brian: kids take square dancing in school? >> steve: we did it in 4-h. >> brian: it helped you? what is it? >> steve: 4-h. >> brian: like a harvard sport? >> steve: very elite thing. >> ainsley: home ec. how you would describe it.
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>> steve: 4-hs are heart, health and i have forgotten the other two. >> brian: helen? >> ainsley: harry? >> steve: that's the club i belonged to, here we go once again my green acres background where i would take things to the state fair or county fair like our pigs. >> ainsley: a lot of people do that. >> steve: a lot of people. >> brian: you would square dance. >> steve: at 4-h. you would have kids of all ages like second graders right up. >> ainsley: if you are watching, we grew up in neighborhood where we are all best friends everyone on the street and jeanne lived across the street from us and she could square dance. when we were august together on our group we would say jeanne, square dance. >> steve: i love to dosey dough. used to say doocy do. >> brian: pickleball replaces square dancing. >> ainsley: we need them both. >> steve: we will google 4-h in a second. meantime talking about schools, a florida bill banning social media for kids under 16 is one
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step to actually closer to hang in florida. the bill's sponsor warns its influence is like digital fentanyl. he will explain coming up. >> ainsley: but, first, could cornell's president ivy league be next on the chopping block. major donor pushing for that and pulling funding for the toxic dei campus culture. >> brian: georgia florida line play us out ♪ on the radio ♪ we light it up ♪ with our hands up ♪ this is how we roll ♪ this is how we do ♪ we burning down the nigh cat and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults.
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>> brian: we are back with a couple stories keeping tabs on today listener up. jake sullivan is heading to thailand to meet with thinnes counterparts discuss the ongoing houthi attacks on the shipping in the red sea. suddenly they are not aiming at chinese ships. sullivan's comes amid reports rein in the attacks by the terrorist group. meta ceo mark zuckerberg planning to break silence on anti-semitism on harvard campus. is he suspected to throw his support board of alum. zuckerberg says harvard needs to
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go back to its roots. >> it needs to return to academic institution. it's not a political one. harvard needs to foster on safe and positive learning environment. >> the idea there is disruptions in classes shouting while people are studying, this is pretty obvious stuff. >> brian: that, of course, wasn't him. zuckerberg will be hosting a zoom call on the matter tonight. all right, lawrence and ainsley, take it away. >> ainsley: thank you, brian. >> lawrence: prominent donor funding over what he calls the school's toxic dei culture calling for the school's resignation. >> ainsley: trustee and presidential counselor john lens seth joins us now. thank you so much for being with us. first of all. what are you unhappy about with this university. you have been a major donor a long time. alum there your family has been giving money for a long time. what are you unhappy with the
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university? >> big problem is the de icon centration. it is evil. you can't have free speech when people are obligated to follow the party line. now, i'm aware of the entitled peter principle, why things always go wrong. and his conclusion is that people rise in an organization until they reach their level of incompetence at which point they do major damage to their institution. that's whereby penn found itself. harvard found itself and now cornell finds itself. and we should replace our leadership. >> lawrence: john, you are not just concerned about the dei but you also said that they're allowing anti-semitism to run around campus.
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the anti-semitism problem is enormous. we not only have a new york state police car in front of the building, we have all kinds of people reporting to me by email that they have recorded many instances. one woman has 2,000 instances of phoney charges against jews. >> ainsley: john. how much support are you getting from other people who are donors to the university and what do you want to see happen? >> i want the leadership to be replaced. >> lawrence: bottom line. jon, thanks so much for joining the program. we appreciate you giving us some time. >> ainsley: thank you, jon. >> thank you. >> ainsley: coming up robitussin cough syrup issuing a nationwide recall over two products for
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potential life-threatening contamination. >> the fda says one cancer treatment could cause cancer itself. the details in our medical roundup, next. >> lawrence: plus, texas governor greg abbott defends the right to protect his state as the border battle with the white house intensifies over razor wire. >> americans respect the border to be secure because joe biden has abandoned that responsibility. texas is stepping up and doing it. ♪ it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> turning now to a couple of medical headlines, two types of row buy tuesday son cough syrup called over deadly microbial contamination. some bottles of row buy tuesday son honey results and the nighttime version. the contamination can cause serious fungal infection in people immunocompromised.
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treatment could are secondary cancers. asking several drugmakers to add warning to boxes of car t. follows reports of patients facing rare blood cancers after the treatment there are no plans to pull the product off the market just yet. an fda spokesperson says the overall benefit of these products continue to outweigh their potential risks and now you know. brian, over to you. >> brian: i will take note. the border battle in texas intensifies over razor wire governor abbott asserts state's rights to defend itself. >> because the biden administration was really truly abdicated its responsibility to secure the border. texas has a right as a state to stop crams from coming into the job. only one president not doing its job and that's the president of
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the united states. >> brian: has the sovereignty authority to take action. here to explain the constitutional argument, keeping emotions out of it kinney county attorney and texas rancher himself, brent smith. brent why do you believe the governorren has the law and constitution on his side. >> well, brian, the governor can before the constitution was ratified, the compact he was talking about the states decided they would give certain authority to the federal government and they -- but they l.s.u. kept the right to self-defense for their own. and so every state has the right to self-defense if they there is an invasion or imminent danger to its steins. in my opinion is he not defying oath to biden. he is upholing his oath to the citizens of texas. >> brian: so he has to prove the safety and security of his citizens are in jeopardy. what does he do to prove that? >> yeah.
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well, you know, you just look at the statistics, brian, every day enough people that die of fentanyl that a 747 goes down every day. could you imagine a 747 crashed every day, there would be hearings, congressional oversight, you know, all kinds of things. today no one is blinking an eye or wait until 200,300,000 governor abbott is taking a stand and i think other governors are joining as well. texas is holding the line. we have to. we don't have a choice at this point. this has gone way beyond the policy issue of immigration. this is now a safety and security of texas and the united states. >> brian: brent, it's really hard to push back on your argument of practicality it's not just a texas problem. it is a chicago problem, a boston problem. i'm sitting in a city that has 67,000 illegal immigrants here that we're paying for. so it is not just wow one of those crazy people in texas doing? we know exactly what you are doing. the country is behind you. only 25 states are behind you.
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is this country guiding? >> you know, i think it is divided. it's been divided for a while now. but, you know, texas has to look out for texas. and we will take anyone's help. i can't speak to other states or what he want want to do like california. in texas, we have -- we hold certain principles and values close. we are going to stand up for them. >> brian: california says not only can you council we are giving you free healthcare. we know exactly where stand and putting the american people second or even third. brent, do you feel as though there is a chance that border patrol is going to try to go into a shelby park and the texas national guard is going to say no, you can't. there could be a physical confrontation. >> i know a the loft agents on both sides of that question. they work well together. the conflict isn't be with them. it's for their higher ups. i don't see any physical confrontation. they might be ordered to do something but i don't see it going anywhere.
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everyone down there from texas. border patrol agents or dps troopers or texas national guard. we are all on the same side on the ground. it's the leaders in washington violating their oath and their oath to office. >> brian: i know. if they give the order, what do you do? so, brent, we know that the supreme court in a befuddling decision with john roberts and amy coney barrett said you have to take down that razor wire. when this goes up to the supreme court, which we imagine it will, what's going to change? >> well, that's a good question. you know, the fifth circuit has in front of it right now in the attorney general's office briefing the arguments. you know, i'm really hoping those arguments include the article 1 provision. and the constitutional authority that is invoked. i don't see how this could go to the supreme court. the supreme court look at what the constitution said in its plain language. anthony scalia dissent and his messaging. how they could rule against the state of texas after looking at the constitution.
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if they did rule against the state of texas, what does this come to? are we in a death pact we don't have a choice but to lose our state? surely not. that's not what the founders would have ever agreed to neither would the stays. will everyone is praying that the supreme court has common sense and makes the right ruling. we will have to see, brian. brian wine we will have to see. not time not just mexico trying to come in. it's the whole world trying to come in. all you want to do is close the door. thanks brent. brent smith, appreciate it. all right, coming up straight ahead. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: digital fentanyl. that's what the lawmaker behind a florida bill banning social media for kids under 16 warns. this morning, that bill is one step closer to reality. can you back it as a parent? plus snow way to shovel. after losing not one but two shovels. our next guest learned how not to remove snow from your roof.
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>> oh. >> brian: that man joins us live, next. ♪ ♪ i will find you ♪
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♪ >> sandra: i'm sandra smith and i will be heading up fox news voter analysis on election night. election night is bound to have surprises. and we all sort of live for those moments. a very telling sign for american voters because there are going to be surprises state to state all over the country. incredibly powerful information to deliver to our audience. ♪ ♪ >> steve: all right, welcome back. the state of florida is trying to make it tougher for teens to get hooked on social media, it seems like they all are. down in florida the state's house of representatives has passed a bipartisan bill that bans the use of platforms like tiktok and instagram for anybody under the age of 16. how would that work? i know a lot of you are saying that's a great idea. our next guest sponsored the bill that has warned that the dopamine on social media so
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addictive like digital fentanyl. republican florida state representative fiona mcfarland joins us from florida. fiona, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: there are a lot of parents who hate to spend the entire meal watching their kid getting a stiff neck looking at their phone. how would this work? >> so the bill that we have passed through the florida house, just this week, late-breaking, is to require social media companies to remove children under the age of 16 from their platforms. this is -- there's the sophistication, the technology out there forager verification is quite robust. we believe companies can partner resporesponsibly with age verification software make sure not teens under the age of 16 on harmful social media platforms. >> steve: sure, you know, there are so many work around, so many ways to trick stuff, you know, as soon as you pass that, don't you worry that okay, some kids have figured out a way to fake
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parental okay or something like that or fake-mile-an-hour age. you know kids. we were kids. >> kids will always find a way. especially in florida we have some bright and forward a leaning teens. but, here's the thing. as i have talked to other teens about this bill, you know, what do you think? they say, wait, my friends won't be on it either? okay, yeah. i kind of like to not be on it. here's what we all know in the old days with our kids, if there was something bad happening, we wanted to keep them safe you could put them in the room and shut the door then they would be safe. there is always the mean girls and boys in schools. what is different with social media those mean girls and boys can follow you home. that phone it constantly in our kids' hands. that technology of the addictive design features of social media, whether it's the infinite scroll, the little ding notification that follows us everywhere. even as adults we know. this it's particularly harmful
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for children who are still figuring out how to make connections develop coping mechanisms and between the addictive design and that dopamine hit and then the harmful activity that happens online, it's not a product that is safe for kids anymore. >> steve: our phones have become main street. if you want to see what is going on in your world you look at the phone and there is all this stuff. this bill, which has passed the house, still has to go through the senate and ron desantis would have to sign it as well, requires platforms to prohibit minors from creating accounts. minors must terminate existing accounts, good luck on that. requires age verification for platforms moving forward. now, i know that phonena, a number of other states have passed things like that trying to cut through. but the -- and the problem is, they are all being challenged in court, for instance, one in arkansas, i believe they are
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suggesting a violation of first amendment rights. >> well, of course the social media companies are going to ban it. trapping teens and young people online is their pipeline for customers. they hook kids early and they have them for life. so, of course, they are are going to challenge this law. you know, the unique approach we are taking in florida as opposed to some of these other states, other states are requiring parental permission slip. but, you can't give your kid a permission slip to go into a licker store or go into a bar. we are saying that social media is a harmful product. we feel that we have a compelling state interest to keep our kids safe. >> steve: yeah. >> any social media platform that has features like addictive design content or deceptive design content, that can track us, knows what we're clicking on. knows what we're looking at and serves us different content based on that. that's how we define the social media company, those features that we feel are really harmful
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to teens. that's where we are going to draw the line. >> steve: there are a lot of people watching right now who hope this succeeds. florida state representative fiona mcfarland, thank you for joining us today from florida. >> thanks, steve good to be with you. >> steve: now down to brian and janice. >> brian: something totally unrelated but more fun. >> janice: the best story you will see this morning. >> brian: yes. >> janice: this video you have to watcher. a homeowner in upstate new york learning a hard way not to use sthowfl get snow off your roof. take a look. ♪ >> oh. >> brian: is he no quitter. here he is bringing out a second shovel to get the job done whether this happens. >> oh.
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>> brian: homeowner ronni jarrett he forced that conundrum on himself. thanks for doing. this tiktok getting thousands of views. first off what were you trying to do. >> trying to get a video for my friends. >> janice: were you trying to bring the snow down and show how much snow was on your roof? >> yeah. because it comes down really hard and they don't experience that in the south. so i wanted them to see just how like much snow falls all at once. >> janice: you started with a snowball, right? and then you went to the shovel? >> right. [laughter] the snowball was like really fluffy, so as soon as i threw it, it disintegrated i need something a little bit heavier. >> brian: you could make an ice ball next time and just add water to it. here goes the snow shovel it
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stays. one shovel is not enough. maybe you if you throw a shovel a different way and it sticks in sideways, what were your thoughts then? >> right. i stead well, i guess that's where they are staying until they fall on their own. >> janice: you shut the video off and said, you know, my purpose was not shown on this video. did you ever get the shovels back? >> janice: well, i had been outside for hours snow blowing because we just got hit with a pretty big storm. and at that point i just gave up and i was like well, i guess it's just going to have to fall out on its own and came out for work two days later and it had finally fallen. >> brian: people even comment. >> i think the video got like 1010,000 comments by now. people a lot of funny stuff telling me how i should have done it. i it would be a lot funnier make it fall on the shovel. >> janice: would you do this again knowing what you know now? >> probably.
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because i'm -- i'm a glutton for punishment, i guess. [laughter] maybe i just won't. >> janice: what did your wife say? >> she wasn't surprised. she told me sounded about right. [laughter] >> janice: something you might do. >> brian: don't give me that much credit. ronni is ronni he is cut from a different cloth. did your friends comment? >> i have gotten a lot of comments from my friends and people down south saying they can't believe that snow would do that. would hang off the side of the house like that. pretty surprised by it. >> janice: a lot more people saw the video than he originally thought. >> brian: absolutely. >> janice: it was amazing. >> it ended up getting 11 million views. i was not expecting that at all. >> janice: give this man a tv show. >> brian: absolutely. ronny, when you do something else unorthodox would you tell me and we will book you right
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away. [laughter] roron jarrett making the most oa winter. >> janice: thank you for including me. >> brian: chicago democrats calling out city leaders as cities and schools close to make room for migrants. i should say illegal immigrants. >> biden jib irish campaigning wisconsin brewery try to make sense of. this by the way, used to make beer brewed here, is used to make the beer brewed -- oh rider thanks for the great lakes.
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