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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 26, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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stronger every day. last year i was devastated i missed the kick. i thought i would go through the uprights but it missed wide left due to the winds. i will make it this will. you win from fan duel. make sure you enter. >> brian: thanks so much, rob, great to have you. look forward to hearing from you soon along the way. watch gronk and everybody else in the pre-game show and kickoff at 6:30 on fox and don't miss gronk's field goal attempt during the big game next week. now i have to dress like an adult. >> ainsley: where it all weekend. >> steve: is great way to wrap up the week. >> ainsley: have a good weekend. >> what texas is asserting is our article one, section ten
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right of self-defense because the president of the united states is not fulfilling his duty to enforce the laws. >> bill: that from greg abbott on our program yesterday not giving an inch on the border matter. the white house gave texas until today to reopen a stretch of 2 1/2 miles. texas saying it won't touch that. it will do no such thing. that's where we start. good morning on a friday. bill hemmer. >> dana: not like a little constitutional crisis on a friday. i'm dana perino, "america's newsroom." a pretty big deal in texas. they're going to defy the federal deadline despite the supreme court ruling against the state in a dispute over razor wire. the court -- >> bill: earlier in the week the court said the feds can't remove the wire. abbott says texas has the right to defend itself. >> dana: jonathan turley is on deck but let's begin with matt finn with the latest from eagle pass. >> as it stands right now the state of texas has not given up
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control along the property along the border or removed any razor wire. texas has been installing additional razor wire. we have some fresh video to show you. today is the deadline the biden administration issued to texas for this state to reopen this property to border patrol. the texas attorney general tells me there are no plans to cooperate with that deadline or remove texas's razor wire barrier that is serving as a border wall here. >> walls and fences work everywhere. there is a reason that people build them and a reason that they are working. they make it hard for people to get across. and unfortunately our federal government isn't trying to make it hard . we can see that. not only aren't they protecting our border but when we try to do it they try to stop us. >> texas is now in its third week of seizing shelby park and banning biden's border agents. texas already defied the biden administration's first deadline
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last week to reopen this park. now after the supreme court ruled in the biden administration's favor, the u.s. government issued another deadline today. the biden administration has made clear it wants full access to shelby park today. also the nearby boat ramp it uses and the international bridge. texas says border patrol has had access to the boat ramp and river. we have seen border patrol boats on the river. the state of texas doesn't want border patrol interfering with its razor wire mission on land. there has been the pressing question whether this showdown between the biden administration and the state of texas could become physical. texas attorney general and the border patrol national council tells fox they can't imagine there would be any type of physical showdown. hard pressed to pit texas national guard against border patrol agents here on this property. we really want to emphasize the change of posture and what it looks like inside of this park compared to just last month in
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december when we saw the huge crush of illegal immigration in the park. right now as it stands there is an extreme fortification of this property. there is razor wire as far as the eye can see, row afro. the texas national guard is fiercely defending this property. it was once an area where illegal migrants could freely cross into the united states. that's no more. right now the texas national guard is pushing back migrants that it sees telling them to go back to mexico. there is a profound change in the process of illegal immigration here in this park. cameras have been here for two years and viewers recognize so much video and pictures from inside this very park where migrants freely crossed illegally into the united states. that isn't happening right now. dana and bill. >> dana: thank you so much. bill at the board. >> bill: want to give our virus an idea what we're talking about. mexico to the left. eagle pass to the right in the state of texas. this is about 2 1/2 mile stretch
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along the rio grande. the park itself, however, is this 43 acre plot. we have a baseball field, parking lot as well. and that's the area right now where texas said we'll slow the flow and hopefully we'll stop the flow, hence the reason why the wire has gone up. this is the reality of encounters at the border. when you compare the trump administration with the biden administration. per month in counters. you're up to 200,000, right? here is the election time. you got biden in blue and trump in red. you see the way this average has gone. it is pretty incredible from where you were in 2020 to where we are now in early 2024. pretty astounding and apparent on that. the other part of the story now. you have 25 republican governors that have said they'll back texas governor greg abbott. everything in red they all chimed in yesterday with the exception of the governor of vermont. the only republican governor so
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far who hasn't gotten behind texas. what did greg abbott tell us yet? he said we'll put more barbed wire up there. remember what matt finn said. ever since this effort began, the number of illegals crossing at that location as dropped dramatically. >> dana: we have jonathan turley joining us, i want you to listen to greg abbott explaining how president -- how president biden as commander-in-chief has a responsibility to protect the states. if they can't do it the states will protect themselves. >> included in that agreement was the compact that the federal government would take care of the states. and article four section four of the constitution speaks to that and says that if the federal government does not take care of the states and they are in danger we can ask the federal government give us its obligation. >> dana: your take this morning
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as this constitutional crisis ramps up. >> i agree with the governor that this is a violation of the understanding between the federal government and the states. the language in article one, section ten, really deals with that agreement that we gave -- made with the states and federal government to move from the articles of confederation to a constitutional system with a strong federal government. i don't think anyone can honestly look at the southern border and say that the federal government has fulfilled its pledge. this is an unprecedented crisis brought about, i believe, by president biden's policies. on all that i agree. the problem is that federal courts are unlikely to agree that this is the invasion referenced in the constitution. there is also a reference to imminent danger and certainly looking at hundreds of thousands
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of people crossing effectively open border presents an imminent danger, but the courts are likely to define that in the context of that provision in the context of an invasion by -- as with a foreign state. so i think texas is going to have a hard time making that constitutional argument in court. the problem for the biden administration is that it has really created an existential crisis by effectively having an open border. i think many judges would be sympathetic to texas that they have a right to do something. they are being overwhelmed, even democratic mayors are now objecting that this is overwhelming their cities. so the idea of the federal government removing barriers at this time is reallotr worldly. but keep in mind on this fight, the federal government has the
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upper hand legally. they tend to get a lot of deference along the border. >> bill: so here the article one, section ten. maybe you nailed it, professor, would not surprise me. no state shall without the consents of congress keep troops or ships of war in time of peace. enter into an agreement or compact another state or information power or engage in war unless actually invaded or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. you mentioned that comment about invasion. when you consider the number of individuals on the terror watch list that have crossed, texas would make that argument before the judges. take note of this. since scotus made that decision earlier in the week saying the federal government can cut wire, i don't believe it's happened just yet. so maybe that's where our stalemate is, professor. >> it may be.
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look, this is not fort sumter. these are professionals on both sides and i don't think we're looking at violence. but we are looking at a stand-off here that should not have occurred. we should be protecting texas and protecting that border. there is a strange anomaly. when benedict arnold took 1600 men to canada it was an invasion. when millions cross into texas it is lacks law enforcement and i can understand why texas basque at that saying it's an imminent danger to us. the courts are likely to say that lacks enforcement has been a problem all along and this provision was written at a time when those border states were in constant danger of an actual invasion by a foreign power. so that's the reason i think texas will have a hard time threading this needle in federal court. it doesn't relieve the biden administration politically or
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legally as texas invokes its other authority as a state power to protect its citizens. its citizens are at risk. >> dana: it's interesting because the rest of the country, now that this is the number one issue on voters' minds, they think that abbott is helping protect them as well. jonathan turley, thank you so much. >> bill: to be debated. andy mccarthy says abbott has a point and could win at the high court. there is debate goes back and forth. talking about the governors. >> dana: yesterday we had seven or nine governors and i thought that was low. by the end of the day and overnight we have 25 governors. it seems like it is breaking along political lines. you would imagine some of those governors are thinking i think abbott does have a point here but maybe they are under political pressure not to support. >> bill: look at the fox verity analysis from iowa and new hampshire. republicans are right smack dab on this issue as number one facing america today.
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more so than the economy, believe it or not. there you go. >> dana: we want to get you to this. a climate president to his core is how white house officials are defending biden's decision to pause new permits for natural gas exports. the freeze comes as the administration holds off on deciding whether to approve what would be the nation's largest natural gas terminal. this is insane to me. edward lawrence is live at the white house. >> critics are saying the biden administration again taking aim at the u.s. energy industry. this time targeting natural gas in the name of climate change. a senior official says they'll stop issuing new permits, new applications for facilities across the united states. no word when the applications would be considered again. the department of energy is restricting the export of natural gas and limiting it to countries that only have a free trade agreement with the united states. not one new free trade agreement
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has been signed under president biden. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell said it is another front in the war against u.s. energy. >> this move would amount to a functional ban on new lng export permits. the administrations war on affordable domestic energy has been bad news for american workers and consumers alike. radical policies from the epa are killing jobs in coal and auto manufacturing. >> industry groups say the move is a national security issue. it forces european countries to continue to rely on russia and also they say will push specifically in asia countries to increase reliance on dirty coal. treasury secretary yell en said the u.s. energy industry is just fine. >> we're focused on making historic investment in transitioning towards clean energy in the medium and long term, record domestic oil and
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natural gas production address their immediate needs. energy prices have declined. >> however, the industry groups are saying this administration has added restrictions and regulations to discourage future investment in natural gas and oil. back to you. >> dana: what do we expect our allies to do? push them in the arms of somebody else? it is nuts. edward, thank you. >> yeah. >> i don't think i can ever fully heal until i find out what happened. >> bill: a deepening mystery in missouri surrounding the deaths of three kansas city chiefs fans found dead in their friend's backyard in the snow. it was cold during that time three weeks ago. what a toxicology report could reveal about their deaths. it is pending and maybe news breaking today. >> dana:-up ending the -- how the trump legal team is seizing
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on this. plus this. >> zbl that's a state trooper emerging unscathed from a roadside crash and here to tell us how it all went down. he will be here live. with 30 grs of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) ♪ voya ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment
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>> bill: update on evan being held in that russian jail. more grim news for that american journalist. a court extended the at the detention of gershkovitch until the end of march. he was arrested in march of last year on charges of espionage. gershkovitch, his family, journal and united states government denial these allegations and hats off to the journal for continuing to carry
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on his message and his situation now from moscow. there it is, evan gershkovitch, we'll bring you more when we get it. >> dana: co-defendant in the georgia election interfer answer state are saying ties between fani willis and biden administration after nathan wade had meetings with white house officials before charging former president trump. senior correspondent jonathan serrie with the latest on the case. >> good morning. co-defendant jeffrey clark's legal team wants access to communications between the biden administration and members of the fulton county district attorneys office. special prosecutor nathan wade submitted bills for two white house related meetings. it was to ask logistics. defense attorneys suggest something more. >> the white house has its fingerprints on all four
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criminal prosecutions of president trump and now they know they had their fingerprints on this case. >> bill: georgia state senator is proposing a special committee with subpoena power to investigate d.a. fani willis over allegations she hired wade for the case because of a romantic relationship involving cruises and other travel. >> the strictly a personal relationship is not what we're interested in. to the extent lines were crossed and legal lines were crossed, state funds were used in the furtherance of this is what we're interested in finding out. >> president trump is also seeking to disqualify the office from disqualifying the case. it accuses the d.a. of wrongfully inserting racial animus during a speech at a local church. willis suggested that defense attorneys were criticizing her and wade simply because of the color of their skin.
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dana. >> dana: jonathan serrie, thank you. >> bill: digital fentanyl is how one florida lawmaker describes teenagers addicted to social media. the state house of representatives passing a bipartisan bill that bans the use of platforms like tiktok and instagram for anyone under the age of 16. dana marie mcnichol with more on that. what will they do, dana marie? >> good morning, bill. republicans, democrats both agree social media is dangerous but florida is taking a stand to protect their kids saying that social media is something that needs to be completely taken away. this proposed law it is addictive and dangerous. those who oppose it say this legislation is unconstitutional. lawmakers cite the u.s. surgeon general's warning children who spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of mental health problems. even though the florida bill isn't specific about which
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platforms it would target, it says it is focused on sites with addictive features and designed excessive use. >> when it comes to social media we're saying in the state of florida it's a harmful product. akin to digital fentanyl that we'll restrict access to in the same way we restrict access to tobacco, driving a car, alcohol. >> if passed it would require social media to delete accounts anyone under the age of 16 and prohibit children from creating a new profile. opponents are slamming the legislation. it does not only go against children's right to free speech but takes away parents' rights to make decisions for their children. >> the parents purchase and pay for the phones. the parents should have the ultimate decision making ability to say what their children have access to and what they don't. >> now the florida bill still needs to pass in the state senate. leaders have signaled they are
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supportive of the idea and expect it to be signed by governor desantis. other states have social media age verification. eric adams declared social media a public health threat. this conversation isn't going anywhere. >> bill: we'll see what the others do. nice to see you in miami. >> dana: nikki haley hauling in more campaign cash in her quest for the republican nomination. how does she see the path ahead? the republican hopeful joins us in her first interview since the new hampshire primary next and there is also this. >> he has set a precedent in california where it appears to be okay to smoke marijuana and commit a violent crime and you are only going to get probation. >> dana: a woman who stabbed her boyfriend over 100 times avoids prison. the victim's heartbroken father ahead. ...there are places you'd like to be. like here.
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resolution declaring drufrnl as the party's presumptive nominee. nikki haley joining us in her first interview since the new hampshire primary and it's good to be home and in your own bed indeed. want to talk to you about a couple of things. ronna mcdaniel, the head of the republican national committee tuesday night said she thinks you should get out of the race. have you spoken to her? >> i let her know how disappointed i was. let's look at the last 48 hours. first of all, you had election night, trump gets on stage and throws a temper tantrum talking about revenge but says nothing about the american people. nothing about what he will do about the wasteful spending that he encouraged and allowed the republicans and democrats to do in his term. nothing about how to secure the border and what he will do different than he didn't do when president before. nothing about how to prevent war. he goes and says that he is going to ban anyone from maga
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that donates to me. think about that. that's a president who is supposed to serve every person in america and you are deciding you will have a club and actually ban people from being in and out of your club? then he goes and encourages the members of the rnc and tries to push them into saying that he is the nominee in the race. they got so much pushback that he had to backtrack from it. he totally unhinged. at the end of the day our focus is still on the american people. >> dana: are you sure it was he asking for that resolution? he says in the truth social post thank you to rnc for the respect and devotion you are showing me. he has no interest in doing that. >> well, it was his people that pushed it forward. i know how much he has pushed on ronna. she made it clear she was pushing her to stop debates all this time. he pushes them to do things. they got some major blowback and why he had to walk it back. look, you can't bully your way through this process. he has 32 electoral delegates, i
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have 17. you have to have 1215. there is a long way to go in this race. we're prepared to do that. we have a country to save. i think we have a lot of solutions and we don't need to talk about how to push through an election. we need to talk about what to do for the american people. right now the country is in disarray, the world is on fire and we can't handle four more years of this chaos. >> bill: you said he was totally unhinged. i think that was the quote you gave. coming out of new hampshire he won 74% of republicans. to date 109 counties have voted and you have won two. one of those by a single vote. when do you start winning republicans? >> well, first of all i will republicans but also moderates and independents which he doesn't. it is why he lost in 2018, 2020 and 2022 and every pole you see
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he loses to joe biden and i win. this is the issue of you can't win a presidential election without moderates and independents. i can get the support of republicans, moderates and independents. i will do that. the thing is you look at the fact i didn't get 0 delegates, i have 17. we moved 25 points in new hampshire in the last three weeks of that race. we will continue to move in south carolina. so look, we move from 2% to 20% in iowa and moved up 25% in new hampshire. we'll do better than that in south carolina. >> bill: with a schedule coming up you aren't competing in nevada and michigan, idaho and north dakota. there are 16 dates that vote on march 5th, super tuesday. which of those 16 will be win? >> we will try to push for all of them. we'll do everything and anything we can. right now our focus is on south carolina. we've always taken it one state at a time. we'll keep doing that. look, americans are coming on board with us. everything that he does to talk
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about himself makes everybody realize we have to be talking about america. we've got kids who only 31% of eighth graders in our country are proficient in reading. a border that's absolutely out of control. we have wars around the world and we have to prevent our men and women in harm's way from -- we don't need to talk about how disgr disgruntled. >> bill: we'll leave it to decide. >> you can say that all you want, bill. i will say this right now we are focused on south carolina. you can look at the states ahead of us. south carolina is the one we're focused on and stronger in south carolina than new hampshire. we're gaining momentum as we do it and so y'all can look forward. i look at the state at hand. that's the one i think matters now. >> dana: if you are well funded. you saved your pennies and
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judicious, the accountant in you and one of your selling points. g.o.p. mega donor sabin thought this after tuesday night. >> you have to know when to fold them. you have to know when the fold them and when to walk away. it's time for nikki haley to walk away. i will be the first person to write her a check for president in 2028. there is absolutely no up side to her going to south carolina and there is a tremendous down side. >> dana: your reaction to him. >> i don't listen to donors, never have. i listen to the american people. i know we have a country to save. i don't want my kids to live like this. look, you can -- i care more about the average american person who is feeling this in their wallet, seeing it with their kids' education and chaos at the border. we've had almost 200,000 donors
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from all 50 states donating to our campaign. 95% are less than $2 hundred. those are the people i'm fighting for. i never fought for the political elite and donor class. i have fought for the average working person. at the end of the day that's what i relate to. that's what i think most americans are and that's what we have to do to get our country back on track. so i appreciate whatever he has to say in his thoughts but i don't listen to him or any other donors when it comes to what i need to do to save america. >> bill: you need to money to keep the campaign going. >> i've got the money to keep the campaign going, too. we've saved it and you look at the fact just yesterday since trump said he was going to ban people who supported me we raised 1.6 million since he said that. you look at we raised a million dollars from the time of the speech to the next morning. we'll keep raising money because people like what we have to say. republicans, moderates,
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independents and reagan democrats like what we have to say. they don't want to keep going into these extremes. they don't want to talk about joe biden and donald trump and their issues. they want to talk about the american people and the issues that american people face. that's what i'm talking about is solutions for them and we'll fight for them and win for them. >> bill: a lot of people thought you would drop out on tuesday night. a lot. we can debate how many that is. listening to you now win or lose in south carolina or super tuesday or super tuesday two do you see you staying in this campaign until the convention in milwaukee in mid july? >> i have been consistent from the beginning, bill. ask me as many times as you want. i want to be strong in iowa, we did. strong erg in new hampshire, we did that. stronger in south carolina, we'll do that and go on to super tuesday. this is about continuing to build. only two states have voted. we have 48 states left. you can't go and discount all of those voters who want to vote in
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this election. we'll keep going as long as we keep growing. that's what the american people want. >> bill: thank you for your time today. appreciate you coming on and we'll speak down the road. thank you. >> go to nikki let's join us. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: former patriot coach bill belichick remains unemployed as teams continue to fill head coaching vacancies. the falcons and chargers hired new coaches this week, bill. i don't know if you know this. belichick sat for two interviews for atlanta. we were reading about that in the airport. that remains open at the moment. seattle seahawks and washington commanders. 71-year-old belichick is 18 wins behind don shulla. >> bill: he was the head coach of the miami dolphins perfect season 1973. nailed it.
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i thought he would take the atlanta job. i thought for sure the owner of the falcons would hire him. didn't happen. i don't know why. they're competitive. >> dana: maybe not a good personality fit. >> bill: this is not a good mix. marijuana induced psychosis blamed for a killing, this woman stabbed a man more than 100 times. probation and community service. the victim's father said that is simply a slap on the wrist. graphic and fake a.i. pictures of taylor swift burning up the internet sparking outrage among her fans and possible legal action from the superstar herself and her tight end boyfriend, perino. ♪
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> i think we all agree all should be kept away from minors, of course. and now that we have those situations and when i am going to have a decision, i'm going to err on the side of more freedom and personal choices and i made that same argument when i wanted to legalize marijuana. >> bill: john fetterman dismissing calls by fellow democrats for a federal ban on zyn nicotine pouches. he said even though he doesn't support chewing tobacco the substance should be available for adults that choose. chuck schumer is calling on the fda to investigate zyn for its marketing tactics aimed at american teenagers. >> dana: outrage after a california woman was sentenced to probation and community service after killing her boyfriend. chad o'melia when he was stabbed
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over 100 times. they say the woman was suffering from cannabis-induced psychosis. chad's father joins us now. i'm sorry for your loss. viewers are grappling with this sentence which seems awful given what happened. even the crime even with cannabi cannabis-induced psycho sis, someone died. your son. >> when we heard the verdict we felt the system completely failed my son, chad and our family and the judge didn't do his job. he didn't do what he is responsible to do. he went against the recommendations of the district attorney. he went against the
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recommendations of the probation officer, and the community found her guilty. so he obviously didn't respect the community's decision, either. >> dana: is this the end of the road in terms of her punishment? is there an appeal process or is this the end? >> you know, i'm not sure, dana. i haven't discussed that yet with the district attorney. i think we are going to meet sometime in the future here and i will ask him those questions. for now i'm just trying to spend a little time with my son, shane. he has been through hell this past 5 1/2 years, as i have. we also lost chad's mother during this time. and it's been rough.
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>> dana: i know, i always think about the siblings as well for as close as i am to mine and knowing that relationship. the parents we often talk to but the siblings sometimes they sort of fade to the background and i know that you would not want that for shane. we've shown some beautiful pictures of chad as a last question tell us a little bit about him and how you like to remember him. >> well, first of all, if i had the opportunity to say something to my son, i would tell him that i love him, i'm proud of him, and that the only thing that separates me from him now is time. i will see him again on the other side. anybody that knew him knew him as a very social person, a person that would engage with anybody. it didn't matter who you were or what you were about, he was
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truly interested in you and i liked to help people, he really did. a couple of his fraternity brothers came up to me at the funeral service and said he was really instrumental in them actually making it through school and finishing their degrees. >> dana: he had a beautiful smile, as i'm sure that your son, shane, does as well. thank you, sir for being on and we'll keep following this case as you decide what to do. >> thank you. >> bill: tough. ted williams is here. you this i the family has been victimized by the judge. >> yeah, bill, good morning to you. look, that family has been victimized two times. they've been victimized by the death of their child, chad, and they've been victimized by the criminal justice system. it is outrageous that a woman could stab this guy, chad, over 100 times and that she could be
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given two years of probation, no jail time, all because she is saying that she had this psychotic attack as a result of ingesting marijuana. this is a miscarriage of justice. >> bill: you really feel for that father. he was strong there with dana and hope he stays that way. ted, i want to ask you something quickly about a story that captured the imagination of a lot of people in the country, how three men mid 30s all died in the backyard. we have a new picture here that shows the backyard. it also shows the back room apparently. maybe they were hanging out watching the football game. the backyard pictures you see right here, there are big windows, ted, do you have a theory as to what happened to them? >> when you look at all these windows here, we know the night of the january 7th early in the morning hours that they were there with their friend, jordan
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willis. and at some stage they were alleged to have left the home. now, when you look at these windows, it seems to me that jordan willis would have to have seen them out in that backyard when they were wound up being found frozen to death. bill, as i look at this, i wonder here about the alcohol contents that will be found in their body and possibly maybe some other foreign substance that could have caused their deaths. what is significant and going to be very important to this case are the toxicology reports, and i would hope that the state and city there will move with all deliberate speed to get those toxicology reports out. >> bill: the investigator we talked to yesterday said the backlog was extreme it might be a month before they get the
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results back. maybe they put it on a fast track. good to have you on. >> dana: closing arguments are underway in the defamation trial against former president trump. how soon the jury could hand down a decision. plus the biden impeachment investigation is moving full steam ahead. house investigators are sitting down with another hunter biden business associate. what the interview could reveal about the first son's overseas business dealings. r mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms
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>> bill: at this hour, closing arguments are underway in the carroll defamation trial against the former president. he was on the stand yesterday just a couple of minutes but did take the stand and alexis mcadams is outside the courthouse in lower manhattan for an update to where we are now. alexis, good morning. >> bill, good morning here from the federal courthouse. you can see behind me. donald trump is inside of that federal courtroom again today in closing arguments underway.
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our producer is inside the courtroom. just ran out a second ago there was another tense exchange between trump's lawyer and the judge telling her that if she kept talking he was going to kick her out of the courtroom. we'll keep an eye on that. look here, this is just the former president arriving here earlier today. this is when he was heading out of trump tower. he testified briefly answering questions for about five minutes after the judge gave stern instructions to trump's lawyer but what he was allowed to be asked. this happened not in the presence of the jury. trump testified that he stands by his 2022 deposition where he denied knowing carroll and denied her allegations and denied directing anyone to hurt carroll. when he tried to add sentences the judge cut him off and struck his answers except yes and no. trump could be heard saying this is not america, at least three
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times. carroll won a lawsuit against him. trump did not rape her but is liable for sexual abuse and did defame her according to the prior case. this case is additional defamation for comments he made in 2019 when he was president. after closing arguments that should take two hours to complete today, the jury of nine people will be instructed to rule on whether trump injured carroll with his 2019 statement and acted maliciously to injured. the jury could begin to deliberate. that will happen this afternoon and hear about that verdict also this afternoon. back live in manhattan carroll is seeking $10 million in damages here. we'll keep a close eye on that and see if the former president talks on his way out. >> bill: sometimes there is movement on fridays. we'll see if that's the case. >> dana: a political powder keg building as texas defies the white house about immigration and the constitutional right of self-d


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