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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 26, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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good news. >> bill: let's end on a good note. >> dana: a deputy in illinois going the extra mile to serve and protect. watch what happened here. officers arrested that woman's door dash driver. they realized that the food wasn't going to get to the customer so the deputy also made the delivery to make sure they got their dinner. and then it's snowy there. she might have been not able to get out. >> bill: the cop gets the assist. good call. good decision. >> dana: great to have you with me today. >> bill: and you. >> dana: do you think we're running out of words? i will be on "the five" and see you all then at 5:00. here is harris. >> harris: texas governor greg abbott has just said no to the
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white house. texas will not comply. today is the deadline for texas to give federal agents access to a key stretch of the border. the feds want to remove razor wire meant to keep illegal immigrants out and the white house border policy is failing. texas is overrun with illegals. border protection is outnumbered by the fentanyl and text traffickers and texas and the rest of our united states are out of time. the border is a disaster. governor abbott says texas has the right to defend itself against an invasion and it will. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." let's take a look at the area in question. it is shelby park. we'll take a live look. 47 acres along the rio grande in eagle pass. the u.s. supreme court ruled the government can choose to enter that park and remove that razor wire. they chose against texas. but abbott, as i said, is not
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caving to the administration's demand. in fact, he has been installing even more razor wire. texas lieutenant governor dan patrick is warning the white house. >> if joe biden wants to come and split us apart. for what reason? they are trying to make this a fight. we're trying to protect our border. we are trying to protect american lives and texas lives. he is trying to turn it into a political battle and a fight with our state. well, don't mess with texas. >> harris: leading legal experts are telling fox news this morning governor abbott is doing exactly the right thing when it comes to this constitutional battle. here is jonathan turley. >> the problem for the biden administration, it has created an existential crisis by effectively having an open border. i think that many judges would be sympathetic to texas that they have a right to do
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something. they are being overwhelmed. even democratic mayors are now objecting that this is overwhelming their cities. so the idea of the federal government removing barriers at this time is really other worldly. >> harris: the lone star state is not alone. 25 republican governors publicly have his back. south dakota's kristi noem says she will be personally driving more razor wire down to texas. so her crews are coming and she is going, too. in "focus" two of those governors in abbott's corner georgia's brian kemp and the governor of montana. we'll go to the white house peter doocy to get the latest. >> this is not a situation where the heavy hand of what the federal government wants is going to change texas's plans. it will be more of a tug-of-war.
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>> there are a lot of areas where texas is free to continue to put up wire. they don't have to allow this to happen. it is beginning to look like joe biden is basically drawing a line in the sand and saying you know, the feds will come marching into texas and rip down your razor wire and governor abbott is saying we'll put it right back up again. >> half the governors in the u.s. are with abbott. 25 of them, all gop. they write we stand in solidarity with greg abbott and the state of texas utilizing every tool to secure the border. we do it in part because the biden administration is refusing to enforce immigration laws on the books and allowing mass parole across america of migrants who entered our country illegally. now that donald trump is telling republicans to kill a bipartisan deal that addresses the border and wars in ukraine and gaza top democrats say they think all the talk about border and biden is
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bluster. >> mitch mcconnell. i thought it was shameful what was reported out that he completely rolling over and capitulateing. don't get me started with the weakness of the current speaker of the house. they don't want to deal period, full stop. they don't want to deal. they don't want to make it is campaign win for joe biden. everything you need to know about the fraud that they are perpetuating on the issue of the border. >> we haven't heard one thing from the president about the border all week. today nothing on the schedule. harris. >> harris: peter doocy, that almost goes without saying. thank you. a new op-ed torching the president on this issue. it argues biden's dereliction of his sworn duties is forcing governor abbott to take drastic measures and create a national crisis. that's what biden has done. he has divided the country. it is a crisis now in the country. in "focus" two of the 25 governors standing with texas in
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the fight. brian kemp of georgia and greg gee gioforte from monday monday. one after one all these governors together. did you call each other? >> i don't think we had to call each other on this one. thank you for having us on. this is a no-brainer. every state now is a border state. when you have joe biden's democratic point saying this is outrageous and out of control of the border. democratic mayors across the country saying this is outrageous and something has to be done and the republican governors, we have been standing in solidarity for well over a year, a couple years now on the disaster at the border. i've been down there four times myself. the white house and joe biden just obviously doesn't get it or they don't care. >> harris: governor, again we
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look at a situation that has been devolving for the entire presidency of joe biden. and now it has gotten to a point we're just overwhelmed as a nation. what are you seeing is the ramifications of this even in your state of montana? >> let's put a clear point on this. since joe biden has taken office, we've seen 10 million people cross the southern border illegally. that's ten illegal immigrants for every citizen of the state of montana. we're seeing the implications here on the northern border. we've been arresting mexican cartel drug dealers in the state of montana. we are being overwhelmed. there is no word to describe this except invasion. the open border policy that biden administration is making every state a border state as governor kemp said. it is time for the administration to step up and do their job. that's why it was not a question about whether we were going to
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stand with governor abbott in protecting the southern border. >> harris: one more for you, would you commit resources as governor christie nome has done and send your national guard and personally go down there at this point to stand with texas? >> well, i've been there multiple times. we had montana national guard on the southern border most of last year. but let's be clear, the number one responsibility of the federal government is to secure the nation and they haven't done it. job one is to secure the border. we provided resources and will continue to do so. >> harris: let me get to this. the senate is trying to make a border security deal and the "wall street journal" editorial board has a risk factor warning for republicans. it says gop faces a border reckoning and here is part of it. giving up on a border security bill would be a self-inflicted gop wound. the president biden would claim, with cause, that republicans
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want border chaos as an election issue rather than solving the problem. voter anger move from mr. biden to the gop and public will have a point. cynical is the only word that fits republicans panning a border deal whose details are not even known. what is your take? >> i read that this morning. they made great points. we need to secure the border. i also hear the democratic legislators in congress railing against mitch mcconnell and other republicans about the situation. the fact is, harris, president biden could do something about this himself. he can take executive actions. he can voice concerns for the border. how about going down there and seeing it for yourself and telling people we're not going to allow folks to come across. instead of cutting greg abbott's razor wire, all work together. state, federal response to secure the border.
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we shouldn't even be asked to send our resources down there. this is what the federal government is charged in the constitution with doing and it is why governor abbott is taking the actions he has. it is outrageous the administration is trying to push this back on the legislative process. they should try to get something done, my personal opinion. regardless of whether they do or not there are actions the president can take right now to help the governor instead of working against him. >> harris: what would you say he should do first? you are talking about executive power and bully pulpit. that's not something that we have seen this president do except for the fact to flip the switch on donald trump's former policies. >> well look, he could incorporate some of former president trump's policies. they were working before. he could start building the border wall again. he could send messaging this has got to end. he could send more resources down there. i can tell you just about every governor in the country would be glad to send resources if the
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president called and said we'll flip the bill for this. can you send more people down there? hell, yeah, we would do that. >> harris: governor, what are your citizens telling you? >> well, they are very concerned. the reality that we have today is that joe biden, instead of securing the border, has directed customs and border patrol to remove barriers at the southern border. this is exactly the opposite. the only action he has taken was appointing kamala harris as the czar for the southern border. that turned out to be a total dud. no action has been taken. it is up to the states now to step up to do what the federal government won't do. >> harris: you know, i did find that one republican governor of vermont, unless he has done it in the last ten or 15 minutes was not among the 25 of you who were standing with texas. don't know if that will change. i wanted to point it out to our
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audience. any thoughts on how this moves forward? we're at the deadline right now, governor kemp. >> well look, i think we'll continue to stand with governor abbott. he is not waivering. he hasn't in this whole fight. a lot of us have been supporting him the whole way. i think it's sending a great message across the country of who is fighting to make sure our borders are secure in this country. >> harris: governor, i will give you the last word. >> well, it's time to act. the number one responsibility of the federal government is national defense. we have invasion coming across the southern border. it is time for joe biden to step up and do his job. >> harris: gentlemen, thank you and to the great states of montana and georgia, we thank you for the leadership of those states and the citizens, too. god bless. the department of justice accused of another political double standard. a former trump advisor sentenced to jail time for ignoring a congressional subpoena. yet so many people who have done
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exactly the same thing have faced no consequences. you are looking at one of them on the right. although now he is agreeing the sit. hunter biden. plus a liberal host with this take on illegal immigration. >> immigration by any means necessary. >> harris: more examples of the legacy media helping out their favorite side in all of this. kellyanne conway is in "focus" next. ♪ ♪ charlotte! charl! every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt.
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>> harris: biden's border disaster in focus on this friday. the president is getting some help from his fans in the liberal media. >> there is no better example of what maga world wants for the rest of america than texas.
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draconian measures meant to secure the border, which includes letting migrants, including a mother and her two children drown. setting up barring federal agents and passing legislation that makes it a state crime to cross the border. this massive resistance that sounds like the old southerners who said we will resist immigration by any means necessary. >> dana: katie couric seems to be offering vice president harris in a pass. she was put in the lead role solving the border issue. >> you were tasked with understanding the root causes of immigration crisis. you aren't in charge of the border. >> it has become so deeply partisan and the subject of the political gamesmanship. the solutions are at hand. we hope and are trying to compel in particular some of the
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republicans in congress to participate in the solution. we want to fix it. they want to run on it. they want a political issue to run on in november. >> harris: let's flashback to 2021. here is the president on the vice president's border role. >> president biden: it's not her full responsibility and job but leading the effort. the best thing to do is to put someone when he or she speaks, they don't have to wonder about is that where the president is. she speaks for me. >> harris: when she speaks, she speaks for me. said joe biden. and the issue was the border. no confusion about this. that was what he told her to do. fix it. kellyanne conway, fox news contributor, former counselor to president trump. great to have you in "focus." so the vice president says that she has been tasked with and katie couric helped her out,
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root causes, all of that. how would you grade the job she has done at the border and what were the expectations? >> the border she gets an f as does the president. i think there is no clearer daily visible reminder of the failings of the biden administration than the border. we see it every day. it's why you have the increasing number of democratic elected officials calling them out. the democratic governor of arizona, john fetterman from pennsylvania. they are willing to use a word that joe biden and mayorkas and certainly the border czar, given the russian title to do nothing kamala harris won't use is the crisis. the will of the people is to be followed. the people have made very clear in a tri partisan way. majority of republicans, independents and the growing plurality of democrats are
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saying that border security is the top or in the top three to five issues for them. when joy reid and others say it is a political issue, you just had an two governors and before that legal experts saying this is actually a legal issue. they are on solid legal ground. i think people are making it an emotional political issue trying to scare folks. actually when you talk about texas, this old southerners non-sense is completely off base. completely ridiculous and racist to begin with. that's what she does. somehow people won't fire her. but texas, 35% of the people there speak a primary language not english. 40.2% are hispanic. the majority of texans as we sit here, harris, are not white. about 13 or 14% african-american, 40% hispanic. this is not hard. multi-generational households. the texas voters and population
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have put into office greg abbott and ken paxton and others who today, dan patrick others today who are taking action to defend the sovereignty and safety of our nation beginning at texas at the border. >> harris: aunts, uncles, 11 cousins. a lot of people of color in texas in my family alone and that's what you are pointing out. to turn it into anything other than a legal issue is not just offensive, it is a dereliction of duty. they have to fix it. it doesn't matter what the people look like. the americans are red, white and blue as you just said so eloquently. >> 94 executive orders, 94 times joe biden has taken the pen without congress and done something on the border including august of 2022. he got rid of remain in mexico, it had bipartisan support working. since then 1.5 million customs and border patrol says have been
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released and we have no way of tracking them. they are the ones we know we can't track. then may of 2023 he took action again to just reduce our ability to know who is coming in and why. you've seen the statistics. 24,000 chinese nationals. the risk goes on and on. i was talking to a united states senator last night who visited california part of the border. it's the largest piece of land where people are coming through of different nationalities who really don't know who is here. for them to say it's anything other than a legal issue and matter of national security and sovereignty is truly political. >> harris: i want to say barely any coverage from the big three as i call them alphabet networks after the u.s. supreme court ruling on the razor wire. they've done hardly anything. between the evening news and morning broadcast c -- according to media research center.
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i just toss that into our conversation. a quick response and we'll move on. >> the job of the media as you know is to get the story and report the news. this is a story and news. their job is to get the story, not get the former president. in that reporting that i believe is a conscious decision. they don't want to talk about the border at all even when they have a small win from the supreme court. they want this to be about abortion, january 6th, maybe toss in a little climate change, trump, trump, trump and throwing the whole lot there. even when they can say something positive about their crazy view on the border, they refuse to cover it because they don't -- they want to act like we don't know what we see and act like it is not a problem. >> harris: let's talk about the u.s. supreme court decision. today is the deadline for texas as we know. that's why we're all keeping it in "focus" today. for texas to allow the federal agents to come in. u.s. supreme court said they can do that. it didn't say they must do that.
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your thoughts. >> well, that's what's happening here. the way some of these judicial opinions often go, which is you are permitted to do x but not mandated to do y. i think that's really important here and why you see over 20 governors supporting the actions of governor abbott. every state is a border state and also you see many in law enforcement and the law itself holding enforcement supporting their ability to do that as well. also why governor abbott has gone back and put more wire up. he sees it as a workable deterrent and harris, let's sew this all together simply. governor abbott is using a means that he knows is effective and the biden administration are using means that we know are ineffective. >> harris: yeah. i mean, just watch some of the social media. governor desantis in florida also weighing in and attorney. so on and so forth. so many. when you look at that map of the country, 25 could go higher if some of those democrats get push
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from their citizens. let's see if that happens. a federal judge yesterday sentenced former trump advisor peter navarro, four months in jail for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the house democrats in the january 6th investigation. prosecutors were asking for six months and $2 hundred thousand fine. navarro has argued that executive privilege allows him not to testify. >> it is a case that really asks the important question of whether a senior white house aide and alter ego of the president can be compelled to testify by congress. >> harris: don't miss this. navarro is calling his prosecution politically motivated. a long list of high profile names who have defied subpoenas
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and not charged for doing it including people from both sides of the political aisle and our most recent example is the president's son, hunter biden who if we did what he did lying on a gun form we would go to prison. kellyanne. >> some have, many have, harris. justice should be blind and the scales of justice should be balanced out for everyone, not based on what they look like or who they are or which president they worked for. what you just showed versus peter navarro is why people routine complaining to pollsters like me as the two-tier system of justice and don't like wasting government resources on people placing the things they think aren't as urgent to our national security, to our freedoms, to fairness, than what you see here. i'm sure peter will appeal. >> harris: great to have you in "focus." a big topic today on the border. some people in fulton county,
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georgia, are very angry at their district attorney fani willis, new information show she failed to disclose lavish gifts from her alleged lover after she hired him to lead the case against trump. plus some are calling it biden's best gibberish yesterday. his latest gaffes are causing more re-election concerns.
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>> harris: president biden stumbling and bumbling his way through more baffling speeches this week. cringe doesn't even cover it. >> president biden: don't mess with the men in america unless you want to get the benefit. by the way, used to make beer brew here. it is used to make brew beer here in -- oh -- thanks for the great lakes.
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>> harris: why are they laughing? it is not funny. the comments rolled in. here is one. this is getting so bad. another wrote what democrats are doing by propping up biden like this when he is clearly debilitated is not disrespectful or dignified, it is not respectful. it is shameful and an insult to all elderly. biden's best gibberish yesterday. a former obama advisor admitting it is not helping. >> this is a performance game. the president is white haired and he is a little stooped and he walks with a bit of a shuffle and sometimes when he speaks he gets a little tangled. people don't give him credit for things that are going well because they don't think -- he couldn't have driven that. then they blame him for everything that has gone wrong
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and that has hurt him. >> harris: that's plain speaking from david axelrod. people are paying attention. biden told us to watch him. we do. fox news voter analysis found nearly half of new hampshire democrats said biden is too old for another term. power panel matt gorman former senior advisor to tim scott. kevin walling, former biden campaign surrogate. kevin, i will start with you. you and i have had so many conversations and you know i feel this is not about age. if i were doing well at the same age people wouldn't be talking about it. >> we talked about this on "outnumbered" couch this past wednesday. number one, earth rider is the name of the brewery that he was at. it wasn't a random word thrown in there. >> harris: he was trying to figure out how the beer was made. please don't get it twisted to defend him. speak the facts. how it's made.
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i understood. >> there you go. this is going to come down to biden versus trump re-election fight in november. we know that. and if joe biden was running against someone younger that wasn't making these gaffes that we're seeing out of donald trump's mouth every single day i think it would be a different fight. the fact is americans will face a binary choice between donald trump and joe biden. we can go gaffe for gaffe from these two. we saw donald trump compare nikki haley and nancy pelosi. >> harris: donald trump is not making gaffe after gaffe the same as joe biden is it. that's not true. >> he just confused carroll with nikki haley. >> harris: matt. >> he ran -- joe biden ran for years ago as the adult in the room. after four years where you can't buy a car, house, paying more for gas and food. campaign message is no, i'm not old and senile. the other guy is. you can't call yourself the
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adult in the room anymore if that is your campaign message. look at this. how is joe biden going to stand 90 minutes on a debate stage in a general electric shun against anybody, let alone donald trump or whoever it is. i can't see how that happens. you also have democrats distancing themselves from him. this was a quote unquote bidenomics event. a term that 18 out of the 19 most vulnerable democrats plus democratic leadership won't say. so not only is he gibberish saying stuff up there but his own party won't attach themselves to his own agenda. >> harris: let's move. president biden was heckled more than a dozen times in speeches this week. let's watch. [shouting]
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>> harris: op-ed calling it a warning sign for his re-election bid, quote. while the president's surrogates can try to chalk up these incidents as unrepresentative of the democratic base their dissatisfaction with the president is more reflective on his voters. elections are run on the margins. if the support on his own base slips only slightly it could prove fatal in a general election. let's go to a former surrogate. your take. >> i think matt would probably agree with me. 2024 will be a base election, not a persuasion election. you have a few folks in the middle that are going to decide between donald trump and joe biden.
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both parties have got to run up their margins. a key constituents of the democratic party is young people. we see young people feel strongly about what they are seeing out of the middle east. >> harris: this issue about the middle east isn't just among the young. we're seeing it play out in pro-palestinian and anti-israel and all sorts of things across the country on college universities. but it is not only the young. >> not just the young. we're seeing it in the state of michigan, a key battleground state, harris, with the muslim-american community, a key base of support also for the president. that's to your point all ages. we have ten months to adjudicate this election. a lot of those folks will come back home to the president when they see donald trump campaigning again on the muslim ban and marshal law in the cities. we'll make a concerted effort to bring him home. >> you've seen this in the
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democratic party. i use the term young relatively. they are far more sympathetic to palestinian or hamas-aligned forces. last month on tiktok i think a lot of folks under 40 or 30 get their news, you had the osama bin laden letter to america trending. people are intakeing this stuff. not a surprise they're unhappy with joe biden. i would be worried if i were him. >> harris: great to see you, thank you. we'll go to taylor swift now. this is really bad. it is very dangerous. her alleged stalker is finally back behind bars. my question is why was he out in the first place? it's raising other questions about how the laws are and those are the things that are supposed to protect the victims. are they too lenient? plus the nanny state looking to get behind the wheel of your car and control how fast you are allowed to drive. ♪
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>> harris: taylor swift is the latest celebrity victim of fake
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nude and explicit images posted online. the deepfakes are made by using artificial intelligence and shared on x and other social media. her fans are furious over the abuse of her image. this is not just a problem for celebrities. jonathan hunt in los angeles is reporting. jonathan. >> yeah, harris, it is everywhere already. the a.i. generated abuse of taylor swift has made a lot of people aware of the dangerous ways a.i. can and will be used. >> i think we're going to have a pandemic of this kind of a.i. generated porn and tsunami of disinformation. it's not just video, it is audio, it's images. it is text. unfortunately, it has become all too easy to forge reality.
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>> there is a more light hearted side to a.i. fakes. this generated pictures of the pope in a jacket made a lot of people smile. but the taylor swift a.i. pictures which we will not show for very obvious reasons demonstrate the dark side of a.i. a dark side that high school students across the country are finding they can become victims of. >> i never thought it would be like a student. i never -- a.i. didn't come to my mind. i thought it would be creeps on the internet. >> on the political side both president biden and former president donald trump have already been the targets of a.i. fakes and there is real concern a.i. could be used to try to influence this year's elections. some experts say there is hope. tech companies, they argue, will ultimately fight the fakes. >> you will have a tech eventual
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one day on your phone highlight the defects. you might be watching a video saying it is a deepfake video. >> as for taylor swift. she is said to be taking legal action of the creators of the fake a.i. images of her. she have is in no mood to just shake it off. >> harris: having been stalked, i don't think i will laugh about that. that's where we are going to the next story. thank you, jonathan. taylor swift's facing another tough and dangerous issue, a stalker. a man accused of stalking her is behind bars again after his third arrest in five days. david crowe is from seattle. he was first arrested on monday accused of trying to break into her new york city apartment. he was then released from jail on wednesday and reportedly then walked straight back to her home again. a security worker there says the stalking suspect has been there
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at least 30 times since late november. a criminal complaint says he has been told ten times to stay away. so what is happening with the stalking laws right now? raymond arroyo, fox news contributor. this is something that i have been very involved in since my 20s. and i feel like we're going backwards. i feel like people aren't taking this seriously enough. >> that's the question that this all begs. this guy was arrested three times in so many days, harris. and the fact that the court system released him because apparently prosecutors can request bail be set but there are laws on the books that restrict the judge from setting bail, which is why this guy, who stalked -- been stalking taylor swift 30 times, he was released and walked right back to her residence. i'm glad he is behind bars now. how long he will stay there is
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an open question. and she has been the victim of this repeatedly because of her profile in los angeles, in rhode island and now at her townhouse in new york. but it's larger than taylor swift. it is about every woman, every man in new york city and certainly those in the public eye because anyone can be stalked like this and the laws are far too weak. these restraining orders are obviously not strong enough to protect the individual here. >> harris: at some point you and i should have a little conversation publicly about how we finally stop the man who stalked me for years and what the prosecutors in kansas city had to come up with to make that happen. we'll move on. new financial documents have fulton county, georgia district attorney fani willis in hot water. daily caller is saying willis did not disclose thousands of dollars in gifts from her alleged lover, nathan wade, on a financial disclosure report.
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what would she say? willis hired wade as a special prosecutor on the election interference case against donald trump. fulton county residents are saying they have had enough of her. >> i'm done with the gross mismanagement of our taxpayer dollars bit the fulton county democrats on this body. >> this is ridiculous. when i read this story, this is a woman who is not only jeopardizing the case she is making against the president but her failure to disclose that she had personally benefited from a contractor that she authorized and gave the contract to on her own authority. she have didn't go to the fulton county board to get this guy wade hired. she gave him the contract and then paid him more than any other prosecutor. this needs to be looked at by more than just the ethics committee there in fulton county. i think federal prosecutors
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should look at this. it has federal implications and national implications. fani willis should not be allowed to get away with this. she is doing her love island routine with her prosecutor here but this should stochlt it is in the public interest to stop it. >> harris: when you saw that citizen. this is taxpayer money. a california democrat is pushing a bill to crack down on speeding and it would require all cars sold in the golden state to have a device that keeps them from going more than ten miles over the speed limit. that lawmaker says quote these changes are a head-on attempt to tackle vehicle fatalities. critics say california should pump the brakes. an empty highway in the middle of the night and you can only go 65. just when you thought california couldn't get any crazier. raymond. >> harris, this guy first of all scott wiener the state legislator has tried to pass
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some of the whackiest law to legalize magic mushrooms. single payer healthcare and tried to get sex offenders who have sex with underage boys off the sex registry. now he wants to limit how fast you can drive. this is limiting the freedom of californians to move, freedom of transit. imagine if you have a child who is ill. you throw them in the car and try to take them to the hospital and your car automatically ratchets down to 35 miles-per-hour or someone is pursuing you, a stalker, you get in the car and try to get away. you are brought down to 35 hour. this is a terrible idea. >> harris: it is confounding to me. we already have things in place. you have a speed limit in place and there are some areas where if you get out into rural areas here even in jersey you go far enough into the garden state and it is 70, 75.
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we have police officers on those jobs. we already have a law for this. >> he wants to put a regulator in your car, though. that will use the electric system. you don't have any freedom to speed. >> harris: will they lock the refrigerator next? >> i don't know what they'll do next. it is a bad idea. we should be allowed to determine how quickly or slowly we move depending on our circumstances. you look if you violate the law, you bear the penalty of that. that should be up to the individual, not to scott wiener who comes up with terrible ideas and means to replace nancy pelosi. >> harris: every time we see something like this voters have a choice. they reflexively go farther left with who they choose. they go from lori lightfoot to brandon johnson. maybe stuff like this we should consider other ideas and politicians. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" after the break.
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