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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 26, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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>> sandra: as the top of the 2:00 hour on the east coast, a live look at the white house where we are expecting karine jean-pierre will take questions after texas governor greg abbott accuses the president of dereliction of duty. it is a big day for the border. we are watching all of this happening. it's happening live. hello, welcome everyone, sandra smith in new york. great to have you here today. >> gillian: good to be with you, gillian turner in for john roberts. a major battle over a stretch of land the biden administration has allowed migrants to traverse for three years now, texas says enough is enough, they are alleging failure by the administration to enforce the law justfies their right to stop the federal government from removing the concertina wire. >> the authors of the constitution knew there would be times the federal government would not live up to its duties so empowered article 1 section 10 the right of self-defense.
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biden administration has truly abdicated its responsibility to secure the border and enforce the laws. texas very simply is securing the border. >> sandra: bret tollmon joining us now. shouldn't texas be able to take it in their own hands? that's the governor's point. >> let's call it for what it is. it all hinges on invasion or not. is this an invasion. and if it is, then there's constitutional authority, there's powers that the state have. it's not we granted the state those powers, they come with the statehood. and let's put it in perspective. you are talking 6 million individuals have crossed the southern border. abbott has bussed or flown about 100,000 to sanctuary cities and what's their reaction to 100,000 versus the 6 million across the border. this is an invasion, he has authority, i'm glad he's exercising it. >> gillian: i know a lot of the
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cases hinge and what kind of legal precedent there is for the actions that folks are taking. do you know of any precedent, any case similar to this in modern history, history at all? >> gillian, look at texas. texas is the epitomy of sovereignty. only came into our union with the promise that the federal government would not abdicate its responsibility of securing its border. texas is the result of border fights and wars that were fought in relation to it. so governor abbott is simply saying we were promised, the law dictates that you would protect our southern border. we gave you that authority. you didn't give us authority, we gave you the authority so do we have a right to stop an invasion against our southern border, do we have the right to defend our statehood, we do. and that's why he's exercising this and why he has the loud, loud, you know, voice in this area, because they are speaking from the history of that state.
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>> sandra: that's really interesting and he's getting it appears more and more support, governor abbott is, from governors of other states. this is georgia governor kemp saying there are actions the president could take on his own and your response and if you agree. >> it's really outrageous the administration is trying to push this back on legislative process. look, i think they should try to get something done, my personal opinion. regardless whether they do or not, there are actions the president could take right now to help the governor. >> sandra: this goes back to the denial that this has been the crisis it is for so long, bret. >> sandra, i'm glad you highlighted this. when it's convenient they want executive power. when it's something they don't like, they are going to defer and say that somebody else has the authority, the legislature has to authorize this, that's not true. this is squarely in the executive branch's responsibility and the constitution to secure our borders. there is nothing short of
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invasion when you see video of individuals that are alarming us, the terrorists and others are coming across our southern border, not to mention the scourge of fentanyl killing americans, nothing more or less than an invasion on the border and that's why governor abbott is right to do what he's doing. >> gillian: it was only last thursday, bret, that president biden told fox news that not only is the border a major problem, but he believes it has been a major problem for ten years. is that evidence that will in some way bolster governor abbott's case? we played that sound last hour. >> yeah, and it's really the first time that he acknowledged what i'm sure many of his handlers did not want him acknowledging, that it is a problem, that it is something that has not been fixed. you can't take an approach on the border that is like any other approach to national security. it has to be something that you
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physically stop. it's not just human intelligence we are trying to gather, it's not something we are trying to thwart some attack, it's physically stopping those from coming into the country until we know who they are and what they intend when they get here. >> sandra: and it seems like not everybody, including some of the media are even convinced that's what's happening. on "the view" a short time ago, this happened today, there was a denial that there was a crisis at the southern border, and there was also this moment where the ladies on "the view" said that the fentanyl is not coming over the southern border, listen here. >> this notion that immigrants are bringing in all the fentanyl into this country. >> that's not true. we are talking about drug cartels that exploit port authority. no one is saying economic migrants. no one is saying that. >> you did say earlier fentanyl. >> 90% of the fentanyl in the country comes across the southern border. >> where do the opioids come
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from? >> that's related. >> sandra: where does she think it's coming from? >> ignorance creates really bad policy, and if you have not been to the border, if you have not seen what we are actually uncovering, which is pounds and pounds and pounds of fentanyl and not to mention who is trying to get it into the country, it is the cartel working with different countries trying to influence, you know, individuals that they are controlling when they come across. the human trafficking that's happening at the border is a crisis, and it is sad because there are real victims at the southern border, so it's not just, you know, the problems of terrorists and fentanyl. you have women and children that are being trafficked and controlled in order to serve the means of what the cartel intends to do to our country. >> sandra: appreciate you joining us on all of that. we'll see what happens next.
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briefing at the white house is still ongoing. >> gillian: any moment, quadruple murder suspect bryan kohberger is back in court, trying to get the first-degree murder charges against him dismissed. and if the judge will set a trial date. this as prosecutors are seeking the death pentagon for the 29-year-old graduate student. has the judge inclined to rule in favor of kohberger's motions? >> no, we are not expecting any changes. closed door hearing scheduled to begin a few minutes ago and then one followed a couple hours from now, which will be open to the public and open to the media. but you know, we are not expecting him to do anything different than what he did last time. in fact, the defense will argue for a second time now that the grand jury indictment should get tossed, and that he should not be held accountable. they are appealing a ruling made back in december that upheld the
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indictment allowing this case to go forward. they argued then that the grand jury was biased, improperly impanelled and the wrong burden of proof. but the judge ruled he was indicted by an impartial grand jury, and probable cause to believe he committed the crimes. the families of the four do not want this trial delayed anymore. the four were brutally stabbed to death while they slept more than 14 months ago. kohberger, criminology grad student at washington state university was arrested seven weeks later at his parents' home in pennsylvania. prosecutors allege his dna was discovered on a k-bar knife sheath next to two of the victims.
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the house was demolished. given to the university of idaho by the owner. neither defense nor the prosecution objected to the house being torn down. the victims' families were opposed, saying a jury walk-through during trial could help secure a conviction. the prosecuting attorney says a high-tech virtual tour of the crime scene will be sufficient. as for when the trial might be, we could get some clarity on that point later today. there is a scheduling conference after the two motions hearings and the judge may set a trial date. prosecution has filed a motion to have the trial set for this summer. gillian. >> gillian: a lot of moving parts there, dan springer in idaho, thank you. sandra. >> that hearkens back to president biden's campaign vow to put the fossil fuel business out of business and he said that, he said read my lips, we will put fossil fuels out of
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business. >> i did not hear him say that. >> sandra: that's the president's energy secretary in denial in a new interview over what the president has actually said about fossil fuels. well, we have cut the tape. brian brenberg and taylor riggs will react. plus this. ♪ doesn't seem to matter what i do ♪ ♪ i'm always number two ♪ >> gillian: well, hillary clinton, the latest celeb to jump on the barbie oscar outrage. jimmy failla says we have reached what he calls "pink stupid." he'll join us next. ♪♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein,
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30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) ♪ [typing] you were made to act spontaneously. we were made to help plan accordingly. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> gillian: welcome back. a whole lot of parents shell out mega bucks to put their kids through college, but according to a new report it may cost them more to send kids to daycare and preschool. lydia hu joins us from a childcare center in new jersey. lydia, i'm guessing you feel the pain on this story, as do i. >> yeah, we are in the same boat on this one, gillian. just in time for some play dough active, it's a lot of fun here but what's not fun is paying for the childcare services. we have a new survey from that shows 20% of parents say they pay more than $36,000 a year for childcare. for some context, the average cost to attend a public in-state college for one year around
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$26,000. i spoke with a new jersey mom yesterday who says childcare costs have exploded since the pandemic. watch. >> if you have two kids or more in daycare full-time in new jersey, chances are your childcare is more expensive than rent or mortgage. mine was. >> and the owner of this childcare center says the main driver of the rise in costs, rising wages and no choice but to increase the prices for her services by 20% this year. >> extremely hard to keep the doors open and the lights on. every year minimum wage is up, and new pay scale, where are we going to get the money from? >> now a bipartisan proposal to extend on a temporary basis the childcare tax credit but the owner of the center says she supports the help for parents but will do nothing to help the
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rising costs. >> gillian: lydia, thank you. >> sandra: sky high childcare costs may help explain why young americans are struggling to gain financial independence from parents. two out of every three in their early 30s say they make it on their own, one-third still say they need help from mom and dad. brian and taylor, co-hosts of the big money show on fox business. less and less adults in this country financially independent. >> affordability crisis, americans, we just had two gen zers on the program and they were go at coming out and saying if you don't have financial literacy, if you don't have responsibility for your budget, you are just gonna blow it and our parents are not going to bail us out. but there are parents who are bailing their kids out. general narrative is the affordability crisis and the
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debt pent up. >> gen z is way more educated than their parents in terms of the number that go to college and degrees, so you would think that should pay off, shouldn't it? if you've gone to college, you should be able to make a living and kind of pull away from your parents and yet they are not, which to me is kind ever an indictment of america's higher education system. like where is the earnings power from all that education. it's a tough economy, granted, but it gets to that debate about student debt and should we forgive that, and like where is the accountability for school right now. >> sandra: i think it's interesting when you hear from people on the street, we talked to some of them. when you ask them about debt and spending and what it's like for them. listen. >> i have a great job and i love my job and feel well compensated but dog walking on the side to get extra cash and things like that. and i think we are all feeling that in the economy. >> i've gotten a raise this past year, but with the cost of living rising and my rent has raised, just buying groceries,
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the raise did not really even do anything. just seems like i'm living the same way and doesn't seem like it's going to get any better. >> sandra: that is real stuff and that is really what we are hearing. >> and real wages versus nominal, so key word, adjust for inflation we are all getting wage increases but the problem is everything else around us is going up and so the net is equal. >> sandra: i want to ask you about this moment, it happened on tv this morning. the president's energy secretary, jen granholm, remember that notorious moment she threw her head back and laughed when we asked what's the plan for increasing energy production in this country. she was surprised when she heard or in denial of the president's words on fossil fuels. listen to this exchange. >> and that harkens back to president biden's campaign vow to put the fossil fuel business out of business and he said read my lips, we will put fossil
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fuels out of business. >> i did not hear him say that. >> sandra: we cut the tape, listen. >> i want you to look in my eyes. i guarantee you, i guarantee you we are going to end fossil fuel. >> sandra: you might want your energy secretary to be on the same page. >> she's on the same page, she just can't state it right there in the interview, you know, that's a moment he's talking to somebody but here she is getting pinned down on policy and she has to try to, oh, i don't think that's what he said, soft pedal a little bit, get out of it. every policy move of this administration tells you they want to do that. forget about his words. look at his actions. we all know that's the answer. they are trying to get through an election, which means they can't quite say it the way they mean it. >> sandra: it was not just campaigning, he said that on a debate stage. >> ultimately gaslighting, and admitting a few years later, we
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need fossil fuels for at least ten more years. and you are going to need it, no way we can get rid of it and do a transition that is seamless without having fossil fuels in that picture. there's just no realism. >> sandra: now they are foughting record energy production. and the climate activists are not happy with the administration. >> basically by accident. even today the president, you know, natural gas, make sure we can't move that around. how is that going to help americans to not let them consume the cleanest fossil fuel they could have, sandra. >> and the only thing that annoys us, we have the cleanest oil, versus venezuela, or -- we have the clean stuff. >> you got us going now. >> sandra: i know, i just got you guys going. great to see you both. gillian. >> gillian: there's also this. faa is allowing boeing max 9 jets to return to the skies.
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do passengers feel safe? fox business is at the airport trying to find out. plus there's this. >> we are here to hear about the efforts, the ongoing efforts to be able to talk to people in the field and to express our own ongoing support for unrwa's work. >> sandra: that was last november. a dozen agency u.n. staffers accused of being involved in hamas's october 7th attack. a former cia station chief on the stunning new accusations next. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs,
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>> sandra: kjp being pressed about the border and the standoff with the white house. >> does the press have a response to at least 25 republican governors citing a joint statement supporting texas in its standoff with the u.s. at the border? >> so here's what i would say. my message to those, how many
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governors in the letter? >> i believe it's 25. >> 25 governors. >> at least. >> i would say to them that are they -- you said republican governors? >> yes. >> i would say to them that if they truly want to help with the issue at the border, with the immigration system, that they need to talk to their, they need to talk to the congressional members, the senators in their state. that's what they need to do. >> sandra: that was moments ago. now taking questions live on the standoff at the briefing room. listen. >> that they would expect limiting parole at the border as a condition in the border towns. can you confirm? >> i cannot confirm that from here. i'm going to let the negotiators have their process go through their process. we appreciate, we think it's happening in good faith, we think there's been progress and we want to see a bipartisan agreement here. >> i just wanted clarification on the administration's position broadly on this, because i do
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know that federal prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for the buffalo shooting incident. it was a horrific tragedy but i wanted to understand -- >> sandra: so we are going to continue monitor this white house press briefing because this, obviously the standoff, gillian, with the border between the white house and texas, it continues. she is saying it is the law when it comes to that razor wire and governor abbott is saying he believes he has the constitutional right as the governor of texas to defend the border if the federal government does not protect it. >> gillian: that's right, sandra. and remarkably as we heard from matt finn last hour, as all of this is going on in the legal realm, on the ground they are continuing to add more and more concertina wire throughout the day. we'll have to see how much longer they are allowed to proceed. >> sandra: we'll keep listening for the briefing and any news on that. meanwhile, boeing max 9 jets
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returning to the skies after passing inspections. the planes were grounded after a door plug, remember, blew out mid flight nearly three weeks ago. kelly is live at chicago's o'hare international airport. kelly, are passengers worried about getting on these planes? >> sandra, we are getting mixed reviews today. fliers fall into two camps. either they have never really looked at what aircraft they were getting on before and now they are doing it for the first time or they are having minimal knowledge of what happened on january 5th, which could mean better publicity for the companies involved. take a listen. >> definitely add to my anxiety. not necessarily scared of flying, but i am scared of doors flying off airplanes. >> now that i'm going on a plane, it's a little nerve wracking. >> our faa, when they had the first issues with the max 100, it's too close to the
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businesses. >> boeing ceo david calhoun has been doing damage control on capitol hill meeting with lawmakers in the name of transparency and responsibility. alaska airlines says the first max 9 flight will be in about three hours from seattle to san diego. united airlines says they are planning to start returning the max 9 to service this weekend. alaska and united are the only two american carriers that use the max 9. together their shared fleet accounts for 70% of all max 9 jets in existence. the two airlines have both introduced some sort of flight waiver program for those feeling anxious about upcoming travel that might use the max 9. we are told by alaska airlines that these inspections take 12 hours per aircraft. keep in mind there are two of the plug doors that blew off on january 5 on each of the jets. sandra. >> sandra: life -- live at
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chicago o'hare. thank you. >> you said you can't hold unrwa accountable. how about that? >> peter, an investigation going on, but certainly looks as if there is cause to be concerned about the actions of some of the members of unrwa. >> up until today the policy is we don't negotiate with terrorists but will give them hundreds of millions of dollars. >> come on now, that's conflating. you know who is a territory organization, hamas, not unrwa. >> gillian: moments ago john kirby in the white house briefing getting pressed by peter doocy, cutting off aid to a u.n. agency operating inside gaza, it's a dramatic policy move that follows allegations for weeks that 12u.n. staffers
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played a role in the october 7th terror attacks, they murdered 1300 israelis. 12 u.n. employees have been fired. state department is cutting off funding until this brings in more certainty here. dan hoffman. former cia station chief and fox news contributor. dan, a remarkable turn of events for an administration that has stood in lockstep with unrwa, the u.n. relief agency that works inside gaza. >> dan: right, and not exclusively inside gaza, they also work in jordan and lebanon and syria and the west bank and they would have been a high priority target for hamas, not to mention iran, to make recruitments of those unrwa workers because israel has alleged in the past that they have used their ambulances to transport militants, they would have access to protected
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information that would be of value to hamas, and because they are distributing assistance aid, resources, hamas would want to control that. so they would be a high priority target and frankly i'm not surprised about this. i wish we had done a better job of vetting them before providing them with the taxpayer money. we are just assisting hamas in exercising control over gaza, in causing -- in planning terrorist attacks in the west bank, and frankly, i think the scandal is far worse than just 12 of those employees. >> gillian: so let's talk about the specific accusations. the state department, biden administration has not confirmed any of this, but the israelis claim that at least part of what's going on here is that one israeli woman held captive by hamas after being taken on october 7th was released and then told investigators that she was held in the home of a u.n. agency worker.
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the other thing the israelis have claimed is teachers at u.n.-run schools inside gaza had taught and celebrated the october 7th terrorist attacks against israelis. pretty, you know hot button allegations. >> dan: yeah. absolutely. and look, israel has elite intelligence services and so i'm quite sure they have a lot of intelligence on what those tens of thousands of unrwa employees have been up to and i'm sure they are sharing it with u.s. intelligence. i would not be the least bit surprised if the intelligence oversight committees bring in closed door testimony about what is going on with unrwa and what sort of intelligence we may have had access to through israel. >> gillian: we had sound of antony blinken when he was in
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jordan, visited the unrwa headquarters there, praised humanitarian work there inside gaza. take a listen to secretary blinken yesterday talking about the u.n. work inside gaza. >> and the work that the u.n. is performing in gaza is quite lit literally lifesaving. no one else is doing it. >> gillian: contrast with the statement put out by the state department a couple hours ago, they write the u.s. is extremely troubled by the allegations that 12 unrwa employees may have been involved in the october 7th terrorist attack on israel. the department of state has temporarily paused additional funding while we review allegations and the steps the u.n. is taking to address them. so nothing from the secretary of state yesterday, they received more information or confirmed more information between yesterday and today. >> dan: right.
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listen, i think those two things could be both true at the same time. that unrwa has done some humanitarian work and that's a good thing. but at the same time, it's very difficult to exercise oversight over their activities in gaza, and of course hamas is exercising control over that, and again i think that there's a lot more to uncover here about the extent to which hamas had deeply penetrated unrwa and using them tactically to support their terrorist operations, strategically to exercise control over gaza's population as well. >> gillian: unrwa has infiltrated while they are receiving millions of taxpayer dollars. we'll keep talk about the important story as it unfolds. thanks, dan. >> sandra: legal pot making big bucks for the state of illinois, but is it worth all the risk?
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>> sandra: the illinois governor bragging about record breaking pot sales in his state but torched on social security for it. garrett is live in chicago. record breaking pot sales is not all sunshine and rainbows for the state? >> well, for the state's budget, sure, its been great. last year alone, cannabis sales brought in $417 million, but all of that money has not come without any cost. the state's own annual cannabis report shows the year after recreational marijuana was legalized, fatal car crashes from marijuana jumped 12%, and kids taken to the hospital.
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also an increase in the preterm births by mothers using cannabis and likely long-term health consequences for babies. but governor pritzker has not mentioned any of the health risks while touting how the sales are soaring, this week he posted the third year in a row, illinois had record setting growth for don't use cannabis sales. building the most prosperous and accessible cannabis industry in the nation. some medical professionales are concerned that that is dangerous to public health. >> one thing looking at the public health costs versus the money and we think it's a sacrifice we are willing to make. another one we try to pretend the public health cost is not there, and like money is raining from the sky. >> and they argue the new money maker is helping improve poor neighborhoods, a quarter of the tax revenue helps those
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communities, but folks living in poverty have the highest rates of regular cannabis use and the most impacted by the negative consequences that can come from it. sandra. >> sandra: there are real hard numbers that should be looked at. garrett, thank you. >> hi, barbie. >> hi, ken. >> hi, barbie. >> hi, barbie. >> hi, ken. >> hi, ken. >> sandra: have you seen hillary clinton's take over the "barbie" snub? jimmy failla says there is pink stupid over all of it. repairs h. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag. if you know... you know it's pantene.
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>> hey, barbie, can i come to your house tonight? >> sure, i don't have anything big planned, just a giant party with all the barbies, you should stop by. >> so cool. >> sandra: social media accusing the oscars of snubbing the "barbie" director and actress margo robie. hillary clinton ends with a reference from the movie, you're both so much more than ken-o. oh, ok, fox news saturday night
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host jimmy failla, big congrats on the new show. >> how about it? won't be official until sandra smith will be on. i've been told that. >> sandra: i can't wait for my invitation. what do you think about the whole snub and now hillary clinton is chiming in? >> hillary clinton should stick to what she does best, xanax, but a straight up conversation with the american people, how out of touch people like her are with the american people. why do i say that? the idea any outrage associated with who gets a trophy, margo robie was paid $50 million to pretend she was a toy. she's doing already in life. the idea that anybody whose alarm clock is going off at 3:00 a.m. tomorrow morning to work a 12-hour shift that may help them make ends meet should be outraged, i look like ken's brother can't. >> sandra: did you like the
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movie? >> no, i would not watch the movie at gunpoint and i did for this segment, sandra, i -- for you. >> sandra: at gunpoint? >> more or less, i tried to get through it. the guy who deserves an oscar for barbie, the only person, the dad who took his daughter, he loves her and she likes the movie. because dad spent $82 to get called a gettle, men are the worst, do you believe? after all the man bashing. >> sandra: i thought it was ok for half the movie and then kind of lost its way. >> if you went to "barbie" looking for "citizen cane" -- >> and ryan gosling, there's no ken without barbie, no "barbie" movie without greta and margo, for the history-making film, no recognition for anyone on the film without talent, grit and genius. to say i'm disappointed they are
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not nominated in their respective categories would be an understatement. how "the view" is responding, jimmy. >> did they miss the moral of the story of barbie? we celebrate just ken, not the lead or the icon in it. >> they are not snubs, and that's what you have to keep in mind. not everybody gets a prize and it is subjective. the movies you love may not loved by the people who are voting. >> sandra: i'm shocked. >> she's defending an oscar because she won an oscar. hey, can't give them to anybody, i'm a big deal. she's making it about her just the same. where the left could win me back. could win me back. i'm jimmy failla, into weird stuff. stick with me here, ok. if you are going to get really mad ryan gosling won a trophy in a male category, ok, but women did not get nominated in their
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category, where is the outrage when a biological man takes a trophy from a woman's category like swimming. hillary clinton does not write a tweet when a man beats a women in a gold medal but he did not beat margo, he got nominated over other men. they were not in the same category and went with the man over the women. a male category and a female category. that's the racket here, it's a conflation. >> sandra: everybody has their own opinion, amazing job, your fox news saturday night promo, cue it and sell it, jimmy. >> it is a cable news keg party. what that means, straight up. >> sandra: no idea what that means. >> you don't have to agree with a single point to enjoy the show. comedy does not have a party, comedy is a party. grab a solo cup, sit down. the drunker you get the more funny we will be. we are crazy people, the country
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needs it. >> sandra: therapeutic, the last couple minutes feeling better already. can't wait for my invite. >> bring your barbies. >> gillian: a michigan car maker showing team spirit ahead of the detroit lions big game. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. hormone therapy works outside the cell... while verzenio works inside to help stop the growth of cancer cells. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain,
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>> welcome back. it's not all about work over at g.m. the michigan car company is telling some workers in flint to come in an hour late sunday night so they can watch the detroit lions in the nfc championship game. delta airlines is offering a direct flight on a larger plane from san francisco back home. you can watch the lions take on the 49ers sunday night at 6:00 p.m. eastern on fox. sandra, interestingly, a poll
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claiming almost half of nfl fans want detroit to win the super bowl. >> go detroit! do you have any thoughts on it yet? who you rooting for? >> i mean, i'll root for whoever the good folks at home want me to root for. i don't really watch football. >> sandra: all right. we'll look forward to it. super bowl sunday is coming up fast. florida is looking to crack down on social media addiction among teens. lawmakers are a step closer to passing a bipartisan bill that would pan children under 16 years old from using various social media platforms. dana marie mcnichols is live in miami for us. do we think this is going to pass? >> it looks like it, sandra. both republicans and democrats believe that social media is dangerous. in florida, they're deciding to protect their kids with a new law that says it's addictive and dangerous. those that oppose it have a
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different idea saying this legislation is unconstitutional. lawmakers cite the u.s. surgeon general's warning that children that spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of health problems. even though the bill is not specific about which platforms they would target, they're focused on sites with addictive features to cause compulsive use. >> we're saying social media is a harmful product. it's akin to a digital fentanyl. we're going to restrict access to it in the way we restrict access to tobacco, driving a car with alcohol. >> social media platforms have to delete accounts for people under the age of 16. opponents are slamming the ledge sayings saying it takes away the parent's right to make decisions for their children. >> the end of the day, social media is here. it's going to stay.
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we need to learn how to operate and use this tool to make our lives better and know how to live within it, not hand over the reins to the government. >> the florida bill still needs to pass the state senate. leaders have said they're supportive of the idea and expected to be signed by golf desantis. several other states have social media related age verification. new york city mayor eric adams declared it a public health threat, this conversation isn't going anywhere. >> sandra: it's something so many parents are talking about. dana marie, thanks very much. two hours flew by, gillian. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> sandra: hope you have a great weekend. set your dvr. never miss "america reports." i'm sandra smith. >> i'm gillian turner. "the story" starts right now. >> good afternoon. i'm trace gallagher in for martha maccallum. new reaction


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