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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 26, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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contest what happened in the first trial. either the finding on sexual abuse or the finding on defamation. that doesn't mean he'll prevail but that's -- a big issue. >> john, what do you think? i think we might have lost john. donald trump says he will be appealing this verdict. in the jean carroll defamation suit. coming via truth social but for the time being we're waiting to see if his lawyer comes out and if elana says anything. there is always a risk if your lawyer says something, you know anything could trigger still more damages, whether she or anyone else in the trump legal team expands on what we just witnessed today. history in the making. so it goes. here's "the five."
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>> hello everyone, here with jesse watters, greg gutfeld, dana perino. this is "the five." dramatic showdown over border security. texas is telling the biden administration to come and take it. today is the deadline the white house gave to governor greg abbott on allowing federal acts access to shelby park and eagle pass to remove the razor wire. so far texas is refusing to let the feds in and has a coalition of red straight governors on its side. the whole thing could now be headed back to court and texas is confident it will win but the white house says abbott is breaking the law by playing games. >> we will not shy away from calling out what we see as political games from the governor because it is not safe. it does not protect our communities, and that's who he cares about. he cares about the people of texas. what we're seeing from governor
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abbott, you've heard me say this over and over again, they are making it harder. he's making it harder for border patrol to do their jobs. they need access, and right now, they don't have that and it's under the constitution of the united states, federal law is the supreme law of the land. >> despite major media coverage of the governor who is are supporting texas in its fight against the biden administration the white house claims they know nothing about it. >> does the president have any response to at least 25 republican governors signing a joint statement? >> how many governors in that letter? >> i believe it's 25. >> 25 governors? i would say to them -- you said republican governors? >> yes. >> texas lieutenant governor dan patrick making a visit to the disputed park at eagle pass. he says razor wire has been very effective at repelling migrants. >> the supreme court's ruling didn't say we have to take this down. it just says they could cut it.
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so they can cut it all they want. we're going to replace it. this is working, and in this park, there were thousands and thousands of people crossing every day. thousands. i just checked. no one has crossed today. we've got it covered. mr. president, mr. president, you say you want to secure the border. texas has secured it. leave it alone. >> border patrol releasing new numbers. there were over 300,000 migrant encounters in december. that's the highest month ever recorded. we'll talk about all of this. jesse, i imagine there aren't many federal government employees who want to go and cut this razor wire. >> the biden patrol agents said they aren't going to do it. everyone is aligned against biden except the cartels. the biden administration blinked. they set a deadline. they said we're going to cut it down, let us in and texas say
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no, you're not. it looks like texas won the stand-off. texas should lay down as much wire as they can, and just dare the biden administration to come cut it down. they should seize as many of these little migration choke points along the border as possible and just do the job that the administration refuses to do. you know who is really excited about today's developments? the democrat mayors. because finally the border is being secured and they don't have to deal with the aftermath of all of this. the biden administration has to answer for this question. why were you collaborating with the drug cartels? ask binder. say binder, why are you facilitating human drug and sex trafficking into this country? why are you doing that? if she said we're not doing that, yes you are, here, here, and here, she won't be able to answer that question and they are doing it, dana, in the
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middle of a crime wave, when people's wages is getting eaten up by inflation. crazy. the border deal they are trying to blame on trump is garbage. they link this thing to ukraine aid so all of a sudden chuck is cutting this half measure with a bunch of moderate republicans and what does the house republican caucus supposed to do? just bow down and say, oh, yes, we'll take this even though it doesn't build a wall or change asylum or do anything that we need to do to secure the board. why should they go for that? they shouldn't dana: they should not. i can understand that point of view. judge? >> judge pirro: this could go back to the courts, but at this point, it does seem like texas has the administration really in a bind because who want to go and watch the federal government cutting down the razor wire because you know there will be cameras there. >> there will be cameras there and they also want to open up shelby park, which, as i
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understand it, is right off the river there where the illegals congregate and the ngo's come. it's like a holding center. why do they need that park emptied out? look, joe biden has done what a foreign saboteur would do if he were to destroy the borders in this country. the question, the whole thing begs the question, are we a country anymore? do we have a border anymore? the answer is, if the federal government is not protecting the border, the states under article 10 have the ability to do that as long as they are not prevented from doing it by the federal government. and so under article 10, texas wins. and if joe biden wants to continue to open this border as jesse said, working with the cartels, i've heard reports that the cartels actually have drones flying over our side of the
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border so they can check where border patrol is so they can send more people in. you know, we're not in charge of the border. the cartels are. joe biden has done everything he possibly can to destroy the borders in this country. and look who is coming in. they are mostly males, middle age younger males and if you think this is bad, with these numbers coming out from december, 300,000, that doesn't include the got aways that we know about. how about the gotaways we don't know about. and wait until the spring and summer. if they are worried about donald trump being elected they are going to surge like crazy, and every state that's a true border state should protect its borders the way texas is dana: we should have gone into the razor wire business. >> greg: i was just thinking that. it would have been a "sharp" move. i've got a million of them. it's a dangerous and losing battle for biden. he's choosing people who aren't
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americans over americans. i mean, that's a disaster. he's choosing people who are unknown and unidentified over texans, and the only reason i can think about this is because whatever trump did, and you mentioned this, whether it's remain in mexico or anything he has to do the opposite. he's essentially weaponized his own trump derangement syndrome to encompass everybody including a state so we're seeing this progression of persecution of large populations, right? under trump, he used to target individuals, democratic leaders and celebs, rosy 0donnell. but what she has done is he chastises voters and supporters. smears millions of people and now we're surprised that he's escalating it to an entire state? i don't think it's that big of an extension at this point. this is where he's going. captain unity sure knows how to divide a country. his super power is division. i think, i do love how the media
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is blaming the republicans for not acting on the border with this border deal. first, you broke it. you pay for it. now, the adults will come and fix it and will solve it but you have to pay a price for allowing this country to be compromised, deliberately compromised over politics, and the border bill isn't a fix or a solution. it merely codifies the influx. they are allowing, what, 1.5 million people in per year. that's to say we fixed it, we're legalizing it, that's pretending to be a solution. in your fairs, harold dana: harold, how about your face. >> i'm glad to be back around the table. i would say just a couple of things. our in-house newspaper, one is called the "wall street journal", they editorialized today very differently the perspective than we've taken and some taken. actually share the perspective of the editorial board which says a couple of things. one, politics forces people to
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come and do their jobs. my republican friends are being critical of democrats, rightly so, and i've been critical of democrats for not taking this issue more seriously sooner. but whatever has caused them or whatever the motivation is for them to want to come to the table i think it's imperative the other side come or we all have to answer the question, if we're willing to wait because of politics for the prospect of another president, in this sense, mr. trump being elected, that's nine months. if it was 300,000 people coming across the board in december, let's just round it down to 250. times 10, that's 2.5 million people we'll allow into the country between now and november and that assumes that you don't wait until january to get a deal so you add another two months. you're talking about maybe upwards of three million more people who would be potential rapists, terrorists, murderers, time-out, i'll let you finish,
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terrorists, murderers, drug traffic -- >> that's 150,000 per month. that's ridiculous. >> that's not what they are saying. >> isn't it? >> let's let the bill come out and understand what they are talking about. lindsey graham, if you've seen it you're the only person that's seen it outside the negotiators and you would be in disagreement -- >> all of a sudden you're worried about the number of people coming in. what about the last three years? >> i've been worried about all along. >> judge pirro: how about joe biden enforce the law. >> he can enforce the kneel. we are enforcing the law. >> judge pirro: no, he isn't. >> if we have a deal we'll be able to curtail the number of people coming across the border, the number of murderers and
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rapists. >> judge pirro: what are you talking about? we don't have the ran sheets from their countries. >> if you're on that side of the deal i respect that. i disagree with you. you're my friend. the continue will have an opportunity, if you want to wait until 2 election. i hope we don't. i hope the president is willing to say to those liberals who don't want asylum reform, who don't want parole reform, as he says to republicans, we're going to do immigration reform differently and how we allow people who have been here for a long time to become citizens. we have an opportunity for a deal and i hope they take it. >> can i address the first thing you said. the thing that bugs me, you pointed out -- >> absolutely. >> it's politics that's bringing the compromisers to the table, and so it's not our fault to be suspicious that once they get the win, they are just going to go back to the way they are. the only reason why they are coming to the table is because an election is coming.
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>> i agree. >> greg: so there is no way you can trust those people -- then they are going to retreat. you're going to find out what's in the bill is actually going to be codified illegal immigration. >> if they break the law, greshgs i'll be the first to say -- >> judge pirro: they are breaking the law now. >> the asylum process allows a lot of this. that's what has to be changed. >> judge pirro: you bring three million people in all deserving of asylum. border patrol -- >> what is they, republicans? >> judge pirro: greg abbott ought to send them now to the swing states. >> i'm glad he did. that's why we are here dana: when we get the text to that bill i'll host a drinks party and we can read it altogether, a dramatic interpretation. >> can't wait dana: we'll film it for you. up next, gavin newsom trying to
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breathe new life into his campaign but is he just in it for himself? ♪
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♪ >> the empty suit has found an empty campaign. >> judge pirro: gavin newsom taking the reins of the aimless biden re-election effort and stumping for joe in south carolina this week. we're not surprised that gavin is lending a helping hand. joe biden needs all the help he can get. the poor man can't even put on a hat correctly. the big guy was spotted wearing
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a hard hat backwards, and nobody can understand what the heck he's saying anymore in his stump speeches. >> by the way, used to make beer brewed here. used to make -- thanks for the great lakes. i wondered -- >> judge pirro: newsom's highjacking of joe's campaign in south carolina is just the latest example of his shadow campaign for president. whether it happens in 2024 or 2028, newsom is hell bent on becoming the leader of the democrats, and friendly media outlets are more than happy to let newsom test out his message. >> we keep crushing it. democrats, we keep crushing it. look at all the elections you have won, democrats, you keep winning. you keep outperforming. it's extraordinary. pat yourselves on the back. our message is working. our values are american. they are universal values.
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our policies, republicans, begrudgingly accept, our governor in the state of the state last night and he talked about these new uv investments. really, mr. governor, trying to oppose that -- they can't even help themselves. >> judge pirro: harold. you can't deny this guy is -- he's like a moth to light. whenever there is something to be said whether it's about joe biden or himself, ultimately, he's there. is he running? >> he's a politician. first of all, i loved our discussion last segment. [laughter] >> governor newsom, in a lot of ways, is doing exactly what governor bergum and governor scott and others are doing, very effectively. out campaigning and the three of them are laying out why trump should be elected and they are laying out a set of ideas and principles. and now governor newsom is doing the same thing. i don't quite get the problem
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with someone being a surrogate for somebody. if you don't like what they are saying or you think what they are saying is not necessarily true that's one thing. judging him by his case, i admire newsome for a couple of reasons. like some democrats who won't come on the network, i don't understand why, but he does. he's willing to debate including sitting governors around the country. you have to give him some credit for that whether you agree with him or not and i do. i actually hope he stays on the trail. i think he can be oftentimes more effective than president biden, who is touting his on record. >> judge pirro: dana, given the gibberish, the fact that he puts hard hat on backwards, do you think he'll get better with time? >> that's the new fashion. it's cool if you wear your hat backwards on the construction set. i think newsom is there as an emergency candidate and he's filling a void that kamala
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harris can't fill. if she were the heir apparent to joe biden, kamala harris would be giving that interview and she would be out front everywhere. she's unable to do that. she's not popular among some democrats -- some democrats, i get it, don't@me. i think it was newsroom not here, admitted in a discussion that if gretchen whitmer had been the vice presidential candidate instead of harris biden probably wouldn't be running for re-election right now so i think gavin newsom is positioning himself because, one, he knows the party needs him so he's a party guy. let me step up here and show them how it's done. he's out of office in 2026. that gives him a couple of years for 2028, if he's not the candidate this time around he's positioning himself to be the leader of the party and the primary for both sides is likely not to begin in 2026. it begins the day after the election in 2024.
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so i think you'll probably be seeing him more on fox. >> judge pirro: jesse, what about the fact that you've got kamala harris and gavin newsom who is filling in, certainly makes a lot of sense. he's filling in for her. let's assume that for some reason, biden doesn't run. the gibberish keeps going and he keeps having problems. who is then the presidential candidate? >> it's got to be newsom. he's not a surrogate. he's the back-up quarterback. you know what happens when the back-up quarterback plays well? you have a quarterback controversy. you look around and you go, wow, and you look at the starting quarterback and think maybe the old fellow should stick on the sidelines. >> how about michelle, have you seen her arm? >> arms. >> she's been working out. >> it takes -- i'm not going to go there. [laughter] >> good idea, keep talking. look at me, jesse, look at me. >> i can't, i want to say it but i can't. he's compelling while he's doing
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multiple stops, cable tv interviews, retail politics, something biden is incapable of doing. he's spewing jabber-walky. he's getting heckled like he's playing in an away game. he's getting lost on stage. it's an absolute catastrophe. when you contrast these two guys together i don't think it helps joe biden. you're looking at a 56-year-old who knows what a.i. means. maybe a guy who could manage two proxy wars instead of mismanaging the world. i think this guy is having a great opportunity to go around to all of these primary states and meet donors, understand the contours of the electorate in these primary states. making connections. he might be seasoned in four years. >> judge pirro: you know what, greg? the women are swooning over that gray hair. >> greg: he's like fly paper. you see him, you get stuck to him. i want to know what you mean by
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"it"? is he talking about women's rights, the borders, is he talking about the american dream? is he talking about freedom of speech or the future of cities? you're crushing it. what are you crushing exactly? you're crushing our lives. this is a thing that has to be brought up. when he's out and around what is happening to his state, right? he's on the campaign trail. californians are actually living on trails. >> and caves. >> greg: in caves, too. in and out. we talked about this. this is a big deal. in and out, never closed a store ever. the only one in oakland, and it wasn't because they were doing poorly. they were doing amazing and people can afford in and out but they can't afford the french laundry so it's not as much of a big deal for him even though his family loves it but you get the impression that with california it's gavin's world and they are just living it in and if he ever becomes president how soon would he be tired of that job? >> you get tired of being
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president? >> greg: yes, you do. that's why i don't run for it. >> judge pirro: what do you do? >> you go to the wef, right, and you control the world. >> wow! i didn't know that. >> quarterback tom brady, when he came in, started as a back-up. >> are you comparing him to tom brady. how dare you. >> i was thinking about the football stuff you mentioned earlier. >> judge pirro: up next, liberal laws are now putting taylor swift in danger. ♪ things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time.
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>> america's biggest pop star, not me, now falling victim to insane liberal bail laws. taylor swift's alleged latest stalker is back behind bars but only after getting arrested three times in just five short days. 33-year-old dave crow had a wild week of swift stalking here in
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new york city. it all began saturday afternoon when crow got busted while trying to enter taylor's residence, by monday, creepy crow back on the streets. and he returned to swift's place, cops charged him with harassment and stalking, and he was in court on wednesday to face those charges, but 10 minutes after he walked out, crow was spotted dumpster diving near taylor's house and arrested again. but he says it's all just one big misunderstanding. >> why are you stalking taylor? >> i was grabbing some pants that i threw in the dumpster. >> it took his third arrest for the judge to say no more for you and he revoked his bail. all right. judge. it doesn't seem like stalking is considered that big of a deal if it takes three stalking arrests to finally revoke bail. >> judge pirro: you forget, this is new york city. nothing is all that serious. we've got a d.a. who barely prosecutes crime. we've got bail laws, you commit
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a violent crime don't worry about it. you can come back if we can interfere with your schedule next month and make it back. i feel terrible. this guy had bench warrants from 2017. he had cases from 2023. he had three in three days, i think it was saturday, monday, and then wednesday. and i tell you, the only reason he's in jail is because they arrested him on contempt of court. when you violate a court order, the court gets their back up and says we're going to keep you in jail now. and -- bit way, did you know this guy is a law student from seattle? give me break. what are they teaching in seattle if anything? but that's besides the point. >> love doesn't just sit there. >> judge pirro: yes, well, for him, love violates and stalks, and unfortunately, many, many women are killed in spite of the fact that they are stalked and domestic violence cases,
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something like 20% of the women for whom there have been stalking charges are murdered. the 75% of the women who are murdered in a relationship are murdered once they say i'm leaving. so i mean, the laws don't protect people. stalking, you almost have to commit the crime to get the police to make an arrest or keep you in jail. she's smart, she's lucky, she has the resources. most new yorkers don't. >> dana? >> dana: right. i don't have too much more to say because i was going to make a lot of those points about women who don't have protection from executive security or maybe perhaps undercover fbi. they could be on the lookout for them. i remember on newsroom interviewing a woman from chicago whose stalker, ex-husband, somehow got out of jail. it was a bail situation, came and he murdered her child. and then tried to murder her. he didn't succeed but she lives with all of this agony. actually, she ran for congress. i really admire her. back to taylor swift, she's
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taken on some fights for people on their behalf in the past. and it's not the same as stalking, but on the streaming issue, when the songwriters and the singers weren't getting paid what they were due she fought for them. and i know that she doesn't want this fight but it is possible that if they figure out some sort of legal way to make a difference that she could really help a lot of other people. >> maybe she could help the people of texas and do something about the border dana: yes, exactly. >> i think that would be a smart idea for her to use her power and help the country. do you agree? >> i would even add on, you don't want to piss off the swifty community. it seems we've been unable to persuade the legislature in pennsylvania and new york, to revoke these cashless bail laws. maybe if swift gets behind that, not only for her but every person, not only those who are
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stalked but just crime in general, could make an impact. >> put swift to a lot of use for the good of the country. >> greg: you're so thoughtful, jesse. >> jesse: thank you. >> greg: it seems like the stalker holds all the cards because you're still alive. most people can't do anything until you're actually harmed. it's a bizarre thing, and in this day and age, where you are -- if you're exposed, this is primarily women, there are a lot of crazy people throughout and working in this business, i know tons of women who go through this problem all the time. and even some men unfortunately. i know, i was stalked for years by a young woman, and i just finally gave up and now she sits to my right. [laughter] >> got out on bail. >> greg: what can i do?
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>> don't touch him dana: no worries. >> the fastest is up next. ♪
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i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> jesse: welcome back, time for the fastest. first up. elvis may have left the building but not for the actor who played him. ♪ [laughter] >> jesse: he says he had to hire, check this out, a dialect coach to help ditch his accent before a new tv show. he spent three years perfecting the signature law for the movie. judge what do you think about it? should he have hired a coach? did you like him as elvis? >> judge pirro: i liked him as elvis but here's the thing. it's called method acting where they get so into the character
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they think they are that character and i think he went a little overboard with it but kind of like -- if you pumped into him you would think he was tony soprano. they carry it with them but i don't know, if he didn't like that. >> greg: fake news. this did not happen. this is a p.r. created story so you cover the new thing. come on, people dana: i think it's basically a way for hollywood to spend money. your agent has to spend money on something and i think a dialect coach for some people would make sense. if they asked me to do an australian accent for a movie or our next skit on "the five" i would probably need a coach. >> greg: jesse, when you leave "the five," are you still as on obnoxious? >> jesse: i think this is making him to look like a good actor. it took another coach to get him
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away from the character he was playing. >> he was good at elvis. >> jesse: up next, how do you like this? sparking a huge debate over eating in the shower. >> i really -- want to start a movement. shower eating movement. here's my rules for shower eating. the only tricky thing is, when you're chewing you've got to keep your mouth closed. [laughter] >> jesse: so to me -- >> judge pirro: this is fake news. >> jesse: do you get anywhere other than at the table? do you eat in the shower? i sit next to you, i know you shower. >> judge pirro: how do you know? no, i don't, that's enough. >> jesse: we'll move on. jesse, do you eat in the shower? >> jesse: no, sometimes i think women try to be attractive for statistic reasons. i think timberlake is so obsessed with her, every time she hops in the shower he wants to hop in there, too.
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she doesn't have enough time to raise her children because they are so crazy. the only time she gets time to eat is in the shower. >> okay. >> that's a theory. >> do you want to hear my other theory? her career is going so downhill she has to say something provocative for us to cover it. >> i don't think these viral videos are good for these celeb women. who am i to talk? i don't know. i do it with my dog rece weatherspoon had one the other day. that was cute and funny. this, i think she was just trying to get attention. >> explanation? >> greg: to be fair i do bathe in the dining room. i pull out a bucket and a big sponge and i just splash it all over me. what she's really telling you, that she pees in the shower. [boos] >> greg: when you're in a hotel shower it's not your shower.
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>> it actually retards your ability -- >> greg: you can't say that. >> i can say nait in a medical wear. you ease it up when you do need to hold it. >> what? >> it des voice your muscles. >> it's called the pelvic floor. >> judge, i know you shower. finally, a new california bill is trying to physically stop cars from going 10 miles over the speed limit. with a new device called speed governor. if it passes every car or truck sold in the state in 2027, they would need every one of these bad boys installed. judge, what do you think about this device? >> judge pirro: i think it's baloney. nobody is going to arrest you for it and i won't buy that car what did you say? >> jesse, your thoughts. >> jesse: if my wife is going
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into labor and she's in the passenger seat and i floor it, you're saying this thing is is going to just seize up on me and i can't make it to the emergency room. >> judge pirro: what if the cartel is after you? [laughter] >> on that note, dana? >> dana: i'm not for this. the nanny state. i just know this one driver in new york will be very disappointed if this ever happens to him. you know the one? >> greg: this can't work in new york or california. if you're going zero, essentially -- >> you can't go any higher than zero. >> greg: it wouldn't work for us. i hate this. >> i'm against it, too. don't go anywhere. fan mail fraud is up next. ♪ it was just a regular monday... -hey! -when suddenly... can you get this board to tony hawk? fedex presents tall tales of true deliveries. i needed a miracle... so i went straight to where miracles happen... social media.
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hey did someone say miracle? let me see that. so, i got the board to tony... and he even sent one back. but in the future, i'm gonna need an address and a zip code. if this is what we did for a skateboard, see what we can do for your business. fedex.
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♪ [laughter] >> first question. >> greg: this is a good one because i can answer this one. were you in any contests and won? dana, you probably were in a couple of contests, huh? >> dana: i won a couple of speech team contests. that's a contest?
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>> greg: yes dana: i won. i won the state tournament in colorado in high school. >> greg: good for you dana: i won the national tournament when i was a freshman in college. >> greg: jesse, did you ever win, any contests? >> jesse: i won a tennis racquet in a raffle. i'm so unlucky i never win any of those lotto things. >> greg: i won carpet at macy's. harold? >> speech and talent. we finished last but we lobbied to firnish first. >> did you do the bird? ♪ >> judge pirro: i pete jimmy -- at coney island. more importantly when i was in high school i won the singer sewing contest. i used to make my own clothes and it was statewide for teenagers and i won. coats. >> you made your own clothes
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back then? >> judge pirro: i wore a uniform. a pattern. i used to love clothes as a kid. >> used to? [laughter] >> you want to hear a weird one? i won a bench press contest in 1990 in pennsylvania at a fire hall. bench press half your weight, half your own weight for the most reps and i won. >> you were thin back then? >> greg: yes, i was thin. the fire department on main street in emmaus, pennsylvania. i wonder if anybody is still live. what's your favorite thing you've bought yourself recently, judge? >> i know. >> judge pirro: okay. i'll tell you what it was. i bought the greatest wallpaper for my den. >> color? >> judge pirro: it's like a weave and a lot of colors.
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>> greg: how about you? >> i spring alive whenever i think about wallpaper. i bought myself a new rain jacket. it's exciting for me. it's not a jacket. it's a jacket i can wear with my jeans and it's light. anyway, i like the jacket. [laughter] >> greg: what about you? >> i bought a range rover. >> did you? >> for jesse junior. a toy car. he plays with it all the time. >> greg: is it an ev? >> jesse: ev. range rover. i don't know if i can pull that off. >> greg: dana? >> dana: i got an almond milk steamer and frother. it's so great. so good. >> amazing. let me know where you got that. >> greg: you guys, i got this new piercing.
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[laughter] >> what's up next? here's to getting better with age. ♪ here 's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: it is time now for one more thing, jesse. >> jesse: it is a situation. eats it up. everyone is talking about inflation because of bidenomics. forget about that. we will double the big macs. this is a double big matt, four burger patties. we have the big mac sauce and no one knows what is in it pickles, lettuce, onions, american cheese and dana wants to know how many calories, but i don't care. >> judge pirro: is it cold? >> jesse: it is warmer than you think. jesse, the american rebels.
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>> dana: well met, that sounds riveting. >> greg: you are really digging the bottom of the barrel. >> dana: here is mine with delicious big macs. imagine an entire resort to your so pure that happen to one couple. they found out when a dream vacation took a weird turn. at the resort lost couples, excuse me, mexico defined domestic to find they are the only guests but left to feeling a little unsettled. it sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime experience. would you like that? >> greg: they didn't make any vacation best friends, the people you promised to keep in touch with than ever think about them again. us kabbalists is expended domestic spanish for the cabs. >> dana: i don't know why it is hard talking. >> dana: nomex before we have dagen mcdowell, and underpants guy.
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♪ ♪ >> you know, we live in contentious times and people can't get along together. it is really bothering me. that is why it is special with two different species get along together like this pet bird and dog. look at them having a great time playing. one can crush it and eat it in its strong jaws but they play an adorable game of tag. you know what the golden retriever's name is? jasper and the parakeet's name is mars. this occurred in california. these are bags that mean nothing to me. >> dana: this is what gavin newsom is doing. judge, you are next okay, not necessarily at the house call police officers make but one illinois officer took it upon himself to complete a food delivery order after doordash driver was arrested before dropping off. take a look. [laughter]
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>> nope, he got arrested appeared you guys have a night. >> you guys are amazing. thank you. >> dana: and so nice, harold ford jr. >> a breakthrough treatment here for the first time. the kids that treated there. treated with this gene mutation that led to hearing loss got this injection, version of this gene that countered the mutation. 26 weeks after children's hearing levels increased 27%. an 11-year-old was the first child to receive the treatment in the u.s. at the children's hospital of philadelphia. for the first time this week, congratulations and congratulations. go lions. >> jesse: let's give that to philadelphia. >> dana: they also said go lions, right? tigress told me to pick the lions at the beginning of the year. turns out to be a good bet, i hope pure that is it for us, hey, bret >> bret: tyrus knows how to pick them. >> dana: don't argue with


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