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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  January 26, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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>> greg: we are out of time! "fox news @ night" is coming up. i love you, america! >> trace: good evening. i'm trace gallagher. it's 11:00 p.m. on the east coast, 8:00 here in los angeles, and this is
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america's late news, "fox news @ night." breaking tonight, the deadline has come and gone, but the razor wire is still up, and the standoff between the federal government and the state of texas is still underway. but texas and its governor, greg abbott, are no longer fighting alone. 25 republican governors are now on record supporting the lone star state, and the next step in this ongoing conflict along the border is very much unknown. bill melugin has spent years covering the border. he knows the why and why not better than anyone, and he is live with the very latest on this. bill, good evening. >> trace, good evening to you. the fed gave texas a deadline of today in shelby park and eagle pass, but as you mentioned, texas did not comply. they are doubling down with even more razor wire. despite a supreme court order that allows border patrol to cut and remove texas razor wire while the merits of the case are being litigated, border patrol hasn't cut anything yet. a seniors ebp official tells fox they have no immediate plans to do so.
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this, after a coalition of 25 republican governors signed a letter in support of texas. that letter says in part, "we stand in solidarity with our fellow governor, greg abbott, and the state of texas, and utilizing every tool and strategy including razor wire fences to secure the border. we do it in part because the biden administration is refusing to enforce immigration laws already on the books." one of those governors, kristi noem, visited shelby park today, an area she described as an "war zone." she said, if texas needs more razor wire, she'll bring it down in the pickup truck herself. >> it is effective in places and it helps slow down people crossing illegally, and i defend texas' right to keep it in place. >> earlier today, the texas attorney general sent a letter to dhs officially notifying the feds at their demand to be allowed back into shelby park is officially denied, trace. >> trace: and on it goes. bill, thank you.
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let's bring in texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. thank you for coming on. we very much appreciate this. the numbers are in, and we are going to put these up on the screen, 302,000 border encounters in december. that just came out, of course. it's been a long time since the numbers were actually effective, but 785,000 year to date 2024. yet the feds want to tear down the fence and open that spot up even more. what is your thought on this ongoing standoff? >> great to be with you, trace. first of all, just to give you a comparison, that 300,000 in december, dac 10-12 years ago we were apprehending about 435,000 all year. so as far as this razor wire, i spent most of the day down there in eagle pass. i went down there to bolster our troops and thank them, our national guard and our dps troopers pay they've been down there long time, some of them for more than a year. they only get to go home a few days a month.
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i look at those soldiers and those dps troopers, trace, and i thought, is joe biden really going to come down and confront them? the answer is no. they've decided not to cut the wire. as i said earlier today, they can cut it all day long. they're going to have to bring a lot of wire cutters, because we have a lot of wire. so we said no, and i'm glad they don't want a confrontation. i'm glad they are standing down. it's good news. texas stood tall. to give you a sense of how it's working, that's right would have been foolish of them to come, four months ago about 3,000 people a day were coming over right where i was in eagle pass where the fences. today when i left at 3:00 or 4:00, no one had crossed. no one. >> trace: but the white house press secretary, karine jean-pierre, had this to say. watch. >> it's unfortunate that there is a governor in texas, governor abbott, who has politicized this issue of what's happening at the border. it's not making people's lives
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safer. it's making it harder for law enforcement at the border to do their job. >> trace: the truth is, lieutenant governor, the border patrol has been unable to do their job for the better part of three plus years. >> because biden has tied their hands. the rank and file border patrol officers like working with us and we like working with them. i'm glad to know that there were some reasons sent back up the chain to washington not to have this confrontation. as far as karine jean-pierre and alejandro mayorkas, and biden, and kamala harris, i hate to say this, trace -- they just lie evy about this. they think we are part of the problem? we are the one saving lives. all the people who have died of fentanyl, drowned in the river come all the women who are raped come all the children who are traffic, all who have been attacked by ms-13 or those killed in drunk driving accident by illegal immigrants, all that death is on their hands. in texas we call it all hat and
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no cattle. it means you boast a lot and you talk a lot and you do nothing. so far, over the last three years, it's been all hat and no cattle. >> trace: there's been a lot of untruths when it comes to the border. thank you for your time. we appreciate it. now for some political analysis on what's happening along the southern border, let's bring in political analyst ted lynn figaro and erin perrine. 25 g.o.p. governors now backing texas. here are two of them and what they had to say. watch. >> this is a no-brainer. every state now is a border state. the white house and joe biden obviously doesn't get it or they don't care. >> the number one responsibility of the federal government is to secure the nation, and they haven't done it. job one is to secure the border. >> trace: i think now that the poll numbers have come out, both sides are on board with securing this border, tezlyn, right?
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>> too bad they waited too late. the bottom line, i worked with about 30 races, and the reality is every party need something to run on. republicans are running on this. i'm not surprised the governors are getting behind the texas governor to push this. i'm not surprised trump will make this an issue. unfortunately democrats waited also oscillate. you waited six or seven months before it's time to do a general election to finally talk about border control, because you allowed the left to push them into not having this conversation several years ago. it was just a couple years ago when, if you brought up immigration, you are called racist or being a bigot. some of those things can still be true, but the bottom line is, when we talk about campaign and strategy, they waited simply also oscillate. but joe biden should have done something when he had the house in the senate. now it's on republicans' watch and i can see that making this an issue this year. >> trace: democratic governor gavin newsom says that it's about republicans in congress, erin.
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>> they don't want to make this a campaign win for joe biden. that's everything you need to know about the fraud they are perpetuating on the issue of border. >> trace: newsome knows better than that, erin. he knows as well as anybody knows that joe biden has not cared about the border for three years, until the poll numbers came out and the republicans that, you know what? this is a good thing to run on because this is a disaster. >> absolutely. and that's a very laughable statement by a laughable governor in gavin newsom. republicans have tried for years to secure the border. under president trump, he was running on building the wall and securing the border, and now democrats are trying to say republicans don't need them they are? this a public relati relations r for him. should he send people to cut down the razor wire at the border? every national news outlet will be there getting the film, and that will be nothing but gold for republicans to run on, because the top concern of the
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american people right now is the dereliction of duty by the biden administration and the open border policy that has lead to chaos and destruction at the southern border of the united states. joe biden has set himself up for abject failure here, so for democrats to try and gaslight and say this is republicans 'asphalt is absolutely laughable at face value. please, joe biden, help republicans win in november. go ahead and cut the wire and give us those ads to run. >> trace: the reason the president has set himself up for failure, tezlyn, he goes down there and cut the razor wire or he doesn't, he appears weak. he takes it down, he opens up the floodgates and more illegals come in. so it's kind of a tough predicament for the president. >> in addition to all of the immigration issues that we have seen in chicago and new york, let's not forget that democratic governors are also saying that it's a problem, a migrant problem. you talk about new york, chicago, those are governors, democrat governors, saying we need help with the border.
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what happened is, just from a strategic standpoint, democrats just dropped the ball on this. i don't believe they've never wanted to fix the border, but they didn't make it a primary issue, so now this is what they'll have to fight on and they are too far behind this issue to try to make a difference in seven or eight months. >> trace: erin, it really is a national security imperative here, because that's what this is largely about. i've got about 30 seconds for you. >> it is a national security imperative. when you're looking at 300,000 people in the last month, and it was bill melugin's reporting that says 15 people are captured or so and they were on the terror watch list? at the national security threat, and that is joe biden deciding to placate the progressive left and secure the border of the united states and maintain sovereignty in this country. the american people are screaming for a safe country and joe biden is saying no thanks at this point. >> we had more captures than the terror watch list last month and we had in 2016, 2017 combined.
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erin perrine, tezlyn figaro, thank you both. we have breaking news from the middle east that could change the entire narrative of the october 7th terror attacks in israel. united nations is the skating chart charges that at least a dozen of its employees may have been involved in the massacre. as a result, the u.s. is now pausing its funding of the united nations agency for palestinian refugees. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in d.c. with brand-new information about this story. >> israeli authorities providing the agency with information about the involvement of several of its employees and the horrific attacks on israel back on october 7th. the u.s. state department said it would provide no additional funding to the agency until those allegations were addressed. in a statement, matthew miller, state department spokesperson, said washington was "extremely troubled" by the allegations that 12 employees may have been
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involved. >> it certainly looks as if there is cause to be concerned about the actions of some of the members of the u.n. relief and works agency. but that does not nor should it impugn the entire agency and the entire -- all the body of work they're doing. they have helped save literally thousands of lives in gaza. >> there's a statement tonight, that any employee who was involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution. and there's this from susan collins. the minister she needs to explain to congress how humanitarian assistance for gaza can continue as this serious issue is being investigated. for its part, unra has provided aid and used facilities to shelter people fleeing bombardment and the ground offensive launched by israeli troops in reaction to the october 7th attacks, and it's a
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devastating story in a very bad look for the agency. >> trace: we will have a lot more on this in the days and weeks to come. kevin corke live in d.c., thank you. now to our continuing coverage of those three kansas city chiefs fans who froze to death and their friends' backyard after watching a chiefs game. the families of the victims are now raising some very interesting points. jackie ibanez is live with new development on this. >> good evening, trace. so many questions. friends and family members of those three kansas city chiefs fans found dead in a friend's backyard say they have some serious doubts over assertions from law enforcement that seemed to rule out foul play. >> it's been very difficult, and i don't think i can ever fully heal until i find out what happened. i'll never be fully healed. >> the kansas city police department tells fox news they are still awaiting results of the men's post autopsy
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toxicology reports. those results could reveal if the men died due to a drug overdose, possible hypothermia, or even something more nefarious. according to the medical examiner, the toxicology report could take as long as eight weeks to come back, but the full autopsy takes as long as 12 weeks. the family of one of the victims, ricky johnson, says they're not getting the full story from jordan willis. he's the man who hosted the party just two days before johnson and his friends were found dead. according to johnson's brother, willis is the only one who may know what actually happened. an attorney for willis says he fell asleep while the men were still inside his home. willis, and hiv data scientist, claims he spent two days sleeping and working from home and did not notice his friends died, and never left the property. kansas city police stressed this is not a homicide investigation right now, and willis is not a suspect. meantime, the earliest we might
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see that toxicology report, trace, is within the next week. the next three weeks. >> trace: it's going to tell us a lot. jackie ibanez live for us to new york, thank you. let's bring in prosecutor and author of "why dad looks good," wendy patrick. it is really important, the toxicology, when you talk about this whole thing, wendy, because toxicology can give us a lot of answers. >> toxicology talks, as we say. now we are worried, is it a murder or just a mystery? we always say lady justice is blind. investigators are not. they are looking for clues, listening, talking to witnesses. some of the excellent questions, as you point out, are being raised by the family members who knew these men, who couldn't imagine three men freezing in a backyard as their friend fell asleep. so you've got cars in the front yard, decomposing bodies in the backyard, and a man that slept for two days and work from home? i mean, you have to have it add up. that's criminal law 101.
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the defense has to make sense. >> trace: that's exactly right. the brother of one of the victims is talking about the homeowner, jared willis, and he said this. >> does he know when they left or does he not? does he know if his dogs where they are or he not? there's a way too many questions still needing to be answered, and nobody can answer those questions in honesty except for jordan. >> trace: there's been a lot of silence. that's the whole thing. the families are like, maybe he has answers and maybe he doesn't, but the silence is not the most beneficial thing. the lawyer says he fell asleep for 48 hours after the party so he doesn't really have a lot of things to answer. 48 hours? i think i've slept for 14 hours once. 48 hours? >> you may have slept for eight hours after a night of overindulgence, not 48 hours. and when a loved one is missing, silence is not golden. we live on our phones, we live on social media. with somebody's over at our house, maybe we have a couple drinks. we'll find out the next day if
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you got home okay. if the cars are still parked in front of our house, at the clue that something is amiss. not only that, trace -- remember that one of these bodies was apparently on a porch right outside the backyard. so it is true, he's not a suspect. nobody wants to rush to judgment. but the questions are being asked, and the family members are suggesting some of the additional questions that no doubt will be asked. you want to look at who was the last person to see them alive, and i was the host. >> trace: one of the dad said, if they were freezing out there, my son would have kicked up in one of are one of the doors. so there's weirdness going on here. a victims father said the following here. "his mother and i are both convinced that jordan willis, the homeowner, played a part in this somehow. we just haven't figured out how yet. what else could it be? perfectly healthy men don't just drop off the face of the earth." well, they didn't drop off the face of the earth, but they did end up in the backyard for some reason. >> for some reason. legally, when you are proving
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murder, you don't have to prove motive. but to a jury, motive matters. what would it have been here? that's the biggest question everybody's asking. my prediction is it's a matter of time before we find an answer. >> trace: i think you're right. good to have you on as always. just ahead, deepfake photos of taylor swift going viral, reigniting a bigger conversation about the looming dangers of ai, artificial intelligence. and nobody knows more about tech troubles than our next guest. later, a new thriller with a very topical edge is now in theaters. the filmmaker behind "bad hombres" joins us on set. and later in the nightcap, if you went on vacation but nobody else showed up at the resort, not one person, how would you feel? maybe it's fun to have the resort to yourself. or is it kind of horror movie, creepy, kind of uncomfortable? let us know if you are in or out of the last resort, and y. x and instagram. we will read the best responses
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in the nightcap. meantime, it's 8:18 here on the west coast. a "fox news @ night" trip across america first create a live look at denver, colorado, where the sun shines about 300 days a yeay night at about this time. on to detroit, michigan, where the mighty lions are one win from the super bowl. finally, a live earth can view of times square in new york city, the city that never sleeps, the lights that never go out. if you can't join us live, don't forget to set your dvr and watch us any time. ♪ ♪ be he bacteria in your gut. try new align probiotic bloating relief plus food digestion. it contains a probiotic to help relieve occasional bloating, plus vitamin b12 to aid digestion. try align probiotic. ♪ ♪ every day can be extraordinary with rich,
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>> trace: some of the dangers of artificial intelligence laid bare today when explicit deepfake images of taylor swift went viral on x and other social media platforms. bill melugin back live with the details on that tonight. >> crazy story, the white house even reacting to this today. these fake ai generated fake nude photos of taylor swift. the white house client situation alarming and congress has to start cracking down on this. these fake bidenomics images, which we obviously are not showing, spread like wildfire across social media this week, disturbing fans who saw them and reigniting calls for politicians to protect women and cracked down on the platforms and the technology that are spreading these images. one photo posted by a user on x was viewed 47 million times before the account was suspended. the platform said in part, "posting nonconsensual images is strictly prohibited on x and have a z zero-tolerance policy toward such contact. our team is removing images and taking appropriate actions against the accounts responsible for posting them." ai images have become more in
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recent months. it's a shock who sometimes can be behind it. >> i never thought it could be a student. ai didn't even come to my mind. i thought it would be creeps on the internet. >> experts say we are likely only at the very beginning of what's going to become a much bigger problem. >> i think we are going to have a pandemic of this kind of ai-generated porn, and a tsunami of disinformation. it's not just video. it is also audio, images, text. unfortunately it has become all too easy to just forge reality. >> and while x is working to get her to those fake images of taylor swift, her fans flooded the platform to protest. they started posting related hashtags with things like "protect taylor swift," in an effort to drown out the explicit photos and make them harder to find.
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we all know she's got some pretty hard-core fans out there. >> trace: she does. i've got two of them living in my house so we know what the problem is. let's bring in kurt knutson. ethel's a year thing here. you look at this and everybody is like, we need to get a handle on this and do something. dewey knows what to do. >> they don't. the guy we just featured, it's a tsunami of this that's about to happen. he's absolutely correct without a doubt. the technology is now here. where you and i can be reproduced in a matter of seconds by any joe schmo. that's very compelling. "wait, is that real? or is it something semimade with ai?" and we are now at that juncture. taylor swift is a pop-culture icon that is now bringing it to our attention tonight. >> trace: i'm wondering if there's some kind of a fix. can you have something labeled? is there any law that would w work? they've been trying to patrol the internet now for 25 years and they been very unsuccessful.
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we don't have a lot of laws we should have. it seems like they are 15 years away from being able to figure out how to stop people who do this. >> to agree on how to stop people who do this. there are wonderful watermarked technologies that could be turned on tomorrow, if we could all agree which one to use and which one is most effective. we would be ahead of this in no time. that's not going to happen, unfortunately. what we are going to see, th though, this year's election is going to be interfered with like we haven't seen before. celebrities like taylor swift are going to be messed with like nobody's business. not just tonight, but for the entire future as far as we can see. >> trace: female students at a high school just outside manhattan also had their pictures online taken off, and of course ai made them into nude pictures and spread it all over the high school. so it's not just celebrities, is everybody.
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you can get some of these pigs are off-line and manipulate it and spread everywhere. >> that's in westfield just about 25 miles outside of manhattan. and those kids' lives will change. it doesn't matter that it was fake, because they're going to get the same repercussions and damage, whether those were real or made up by somebody who's just messing with them. that's what's going on. and that is the unfortunate part of all of this. >> trace: then there's the late comedian george carlin. somebody took his voice and his style of humor and turned it into a comedy thing, and his daughters to the following. "the irony of all this is that my father was such a unique thinker. one thing he said people's think for yourself, and here are these people absorbing his material to try and think like him. it's the ultimate is zombification of human life." because the many thought it would be a cool project to take
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his work and throw it into ai and come out with the project ee can watch. well, did you bother to ask the daughter who might own this? nobody did. so this is going to be a case we are going to keep our eye on, because that's going to tell us, how far can you go in the name of creativity to reproduce work when you are not infringing upon actually somebody's reputation and their legacy? >> trace: we thought it was cool at the super bowl xv years ago and they would bring the celebrities back to life, like john wayne was in a commercial. "isn't that so cool?" and now they are using for nefarious means. >> and that's not so cool. good to see you, trace. >> trace: next, bad hombres is out today. it's a thriller that tackles one of the most important issues in the country. filmmaker john stolberg junior joins us live. but first, a live look at cincinnati, ohio, home of the first professional baseball team, t the cincinnati red
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stockings, nowrh known as the cincinnati reds. we'll come right back. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours.
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♪ ♪ >> trace: the "fox news @ night" common sense apartment was watching the coverage of a new york jury deciding donald trump should pay $83 million for defamation, and when the former president issued a statement about the verdict, cnn, to borrow a phrase, stopped the presses. because, remember, donald trump is such a danger to democracy that now all of his speeches and statements need to be fact-checked before his evil words can reach your untarnished years. and prior to trump's comments being read, cnn's audience was told the statement would likely be false. apparently things are no longer true until cnn says they're true. clearly that policy was not in place during russian collusion, brett kavanaugh's confirmation, where the case of the covington catholic kids, because back then any smear was fair game.
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common sense wonders if joe biden will also stumble upon the cnn fact-checked police. he's the man who said he never talked business with his son. sorry, wait -- was never involved isih his son. sorry, wait -- never financially involved in business with his son. if the media refused to air political speeches and comments without preemptive fact checks, political coverage would die in darkness. common sense knows this is not about cnn seeking the truth, but it is all about cnn censoring trump. meantime, the sinks are a city of chicago already near breaking point with the migrant crisis, another problem tonight, migrant crime. kevin corke is back with that story. >> as if things weren't bad enough in chicago, now there are reports of rising crime among newly arriving migrants. but don't take my word for it. this is from the chief of police of oak brook. "i believe that six felony arrests in one day illustrates
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that migrant criminal activity is a real problem." his comments come after six migrants were arrested and charged with retail theft on tuesday. in one instance, four of the migrants from venezuela allegedly entered a macy's and went to the tommy hilfiger section, entered a fitting room, and exited wearing merchandise. on the very same day, the same story, two mark migrants still more than $10,000 worth of merchandise using a magnet to remove the theft prevention device. now, residents -- not just the cops -- are flat out said up. >> so now you have these migrants flooding into cities all across the united states, in neighborhoods that are not equipped to handle them. there is no money to take care of the migrants, nor is there money to take care of the people that are there. so we have a mess on our hands. stu and obviously very passionate about this issue. and for the real kicker, get
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this -- a judge denied the state's motion to detain the initial four suspects pretrial. >> trace: deja vu all over again, kevin. thank you. which brings us to a new movie that tackles the immigration violence, the culture will to make war raging at the southern border. it's called "bad hombres." we should play a clip of it and get your take on it. watch. >> you're from ecuador, aren't you? yeah. i can tell. >> [speaking spanish] >> beautiful. be smart. you know i've got some crazy [bleep] in ecuador. i can make one phone call and they will tell me exactly where this picture was taken.
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give me a second. >> [speaking spanish] >> trace: the timing of the film is perfect, because immigration is the number one topic in both iowa and new hampshire. you can see we spent the whole first half of the show down at the border. in december, 302,000 encounters with illegal migrants coming across. >> it's actually coincidence. we shot the film a year and a half, and i grew up in southern california, so the border has always been an issue, but this is a film about two immigrants who are day laborers who get hired by woke psychopaths outside home depot. what is a simple job turns out to be the most difficult job of their lives. it's really one of those things where it's in the news. >> trace: the film is not just about highlighting the crisis at the southern border, it's a deeper look at what's going on in some of these lives coming across. >> ultimately it's a crime thriller, and it's a piece of cinema.
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but, again, growing up here and seeing the chaos, mayhem, bloodshed that's been going on at the border, the only thing we added was the entertainment. >> trace: when you add entertainment to something like this, is a pushback? have you gotten pushback from people who are curious about how and why you made this film and if there is some kind of an agenda you have going into this? >> i think people are addressing the fact that it's not didactic. it doesn't come at any sort of a preaching angle. again, i'm taking these characters' perspective. but because the psychopaths in the film happened to be woke, there are a few karen critics who have come out with their knives out. >> trace: you said is about people caught in a broken system, and i'm wondering, because the system we know is broken, but are you talking about the system broken from their home countries all the way to the border of the u.s.? or is it just the broken system of the u.s.? >> i would say there's a reason why the characters are there. the character in that clip you just showed of tyrese gibson,
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he's a character from ecuador. that's what that is about. but i don't delve into the political problems of ecuador. this is about a border town, and the cartel mayhem and bloodshed spilling across the border with the chaos it brings. >> trace: the movie is called "bad hombres." check it out. i'm told it's great. great to have you on. we appreciate it. >> opens today. >> trace: opens today, got it. ♪ ♪ first up, and tonight's viral videos, chimpanzees at the maryland zoo caught on camera going ape over snow, don't you know. they said it allows the animals to get outside and explore their snowy enclosure. and even enjoy a little snack. a celebration became an all-out brawl over a tiebreaking 2-run homer in the eighth inning at a venezuelan professional baseball game. final score, 12-10. the winners are now just a game away from winning the series entirely.
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>> keep the door closed! whoa! >> trace: huge waves crashing into a u.s. military base in the marshall islands causing significant damage to buildings including the outrigger bar and grill. one customer says he was enjoying a night out when the waves busted open the door. he saw some of his friends disappear. thankfully nobody was badly hurt. if you have a viral video to share, share it with us on social media. back to the big story that broke the internet today, the viral deepfake photos of taylor swift. let's bring in the culture club, fox news headlines 24/7 reporters eric messersmith and michelle paulino. thank you both for coming on. the widespread porn deepfakes, microsoft's of the following. that's the next one. she said, "generated
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taylor swift fake nude images. i don't think anyone would want an online world completely not safe for both content creators and content consumers. therefore i think it behooves us to move fast on this." the print is so small, i can't read the dang thing, but anyway, we just talked about this. what are you going to do? they want us to move fast, but what are we going to do? >> we are always behind technology with regulation. there's no question about that. but the legislation needs to be on the punishment end. you have to make sure there are such severe consequences that, if anyone is caught doing this, they are punished severely. on the technology end, the technology is there to do watermarks and things like that, but it's not ready right now from what i understand. >> trace: that's the whole thing, nobody has any answers. >> nobody has any answers. how do you find these people? that's the problem. we know taylor swift. she is one litigious and smart business woman.
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2017, she sued the guy, the d.j. that touched her, and then she took over her entire record collection. for the problem is, how are we going to find these people? that's the problem. >> trace: it really is the problem. and we still have hackers we can't track down from 15-20 years ago. can you bear he wants to redirect "the wizard of oz." actually, listen to him. watch. >> "the wizard of oz" for me, it happens. i'm from inglewood. from a girl who lives at the bottom, a part of inglewood, and it takes place there. >> apparently they land at sofi stadium and they go to the forum, i don't know what's happening in this thing. >> kenya barris is a really great filmmaker. >> trace: he is no john solberg, but yes. >> he's becoming a one note
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player. then i don't understand why he doesn't diversify his cast. he keeps using the same cast in everything he does. >> trace: . >> trace: whoopi goldberg says there's no snubs for the "barbie" people. watch. >> they are not snubs, and that's what i want to point out. that's what you have to keep in mind. not everybody gets a prize and it is subjective. the movies you love may not be loved by the people voting. >> trace: did margot robbie and greta gerwig get snubbed, or no? >> it's the oscars. we are making too big a deal of it. >> trace: i know, that's why we're here! >> for robbie especially, it's not sexism. five other women got nominated, you know what i mean? she didn't lose out to a man. and for the director, greta gerwig, there's ten best picture nominees so by definition five of the directors of the best picture nominees are not going to be nominated. she happened to be one of those five. >> trace: i think i've got like 15 seconds for you to weigh
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in on this, michelle. but it's one of those things where it's hard to say "there!" you have five other women going up. >> she was the main creative. it did yet best picture. best picture is pretty much the same as a best director nod. i'm sure she's happy. it's everybody else up in arms. >> trace: michelle, eric, thank you both. coming up, how would you like to stay at an all-inclusive five-star resort? except you are the only guest at the resort. sounds a little like "hotel california," right? we do enjoy having the place yourself, or find it kind of lonely, maybe even a little creepy? the nightcap crew will take that up next. ♪ ♪ i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”?
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baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> trace: we are back with the nightcap crew. kevin corke, jackie ibanez, bill melugin, wendy patrick, eric messersmith, and michelle paulino. tonight's topic, solo vacation. this couple found themselves entirely alone while on vacation. watch this. >> we had this whole entire resort to ourselves. at first it started as a joke, so i started recording on our first day and not seeing anybody but employees. but you can see, as the days progressed, it starts to freak
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us out. >> trace: so, jackie ibanez, would you enjoy an empty resort or be a little creeped out like that person? >> i would love it! i would worry about why it's empty, but if i was having a good time, yeah. that would be great. >> trace: you might come every day, every night, and every morning think, i'm freaked out that this place is empty. but here we go again. eric messersmith, the empty resort, you're all alone and you thinking this is weird. >> we went to a resort a few years ago and it was so packed that you had to come out at like 7:00 a.m. to set your towel on the chair, and everyone was out there at that time. at first i thought that would be great. but then i thought it's pretty creepy. i would think the staff is watching me and it was some sort of reality show or something. >> trace: yeah, it's kind of weird. michelle? >> it would creep me out. i'm sorry, i am a people person. i love going on vacation and meeting people. it is exciting to me.
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>> trace: my thing, kevin corke, it's an all-inclusive resort. if you are the only one there, do they still make you wear a wrist band connect i have to wear that damn wristband everywhere i go? on the only one here! speak of the things you think about! i've seen too many horror movies. i don't want to be the brother by himself, so nope. [laughter] stay one religion? >> it would creep me out for sure, that i would enjoy. i like things that are empty. airports, gyms, resorts. >> trace: i need someone to fly my airplane. i like someone up there watching. wendy? >> just for fun, i'll take the opposite perspective. we are thinking about "the shining," the creepy side of privacy, but what about the reality of a soft opening before people understand the resort is open? who hasn't found themselves in a resort like this all to yourself, plenty of staff members? so you not necessarily looking for night life, but signs of life. but enjoy the silence. >> trace: good for a
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restaurant opening and not for a resort. soft opening, my bottom. we asked x and instagram followers and here's the numbers. enjoyable, 45% yes. instagram, 36%. kathy says, the way the video is going when he asked who's paying for the wonderful things he filmed was when i think i would have gotten creeped out. linda, totally creeped out, too a larger property not to see life around me. my head would be on a swivel, especially at night. no thanks. if it were "gilligan's island," sherry, and have a great time. michael, what a dilemma. i get claustrophobic with a lot of people around, that no people just seems wrong. i don't think it would be very relaxing. and dan, no problem, i've done it before. i stayed on resort on south padre island for christmas and never saw another guest. thought it was thank you all foenr watching lon america's late news, "fox news @ night." i'm trace gallagher. i'll see you in washington, d.c. and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain!
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history in the making. so it goes. ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone. i'm dana perino alon


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