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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 26, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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history in the making. so it goes. ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone.
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judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., jesse watters, and greg gutfeld.e it's 5:00 in new york city. "re ♪ ♪ dramatic showdown over security at the southern border, reaching a breaking point.r right now, texas is telling the biden administration to come an take it.y is today is the deadline for the white house gave the deadline to governor greg abbott on allowing agents access to shelby park ins eagle pass so they can remove the razor wire there. r so far texas iazs refusing to lt the feds in and has a coalitionf of 25 governors on its side. the whole thing could not be headed back to court, and texas is confident it will win but the white house as a habit is l breaking the law by playings. games. >> w shye will not shy away frot calling out what we see has political games from the because it is not safe. communities. that'ss, a who he cares about, e people of texas. gov you've heard me say this over
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and over again, they are making it harder.maki he's making it harder for border patrol to do their jobs. they need access, and right now they don't hav, ane that. it's under the constitution of the united states that federalt, law is the supreme law of the land. media coverage of the governor supporting texas in the fight against the biden administration, the white house claims they know nothing aboutou it. >> does the president have any response to at least 25 republican governors signing aom joint statement? >> how many in that letter?>> 25 governors? i would say to them -- you said republican governors? >> y yes. >> dana: texasuten lieutenant g a visit to the disputed park in eagle pass and he says razor wire has been very effective at repelling migrants. >> the supreme court ruling s didn't say we had to take this down. t it said that they could cut it.o
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so they can cut it all theyy want. we are going to replacine it. park there were thousands and thousands of people crossing every day. thousands. i juedi just checked, no one's d today.we we've got it covered. mr. president, you say you want to secure the border? texas has secured it. leave it >> dana:cu and just breaking, border patrol releasing brand-new december border numbers. there ar ne over 300,000 migran encounters in december. that's the highest month ever recorded. we will talk about all o f this. t jesse, i imagine there's not t many federal government employees who want twho o go ant this razor wire. >> jesse: biden's border patrol agents say they're not t so everyone is aligned against joe biden except the. cartels. the biden administration set a deadline today. they said we are going to cut it down and you better lead us in i and texas said, no you're not. it looks like texas won mexican
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standoff. texas should continue to dooff. this. texas should lay down as much wire as they can and just dare the biden administration to come curatit it down. they should seize as many ofe li these little migration choke points along the border as possible, and just do the job the administration refuses totrt do. you know who is really excited about today's developments? the democrat mayors. because finally the border is i being secured and they don'tred have to deal with the aftermathe of all this. the biden administration has to why were you collaborating with th cole drug cartels? ask binder. binder, why are you facilitatinu human drug and sex trafficking into this country?ing why are you doing that? and she says we are not doing that, and you just say yes you are, hear, hear, and here, she's not going to be able to answer the question and they doing that in the middle of theare crime ,
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when wages are getting eaten up by inflation. and in thewa middl, whe of the homeless crisis they're doing it, and that's just crazy.ion. the border deal they're trying to blame on trump's garbage. they link this thing to the ukraine aid. so. so all of a sudden chuck is cutting this half measure with a bunch of moderate republicans,th and what does the housepp republican caucus do?ju this even though it doesn't build a wall or change asylum or do anything we need to do to secure thene border? b why should they go for that? they shouldn't. >> dana: they should not.i i can understand that point of view. judge?vi this could go back to thet courtsat, but at this point it does seem like texas has the administration really in a bind, because who wants to go watchme the federal governmentnt cutting down the razor t wire?caus because you know there'll be cameras there. >> judge jeanine: there's going be cameras, and they also want to open up shelby park.p which, as i understand it, is
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right off of i the river with wh the illegals congregate and the ngos come and get the kids. it's like a holding center where everyone gets picked up and sent around the country.g why do they need that park emptied out? jill biden has done what afore foreign saboteur who would do ie borders in this country. the whole thing begs the w question, are we a countryymor anymore? to be h have a border anymore? the answer is, if the federal government is not protecting the border, the states under articlo do that as long as they are not prevented from doing it by thego federal government. a sort under article 10, texas wi. if joe biden wants to continue to open this border, as jesse i've heard reports that the cartels actually have drones flying over our side of thean
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border so they can check where border patrol is then sent moree people in. we are not in charge of the border. the cartels are. jill biden has done everythinghe he possibly can to destroy thee borders in this country. and look who's coming in.s co they are mostly males, mostly middle-aged younger males, and if you think this is bad, whathh these numbers coming from december, 300,000, that doesn't include the got-aways we know about. how about th we got-aways we doh know about? and wait until this spring and e summer. if they are worried about donald trump being elected, they're going to surge like crazy, and every state that is a true border state should protece its borders the way texas is. >> dana: we should have gotten to the razor wire business. >> greg: i was just thinking that. it would have been a sharp move! and got a million of them.f i think it's a dangerous andange losing battle for biden. he's choosing people who aren't
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americans over americans. that is a disaster. he's choosing people who are unknown and unidentifiedn an ovr the only reason i can thinkth abouist this is because, whatevr trump did -- and he mentioned this, whether it's remain inr mexico or anything -- he has to do the opposite. he has essentially weaponize hin own trump derangement syndrome to encompass everybody including his state. so we are seeing this progression of persecution of large populations. under trump, used to targetvi duindividuals.s democratic leaders, celebritiest rosie o'donnell. but he chastises voters and a supporters. he smears millions of people. and now we are surprised that he is escalating it to an entire state? i don't think it's that big of and extension at this point. captain unity sure knows how to divide the country. his superpower's division.ow
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i do love how the media isepub blaming the republicans for not acting on the border with thisr border deal. first, you broke it, you pay for it. the adults will come and fix it and solve it, that you have to paouy a price for allowing this country to be compromised, deliberately compromised, over politics. in the border bill isn't a fix or a solution.utio it merely codifies the influx. they are allowing what, 1.5 million people in a year?ar that's basically saying, we fixed it, we are legalizing it. that is surrender pretending tot be a solution. in your face, harold! >> dana: yeah, harold!w how about your face? >> harold: i'm glad to be back. >> dana: start talking! >> harold: glad to able. be bacn the table. i would say ca couple things. our in-house newspaper, one of them, th asaliz "the wall street journal." they had a different perspective than some have taken. the editorial written by the editorial boards as a couple oa ofthings. one, politics forces people to
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come and do their jobs. mymy republican friends have be critical of democrats, rightly so, and i've been critical of democrats for not taking this issue moree mo seriously soonerr but whatever the motivation is for them to want to come to the table, i think it is imperative that the other side want to come, as well. oriv we all have to answer the question, if we are willing to wait because of politics for the prospect of another president -- in this instance, mr. trump beingct elected -- that's nineed months. if it was 300,000 people coming across the border in december, let's just run it down to 250,000. that's 2.5 million people that we would allow into the countryw between now and november. and that assumescoun that you dt wait until january to gen't a o deal. so you add another two months, you're talking about maybe upwards of 3 million more people who would be potential rapists,
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terrorists, murderers, drug traffickers, who ever it may be. we don't know the text of the bill yet. if it is weak, i -- >> judge jeanine: they want 5,000 a day.s that's 150,000 a month. 0 that's ridiculous. >> harold: that's.s not what they're saying. let's let the text of the bill>l come out and understand what they're talking about. >> judge jeanine: i understand. >> harold: you the only person who seen it outside of the grour negotiating it, and he would be in disagreement with all the people who say they've not seen it. >> judge jeanine: all of the sudden you're worried about the number of people coming in. what about the last three years? >> harold: i've been worried about it all along. >> judge jeanine: how about joe biden enforcing the law? why do: ho we need to deal? why can't he enforce the law? >> harold: we are enforcing the law. >> judge jeanine: no, he. isn't. >> harold: if we have ro: a dea, we'll be able to curtail the number of people coming acrossao the border, the number of terrorists and murderers and pir
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rapists. >> judge jeanine: what are you talking about? we don't have their rap sheetsy' from their countries. besides i disagree with it anddi you're my friend. u'reif you want to wait until tn electionit, i hope we don't. i hope democrats and the president is willing to say to t those liberals who don't want asylum reform, or a wall, you have to have one.rm as he says to republicans, we hare going to do immigration reform people have been here longdiff period of time and raise their kids here to become citizens. we have a problem, though wee have an opportunity and i hope they takwe he it. >> greg: can i address the first thing you said? the thing that bugs me that he pointed out, it is politics bringing the compromisers to the table, and so it's not our fault to be suspicious that, once they icget the win, they are just gog to go back to the way they are.h the only reason they're coming to the table is because an
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election is coming. >> harold: i agree. >> greg: so there's no way you can trust those people, because then they going to retreat. you'll find out what's in the bill is actually going to be codified illegal immigration. >> harold: but this has happened in 235 years,ion. compromise. if they break the law, i'll beei the first to say -- >> judge jeanine: but they arery breaking the law now! >> harold: the asylum process allows a lot owsf this. that's what has to be changed. >> judge jeanine: you think 3 million people are deserving of asylum? >> harold: of course not. that's why they had to reform the process. >> judge jeanine: so they can process more. >> harold: who is "they?"? the republicans? >> dana:ro: all right... >> judge jeanine: greg abbott ought to send them to the swing states. >> dana: when they get the text of that bill, i will host t drinks party and we can read itc anall together allowed as a dramatic interpretation. >> harold: can't wait. >> dana: will filmait it for yp gavin newsom trying to breathe new life into biden's campaign, but is he just n in it for h
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himself? ♪ ♪ progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: the empty suit has found an empty p campaign. gavin newsom taking the reins o ththe aimless biden reelection effort and stumping for joe intt south carolina this week.endi we aren't surprised he's lendino a helping hand. joe biden needs all the help hee can get. the poor man can't c even put oa hat correctly. the big guy was spotted wearing
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a hard hat backwards, and nobody can understand what the heck hek is saying anymore in his stump speeches. >> by the way, these to make beer brewed here. it is used to make -- her[mumbling] >> judge jeanine: newsom's hijacking of the campaign in south carolina is throlie latest example of his shadow campaign fo prer president. whether it happensethe in 2024 2028, newsomne is hell-bent on becoming the leader of thecrat democrats, and friendly media outlets are more than happy to let him test out his s,>> we keep crushing it. look a at all the elections youe won, democrats. you keep winning, you keep outperforming. itit's extraordinary. pat yourselves e on the back. our message is working. our values are universal values. our policies, republicansbl
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begrudgingly celebrate and accept. i heard inic the state of the state last night, he talkedight about his new investments in his state. really? mr. governor, tried to opposeopo that? they can even help themselves. >> judge jeanine: harold, you can't deny this guy is like a moth to light. whenever there's -- there's something to b e said, whetherde it's aboutn joe biden or himse, ultimately. he is there. is h>>e running?an >> harold: he's a politician. i loved our discussion last segment.over govern and use them in a lot of ways is doing exactly what governor bergen and senator scott and vivek ramaswamy have done and i think you're doing very effectively on behalf of president trump. they are out campaigning and laying out why president trumpt should bwhe elected, and a set f ideas and principles. now governor newsom is doing thr same thing. i don'oingt quite get the probl with someone being a surrogateuo
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for somebody. if you don't like what they'reat saying where you think it's not necessarily true, that's one thing. y judging him by -- i admire newsom for a couple reasons. new one, like some democrats who won't come on our network, and i don't understand why, he does. d he's willing to come on and doe debate people including sitting governors around the country. you have to give him some credit fo hr that, whetheimr you agree him or not, and i do. i hope he stays on the trail. k i think he can oftentimes be more effective thanpr president biden is touting his owesn record. >> given the we heard from wisconsin, the fact that he puts a hard hat on backwards, do you to get better with time? >> dana: that the new style. >> judge jeanine: i didn't know. >>k c cool, ifoo you wear your hat backwards. i thinrds on tk gavin newsom ise "break glass in case of emergency" candidate and he's filling a void that kamala harris can fill for the
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democrats.'t if she were the heir appart joe biden, then kamala harris would be giving the interview and she would be wou out front everywhere. she is unable to do that, and some democrats, i get it, don't at me. in fact, jessica tarlov, i think it was on "newsroom," admitted in a discussion that, if gretchen whitmer had been the vice candidate instead of probably wouldn't be running for reelection right now. i think gavin newsom is positioning himself because he knows the party neede,s him, li. let me step up and show them how it's done. he's out of office in 2026, that gives them a couple of years for 2028. foe candidate thist time around, he's positioning himself to be the leader of the party, and the primary for both sides is likely not to begin in 2026. it begins the day after the election in 2024.'l
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so i think you'll probably be seeing him more. >> judge jeanine: j jesse, what about the fact that you got kamala harris andn gavin newsomnews filling in, as dana certainly makes a lot of sense. he's filling in for her.t' let's s assume that, for someru n.reason, see seven doesn't run, the gibberish keeps going and he keeps having problems. who then is the presidential candidate? >> jesse: 's got to be newsom. he's not a surrogate, he's a sur backup you know what happens when he plays well? you have a quarterback controversy. you look around and you are like, wow, and you look at the starting quarterback and you think maybe the old fella shoulc stick on the ne>> greg: what about michelle? have you see abon her arms? >> jesse: she's been workingt. out. i'm not going to go there.go >> judge jeanine: good keep look at me, jesse.oo >> jesse: i can't. i want to say it but i can't. he's campaigning really well,
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doing multiple stops, cable tv interviews, something joe biden is incapable o f doing. he is spewing jabberwocky. he's getting heckled when he'shs playing an away game. he's mumbling and getting lost on stage, it's an absolute catastrophe. and si think when you contrast together, i don't think it helps joe biden. you just looking at ar- 56-year-old that knowsol what an means, who could maybe manage two proxd y wars instead of mismanaging the world. i don'd.t know, i think he'sgr having aea great opportunity too around all these primary statesn and meetd donors, understand tu contours of the electorate in these primary states, makingma connections, he might be seasoned in four years. >> judge jeanine: and you know what, greg, the women are swooning over that greasy hair. they love him. >> greg: he's like flypaper. you see him and you get stuck to i wouldn't no, though. "it," that the democrats are killing it. he talking about women's rightsa
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lkis he talking about the borde? is he talking aboubot the ameri dream? is he talking about freedom of speech or the future of cities? you crushing it. are what are you crushing it exactly?yo you are crushing our lives. this is a thing that has to be brought up. when he's out and around, what'o happening to his state? he's on the campaign trail, .californians are actually livig on trails.ra >> jesse: inil caves. >> greg: in caves, too. a in-n-outnd. this is a big deal. in-n-out never closed the store ever. it wasn't because they werere doing poorly, they were doing amazing. people can afford in and out but not the french laundry,o so i it's not as much of a big deal offor him even though his family loves it, but you get the impression that, witht wicalifornia, it is gavin's word and they're just livin g in it. if he ever becomes president,pr how soones would he be tired of that job? >> jesse: do you get tired of
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being president? >> greg: you do. that's why i don't run for. >> judge jeanine: then what do you do? >> greg: you go to the wes andco you control the world. >> harold: tom brady came inen and started as a backup. >> jesse: are you comparing newsom to tom brady? how dare you, harold?ring >> ha>> harold: the football stf you said earlier. >> judge jeanine: up next -- are you done? >> yes, ma'am. >> judge jeanine: a soft on crime laws are now putting taylor swift in danger. ♪ ♪ slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time.
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- and the perfect snow angel. - [girl] when you call the special number to give your monthly gift, you're creating opportunities for kids like me. - with your gift of just $19 a month, we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of the hearts you're warming this winter. when you go to on your phone, tablet or computer to send your monthly gift, you're sending your love to the rescue. - your gift makes winter fun possible for everyone. - thank you for giving. - thank you for helping kids get to be kids this winter. - [alec] please call or go online right now. if operators are busy, please hold patiently or go to right away to give. big or small, your gift helps us all.
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♪ ♪k >> jesse: america's biggest pop star -- not me -- now falling victim to insane liberal bail laws. taylor swift's lates bart t alld stalker is back behinds in bars after getting arrested three times in five days. he had a wild week of swiftne
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stocking here in new york city.a it all began saturday afternoon where heafte got busted trying o enter taylor's residence. by monday, back on the streets. and he returned to swift's place, cops charged him with and harassment and stalking, and he was in court on wednesday to face those charges. but, 10 minutes after he walked out, he was spotted dumpster diving nea spor her house and arrested again. but he says it is all just one big misunderstanding. >> why are you stocking taylor? >> i'm not. i'm grabbing my pants i threw in the dumpster. >> jesse: [laughs] it took his third arrest for a judge to say no more taylordg taunting for you, and revoke his bail. all right, judge.'t it doesn't seem like stocking is considered that big a deal if it takes three arrests to finally revoke bail. >> judge jeanine: yo revu forge, this is new york city. nothing is really all that serious. we've got wea d.a. who barely prosecutes crime, we got bailil laws that, you commit a violent
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crime, don't worry about it, we wocan interfere with his schedue next month. can yo u make it back?ne xti feel terrible about this. this guy had bench warrants from 2017. he had cases from 2023. he had three and three days, i think it was saturday, monday, and wednesday. and the only reason he's in jaih is because they arrested him ont eda contempt of court.t. when you violate a court order, the court gets their back up and says, we are going to keep you y in jail by the way, didn't know this guy isd a law student from seattle? i mean, give me a break. what are they teaching in seattle, if anything? but that's beside the point. >> jesse: his shirt says "love s doesn't just sit there." spewing well, for him, loveun violates and stocks anfod unfortunately many women are killed in spite of the fact that those cases -- something like 20% of the women against -- for
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whombe there have been stocking charges are murdered.e 75% of the women murdered in a relationship are murdered onceeh they say "i'm leaving." so the laws don't protectt people. you almost have to commit thpee crime to get the police to make an arrest or keepolip you in ja' she's smart, she's lucky, sheha has the resources.sour most new yorkers don't. >> jesse: dana? >> dana: i don't have too much more thto say because i was goig to make a lot of those points about the women who don't have protection from executiveur security or perhaps undercover fbi. they could be on the lookout for i remember on "newsroom" wom interviewing a woman from chicago who's stuck hechicrw ex-husband somehow got out of jail. it was a baias a bail situatione murdered her child.ild. and then tried to murder her. he didn't succeed, but she liveo with all this agony and she ran for congress. i really admire her.he back to taylor swift, she's
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taken on some sites for people on their behalf in the past, and but on the streaming issue, wher the songwriters and the singers weren't getting paid what theysg were due, she fought for them. i know she doesn't want this fight, but it is possible that, if they figure out some sort ofe legal way to make a differencen she could really help a lot of other peoplece. >> maybe she can help the people of texas andbe s do something at the i'm not even making a sarcastic comment. i think that would be a smarert idea for her to use her power to help us secure the country. erdo you agree?r >> harold: i agree with everything that's been said. i would even add on, jesse, you don't want to piss off the swiftie community. we've been unable to persuade the legislature in pennsylvania and new york to change these cashless bail laws. maybe if the n swifties get behd that. not only forhind her, but every person. crime in
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rait might make a bigger impact. >> jesse: could put swift to ussee for the good of the count. >> greg: you are so thoughtful, jesse. in this day and age, it seems like a stocker or suspect holds all the cards. even if they get busted. because you are still alive. it's like, most people can't do anything until you are actually harmed. it's a bizarre thing. in this day and age, if you are exposed -- this is primarilymari women. there's a lot of crazy people out there, working in thisness business. i know tens of women who go through this problem all theme time.e even sommee men, unfortunately. i was stocked for years by ay ga young woman and i finally givets up, now she sits to my right on "the five." [laughter] what could i do? >> jesse: don't touch him.
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>> dana: no worries. >> jesse: "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome back. time for "the fastest." first up, elvis may have leftt the building, but not for the actor who played him. ♪ ♪ [laughter] >> harold: austin butler said he had to hire a dialect coach to help him dig his elvis exit h before shooting a new tv perfecting the king of rock 'n' roll 'signature drawl for the movie. whatju do you think?t should have hired a coach? did you like himsh as all this? >> i liked him as elvis, but i guess it's called method acting where they get so into theet s character that they think they
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arracte that character. overboard with it. but it's kind of like james gandolfini.f if you bumped into himli, he wod think he was tony soprano. they kind of carry it with themi i don't know, if he didn't like that, then get a coach. >> greg: fake news. h this did not happen.r. this is a p.r.-created story so you cover the new thing. come on, people. >> dana: i think it's basically a way for hollywood to spend money.holl your agent has to spend money ot something. i think a dialecy ont coach fore people it makeecs sense. if they asked me to do an australian accent fo tr movie, u our next skit on "the five," i probably need a coach. >> greg: trump 12, when you leave "the five," are you obnoxious at home as you are here? >> jesse: i'e,m trying to kick masterly and accent. i'm with greg, i think it's a leak from his camp to make sure he looks like such a good method actor, it took another coach toc toget him away from that characr
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he was playing. he's just so good. >> harold: he was good at elvis. hjessica biel sparking a huge debate over eating in the shower. >> i really want rea to start a movement, a shower-eating movement. a ledge is really helpful. the only tricky thing is, whenrc you're chewing, you've got to keep your mouth >> judge jeanine: to t me this is fake news. >> harold: do you eat in the shower? anywhere other than th e table? eat i sit next to you. >> judge jeanine: i don't. that's enough! jes >> harold: jesse, do you eat in the shower? do >> jesse: i think sometimes women try to be unattractive for strategic reasons. i think justin timberlake is so obsessed with her, every time she hops in the shower heob probably wants to hop in, too, so she has to eat a hoagie in there so he doesn't come in. you want to hear my othern'
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theory?t have she doesn't have enough time to o raise her children because they're so crazy, the only time she gets time to eat is in the. shower. >> harold: that's a theory.a >> jesse: you want to hear my tother theory?othe her career has gone so downhill, as greg said, she has to saye fo something provocative for us to cover her. >> dana: iit.>> don't think the viral videos are good for thele celebrity women. who am i to talk? i don't really know. reese witherspoon had won the other day about making snow chocolate -- hot chocolate.we that was cute. that was funny, kind of c interesting. this, i think she was just trying to get attention. >> greg: to be fair, i do bathe in the dining room with a bucket and a big sponge, and i j just splashed all over me. me. you know what she's really telling you? that she pees in the shower. when you're in a hotel shower
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and is not your shower -- >> jesse: it actually retards your -- >> greg: you can't say that! >> jesse: i'm saying it in a medical way! it retards your ability to use your urinary tract and it destroys your muscles and -- >> dana: it's called your pelvic floor. >> judge jeanine: oh, my god. >> greg: what i'm saying is i know you shower! >> harold: finally, the new california bill trying to getting 10 miles over the speed limit with the new device called speed governors. if it passes, every car or truck sold in the state in 2027 would need one of these bad boys installed. judge, what do you think about this device? is baloney. it doesn't mean crap. i nobody's going to arrest you for it and no one will buy that car. what did you say? >> dana: i said, of course you do. >> harold: jesse, what areif m your thoughts? >> jesse: my wife is going in
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labor an sd she's in the passenr seat and i floor it, you saying this thing is just going to seize up on me and i can't make it to the emergency room?ud i'm going to have to deliver the baby.r] hike! >> harold: o>>n that note, dana, do you have a -- >> dana: i'm up for this, the nanny state.rk w i know this one driver inppoi new york is going to beha disappointed if this happens to pphim. you know the one. >> greg: oh, yeah. this can't work in new york orh california, because if you're going 0, essentially -- >> harold: you cano go any higher than zero. >> greg: it wouldn't work fok fr us. 'm ai hate this. i>> harold: i'm against it, too. nex don't go anywhere. fan mail frida y is up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: [laughs] fan mail friday! first question -- this is a good one, because i can answer this one. "were you in any contests and won?" couple of contests. >> dana: i won -- i was on thesp speech team contest. that's a contest. .i won.
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>> greg: good for tournament in colorado in high school in the national tournament when i was a freshman in collegee na.wa s >> greg: you go, girl. jesse, did you ever win anything? contests. >> jesse: i won win, anya tennis racket in a raffle at the club when i was 11. i still remember it. i'm so unlucky, and ever win ann of those lotto things. that's the only time i ever lucked out. >> greg: i won a carpet at macy's. harold? >> harold: speech and talent. we finished last but we lobbied to finish first. >> dana: did you do the bird? >> harold: we did the bird and jungle love.>> >> greg: judge? >> judge jeanine: i beat jimmy failla at coney island ato some high school, i won the singer sewing contest. i used to make my own clothes and it was statewide for teenagers and i won.s. >> jesse: they made you make
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your own clothes back then? ba>> judge jeanine: i wore a uniform. a pattern.a definitely. i used to love clothes as a kid. > harold: used to? [laughter] >> greg: you want to hear a h weird -- i won a bench pressea contest in 1990 in emmaus pennsylvania at a fire hall. half your own weight for the most reps, and i won. : you are thin back g then? >> greg: yesreg:.i thatwa was at the emmaus fireen department on main street. i wonder if anybody is still alive. all right, what is your favorite thing you've bought yourself recently, judge? >> dana: i know. >> judge jeanine: okay, i'll tell you what it was. i bought the greatest wallpaper' for my den.r >> greg:my that's fun. >> dana: color? >> judge jeanine: it's like a leaves and grass and a lot of calories. >> greg: wallpaper. >>speaking of wallpaper, what
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about you, harold? [laughter] >> harold: i spring to mind whenever you think about wallpaper. ?i don't know.ou i bought myself a new rain jacket. it'sg fo exciting for me. it's not -- at the jacket i can wear with my jeans, and its light. anyway, i like the jacket.g: w >> greg: what about you? >> jesse: i bought arove range rover. for jesse jr.? it's a little toy car and her. plays with it all the time. >> greg: is it an ev? you are thinking about an ev range rover. >> jesse: i don't know if i could pull it off. >> greg: dana? >> dana: i got an almond milk steamer and frother. >> judge jeanine: that's great. >> dana: i love it! >> jesse: you barista! >> dana: it does it for me. >> jesse>>: let me know when you got that. >> dana: amazon. >> greg: i got this new piercing.
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[laughter]ext? "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ tter with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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great. >> go to deal dexcom right now and see how much you can save. >> it's time now for one more thing. jesse. >> we've got a feeding frenzy situation. it is a situation right now, but time eats it up. so everyone's talking about shrinkflation because of biden nomics, mccarthy said, forget about that. we're going to double the big mac. this is a double big mac for burger patties. >> we got the big mac sauce and no one knows what's in it. it's a mystery. pickles, lettuce, onions, american cheese. dana wanted to know how many calories it has, but i don't care. >> going in with you on this easy. >> is it cold? it's warmer than that. drinking water is prime time. it's good. the american couples. wow. that sounds like a riveting. yeah.
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boy, you're really dig into that. but sarah. okay, here's mine. we have delicious big macs. imagine having an entire resort to yourself. so that actually happened to one couple. they found out what it's like when their dream vacation took a very weird turn. >> they arrived at the resort in los cabos, excuse me, in mexico to find they were the only guests there. they went from laughing at the situation and feeling a little unsettled. sounds like a once in a lifetime experience. >> great. would you like that? they didn't make any vacation. best friends, the people you're going to promise to stay in touch with. >> i mean, you never think about them again. exactly. just like los cabos is spanish for the cabs. los cabos. los cabos. i don't know why i'm having a hard time talking. >> it must be fine. gutfeld you're nice tonight. oh, we have a show for you. we got dagen mcdowell, kat timpf, julie banderas and underpants guy. yeah, doug here is a great in these days are great. uh, yeah.
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>> we live in contentious times. people can't get along together . it's really bothering me. that's why it's really special when you see two different species getting along together, like this pet bird and dog. look at them having a great time playing. one could easily crush the other and eat it in its in its strong jaws, but instead they play an adorable game of tag with the golden retrievers. >> name is jasper and the parakeets name is mars. >> this occurred in california . >> these are facts that mean nothing to me. this is what gavin newsom is doing to california. this is herbert. all right, judge, you're next. okay. it's not necessarily that type of house call that police officers make, but one illinois officer took it upon himself to complete a food delivery order after the doordash driver was arrested before it was dropped off. >> take a look at this. great. wow. that you got arrested. but we want to make sure you get it so you get some.
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>> good night. you guys are amazing. thank you. so nice. so, so nice. >> harold ford jr. a breakthrough gene treatment has allowed six deaf children to hear for the first time. kids like billy, they got treated there. >> their treatment into the kids were born with this gene mutation that led to their hearing loss. they got this injection, a version of this gene that countered the mutation. 26 weeks after receiving the injection, the children's hearing levels increase up to 70%, which all you see in the video is an 11-year-old. he was the first child to receive the treatment in a u.s. children's hospital, philadelphia chop and heard for the first time this week. congratulations. >> got to go, lions. this weekend. first thing they said is get let's get out of philadelphia. should they get anywhere? and they also probably said, go, lions, right? >> tyrus told me to pickan the lions at the beginning of the year. i think. i hope. anyway, that's it for us. have a great night, everyone. wellsse wattkes it fhere, welco. >> prime time tonight.


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