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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 26, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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you guys are amazing. thank you. so nice. so, so nice. >> harold ford jr. a breakthrough gene treatment has allowed six deaf children to hear for the first time. kids like billy, they got treated there. >> their treatment into the kids were born with this gene mutation that led to their hearing loss. they got this injection, a version of this gene that countered the mutation. 26 weeks after receiving the injection, the children's hearing levels increase up to 70%, which all you see in the video is an 11-year-old. he was the first child to receive the treatment in a u.s. children's hospital, philadelphia chop and heard for the first time this week. congratulations. >> got to go, lions. this weekend. first thing they said is get let's get out of philadelphia. should they get anywhere? and they also probably said, go, lions, right? >> tyrus told me to pickan the lions at the beginning of the year. i think. i hope. anyway, that's it for us. have a great night, everyone. wellsse wattkes it fhere, welco. >> prime time tonight.
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you've got donald trump saying let federal flood across mpthe border and kill americans. >> democrats, the border and a little hocus pocusus. this is the embankment where those caves have been dug out easilywher been big enough to . >> the solution to the homelessj crisises are caves. >> my husband is at work making a paycheck. my co-parent is at the daycare center where their kid and i'm about to have a nice cup of coffee and go worthe dawith y novel. do we need a fourth person involved here? american couples get are everywhere. what you need to know. >> plus. >> welcome to a special edition of jesse waters, prime time. every great nation has had thi s in common. >> great walls. the athenians had the most beautiful metropolis in the world. worl for enemies, though, since
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athens was perched on the coast. it was a wal coast.l that madee th the city impenetrable during their war with sparta. >> the byzantines fortified their city with walls that towered over 40 feet tall.f for over a millennium, itorr prevented enemy armies from penetrating the most famous wall. the great wall of china.wall o >> for decades,f f china.wall o american politicians trave have traveled to china and marveled at its 13,000 mile long barrier. >> since america'se long foundi both parties have protected our border. it is commonies have protect se >> everyone inside of america, republican or democrat, requires protection. >> we are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nationimmigr of is it is wrong and ultimately of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigratioants to n laws we havr in recent years. and we must doecen more to stopy >> we simply cannot allow people to pour into the united
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states undetected. undocumented. unchecked. n be in where a position where they can't control the border t. ats no since democrats know great nations control their bordereat they must not want america to be great. they're literall y running against a man whose motto is make america great again. so in opposition, 8 million illegals pour into the countryis in just three years. >> ellis island process, 12 millions. immigrants in six 6 years. >> that's 200,000 a year. >> biden is importing 300,000 a month. >> if biden gets reelected, his presidency will have opened the dooresidencys to more forein than ellis island. ellis island documentederyone everyone who came in in an organized system. todan iny, illegals are running in their landing on the shoresug of california, running up u the beaches like it's d-day. s - biden wouldn't let djokovicda
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enter the country and pla in the us open because he wasn't vaxxed. >> but let' millions of unskilled en vax foreigners walk right in. djbiden would let them be ball boys at the u.s. open, but not for the greatest tennis player of all time. >> on border security, ears s democrats have spent three years saying nothing and doing evenay less. >> breaking in is never been easier. wen must fashion don't care for and entertainment that seat not a casino safe and so much of my specialty if we aren't able to keep getting sick if we're not special boy, we'll do it again with just our low level casino loyalty. >> i think there's separate, but they're going to start working. this is the folklore facility put into a corona monitor, to br the reporting of killings in theea us. >> but it's an election year, so democrats want you to forget
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that they made an open table app for illegals to make reservations to break into the country, forget about how they blew holes in the border wall for antelopes and forget kmigran of 85,000 migrant children. the democratic party is now transitionint g. the democrats now identify as border hawke demos. ch chuck schumer is writing a border security bill in secret. no one's seen it.e but if we know chuck schumer, it's amnesty. no wall, no deportations. it codifies current migrant flows. why would republicans be chumps and go for a weak bill when the dictator can fix it on day one? >> they don't want to solve this problem. they want to use i it on dne?t e political purposes. i think it is a disgrace what th republican party is doing, what donald trump is doing, and this is hidden in plain sight. dona doinghe sent out a tweet or some tweet, whatever, sayingt or kill it. and these guys are so weak. how bad is this technically weak? >> this republican party? so because trump and republicans aren't voting for chuck schumer'esse: bes sham am, the media says they have
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blood on their hands. heir you've got donald trump saying, let's not flood across the border and kill americans over the next year. do p flooding over the border. let's not have a solution. i mean, this this whole donald trump idea that keeping the border open is a winner for republicans strikes a wall "t americans ishe just, you know, just crazy to trump cut illegalr immigration in half in four years. >> but biden walks intat in fou and hacks his policies up with executiveup orders on day one and sets all time record highs for border one,-tims, fentanyl, death, sex trafficking and cartel, revenuanyl debe. and now you're telling me that's the guy that's going to fix iguide is gt? has o.j. found the killers yet?a i mean, comes o.j. on, harris broke the immigration system o. stem, what republicans to sign off on, leaving it brokewas to sign call it a solution and then get credit for it. ystem
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>> our immigration systemis is broken and it needs to be fixed. we have right no. w a proposal w for $14 billion so that we can put more resources to address this very situation. and we hope and are really trying to compel in particular, some of the republicans in congress to participateicip in the solution. but sadlate y, you know, we want to fix it. they want to run on it. they want they want a political issue to run on in november. >> republicans are participating in the pa by putting up razor up you're cutting it down. kamala wir. >> the supreme court ruling didn't say we had to take this down. it just said they could cut it. so sai they can cut it all they want.they can cut it all they we're goinyg to replace it. this is working and this park,
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there were thousands and thousands of people th day. thousands. i just checked. no one's cross today. we. today got it covered. mr. president. mr've got . president, you say t to secure the border. texas has secured it secure . >> leave it alone. the texas governor is mobilizingor the national guard to do the job. joe biden and kamala harris refuse to do. ging and now the media is begging the white house to stop republicans from securing the border. >> listen. at what poinfrom sect does the president step in and say, enough of that? these are american soldiers. i am federalizf e the nationalar guard and ordering them to let the border patrol do their jobs because they took an oath to the constitution. and i amth their commanderoe in chief. when does that when does it note become enough? they just not going to get intoi speculatio'm jn on any actions the president's going to take at this time. and i'm going to reiterateat tht i'm going to reiterate is these republican governors actually cared.
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first of all, why is the mediami begging to keep the border opean when they know it's killing biden's reelection chances? kisecond of all, binder isn't going to get into speculations ,speculations. intothird of all is thesed of republican governors, esed of actually cared is now i know why binder"i keeps hanging arous the white house. hang she's the only one who maks biden appear articulate who maks and most republicans do care. >> they passed the house bill las.t year to secure the border. >> schumer ignored it. they've beener flying and bussig illegals to sanctuary cities just to wake you u to sancp. now, ten red states are sending ten the national guard to texared s but for all the white house's tough talk today, biden blinked . >> he gave texas a deadline friday to let border patro gaveh into the choke point that texas in commandeered to cut down the razor wiree hadcommande. bu >> but biden's border patrol wasn't let in and nobit a single
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razor wire was cut down. c razor wireuts growing like a wed on the border thanks to abbott's guys. >> but nobody fs with the biden. so today the white house just threw a wrench into the texas economy. texas is america's threw a largt natural gas exporter and our european allies are begging for gas since they're off the russian pipelines. >> s are theo instead of boostig american energy and jobs and saving our allieergy ands fm the russians, petty joe biden was peeved that abbott and blocked a major natural gas export plan in the gulr f. ls all that over just a little razor wire. democrats love razor wire when it protects them. >> democrats draped razor wire de months, democrats were throwing up cap razor wire like christmas tinsel. keep out you smelly deplorable s . did the razor wire around the capitol make it harder for the capitol police officers to do their job? >> i don't think stol poo.
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protecting democrats from americans. . razor wire. >> protecting americans from s. cut the razor wire. so when we get pricked. s th yeah, this is the partypa of border security. oh, and norty of w they're the partyaw of law and order to listen. eric swalwell saw a carjackingvn video on his instagram feed and now wants soros prosecutorgs fired, he says. we practice going out through the back seat to get our kids out of the car if we get carjacked. this is not normal. >> soft on violent crime. prosecutors are letting tosoft o many dangerous people threaten our kids. >> swap house party. defunded the police. elected soft on crime. prosecutors and installed no cash bail. hes not the brightest. he slept with a chinese spy and thought the coronavirus came fro witm a pangolin. >> democrats will say anything in an election year, but always remember after the electio nthe el they'll do absolutely nothing. >>ec world strat president jim
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hansen joins me now. >> so, jim, what's actually happening down in texas? s?the greatest thingfedera about federalism is the states get to doli get to the rt thing if the federal government won't. now, nobody knowrnment won't.s s plays out when it gets supreme court id, but what it's played out in the court of public opinion is as one side wants to protect people from the illega side l alien invasion and the other wants to continue its open borders policy and doesn't care about all the damage that does. i think that's something that's a winner for our side. and does anybody really think in an election year biden's going to roll tanktion yeas on the texas national guard? >> i hope he does. i meannati, either way, his base is going to get angry. i meaning to, if he rolls tanksg there, the press is going to have his head. h and if he starts cutting down razor wire, the whole country is going to vote him out of office. so, i mean, he's reall office.
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y put in a tough spot here. i don't know what he does. i he's trying to getking t back in texas by blocking t >> i mean, this guy is ath real nasty guy. >> that's one thing we've seenwe about him all along. is h've will use any piece of power to maintain the powered of the dems have aggregated for themselves. >> i think the nice thing here o was first governor abbott stood up and then the rest of the republican governors stood up and got his back. pand got that to me was a very g moment. it said, we're not goingit to just allow the president of the united states to abdicatow the pe his authoriy and the oath he took to protect and let our citizens be puconst in jeopardy because he wants a new voter base. he's going to have loved seeing that if trump gets reelected and he startth s locking down the border, do you think all of these republican governors are going to run the other way? >> and it's always like when you need them, they're never
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there. >> but if it's posturing, then, the,. well, the funny thing is, if you want a border policygs the that worked for all the things the democrats now seem to be highly in favo r of. >> there was one in 20 182019 and 2019, and it worked perfectly. >> they don', t actually want one. they want the appearance of one that still keeps the borders open. open. far would still allow 5000 illegals a day to just run through. >> that's their that's their cut down, whics there h i2 million a year. and they don't want it. they want to project their lackn of interest in this and pretend it's the republicans tend who de want it. >> and i think people are a little too smart for that. yeah too sma that., 2 million it a solution. . we're not going for that any more. and have a great weekend. behave yourself in that radica t castle. it looks like you're built for yourself down there. not a chance. foown thall right. >> well, joe biden has a gavin "w
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,their package in their feet go mando and smell better naked from head to toe. >> a shocking ruling today in new york. a jury ordered former president trump to pay writer e. jean carrola juryl $83.3 miln for defaming her. >> alexis macadams is here with the details. what happene witd? me well, it was a huge number, right? bigger than some people might have expected. but in that trial today, carolr stein was basically saying trump thinksks he's above the lr here in this huge number of $83a million is meant to show that he's not. so just a short time ago. earlier tonigh st, a smiling e. jean carroll walking right out of that courthouse in new york citytonight, afterwa the author was awarded almost $100 million. this case centers aroundor com defamation for commentmes trump made back in 2019 when 201 he was president of the united9h
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states. the jury of nine people today deciding that trump acted maliciouslding thay with motiva. to injure carol. the jury only took about 3 hours to come out with this verdict today. and it was a tense daynd in cout . >> how tense? well, at one point, trump walked right out of the courtroone point m, ignoring carol's lawyer's closing remarks as they said, it's time for time to make the former president pay for his actions. s, as th trump's team fired back in court all day, telling the jury that this casek in has more hols in it than swiss cheese. again, saying that trump never rroll bu intended to hurt carol, but says trump should have to pay and should not rather have to pay for other people's comments on social media. so during the triaents ol, olena haber, who is trump's lawyer, was in hot water. she got in trouble a few times, the judge telling her that he was going to put her in lock up if she went off course there and wanted her to stay professional. so trump tood wantedk to socialt long after he walked out. and that verdict posted saying this absolutely ridiculous. i fully disagree with both verdicts and will be appealing this whole biden directed witchhungtht focused on me and e
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republican party. our legal system is outg us political weapon. they've taken awaypolitica all . amendment rights. >> this is not america. and how this says this whole sg, jesse, is a . >> watch.awyer sg, jesse, is a . we will immediatelh. y appeal. we will save that ridiculous jury. and i just want to remind you of one thing. i will continue with president trump to fight for everybody'sii first amendment right to speak. why? because president trumpeak.pow e is leading in the polls. in new york. >> >> so, carol, when a civil lawsuit against trump last year, the jury ruled in that case that trump is liable for sexual abuse and said trump dida defame her. so the question that many people have tonight better how is how did the jury end up with $83 million, that big number? so it's broken dow$83 mibig numo two types of damages. you can see it there. carol's team was awarded 18 million for that first category, which stemmed from statements trump made back in 2019. carol said those damaged her reputation and caused her mental anguish. so the second is for punitive damages.
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this is the big money right here. $65 million there. and that was aimed at punishing trump, accordingas to the judge and the lawyers there, to stop him from doing it again. him fgain in addition to this case,, it's not over yet. trump has four criminal cases not e expecting a decision in the new york ag civil fraud case that could stop him from ever doing business in new york city. ing the that cobut i think $83s surprising to people at home, bu watching because we heard about 10 million, 12 million, 12 million. and then you're 83 with alexis. so he said, she's not my typetya and that's $83 million. >> they want him to just not they said it's done, that he already paid her 5 millionsexuay and said what he did was wrong, that it sexually abused her. so they don't wantso they to t. anymore. so they said we got to hit him where it hurts. even though he's a billionaire, they wan it himt him to pay off. >> that's unbelievable. all right. thank you so much,ank you h, al. >> well, this is the time should start kicking into high gear. >> campaign stops, th gearvview, interviews, retail politics. >> but biden's schedule empty today. actin
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>> he's not acting like the guy whose approvals at 33% and he'sm four points behind trump in the real clear politics average. the realn was held today,at's a that's a,at's a >> the president should be running like he's twoo touc touchdowns down in the fourth, but instead he's handing th off and letting the clock run.ting yesterday, joe flew to wisconsinng, wandered around in a wet parking lot, looked for a place to stand. he doesn't talk to anybody. alk nobody talks to him. if you didn't know he wast. president, i mean, watch that.ha you have no ideave who's no ppep president. later, he snapped a picture a fe . fe he doesn't drink, and he hadha his hardhat on backwards. blue collar. joe doesn't really know how to wear the gear. blally how to now, trump put a t on backwards to be a three day t scandal while joe is being goofy in the rust belt. the backup quarterback was slinging it in south carolina. >> newsom did everything
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a candidate should be doing. >> he met with voters, ate hushpuppies, even went to a retirement home where the golden girls were overheard saying, quote, that's a nice and then a nice nic glass of tea went on tv. the peacock. de democrats. we keep crushingmocrats, it. look at all the elections. you've won democrats. you keep winningwon, dem.. keept you keep outperforming. it's extraordinary yourselve s on the back. our message is working. our values are american. s like >> newsom's like the democrat mistress, little tcrat mis thina you that biden just won't like. go on fox news.e you' >> dreo you feel likemaking you're making a difference when you go on fox news? nchey, everybody wants to be loe needs to be loved, right? i mean, this this fundamental notion that we're just all human beings. and ngs.i, i love and respect fi people i disagree with. i don't want to talkdisagree dor past anybody. quite the contrary. and i want them to know i'm listening as well. and listi am listening to fox. >> i do to fox.
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yeah. and it's hard. i meanha is ha, it is hard. well, we won't go too hard on you then, i guess. but what about biden? should he come on fox for some love to.r some >> do you think president biden should do fox interviews? en i, i wonder now if i should doi? any more after vice. >> i'll leave that tove tha president biden. newsom doesn't think biden can hack it on fox. and he'sk bidenca right. i but if i were biden, i'd i'd be worried because south carolina looks like they love gavin. >> you always have to watcoks he your understudies. now, if i'm out sick and a fillg in host has a great show. i'm nevereathow,r calling out a. you can't have the backupand no of stage two and not expect t the quarterback controversy. gavin's also sending a message to michelle obama. i'm doing the dirty work here in south carolina. >> getting coronated in chicago won't be that easy wor. >> i won't let it be to the nixons, the host of the hos tudor dixon podcast. >> tudor when you look at gavioy lo you're a democrat, what do
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you see? i see some presidential candidates have surrogates. i see vulturesaldidates here. this is someone waiting to pick that corpse. i meank, be honest. this is what it really, trulyhes is. he's waiting for to die. ab to talk about him when he's talking about fox news.he's he's like, oh, wait, who? who? on fox? no, , no. let me love the people on fox. i'll pretend that i love i mean, this is like that snake boyfriend who keeps coming back. he goes, but, baby, i'm going y ev time. it's like everybody wants a little love. and how could they notody want s this? >> he's gross. you've never had a boyfriend pay like t >>hat, i'm sure. hat' i, i that's why i know how bad he is. >> i think that every woman in america is like, oh, my gosh, yea h, that's who he is.that's who he that's what he wants to do to republicans. but let's face it. i mean, he's out there and he's
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talking about how great democrats are. he is doing joe biden's job. it's -- it's gavin newsom. it's governor potato head who's out there today and michigan governor potatotato heo head ha a whole article about her that says she's quit e honestly going to be the president thise year. they opresidthis yean our presse wrote that they think there's a really good chance that governoythere's r whitmereo is president this year. she gets electedmeyear in it's a president this year in that election. i'm like, they arer in just all sitting there looking like, when is he going to die? what is he going to do? like, whit's not even about him stepping out of the race now. >> i mean, i don't know if he's waiting for him to die. >> maybe just a trip and fall in and get slotted in at a convention in chicago where obama will also be. >> oh, what do you know? it's in her hometown. wh this could get interesting in primetime.t interesting we'll be taking our show on the road to chicagoeresting. >> and we hope to see you there, too. absolutely. hey, that's my home stomping grounds. >> i'll be there. all right. we'll get itnds.i'll together.
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when is he here? no, unfortunately, i couldn't make it. top the last night. do that to us. when day streams attackk your friends and steal their coins. >> play now. >> california's homeless population meless p is more creativemost than most of us knew.tivemost tent cities and shelters wer of eheir s cramping their style. and with no help frotyd wimth h governor newsoelm, they decided to get prehistoric transitioning from vagrants to actual cavemen. they dug out and, furnished a commune with caves hidden 20 feet below street level along a river in modesto. >> and while the holes aren't really up to code, they have some touches. outd furnisthe cavemen made mura furniture, floor tilesve and eve a makeshift fireplace with a chimney. >> this is theshfireplace with u those caves have been dug out. and this is one of those tents right here. >> it's big enough to fit a bed .
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>> police found guns, drugs stashed in the compoun: policed but that's to be expected. but the city of modesto caught wind and kicked the cavemen outf of their cribs in the name of safety because they've heldee up fine for at least a decade. >> i've known about those for like the last ten years. that they're cleaned out so far this year, there's more caves along the river here. yeah, there is. and there's other spots wher ise people live, too. >> shooting up heroin. fine. living in caves too dangerous might collapse in california. to you're supposed to die on the streets outside of chipotle. >> now the caves are getting cleared out £8,000 of trash last weekend. and it looks like californiaash. is on a tear. more caves were foundnk in riverbank, ten miles north. tho have had electricity and water, but they got the boot as well. got ththey're all back on the ss where gavin wants them. or maybee gavin wa in a taxpayee shelter run by well-connected
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cronies. >>d why are we kicking out the cavemen? who cares if they're livin who g in caves? >> out of sight, out of mind. out of slet me ask you a questi. >> would you rather have a homeless guy in a cave or outside your office? >> my next guest is absolutely s going to disagree with everything i just said. tracy rojas lives across the street from the caves across and she joins me now. n all right, tracy, tell me where' i'm going wrong. okay. so the whole concept of just leo, the wt them live and stay e and they're not bothering anyonere. yone," i it's more than that. it's a it's a safety structureo, issue. so at least in my neighborhood, this whole area here, families walk with their dogs, children play, bikes. it's a it's a family based community. and to know that these caves20 are 20 feet below us f, it's downright scary. ounds he
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those caves go well into the grounds here. what's to stop is to them from g under the houses next to u.s.ho, house? and they figured, burrow unde through your den and maybe steal somethin g out of your fridge or swim my pool or swim in your pool or raid the fridge . >> anything. have any of the kids ridde hancles i their bicycles into the caventss four kids yesterday just went over the embankment to go lookt. at the caves. okay. are there cave women or is it just cavemense: are ? ? i think it's cave families, . honestly are. they're trying to sell some children's clothing. there. rouple there may be couples, but we did see some children's clothings? b in one of them. so, okay. so they're going to say families, couples and perhaps three couples. there were fires being lit inside of these caves. what other accouterments didtren
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they havtse? they had electricity. they had lighting. they hadelectric wall hooks whee you could hang your jackets if you wanted to. food. mattress laid out. it's quite intricate. anyt anything so detailed and it hade to have taken many, many months to get to that level. >> i mean,t they almost they want you to hang up your jacket so it doesn't get wrinkled. jacket so doesni mean, i mean,e it's a little bit of progress. >> well, listen, i really don'tu want them burrowing into your living room and sharing thanksgiving dinner with yourlig guys. >> i hope you guys either lear n to live with the caveman, or maybe they can build caves somewhere else. ethey cbut i thought it was a gd solution to them all. sleeping outside of my office, your office, and everybody's apartment building in the city. , and evartmenbut maybe there'st a place for them. they just be nomadic and just they the earth. >> tracy god, baby, you too. >> thank you, sir.
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slash shave. cops h >> clubs have the hardest job in the world. besideavhardest jos cable news . >> sure, some days are boring, but at any minute boringe they e themselves in a life or death situation. >> traffic stops are the worst. >> anything can happen. you don't know who you're pullin hog over. you're by yourself. no back. things canbackup go sideways li. that. and last week, something did las in oklahoma. >> watch. ahoma. credible reaction from goes that state trooper. he goes flying and rolls like a ninja. ngolls likback into his feet wit missing a beat. >> the state trooper walkedratce away with just a couple of scratches and now he's eager and tk. e the drivers of both cars were not seriously injured and police are stillsl investigating the cause of the cras andh. t >> a prime time is fascinated by relationship dynamics.
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we want to know what makes men and women tick. in our quest men to betterderstd understand the human condition, we'von,e learned a thing or two. >> but mainly the moreeopl people you add toadd to a relationship, the trickier it gets. wo a relationship with these two women, or are these two women in a relationshiorp with you? ng jesse yes, i am in a relationship with these beautiful women. >> are they in a relationshi ptionsh with each other? >> we are in a sister wifeip otr relationship?. ousy at is there any jealousy at all? put it out there on live television a smidge. >> definitely. jealousy is a human thing. thinit' sou >> we do.ndli that sounds complicated. but you knowcated. what? tan >> so's parenting. kids throw tantrums. they trip and fallpan. were they make messes you didn't even think were possible between working, taking careup of a kid and cleaning up after them. there's never enough time in the day to get everything done
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them, . ything d even if there's three of you ine the relationshipe . >> now, my husband is at work c making a paycheck. my co-parent is at the daycare center whereoparen they're good enough to have a nice cup of coffee and go work on my novel. and that is what worksy care cef and we're still so tired at the end of the day that sometimes we're like, goshnovel., do we nt a fourth person involved here? >> hilary said, it takeskes a vi a village, but i didn't realize the whole village had to sleep be between the three people, they can't find a singlethey mor in law to babysit for just a few hours while the guy writes his novel h they can't find a nanny. >> biden let 300,000 immigrantss into the country last month. >> not one nanny. tohey're going straight to a fourth lover.aight >> this may be the strongest proof that biden nomics isn't b working. it's cheaper to marry four people than to hire a sitter. but whatever the reason may be for this throuple, they makea one thing clear there's not enough throuple representationke
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. >> because what america needs now more than anything are threesombecause relationshi, storylines being produced on the disney channeonship sl. p yet there are lots of people who are very happily single parenting or raisinging or r their children as two sons. that's great for you. but for those of you thinking about doing somethinfor thos tht ,you know, like it is possible to do so because there is nobeca representationuse of us, right? >> there's no blue episode about the kid with three parents. welcome to the new nucleart abou family. joining us now, host of emily emily, do you know any troubles ? >> no, i don't. d i tend to hangon out't. with moe normal people because one of my producers: becaus knows two f of troubles, one, three dudes and then one two chicks with one guy. >> well, first of all, i think we should go back to the should original video. i don't know if we should be taking advice from someone wearing a t shirt that says,s wish you were. we all know since it's sick,gro
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leave no children do the best. growing up in a two parentwh household. and when we say it takes a village, i totally support that and agree with iten we it i think the village is grandparents, aunts, unclesrt ,friends. i don't think they're just random strangers. well, i think you're beingse: close minded, emily. i mean, yes, perhaps childrei tr can grow up better when there's a mother and father. >> but havthere you ever experimented with children growing up with the ruffles? >> i don'til thinkdren you have no, i haven't. and i would assume that thisd i is going to not go well. kind of like with everything else we're seeing right now. i sa y that we you know, we've done this for millions've of years. it's gone perfectlmillions of yo why fix it if it's not broken?ke do you think that having a trouble would maybe create some complications, noouple wot. in the bedroom? >> emily, i'm just talkingi' about household division of of labor or maybe balancing the checkbook. well, i don't know. i mean, you're adding one moresn
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person, and so financially, things are going to go up. but at the sams are, i guess thl are the same people that, you know, are anti feminism. so all the womene will be be sob working. so, i don't know, maybe it might not be so bad for them. are yoad foresse: aru going to y novel? >> because i a m. yeah. i mean, i'm on preorder already. are you? eorder already i mean, as long as he writess to about his throuple, i'm in. it's probably the only thingupr. interesting that. yeah, we're both in. we're both that's's two two books. sell. that's all he's going to sell. emily, have a great weekend. nd >> maybe you can finde some truffles out there because i already got two. >> i know of. yeah, well, you're two ahead t of me, and you're going to stay that way. all right, well, i'm vero ystayt bougie here in new york.ha >> i'll see you later.te hesink or swim is next. bye bye.r swim is next. call later. traffic congestion. hello. cough, d >> well, 4 hours mucinexas
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and the hornets will be battling kat timpf who's wearing glassek will bs? al adv it gives you an intellectual advantage. set us up. here's the questioanre's then. >> wet and weird. it's no secret that moms occasionally like to have t momss of wine in the tub. >> but one celebrity mom has bemitted she lovesy to eat in the shower because it's satisfying and it saves time. d timeis it jessica biel or drewii barrymore? whoevet jessicr both of these people that are great, i don't check. did you see her change at the she gets minus? >> are you allowed to change your mind? because i first i thought, well, whatever, i don't really care anymore. do. going to die >> she's sticking with it. drew and jessica, iti th is jessica, i realize i think i saw it earlier this week are both great athletein earliei couldn't change. for some reason, abby makes the. are we going to see. d puke to take a virus and put it on the ledge. >> and then, you know, you do your thing, you wash your hair. she so that's a big deal. >> it's pretty simple. guys are in here. the gamele under protest because.
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>> yeah, well, i agree.i i thought this was your show. showg her.t lettinthas you make the rules on your show. i saw you putting it out of my mind. all right. one category. come out, come out. the more frequent watches, joe biden, the more they'd rather see him stay insidether. and that includes the folks over at cnn. which analyst has the followincg for joe biden? >> stay hidden and do noor jtoeb >>mpaign. >> who said it? i but i hide my battle this time for jones. ctuall um. uh uh, actually saw that, umy i two vans. >> i didn't even look at abby, by the way, you know, because she's got she forgot the glasses. she didn't have the reflection. haven. if i to do it agai >> have to do it again.we okay, ladies, if i were biden,dy i would. i would stay hidden. okay, so you should probably stay hidden, cat, because she's asking a lot to. i know, but like, i.s. i just. i don't care. >> it's okay. at least you're honest. it up, sister.
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>> young americans are having a hard time in joe biden's economime iny. nt >> a lot of them are saddled with student debt. but this tv host has a message is tv ho for them. >> shut up and get a job. waa s itjob. joy bejar or greg gutfeld? i feel like it's greg gutfeld is too much of a layup, so i'm going to go the reverse psychology. >> i knose w she knows. >> she knows and she's shake on the saddle now, but they have no job. y havethere's a million jobs, as job openings in this crisis. >> okay. this is kat's chance to get back in the game. you have to geck in the game.t o you have to get it wrong. >> and we'll see what happens. love is innge the air except on the set. >> the former trump rival who recently endorse d toldhis new trump in his new hampshire eictory speech, i just lov you. was it vivek ramaswamy or tim scott? vamaswamyi just love you.hat? >> who said that? i just love you. no looking. >> nobody. i feel like he would be theki kind of gund of y that would sa. that. >> it's a shame. it's a oh, i just love
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you here. that's why he's a great politician. >> you know what? i have a question. do you have a tiebreaker? ake it what we're going to do. we're going to take it to the tiebreaker since this game is under protest. okayer sincee . h and i'm going to get hit with a paddle if i don't go to the tiebreaker. how manyita paddle did jason kek with shirtless partiers at thear chiefs bills game? >> remember, he ripped offs at his shirt. >> he had the big beer belly. he had hair all over his chestd . >> seems like very close attention. how many beers did he saw many w out? >> numbers? 17. whoever is closest. do you say so. >> i feel like it's like £25 or maybe like 34. >> abby is closest. >> 40, 40 beer, 43 beers.s? that's what he said.>> he >> yeah, he said he drank 40 beers. so the tiebreaker is under process. >> okay. no, no, no, i don't. don't think that's the issue. with the kelsey brother. whatever his name is making me feel bads name that lost.
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>> i've never felt that way before. but she's making me feel bad. i feel like i'm just going to put this hard, put it on, celebrate. you already have one. right. thank you. it's probably has to. >> there's you know, i'm a self-help book connoisseurbo since, as you can see, i need a lot of help. i readok c ed a lot a great one. it's called how to stop worrying and start living. dale carnegi e, obviously the king of self-help books. i'm not a big worrieekingr i di. think i was, but i opened it up, and now i'm so relaxed . >> i gave it. when my flight was delayed for 5 hours, i was just relaxing in a middl e seat and the economy didn't care. >> that's how much 't care. i don't worry. read the book. let's do texts. >> scott from kentucky. say what will about biden nomics? but it's created a ton of razor wire manufacturing af ra. they were going to buy stock in razor wire. woodwoody frriday from florida. >> and it should fly upo de to delaware and tearla the wallr
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around biden's private residence. he might see hunter in thereive might knock first. grace from florida.ment >> gavin went to the retirement community because she washe looking for a place for joe. >> just scouting it out.ju you'll like it. s. chris from kansas. don't worry. the cave people won't swimming or pool. they'll bathe in her pool. b >> that would be a sight to see. e a sighmary from iowa. would you have an absolute cow w if vagrants tunneling near your home? the tunnels just like gaza. tunnels problem?. mike from michigan. biden is hardhat was on right? it's his head. that wasit's h on backwards. very good. t laughedalmos at that. >> but it's all for us tonight. always remembe allr. our cat is protesting. and i'm waters. and this is myd and welcome to hannity


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