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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 27, 2024 12:00am-1:01am PST

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the world how to live their lives. look at this survey foun at thid that a majority of america's richesa jut 1% and ivy leaguers would favor get this the strict rationing of gas, meat and electricity to fightht clima climate change. while a plurality of the richest 1% and a majority of ivy leaguers, they think that there's too much freedommu in the united statesch f. common sense americans, a on the other hand. now, we strongly disagreero with you. arrogant, elitisnglyt. ill le we'll leave it there. that's all the time weavthat's a have left this evening. thank you for being with us. th, your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantimsode ofe. let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is next to put hee on your face. wee have a great weekend. we'll see you back here on mondakey.
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we. hello, everybody. it's friday. all right. it wasn't loud enough for me, k but it's friday, so you know what that means. let's welcome tonight's guest. a he crashed morris in hisk mo briefsrr. but we love his beliefs. artist restoration guy for president trump and the man responsible for the bestd the ml sensation, doug. if she's here, it means her children are safe. but is it really bad? there is still can't decide bet
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between their hatfields or the mccoys. co-host the bottom line on fox business. dagen mcdowell and skeletons find her in their closet. "new york times" best selling new contributor. a >>nd get him fox. >> okay. before we get to some new stories, let's do this. >> briggs leftovers. oh, i hope these are good. i hope these are good. it's leftover where i readays th the jokes with the news this week. and as always,is my fi it's my t time reading them. so if they , well, marinate joe mckesuck, e and oil and tosm into our wood fired oven . all right. >> this week on cnn, van jonesdo advised president biden to stay hidden during the campaigny. to which joe responded, wow. a van that talks just like that car in knight rider.
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>> hmm. during a speech this week, the president implied that terry mcauliffe was the rightful governor of virginia, but he later clarified his remarks, saying glover had more black ops, black magic. hey, go. the publisher of sports illustrated announced they've laid off most of the staff. the worsla most part they wereel all notified on their football phonesl. remember those comefor a subscription for people bornpe before 1980. >> a new study finds that the trick to a great vacation for married people i vacats travel without your partner. >> ha ha ha ha. translation the trick to a great vacation is not to bee marrie d. >> scientists have discovered skeletons with the oldestil
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dna evidence of syphilis in brazil. >> wow. how did half get to brazil? funny, because you sketched clile appearing on a podcast, aoc claimed trump voters are insecure about their masculinitaiumy. well, no wonder i'm voting forg biden, said randi weingartennga the looks like garry shandling . this week, a delta flight wast grounded after one of the front wheels fell off. on the upside, the was booked on the next flight to fort lauderdale with two free drink drckets. >> good for them.k ti california state senator scottwr has proposed a bill that would require vehicles from not going more than ten miles per t hour above the speed limit. most states alreadhe spey have c >>al it's called a wife.
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oh, taxes. people in chicago 47 migrants were arrested for retail theft r and burglaryetai. at well, at least they're assimilating l. dunkin donuts is being suedintif by ten plaintiffs who are lactose intolerant for charged extra for nondairy milk. when reached for comment , ceo of dunkin replied, they can blow it oun' replit their bashp governor gretchen whitmer was mocked for appearing in a sketch with in a sa giant potato to pitch taxpayer funded community college. hey, that wa ms some of my best work, said one man. one oh man. >> democratic congressman jamaal bowman has proposed
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a $14 trillion reparations plan. he hasn't worked out hasn'he detais yet. >> he just wants to sound the alarm. i feel dirty. >> i feel dirty. s pushender golfer haley is pushing back against critics of her wins on the women's pro tour, claiming any strength advantage is negated the extra time she spends at the ball washing machine. now, that's the little hearable. >> the san antonio zoo offering hippo scented candles for valentine's day. i put a lot of work into thosena candles, said one hippo. oh, poor people. tehow dare you clap. >> applebee's has an interesting a subscription plani that allowons couples to havee i
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50 to date nights foghr only $200. that works out to $4 per meal spent regretting the man you marry. an american airlines flight was forced to turn around after one of the passengers excessively. fligi say, why turn around? that would have been the perfect flight for the rest of us to get away with the r u >> interesting. yeah, it is interesting. very interesting. and finally earlier this week,uo the double big mac returned to mcdonald's. >> in related news, so did chris christie. cue that news that republican gov show tested some love. yep. 25 republican governors signeda a letter of support fully fedeing texaer of sus in its fit against the federal government
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to protect the southern border. nt to prtas the feds got the grt to take down razor wire meant starecure doe it and to show support for the lone star state. they signed the letter using sauce. >> quote, we stand in solidarity with our fellow governor, greg abbottyt and,aten utilizing every tool in strategy, including razor wire. stand in solidarity. poor choic e words, don'tey shoul you think they should have said, let's roll. >> i love him. i love him. but they rightly point out. the the biden administration has left america, quote, completely to illegallnerab immigration and that texas has every legal justificatiolen proe to protect its sovereignty. so 25 gop guards supportinctgblo this and predictably, not a single democrat. gov signed the statementt democ perhaps they were too busy trying to find shelter for thousands of illegal immigrantts
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. or perhaps they steal a word from the illegals. they lack the companies. but independent presidential hopeful jfk jr lent his support for texas, saying biden's failure leaves se no choice but to take matters into their own hands and a countr leave iy borders is not a country at all. >> so what's nex a count? a ci a civil war with democrat versus republican states. millio millions could die. specifically the ones in democrat states who will be stuck defending themselves with men's tampons and preferred pronouns. please don't shoot either. pleathey.y. fact is, if biden decides to attack the alamo, he'd still manage to lose, even though mam. a museu >> so my money's on the gop. they know how to chug fire guns and make sweet love to the music of lee greenwood. while dems are only ableo to kill the american dream, late night and innocent crewcenc
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members on a film seret. >> but all kidding aside, therei is one upside to a civil war. >> at least this time whenes the army leaves billions of dollars of equipment behind, it will be in america. >> yeah, in a thoughtful, provoking way to endr ka that comment. cat. cat. what would you do if you werha e president? >> and i know that's a fantasy since you are a femaleare a fe. okay, last. i yes, i would simply do less rights, such as not interferwoly do e states' rights and that kind of thing. i'm okay. thi know, it's so unlike me to e cynical, but i can opener with this the letter of republican governors, which doesn'icanch t actually like do anything republicans or anybodys in congress. actually, it could be as simple as if they didn't wantimple if o
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do this, they could just not fund it. hmm. congress so little, actually, or so. so rarely does anything we congoeso have thed power of the purse. they can simply say. that's how it's supposed to be set up. could sw posed tono, we're not going to d that. so it's not going to happen. but we don't we don't see anybody really moving to do that. so don't fund the feds ifd they wanted to on any issue. >> congress can move to not fund the feds on somethingto nybody unless, of course, they just rather complain about it. hmm. i just learnedtheyr something h, and i've quickly forgotten it. >> what do you say, dagen? do you think that there'sre a possibility of a civil war? and if so, are you looking forward to it? >> that's why you book me in it. yeah. yeah?, i. are you still in your militiass and you're wearing a sleeveless shirt? all that. >> militias per state and region of. t where do you want to start? on the civil war. we can go back to the tariff abominations. you know, it took years to get
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to the civil war. i have a deep personal admiration for. governor abbott and all the people who are standing with him, because when somebody comes knocking at my door, when i'm blasting the allman brothers and tells mlmane to lah too loud, i say, what are you going to do about. you're going to come in, make? me stop. >> and that's essentially what he is sayin tiallyg to joe biden. and it's so astonishingbide that biden is sad. band of desperadoes. you talk about all the democrathas s that. biden has openly violated the laws of this country. and when someone trieswhen s to enforce them, they're like, no, no, no, no, no.ike, we n need more destruction, societal and financial hardship. eath andwe want people pouring s the border. so the only wasy stop it at this point is for biden to militar rise the national guard and
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go in and seize border. think >> do you think he's stupid and dangerous enough to do hpid so, again, it's the. yes, yes , again, it's what to co are you going to do, come in and stop me? yeah, exactly. me in anit's like an amplified n of an episode of cops. on you know, the cops show up, knock on the door. yeah. deggan s the allman brothers. >> i feel bad for the people getting arrested on that show. i do, too. i always sympathize with the guy without the shirt on. i just look a little. crowd yeah, yeah. oh, wo.w. doug, welcome to the show. i'm glad you wore pants. yeahd you wo, i didn't. i shave my legs today, that's>>w why. yes. i was looking forward to seeinag your legs. se yeah, but what do you make of this? i mean, joe has gone from, like, callin joe frog half of america worthless to now maybe contemplating going into to no i . >> listen, if he's not going to take care of the borderng trs right, then the texas guy, you know, abbott, he's got o take ce of himself.
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>> it's basically a razor wire ,wire cutters. it's basically the law. it's byeah. whoever's got more, the guy's got more razor wire for that thing orr they can cut him out. and i got to tell you, i f the government wins this ab, it's going to be defenseless. yeah. like, oh, oh, i thoughtou about that. >> i stumbled on it,t that but w i got it. took me a while. defenseless. 's a g >> that's, you know, that isre t a great title for likeitle ann coulter's next book, i guess. >> like that did or conservatives book it. it's about the border and it's defense lawyers and somebody on that cover like this always. >> yeah >> that's like this is a like universal poster. i'm about ready to say reactionary. >> speaking of julie. oh, god, yeah. where does this all end? t is there going to be some kind of resolution or do you think we're, on the verge of civil
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war? is this happening at an amazing time, 20, 24 is kicking off. >> yeah, this is a really bamed time for biden. he has screwed up so badlybadl at the border and these governors more powery at him evn though they have no power. >> you know, it is therehave nal you constitutional right the state of texas to defend itself. obviously this administrationn is isn't doing jack about it. i think that then'y should go a step further. i thought the wall that trump wanted to build wawa thas a bit unrealistic. i mean, there's eminent domain you can't possiblyt build a wal across the entire border. these barbed wire fencesr., i think, are weak. >> i think they should go with like an electric fence. i hear thosectrie. work well, le they detain the dogs in your yard. so you keecap them out.d >> i also think they should hand out as like, welcome gifts like those ball washing machines. they said, well, we are giving free>> we ar changes.y no yes. so why not give the ballveing washing machine with the sex change? that sounds like a little a swag bag. if a sw you will. you need collars with this issue, i honestly do believe
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is what is going to lose the election for for biden. sup i think so too. he was supposed to assignpo his vp figure out the crisis, the root of this, and she hasn't done a darn thing. is he going to pick a new vp because she? i think they're going to have to replace both of them. of yeah, but i'm just saying,them n he's the one guy, she's not going to help him agaig notn. t >> we must move on to the next block, which means there is a break. up next, what a world without journalists be badt wh or totaly rad. >> it will be in the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to. >> join our studio audience. the first to document covid's origin exposing human trafficking on the border. insensible from its source for daring to tell the truth. we've been censored, demonetized and attacked. we've been jailed. china in hong kong. we've been taught that length
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all right. >> jou >> journalists panicked as their jobs vanish. our video, the day comes from "the washington post" resident taylor lorenz. and remember, she's the one who outed the person behind the livemember hs of tik tok, ae citizen, but then cried when people came after for doing so. well, this week, she lamented. the death of journalism as she . knows it. >> roll it. tired journalism industry is basically in a freefall. today, the los angeles times a fr 115 employees.ees an they wiped out their entire d.c. buread u in election year. >> major media companies like buzzfeed news have completely shuttered their news operations. time magazine also just laid basiand sportseoplperations. illustrated basically shut down last week, pretty much the entire digital media ecosystem that myself and a lot of other millennial journalist se come came up in has been completely u hollowed out. meanwhile, hundreds of workers
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at condé nast, the parent company of pretty much every major magazine from gqnt c to ve to the new yorker to nee are fair" are on strik because they're also facing impending layoffs. even if you doo get job, salar journalists salaries have been stagnant and even declined. >> and by the way, don't make dt that much to begin with. i don't think people understand how bad the world would be without uw ba. urnalist oh, she's right. without journalists who would arrest criminals, put out fires or build our roads, or take care of the sick or delive r our mail, or pick up our trash, keep our water and electricity running, o.r defend our country. so, yeah, thank god for journalists. look crazy lady, everyones ho understands how bad the world would be without journalists because we haven't had any for decades. look, look at all the hoaxes. >> our so-called media, whilet r missing the biggest stories of the century. that is only our treasur e. journalists could fake a scam involving russia to undermine
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the incoming without consequences. only our treasure journalists consd a lab leak virus for years and suppress anyone who dared question the lying experts. only our treasured journalists would proudly disseminate the talking points word for word on everything from hunter's laptordrd op to border policy to crime stats, looting and riots. cor journalists wouldwould protect a vegetable who can't leave his basement oprrhelp h a sentence and helps him get elected president with multiple electiothn changes. then eggs on attacking his political enemies while celebratinpolitig the of those who didn't vote for him and only our treasure. journaliste for his would want o hear about the tragic plight of our treasure. journalist ics. so yea >> so yeah, i don't thinkh, the world would understand how ba tunderstad world would bt journalists. but i have a feeling millions of us would like to find out. oh, doug, you know what i lovei about this is that she's stupid and clueless. she thinks that that would garner sympathsy.
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>> but everybody listening to it is like, yeah, that's good, right? right. yeah. >> she's crying. she's whining. go help me. please listen. shplease be ine wants to be in the club, and the club doesn't want to. >> yeah, and that's what the probleproblem m right there. she's looking for the on ramp and she's on the gangplank. >> yeah. yeah, she. i mean, she spent her. she's like the hood for o feelings as journalism, and she'ts mad that nobody cares about her feelings. >> and it's not the waelingsy ad when she was interviewing people. yeah. and it'sewing all going after tm now. they're going after her. yeah. she's just not in the club. not you know? >> you're always in the club. oh, i am. >> i alo >>ve i love the club. do you feel bad? no. in general no., you don't feel . oh, millennials these days. like, they. they actually don't even know what journalism is. and, like, you know, she went and she doesn't even know what journalism is like. >> she has no idea. she's probably never she has evennewspa read a newspaper like she's complaining about these newspapers. but i don't think she's actually ever pickedmplaie
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a newspaper like the new york times or something that actually reports on news becausper thate like all of thae has no idea what journalism is, and neither do any millennials, quite frankly. and the other thing that really the a journalist, because that's what i am. >> greg, in case you forgot. yeah, you forgot. we paid our dues like i paidi p. my dues. thes e that come in are sotled a entitled, they expect to be paid and they expect to come in witnd epaidh absolutely zeroe experience and any knowledge whatsoever. what the businesany knowledgs ri and you're right, we haven't seen journalism in over h is the timecsm that i got into the business. so i think it all went to bad after i start your fault. yes. yeah. so i brought it down. single? yes. >>downyou. you. broke you broke the glass ceiling. whenard evidence. no. what it kills me again is that when she speaks, she's actuall d the hood ornament of this problem. she was the arrogantf this proby she had the superiority complex of the new media that that julie's talking about. and they portrayed their feelings and their outrag e as journalism. >> and now they're wondering
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why no one cares. but think it's very gracious of her now, this middle aged lady to appoint herself the industry's spokes. s turn >>ed yes. spokes turn. that's an idea for a segment. yeah. spokes guy like spokes turne spk to explore saying how it is swirling down toilet bowl.hy the wire is right in front of you. you knowfr how and just so i think that that but then i it makes you also ponder like why that age old question of whyon o is there alwayf whs one lamp wot that won't flush. there's a visual. i think that is a great ideachin for a children's book. ook.the one love that will flus. i'll get on it.
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yeah, you should write. i love talking about and writing about . so. g yes. thanks for the idea, kat.t. how did you likealking v her performance? >> she's like a walking vocal frocaly. yeah, i'm a millennial. ? u are a millennial >> i don't talk like that, though. yeah, yeah. e. rn thao, you ar i think the tough thing that she's going to have to learn that we all dll o i have learn someday is whether it's work or anything else you're in your lif e. rder y >> you can't make somebody want you. mm-hmm. and the harder you tryouorse ite it gets. >> yes. so the landscape is changing. obviously, you have to figure out how you fit into that landscape. you can't justfit in that la beg and say that, but it's so hard. >> and nobody will ever revealye . >> it's like, well, now people also think you're pathetic, so that's going to make things even different. yeah that will ma, people anybody a who was going through a real problem in their life sees this . they can't they're not even going to watch the entire thing. they're going to be so turned off by it. so turned off by it sometimes thina it is hard, it does, but yourd got to find a way to figure itfe out. i think the two most it os the lastword
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decade was fake news. >> it literally redefinedng eve what we were getting every dayr. and. we just needed a phrase. it's like junk food. it's like we had junk foodit's suddenly that word came into being. that's how you described snacks and burgers. now it's -- it's like you can't live on a diet of junk food. we are rejecting a diet of fake news. up next, when biden flaps his gums. ab >> woue talk about cash back, n again, not again. again, not again. >> talking about castaout cashh. >> we're talking about cash back. and i'm not talking about bracketsout practice for a about cash back. we talking about cash back. we talking about cash back. we talshin. >> now, the game we've been talking about practice for too long. long. word we're talking about cash back. talking about cash how do back. >> we're not talking about a again, cash back like a pro. well, chas e unlimited, how do you cash back? chase, make more.
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>> what's yours? this is our last chance to. of holocaust survivorsth who are suffering in the former soviet union today. can forgotten jews have areday, something beyond anything something beyond anything you can imagin have you eaten this morning? yea, yea. yea. i ate the carrot. soya half of it yesterday and i had it today for breakfast and is what she ate in two days. days. lots of people please pray for me. me. >> the international fellowshipp of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews in the form of poverty around the world. >> we urgently need your giftore of $25 now to help m provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet forsh one month, even beforeip of i e
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one month, even beforeip of i e very proud to partner and alig with the international fellowship of christians and jews. this ministry is giving christians like me a way to bless elderly jewish people who live in extreme povertmes feely around the worl. but i believe in god. i sometimes feel maybe you forgot me. perhaps you could tell any story and i would find a match. so you understand you got to my face. >> hands again. >> hands again. please don't delay, call, scan or go online. is is now to help rush one survival food box to a holocauswht survivor who is suffering and in desperate need. thisou hear is what god wants . just feed the hungry. th i'm asking you to act now. >> do it when it's on your heart. fe insur >> i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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klobuchar in the stateso of minnesota, if i hade of all three of them on my side, i know where my 14 million new jobs since i became president, 169 new jobs. in wisconsin. 16. rofessor yeah, well, i'm don't care. my professor, my predecessor,myp no beer, boorede here it is used to make the farm for the great lakes. i wonder what's on my mind whene i return. hat much the last time i heard somebody making that much sense, he was sitting in the subwaing iny in soaked newspaper. >> julie s, it's only january. i mean, by what's left, right? >> so he did not do dry january. >> yeah, i don't know.
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i did. he at some point hauled one ofud the barrels which i've done that before. like have you ever done that at a winery. you just want to marriott. but no, i mean, this poor guy,ot he just needs to sit dow win t and just lay down and take a long nap until november. >> yeah, that's i think that's what they want. they want him to take it that day. you know what it reminds m for feel bad for him.e it's like you remember, you see that video of like, old russiatn circuses where the guy's gots a weapon, he's forcing a bear to like,a bear right? bicycle. it's not like dr. jill and joe go out there like that. yes. yes. i'm not really like that.t. it's exactly i'm i'mactually actually looking forward to the next stageng forwa of this. is7 my dad is 87, so i know wherei w this goes i know at a party. over the holidays overheard my father say to someone, dear god dear go, your job sounb whful.
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so what happens is, is he i will start saying whatever pops. into his head. >> kamala harris , what are you doing around here anyway? a oh, are you stealing from it or . i think she's healing fo r me. >> or he leans on the left turn and goes, get a load of those. >> just. i can't wait. cat, is this just cruelty to the elderly do you have anye advice for him or the campaign f manageorr? >> anything? i mean, i the thing is, i think he also seems to think he's doing okay. ta >> yeah. well, generally in that mental state you are it's -- it's likee the person who is drunk and comes to a party and is like thinks to as they're like y funny and is like, i'm so much fun when they leave you. just liken they e, oh, yes.
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>> because i mean, i mean, maybe i don't look, i created 169 jobs. >> it was kind of like, where di d that come from? we're just but it's just sowatc. it's confusing to want and i also want to know, what are people telling him whenng him done? are people are they like are they like, good joarb? >> but like, you know, like a kindergarten church choir vibehoirs or is anybody being honest with them? it does he try to get out there? what is he enjoyinhimself?g? ios i have so many questions and will never get answers to these questions because everybody just keeps gaslighting us. >> we act about they ask saout like maybe the oil cancer . remember the oil cancer when he said he had cancer from oil and the had cae like, the the d, there's never any answers. >> it's like, oh, well, yes, president is saying that, yes, we've all been very deeply affected by cancer, yebeen very no, that's not what he said. so, you know, we'll never get the answers. but i would love to see some sort of documentary. i hope someone secretly filming one that we can like watch like down the line of like what it's like afterwn he off stage one of these babble. >> year a h.
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don't you think he's going to be the nominee or what? i think and this is me. >> i think he's going to givel his delegates to michelle, and she won't have to do anything. she wants to debate. she wanto debas do anything. it'll be so close. what's the convention in july? tion is i think. i think it's july. so she's got august. september, right. >> october, not end. she wants to say anything and all the little millennials are going to say, not millennials, the little useful idiots right there. >> oh, boy. michelle is a big reveal. that's we got to get out now and say she's going to do that. and she might noy.t, but she's going to do this. watch out for her. watch up, and then she's going to have to answer some blm,an antifa, all this other stuff, right? parent teacher stuff. if we do that now, it'll it'llwr more down her, you know, a big reveal when she comes ou t and i know that's my that's my that's a jesse watters theory that's why i don't believe it when t i think he said i think biden by the way the first part
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of it i thin,k he said the mantra and when he was mumbling could you imagine being the interpreter you know, the sign language interpreter. yeah. what do you do? you get quite a workout. comi hands would be very fit. >> all right. coming up, the viewer mailbag. that's never a drag why right now someone could be listed as the owner of your home. >> and stealing of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. your home, your and your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home. title thieves like matthew cox . nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that believe it or not, a single page document is all it takes to transfer proof of ownership out of your name. people think, wow, there's a whole huge process. but the truth is, it's a
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i'm joking. oh, i hate. i hate feet. i hate evei n shoehates. eet. my feet really hate feet. but then we would. ernati are there any alternatives? no, i just hate them. i don't want to seveo,e. >> i don't even want to thinkst about them. so stop. stop talking about them, greg. you knowop tal, you shouldn't bt this up to joey jones. >> yeahehouldn't h. why are you booing me? i'm pro feet, and i love self-checkout at the cvs at the target. most people hate it. i love it. i love self-checkout aisle. i so good when i hear a beep. yeah, it's like a little dopamine oh, i did it. fro i did. and it keep you from buying loose and vegetables becauseavio i hate having to weigh it now, i'll tell you that. >> no, no, no, no, no. . at's the challenge
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oh, you don't go into whole foods and nothing but losebut ls fruit and vegetables that i. tht >> you have something bothers you that doesn't doesn't seem to annoy otheroesn't ss. we could be here all day. yeah. and what do you likeo yo that is other people? >>he first i guess the first ond be any. any sort of, like, paperwork. i might have a meltdown. i can't do it. like basic things, like basiccao ban things that makes me not function, but something that doesn't bother me, that bothers other that it my actually love to do is to talk about my feelings. >> that is true. we don't want to hear that cat ,but i'm open to share. yes. yeshare.s. ah. i don't know who t o go on >> doug, what do you say? i can't stand when somebody talks about their feelings. >> i know. tatheir either i'm with you on that. >> no, that doesn't bother me. >> it stand when you sayu and
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thank you. >> when they say no problem,yoyo that implies that they did just some big thing. >> yeah. bis, 't know why that bother soe but something tells me when that somebody says you, you kill them. >> n to no, i'd get someone to. >> yeah. no matter what he does. i'm telling him he did a great job. didi call matty, know matty kelly from the bronx and you can hear all the. hey, i got you guys. use phoneyou . >> yeah, you guys use that. julie, i will talk like that. >> i don't like to hear about people's feelings at all . i always go to because it's like all she talks about. >> i do not like people who smile or small talk. thos e are my biggest pet peeves. and also just like happy greetings, like, good morninand i don't like when people say good morning. it's actually honestly, i swear to godod morning , it's one of my biggesto me pet peeves. >> like don't say good morning to me, there's no such thing. and then just like, merrybout christmas. no, i agree about small talk. like, tell me you would die fo r . me or don't talk to me at all. i can't stand.
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yeah, exactly. exactly yeah. >> and also crying. babies are smiling or laughing. babies are also a bit of a peeve. >> you know what i don't like when people say, how you doing m and you're obliged to ask them back. i'm doing good. i >> how you doing here?t so and then they always do that. no. you asked me how i'm doing. do tell me how you'reow yo doing. yes. yes, you do. you'll be like, how are you. >> okay, that's good. then. >> oh, i. look, you know, i didn't knowt how i was dointog. that's like the etiquette, that boy, i don't know when somebody buybar.y buyss you a do you have to buy them a drink? oh, i'm not surek, but your commitment level when somebody buys you a drink is so strange it's like somebody over there and you like, look over. you go now. my obligedyou lo to be able.w yeah. i don't want it like i hatyoue that usually what i'll do is i'll take the drink and i'll >>row it in. oh my grandma your watered down stupid greater down. >> tak yeah. yeah. take your walker walke and get .
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all right. all right, little woment's fighting you drinks. >> yes, that's my. that's my demo. who?et >> the most notorious person you ever met. nt t >> you know, i want to go to you first, doug, but i thinok i want i want you to think about that with feeling there's more than a few in your life. i have feelinga more to be careo >> yeah. cat? yeah. i don't knowur. on't oh, come on. you're from detroit. i really>> don't. >> i don't know. i mean, like, somebody that's whatever. happens >> i don't know. but i'm going to think about it too. >> i don't. well, come back to you. just like in a gamcome bacuse, e good notorious. that could be good. ould bad, i would say. i know donald trump. that's notorious i kno i know h. >> yeah. see, but i really took it down . yeah, i know. morris. oh i alrea, that you got in. you know, you went talk about feet>> got taken.orry i'm so thanks for that.
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the visual visual. i met >> i met mike tyson. m oh, that's nice. he was lovelas lovely. yeah. yeah. i don't want to offend mike tyson. no, no, no. he's supposed to be tyso>> he e very nice person. >> he's a very nice person. jewel, you've been around n. the block. a >> i mean, as a journalist, as do you notice i saide as you've probably met some interesting characters, this is goincharacteg to sound weird, but bob dole, i'm dead. >> he's notorioubus. i know. i just i as a politician, i respected him and i was >>. .llege n i was impressionable. so he was the first politician i ever met. so it kind of stuck with mas tn. i hate politicians now, soicia i wouldn't think of themns as notorious. i better change mine. i met i met i met martin milner and kent mccord from from adam 12. >> adam 12. right. yeah, i want to. i'm framing one. thank you. i that was at the cow palace at a auto show, 1976. >> it's really sad. sad it was that amazing hour.
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why i still remember that they signed by. but what do you call that? the brochure. that thing with the car on iat t were ladies, i.>> h >> i like that. all right. i goolt hold of mike tyson. >> yeah. i didn't mee t mike tyson. i'm good friends with chucky seed. i want to know if you. oh, i met him. he's scarye is scary. i calle good friend of. i grew up with him. i called him one time. e tii callme him one time. a friend of ours, pasco. yeah. and i go, chuck, i'm sorry. richard together of pass. right. he got when are you going to california? so lifornia you doing a movie with little one? >> he was known on mike tyson'is house right i go really? >> and the one question i didn't ask him, i just say hello to mike. and that was the one question i didn't ask him, which i asked him when i saw him later n >> is mike tyson's house, like, really clean, beautiful, swept,n perfect, or is it like upside down? i needed to know that. >> yeah. yeah. well, that's an interesting question that you didn't ask. and then i asked him later.hi i didn't want to ask hime. on the phone because tyson might have said, who was that guy guy that stuck in to watch out for? all righ up nextt?
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>> he's the man with a flair a for great underwear. ain of yes. welcome to dutch corner, where we pick the brain of fashion iconon dou doug dpi. so, first of all, big. >> you've got big foot behind me. what is that? no. ? , that's you.s yo oh. so obviously are known forg intt walking into morris's screenshot. well, it was on newsmax in an interesting pairingg pair of clothing, and we figured you woulining, andd be expert oa you might wear next time. we go to the first pair. >> so this is underwearr. that i'm going to wear jean shorts. >> de jeo you you could pull thist. off? >> no, definitely not. n. s the it's not much. yeah. nolaant. , it says.l. i'm not thinking that all.f stud all right, let's go to do the next. it's kind of stupid, but i'm
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going to do itit. yeah, yeah, yeah. you are a republican, so i laugh a lot because. yeah, there you go assume . i think that's kind of cute. yeah, sure. yeah, go onuffleup?n. yeah, that'll stop traffic. you like? why? got a patch? i yeah. oh, that's true. maybe he's blind in one eye. ohn one his ea, rsthat's one of. oh, look at this one, tarzan. yeah, it's like a loincloth. >> i'm. goodness gracious. yeah. why? why am i doing this? y am igood question. oh, by the way, by the way, those are not. >> those were not underwear. they were okay. you weren't wearin>> greg:g undy what were you wearing in those black shorts as florida? horts.i'm like 80 million degres in for they spandex? >> n milliono, i don't. were you working out? no. were you doing cycling? ? he had a motorcycle, actually.lg i'm sorry. yeah, you are amazing in that picture. i to nobody. like we forget, we don't even look at morris's face. >> why >> why would you?
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i hate i. >> right.e? he's a great guy. how about this one? so this one day. go. are your eagles the trail>> you of the eagle? yeah, the eagle. there you go. i'll d wo that.. >> you would do that. so we going to get to seee goin that on your nexg t cameo. >> that's great. yeah. a newsmax. newsmax. >> you just have a show of you in your underwear. >> i'm going to show up. i'm gonna show up in different. yes. i'm not tellin reg:g you, man. >> it's going to. it's going to be one of trump's speeches. yes. es. >> there you go. all right. don't go away. >> gdon' back. >> you can't leave without cuddles, but you also cuddles, but you also can't leave covered in the air. with bounce back. you can cuddle, embrace that hair. all bounce. thing git's the seat.hour cou >> there's something going >> there's something going around the gordon.
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