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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 27, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PST

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from washington. tonight, the flimflam gang. the >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. " all right. the talking point this year for globalists is that conservatives skeptical about the mcconnell schumer border servativ deal don't really wanta to solve the crisis. they're just bowing down to donalhuck schd, who opposes >> it's not surprising, i guess, but it's it's i mean, it's deeply. people are dying and people's lot you know, there are a lot of people's lives are in the balance here. >> i think that's a fundamental problem with trumpism. right. if i think is about nihilism, ie burn it down caucus. r they right. d they don't want to legislate n is solvingproblems problems. >> right? they don't want the government to wort thk similar flimsy thing coming from conservative stalwart mitt romney, another of trumpthin loathing pro-amnesy republicans like thom tillis. >> it is immoral for me to say you look the other way because
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. you think this is the linchpin for president trump to win. you don't wantlinchpinrump to t of history that fails democracys ,senator. demos actually democracy. what's not respecting democracay is? what's happening now? ins the llls, hundreds of page long until the last possible minute. thenas a vote before anyone's hd the chance to really it. so i find that kind of offensive, given that they're still sitting on the text, we ask, why can't we see it? wh, well, it's in a a lot of different places. >> it's not all in one document. that's finerent places.e. most of us on the stage are accustomed to looking at a whole bunch of different pieces . documents we can do that now. still won't let us have it. oh.n't let , >> it must be really bad now. shills for the cheap labor are a dime a dozen on capitol hill. we've talked about this for year en on cas and they thinkou are you're stupid and that they could sneak through
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a massive foreign worker expansion that still allows biden to wave in close to 2 million migrants in one year. now, that's a win win, isn'tar t for both biden and mcconnell. you get the ukraine mone y, you get more migrants and you get political cover for the democrat yous. but it is a gut punch to american workers. . no wonder they don't want senators consulting with trump insteano wont d. >> they want senators to listen to that stalwart conservativtoev liz cheney. >> iatf it's true that mcconnell said, you know, basically, you know, we thought we hadsi a dealcally , but it looks like, you know, trump's going to be the nominee and he wants to run on this. i mean, that that is so cynicaln and irresponsible. now, let me be clear. if there was any group of who have a right to be cynical, it's the americans who would like to see enforcement of our border law
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see it ss. >> now, a lot of you have beenf watching me on television or listenyou ha to my radio show or podcast over the years. >> you know that this been ann issue that i personally have focused on for 17 years. and time after time, years politicians promised us thated u they are actually willingenforc to the border i mean, really enforce the border. but then when you read the deals, it's really amnesty fouss co gargantuan foreign worr increase with a promise of some type of enforcement or some limitation. >> it's always amorphous, never enforceable. and nos alwaysw promise we're g' to enter a new stage of this dark comedt y. and we'll get to more of this in a moment. the same players are going that to pretend that all this time they're negotiating a new borderime they deal.ey >> a new new border deal, and they're going to claim that they've tweaked the language and then the media will pretend that the changes mean in the that the border problem is solved. >> oh, and of course, it's all
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going to take a few months for these new policies to be fully effective. >> and you're gonna have to hire new agents. so you're going to have to make sure everything is properlyplemn implemented. and there there may be some court cases, but don'tte ur worryt don't the problem is solved. and then when it's 202525 and and heaven forbid if biden has been and the immigrantsted an are still pouring in with evend greater numbers, the democrats and their lackeys in the gop establishmenemocratst will laugh all the way to the bank. so, yeah, we have every right to be cynical.ok at wh look at what's happened in the country in the last three years. but we actually aren't the true cynics. r th >> the true cynics are those who put the short termt term interests of their donors over the long term interests of the l american people. >> the true cynics are those who go on televisione true c anh about the enforcement plans. it's going to work this time when they knowenfo, well, none of those plans will be implemented by this. y this
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we're not cynical. c we're actually pragmatic and we're energized and we're goinlly pragg do everything we a to prevent you from further damage doing america. and you know who you are. and that's the angle. us now >> joining us now. and i'm delighted he's with us, north dakota senator kevinkevinr cramer joins me now, i think thi the first time on the angle. senator, thank you for joining us. some breaking news that just came in on the border deal, which kind of plays right into what i was sayin, g about, how there'll be new tweaks and a bit. so this provision just released an unknown senate source ifow crossings exceedn sena 8500 in a single day. do dhs would be requiredired to close the border to migrants bolegally? the border. now, under the proposal, any migrant who tries to cross the border twice while it is closed would be banned from entering the closed. for o. first question, senator, don't they already have the power
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to close the border to migrants illegally crossing the border? >> isn't that th e whole pointcrossi of our immigration laws? wellder? the problem, lauren, tk you for the opportunity to be on. >> it's my pleasur proe. right now, they have the discretion to do that.i >> what i can tell from the language you just showed me, which is the first time i've seen it, they're required. >> it says that dh s be required at 8500, not granted a five year wait to high a number, but there were seven days lastnh month when the border would have been shut down. en ouldinstead of letting, say,f ln 10,000, 12,000 people.ou can s and so i guess you can say it's an increment in the right direction, at least it's a mandate as opposed to the discretion, but it is nonetheless in the right direction. >> senator cramer, if you did a town hall this weehe rightk ih dakota and they got 500show u people to show up just on this issue, and you said, okay, a dealp that i'm considering supporting would actually still allow president biden to waveals in milliontis migrants over
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the next year. but we're going to maybe get a few other thingse r on foreign workers and more foreign worker visas and thousandsnds, w and thousands more. what do you think the reaction to the crowd in north dakotahahe ow would be? >> i have a hunch. well, if i presented it likeld ? that, they would probably run back the truth. that's true. i do not. no, no, no.a more but i would do a more thorough job with it. i'd want to know who'sh it a gow where the workers are going to work. farm workers not going to say great, we need more of them. energy workers while we need more of them. oh, in the medical neemore field like some more of those. but that's not one. but that's not what this s biy. m everl from everything that we've known so far, not seen texytou remember, none of us have seen text. >> none of the critics have seen text. what w of t.e know that's confun because the negotiators. >> well, sure, senator, senator, senator, i've been here so much well -- than you ad i don't mean to call rank because you're a senator, but thisn't mean the same old trick they always pull. they pulled itthe same obamacar. they pull it with these omnibus spending bills that horrify
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most americans when they see what's in them. and it's like, okay, let'sen dog hurry up and negotiate. and we've done doing it for four months. but now you havet for 72 hours to read, 700 pages, go. >> that's no way to legislate. . >> it's a complete and utter scam. and that's what's happened certainly is not. >> it certainly is not, except that nobody nobody's called fo w the vote. well, i don't know how much time we're gonna have to make ha after we tex actually get to see the text. but the things that we have that we d o know that allreed t the negotiators agreed to because they said out loud, ah, thero use they ie are some m triggers. there is expedited removal r. the bordee real they are building an infrastructure that requires people to turn around the sameeq up to to a certain notch, raising the standard for asylunu and credit credible fear standard raising that higher, doing away with the broad stroke of of everybody being on parole . th so there are some good things in the right way. so just i want to make clearswat i want to be clear to the people of north dakota and peoplepeople i country, bece you're an important senator in all of this and you
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actually endorsen all d president trump, i know, in december, and he's completely against this. >> he said, look, wait untilld e i get in there. >> you don't need all this stuff to do this. right. and he's right about that. but -- butn't ne you're sayingeo tonight that given what's happened ove yor the lastars, you three years, you actually that pieces of paperer are are going to make alejandr godra mayorkas is about to be impeached by the house or could be impeached by thyo ached bye actually enforce these new provisions when he's not the old ones. >> i know if we do nothing, i k he's not going to be a better dhs secretary. >> he's not going to do. you're givincretary.g biden you, you're giving biden political cover in an election year. why would you do that, givenbidd this man has done to our do th country? >> well, i listeatn, i endorsed donald trump early this time and i endorsed him really early. se donald the last time. and the only reason i didn't endorse him earlier this time was because my governo'tr was running. >> having said all of that, there's no question donald trump willning. use these tools to much greater effect, and joe biden does. >>h greate but don't think we sd reserve the crisis for october
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to give joe biden cover because anybody that knows anything thg known is already lostment. this argument. 10 million10 milwed people into the interior of the country illegally. e will so it's not like he's going to one day be known as the guy that took care obe k the bordera crisis. >> all right. well, senator, this does not end catc: rit here sh release aa has described it thus far. would you agres e with that? >> well, i don't entirely agree with it, because if you raiseis the standard and you do away with the parole and you and yoel turn people away at the border, a much greater number,e i will say this to to your point, that won't happen tomorrow. they may change the law. if it's if we get 5000, a surgea of 5000 automatically shuts the border dow sn on the border, be shut down right now. but if we have infrastructurghtt to the asylum reviewrus at the r border for 5000, then you eliminate, catch and releas 5,0e clearance. senator, thank you. all right. well, we'll be watching thisl p closely and we really appreciate your coming on tonight. thank you so much. all right.
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my nex and appreciyou comit is k any legislation unless they're given adequate time to review it. utah senator mike lee joins me now. senator,l you i think, heard just now what senator cramer, who has endorsed president trump, he's known as a strong conservative. what hknowg consere said about ? >> will you you you know, does it give you any comfort to hear about this? 8500 threshold that would thenau lead to really shutting the border down? you know, laura, when i saw the article come out on cnn just a half an hour or so ago,mf i asked myself the questionn immediately, what on earth does it mean? >>im 8000 per day? at that point, they can shut it down. they can shut down illegal immigration along the bordert im does it mean that's the whole point of our immigration laweas that's the whole point of the border patrol and every law they enforce, they'vpae reallynw got the power. so i don't know what this does, but a lot of this showcasese
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the broader problem. we have no idea what's in this. we hstold us about a few thing that they want the public to know. we're going to find all kinds of easter eggs in ther they wan and that's why i'm doing everything i can to make sure we get time to read it. i don't trushavet.t them. i don't trust that the administration, it's refused to exercise authoriti y. y they have at their disposal now to enforce the border. wh havy they going to enforce te laws when they don't enforce those? and what bad laws are we in and get in process if members don't read the bill? >> is the ukrain attle if theree definitely going to be part of this, art of quote, negotiated agreement that no one's seen because ifee it were really good, would all see it. they'd be waving it around ity. y, thi't worr >> mike lee, this is great. but is is it definitely going ? be togethers yes. see, they're thinking is because they couldn'twill ite the votes that they needed just on ukraine funding alone, it is sort of like filling out a bingo card. they thought out a they could get enough things in there that enough people like been maybe enough people would vote for the bill as a whole, especially perhaps if they hadtr
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to read the whole bill and didn't have time to understand what was in it. hope. yeah, that's the hope. so all this is a gimmickismick designed to secure in order to get ukraine aid passed, $6 oh billion, most of which would go to ukrainice. you're so cynical. that's what liz cheney says at least. senator, thankical. you on thisnk you o breaking news night. >> we appreciate it. and tonight, we will havking nee friday night news. >> customs and border patrol patrased the recory nighws dumpg official december border encounter numbers 302,034. . >> so what would a trump administration do right nosow? t any new piece of it without any new piece of legislation to fix the without congress is help. stephen miller, former trump senior adviserwielped?sena and america first legal president, joins me now. stephen laid outamerica legal pe three things you do right away very simply.>> one, reinstate remain in mexico to, reinstate safe. third, agreements that categorically invalidatreme
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all asylum claims for covered aliens and allow for the immediate expulsiored alien three reinstate title 42 citingo all of the diseases coming across the border, which allows you to deport anyonehe inclu instantaneously, including unaccompanied alien children. i want to give you a couple more tha alien shoulvet are impm prosecute, prosecute, prosecute, put aliens in jail if they come back in. it is a felony charge, is aa massive deterrent. and five, a very important one. although most illegal aliensiv not from mexico these days. for mexicans, you reinstate interiornot from deportations, t fly them back to the north, fly them back to the southth, mexic, which president trump did. so it is thousands prs and of miles to come back to the border. you do those things and you're shut this thing tighte ther than a submarine hatch. >> well, now you heard this new little laura: gimmick thats there's a threshold. >> it's just this reminder what happened in 2013 and 2027. it's the same story all overando again. >> stephen, you and i were within those battles togetheu a but so now they say it's okay if my caucus finds 8500 people. if they hit that 8500 persone
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mark, then he can shut the border down to any new migrants coming in the what's the what's the calculation on that 8500 people every day for a year?8,5 that's more than 3 million people a year and that's worse d than what we have now. >> well, first of all, we knowhe how these bills are written. >> i can promise you, even in that circumstance it and , tv the bill is written, there will be. except this. except that except in this casil wre ,secretary may waive midway may waive humanitarian exception. so even then,, i guarantees to you there'll be a thousand ways to let in another 10,000 illegals. but they are trying tryin to normalize invasion levels. migration is the simplesg lize y i can put it, laura. they are trying to make invasion levels of illegal m immigration the standard the norm. as we all know, the correcants t amount of illegal immigration is right there in the title. illegalegal im tl is 00.0 is tht amount of illegal immigration, and the only policy that this country shouldy that have is mandatory detention. mandatory expulsion.
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there's not 2000 a day, 4000 a day. seven, eight, nine, ten. and that is the fundamental disagreement. ther, thate one party that belis in no illegal immigration, minus some members that we all know about and as one part of the believes in unlimited illegal immigratiort that ben. s >> and that's the issue. that is the issue before american votersut iss in the trr biden face off. >> that's it. and that's the clearto trumpsusl and their little game they're going to play with, oh, we're going to mak, e asylum hearings within like six months. >> do you believ withine that fort for one minute there shouldn't even be discussion of asylum? discus they should all be deported. they're all fake claims. they're phony claimsn of , economic migrants, and many of them are criminals. none of them none of them are fleeing political persecution. >> it's all rubbish, laura. yeah, well, the statute says it's all discretionary on the part of the secretary. you don't have an automatinary c right to asylum. so turn around. go back and come back legally. n't havestephen, to see you.gre here we go again. all right. coming up, who's really in charge at the white see yo i the question a lot of people
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i just want to wish you a very t happy st patrick's day from the white house, from me>> ma and me. you right here at the white house. i hang out the here for a while. super. sorry, miss jen and jen going make on spirit is my man. we need to get shots. the arms of every single american. sorry, mr. president. >> in honor of trans rights and human rights. >> okay.ay we thought joe biden was usingb those weird influencers to kind of score points with younger voterswa. behave, be cool. but apparently there are some of his top policy advisersol. the administration was announcing that it's halting plan s to more liquefied natural gas, which, of cours expore, goo our allies in europe and, kind of box out russia before deciding to stall these energy . >> biden's climate team reportedly huddled a 25h a year old tech talker who's been5 organizing campaign against liquefied natural gas.
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>> people are paying attention . i've been gone doing news interviews and meeting with people in d.c. if you've been a pard to mnews it this evr a while, you know that that's usually how these things go. thd for thank you to the 410,000 people that have already signed petition and everybody that's making videos because we're really doing this thing. >> let's are the biggest fossilg fuel build out in history. >> nice neest cap. so much for biden's promise that the adults are back in charge. charge joining me now are ned ryan, american authority ceo charlie cen opinioningto editor, fox news contributor neind, there's the net cap wearing, you know, tattoo, you know, sporting multiple. it's a predictable but this is a serious issue this is a serious national and economicsei issue for the united states.ty i mean, on a surface, it seems completely absurd that you'd have a 25-year-old tik-tok boy coming in and really with, you know, the biden white house. >> it just feels wit me, laura,
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being being in d.c. for so longn that this is a d pretty coordinated disinformation campaign. pry influencer astroturf petition drive ontiktk on tik tok, the communist chinese platform probably getting paid for every ten thousand to 100,000 signatures by some leftist acimat,000e activist group or someone that has really big interests in the green energytiha. and then you've got the biden white house that i think was probably on this at the veryg. beginning. i think they probably wanted to able to block the lng export facilities before the 2024 elections. and i'm sure that if they approve this before, thenoh it would hurt them with the young climate activist progressive base. >> and they probablyur, hey, we want to kill this. why don't you spin up something to givt you spe cover?ice of voice of the people is the voice of god. and look what happenedpeersu thp petition drive took place. >> we're just listening to these people to makpe to msure that we listen to the voices of our constituents. >> and here you have isten tt astroturf magic. >> yeah. charlie, it sounds perfect.kindo
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i mean, this is kind of what they do. it's. oh, this the is an organicthis i movement. now, this is a they're plottinsg against america's energy independence, are they not? >> oh, they are. withoue plottit doubt. >> these people are fundamentally ridiculous. and theyeople ar buy these peop. i don't mean the silly kids peo on the tiktok stufple f, you kny that's great. they're passionate about something. they want to go on tiktok tikto and do their stuff. whatever. i don't care. the problem herek r stuff, is unserious is the white house's joe biden. the fact that theyt care. going to take these people seriously and as you point out, this is a very highly bankrolled moneyed interest, this environmental movement, and it's aimedd s aim at destroying the united states of america and all and all of the good powers in then world. and what is interesting here is this move by joe biden is going to be the same thing that he that we saw when he came into office and he canceled pipelines cam and. he did everything to destroy american energy, energy independence. toit's to enrich vladimir puti.
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and the result of this is goinag to be that the ukraine war is going to last longer because of this decision. and these ukrainian citizenscisn that these people claim to care because dieing to die of this decision and the blood will be on. of thijoe hands, not the goofy, idiotic, you know, teenagee tikt tiktoker kid. >> well, remember when the liberals said thatok laura:y independence from russia was one of our top priorities? nergy ini it. >> watch that. exactly. we're coming together. ethe reduce our dependance on russian energy. the united states together. our international partners. we're going to work to ensure rk tol 15 one, five, 15 billion cubic meters of liquefied natural gas. lng for europe. >> when president putin tried to weaponize energy, we redirected natural gas suppliesv from across the world. : ned, and then did someone get to dne them or was this g their plaetnl
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all? >> yeah, well, i mean, first of all, it's a very powerful, charlie pointed out, very powerful interests with the green energy. >> i hav pe to you, laura,e here i think there's a china angle here as well. china wants to power the onwell. the production of solar panels, not only their platfor>> laum, t they're trying to corner the market on the green energy future of production of solar panels and batteries. >> right. and us producing more and produ exporting more natural gas undercuts those goals. soci i've got a real questionl u about what china's influence is on this wholees. >> supposedly, you know, this astroturf campaign to block and why would biden have b any interest in helping china? >> charlie why would there be any biden concern? i mean, it's i know biden.on wit >> connection with china, right? there's not exactly it's not like his family is collectinh t g millions of dollars from these people. and of course, it's not just chin of dollar a. it's russia, too. you know, when you and the only question i want to ask for the rest of this year as we get into the generalrest of isr is joe biden working for? is joe biden working for or
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is he working for china, russia, ukraine e and all thesee other interests that aren't the american? oh, that'she the right that bor. the border deal is going to solve it all. all right, ned and charlie, great to see of you. all right. up next, subtitles valentine's treats and an academy award. what is it? three wishes on friday follies with raymond. >> next. >> george is always put the ones he loves first when it comes to caring for his teeth. o he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. with ae it's time to shift gears on that because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptionalf tree . plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance in 20% off treatment plans, making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way. aspen dental is in your corner. >> for years, i've been sharing how crape braces help my skin look smoother, firmer, and.
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to the opera, they put the english subtitles. the translator patient above the stage. so you know what's being sung. i wish the white is house woulu invest in simultaneous subtitles everinvest iy. >> time biden goes to the podium. >>, used to make beer brewed here is used to make the food is to find or try to measure the great lakes. >> i wonder what teeth donalked choppin a valuable lesson. don't mess with eric unless you want to get the benefit by professor. y profes well, i'm getting my professory . my predecessor, though he chose. a different course. >> i love how i try to sort of pretend they meant the same. tried to do the same. blah. nice. nice. backtrack. well, so what did subtitles be? thmean, that way, even when he fell after the audienceat could maintain some level of understanding.
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>> i'm trying to help with my wishesce could maintailevel . well, artificial intelligence, artificial president, hologram president. i think anything can be done with the new technology. raymon i thinything d. >> yeah, well, you know, the white house may also want to print out clear directions so biden doesn't wander over and listen at beer barrelst th to try to hear what's inside. this was a bad look, the endm ln of the talk the whole way. >> i'm looking at that photo ram sniffingtnd the beer.e beer. he thinks it's a young lady. i think it's a kinhed of an whoi auburn haired who's in there. >> yeah, i said, who's hops? i like your hops. all right. oh, okay.hi raymond, this is friday, a long week. riday.what's your second wish? >> yeah. okay, laura, i wish cand y manufacturers would be more truthful in their advertising. >> for instance, when reese's says here valentine's day peanut butter pink hearts, they shouldn't look like partsat . male anatomy when you open the bag. okay, the internetomy when has n having a ball complainingball
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about the low hanging heartsg that look wellabou. the well, they look like they should be on the back of the bumper of a truck in the wilderness a you know, they look a little . >> i understand. you know what else they also say? >> also, could this be, kiu know, when your kids, they lose their teeth and the tooth fairy has to come and put some money on? it kind of looks like some of my kids teeth because they eat a lot of candyds t. t laura, it's like, oh, when do you go down the candy aisle? islethey're looking for a family tree, not the family jewels. and there's a woman her name'sll cynthia kelly. she's suing reese's because jack-o'-lanter in halloween didn't look the way they were advertised. >> so this canjacko interested y stack of complaints. saiall right. okay. that was so bad. i mean, that was ofints., you k. well, we're having a ball tonight. all right? it's definitely time for havi thirde fo wish. >> okay?ur this one is free of nuts. maybe i wish a award winners would stop trying to sexualize statuette. sexual
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i give you last year's best supporting actress winneizr, jamie lee curtis. >> it lives in my house. it lives. i have gender thate. i have a trans daughter and there is no. and i putet they them button an just make sure anybody coming in understood the oscar is paid them. mhm. yeah. yeah. i mean yeah. con unders. >> that makes sense. none of that sense. sense at al, but raymond. no, none of them on the stage. >> i'm sorry i really believe ae what they're saying. i just refuse to believe sayiek ey believ they're saying. i don't think they do. i think this is a total i would hope not virtue signal do., i ml this idea that oscar doesn't have a gender, first of all it was created in 1927. >> it is a statuette of a night that was created by mgm's designer. >> okay. and then it was the director. she was the libraria n and lateribrari executive director of the academy awards, a woman named margaret herrick. i lookedanater
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it up today. she said the statue looked like her bald uncle oscar the. e that's where the name came from. so i'm sorry. golden gender barbiee. ave osca leave oscar alone. he may not have . you can see that'she a sword he's holding, but that's all right. jamie lee is perfectsort. i know you love that. that film. i'm really dating myself. there' s a lot of spandex there. >> not only did gender statues and things, now some beloved film classics are getting diversge. week n we learned this weekew new versions of frank capra's it's a wonderful life and the wizard of oz will feature all black cast"the ws and it's g to be directed by kenya barris, the creator of blackish. now i'm a little about all all o this, laura, since a black wizard of oz, the wif thisz, hit broadway in 1978, it's back again. .and remember, diana rossd and michael jackson already did that movie. >> i don't know why this de succkson did that mow why the need a new, diverse version. i haven't time right now. well, what we call it is fresh
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out of ideas. all right, raymond, great to see you. have a good weekend. idl righ ha, great. every attack on trump has flopped. remember, he's hitler. he's a traitorevery attack o. ra >> he's mentally unstable, and he's just gotten more popular. unstw they're back at itt agai again, he's the anti reagan. well, coming up, a reagan he i, the wackos. >> that's next. >> every day can be extraordinary with rich,ment creamy, delicious buying totalbu yogurt. we've planned well for retirement. but i wish we had more cash. mi >> do you think that's true of any idea that they can sell their life insurancei for cash? >> so they're basically sitting on a goldminventry'se? i i don't think they have a clue. that's crazy. well, not everyone knows. is ca. coventry. so thousands of people sell their policies for cash even termu own a.
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liberal media establishment gop has never trumpers. they're running out arguments don't you notice this against trump so they're just recycling the old ones. >> donald trump claimingtrump he wants to be a dictator on day one. our reinvigorated, revenge seekincl to be adictatorg presip will stick it to the left and to immigrants, to and trans folks, to women seeking bodily autonomy. >> donald trump could be fatal to the american experiment >> democracy. >> a a donald trump, who's likey the gop nominee, is a clear and present danger to the country that is a threat to democracy. >> i'm sorry. i love this guy. i don't even think they believe it. but i guess what? they have to say it. one of my favorite new old lines, though, is from people in the prestes who didn't even like reagan. he is making a cashee that the
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publican republican has changed, that it's time to throw out what he calls thhangeds timee and globalists. republican voters are sending a clear signal that. the >> what they want is whaty wa trump represents and not the old party of ronald reagan. now, with trump as the likely nominee,. republican are nos ar longer the party of reagan. really? in other words, it's an obvious attempt to scare off moderates and independentsy of in the genl election by dissing trump as anp anti reagan figure, as a radical nationalist. but what's the truth here? s is there any nuance at all? remember reagan's, massive win in 1980 shocked the bush baker country club detente types. but instead of fighting reaganism, eventually they moved closer toward it and they worked with him. clndy, but not with the current gop establishment. they keep fighting trump resisting what the people have wanted on all these issueswanted and just enrages the base and hurts the country n . >> it helps fight.. craig shirley, the author
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of the searcsurely, h for reaga, a great new book, and chris bedford, senior fellow at the common sense society. join us for this discussion now . craig, who's closer to reagan conservatism? and i know it's hard to compare this because a different time and different challenges, but who's closer to the reagan conservatismfferent differ thanh mcconnell? liz cheney that romney types clr people like trump and j.d. vanctt romnee? p an >> no, it couldn't be.d. v it certainly can't be mitchance mcconnell. he entered politics bashing ronald reagan, and now s bashinging politic donald trump. so they are all defenders, the establishment. they're all defenders of the status quo. reagan ran are all challenging the status quo, challenging cha the powers that be. and no better case can be madera thant how he discarded detente. you know, they kind of ruled american foreign policy vis- wh a vis the soviet union since the time of harry truman. you know, virtue was containment then.
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it was later devolved into decline. first, cinment aand then reagant and said, we're not going to we're not going to get aloneg soviet union. we're going to transcend the soviet union. we're going to we're going sovisoviet going to beat them into the ground and make the people of eastern europe and soviet republics free. is and that's exactly what he did. and nothing helps to upsetex the henry kissinger crowd more than reagan challengingnotn status quo. >> so it was the old status quo. >> laura: , oldold re republican party. and he didn't win in 76, but he came back inpuan 1980, obviously won substantially. and bedford, i want to talk to you about peace through strength, because trump hash ste echoed that theme and did since 2015 when he got into the racent that we, the american economy to be humming. manufacturing made the country not just lip service like joe biden gives it when he talksuntry an about in ameri. s reagan this wa in 1980 on that same topic, establishing a real peace. must rest on the firm underpinning of a strong shing a
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american economy. tragically, the weakened state of america as economy has significantly affected our ability to have the strongest possible foreign and defense policies. >>e well, this is trump's poin. how are you a superpower when interest on our debt is bigger than our defense budget now? r debtyou can't continue to dou' superpower things when you're self-loathing home in our schools and then l you wreck your economy with globalization and you never realize it until it's actually happening. superpowers never realizth youe they're out of missiles or they're out of ships. they're out of men until they're already starting supehee people. they're already starting to scramble before they're starting to try and buy til theyamble or from abroad tod to refill our own arsenals, which joe biden promised to. you know, right now the united states is a lagging economy. inflation's out of controlrightt our missiles are going abroad to defend other countries anrders or unable to hold our own that show all the signs of late stage republic all. it's not a good thing. and someone like trump needs to com thie in and say, we needr to get our energy going and to unleash our economy.
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you can't fighgy goingnleash ot abroad that mitch mcconnell wants to fight everywhere without a booming economway. and that's exactly the right message. yeah, we're going to stay on this. economy. the season because they're going to keep saying the republican party has abandoned reagan. we're going to keee theyp debung it. chris and craig, everyone go out and get craig's book search ford craig . our cities are lookingh more like gothamfo every day, carjackings in broad daylight, freeway shootinges and now swarms of young thugs robbing and, looting businesses. >> how will this end? john walshd loot from america'st wanted is here nexjot. >> what is going on on american campuses? >> what do our enemies want to enforce? they want to influence the thought processes of our kids. if you say someone's pronoun the wrong way, you can get kicked out of college. the jewish kids are hiding in their dorm, afraid to go to class from the river to the sea. palestine must be free.
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about $40,000 worth of damage. >> then, of course, a cvs, d.c.n forced to close its doors after being targeted by a group of 45 teenage thieves. >> sometimes up to times every day. and new video shows the shelveys before the place shut down. >> joining me now is the hospla america's most wanted, john walsh. john, great to see host of. the hit show back on fox, which is so exciting. ack onoxall new episodes will be available on fox nation this monday. it's awesome news. now, john, i know you've been covering crime for a long, long time, but have you ever what you're seeing now with, i young people and the utter lawlessness of it. >> i one of the reasons i'm back is because of that. just crime statistics are the worst in the history of this country. and the fbi and the marshal's asking me, you've gomarshat 120e of the uncatchable bad guys that nobody could catcatchablehb
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the fbi's ten most wanted list, the most more than fbi agent. but we recovered 61 stranger abducted, missing kids alive. my son was killed 4 hours. so the stranger ducted kids are the ones the hardest to geot back. i've never seen anything like this. and that's why i'm coming back. seen anythingthink.>> lau >> oh, it's just shoplifting. and i saw someone online calling it reparations. you don't have a right to sell stuff that we can't afford. rig >> i mean, this t't this is the language affor they're usin is g. >> what is this doing to local can't find a a store in your neighborhood? >> any you longer to buysentials the essentials?buysentials >> and what does it do to the worker? it do ts are there. they're terrified when 20 guys with hoods on come in with or withou on comet. what about the people that are in there shopping? th. these gangs are ravaging through them. and look what happened to portland and seattle gae. two downtowns are ghettos. they're not. there's no more vibranseattle,t. it's so disgusting. and, you know, this defundin's a
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police who came up with that in chicago right.icago now, i was talking to the chicago p.d. they were doing recruiting. g stuff. they can't they either show up, they're morbidly obese or they don't have grammahow up're. in their last recruiting drive, i think they hired five cops and half the cop the las s retired or went somewhere else. what's this, defunding police. sed fiv cops can't come to thesh store robberies because it's not a high priority. i justey come to saw the numbers before i got here. you know, four of city's four cities, st. louis, baltimore, new orleans and chicag s -- st.o are in the top ten murder capitals of the world. six cities are ahead of them. mexico. mexico is a narco state. 30,000 murders on the border six cities. lots of those cartels do it. but listencitiese , chicago, this is myws big beef. i've done a lot of shows in chicago about. what's on the last two years, there have been 1326 murders in chicago, 27,000 and shootings, carjackings, chicago and not washington,
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d.c. are now carjacking capitalsthe of world 1320 carjacked in chicago last year and 26,000 cars. cars. people are losing their jobs. their cars have been ripped off twice. they have to take a cab or an ubere a cab or to work. t they're losing their credit ratings. it's -- it's it's so it's son it's the worst statistics in the history of this countryh. . what i'm coming back to in y turned down 400 cases. >> we can't do well even one week. e yo >> we appreciate you because we have these iconic stores and fast food places that people love to go to, like in and out burge gr. n closing down in parts of california. the residents are so upsetpart, they like going to their places. they go. bu. i want to and everything more.e yeah, go ahead. i was in californitha yesterday. shooting the show, a suburb of californi wa last sunday night, had 50 car break inshad 0
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and in the last three weeks, 70 home invasions of burglarie-s one little neighborhood, one nice neighborhood. where can you goone niceborhoodt you're safe? >> well, again, leadership matters. laura: you to vote for people i are actually going to be lawle i and order. if you vote for bad leadership, you're going order. v to geoting t a lot l of geoting t a lot l all right. i want to remind everyone new episodes of america'ot ofs t wanted are available on fox nation this monday. f's most john, it's always greae you. thanks so much. come back soon. so much.thanks for having me, u new hampshire, the border shenanigans. there's going to be a lo the bod more next week and we've had a a lot of fun. i hope you did as well. reme don't forget, set your dvr. always stay connected with the angry mangle. make sure you follow meta on social media for all the behind the sceneconnectes stuff. it's always fun. thank you for watching. remember, it is america now, and you bet forever. >> jesse watters takes it from here. have a great weekend history . at weekend hello, i'm dana penolo


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