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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 27, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> president biden vowing to shut down the border if given emergency authority through a bipartisan bill taking shape
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right now in the senate. but over in the house, speaker johnson says that bill is dead on arrival. if new reports about the terms of the deal are, in fact, true, welcome to fox news live i'm aishah hasnie griff good to be with you. >> from eagle pass to the white house we have a busy saturday. this comes as former president trump calls on states to sending their national guards to assist texas along the southern border. we have fox team coverage with matt eagle pass where the standoff between texas and the biden administration is ramping up. but let's begin with lucas tomlinson at the white house on new details we're learning about this senate border deal. hey, lucas. >> griff, election year politics will factor heavily into the fate of the senate border bill to put it mildly as you mention aishah mentioned and donald trump doesn't support it here's tennessee senator marsha blackburn. >> the president could close that border if he wanted to close the border.
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he will not close the border we can pass all of the laws and if they're not going follow the then, then why are we passing something? >> here's a breakdown of what's in this senate border bill mandatory shut down and migrant encounters hits 5,000, shut down also take effect if there are 8500 migrant encounters in a single day shutdown would not lift until daily encounters reduced under 75% of the 5,000 threshold for at least two weeks you've got that griff. mandatory detention of all single adults all migrants don't have valid claims can be immediately removed and any migrant call trying to cross twice during the shut down phase would be banned from entering the u.s. for one year. now here's a simpler version of it migrants that would be allowed into the country under deal 150,000 per month 1.8 million per year. that's about the size of phoenix, now president biden reacting in a statement saying, quote, for too long we all knew the borders been broken it is
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long past tile to fix it. what's been negotiated would if passed into law would be toughest and fairest set of reforms to security border we've ever had in our country. it would give me as @a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed. many republicans, of course, think it is already overwhelmed based on historic migrant data from last month motion u.s. history recent abc news poll says 18% approve biden is doing on the southern border an new gallop poll says it was lowest of any president since jimmy carter now later today president biden heads to south carolina where he will be on the ballot for the first time next week, of course, after skipping iowa and new hampshire. griff. griff: interesting new details in that bill lucas tomlinson kicking from the white house lucas, thank you. ♪ ♪ >> and cvp released record-breaking numbers, a staggering 302,000 migrant encount ergs in december alone. we knew that from sources but
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now it is official. this comes as the migrant crisis is being highlighted on a national scale with texas governor abbott and biden administration going head-to-head over how to best secure the border and matt flynn live in eagle pass, texas with the latest on the razor wire which we can see behind you matt. >> good morning aishah texas hasn't removed razor wire, in fact, behind me the state is in installing additional razor wire and issued a deadline yesterday to respond with how much of this park if any it is going to open back up to federal border patrol agents. well, the state of texas responded and it is not reopening this property back to the biden administration, in fact, the texas attorney general kim paxton writes to the u.s. government it would like biden administration to provide information on how much if any
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of this property the biden administration thinks is federal land because this state is arguing this is texas land it has the right to fortify it as it is doing and texas telling us that it feels it is doing a better job deterring illegal immigration i spoke one-on-one with lieutenant govan dan patrick. >> we're doing our job america wants us to do and what texans want us to do and i believe even blue state governors want us to do they may not say it so we're doing the job let us do our job again if they want to cut the wire we're going replace it right away and if they cut down miles of it during the day we have more at night. we have more wire than they have wire cutters. >> so in summary state of texas did not comply with a federal deadline yesterday to indicate how much of this park it is gong to reopen and not reopening any of it we can tell you that texas national guard is still fiercely
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defending this property. so the showdown between the biden administration and the state of texas continues here in shelby park ish aishah. aishah: on to griff. griff: republican congressman from texas tony gonzalez, tony i've spent more time with you in eagle pass in the last half back end of 2023 i think than any other place on the planet we're here now. what is your reaction you just heard mattfin's report of what's happen on the ground in eagle pass, of course, the details of this -- potential senate bill. >> thank you for having me griff and you know the problem well you've been on the ground and you've seen it and reported over 300,000 when it originally came out in december. so thank you for that. we're tired, us that live along the border textens in general i think america we're tired of this situation, and we're yes
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we're talking about shelby park, and a half a meal in the razor wire but the overall borders 2,000 miles. so we're not talking about the other 19 -- 1999 miles here. what i need from the biden administration is one thing. i need them to deport people that are here illegally by thousands just like president trump did. just like president obama did just like what president bush and clinton that's what he needs to do. the border package that senate has been working on i haven't seen any of the texts and i've spoken with a lot of negotiators, but until i see the text you know the devil is always in the details when you're talking congress. griff: tony it seems your speak or mike johnson already getting out there saying it is dead on arrival and show you his speck quote he says this -- i made clear that we stand with texas govan greg abbott in historic efforts to protect citizens of his state and all americans and emphasizing again today that house republicans
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will vigorously oppose any policy proposal from the white house or senate that would further incentivize illegal aliens to break our laws. and he has a point there, i think, tony because when you're talking about potential details where you would allow some, you know, 150,000 per month appoint of appointing million to be continue to be mass released before any authority mechanism kicks in and you see last year numbers there what's to stop it from being those numbers again? >> you know speak or johnson brings up a valid point i think americans are going wait a second here why are we talking about illegal immigration? why are we encouraging those that are breaking our laws why aren't we talking about legal immigration? why aren't we talking about those american citizens that are following the rules. it seems as if things are turned upside down this is where the administration gets it wrong. it is trying to peenged a number that is acceptable or a situation that acceptable.
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the answer should be zero. you know, we should allow no illegal immigration. the conversation should be on those that are legally trying to come in and work and -- protect those from political and religious prosecution. but the conversation is all in the illegal stand point from a house stand point we've passed our bill. but i am looking for real solutions aisle be very clear griff in my district we're not waiting. we're not looking for blame. we want this to end. i don't to see eagle pass on tv every single day. we want our lives back. >> and let's take the other side of this moment -- because as wall street journal i think, rightfully points out if president former president trump is reelected, then democrats would likely default to their factory settings oppose anything particularly related to the border that the trump administration would put forward. so if this really a window here that democrats are actually willing to negotiate on policy that may not come again soon? >> you know what you bring up a
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great point let's think about america. let's just put the politics aside -- you know, when 9/11 hits there were 19 terrorists that killed thousands of americans and brought us into a war. right, so this is -- we're seeing hundreds of people on the terrorist watch list come over. people we don't know what their intentions are. this is something that i think congress can bring congress together. hey how do we look at it through the scope of national security? how do we make sure americans are safe? let's start there. and then let's try to box out as of the politics as possible and then deliver for the american people i think there's an opportunity for that. griff: tony there's a part of this story that is upsetting to me that appears that border patrol agents the men and women who did not process and secure our border are caught in the middle of a political storm down there in eagle pass. cvp senior official issued a statement to me yesterday saying
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that the relationship between bp and texas dps and national guard remain strong adding that border patrol has no plans to remove that wire placed by texas along the border. their posture remains the same. do you believe that border patrol is stuck as a political pawn? >> they are and you know this very well on the ground agencies work together. they're the same people right they have the sail mission if you will to just to protect americans, protect texans, protect people in eagle pass or other places along the border. and they're getting sucked up into the federal government versus the states. border patrol agents will tell you they want to get back to doing their job and dps agents they want to get back to doing their job. that's why it is so important i think is -- as leaders in congress, we need to find a real solution that focuses on bringing us together, making sure americans are safe. holding people accountable and once again, if you don't qualify for asylum you don't get a court
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date six years from now but immediately sent back to country of origin every administration has done that and long time for biden administration to do the same. >> tony gons thank you so much for your time. >> thank you griff. aishah. aishah: let's go to democrat congressman jake he's joining us live now, congressman, good to see you let's start where griff left off with tony gonzalez on senate border bill, and we haven't read it yet the text isn't out but some parts of it are being leaked out, and the president -- yesterday tweeted that he was eager to sign this bill as soon as it passes the senate in the house. this would give him the authority to shut down the border -- if crossings exceed 5,000 a day for a whole week. or 8500 in one day, congressman those numbers are astounding, and there's a lot of pushback on this because people are looking at this and thinking how does this address the crisis when you
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still allow 4,9 9 people to cross the border and border doesn't shut down? how is this making a difference? >> good afternoon aishah thanks for having me on again. immigration policies complex and americans deserve to see the full text congress deserves to see the full text before we weigh in on a comprehensive package here. but the immigration politics is actually quite simple and indeed house senate republican leadership is saying that quiet part outloud they are saying both mitch mcconnell in a closed door meeting speak or johnson publicly they would rather campaign on the issue than governor on it and mitch mcconnell says pleks have changed now that trump is the de facto nominee speaker johnson said dead on arrival in the house. this is a bipartisan border fix, that gives the president authority to shut down on legal crossings. he's set -- >> with the border i understand politics this and covered this plenty this week because there is talk trump getting involved here. but how does this bill fix the
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border? >> first -- the border is always been about two things right, figuratively how high is the wall to say how you have it is enforcement of illegal crossings and the second is how wide is the gate to say how much resources is directed towards legal and orderly processing of immigration because americans broadly want both. we are a country of immigrants we want people to come here to build a better life. we all have come here under those offices. but we also want the rule of law at the border and this bill does both of those things. if gives president biden expanded authority to shut down illegal crossings and it also allows hill to allocate more resources for due process with immigration judges and magistrates for those coming here through legal ports of entry this is a win/win when you see the full text -- americans deserve -- aishah: we need to e sou the full text but what kind of a message if this is in the text okay and we know this bill is dead on arrival in the house so we'll see what happens -- we'll see what happens. but what kind of a message does this send not only to democratic
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mayors in border towns down in texas, arizona that are pleading for help but also to cartellingst and people trying to get in. >> we're cherry picking a single number that were negotiated by a republican senator from oklahoma who is not exactly a dove on border security issues. that has to account for people legitimate rights to seek asylum here. this is not a -- a blank check for legal crossings it is the exact opposite this is the strongest toughest measure on border security in modern american history. it is not one that is going to be available if donald trump gets elected. but what is upstream of policy issues is the core political fact that donald trump wants to be able to perform about the border as opposed to actually allow republicans to govern on it and speak or johnson will have to answer for the fact that he would rather do you to donald trump and rather than solve a problem. aishah: let me get thoughtings for this political showdown in texas and shl by park,
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obviously, governor abbott is not letting up and hasn't taken it down yet and some of your democrat colleagues think that the president should federalize the texas national guard. a tweet here by representative castro says greg abbott is using texas national guard to obstruct and create chaos at the border. if abbott is defying yesterday supreme court ruling then potus needs to establish federal control of the texas national guard now. congressman do you think that's a good idea? >> here i actually agree with tony and what he said earlier. this is a small section of a 2,000 mile southern border and we have to look at root causing and we have to look at this comprehensively. the united states economy over the last several years has been a power house. there are 60 million people south of that border earning dollar a day. and so the u.s. economy has become a magnet because of its strength under president biden leadership for people seeking better life. we need them to do so lawfully and orderly. we have a bill that has been negotiated, that looks to do
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that. americans deserve a vote on that bill. they deserve to see the text. they deserve to know where the representatives stand on it what they do not deserve is for senator mcconnell and close door meets to try to kill that bill out of subservient of donald trump and don't need to kill that bill -- >> i don't think that's going to happen we've had plenty of people on right in the senate say that the trump that former president trump was not involved he was not calling them. i want to move on to two more quick things i'm running out of time running out of time here on secretary alejandro mayorkas a impeachment markup this week that everyone is going to be watching. if he's impeached -- congressman, do you think that he should avoid a senate trial and the whole -- spotlight and all of the media coverage that's going to happen that's going follow and just step down? >> impeachment is grossly inappropriate for policy differences and republicans are serious about border policy, then let's engage on the bipartisan border policy bill. impeaching the secretary mayorkas is admission by the gop
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and house they don't actually have plans but they have anger. aishah: quickly on the horrific news of some people that were working at unrwa that were involved in the october 7th terror attacks in israel. you know, i want to pull this full screen up and i don't know if you can see it but i want folks at home to be able to see the amount of money that the u.s. has been sending to unrwa for the last three years under this administration. it's a billion dollars, congressman. and obviously, huge contrast to the years prier where former president trump stopped that from happening. do you regret that this administration sent a billion dollars of taxpayer money to this organization that we, i mean, could possibly have been involved in this horrific attack? >> there are no good choices in the middle east and two things can be choosed simultaneously. one is that unrwa has at times
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both inculcated gazan children in sentiment and man a cover for terrorist employees, and two that unrwa has been best portal for humanitarian aid for the palestinian people at a time when they have been impoverished by incompetence and nefarious behavior and both are true simultaneously and i think the president's actions on unrwa are appropriate. aishah: do you wish we want have vetted them more? >> unrwa has always been a double edged sword. there's been long documented that unrwa has significant challenges particularly in gaza. it has also been the best portal for humanitarian aid to the pl people. there's no easy answer in the middle east. we have got to ensure that palestinian children are having access to clean water and food. we also have to ensure that u.s. taxpayer dollars are not being used to support terrorism and there's been no president who has been stronger for israel against terrorism than joe biden. aishah: all right congressman always good to see you and see
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you back on the hill in a few days. take care. >> former president trump vowing to appeal the verdict handed down late yesterday ordering him to pay over $83 million in damages to eugene carol and c.b. cotton is live with the details. hey c.b.. reporter: it is possible she doesn't get a sit of 80 million in damages at least for not the foreseeable future because trump and attorney have appealed the verdict. >> pomly he could at least try to get this appeal to the united states supreme court. so he's got some cards left to play and i do think the appeals process is going to stretch on for a number of years. >> so the jury deliberated on friday for less than three hours awarding carol $65 million for punitive damages and one million for repair and pain and suffering during the two week trial jurors were only tasked with weighing damages because
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judge cited against trump where a jury found he had indeed defamed writer and was liable for sexual abuse. during the second trial, carol's legal team arguing trump used his status as president in 2019 due to deny the allegations prompting a wave of criticism and threats against the writer. trump's attorney alina arguing trumple could not control what people wrote online and that carol had actually been elevated because of trump's statements. let's roll that sound. >> we will immediately appeal and set aside that ridiculous jury and i want to remind you of one thing i will continue with trump to fight for the right to speak. >> meanwhile carroll attorney saying that verdict, quote, proves that the law applies to everyone in our country even the rich even the famous, even former president. now trump's legal troubles are far from over. and the coming week there could be a decision griff in his 375
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million dollar civil fraud trial which again threatens the future of his business doings here in new york. back to you. griff: that is a lot of money c.b. cotton, thank you very much. coming up shocking allegations against wrestling titan vince mcman that led to his resignation from the wwe. that's next. energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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aishah: so the gop led georgia state senate is launching special committee with subpoena power to investigate whether fulton county district attorney fannie willis inappropriately spent state tax money in her prosecution of former president trump and madison is live with the latest on this drama. hi madison. >> hi aishah. legal accusations piling up for d.a. and special prosecutor nathan wade just yesterday, a member of the georgia house introduced a bill to impeach willis along with that senate investigative committee. >> obviously, if it is strictly a personal relationship that's not what we're interested in but to the extent that lines were crossed ethical lines were crossed legal lines were crossed that state funds were used in the furtherance that's what we're interested in finding out. >> senate committee will be able to call witnesses to testify. but it wouldn't be able to
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discipline the d.a. just make recommendations. also this week, the former president join motionings by codefendants to dismiss indictment and court documents accuse willis of having romantic relationship with wade in addition trump attorney accuses willis of inserting racial and into the case and attorney sites a church speech in which the d.a. suggested that she and wade face criticism because they're black. one law professor says that allegations against willis and wade pose a significant threat to the case. >> the threat is considerable even because of the likely delay in the case if the motion for disqualification was granted even ultimately the district attorney willis and mr. wade avoid this qualification, it could be an extended fight could go all the way up to the georgia supreme court.
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>> no word yet from willis on all of these allegations but has until friday to formally respond and judge overseeing case scheduled a hearing for february 19th. aishah. >> madison thank you for us. >> thanks. griff: hollywood entertainment lawyer and kevin morris told gop investigators he loaned a million and a half more than thought and tells oversight committee he gave hunter biden 6.5 million in loans and fixed to be paid back with interest. >> department of justice now announcing that former new york governor andrew cuomo sexually harassed at least 13 women working for the state overt course of eight years. as part of a civil rights settlement with kathy d.o.j. concluded that he violated federal title ix rules between 2013 and 2021 as cuomo
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repeatedly subjected women to nonconsenual and retaliated against and reta is denying the fightings. >> did you see this, wwe founder vince mcmahon has resigned from his position as executive chairman of tka group holdings the parent holder of ufc resignation comes after allegations of sexual abuse and trafficking were made earlier this week by a former employee. christina coleman is here with the very latest details christina this is qeet quite a surprise yesterday. >> i have to tell you allegations details in this lawsuit are very graphic. former wwe employee jen thrps el and former wwe executive over these allegations. grant claims she experienced, quote, physical and emotional abuse, sexual assault and trafficking while working at the
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company. the graphic federal lawsuit was filed in u.s. district court in connecticut where wwe is based. and the complaint graduate claimed wwe billionaire founder and former executive chairman vin sint mcman force her to a sexual relationship to keep her job and shared sexually explicit photo and videos of her with other men inside and outside of the company. her attorney said, quote, mcmahan pushed for long promise employment at wwe and felt trapped in a impossible position submitting and facing ruin. he feared she had everything to lose and face negative consequences no matter what happened. however, he strongly denies graduate's allegations and in a statement to fox digital he said, quote, i stand by my prior statement that her lawsuit is with lies, on seen instances and vindictive distortion of the
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truth and baseless allegations and look forward to clearing my name and he said that out of respect for the universe tko business and board members and partners and constituents all of the employees and superstar who is made wwe into a global leader that it is today he has decided to resign from executive chairmanmanship and board of directors effective immediately. meantime wwe parent company tko says it is taking these allegations seriously. griff. displif christina coleman live with those details interesting story we'll continue to follow this. christina, thank you. aishah: new details uncovered about a fifth party attendee in that mysterious death of three kansas city chiefs fans. we're going dive into the mystery what in the world happened here, right after the break. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need...
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john judge consider a request for the 2015 trial start for breen co berger after attorney motion to dismiss murder charges denied friday and accused of killing four university students in moscow, idaho, november 2022, the trial date is still yet to be determined. aishah. aishah: all charges against chris young have now been dismissed following his arrest at dog house bar in nashville, monday night. the 38-year-old was taken into custody after allegedly striking an alcoholic beverage commission agent and refusing arresting. but footage released in the following days then contradicts those allegations clearly showing that the agent shoved young who then falls backwards over a table and a chair. >> that i can fully heal until i find out what happened -- and i'll never be fully healed.
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i admire my brother so much -- griff: that was just a thon price brother of one of the three kansas city chiefs fans dead and frozen in the backyard of another friend's house earlier this month after gathering to watch the chiefs play los angeles chargers. for more on this bizarre case in the new details of another friend there that night we're joined now by former fbi special agent and fox news contributor nicole parker. nicole, no one better to sort of weigh in, into the really litany of unanswered questions and holes in this story. where do you begin? >> well first of all, i begin it is extremely bizarre. we all recognize that this is not something that happens every day that there are three grown men that are found frozen -- i personally as an investigator i would want to see how they were found and one was on the porch two were in the yard.
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the inconsistencies of the individual who was hosting the party his attorney originally came out and had one set of, you know, information that he was presenting to the public and then that story has changed over and over. and as you notice now that attorney is saying you know what, i'm going to stay silent until we get the results back. until we get more information on the autopsy that toxicology, and as an agent the autopsy and toxicology are absolutely critical to get a better picture. were these individuals did they have alcohol in their system did they have drugs in their system what was the cause of this? and in the audience it has, you know, two parts there's always the cause of death which is the medical term of you know what actually was the cause of death. as well as the manner of death which is typically identified as -- you know, a suicide or accidental or natural or homicide or sometimes undetermined and that's going to be extremely key. the problem here is that these families are suffering. they want to understand what happened to their lot offed one and how did this even occur?
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griff: yeah. >> they want answers but the problem is it does take time the option reports i'm understanding for this case may take a few, you know, up to 6, 8, 12 weeks to get the toxicology and autopsy reports back so this is going to be something they have to live with for a little wheel until they have answers. >> you mentioned the attorney for the fourth friend. so the fourth friend gentlemen named jordan willis is renting this home where these three individuals have frozen to death and the attorney named john made this statement which really raised eyebrows for me. listen here. >> nobody contacted him -- during the course of those two days on his telephone either by calling his telephone or by sending him a text message. he did get one message on the facebook messenger from the fiancé of one of the deceased but he did not read that message until of a police come to his house. griff: family and friend members of the three deceased are saying
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that's not the kaition listen if i were to go over to a friend's house and drop dead and any wife knew where i was going you would bet she would be calling the friend who owned that house. do you see a problem with this statement? >> i actually do. and the problem is that this is very easily you're able to find this evidence very easily as an investigator to track someone's records of the phone calls that were made social media records things of that sort. s that easily -- that is evidence that can be easily determined and so, it's not a good idea to start making false statements again i'm not saying that false statements were made but it is extremely odd that an individual's friends were missing for two dayings and he doesn't even acknowledge phone calls text messages or anything and the fiancé had to literally break into the home and go into the home because he was unresponsive. and he was what sleeping for two days with noise canceling headphones it doesn't sound
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accurate and inking the a lot of unconsistencies there was a fifth individual involved i have to quickly and i have to weigh in on one other thing because i'm fascinated you may have seen taylor swift full disclosure a fan taylor swift had deep fakes, a.i. images that were turned into porn -- the swift fans are fighting against this. it actually came up at the white house -- listen here. >> there were fake sexually explicit images of taylor swift all over social media this week like generated by a.i.. how concerned is the white house about the misuse of this kind of technology? >> this problem is not new and it is one that the biden-harris administration has been prioritizing since day one and we've taken this seriously again this is alarming to us. >> i've only got 30 seconds or so nicole but if you can weigh in on, you know, as a former fbi agent, how concerning is
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something like this and what is the law that you could prosecute someone on for doing this? >> right, a.i. can be very advantageous to have pornographic images that are not accurate and deep fake images across to millions of individuals is demeaning it is degrading and unacceptable and must set a precedence this this cannot be tolerated but issue that it is a evolving technology and highly complex and the laws need to catch up to the technology. and frankly law enforcement needs to get up to speed as well with the technology. and any time an image is created there's certain -- there's unique cash and identifier and metadata identified to determine who created this image but it is complex. and the laws need to catch up to it right now there's no known exact law for this per se if you have an aggressive prosecutor there are other types of laws that might be able to fit into this. but there are i believe about ten states that do have laws
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that ban sending these type of images deep fake images created on a.i. it can be very dangerous and detrimental and people need to be held accountable for this. >> lawmakers are wrestling with it hopely her raised high profile will bring more attention to much needed changes in that. nicole parker thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. aishah: biden administration is going back to a trump era policy after a dozen employees of the u.n. agency for palestinian refugees are unrwa. are suspective of involvement in the october 7th hamas attacks. coming up next. so, i use my freedom unlimited card. earning on my favorite soup. aaaaaah. got it. earning on that éclair. don't touch it, don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. -this one? -nope. -this one? -yes. no. what? the big one. they're all the same size.
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distinguished it is the 38th houthi attack since november 9th and second attack today. steph nye bennett is live and the attacks just don't stop. >> that's exactly right griff number of attacks are rising as you said good news is that there were no injuries reported but there was a lot of damage done to that vessel as they try to bring it back to shore this happened yesterday at 7:45 local time. u.s. central demanding saying that ship issued a distress signal and uss carney other coalition ships ka time assist we know that oil tanker has lynxes to the u.k. and flies under flag of the marshal islands which is operated on and a half of a multinational trading company. now the iran backed movement says it targeted the marlin and response to american british aggression they claim. today, following that attack, the u.s. military says that they acted in self-defense after they struck and destroyed a houthi
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antiship missile that aimed at the red sea. now u.s. central demand forces say it presented an imminent threat to merchant vessels and navy ships in the region claiming yemen missile ready to launch at any moment that's why they decided to take action. now this all happening since november, houthis have launched dozens of attacks on commercial vessels traveling through the red sea. one of the world busiest shipping lanes, of course, forcing companies to suspend operations in the region and divert their vessels around south africa slowing trade down. the houthis say they're targeting vessels in support of palestinians in gaza where israel is fighting hamas. now u.s. and u.k. have launched air strikes over the last few days on houthi targets in response triggering this back and forth motion we've been seeing today, though, tens of thousands gathered in the yemen capitol to reject the u.s. british air strike, over the red sea and to show support for palestinians in gaza meanwhile sperks person jim kirby saying they're effective and other
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countries are in support. >> also sure that you saw yesterday joint statement from 24 countries expressing support for the action that the united states and united kingdom arm forces would support from australia bahrain, canada, netherlands took against the houthis on monday i think it is notable that more and more countries want to show they condemn houthis unlawful attacks on international commerce and they support the actions that partners are taken. >> unfortunately there seems to be in sign of stopping. griff. griff: sure doesn't stephany live thank you. aishah: listen to this, the u.s. temporarily suspending funding to the united nations agency for palestinian refugees or unrwa after a dozen employees at that agency are suspected of being involved in the horrific october 7th hamas attacks. alex hogan has very latest on this controversy that's causing outrage all around the world
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alex. reporter: hi, ish sha outrage all around the world now countries with us us -- suspending that a dozen employees in the organization were likely involved in the october 7th attacks that killed 1200 people. now, what we know from the organization they say that they are shocked and these employees have been put on leave for now pending more findings but it is worth noting this is the organization that provides the largest amount of humanitarian relief for palestinians in gaza. but australia, the u.k. and canada have now paused funding something that the u.s. as you mentioned did yesterday. the white house was quick to comment calling for a complete accountability transparency for all of the participates. the u.n. agrees that a thorough investigation is desperately needed although it does say at the same time there is still aid needed for the more than 2 million people who have been moved of their homes.
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one doctor explains that his hospital like so many others throughout the strep is running out of staff. they're working at just 10% of the hospital staff capacity needed. on top of the soaring numbers of wounded patients. painkillers and an anesthesia ts and trying to keep them alive. >> now as all of that is playing out, there's more pressure here frommed families and hostages demanding that the government broker some kind of release. there's new potential word on that. white house says it is hopeful there will be progress after american envoy sent to middle east just back to the u.s. yesterday. aishah. aishah: we need good news from that part of the world soon. alex hogan live for us thank you so much. griff: coming up, will the federal government be coming for nicotine pouches? that's next.
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