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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 27, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. jessica: for anybody that would give, the money is going towards research, and you are the reason my child is here today. charlie: i was declared-- this will be two years cancer free. but there's thousands and thousands of kids who need help. saint jude, how many lives they do save is just so many. marlo thomas: charlie's progress warms my heart, but memories of little angels like stacy are why we need your help. please become a saint jude partner in hope right now. [music playing] history in the making. so it goes. ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone.
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dana:i am dana perino with judge jeanine p rowand greg gutfeld. this is the five. dramatic showdown at the southern border reaching a breaking point. texas telling the biden administration to come and do take it. today is the deadline the white house made on allowing federal agents access to shall be park and eagle pass so they can remove the razor wire there. texas is refusing to let the feds in and has a coalition of 25 red state governors, the whole thing could be headed back to court and texas is confident it will win but the white house says abbott is breaking the law. >> we will not shy away from calling out what we see as political games for the governor but because it's not safe, it does not protect our communities. he cares about the people of texas.
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you have heard me say over and over they are making it harder, he's making it harder for border patrol to do their jobs. they need access and right now they don't have that. this is the supreme law of the land. >> despite major media coverage, they are fighting the botnet ministration, the white house claims they know nothing about it. >> does the president have a response to 25 republican governors signing a statement? >>, governors and that litter? 25? i would say are they implementers? dana: the governor says razor wire has been effective at repelling migrants. >> they didn't say we had to
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take it down, just vote we could cut it. they can cut it all they want. this is working. in this park where thousands of people crossing every day. no one crossed today. we've got it covered. mr. president, you say you want to secure the border, texas has secured it. leave it alone. dana: there were over 300,000 migrant encounters in december, the highest ever recorded. i imagine there's not many federal government employees who want to cut this razor wire. jesse: biden's border agents as they won't do it. everyone is aligned against president biden except the cartels. they set up a deadline, said we will cut it down. texas said no you are not.
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looks like texas won the mexican standoff. texas should continue to do this. they should lay down as much wire as they can and dare the biden administration to cut it down, they should sees these choke points and do the job the administration refuses to do. you know who is excited about today's development? the democrat mayors, the border is secured and they don't have to deal with the aftermath. the biden administration has to answer why were you collaborating with the drug cartels? why are you facilitating human drug and sex trafficking into this country? why are you doing that? if she says we are not and you say yes you are, she won't be able to answer the question. in the middle of a crime wave,
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when people's wages are being eaten up by inflation, in the middle of the homeless crisis, that's crazy. the border deal they are trying to blame on trump is garbage. they linked this to ukraine aid. chuck is cutting are half measure with moderate republicans. what does the house republican caucus do? bow down and say we take this even though it doesn't build a wall or change asylum or do what we need to secure the border, why should they go with is that? dana: i can understand that point of view. judge? jeanine: it seems like texas has the administration in a bind, who wants to watch the federal government cutting down the resin wire, there will be cameras there.
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jeanine: shall be park is off the river where the illegals congregate. it is like a holding center where everyone gets picked up. why do they need that park emptied out the? president biden has done what a foreign saboteur would do if he were to destroy the borders in this country. are we a country anymore? do we have a border anymore? the answer is if the federal government is not protecting the border, states under article 10 have the ability to do that as long as they are not prevented by the federal government. under article 10, texas wins. if president biden wants to continue to work with the cartels, i've heard reports the cartels have drones flying on
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our side of the border so they can check where border patrol isn't they can send people in. we are not in charge of the border, the cartels are. president biden has done everything he can to secure the borders, look who's coming in, mostly males, mostly middle-aged younger males. if you think this is bad, these numbers from december, that doesn't include the got aways, what about the ones we don't know about? weight until spring and summer if they are worried about donald trump being elected they will surge like crazy in every state that the border state. dana: we should have gone into the razor wire business. greg: it would have been a sharp move. it to dangerous and losing battle for biden.
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he is choosing people who aren't americans over americans. that is a disaster. he is choosing people who are unknown and unidentified over texans. the only reason i can think about this, whatever trump did, whether it is remain in mexico, he has to do the opposite. he has weapon iced his own trump derangement syndrome to encompass everybody including his state. we see this progression of large populations. under trump, used to target individuals, democrat leaders, celebrities. what joe has done is chastises voters and supporters, he smears millions of people and now we are surprised he is escalating it to an entire state? i don't think it's that big an extension. captain unity sure knows how to divide a country. his superpower is division.
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i love how the media is blaming the republicans for not acting on the border with this border deal, you broke it, you pay for it. the adults will fix it and solve it but you have to pay a price for allowing the country to be compromised, the border bill isn't a solution. it merely codifies the influx. it is saying we fixed it, we are legalizing it. that surrender pretending to be a solution. in your face, harold. harold:glad to be back. i would say just a couple things. our in-house newspaper, the wall street journal, editorialized perspective we have taken. i share the perspective the editorial that says a couple things.
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one, politics forces people to come and do their jobs. my republik and friends are critical of democrats and i have been could live democrats for not taking this issue more seriously sooner but whatever the motivation is for them to come to the table it is imperative the other side want to come as well or we all have to answer the question if we are willing to wait because of politics for the prospect of another president, donald trump being elected, that's nine months. if it was 300,000 people coming across the border in december, 250x10, 2.5 million people that we will allow into the country between now and november that assumes you don't wait until january so another two months, talking about upwards of 3 million more people who would be potential rapists,
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terrorists, murderers, drug traffickers, we don't know what's in the text of the bill yet. if the bill comes and is weak, merely mouthed -- jeanine: it is one hundred thousand a month. >> let the bill understand what they are talking about. if you've seen it your the only one outside the group negotiating it and you would be in disagreement with those in the congress. jeanine: what about the last three years? >> i've been worried about it all along. jeanine: president biden enforcing the law. why do we need a deal? why can't he enforce the law? >> we are enforcing the law. jeanine: no he hasn't. >> if we had a deal we could curtail the number of people coming across the border, terrorists, murderers and
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rapists -- jeanine: we don't have the rap sheets from their countries. >> i disagree with it, the country will have an opportunity if you want to wait until the election. i hope we don't. i hope democrats, the president is willing to say to those liberals who don't want asylum reform or parole reform or a wall, you have to have one. we are going to do immigration reform different the, how we allow people who have been here for a long time and raise their kids here, we have an opportunity and i hope they take it. greg: the thing that bugs me, it is politics that is bringing the compromisers to the table and so it is not our fault to be suspicious that once they get the win they will go back the way they are. they are coming to the table
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because an election is coming. there is no way you can trust those people. they are going to retreat. he will find out what is in the bill is codified. >> something called compromise. if they break the law i will say -- jeanine: they are breaking the law now. >> the asylum process allows a lot of this. jeanine: 3 million people all deserve asylum? >> of course not -- jeanine: so they can process more of them. send them to the swing states. greg abbott out to send them -- >> that while they are here. dana: i will host a drink party and we can contain it all through dramatic interpretation. up next, gavin newsom trying to breathe new life into biden's
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campaign but is he just in it for himself? ♪ ♪ a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi
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and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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♪ jeanine: gavin newsom taking the reins of the biden reelection effort and stumping in south carolina is this week. we are not surprised he is lending her helping hand. president biden needs all the help he can get. he can't put on a hat correctly.
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the big guy was spotted wearing a hard hat backwards and nobody can understand what he is saying anymore in his stump speeches. >> president biden: by the way, they used to make beer brewed here. thanks for the great legs. i wonder what is going -- >> newsom's hijacking of president biden's campaign is the latest example of his shadow campaign for president. whether happens in 20242028 newsom is hell-bent on becoming leader of the democrats and friendly media outlets are happy to let him test his message. >> democrats, we keep crushing it. look at the elections you have won, you keep winning. you keep outperforming. it is extraordinary. pat yourselves on the back but our message is working get. our values are american,
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universal values which are policies, the governor in the state the state last night talked about the new ev investments. really? mr. governor the tried to oppose that? they can't help themselves. jeanine: you can to deny this guy is like a moff to light. when there is something to be said about president biden or himself ultimately he is there. is he running? >> is a politician. i loved that expression. governor newsom in a lot of ways is doing what governor berger him and senator scott and vivek ramaswamy are doing effectively on behalf of donald trump, they are campaigning and laying out why donald trump should be elected and laying out a set of ideas and principles. now governor newsom is doing the same thing.
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i don't get the problem with someone being a surrogate for somebody, you don't like what they are saying or think it is not necessarily true is one thing. judging him by this case, i admire newsom for a couple reasons, like some democrats who won't come on our network, don't understand why, he's willing to debate people including sitting governors around the country. you have to give him credit for that and i do. i hope he stays on. he can beat more effective than president biden is touting his own record. jeanine: given the gibberish we heard from wisconsin a couple days ago, the fact that he puts a hard hat on backwards, will get better with time? >> that the new style, that is when you look cool when you wear your hat backwards on the construction set. governor newsom is the break glass in case of emergency candidate filling a void kamala
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harris can't filter the democrats. if she were the heir apparent to president biden, kamala harris would be giving that interview and she would be upfront everywhere. she's unable to do that. some democrats, don't add me, overall, i think it was on newsroom not here, admitted in a discussion that if gretchen witmer had been the vice presidential candidate instead of kamala harris, biden probably wouldn't be running for reelection right now. gavin newsom is positioning himself because he knows the party needs him so he's the party guy, let me step up and show them how it is done. he's out of office in 2,026. that gives him a couple years for 2,028. if he's not the candidate this time he's positioning himself to be the leader of the party and the primary for both sides is likely not to begin in 2026. it begins the day after the
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election in 2024. he will be seeing him more. jeanine: what about you've got kamala harris and gavin newsom who is filling in as dana makes a lot of sense, filling in for her. let's assume for some reason biden doesn't run, the gibberish keeps going, keep having problems, who is the presidential candidate? >> he's on a surrogate, his the backup quarterback. when the backup quarterback plays well, and the starting quarterback. and arms, she's been working out. i'm not going to go there. >> look at me. he's campaigning really well.
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he's doing retail politics something president biden is incapable of doing. he is getting heckled like he's playing an away game, mumbling, getting lost on stage which absolute catastrophe. when you contrast these guys together i don't think it helps president biden, you are looking at 56-year-old who may be could manage two proxy wars instead of mismanaging the world. he's having a great opportunity around the primary states. donors don't understand the contours of the electorate in primary states. he's making connections. might be season didn't four years. jeanine: women are still living over that greasy hair. greg: like flypaper seeing if they get stuck to him. i want to know what he meant by it, the democrats are killing it. is he talking about women's
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rights? talking about the border? the american dream? is he talking about freedom of speech, the future of cities, your crushing it. what are you crushing? you are crushing our lives. this has to be brought up. when he is out and around that, he's on the campaign trail. californians are living on trails. in caves too. in and out of. in and out. this is a big deal. in and out never closed the store. wasn't because they were doing poorly, they were doing amazing. people could afford in and out but can't afford the french laundry so not as much of a big deal even though his family loves it. with california it is gavin's world and they are living in it. if he becomes president, how soon would he be tired of that job?
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jeanine: than what do you do? greg: go to the wtf and -- wtf and control the world. >> are you comparing newsom to tom brady? how dare you. jeanine: up next. soft on crime liberal laws are putting taylor swift in danger. ) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> woman: what's my safelite story? i'm a photographer. and when i'm driving, i see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed right. i scheduled with safelite autoglass. their experts replaced my windshield and recalibrated my car's advanced safety system. ♪ acoustic rock music ♪ >> woman: safelite is the one i trust. they focus on safety so i can focus on this view. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> america's biggest pop store. and taylor swift's alleged doctor back behind bars. in 5 short days, 32-year-old david from had a wild week of
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swift in new york city. it all began saturday afternoon, got busted trying to enter residents, by monday, back on the streets. and returned to the place. fox charged him with harassment and stalking, and 10 minutes after he walked out, crow was spotted dumpster diving your taylor's house and arrested but it is all just one big misunderstanding. >> why are you stocking taylor? >> hand in the dumpster. greg: took 1/3 arrest for the judge to say no more taylor tontine for you and revoked his bail. it doesn't seem like stocking is considered that big a deal if it takes three stocking arrests. jeanine: this is new york city. nothing is that serious. we have a da who barely
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prosecute crime, bail laws, don't worry about it. can you make it back? i feel terrible about this. he had cases from 2023. he had three in three days, monday and wednesday. the only reason he's in jail as they arrested him on a contempt of court. when you violate a court order, the court gets back up and says we will keep you in jail now. did you know this guy is a law student from seattle? what are they teaching in seattle if anything? that's beside the point. jesse: love doesn't just at their. jeanine: it violates and stocks and many women are killed in spite of the fact they are stocked in domestic violence cases, 20% of the women for
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whom there are stocking charges, are murdered. 75% are murdered once they say they are leaving, the laws don't protect people, you have to commit the crime to get police to make an arrest. she has the resources, most new yorkers don't. dana: don't have much more to say because i was going to make a lot of points about women who don't have protection or undercover, fbi, i remember a newsroom interview in chicago, ex-husband got out of jail. he came and murdered her child and tried to murder her. he didn't succeed but she knows with all this agony, she ran for congress, i admire her.
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back to taylor swift, she has taken on some fights for people on their behalf in the past, not the same as stocking but in the streaming issue, songwriters and singers were not getting paid what they redo, she fought for them, i know she doesn't want this fight but if they figure out a legal way to make a difference, she could help a lot of other people. jesse: and do something about the border. and use her power to help us secure the country. >> you don't want to p iss off the swifty community. the legislature in new york to change these soft on baylor cashless bail laws. not only for her but every
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person, crime in general might make an impact. jesse: that is what it is for the good of the country. . 24 you are so thoughtful. aishah: t5 the stocker or suspect hold all the cards even if they get busted because you are still alive. most people can't do anything until you are harmed. at the bazaar thing. this day and age, where if you are exposed, primarily women, a lot of crazy people working in this business, i know tons of women who go through this all the time and even some men. i was stocked for years by a young woman and finally gave up and now she sits to my right. dana: got out on bail.
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jesse: the fastest is up next. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday,
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♪ ♪ charlotte! charl!
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every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt. ♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome back. time for "the fastest." first up, elvis may have leftt the building, but not fo jesse: else left the building but not the actor who played him. ♪ jesse: he had to hire a dialect coach to help him pitch his elvis accent before shooting a new tv show. he spent years perfecting the signature drawl for the movie. did you like him as office? jeanine: i liked him. it's called method acting where they get so into the character
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they think they are that character. he went a little overboard with it. like james kendall feeney who if you bumped into him you would think he was tony soprano but if he didn't like that there is hope. greg: this is a pr created story so you cover the new thing. come on, people. dana: i think it's a way for hollywood to spend money. they have to spend money on something. it would make sense to do an australian accent for a movie. jesse: when you leave the five are you as obnoxious at home as you are here? >> i spent two weeks in australia. i think this is a leak from his camp to make him look like he is such a good method actor, it took another coach to get him
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away from that character, he's so good. greg: a huge debate over eating in the shower. >> i really want to start a movement, a shower eating movement. a ledge is helpful. the tricky thing is when you are chewing you've got to get your mouth closed. jeanine: to me this is fake news. do i.e. in the shower? jesse: i know you don't. jeanine: i don't. that's enough. greg: do you read in the shower? jesse: sometimes women try to be attractive for strategic reasons. justin timberlake is obsessed with her, when he hops in the shower she has to hop in too, he has to eat like a hoagie.
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she doesn't have enough time to raise her children because they are so crazy. the only time she gets to eat is in the shower. you want to hear my other theory. her career has gone so downhill she has to say something provocative for us to cover. dana: i don't think these viral videos are good for the celebrity women. reese witherspoon had one the other day about making snow, hot chocolate, and that was cute is that was funny. this, i think she was trying to get attention. greg: i do bathe in the dining room. a big sponge. you know what she's telling you? she pees in the shower. stop it. when you are in a hotel shower, it's not your shower.
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jesse: it actually retards your -- greg: you can't say that. jesse: it retards your ability to use your urinary tract and sees it up when you do need to hold it. it destroys your muscles, your pelvic -- >> i know you shower. attention, a new california bill is showing stock cars from going 10 miles over the speed limit with a new device called speed governors. it surpasses every car and truck sold in the state in 2027. what do you think of this device? jeanine: no one is going to arrest you for it and i won't purchase that car. >> i'm thinking of getting one on the ev. what are your thoughts?
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rich:. 25 i floor it and this thing is just going to seize up on me and i can't make it to the emergency room? >> on that note? dana: i am up for this, the nanny state. a driver driver in new york will be disappointed if this happens to him. >> it can't work in new york or california. if you are going 0, essentially, you can't. it wouldn't work for us. i hate this. don't go anywhere. mail fraud is up next.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre.
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we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ [laughter] greg: first question. i can answer this. where you in any contests and won? you probably were in a couple of contests. dana: i won a couple of speech team contests. i won.
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i won the state tournament in colorado in high school in the national tournament. greg: did you ever win anything, jesse? jesse: i won a tennis racket and raffle when i was 11. i still remember it. i'm so unlucky and a lot of things. greg: i won a carpet at macy's. harold? harold:a speech in town, we finished last but wanted to finish first. we did the bird. dana: jeanine: i beat jimmy failla at coney island. there was a sinker contest, it was statewide for teenagers and i won. greg: did you make your own
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clothes back then? jeanine: i won -- i wore a uniform. i love clothes as a kid. aishah: t5 use to? i won a benchpress contest in 1990 in pennsylvania at a fire hall. benchpress half your own weight for the most reps and i won. i was thin. the fire department on main street. what is your favorite thing you bought your self recently, judge? jeanine: i will tell you what it was, i bought the greatest wallpaper for my den. it is like a lot of colors. greg: speaking of wallpaper, what about you, harold?
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harold:whenever i think about wallpaper, i don't know. a new rain jacket. it is exciting for me. jack i can wear with my jeans. it is light. i like the jacket. greg: what about you? jesse: i bought a range rover for jesse junior. it is in ev. i don't know. i don't know if i can pull that off. greg: dana? dana: i got an almond milk steamer. i love it. it is so great. so good. i don't have too. to. it does it for me. jesse: i got this new piercing.
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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this.
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great. >> go to deal dexcom right now and see how much you can save. >> it's time now for one it is time nog.w for one more thing. jesse. >> feeding frenzy situation. it is a situation. he'd set up. i want to talk about shrink because of biden.rg forget aboutet that we are going to double the big. this is a double big. >> , for burger patties were at the big.t th >> sauce no windows within it, it's eightan mr. beard pickles, onions, american cheese dana wants to know how many calories it has but i do not care. mike is a cold? it's it's warmer than you think. jesse watters prime time thedrin american. >> owns like a riveting. >> you are digging in the bottom
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of the parapet procedures nineth we have deliciouats big macs, imagine having the entire resort to your self. but happen to one couple per tho town it what it is likely the dream vacation took a very weird turn. t the resort atse lo ms cobbles, mexico defined there was only delegates of them laughing at the situation feeling a littlether unsettled.l it sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime experience. would you like that questioned. >> they did not make any vacation best friends the peoplt you get the promise to stay in touch with the new never think about them again. >> exactly just like fake friends but. >> it's spanish for the caps. i don't wife having a hard timeo talking must be you're an expert. >> we have a show for you. we've got dagen m dagen mcdoweld underpants guy. doug here we go. >> who was in charge these daysh you know, we live in contentious
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times people cannot get alongle together is really bothering c . that's why it is really special you see two different species gettinfereg along like this kea pet bird and dogbt doglook at them having a great time. one could easily crush the othea and eat it in its strong jaws but instead they play an adorable game of tag two of the golden retriever's name is? jasper. the parakeet's name is mars this occurred in california these are facts that mean nothing to me. because this is what gavin newsom ians doing. alright judge you are an expert. >> is not necessarily the type of house call police officersce make but one illinois officerok took it upon i himself to comple a food delivery order after the doordash driver was arrested before it was dropped off, take a look at.ake [laughter] liked to been in an accident >> okay so it's a recipe when to make sure have a great night
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progress you guys are amazing thanyou k you. so, so nice, harold ford junior> progress h change has led six df children to be hearing for thebl first time they're born of this gene mutation that led to the hearing loss. they got injection a version at countered the mutation. twenty-six weeks after receivin. the injection the children's hearing levels increase up t tho 70%. you've seen the videos 11 year old the first child to receive the treatment and the u.s. children's hospital of philadelphia and heard for these first time this week congratulations god bless. >> congratulations progress go t lions. the first is that is let's gettf out of philadelphia. [laughter] they also probably said go lionb right? tired so we pick the lines of the getting of the year it turns out a pretty good that i think, i hope her that's it for us. have a great night everyone. jon: standoff at the southern border texas not backing down after supreme court ruling in favor of the b


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