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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 28, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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killed and others wounded near the border of jordan and syria. president biden releasing a statement saying while we are still gathering the facts we know it was carried out by radical militant groups operating in syria and iraq. welcome to fox news live. i am mike emanuel. we have lucas tom olson and trey >> this is a massive escalation out of the middle east where overnight three american service members were killed and at least 25 others wounded in and iran backed drone attack on the border of jordan and syria. today, central command confirming that this attack targeted a small base. we are still gathering the facts of this attack. we know it was carried out by
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militant groups in syria and iraq. the statement goes on to say we join the family and friends of our fallen. grieving the loss of these warriors in this despicable and wholly unjust attack. the entire region bracing for the possibility of a larger conflict in escalation following this killing of american forces in northeast jordan. it is not a question of if, but rather when the united states and how the united states will respond. there have been more than 159 attacks on u.s. forces in both iraq and syria since mid-october following the war 114 days ago between israel and hamas, israel the united states key ally also concerned about what comes next
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as the iranians are upping the ante in the region. >> after 159 attacks since mid-october, only a matter of time before american service members were killed. what about that? >> absolutely. two weeks after two navy seals went missing and were declared dead following a iraq and syria. following the war that erupted between israel, this is a multi- front conflict that is erupting right now. not just on the ground, the border between jordan and syria. you have the ongoing conflict with groups inside the gaza strip. over the weekend the israelis conducting drills with lebanon amid new rocket fire from the lebanese militant group hezbollah.
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there is an understanding of what is taking place now is in escalation in a specific directed effort to ignite the entire middle east. >> so many of the attacks if indeed this was in jordan, that is also spreading the cancer out word. >> certainly. the specific location is really no man's land along the border and syria. coming out tonight saying it did not take lights in their territory. the americans say the strike was right on the border. despite the difference in the statements we have received from the american government and the jordanian government we do know that general area that in the past these malicious have targeted. this is a significant escalation it shows that these proxies that are directed are willing to
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directly target american forces and we step back and look at what is taking place here. the iranians are using ballistic missiles. attract drones like the one overnight. they are also using their proxies and other things to target not just american forces, but commercial shipping lanes in places like the red sea. this is a conflict that is quickly developing and erupting. the biden administration tonight will have to make a decision about what message to send not to the proxy organizations but the iranian regime that is directing funding and supporting these attacks not only on american forces but their key allies across the region. >> starting us off live with the breaking news in tel aviv. thanks. live at the white house. what is the latest there? >> the deadliest attack in the middle east since the october 7
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massacre. the white house u.s. central command said this took place earlier today targeting u.s. forces stationed in border near syria. three u.s. troops killed 25 wounded. just to add to the statement we just heard from trey the president also adding the following "have no doubt we will hold all those responsible at a time and manner of our choosing. more than 159 attacks in iraq, syria, off the coast of yemen and now in jordan. this conflict has spread. the u.s. responding with airstrikes on location in iraq and syria. the bulk taking place in yemen. continuing to launch attacks on commercial shipping near daily basis. continuing forcing down drones and missiles as well. the forces launched a missile strike against u.s. troops stationed in iraq.
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patriot interceptors like this shot down most of those incoming missiles but to slip through injuring two american soldiers. even before this deadly attack today, calls to strike that much harder and target the source inside iran. >> anybody who did not see this coming is a fool. we knew it would happen with the amount of attacks that have been occurring. just dodging a bullet. getting lucky. it was caused by our normalization of activities. >> the troops killed earlier today will be released in the next 24 hours after next of kin notifications are completed calling for the biden administration to target inside iran. the end of the statement hit iran now, hit them hard.
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do you expect more calls for that to grow in the coming hours >> officials that central command calling for strikes and certainly our next guest will be calling for increased strikes inside iran. one thing for our viewers to remember, they have to be perfect every time. shooting down the drones and missiles. the enemy only have to be lucky once. that is what happened today in jordan. it is notable that there are still 900 u.s. troops stationed in syria. something called just over the border of jordan and syria. those forces are there to stop the shipment for years now between tehran all the way to the west into lebanon to supply hezbollah as well. >> you covered the pentagon for a while. what do you imagine is going on right now at this hour? >> white d eisenhower stationed in the red sea.
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a lot pulled out of the persian gulf. u.s. forces would have to move assets into that region. engage on an almost daily basis in the red sea off the coast of yemen. certainly the super hornets from the deck of the u.s. white eisenhower could carry out those the united arab emirates fire pyrite in the region that could be used if called upon. >> thank you very much. four more on the tragic deaths, retired colonel joints me now. former spokesman for u.s. central command. thank you for being here. >> our thoughts and our prayers. their fellow soldiers and their families. there's a lot we don't know right now. >> three fatalities.
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twenty-five wounded in jordan. how big of an escalation is this in your view? >> it is, i think, a natural elimination of what is been happening. what is been happening for months now is a game of checkers where neither side can win. this is mice move, this is your milf, we have been lucky up to this point where these proxy groups, they never hit anything that caused a very serious injury or killed american troops now that has happened. we have allowed to this kind of back-and-forth without really striking iran or inflicting any pain, we have allowed iran to dictate the level of violence. to date the pace, to dictate the timing, the escalation and now it has two aunt. >> the president, the pentagon and central command, what do
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they do in response? >> there been responses on the books for months now. protecting american troops inside of iran. heavily criticized for that at the time. i think that you have to show that this is, this will not stand. if we do not do something that inflicts pain, the islamic revolutionary guards corps which is the regime's own private army will really feel emboldened. what is the next step beyond this. what is the next step beyond that. we have to put a cap on this by striking hard inside of iran or hitting their oil bases or hitting their naval assets. >> are there targets inside of iran? >> there are things you could hit in the south. pages you could hit that would drive down the volume of iranian
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troops that you will kill. you can hit their oil facilities or you can hit their naval bases there is a measure of targets. the key is you have to inflict pain. not these proxy groups that iran does not care about. we can hit their facilities, we can hit their warehouses. iran does not care about those asset. >> take us behind the curtain. what is happening right now? >> critical decisions being made these are target set forward months ago. in discussion for a long time. what is on the chessboard now? what have we looked at? what has been presented? what has been proposed? this very volatile part of the world. it has its risks.
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it has the potential for miscalculation. all of that goes to the decision-making process now but now you kind of, you know, have taken some of the decision-making out which early on if you hit iran, early on you give a significant punch. then you can back down. then you can determine how far up you scale rather than, you know, remaining on the defensive remember, we also have this back and forth of the red sea. they are holding commercial shipping at risk. >> if it is not a strong response, iranians will view that as weakness. >> they will feel emboldened and they will feel, okay, we can even go one step further. they feel like they must test out that redline. just as far as they can go. just go right up to that redline
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and then bid over it. and they don't go any further. they do not really know what that is. now we have to identify this is that redline. >> secretary austin is not back to work yet. i think he is coming back as soon as tomorrow. that is a complicated factor in all of this i would imagine. >> i think his aides know where he has. a succession plan. plus, it is not as though he is unreachable or it is not as though, there is a small pentagon that travels with him everywhere he goes that enables him to render his decisions. i do not believe it is a complicating factor. >> how quickly would you expect a response? >> within 72 hours. i think something is forthcoming in the next several days. >> thank you much for your time
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and analysis today. >> thank you for having me. >> much more ahead on the u.s. response to three american service members killed today in jordan. stay with us. >> woman: what's my safelite story? i'm a photographer. and when i'm driving, i see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed right. i scheduled with safelite autoglass. their experts replaced my windshield and recalibrated my car's advanced safety system. ♪ acoustic rock music ♪
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>> learning more this hour about
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three american service members killed in an unmanned aerial drone attack and forces stationed near the syrian border twenty-five others wounded. let's bring in mark montgomery, admiral, welcome. >> thank you for having me, mike >> your response to the news of the day. >> our thoughts and prayers have to be with the service members, with their families, both the wounded and the killed. also the small communities that are receiving this devastating news. they will be from one or two troop concentration areas getting very bad news this morning. >> what about the american response. concerned about how aggressive it will be. >> listen. we missed an opportunity. we've had 160 attacks over the last three and a half months against our forces from irg see
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guard backs proxy units. it has been lucky and decent missile effects. we cannot defend all of our facilities that you show on that chart there simultaneously. as a result one finally got through with devastating impact on u.s. forces. this calls into question why we have not sustained campaign of cost deposition through the air on these irg see proxies and more importantly the enabler spread throughout syria and iraq the fact the administration told us recently that they warned the iranians before a strike so the personnel would not be present during a strike. this is completely unacceptable. we need to hold irg see and their proxies accountable for these strikes when they sustained combat pain. weeks, not nights.
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>> tom cotton and army veteran himself saying "joe biden bolded iran for years while tolerating attacks on our troops, bribing with billions of dollars in appeasing them to no end. he left our troops sitting ducks the only answer to these attacks must be devastating military retaliation against iran's forces in iran and across the middle east. admiral, how do you respond to the senator's response there? >> he understands how it works and he is absolutely right. you defend yourself with missile defense both on ships in the red sea and our facilities in jordan , syria and iraq. also punishment where you hold someone accountable. we missed the opportunity to really do that punishment in a significant way. he will get half of what he wants.
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very aggressive strikes against iranian facilities. i hope we are willing to expand that to take on ships and in some of their oil facilities that are exposed and outside of the main lens. i don't think he will get strikes, i think there will be too much of a concern about escalation inside this administration. they really are not in a position to do that because they did not do the first step first which is a sustained strike against these proxies and forces from the last 115 days of malevolent behavior by the iranians. >> are we at war with the iranian regime. >> we are close. at this point, i think, you know , this proxy war is a substitute for anything explicit i do want to make one other point. senator cotton is absolutely right about our failure, our willingness for hopes of a
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nuclear agreement leaving this proxy support, this missile transfer on the table and happening. this happened because we did not hold iran accountable across the full spectrum. both the obama administration's and now the bided administration i think we are close to a conflict. i do not think the administration will go to the next step. >> you made reference to senator graham. let's put a tweet from him up on the screen. when the bided administration says don't, they do. falling on deaf ears and iran. do you agree? >> yes. that is the failure of deterrence. he was right. command has plans drawn up.
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i guarantee you they have a comprehensive two-three week strike land to severely damage these proxy groups, to hammer them and hold deployed facilities at risk. they need to absolutely, that needs to be the minimum. the floor of the response here. strike in the facilities in iran i do not think that this administration will do that. >> i know you were a navy man for 32 years but what about the morale of our troops who feel like they are sitting ducks there in the middle east. >> you are right. they felt that way for 115 days. some of these even predated october 7. the pace and the scale and the scope have really increased as you have shown that graphic since october 17. look, we do not have enough.
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i will say one thing. if we strike iran, all of these bases will come under strike. i do not believe we have the drone defenses that will defend them simultaneously. we will be putting our forces at an even greater risk. limiting the strike action. a direct result of the failure of deterrence over the last four months. >> congressman on twitter writing what part of our constitution where our brave soldiers defending in jordan. bring them home. what about that sentence, sir. >> counter to our desire to prevent a spread of iran's power throughout the region. the reason we are in jordan is to check and stop any iranian, you know, malfeasance in jordan. we don't want any of these --
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our good ally israel and partner israel would be in an even worse condition right now if you had iranian backed militias operating with freedom to maneuver in jordan. to some degree stopping that in syria. so, these forces were there. this is not an opportunity to withdraw from the middle east. that would be an inappropriate response. the question as to which degree do we hold iran accountable? they don't consider us the devil in the middle east, they consider us the devil in the world. they will come after us wherever we are. i do not think it is the right thing to do right now. >> are you confident we have the firepower in the region right now to make an appropriate response? >> yes. both air and naval forces. they choose to do worldwide
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missions. applying 40 a+ proceeded guided missions. we could absolutely impose costs on these groups overnight persistently for three-four weeks in a way that i think, i hope would start to deter this action. if it does not, we would have to go one step further. >> the question is, will we? if i were making a call, i would say these strikes, if it does not change iranian behavior, then you have to take it one step further. i think i would at least do this for three or four weeks. we will eliminate the people we are really mad at in the people that have hurt americans the last 115 days and particularly the last nine. mike: grateful for your time and analysis today, sir.
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thank you. >> thank you for having me, mike mike: morehead on the three service members killed today in jordan. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ♪ ♪ charlotte! charl! every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt. jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care.
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back now to our top story. and unmanned aerial drone attack on forces stationed in northeast jordan near the syria border. we are live outside the white house with the latest developments. >> the most deadly attack in the middle east since the october 7 massacre. three u.s. troops were killed 25 wounded in a one-way drone attack targeting a base in northeast syria targeting the border. there are 900 u.s. troops stationed in syria. some are supported from the space in jordan. talking about u.s. assets in the region, it is notable that there
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is now only one u.s. aircraft carrier strike group in the region. departing the mediterranean and arriving back in nor folk just about two weeks ago. 159 attacks on u.s. troops in iraq and syria and now they are increasing calls to launch attacks. >> we just had a retired admiral on who was talking about basically they could make inadequate response to these attacks but did was worried about the barrage that may come to those bases throughout iraq and syria. what about protecting those folks if it becomes more of a shooting conflict. >> about 2500 u.s. troops still stationed in iraq. they did not come under attack since october 7 massacre. u.s. forces have to be perfect every time when they shoot down these drones and missiles.
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the enemy only has to be lucky once. the forces responsible for this deadly attack in northeast jordan near the border with syria. dwight d eisenhower is only strike group in the region that has been heavily engaged up the coast of yemen and the red sea. the warships the destroyer and the cruiser have been launching missiles into yemen and it is notable only one carrier strike group in the region. gerald ford and other escort ships now back in nor folk. replace with a group the uss bataan. it does not carry the same amount of firepower dear 2000 marines on board. there are some jets, short takeoff jet carriers, but just not the same firepower you need from an aircraft carrier and strike group. you do have to in asia right now
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perhaps one of those could be moved over in the region. u.s. air force fighter jets are stationed in the united arab emirates. there is firepower should president biden strike and perhaps strike inside iran. >> thank you very much. lawmakers on capitol hill are reacting to the news three u.s. troops killed in a drone attack. let's bring in chad purdom. chad. >> good afternoon, mike. he just indicated that america must send a crystal clear message across the globe that attacks our troops not be tolerated. tom caught in the republican senator from arkansas says devastating military reaction must be struck against iran and the middle east. i will direct you to the specificity of the statement. in iran, anything less would
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confirm that president biden is unworthy of being the president of the united states. lindsay graham, the republican senator from south carolina said it iran and to them hard. when you get into this area here , begging the question are we in fact at war. you have to have some sort of an authorization by congress to go in and strike iran which senator brown and senator cotton have alluded to here. a lot of people saying we have authorization to do that because of the powers in article two of the constitution the president being commander-in-chief. you have increasing bipartisan voices on capitol hill. both sides of the aisle saying if you look in article one section eight, only congress can declare war. this is when you start to get into the slippery slope. we have been firing these attacks for some time now.
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two seals killed last week. other military casualties today. people will start asking where we exerting our authority in one authorities is the president using to exercise these attacks overseas. >> it certainly feels like we are inching closer to war. it strikes me that senator and virginia off so comes up about the use of military force. others on capitol hill seem to not like taking that boat. what about that, chad? >> they tried to appeal what was passed in 2002 to justify the war in iraq. it did pass overwhelmingly. something that senator kaine was central to. the republican senator from utah said i want to know what authorization they are using. past after 9/11.
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are they relying on that one of the 2021. the only justification would be article two is i am commander-in-chief. you also have the 1973 war powers resolution which was passed in the twilight of vietnam to basically say you can go and react the same and defend the united states so long as you report back to congress on a regular basis. using that now for decades. some people have said that it is overused and congress is not asserting its authority. it gets to be a little unwieldy if you have to come to congress. presidents have found it much more effective and efficient to rely on their own authorities under the constitution and under the war powers resolution had this will be a central debate. it will be a central debate when congress returns to session next
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week. >> chad program live on the phone. thank you very much. whole communication strategies. ground teams director juel littman. gentlemen, welcome. >> thank you. it is political season. world events have stepped up here. your response to the news of the day. >> a tragic loss for the country a situation that we knew would probably happen with our forces so on the knife edge in the middle east. it is up to our leaders in this country to come to gather and to pass some sort of bipartisan war authorization so this president could have the tools to fight off this attack. >> i think that we do need a new authorization for the use of
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military force. senator kaine talks about this frequently. this is a moment where you can have democrats and republicans working together. members of congress tend to feel strongly about their prerogatives. it would be ideal for further hostilities, before more lives are at risk, we have that consensus that the entire country can observe. >> a situation where the commander-in-chief should address the nation from the oval office. >> it is. if they are going to present day policy proposal for attacking the iranian backed rebels in their places of interest, then maybe not, but if the president is going to attack the mainland of iran, talk to the nation and rally republican support around that kind of a decision. >> i think that that would be
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highly useful. i think it is important that the president help people understand the attack on october 7 funded by iran. this is an attack not on soldiers in the battlefield. the living quarters on base. no one is prepared to fight. this is more like terrorism they had more. people need to understand that these things are connected and that is what we are responding to. >> mike johnson says we are saddened by the loss of three american heroes in jordan last night and we are praying for their families and 25 other service members that have been injured. america must send a crystal clear message that attacks on our troops will not be tolerated how do you respond to that? >> i think that is a conditioned response that obviously is standing by the troops in harm's way. also signaling that it is time
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to widen the conversation about what needs to be done in this war. it is not just walkable with a few here in a few iran backed militias there. we have a broader problem on our hands. the president needs to use all of his authority in all of its powers to go ahead and fight this battle as vigorously as he met. i think speaker johnson is giving president bided a green light to go as far as he needs to go. >> congressman mike collins of georgia asking the question are we at war? your thoughts? >> at the moment, no. potentially tomorrow or the next day, sure, that is possible. things could be coming to a head we have an ally in israel. we have an ally in jordan. we need to consult with them also. it will be their homeland attacked if we go to war. this needs to be done in a
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coordinated way. >> would you expect we see the secretary of state flying out to the region once again? >> been there plenty. it is time to go back. rallying the troops and figuring out how we will meet this threat it will not go away. there is no reason why there will not be 159 more attacks. it is time to get a unified effort underway to deal with the iranians and what they pose in the region. is respected around the world. he is very, very credible. good relationships. it would make sense to send them out there quickly. >> okay. it is also political season. this would be an opportunity to be a contrast between president trump, former president trump and bided about election-year politics.
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>> election-year politics are not far from anybody's mind. i think we all wonder whether they will play a role in this election like abortion or immigration will, but i think that president trump is always sort of relying on his own personal relationships around the world to use his influence to get people to do what he wants. this is a complex situation. i think for now, republicans and democrats should hold their fire until we see what they will come up with in terms of the response of the attack. >> i think this may be an area where congressional republicans separate themselves from the former president. his rhetoric will be explosive. saying fictional things about how this would not have happened if he was president. i don't think most congressional republicans think that that is helpful.
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some senate republicans are very critical of trump. i think it could be more of the direction that we are going in. >> thank you for reacting to the breaking news, gentlemen. please sta y with us. get a little slack on pump three! earn big with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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no migrant crisis reaching a boiling point as greg abbott and the biden administration go head to head on how to secure the border. record-breaking numbers with december seeing the hundred 2000 migrant encounters. matt then is live in eagle pass, texas with the latest. hello, matt. >> texas is not backing down. it is not allowing doug bided order agents back on this property. you can see some of the razor wire wall behind me. it does not want the biden administration getting back in
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here and messing with that razor wire. texas state attorney general fired back a letter to a federal attorney demanding the united states prove its claim that it has ownership over this part. texas insists this is state landon has a constitutional right to seize the park and defend the border. hammering out a potential bipartisan border bill. ken paxton tells us he only supports a bill that calls for enforcing a law that calls for zero tolerance. republican should not rubberstamp anything else. >> basically we bail them out. i do not think like this. why would the republican congress bail them out, bail them out in a way that causes great harm. i don't see one good reason to do this. >> the center of this dispute the state of texas to biden
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administration is the razor wire texas continues to install razor wire and fencing. >> live along the border. thank you very much. >> we will have much more ahead on the response to service members killed today in jordan. ♪no mptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®.
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that now to our top story. the american service members killed on forces stationed near the syria border. let's bring in a retired colonel joe pacino. colonel, i want to get to a point citing a senior u.s. defense official. the toll could rise higher than 25 americans. most if not all of them are army soldiers based in jordan database known as tower 22. general port secretary austin actively engaged in discussions taken at the white house about how to respond. your thoughts. >> they have to render a decision here. you have to get this done with about 70 hours. otherwise you lose the message. another thing i would mention is with this administration, the
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biden administration, with what i am seeing, if they do not render a decision, a final decision within two days, they talk themselves out of it and i would be worried about that. we have to be firm, we have to inflict pain and we have to do it quickly. >> are you confident there will be a tough response? >> i believe there will be. i'm not confident but i think at this point you are boxed in. the level of violence and the pacing. at this point you are boxed in. i wish we had done something back in december. i am not confident, but i believe they will. >> are we at war with iran. >> the united states is in a low-grade war with iran it yes, we are. >> thank you for your time and analysis today. >> that is all for this hour of
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fox news live. thank you for watching. stay with us for the latest on this breaking news out of the middle east. three american soldiers killed in an unmanned aerial drone attack. at least 25 injured. stay with us for breaking news throughout the day. have a good day. ♪ ♪ no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪ yeah. oh. yes. ♪ oh yeah.
10:58 am
yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪
10:59 am
11:00 am
craig: i am a shannon bream standoff in texas grandma governor abbott refuses to


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