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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 29, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PST

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internal problems, environmental problems.. their own people don't support them. 1 this is not 100 feet high andit not should be an insurmountablee task for s the united states to restore order here. but again, until we have h leadership that isav going to do that decisively might think i nddon't understand why we areou putting all of our people at risk. >> trey: thank you both for c your service to our country and loaning your expertise on a sunday night. i have a sneaking suspicion welb will be talking about it again and probably soon.ablyk until then, thank you. >> thank you, trey. tra >> trey: and thank you for spending part of your sundayhope with us. i hope you have a great weekun ahead. until next week, find us online or on the trey gowdy >> carley: a fox news alert, all eyes on the white house to see how the biden administration
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will respond after iran-backed militants killed three service members and injured others in a drone attack in jordan. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. today defense secretary lloyd austin returning to the pentagon for the first time in a month. planning to hold our allies accountable. >> this marks major escalation in midweek pick-me-up. number of service members hurt could change as more seek care. they had to be medically evacuated from jordan and in stable condition. president biden saying the u.s. will take action.
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>> president biden: (indiscernible) -- >> it happened in northeast jordan near the syrian border. 350 army and air force are deployed there. they are helping defeat isis iran proxy forces have targeted troops 150 times. houthi troops are attacking ships in red sea and gulf of aden. the u.s. have struck back in self-defense. several republicans argue biden administration's actions have failed to deter u.s. adversaries. after the attack yesterday, some
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senators are saying biden should do more. lindsey graham says the u.s. should hit now and john cornym pushing to target tehran. >> i would like to see an ending of appeasement from this biden administration. reagan spoke about appeasement leads to more war. takes away choice of peace and war and replaces with fight and surrender. >> names of servicemembers names have not been released. >> todd: thank you. the republican presidential candidates are responding and hammering president biden for weakness in the middle east. former president donald trump says this is a horrific
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consequence of joe biden's weakness and surrender. we need return to peace through strength so there will be no more chaos, destruction or loss of american lives. our country cannot survive with joe biden as commander-in-chief. and nikki haley pausing for a moment of silence before tearing into joe biden on a south carolina rally stage. watch. >> as a military spouse, we lost three heroes today and i will tell you, the fact we lost three and dozens were wounded, after 160 attacks on our men and women in the military, it is shameful. >> todd: retired navy seal jonathan gilliam will be here to tell us what joe biden's first step must be.
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carley. >> carley: house republicans unveiling two articles of imp impea impeachment against alejandro mayorkas refusing him of breach of public trust for repeatedly claiming the border sesecure under his watch. >> the border is closed. the border is secure. >> the border is secure. >> you think it is a crisis now? >> bret, it is a challenge. >> carley: mayraflores joins nee now. we are expecting a vote on this this week. i've been asking for this impeachment for over a year. we had 300,000 illegal crossings into the united states. we have never seen anything like this. my husband is a border patrol
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agent and we've never seen anything like this before. it is about time this happens. >> carley: dhs is responding to impeachment articles saying this farce is a distraction from other national security issues and work congress should be doing to fix our broken immigration laws. it will be interesting to see if democrat vote yes on this impeachment because now this illegal immigration crisis is impacting blue cities and states. it could be a longshot, but there is a possibility. and this bipartisan border deal negotiated in the senate, is number insensitive. border can be shut down if cross says surpass 500 per day.
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what do you think, is this a step in the right direction? >> i honestly believe this is on the biden administration, he refuses border patrol to enforce the law. all he has to do is put back policies that were remaining, remain in mexico and catch and release, it is that simple. we don't need congress to secure the border. this is the biden administration. he is putting the blame on congress, it is his plsz that has created the crisis happening in south text. this is nothing to do with congress. they continue to blame congress when in fact they are refusing to allow border patrol to do their job. >> carley: we should point out, the numbers were put out, in december, 300,000 migrant
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encounters and that is a high. that is why a group called take our border back has planned a convoy leaving for virginia beach headed to the southern border today to hold three rallies in eagle pass, yuma, california, calling for border security. they are people from across the country. do you think the president will listen to them? >> no, i don't believe president biden will listen to anybody. i want to say god bless our truckers of this your honor ko, they are god-fearing, blue-collar working class that make sure -- the polls. it is so important we get out to vote, get our friends and family out to vote. it is most important election of our lifetime.
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i worry about the instigators and far left making it worse. southern border is not safe. we have mexican cartel and government doing the best they can. i think the best way to protest is at the polls and not coming here because i'm afraid of what can happen. the far left can instigate things and it can get worse. >> carley: president biden said he wants to shut the border down, if the people believed that, this would not be happening toward. a starbucks barrista is fired for stopping an armed robbery. we'll get his story next.
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>> carley: and super bowl 58 officially set. >> last week houston did not have a single snap inside the 25. kansas city chiefs from the 19 and caught by kelce for the touchdown. here is gibbs and runs into a wall. ball is loose, who has it? 49ers recover. >> todd: highlights from championship sunday as we look ahead to las vegas.
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>> carley: disgraced south carolina attorney alex murdaugh is due back in court today. his attorneys claim the colton county clerk of court tampering with the jury by telling them not to believe them and pressuring them to reach a quick verdict. she is members of the original jury will testify today. a supreme court justice will hear the case and decide if murdaugh should receive a new trial. a california man convicted of murdering a toddler is a step closer to freedom. patrick goodman killed his girlfriend's son by reportedly beating him to death. despite the brutal crime and being denied parole, state is approving his parole saying, we do not think mr. goodman is a
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risk to society and is suitable for parole. the fate of goodman lies with gavin newsom whether to overturn the decision. todd, wow. over to you. >> todd: two armed suspects tried to rob a starbucks and pistol whipping a barista. weeks later starbucks firing them for violating thes starbucks partner safety plsz. the barista and his attorney join us now. walk us through what happened from your perspective? >> we entered our day -- they entered starbucks with one gun
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at the time. we didn't know it was fake or not and started waving it at people. i tried to help get the cash register opened and it wasn't going as planned. i tried to get the manager and got pistol whipped in the back of the head. we laid down on the ground and try said to not have anything happen and i felt in danger. so me and our co-worker were staring at each other and stuff but they started frisking us and pushing us and taking our personal belongings and we started to fight back. >> todd: the weapon broke, it looked fake to you and you said we're going to be okay if we
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fight back because this is not a real gun. when the police arrived, what did they say to you? >> they were asking if i was all right. they asked if we subdued them and just gave us a pat on the back making sure we were all okay. >> todd: ryan, starbucks spokesperson saying we were deeply disturbed to learn of this situation. training and protocol guide our partners to comply and deescalation for their safety and safety of all in the store. when can starbucks prevent you from defending your life after you have been viciously attacked? >> good morning. the answer is never. you have the human right to protect yourself. in missouri, we have stand your
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ground law and that super seeds corporate policy. no corporation can put a plsz in place that overrides your human rights and starbucks did not cite the policy when they decided to let mr. harris go. they will rely on that now. we have other plans for that. >> todd: you need the money from this job to pay for paramedic school, now that you are fired, what is the plan? >> as of this moment, just looking for another job. i started a gofund me, to help out in this situation. and just look for another job and figure out what to do from here to better my situation. >> todd: hopefully people watching at home, give this guy a call please.
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how much will the fact your client put starbucks on notice this was an unruly location where bad things had happened in the past, how much will that help your case? >> it helps a lots, that is like a whistleblower scenario. this person has made the store aware of dangerous things and it did happen and they had to choose life over death or their safety over safety of the robbers and they were punished for it. starbucks will meet us at an even playing field when they see the jury. >> todd: i wonder if this suit could change this. it is not right. michael ryan, check back with us and let us know. america waiting for a response from the white house after three
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service members are killed in iran-backed drone attack in jordan. >> carley: president biden is vowing to take action. we will ask jonathan gilliam what that response needs to look like. don't go anywhere. mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> carley: a fox news alert, president biden promising a response after three u.s. troops were killed in a drone attack carried out by iran-backed m milit militantses. jonathan gilliam joins us now. good morning to you. this is an act of war and did not come without warning, there have been 160 attacks on u.s. troops. >> jonathan: good morning. you are rights, it deserves to be more than a three-day story.
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you just said it, there have been 160 attacks and that is just in that area, not counting the issues can houthis in the red sea. the common denominator, biden and his administration does nothing or they do rhetoric they use is proportionate and singular response. they will pick areas they can carry out airstrikes on, but that does nothing to stop the head of the snake, iran. whether hamas, hezbollah, whoever is responsible in this attack or houthi in the red sea, iran backs them and back them with money, weapons and training because this is how they fight
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through proxy wars. >> carley: and three families will get the worst news of their lives. we will get these soldiers pictures and it will become more real and tragic. senator lindsey grahams the biden administration can take out all the iranian proxies it l like, strike targets of s significance inside iran for reprisal of for the forces. what are the chances the president does something like that and if not, what happens next? >> jonathan: the chance of the biden administration doing something aggressive is unlikely. we have seen whether looking at
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afghanistan, way they deal with china, how they failed and didn't attempt to stop russia from crossing into the ukraine, biden administration does not sear out military operation that would threaten the biden administration politically. they will not do anything to iran. lindsey graham is correct in what he's saying, why does lin /* lindsey graham the wait until something like this happening. trump did many great things, one thing he did in relation to this, took out that general when he was starting to maneuver in this same way.
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that is what iran understands. they and their proxies will continue to do what they are doing unless they themselves are hit and hit hard. >> carley: there was recently memorial in honor of that commander and united states warned iran something was going to happen and this is thanks we get. another extension of this story. two weeks ago, president biden was asked about his message to iran and he said, they know not to do anything. he delivered a message and they know not to do anything temperature is hard to hear him, play that clip and we'll get your response. [indiscernible] >> president biden: i've delivered the message to iran,
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they know not to do anything. >> carley: why do you think iran knew not to do anything? -- --
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need people who are warriors and come from backgrounds whether in law enforcement or military going to do what needs to be done and advise the president he needs to carry these things out. >> carley: it was not without warning. 160 attacks in the midweek pick-me-up middle east and red sea. thanks for coming on. >> gets protection and goes long and on his back.
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heading back to the super bowl for the fourth time in five years. >> and there it is. the 49ers are going to the super bowl. >> todd: stage set for super bowl 58. jeff paul has highlights as we look ahead to the big game in las vegas. good morning, sir. >> good morning, afc and nfc games were decided by a touchdown or less. kansas city chiefs taking on baltimore ravens. patrick mahomes connected with tr travis kelce. you see taylor swift there. ravens couldn't get into rhythm. lamar jackson had this to say
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after losing the game. >> i'm not frustrated at all, i'm angry about losing to get to the super bowl, we fell short. >> very tough. chiefs try to win back-to-back super bowls february 11th. chiefs quarterback patrick upon mahomes who has won two super bowls says it is truly special. >> in the nfc win for the 49ers beating detroit lions. 49ers quarterback purdy led his team on a rally beating the lions. he threw a 51-yard pass deflected off a lions player into the hands of brandon ayuck.
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coach dan campbell had this incredible, emotional sound bite, listen. >> particularly the second one, why not take that field goal? >> i just felt really good about us. wiping away tears. rematch for super bowl 58s, they will take on the chiefs. 49ers say they have unforked business. last time they won a super bowl, steve young was the quarterback. chiefs aim to win first back-to-back super bowl since
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the patriots did it in 2003 and 2004. >> carley: i remember steve young, i was a little boy then. >> dating us. >> todd: i know, thanks so much. >> carley: send it over to janice dean. you are tracking a major winter storm. >> janice: it is exiting, we could have delays and cancellations at the airport. big story is the abunkedant heat. we have this exiting system in northeast that will bring rain along the coast and snow showers for new england. this will be out of here by this afternoon. it is the morning compute and the warm up relatively speaking for the northeast, there is your forecast, look at central u.s.,
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lots of sunshine. for now pretty quiet. future radar, clipper says toward the mid-atlantic and next big storm moves in giving weather, mountain snow and storms for the central u.s. so there is your forecast highs. looking good. los angeles 79. 67 in miami. 41 in new york. we'll take it. 71 in dallas and temperature departure. 179 million above average for two-thirds of the country and that is biggest story this week as heat continues to press forward feeling like beginning of spring instead of end of january. a lot of people happy about this. i wish we had a lgs snow in the
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northeast. lots of time to come, worst storms are in february and march. >> carley: worst storms are yet to come. >> todd: i like bikini weather. >> carley: image we don't need. >> todd: the wheels on the bus are not going around and around because teachers are changing the lyrics to fit anti-israel thoughts. >> carley: snoop dogg is publicly praising former president trump, we'll tell you what he is saying. ♪ (bridget) with thyroid eye disease
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>> carley: listen to this. denver shelters giving migrants the boot. the city took in more migrants per capita than anywhere in the country. >> todd: cheryl casone has details. >> cheryl: 40s,000 migrants have
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arrived in colorado. they are not right to shelter like new york city, so they don't have to keep them in shelters. estimated cost $180 million for denver for housing, schools, healthcare. what is the answer? democratic mayor says work permits so they can go out and make money and find their own place to live. between healthcare and per k capita denver has been flooded. you are talking 40,000 migrants. >> carley: we usually talk about new york. palestinian relief organization, 12 employees took part in the
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terror attack. >> cheryl: 11 companies pulling funding from this un -- canada, germany, italy, switzerland, denmark, netherlands and japan and austria. the u.s. gives to this agency each year and a lot of folks are saying where is the money going? apparently to help the attack against israel. it is shocking to see suspending of funds given immediate action we took by terminating the contract. my question, how did you know who they were so quickly? did not take long.
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>> carley: great question. >> cheryl: and the other thing, this is un refuge e for palestinian for syria and lebanon, where they are operating and where the money is going. you got to ask questions and the u.s. is. >> carley: president trump held funding and president biden starting funding back up. >> todd: wait until you hear this. pair of new york city elementary school teachers altered lyrics to the children's song "wheels on the bus" and lyrics include the bomb in the air go wish, wish, wish, free palestinian until the wheels on the tank fall off. joe borelli joining me. your tax dollars at work fo
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menting hate. >> joe: are we even surprised anymore? the same people shutting down jfk airport, those people are bank tellers, barista and in some cases teaching kids in kindergarten. these teachers should be fired immediately. we hear from progressives, bumper sticker slogans, hate has no place here. these two teachers should be the first to go, substitute israel or jews and not see the teachers union support these two teachers. >> todd: why are these teachers hired in the first place? they are not hiding the ball, they want to turn your children
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into social justice warriors, it is all over their social media. how do we irrad theicate this from school and get back to math, english and school. >> do not bring politics to the classroom. school curriculum is stricts, so to bring your outside beliefs, no matter mundane or antisemitism as these are, have no place here. two of the most questionable things are grade level at which the kids are engaged on this and timing. these teachers waited nothing after october 7 to bring this to the classroom. they support what is going on in israel and not on the side of
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the israelis either. these are kindergartners who cannot understand context. >> todd: it is not right, you are a city councilman, keep up the fights, we need you. "snl" getting ripped for a skit over the weekend. joe concha will tell us about it. >> carley: steve doocy will tell us what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> steve: busy monday morning. three u.s. servicemembers killed in a drone strike by militant group in jordan, deadliest attack since abbey gate.
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senator dan sullivan and bob spalding will weigh in on "fox and friends." house republicans releasing articles of impeachment against secretary mayorkas. illegal crossings have hit an all-time high. pat fallon and tony gonzalez are here, dr. marc siegel, jonathan turley and piers morgan stopping by. we have a busy three hours at the top of the hour on "fox and friends." todd and carley back in a couple. you are watching "fox and friends first." (♪) your ancestry is so much more than names and dates. (♪) c'mon! it's the story of your family - then and now. a story that made your name mean something. a story you're still writing.
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>> todd: "saturday night live" being called out for woke smugness on weekend update segment for saying former president trump made up the term debanking. >> trump did have a slight touch introducing banks. interesting new term called debank. >> we are going to someplace strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to debank. >> you they want to debank you and we are going to debank. >> i don't know what the hell de-bank means but he might have to take de-blabs to he soot doctor. >> de-bank is actually a word. it's a zerbe a definition to deprive someone of banking facilities. now we know.
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joe concha is a fox news contributor and joins us now. somebody on the writing staff could have looked it up before they made a joke, joe? >> joe: talking 17 writers at least for snl and not one could look that up to your point, great point. this is snl in 2024, guys. if msnbc and "the view" could somehow procreate this show in its current form would be the result. tdebank something a real term ad is happening because the writers and cast of this show live in such elitist bubble they make utter fools of themselves not knowing what it means. this the same light night comedy scare quotes, show that mocked republican congresswoman elise stefanik not too long ago for taking on harvard president claudine gay after she called for genocide of jews by pro-hamas activists on campus. they thought they owned elise
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stefanik. they made fools of themselves, too. this isn't your daddy's snl any more. ed to, we did a segment on this recently. when is the last time this show produced mega stars like chevy chase, bill murray, bill crystal, eddie murphy. will carvy. deanna fay. when is the last time somebody came out of this show and been a big star? it's been some time. >> todd: people not getting on the show shame gillis turning out to be the real big stars. if you get the job, turn it down and go on your own. i will say let's get ready, joe, this is what the last nine months will be advocacy by ignorance. they don't care if they get donald trump or wrong they are going to do it. with that said, concha, one person, one dog, snoop dogg, d-o-double g. new interview with the sunday times snoop says he ain't done
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nothing wrong to me. he has only done great things for me. he pardoned michael harris so i have nothing but love and respect for donald trump. michael harris record executives had some connections to snoop. far cry from 2017 when you know what happened in 2017. snoop had a video where he actually shot president trump in the head. >> carley: a clown, a mime. >> change anything from electoral perspective oare is this one guy snoop changing his tune. >> joe: indicative of what is happening right now as far as support for donald trump. snoop's comments are obviously driven by the fact that trump passed criminal justice reform along with republicans and congress and democrats in congress while he was in office. we are now seeing polls where donald trump, who is the clear frontrunner for the g.o.p. nomination by a country mile, is he now receiving north of 20% support among black voters. no republican, who has run for president, has come even is close to that in the modern era
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as far as elections are concerned. and if trump can even break 15-16 support, guys, among blacks, in november, 2024, it's lights out for joe biden as far as winning re-election. not only is he bleeding support among black voters also happening among hispanic voters, youngerrer voters, female voters. if trump can just take georgia, arizona, wisconsin and michigan that he lost by a very slim margin in 2020, if everything else holds as it looks like it will be, he will be the 47th president, carley and todd. >> carley: that's why president biden was in south carolina speaking with black voters this weekend. but a lot of people still remember that comment that he made if you don't vote for me, you're not black. >> joe: that's right. >> carley: that did not sit well with the black communities. thanks for being with us this morning. he always has hot takes. trod. >> todd: dropping it like it's hot. >> carley: bye, guys.
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>> steve:


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