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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 29, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> steve: according to the clock on the wall, ita 8:00 in new
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york city on the east coast. it is monday, january 29th, you are watching "fox and friends." fox news alert, three u.s. servicemembers dead and 30 hurt after a drone attack by militants. we have a live report from the pentagon. what are they going to do about it? >> carley: and lawmakers want alejandro mayorkas out as we hit records. >> alejandro mayorkas perjured himself. >> carley: tony gonzalezes the administration could end this today. he joins us this hour. >> todd: the stage is set, kansas city chiefs in super bowl lviii. the final hour of "fox and friends" begins now. you chose to be with friends and we thank you.
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>> brian: fox news alert, all ibes on the white house to see how the biden administration will respond after militants killed three servicemembers and hurt 30 on our base in jordan. >> ainsley: this is the 160th attack on our troops since the war broke out with israel and hamas. >> steve: mark, the big question, what are they going to do? when are they going to do it? where are they going to do it? >> you are right, the u.s. says it will respond. we are waiting on who our response will look like temperature is possible the injured number may go up, it is
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at 34. president biden was able to talk about this on sunday while in south carolina. he vowed to hold those responsible accountable. >> president biden: (indis (indiscernible) >> iran is denying responsibility for the attack. this is not the first time, militant groups are targeting and 150 attacks have been carried out. he seemed to suggest iran was going to change their behavior.
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>> president biden: i've delivered the message to iran, they know not to do anything. >> it is possible pentagon may give more information about three service members killed later today. dod is notifying the families. also today is first day defense secretary lloyd austin is back to work at pentagon after being treated for prostate surgery in december. nobody knew he was in the hospital, including president biden. we will be welcoming the general. >> steve: he has plenty to do. "new york times" is reporting the intel community and pentagon does not think iran was trying to provoke a wider war.
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did you see that? >> mark: we heard from a defense official and they were not commenting on whether or not this was a targeted escalation. why was this drone attack deadly? was this intended to be worse than it was? lawmakers are saying this cannot be routine or acceptable. the hill wants to see iran held accountable to let them know this will not be tolerated. president biden said he will respond. >> carley: was it targeted? we have not confirmed, "washington post" said it was directed at the living facility and tower. i go back to just a conversation i had with lieutenant general keith kellogg and he said you
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have to put something at risk that iranians don't want to lose. when he was in office trump got soleimani and went after 52 -- >> brian: only thing they understand in the region, there is whole division in university of virginia about that on the campus. the same attitude, unless you show them direct contact and take them on militarily, they will keep abusing you. 160 attacks and they are still thinking about what to do. you have secretary of defense in surgery, not telling anyone, goes back to work today. it has to be on iran, it can't be on this militia and the
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iraqis want us out of baghdad, iran will get what they want, they will get us out of there and make the red sea unnavigable and it will make them look like kings of the middle east. >> steve: with lloyd austin going back to work today, we are delighted he is healthy enough to go back to work. got to figure he will walk in. did i miss anything. the reason the death toll is high and injury toll is higher, i was talking to lucas tomlinson and he said tower 22 theys r hit is the sleeping towers. this was the thing joe biden feared most after october 7, low-level attack turns deadly and that is what it has done.
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this further complicated joe biden's decision ramping up fighting with iran at the same time trying to tell prime minister netanyahu take your foot off the gas in israel and wrap up with gaza, that has been the pressure. now if we engage with iran, all bets are off. >> carley: so true and hard to believe economist said this is the first time since the korean war. go back to the houthis, harassing ships. first week of december, pentagon had drawn up plans to attack the houthis and biden administration said not yet. we don't have seven days, u.s. troops are sitting ducks. something more than these
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strikes. >> brian: general jack keane called this a week ago. >> the center for gravity that we're experiencing is iran. we have said this time and time and time again. . to deter the proxies themselves by hitting them will not be suspect. we have to go after iran and reset the strategy and deal with iran in the region. this thing has failed. i don't think biden administration has to announce it but move with arab nation and israel. >> brian: came out and said this destroyed our deterrence in the middle east. think about it, even in iraq, ukraine, all we do is reacts, what was happening with china takes over hong kong, all we do
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is reacts, we are not ahead of anything and reluctant to retaliate at all times. >> steve: let's see what the response is? there is a response to the southern border against alejandro mayorkas. article one is breaking the law and the other is breach of publics trust, which is looks like. what is interesting is the politics. a year ago, republicans wanted to do this, there were not enough republicans who would vote for it. a year ago, it would have failed and now they have done vote counting and think we have votes this time around. they are pushing for it. we had jonathan turley on in the
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6:00 hour and he said that mayorkas may appear dishonest a derelict but does not believe this rises to impeachment. it is not impeachable the fact he's doing a body job. >> carley: your interview with pat fallon about the vote count. >> when you lie under oaths, that is impeachable and that is what alejandro mayorkas has done and violated immigration and nashlt act seven or eight times over and that is spelled out in specificity. one or two republicans are waivering, i think it will pass. chairman mark green, my good friend from homeland security
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committee has done exceptional job here and alejandro mayorkas perjured himself, he's putting americans in danger. opioid deaths have doubled under the biden administration, we must go forward, it is our constitutional duty to do so. >> carley: one or two republicans won't vote for this. >> steve: 18 across the country. >> carley: right, will vote for this. last time cabinet member was impeached was in the 1800s. >> carley: political play book said they did poll testing and 66% are uncomfortable with republicans rejecting the deal. six million people have crossed the border, inkredzible number
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if you look at each state. >> brian: they are doing polls on a program no one has read yet. we have a rough outline one by murphy and lankford yesterday and mark wayne mullen. not ready to be put to a vote because no one has read it. pretty thick bill. little risk if you are republican to vote for this, do you know anybody that thinks the border is okay? >> carley: not a single one. >> brian: new york, chicago, illinois, you can say i'm in a blue state. so what, look at your city. this guy is awful. the president is awful on this. 30% approval on it. he is not doing anything. it will die in the senate like
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in 18i76, it will die. >> steve: senator murphy says they will bring it up for a vote, they have 50 or 51 votes with democrat. you are rights, this piece of legislation needs 60. how many republicans -- >> steve: i'm talking about the retro-fit -- >> brian: i think they will get 10 republicans. >> steve: i do too and that will happen. and joe biden biden will have a tool, republicans and democrat tried to fix it, look what happened. >> carley: that is a farce, he is not taking action. >> steve: it is a political year and they are doing all sorts of
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stuff. in iowa and new hampshire, our exit polling voter analysis showed number one issue is migration and we dispatched lawrence from chicago to denver to boston this week looking howie long those cities are impacted by the crisis. i heard this morning, denver is pulling the plug on migrants in shelters. you can stay this many -- >> carley: i thought they were a sanctuary jurisdiction. >> steve: alex murdaugh will return to the courtroom today, more jurors are expected to speak at today's hearing. >> brian: yep, todd piro has details. >> todd: disgraced attorney and -- alex murdaugh. it is claimed county clerk
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tampered with the jury. they allege that clerk rebecca hill asked jurors if they thought he was guilty before deliberation. hill is expected to testify, main spotlight is on the jurors themselves. they are being questioned by supreme court justice jean toll. the jurors will be asked six questions each. this hearing will decide if murdaugh will get a new trial after he was convicted last year for 2021 murder of his wife and son. murdaugh due back in court in an hour and 15 minuteses from now. back to you. >> kayleigh: never-ending case. >> steve: can you imagine it starting over? it could happen. carley has headlines.
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>> carley: i do. brand new information on the united nations employees who took part in the october 7 attack on israel. telling biden administration one un staffer kid napped an israeli woman and one raided a cub kub /* /* kushg -- janet yamanaka used funds to purchase 30 homes, jewelry and moreover seven-year scheme and claiming she received her civil service retirement package. telling san antonio express her retirement pay cannot be denied
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since she was not convicted of treason. to football. kansas city chiefs taking down baltimore ravens 17-10 securing fourth afc title over the last five seasons. kansas city chiefs looks to become first team to win back-to-back super bowls since patriots 22 years ago. and taking down the lions 34-31. >> and there it is. 49ers are going to the super bowl. >> carley: 49ers now head to las vegas. we have our super bowl teams. >> taylor swift to the super bowl. >> steve: my daughter mary grew up in new jersey, jets are her
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team. yesterday she suggested, our team is going to the super bowl, i'm froms kansas and now my team is her team. >> carley: that is called being a bandwagon fan. >> carley: my four-year-old was like, where is taylor? >> brian: played good for two quarters in the post season. >> carley: they wanted the lions to win because of the story. >> steve: folks, look at your tv screen and watch this. a woman clinging to a speeding car. why? thieves tried to get away with her french bulldog and she was not going to let go. >> brian: same thing with lady gaga. >> steve: that was her dog walker. >> brian: a barista claims he
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was being fired for being a hero. they started tatake our personal belongings and we started to fight buy. >> carley: and throwing soup at the mona lisa. piers morgan has more on that. >> brian: he would have never done that. >> kayleigh: never. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. every. single. night. stearns & foster. what comfort should be.
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>> steve: terrifying story out of california. a woman is seen clinging to the hood of a speeding car. inside the car are thieves who stole her french bulldog. >> kayleigh: that is love. madeline rivera join us now. >> the video is nuts. let's get right to it. can you imagine seeing a woman clutching to the hood of a car speeding through downtown los angeles. she says the people inside took her dog. the owner said she was having lunch at the whole foods and a woman started walking to her table, calling to the dog and
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taking her leash. the owner thought it was a misunderstanding, so she followed the suspect who got into the car. >> i wasn't willing to let them go. i stood in front of the car and they drove into me and it pushed me on to the hood. i held on and they took off. >> she clung to the hood as long as she could and fell off when they swerved. the french bulldog is still missing. the owner is offering reward for his return home. there is a recent string of bulldog thefts in d.c., as well employs >> steve: they are not just stealing your watch or purse, stealing your dog. that is crazy. >> brian: what is with french bulldogings?
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>> steve: expensive. >> brian: don't they snore? >> steve: no ideas. adorable dog. >> brian: lady gaga was first i know, they got the guys, right? >> steve: after the guy was shot. talk about crime and take you to st. louis starbucks. a 20-year-old barista michael harrison was working at starbucks to pay for paramedic school. last month two mask men came in and they told harrison to open the register. he didn't have credentials to open it. they asked the manager and the manager said no and froze. a robber went through harrison's pockets and didn't find it and
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hit harrison in the back of the head. >> brian: broke the gun. >> steve: it wasn't really a gun. a melee broke out. the cops arrived and thanked this young man for trying to stop crime. >> kayleigh: they didn't lock him up in reichers? >> brian: he doesn't have a job, he was on "fox and friends." listen. >> they entered starbucks with one gun at the time, we didn't know it was fake or not and waving it at people. laid down on the ground and try to not have anything happen. we felt endangered, they were
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taking our personal belongings and we started to fight back. this person made the store aware of a dangerous scenario, they had to choose life or death or their safety over safety of the robbers and they were punished for it. starbucks will meet us on even playing field when they see the jury. >> steve: mr. harrison had complayered this was a dangerous location to management. now he's having trouble playing for tuition and everything else. he was complying with the bad guys until he was hit in the head with the fake gun and he defended himself employs >> kayleigh: reminds me of lululemon. let them go. fox news alert all eyes on white house and how biden will respond
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next. >> steve: there he is. >> brian: music. tter together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. (sigh) if you struggle with cpap... you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it.
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>> brian: fox news alert, through u.s. servicemembers dead attacked by iranei-backed mill tantses. we know what is happening with israel and lebanon and with hamas there in gaza. we know that there have been nonstop attacks of our people in this region. 159. we've only answered a handful of
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times. they say minor injuries to u.s. forces. they have brain injuries. that is ridiculous thing to say. this day is here. what are we going to do? this is just two weeks after the president said this randomly. >> president biden: i've already delivered the message to iran, they know not to do anything. >> brian: next guest knows about fighting in mideast, senator dan sullivan on the senate armed services committee. you put out a statement right away, you said we need action. the president needs to order a response that whoever targets our men and women will face full might of our military. you are saying enough with
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militias, go get iran. >> yes, it is a somber morning, three u.s. servicemembers killed, navy seals killed two weeks ago. the big issue, reestablish d deterrence with regard to iran. broughter context is important. trump administration comes in with strategy after iranians were killing with impunity and reestablished deterrence with massive sanctions in the oil sector. killing soleimani and also launching a peace initiative in the middle east with abraham accord. biden comes in and reverses all of it including the houthi on the terror watch list.
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here is the result, war, americans killed, biden administration failed. >> brian: making our allies nervous. here is what john kirby side on "the today show" half-hour ago. we are taking a look at what options need to be, the president takes seriously our obligation to defend ourselves. i can't speak for the supreme leader and what he wants, i can tell you what we want, a stable and secure prosperous middle east and want the attacks to stop. >> brian: senator, we are always reacting, never on the front foot. with hamas attacks,ry are
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reacting. we are reacting, houthi rebels shove aught the red sea, when do we get on the front foot and when do we establish that? >> our enemies smell weakness. ukraine, israel, reestablish de deterrence with iran. follow the trump administration, kinetic military action against targets that hurt them worst. go after leadership, oil and gas facilities, navy shipping. i guarantee the pentagon has a lot of targets. reimpose sanks on oil and gas
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sector. end of trump administration, iran had four billion in foreign reserves, that is not a lot. biden comes in and lifts sanctions, natural gas like crazy. foreign reserves are north of assistant secretary of labor for policy billion iranians, that is what they are funding terrorist proxies, hezbollah, houthis, hamas with. that is strategic plsz, trump administration did it. redo this. >> brian: considering slow walking weapons against israel and we are paying brunt on the military -- >> one more thing. worst thing the biden administration can do and i worry they mights, say we will
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ush put more pressure on israel in terms of what they are doing in gaza, that would be a disaster. >> brian: talk to you more. good to see you. coming up, gop laumsz pushes to impeach dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas. t t tony gonzalez says we could end this today, he is next. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way this today, he is next. mayorkas. tony gonzalez says we could end this today, he is next. and x-ras for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. tired muscles and joints were keeping me from my family. now i can be myself again. blue-emu supports healthy muscles and joints.
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>> janice: good morning, my friend is anders. originally from? >> sweden. >> janice: say hi to anybody? >> laura, who isats home. taking the dog out. >> janice: dog's name? >> rambo. >> janice: stay with me. take a look at the forecast. 37 degrees. we don't have a lot of snow on the ground. we had a mess this morning. we have a new system pushing west and we'll track that. heavy rain along the coast and mountain snow toward the rockies.
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rest of the u.s. above average temperatures. i know you like it warm, kayleigh, i'll see what i can do for you. >> kayleigh: never thought i would call 37 degrees warm. not bad, i'll take it. house republicans release articles of impeach mment again alejandro mayorkas. mayorkas willfully refused to follow the law and one house member says he thinks they have the votes. >> i think it will pass. proof in the pudding, alejandro mayorkas perjured himself, he is putting americans in danger. opioid deaths have doubled and that is hundreds of thousands of american lives temperature issure constitutional duty. >> kayleigh: tony gonzalez joins
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us now. i'm curious if you agree with congressman fallon, you think you have the votes. good morning, yes, enough is enough. we came up short in november. i suspect we will pass articles of impeachment. it will be along partisan lines, but we've had 300 people on the terrorist watch list come over. people want this to end and we want to hold the administration responsible. what is the point? it is time for republicans to do something. i get it, we have a small majority in the house, it is time to hold the administration accountable. >> kayleigh: what would you say to the critic whos this has not
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been done since 1876, what do you say? >> my thought process has been impeachment is in case of emergency, break glass. we're at that point. it is an emergency on the border and throughout our country. americans are dying and getting killed everyday. what we're seeing reminds me of pre-9/11. i spent nine years in iraq and afghanistan. they were bombing the uss the navy lowered the bar to
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enlist, taking away a high school diploma. you were brought in under a similar program. what do you think of this and whether this lack of recruitment has to do with lack of faith in the commander-in-chief? >> yeah. i do think it is a tough time for people. why would you want to join the military when you see the administration attack it in some ways. i hate hearing lowering the bar. in 1999, i had lived on my own for years, i dropped out of high school because my grandfather passed away. the navy gave me an opportunities, i am a master chief, ships, planes, you name it. i was master chief, i never
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asked someone about their high school, what is your gpa, i look at the merit of the person. that is what we need to get back to and sometimes services need to get out of their own way. somebody wants to serve, sign them up and put them to work. >> kayleigh: thank you for your service. >> thank you. >> kayleigh: coming up, climate actsivists throw soup at the mona lisa. piers morgan on the climate crazies next. first check in with dana perino and bill hemmer for what is going on. >> bill: busy monday, we shall respond, what decision will the president make? >> dana: and condemning the feds decision on the border. and i've been waiting for this
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allegedly took part in the october 7th attack on israel. madison all worth joins us. >> the u.n. is asking countries to continue funding its relief agency for palestinians in gaza even after employees have been accused of being directly involved in the october 7th attacks. israel has provided a dossier to the biden administration outlining the different connections. fox has obtained that dossier. in it it alleges one u.n. staffer kidnapped and israeli woman. one raided an israely kibbutz and participated in violence and won doled out ammunition to hamas fighters. intelligence reviewed finds that 12 employees were involved in the attacks and 10% of has gaza staff has ties to islamic groups.
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despite the allegations the u.n. secretary general making a plea for more financial aid saying on sunday the tens of thousands of men and women who work for the agency should not be penalized. the agency accused of terrorist activity has received over $1 billion from the u.s. under biden. president restored funding reversing a trump administration decision. that's the latest, steve. send it back to you. >> steve: thank you very much. meanwhile let's go across the atlantic. the mona lisa not smiling after climate activists threw soup on the painting. here to react is pierce more gann. >> they are imbeciles. i was in paris over the weekend by chance. i've been to the louvre many
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times to see the mona lisa. the most famous painting in the world. these two people, moaning lisas as i would like to call them were trying to make a protest, they said, to raise awareness of food hunger in france. what better way to show an example of why you care about hunger than tipping buckets of pumpkin soup all over a famous painting? there haven't been scenes like this involving a pumpkin since last thanksgiving at brian kilmeade's house. it is equally distasteful. these people can go into the hallowed louvre and do it to one of the great paintings in the world. there are groups like them all over europe now who do exactly the same thing. ruining a show in london and the lords crickets match and assuming by doing that they have such a good point. but chucking that pumpkin soup
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all over the place i will be thinking about hunger. no, you're not. you'll be thinking like me that actually you could have used that soup to feed hungry people. on every level they are completely stupid and they are having the exact opposite effect of what they are supposed to be having. >> steve: they're wasting food. i love that. moaning lisas. thank you very much. brian showed up after you slurred him regarding thanksgiving. >> brian: i'll contact your attorney and move legally against you, piers. >> 36 other examples of you being involved in disgraceful behavior involving pumpkins on thanksgiving. >> brian: that's true. not the mona lisa. >> steve: check him out on fox nation. >> brian: jay leno was his guest. >> this requires a response. we're now in different territory here wit


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