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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 29, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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stalked. >> investigators tell us the suspect has been following taylor swift since last year. he showed up to her apartment at least 30 times since november. people calling the police and trying to alert authorities saying they were scared. he has to undergo a psychiatric evaluation and faces charges. >> bill: we'll see what new york decides to do with it. nice to see you. >> dana: a big top rescue saving a dozen circus animals from a burning truck after an equipment failure ignited the vehicle on an indiana highway. police and circuit staff able to get all the animals out safely. what a story. >> bill: good work in indiana. good stuff. new hour begins right now. >> there will be a response. this was a big attack, no question about it. our thoughts and prayers go to the families that got the worst
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possible news over the weekend. he will take that very seriously and he will make the right decision. >> dana: what will be the action to match the talk? the biden administration under pressure to hit back hard after three u.s. troops were killed yesterday by an iranian-backed drone strike in jordan. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: hope you had a good weekend. productive and -- >> dana: percy and i played a lot of ball in the house. it was raining yesterday. you have to play ball in an apartment. be careful. >> bill: a busy afternoon. we'll explain why now. the broader conflict in the middle east turning deadly for the u.s. 30 troops injured and tower 22 was the base near the intersection of iraq, jordan and syria. those three deaths, the first u.s. service members killed in at least 160 attacks on our forces since the israeli/hamas war began in october. president biden said we shall
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respond. >> dana: the latest from the pentagon and former secretary of state mike pompeo on the chess board. peter doocy is on the south lawn. >> the trend line that officials in the situation room are tracking is troubling. >> i certainly can't deny the fact there have been a series of attacks now increasingly lethal over weeks and months which is why the president is going to be reviewing what the appropriate response is going forward. >> increasingly lethal despite president biden's declaration that iran would tone things down two weeks ago. >> president biden: i've already delivered the message to iran. they know not to do anything. >> that is not true based on the events of the two weeks that have followed. it is not like they have only ignored one warning from president biden. here is this from october just after the attack on israel. >> president biden: we're sending more fighter jets to that region and made it clear --
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made it clear to the iranians, be careful. >> the president's comments about the deadly attack on american barracks in jordan. we'll hold all those responsible to account in a time and manner of our choose. some say target iran. john kirby not giving a list of targets and the u.s. retaliation could take days. in the meantime president biden is joining the soldiers' families grieving. >> president biden: i want to say that i want to point out that we have had a tough day last night. we lost three brave souls in an attack on one of our bases and i -- [inaudible]
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>> we don't know when president biden wants to talk about this publicly again. nothing on the public schedule today. tomorrow for now all campaign fundraisers in florida. >> dana: probably not going to cut it. >> bill: how about this for timing. lloyd austin's first day back at the pentagon after his hospitalization. it has been a month. mark meredith is live in d.c. with that angle of the story now. >> at this hour defense secretary lloyd austin is welcoming nato secretary general to the pentagon. as you you mentioned austin being warmly welcomed. his first day back at the office since treatment for prostate cancer. he drew outrage in december. much of washington, including president biden, was not even aware that the secretary was going to be out of communication for several days. earlier this month austin put out a statement about all this saying quote, i recognize i could have done a better job insuring the public was appropriately informed and
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commit to doing better. this was my medical procedure and i take full responsibility for my decisions about disclosure. austin's absence prompted calls for resignation. president biden rejected the idea insisting he has faith in austin's abilities. and just last week friday the white house announced it is creating a new set of guidelines to insure it knows when vips will be under the office. cabinet secretaries are expected to notify cabinet affairs as well as the white house chief of staff about what's going on. they also want this documented in writing to know who will be in charge, make sure the acting principle has a communication plan set up and want to make sure the people who are going to be out follow the legally required notifications. there were a lot of lawmakers upset not kept in the loop what was going on. an inspector general office is looking into it and that report could come out within the next week. >> bill: thanks, mark meredith in d.c. >> dana: let's bring in former
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secretary of state mike pompeo now fox news contributor and get your take as to what is happening and what you think the white house and pentagon will say today. >> bill and dana, thank you for having me on this morning. it is pretty clear the biden administrations policies have resulted in a huge conflagration. whether we end up at war with iran. the iranians are at war with the united states today. they have now killed american servicemen. these three certainly in the past days and the two navy seals that lost their lives in the efforts in the region as well. dana and bill. if we continue to be reactive and continue to say gosh, when they do something we're going to hold them accountable the iranians will continue at this. it will not only be in israel and gaza, it will be all across the world. three the world's largest state sponsor of terror deeply connected to iran and china. i think we're risking escalation continuing in the way we've seen
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it happen in the past weeks. >> bill: a couple of things here. they've been trying to not to give this escalate more than it has. the missile range iran has today. quite stunning. ballistic and cruise missiles. if you want to make the case they could hit eastern india and hit mainland europe. the axis of resistance. this is the route that iran has used and part of the reason why our u.s. troops are there. 3500 of them trying to prevent them from resupplying hezbollah in lebanon or forces in syria and supplying forces in the west bank there just west of where you see jordan on the map. jack keane last hour said you have to hit the right target. mitch mcconnell said hit them hard. lindsey graham says you have to go after iran inside of iran. when you try to balance not escalating a wider middle east
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war with the response to get iran to back down. how do you calculate that? >> bill, i've had to do that. i've been sitting in the same spot secretary blinken is in today advising president biden. i was advising president trump. two thoughts. it matters who the deterer is. the same strike taken by our administration will feel different to the iranians than one taken by president biden because of afghanistan, because of what's happening in europe. he is perceived as weak instead of strong. i think that leads to a stronger response being required. whether it's inside iran or commercial targets in the gulf or iranian assets around the world, this will have to be a serious response at scale determined likely over time or it will just look like hey, we're waiting for you to kill more americans and we'll fire at empty warehouses in syria. a great mistake for the american people. i wish it was the case that what happened in tehran stayed in
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tehran. the united states will have to lead. we will get our partners and friends to be along with us if we demonstrate that resolve adequately, bill. >> dana: the white house will brief at 1:30, pentagon at 2:30. over the weekend there was reports that there were actual staff members of the u.n. refugee agencies that supposedly helps take care of the palestinians but now you have 12 countries pausing funding including the united states. austria, japan added to that list and now here is the israel dossier detailing u.n. staffers involved in the hamas attack. watch here. one u.n. staffer kidnapped an israeli woman. one u.n. staffer raided a kibbutz and participated in violence. one doled out ammunition to hamas fighters in addition to the other support. >> bill: just unbelievable. >> dana: your thoughts on that. >> heard you say unbelievable. sadly i'm not surprised in the least. it is the very reason we stopped funding them in the trump
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administration. this is known. we have known it was a corrupt institution. the difference employee between someone working on behalf of the iranians and a part of the u.n. we knew it was going to educating. we should have stopped funding this organization. we did. biden administration turned it back on and here is the direct result. i won't be shocked at all if we learn there wasn't just a dozen, but dozens and dozens and dozens of u.n. employees proving the u.n.'s moral failure. dozens of employees involved in the october 7th and holding of american hostages since that day. >> bill: that's a remarkable statement. your comment from earlier. iran is at war with us. let that settle in. thank you for your time today for coming on. >> thank you, bless you all. >> bill: alexandria
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ocasio-cortez defending squad member tlaib's use of the word genocide when describing president biden's support of israel's war against hamas. >> do you agree with that word genocide that the president has been supporting a genocide or does that go too far? >> i think what we are seeing right now throughout the country is that young people are appalled at the violence and indiscriminate loss of life. we aren't just seeing 25,000 people died in gaza. we are seeing the starvation of millions of people, the displacement of over 2 million people from gaza. the fact that the word is even in our discourse i think demonstrates the mass inhumanity that gazans are facing. >> bill: so you have numerous events with the president and you have protestors at just about every one of these events. from the left. and the white house is trying to come up with a strategy to shout
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them down and we'll see over time whether or not that strategy is effective. >> dana: the "new york post" or "washington post" both did store eaves about black men in particular walking away from the biden administration. i think "the new york times" piece that talked about it is this issue on the support for israel's war against hamas that is giving them pause. >> bill: there is a democratic primary coming up around the corner in south carolina. we're really going to get a measure of how those people feel in that state with regard to this issue. we'll have that four. last hour we saw this. watch here. >> iowa is a long ways from the southern border but with the border out of control, every state is a border state now. iowa stands ready to help texas do the job that the federal government won't do. >> bill: that's the a.g. from iowa. more states standing with texas in its border fight with the white house. where that courtroom battle goes from here >> dana: an escalating flight over police transparency in new york city. the proposal putting the mayor
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at odds with fellow democrats. >> bill: new details on the miss t mysterious deaths of kansas city chief fans in missouri. 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans.
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>> dana: three weeks and still no answers. earlier this month three kansas city fans were found dead at their friend's house after watching the chiefs game. few details into the cause of death are revealed. covering this from all angles with retired inspector paul mauro. >> what we're getting in insight into the mind of jordan willis the man who hosted the post-game party at his home where police
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found his friends dead. a close to willis describes him as devastated and very depressed telling fox nation not only is the whole country accusing him of murdering his friends without factual details or any charges at this time but he also lost three close friends. the three men all in their 30s died at willis's house after watching a kansas city chiefs game back on january 7th. willis claims he said goodbye to his friends sometime after midnight. then spent two full days inside his home that you see right here working and sleeping before police found his friends dead in his backyard. the fiance of one of the victims called police after breaking into willis's home. he wouldn't answer her messages. the source close to willis said about that when jordan and sleeping or focusing on work he can be very difficult to get ahold of. willis's lawyer maintains he didn't know anyone tried contacting him. police said again over the weekend no evidence of foul play. this is not a homicide
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investigation. but so far family and friends of the victims are skeptical. the family of victim ricky johnson accuses willis of changing his story. the long-time girlfriend of another victim tells the "new york post" she thinks her boyfriend with as murdered. toxicology results could come back in three weeks. full autopsy reports will come back a couple weeks after that. send it back to you. >> dana: it feels long. a long time. >> bill: paul mauro can give us some answers and directions on this. good morning. where do you think we are? >> it will take a while here and they will have to test for some subtleties, i believe. not just a test for one common drug. this could be a test where they are looking for some of the stuff relatively new on the scene. s sin -- synthetic marijuana
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doesn't show up in urine tests and parolees take it. it's tough to test for. they are doing a big test get to the bottom of this because it is so mysterious. >> dana: one of the things that's happening is the guy who owns the house, willis, he is finally having people speak out on his behalf. why is everyone thinking i did something wrong? no one seems to be willing to wait for any other facts from the police department from a case still under investigation to make these speculations. what was missing from the story was context. he never once said his friends froze to death to anyone. >> so i this i the idea of keeping our powder dry makes sense. we don't want to hammer this guy and it turns out he is as much of a victim as anybody else. people seem to have the impulse to blame him because he is the guy that is still alive.
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a fifth person that left at midnight and they were all still alive. he probably has information. you have the electronics of all five people involved. the two that are you a live that should allow you into their phones and should be able to get into some level of insight of the other three phones. you have the autopsy, toxicology. the fact pattern is so strange and the problem is and one of the things that hurts willis and why people maybe begin to speculate because his story changed. he initially said he was asleep when he left. later he said he was awake when they all left. it is ten degrees. snow on the ground but not snowing. he let them out the front door. the back door is not used. according to one of the fathers of the victims the coat was still in the house, which tells me they weren't leaving for the night. they were leaving maybe temporarily. they go out the front. cars are still there two days later. he doesn't see that and report that and doesn't respond to
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anybody calling because he has headphones on an running a loud fan, ten degrees in the middle of january? there are just very strange facts in this thing that could end up being understandable. the one thing that occurs to me pure speculation but it is just another thing to consider. it would come out in the tox. we have had cases in the city and elsewhere in the country where certain synthetics cause a body to overheat. you hear about people throwing themselves into the east river. sometimes they throw themselves off roofs. some of these synthetics cause your body to feel like it is on fire. i'm not saying that happened here and don't want to be misquoted but i can't figure out what these guys were doing without their coats in the backyard having gone out the front in the snow. three grown men. >> bill: we were told last week by one of the investigators in kansas city out of missouri, toxicology could take a month because of the backlog in the city. the timeline.
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three men watching the chiefs game back january 7th. the fiance of one of the men broke in the backyard and found one of the men dead at the house. police say no signs of foul play. victim's bodies i.d. the client saw the mean alive. you sound suspicious. is that because of what you do for a living or are you seeing something? >> i'm not necessarily suspicious of willis if he can explaining this whole thing. if it is a crime scene was preserved to see if anybody was dragging anybody in and out. if it turns out they were poisoned we have a different set of circumstances. the unequivocal statement by the chief of police said it is 100% not a homicide investigation. either he knows something that we all don't know and it is a very hard and solid fact, or i'm wondering why he would go that
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far? the tox isn't back. what if toxicology comes back and smoking weed laced with fentanyl. that tells me someplace out there there is a weed dealer that could be looking at a homicide investigation. >> bill: early on the chief did say he is fully cooperating. is did an interview without a lawyer. came down to the shop and checked out with us. >> did he let them look into his phones and computers. they came back, however, 11 january with a search warrant. that tells me they felt like there was more to look at. >> dana: interesting. >> bill: nice to see you, paul mauro. >> will not be shocked at all if we learn that there wasn't just a dozen but dozens and dozens and dozens of u.n. employees proving the u.n.'s moral failure. dozens of u.n. employees involved in the events of
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october 7th. >> dana: mike pompeo moments ago before the deadly attack on u.s. forces in the middle east since 2021. the latest in the series of attacks by iran backed militants. new revelations the government may be spying on us online and using a work around to get information without a court order. (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season. the ladies have been doing a lot of talking recently. she looks great! what they don't know is i got inspire, a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body.
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>> bill: got a chilling admission from a top intel official claims the usa may be buying your private internet data from private companies without a warrant. david spunt raising some eyebrows in d.c. on that. good morning. >> good morning. it really is. we are learning it made public from an oregon over his concerns related to domestic internet activities from commercial data
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brokers without a warrant. if the government wanted the information from communications companies it would need a court order. now it's going to private vendors. he made public the letters that confirm such practices. exact nature of the search is not clear but certain logs are purchased by the nsa. in a letter from the pentagon dated december 11, 2023, it reads d.o.d. components to include defense intelligence components by commercial data including information associated with electronic devices being used outside and possibly inside the united states to conduct lawful d.o.d. missions such as intelligence, personal security and cybersecurity. he is calling on intelligence officials to stop doing so without the knowledge and consent of the individuals mentioned. in his letter to the director of national intelligence last week he wrote in part the data brokers that buy and resell this
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data are not known to consumers and several of these companies refuse to answer questions from congress regarding the companies they buy data from and the government agencies they sell it to, end quote. fox news reached out to the nsa for clarification but yet to hear back specifically on these questions, bill. >> bill: more to come. thank you, david spunt in washington, d.c. >> joe biden and mayorkas want to come in and cut the wire when we're having success makes no sense to anyone. even the rank and file border patrol on the border. they stood down. said they aren't going to cut the wire and good news for them. they would have needed a lot of wire cutters because we have a whole lot of wire. >> dana: texas refusing to give in to president biden's demand on the border and blocks the feds from a high-traffic area. want to bring in a former new mexico governor. in december we got the numbers
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that 302,000 migrant encounters happened at the border. a record. you don't hear as much about what new mexico is going through. can you shine a light on that for us? >> well, once the new governor took office, they actually removed -- she removed the national guard from the border. i had deployed them when i was governor understanding the increase of illegal immigrants coming across the new mexico border. we respond to the el paso sector. all the numbers that come out of the el paso center cover new mexico border as well. we are constantly in contact with them. >> dana: what have the effects of this illegal immigration done to a place like new mexico? >> what it has done, the very beginning when buses were being sent to the southern cities i called the mayors and said are you a sanctuary city, what does that mean to you? the mayor of one city didn't know he was a sanctuary city. you are a county of sanctuary so
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you will have buses coming in. do you have the capacity? i wasn't even governor at the time. he said my god, we don't have the capacity or shelters or hotels. fentanyl coming through and people are dying in this state. homelessness so severe. but we don't have the capacity to house them. we don't have the capacity to treat them. we don't have the capacity to be able to make a difference because we don't have a national guard, either on the border. it is the same as every other city, rural and larger cities in the united states that are suffering the same consequences of leaving our border open to illegal migration. >> dana: secretary mayorkas did an interview with bret baier earlier this month. listen to him here. >> do you think it's a crisis now? >> bret, it is a challenge that we have been addressing vigorously with all of the tools and resources we have been
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provided. we're asking for more tools and resources and asking congress to fix a fundamentally broken system. our dedication to this effort is tireless and unrelenting. >> dana: over the weekend, the house republicans put forward their articles of impeachment for the homeland security chairman. empowered and enriched cartel. mass fentanyl poisoning. terror watch list suspects. more criminal illegal aliens and exploited migrants and that will be secretary mayorkas's open borders legacy. do you support the house republicans going forward with impeachment of secretary mayorkas? >> absolutely i do. those hearings are actually shining a light on what is happening. to hear that mayorkas is saying at one point the border is secure, the border is less secure than before. -- more secure than before. the border is closed.
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operational control of the border in the hands of the department of homeland security. i have will call it what it is. he is lying to congress and to the american people and he is turning his back on the american people. to call it a challenge. to this day 300,000 coming in in december and still calling is a challenge when every community in this country are experiencing the challenges? not the challenges, the crisis of illegal immigration in this country. >> dana: i know that there is a quick question here. i think there are 25 or 26 republican governors who are now supporting governor abbott in texas. new mexico has a democratic governor now and i understand they probably won't do it because of partisan reasons, should they? >> this is not about politics. it is about the people that they serve. we have the same problems that texas has, the same problems. other states. why do we close our eyes and pretend it doesn't exist and not
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be part of the solution? >> dana: governor, thank you for being here with us. >> bill: we were matching the monitor. lloyd austin is making his first comments since the three americans were killed on sunday. drop in here. >> alliance with some very challenging times. you kept nato united and resolute for the most serious threat to trans atlantic security since the end of the cold war. over the nearly two years since putin's unprovoked invasion of ukraine nato has grown stronger and more united than ever. nato became even more capable last year there when finland joined and sweden joining nato as well and looking forward to welcoming sweden to nato soon. now, we'll talk today about ways to further strengthen trans atlantic security as we look to the next months' meeting in
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brussels and the 75th anniversary summit we'll host in washington later this year. the targets of defense will be job number one for nato. we've made excellent progress on implementing the decisions that our leaders made. with our approved regional plans we insure a threater-wide multi-domain deterrent. if any adversaries challenges that the alliance the ready to fight and win. i look forward to some frank discussions with you and our valued allies about what we need to strengthen our collective deterrence and defense including reaching and maintaining the levels of defense spending and production that we need to follow through on our commitments. that vital so we can continue to support ukraine and to replenish our own stocks of weapons ammunitions. nato is the most powerful and successful alliance in history.
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we are going to keep it that way. so secretary general, we have a lot to discuss today and i look forward to that discussion. over to you, sir. >> thank you so much, secretary austin. it is good to see you again and thank you for a warm welcome. it's great to see -- >> bill: a couple big stories. this is all about sweden and nato and ukraine and russia. but also in between all this with regard to iran and the hit on our base in northeastern jordan. we missed the top of his comments but we have the playback here where we can hear lloyd austin talk about how he characterizes what happened. keep in mind going back to october 17th talking about hit after hit on these american bases in eastern syria and western iraq and you wonder what will be the response. we took out an iranian militia leader in baghdad about ten days
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ago. he was on the move in baghdad so we know where these militia members are and the question is how far are you going to go to try to exact punishment. >> dana: as we wait to get this comment i was thinking about another thing. it was reported last week that we told the iranians about that terrorist attack about to happen. it's not like they haven't been trying to be helpful in some ways trying to tamp things down. austin commented on the attacks that killed americans. listen to him here. >> good morning, everybody. let me start with my outrage and sorrow for the death of three brave u.s. troops in jordan and for the other troops who were wounded. the president and i will not tolerate an attack on u.s. forces and we will take all necessary actions to defend the u.s. and our troops. now, at this important time i'm
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glad to be back at the pentagon. i feel good and am recovering well but still recovering. and i appreciate all of the good wishes that i have received thus far. welcome back, mr. secretary general. it is great to see you. it is a pleasure to get the host -- >> bill: there is the comments there. outrage and sorrow and will not tolerate. this was at a base at the living quarters before dawn. this drone attack was designed to inflict as much harm as possible. they killed three of our men, wounded more than 30 others and we'll see what the response is and when it happens as we await that. keep in mind you have two navy seals off the coast of yemen. one guy missed the ladder. the buddy went in after him. they didn't find the bodies. troops injured two weeks ago.
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what do we do next? mike pompeo said we may not be at war with iran but make no mistake, iran is at war with us. >> dana: all right. we'll get some other news while we digest that. do black voters think reparations will ever happen in their lifetime? pete hegseth joins us coming up. distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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>> bill: we have another foreign policy nightmare for the white house. in an election year. the biden administration under pressure to respond and react. the pentagon briefs today at 2:30. white house briefs at 1:30. we'll watch both. pete hegseth, "fox & friends" weekend co-host served in iraq and is with me now. mike pompeo with us 45 minutes ago. characterized it this way when we're talking about war. >> the biden administration's policies from resulted in a huge conflagration. whether we end up at war with iran. the iranians are at war with the united states today. they have now killed american servicemen. until president biden manages to restore deterrents we'll risk de-escalation in these past weeks. >> bill: if you go back over the past three months iran keeps
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egging us on. maybe they've got the cover of moscow and beijing along the way. or maybe beijing could help the u.s. out in this deal. but i don't know how this administration gets out of this military pickle because it appears now, pete, that after this weekend events, that we're in it deep. >> why would beijing want to help us? they seek an entanglement of the united states in the middle east. bill, ten years ago i would have been more hawkish on this and certainly under a different administration. but you have to have some level of humility given to decades of u.s. involvement in the middle east and the results that have come from it. and then on top of it you have this administration, who brought us the debacle in afghanistan and the war in ukraine. there has been no deterrence from the beginning. the one aspect we're not talking enough about and your coverage
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has been fantastic this morning is the aspect of iran, should they get a nuclear bomb. you think we're entangled now? wait until they have the umbrella of the capability of yielding a nuclear bomb in front of us and israel. they were killing u.s. troops in iraq when i was serving there. they killed hundreds of americans. they have been in the proxy war with us. the problem is the obama administration and biden administration have been complicit in helping them maintain their nuclear program and when they get a bomb through some level of appeasement this is all an academic conversation, bill. these are people who would like to wipe off israel and take us down. now is the moment, i think, for israel to take a more dramatic approach in preventing the iranian bomb. it is existential for them. if we can assist them, we should. a message has to be sent. i don't want a wider war. it doesn't serve our interest. i don't want more entanglement.
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>> bill: biden said with will not tolerate. thank you for your time. please come back. >> dana: west virginia taking a giant step to protect women's sports and spaces. governor justice and riley gaines and others are here to tell us all about it here on "america's newsroom" exclusive next. every day, veteran homeowners are calling newday to pay off credit card debt that's been piling up. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times i
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i >> dana: west virginia governor jim justice introducing legislation to protect women's spaces by clearly defining what a man and woman are. we had to do this. west virginia is already one of 24 states that restrict transgender participation in youth sports and joining us now governor justice former ncaa all
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american swimmer riley gaines and this is an exclusive to "america's newsroom." we appreciate it. governor, you are about to sign legislation. why did you think it needed to be done? >> we really, really proud of this. women's bill of rights. our house bill 5243. and i'm very, very proud when it gets to my desk, i'll sign it and sign it very proudly. really and truly this is just another step. i'm a basketball coach. i'm coaching girls basketball on a high school level and being doing it a long time, coached boys, too. this is absolutely essential in many, many ways for us to stand up for women and do the right thing. this is silly what's going on, absolutely ridiculous. >> bill: define sex-based terms used in state law. declare the state has an important interest in protecting single sex spaces and insure the
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accuracy of public data collection. riley, what do you think of this? what will it do in the end? >> i think it's necessary and unfortunately i think it is urgent we get this done not just here in west virginia but acrows the nation. we've seen incredible leadership by the governor of oklahoma and nebraska and tennessee sign this into effect. what the leadership of governor justice here in west virginia it is setting the precedent for the rest of the states in the nation. >> dana: may, you work on the legal side of things. many states might consider this. do you expect other states to follow in west virginia's footsteps? >> i do. so what we've seen is that it's one thing to go co-ed, another thing to say that woman means man. it's one of our cases where a sorority said their bylaws restrict membership to women. but the sorority leadership said women means men. when you have a women's bill of
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rights like hopefully we're about to have in west virginia. woman means woman. you couldn't believe it is necessary but -- >> welcome to 2024. >> dana: riley let me give you a chance to talk about this. national review online. usa -- trans activist -- it's not like it is isolated to on area. i know you see this all the time. it is across the states, the world, all sports and all leading in one direction. >> absolutely. of course usa climbing backed down and lpga and ncaa, a lot of these big governing bodies when they receive public pressure, which is certainly in our favor on this issue, they back down. you are right, it is not limited to just sports. that's what is amazing about the women's bill of rights. longevity to bills like the save oh women but we are tans to men
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going into women's prisons. we don't see women going into men's prison or women joining fraternities or going into men's bathrooms. it in negatively affecting women. >> bill: thank you for your time today. west virginia, nebraska and tennessee, ohio has done something as well. governor, thank you for your time and riley gaines and may. >> dana: keep coaching those kids. >> bill: we had a big show today. i said before we go, brevity is the soul of witt. new piece in the "washington post" shows the 90s had the longest songs. today it's shorter by a minute. >> dana: when you do rides the songs go by really fast. the ride will go by fast but it doesn't. harris faulkner is taking you through the next hour, >> harris: we begin with a fox news


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