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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 29, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> kayleigh: the white house is facing pressure to take decisive action after iran-backed militants killed three service members and injured 34 more in a weekend drone strike. that came on an outpost in jordan not far from the border with iraq and syria. the enemy drone was mistaken for an american drone, allowing it to slip past the air post air defenses. our forces have been targeted 160 times, now president biden is vowing to respond. hello, this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany. here is my co-host, emily compagno and harris faulkner. joining us host of tomi lahren is fearless on outkick, tomi lahren. and fox news contributor at american enterprise institute, marc thiessen. let's go live to peter doocy at
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the white house with details. peter. >> peter: president biden says we will respond, that is from lloyd austin. he returned today. >> let me start with my outrage and sorrow for three u.s. troops in jordan and for the other troops wounded. president and i will not tolerate attack on forces and will defend u.s. and our troops. >> peter: mitcrashing h mcconnell says our enemies are embolden. they will take action on iranian sponsors.
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john johncornyn posts, target tehran. they are well aware they are becoming more dangerous. >> i certainly can't deny the fact there have been attacks lethal over weeks and months, which is why the president is reviewing what the appropriate response is going forward. >> peter: this is happening january 29th, and iran is ignoring the president's warnings and iran acted up over the president's first term he said united states will defend its interest and has also said the united states does not want conflict with iran. kayleigh. >> kayleigh: thank you. let's talk about president biden's response, he struck islamic resistance, the iranian proxy and the houthi eight or
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nine times. we are inside his decision to attack the houthi after they harassed u.s. ships. politico, the thursday strike, mid-january ended weeks of growing pressure on biden to respond militarily. u.s. military drawn up more forceful option as early as december. senior biden officials agree striking houthis was not the best course. even when he ordered the strike it took seven days to get a plan of action deployed. >> marc: this is such weakness. treating houthis like they are independent actor shows complete incompetence and they would not be striking if not on direct orders from tehran.
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when donald trump was president he said to iran, if you our yore proxies kill a single american, we will not respond against your proxies, we will respond against iran and he took out soleimani. everyone is terrified of a broader war, peace broke out. iranians backed down and he brokered four peace accords because iranian regime does not want to get in a war with the united states they would be crushed. if you project strength and impose cost on iranians. don't give them 160 tries. the first time they do it, the message should be every time an american dies, soleimani's successors will die, too. >> kayleigh: well said. harris, keith kellogg told me, it was killing soleimani and we
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publicly broadcast 52 iranian channels and said, guess who is next. the supreme leader. >> marc: for every hostage taken in 1979, he took the number of targets and pointed it out. >> harris: that is understanding you can couple your response right back and retaliate an eye for an eye. you can do that with specificity and let your enemy know i'm serious. when you're arbitrary, try to teach a kid anything. you can't potty train them. you have to have a plan. i would say this, this takes me back to the time in the spring when biden was in office and we heard tale of troops along the border with russia and ukraine and we heard north of 100,000 of them and by christmas, 150s,000
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of them aby february, what were they doing? invading. we can sit back and they can hit us 160 plus times since october 17th. we retaliate 15 times half measure. jennifer griffin said there is indication they turned the corner, it is up to biden, generals can give plans, but it is his decision, what will he choose? afghanistan, he was given a different way out, which way did he choose? >> kayleigh: his favorite word is don't, not a foreign policy or world view. here he goes much watch him. >> what is mess annual to iran? >> don't. >> it was very important to send a clear message to anyone who might take advantage in gaza to
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threaten our people in the region, don't do it. >> what is your message to hezbollah and its backer iran? >> don't. don't, don't, don't. i've already delivered the message to iran, they know not to do anything. >> kayleigh: they don't understand the word don't, they understand unfreezing of 6 billion, oil sanctions, they understand weak actions. >> emily: there is no deterrence on the part of this administration and any message coming from this administration, if anything less than abject weakness, that is what it means. reality is the deaths are result of biden'sbiden's policies and
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escalation. and therefore no peace through strength, no message behind it of deterrence and he has been warned inevitable would happen and inevitable were american deaths and especially in the form of drones mistaken for our own. i agree, and i agree with senator tom cotton who said only answer to attacks must be devastating retaliation against iranian forces, anything less will show joe biden as a coward. we have paid for all of this through back channels and up front, there is zero anything at all, does decision we've made that put anything less than set the table for horrific deaths and the president says my heart is heavy, it means nothing to me. >> kayleigh: in life there is cause and effect how best can we illustrate this?
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these headlines, the united states announces restoration of u.s. 150 million to support palestinian, under biden. trump administration had cut that. staff members accused of being involved in the attack, despicable. biden lifts terror designation for houthis. what happened? houthi rebels strike a ship off the coast. cause-effect, biden is the connective tissue. >> tomi: you would think after disastrous withdrawal they would learn their message and they don't. don't, that is all this president can say and we shall respond. three u.s. service members lost their lives and their family is grieving and most he can say, we shall respond or donald trump. he stands there with a smoothie
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and says don't. that gives our allies comfort. to my labradoodle, i say don't and he will do whatever he wants, he doesn't care. what biden says don't and we talk about lloyd austin and he has returned, that is wonderful, we're praying for his health. what if this happened and we lost three service members when no one knew where he was? it gives us no comfort and we hear from our president don't. >> kayleigh: don't and this is white house administration official, they do briefings with reporters. this is january 12th, in terms of consequences on iran, we have deep pressure campaign that the united states has conducted. do they have a long-standing
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deep pressure campaign? >> marc: they do not. trump did. they had 7 billion in assets when he left office and up to tens in billions and that is money they give to proxies. both hit it on the head, it starts in afghanistan, that emboldens putin to go to ukraine and biden refuses to dpif ukrainians weapons they need to win. in the summer of 2022, they could have won by now. he doesn't want to win, he wants to not lose. that sends a message to iran and that emboldens them to carry out attacks of october 7 and we don't do anything and finally they kill an american. it starts in afghanistan, to kyiv, tehran, hamas and that base in jordan, all connected. >> kayleigh: biden's world is a scary place.
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>> harris: texas is tracking down on border crossers entering the nation everyday illegally. president biden is blaming republicans for the sudden surge, claiming he would shut down the border now if the gop would pass the bill. republicans say that is not true. here is ron desantis, florida governor. >> this is a farce, joe biden could declare a national emergency and stop the invasion cold if he wanted to. he does not want to. he wants to let people in.
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this deal proports to give tools so he could close the border. it is greenlighting up to 5000 illegals, everyday 1.8 million in a year. they are codifying into law. i think the appropriate number of illegal entries is zero and our policy should reflect that. >> harris: the sudden appetite to fix the border is so political and he could fix it by executive power. >> tomi: he did this with a pen and could undo it with a pen, just like governor ron desantis said. we have an election coming up, democrats want appearance they have done something and they are able to do this if republicans get on board with this border
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bill. if you go to 5000, you can say you cut it in half and are making great strides securing the border. you are not, but it looks like it and the average voter may say, it is a mess, but biden is working on it and numbers are down 50%. >> harris: that is crazy and so true. you and i have been at the border, 5000 per day is huge, too. how did they get to that number? >> tomi: in obama days, 5000 was a high and now we are willing to settle for that number. that doesn't include gotaways. 5000 is unacceptable. that is not the half of it. >> harris: what do you say to critics who say republicans
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don't want a deal. they are going to run on this. biden has to get this through right now. >> marc: it doesn't have anything to do with a deal, it is a bad deal. a lot of republicans think it is a bad deal. if you think about this, it -- bill melugin reported this weekend 6600 border crossings on saturday. that would have triggered this deal and shut down the border. that is fine. that would -- might have lasted and it would impact the border. biden has broken the record for highest number of border crossings. last year that number was triggered by this deal. the year before 6493 per day. but 2021, all-time record in 2021, only 4739 per day, that
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would not shut down the border. that would be okay. this bill codifies biden's 2021 border disaster as new standard. we considered that unacceptable until it got worse. that is now the standard for okay. >> harris: emily, going forward with all this, if this is what biden considers to be the new normal, how do we live with four more years? >> emily: we don't. how do we live with the past three? not only does the president want to appear as if he is doing something, he wants to blame republicans if the bill does not pass or say i laid it out for you, where were you when i needed you? he signed 84 executive actions, dismantling all put into place
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to protect the border. to desantis points, it is all within his power as supreme court and other courts have formalized or confirmed and he doesn't need republicans, it is back on their messaging. we will not win, it will be he has done nothing wrong and everything right and all the fault of gop and maga. >> harris: something you said, marc and tammy, when you consider numbers we have dealt with, why can't a plan start there? and consider the fact we might have to shut down the border to get back to normalcy. >> tomi: he is in search of a talking point, the solution is simple, he rolled back trump's border plsz, you can undo those, you don't need congress. they are in search of a talking
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point. he tried, gop won't let us. you controlled congress for two years and that did not work. new you can taking point is gop rejected my deal. that is the talking point they want and are floating and democratic operatives show 66% of american public say they have serious concern the gop is playing politics and think this will work. it will not work, everyone sees lawless knows and knows who to blame. it is president biden. harris population, you have half the country taking on the federal government over removing razor wire. they are not uniting the country. >> kayleigh: it is crazy. your political future is at risk. >> harris: struggling biden campaign calling in the big guns
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sitting president. >> emily: sitting president? that is one reason the president needs help sos. biden camp is planning a major fund raiser with bill clinton and barack obama. but they are not only democrats coming to his aid, gavin newsom is desperately trying to sell biden's record. >> this race has started and we need to lift up successes over the last three years and drive contrast, not even a complicated campaign, we have the best three-year record of any p presidency, period, full stop. american people support what biden has done. >> except for approval, biden's approval is historically low, why is that?
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>> everybody's approval, the economy is booming, inflation is cooling and the economic strategy this president put together were things republicans dreamed of and never delivered. >> emily: the fact check on that is loppinger than we have time for. he is a slick messenger and you couple that with desperation of biden campaign, will this be effective? >> it is not effective, gavin newsom's goal is to suck up as much as he can so when biden has a fall or something happens, he can say, i was loyal soldier and assume the mantel of the p pres presidency. fox news poll that thinks biden has helped is 14%, not effective at all. most unpopular president going
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back to harry trum an. un underwater on every issue voters say are important. 54% say he is not competent to carry out. they think it can work for another of them. >> emily: in addition to what marc thiessen said, there is anti-trump note they are hitting and far left progressives they thought they could woo by paying for student death. some argue big names, clinton and obama are there to preserve moderates and cleave back those fleeing from middle of the party. >> tomi: young people, are they leaving the democratic party?
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i fear we are looking at biden's low approval rating and attaching to joe biden. what if joe biden is not the nominee? what if it is gavin newsom? you put brand new face with nice hair on the democratic platform and bring in all those people, you talk about roe v. wade and abortion and climate change and student loan forgiveness and you whoo those people back in. biden despite being unpopular is raking in money fund raising, we have to be careful in getting overly confident because biden could well not be the nominee and what do we do if we base this all around joe? >> harris: that is why you see kamala harris out there and her number one talking point is roe v. wade, abortion. it could be her, we don't know. as nikki haley likes to say, a
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vote for joe biden is a vote for kamala evenually. >> emily: kayleigh that recipe tomi laid out was impeccable. young people matter. >> kayleigh: if i could, go back to what governor newsom said, it is astonishing, we have the best three-year record of any modern american presidency, except no one agrees with you. his poll numbers are as bad as jimmy carter thchl is part of the delusion campaign, we will say it and it is true. fultz brings it up and karine jean-pierre asked about age by peter doocy and wouldn't answer the question and gauged attacks
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against the reporter. reuters data says 74% say biden is too old. question becomes will voters vote for joe biden? i don't know. >> emily: so much to come, including taylor swift's fame is raising questions about whether an endorsement could help decide who becomes the next president. ♪ ♪ k-d people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs,
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to the super bowl and taylor swift is along for the ride, she stole the win yesterday kissing her boyfriend travis kelce during the celebration. they started dating in november. now appears biden campaign wants to have taylor swift as their biggest endorsement, adding she can move millions of voters and last year single instagram post led to 35,000 new fund raising appeals. that is "new york times" and while i know taylor swift has
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endorsed before, she has high inflatables. as michael jordan said, republicans buy sneakers, too. >> tomi: if she wants to be protective, stay out of politics. it almost felt forced when she did it, i didn't feel like she felt that with her heart and soul. encourage people to register to vote, we should all register to vote, stop short of endorsing joe biden or donald trump. stick to singing and let her love life be what it is and be protective over her legacy. there is young conservative families and girls that love taylor swift, be protective over them, too. >> kayleigh: when she waded into politics, newsweek mentioned her
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be being against blackburn and cooper. blackburn went on to be senator. >> emily: this is fascinating for x's and o's, single post led to 35,000 new registrants, more power than the president. remember in december, he swung through south carolina, southern california, his campaign, biden, conserved out time to meet with influencers to make sure they knew what they were posting. has he gen to east palestine yet? he hasn't. this president protectses time with young influential groups and tiktokers, that is important to him. taylor swift's cat is valued at
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97 million because of instagram impact. it is like my gosh, that is crazy. the reality, that is persuadable power and this administration is locked dead set on harn asessing that. it matters and this administration knows it. sad they put that over americans that need help like those in east palestine and gop get your act together and do the same thing somehow. >> dsnoop dogg is now a fan of donald trump. we are working on it. >> losing to former president trump and that mirrors sienna poll where trump leads by seven points. >> marc: biden won young voters
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by 24 points in 2020 and now donald trump is winning them. we are never getting back together. >> kayleigh: remember when i made you -- >> harris: i love that, i will have a blank space and write in who? probably not biden. i guess i don't know if her fans and who knows how they will break in this way. do you think everybody is political? i don't. and i think if you try, it is like biden telling black voters, you are the reason i won. the reason you won, americans voted for you. blacks are running away faster than young people right now. can she get the black vote? or are you going to go get
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beyonce? it's a lot, protect her legacy, if she chooses to get involved, they will use her. >> kayleigh: we will see, following it closely. the love story, i predict they get engaged, just a guess. not biden and taylor, taylor and jason kelce. milano is being roasted online for requests donations for her son's baseball team. ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose levels
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>> one month until the big south carolina primary. will big donors hang with her through the fight? we'll ask her and get thoughts on how biden should respond to the drone attack. is the wolverine state up for grabs and check in with leo terrell and former fbi officials warning illegal immigration put
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u.s. at risk of an attack. join us at the top of the hour. ♪ >> emily: multi millionaire actress alyssa milano playing defense after asking for donation for her son's baseball team, tweeting my son's baseball team is raising money for cooperstown trip. social media put her on blast questioning why she was not footing the bill herself. her high net worth was pointed out. alyssa milano pointed out all she's done for the team. i've paid for uniforms, thrown birthday parties and sponsor any
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kid who can't afford it. car washes, movie nights and fun things. she managed to raise $1100 for her son's trip. tomi. >> tomi: when i read this, i felt sorry for those who donated going toward someone who has millions and had audacity to ask for more. clay travis pitched in on that and had a stipulation, i doubt the team will wear maga hats as they play or journey. it was generous of clay to pitch in. some thing interesting, joey jones tweeted something interesting back at alyssa milano. listen, this happens all the team, people and teams need to raise money and the kids raise the money. you look down on our gun-toting rednecks that do that, if you
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had those people in your communities, you wouldn't be asking strangers when you are well equipped yourself. to put that out there and ask average americans who are struggling to help support and subsidize her child's team, wow. >> emily: this is someone who has disdain for going to carwashes and that is part of the fun. i loved doing that stuff. she putings her life on social media, we got to see her driving her porsche in stark contrast to the money she's asking hard-working americans to donate. >> kayleigh: daily mail, alyssa milano spotted driving her porsche after asking for a $10,000 donation.
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she said, i bought jersey and invest in the team, it does not land right when you drive this car and solicit money to benefit your family member on the team. >> emily: she was asking for money truly for her own son's team, not saying, i helped an underserved baseball team. many teams don't have money for shoes, to use her reach in a self-centered way shows her character. >> harris: being in new york city, many areas in the metroarea could use help. why not go to a car wash and do work and people would be washing the cars. people would lineup around the block, she was really popular. why not do it that way and not have it be about her son's team, great idea, emily, help a lot.
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what i did not appreciate, enumeration of what she has already done. this is what i am about and what i have done and that is enough. who gets to decide what is enough? >> marc: i was stunned you said she has an electric porsche, that seems like anoxy moron, taxpayers have subsidized her car. >> kayleigh: i hope it doesn't freeze up in cooperstown. >> emily: mittens and gloves. more "outnumbered" in just a moechlt. moment.
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♪♪ >> emily: last but not least, shocking new video showing a woman clinging to the hood of her speeding car after she says thieves stole her french bulldog in downtown los angeles. the dognappers took her pet while she was eating lunch outside. she was later thrown off the vehicle when the driver began swerving. thankfully she was not hurt too badly. but her french bulldog, named
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onyx, is still missing. i've read some pets are taken, full bred, a lot can happen, can you imagine being the person trying to rescue the baby puppy. >> my instagram feed is full of hero dogs saving their owners, but the first time a hero mom trying to save her stolen pet. >> emily: two quick stories. when my doberman duchess was still alive, one time we were outside, a pit bull ran across the street, i did the dumbest thing ever, i got in between them and i would do it again. the only thing that saved me, the dog was wearing a cone, it had escaped from the house. but my instinct, and another time, jumped off of what she thought was a short wall into the lake. i jumped in with her and flagged down for help. so, i would do anything. i feel for this woman, i feel so terrible for her.
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horrible for her, i hope they get the dog back. >> harris: look at the woman in the video, it's breathtaking. >> that's dedication but also point out this is in los angeles, i believe. so, this is going to happen again and again and again whether it's a dog or an item or a purse because when you have lawless l.a., people steal and take whatever they want, no repercussions for it. and those french bulldogs, people will probably not steal your mutt. >> kayleigh: a lot of love but i will say, i didn't know people stole pets like this. apparently french bulldogs are being targeted over and over. >> emily: lady gaga's dog was stolen. >> kayleigh: this specific breed. >> harris: our hearts are with you over duchess. duchess had a good mom. thank you for watching, everybody. when you can't watch in person, dvr the show. "america reports" now.


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