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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 29, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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able to participate in but it's the addictiveness of the technology and the harm that comes from that that we believe is a public safety issue, that's why our florida sheriffs association our prosecutors association have enforced this bill -- >> neil: thank you speaker i'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. your intentions are good here. passing along a statement we are getting concerning these deaths before antony blinken said -- the deaths of these three soldiers to our jacqui heinrich is our response in the u.s. response will likely come in phases over time and not a one off. indicating they really want that message to get out there it won't be a one-and-done type of response, that it will be over time and in phases. the memory of these who needlessly lost their lives. ♪ ♪ >> dana: i'm dana perino along
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with judge jeanine pirro, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." president biden in his administration promising a response to the deadliest attack on u.s. troops in years. speak of the president and i will not tolerate an attack on u.s. forces and we will take all necessary actions to defend the u.s. and our troops. >> respond decisively to any aggression and we will hold responsible the people who attacked our troops and we will do so at a time in the place of our choosing. >> dana: so far it's all talk and no action. the administration is grappling with its failure to deter iran
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backed terrorists in a deadly strike that killed three and injured 40 others. they were stationed at a base known as tower 22 on the border between jordan and syria. fox sources confirming the lethal drone had gotten past air defenses at the base because it was mistaken for a u.s. drone expected to return at the same time. what did iran know? the pentagon and the white house not confirming that story yet but said it iran had it's fingerprints all over and it's. the iran proxies have launched over 165 attacks on u.s. forces causing many to point out the administration's one line message against the radical regime is not working. >> i have one word, don't. >> what is your message to hezbollah and its backer, iran? >> don't, don't. don't. >> what is the message to iran?
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>> don't. >> as president biden said, just don't. >> one word, pretty straightforward. >> dana: incredible. the soft line on iran continuing today with the white house and pentagon both ruling out a direct conflict with iran. >> we are not looking for a war with iran. we are to seeking a with the regime. >> we don't seek war, we don't seek further conflict we don't want to see this white and out into a regional conflict. but we will continue to do whatever we need to when it comes to protecting u.s. forces. >> our focus is not to escalate this into a broader regional war or conflict, no one wants that. >> dana: let's jump right in and get your take. >> jeanine: i've got to tell you we are looking for a war with iran. iran is sitting there and saying we could do whatever we want to these people. joe biden is terrified of escalation, he really is. he's proven it's time and time again, he says we will not tolerate it, we will respond
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except for the 160 times they hit us in iraq and syria with many of our soldiers with traumatic brain injury which is a lifelong injury. two weeks ago joe biden is beating his chest and saying iran got the message and that was a couple months after sullivan says everything is quiet in the middle east. we are clueless and feckless on the world ven iran a pass because we don't want to get involved in world war iii and i think it was mike pompeo who said this morning we may not be at war with iran but they are at war with us, so we have to try to thread this needle in a way where we recognize they attack us with impunity, we now have soldiers who are dead. they are not stupid. what they did with their drone, they found an american drone that was returning home to jordan and they literally followed it and the americans didn't see it and it killed three servicemen and injured 34 others.
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we have american hostages being held by hamas, we don't know if they are being dead or alive at this point and the latest thing is joe biden says today it was uncivilized -- me a break, get in there and start fighting. let me say one more thing. what did donald trump do? he killed and he enforced the sanctions. he is the person if we look at the chart of where iran was financially under joe biden and what they are doing now under where they are now with biden, it's very clear, they hurt when we bleed them financially, what we allowed them to do is to sell oil on the open market, give them $6 billion of money for the hostages. today, biden had nothing on his schedule, nothing, did he call the families? what did he do? >> dana: there's also when you look at that montage of what they have been saying that iran knows not to do anything, that has proven to not work.
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when you look at the administration officials who have spoken out today, they all had to read the statements of condolences, as if they don't feel it's. i'm not saying they don't but it's strange to me that the reaction is so subdued and in a way where you have to read every word that you're sorry that it happened. >> i think they were genuinely surprised which seems strange considering what has happened over the last few weeks. if you have 150 plus attacks unfortunately someone is bound to die from something like this. i think the response does need to be more heartfelt, even if in the most craven analysis of this you are thinking them back to the withdrawal from afghanistan which was a seminal turning point in terms of how a lot of americans felt about president biden and the biden administration, not necessarily to the decision to leave afghanistan but how it was executed and the fact that we
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lost 13 service members and people didn't feel there was an adequate level of sorrow and appreciation for what they had sacrificed for us and maybe there was more that we could have done to ensure that we got out and those people survived. i think that's something that needs to be done better, it's secretary austin's first day back at work, he is recovering from a cancer and reading the statement, but you would want more. in terms of the administration financing them, the $6 billion has not transferred to hanscom it's being held by the u.s. and qatari governments can be say that with donald trump no one died after he took out solo -- e was a missile that hit an iraqi base and we lost two service members, there was a direct response for him taking out a terrorist and there is bipartisan congratulations for donald trump in terms of taking that action.
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i want to be fair about that and accurate about the money and the financing. >> jeanine: what about selling oil on the open market? that was one of the things, just one. >> dana: this attack was scheduled to be right at dawn, predawn. at a sleeping barracks to make sure there was maximum harm. >> jesse: whatever anti-drone defenses we have aren't good enough can be sought a map there's a lot of u.s. service members on these bases throughout the region and if we are just going to sit back and receive pot shots, that's a strategy. you can't go out and say don't and the iranians do, you can't tell vladimir putin don't and he invades ukraine come you can't tell the migrants to not come in they come, the guy has no deterrence and people all across the world are running through his redlines. john kirby is saying we don't want to start a war with iran we
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don't want war in the mideast, no one wants to -- of course not. but why are you acting like we don't want any trouble! sometimes you have to use force in order to de-escalate. so far joe biden has done nothing. the strategists i talked to say you can hit proxies, maybe it wouldn't do much come you can even hit the iranians inside iran, he said the main pressure point is cargo island which is their crude oil terminal off their coast, completely wreck their economy, it would take about a million barrels of oil off line per day and there's not even a bridge to the island, it would take years for them to repair it, they would have no money to finance all of these proxies. we have to do something more because right now this is now the deadliest attack since -- we aren't even including the two
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seals we lost that were raiding that vessel, they say they drowned come i don't even know if that is a true story because i don't even trust the defense secretary because he lied about being under anesthesia for a week. this is a very critical time, i hope he does the right thing but i do not trust joe biden to handle this delicately. >> dana: at any time right now we could be a week away from iran having a nuclear weapon. at any time as well this could turn into a national security election. >> greg: i'm glad that lloyd austin is back, i just wish joe biden was two when you saw him there he acted like he was reading the early bird special at denny's, that was in a show of strength, even his life alert was blinking, it was bad. remember how trump was deemed an agent of chaos? four years of turmoil, to be replaced by the calm, cool waters of joe biden, what a
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pyramid of we were sold by the media, now we are facing a nonstop tornado of incompetence and confusion, the middle east to ukraine, how much more can we take? i agree, trump's words made people uncomfortable, they made them nuts. with the world was kind of peaceful and move it or send it to be said for that there is peace through unpredictability. and saying we don't seek war, that is an obvious statement. but you don't have to say that. you don't have to say -- i don't know what he would say but he would not say we don't seek war, he would say let's see what happens. we don't want to but we are happy to oblige if they wish, the way he dealt with north korea, i think what happens is we get stuck in the prison of two ideas, bomb them or do nothing when in fact you step back, you get out of the prison meant to eliminate the predicable voices, the people that say bomb immediately and
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the people who say no, don't bomb, there's so much there it's like either going after the proxies or somehow psychologically taking north korea off the list of existential risks that no one ever considered. there is a path forward, you need to assess who the players are, the timing of these events, how this happened, what are you going to do up until november when the issue can solve itself with a new president? these are smaller -- these are bigger ideas. which lead to smaller, manage manageable problems, the small prism ideas of bombing or not bomb and will lead to what you're talking about. >> jessica: can i add to that the fundamental problem is joe biden is lockstep with israel right now, that is what aggravates iran and all of this and russia. >> dana: or that iran is anti-semitic or that wants to wipe israel off the face of the earth.
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>> jessica: i'm saying the problem -- if joe biden was not such a staunch ally of israel right now i doubt this would be happening. >> dana: i don't know. >> jessica: than why the timing quest next before the house last year passed a bill called no funds for iranian terrorism act, it's sitting in the senate, if you guys want to show you can do something at least do that and show that you have something up your sleeve in washington. watch out travis kelce the biden campaign is trying to win over taylor swift's heart and snag an endorsement. ♪ ♪ he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ directv sports central brings your games stats and scores together and now you can get it without a satellite.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: in today's edition of democrat elder abuse, president biden struggling to get through another speech this past weekend. the poor guy seems to have forgotten what job he has. speak of the gc they said the economy crashed this year? the sitting president, let me father for a man -- come on. >> greg: and he didn't say that but no amount of his brain reseeding will stop his campaign crew from proceeding, team show reportedly calling in the big guns like bill clinton and barack obama for a first of its kind major fund-raiser. "the new york times" supporting how he is hoping to score an endorsement from taylor swift, never heard of her, started to get people to the polls, according the times a single instagram post of hers led to 35,000 new voter registrations and fund-raising appeals from
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ms. swift could be worth millions of dollars for mr. biden, the white house seems pretty excited about the prospect. speak of their something called the hatch act, so cannot speak to anything related to 2024 upcoming elections, there are a lot of i know in my shop in the office shop there are a lot of swifties if you welcome the fans of taylor swift -- i just want to leave it there. at >> greg: leave it to there come a love that phrase. you have bill clinton and barack obama and joe biden are joining hands for a triple threat fund-raiser. i heard they convinced bill to come by telling them it was a threesome. >> dana: and then they went to the bar, i don't have the rest of the joke. speak of what you want to talk about? the democrats are doing very well on small dollar fund-raising, it can make a difference in a campaign especially for get out the vote a lot of the states parties for the republicans are in disarray and that is putting it mildly,
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they don't have money, they can't figure out -- that's for you to the get out the vote stuff, the republicans have a lot to work on what it comes to that, democrats would be able to get some money from this thing, from this fund-raiser, plus the taylor swift endorsement is interesting to me. i think she has been pretty good at staying out of politics. she did get involved in the guy who was running against marsha blackburn a few years ago but then marsha blackburn still kicked his rear end, it was not a big deal. she does have a lot of instagram followers in the administration is shown they care a lot about that, just last week what did they do? they said on tiktok, they want us to ban liquid natural gas, okay, generation z we will do that for you and screw over all of our allies and ourselves in the process come i don't think the taylor swift endorsement will have much effect i think the polling is also good to bear that out but they could get a lot of noise and attention for it i think she will stay out of it, i really do. >> greg: do think that kind of
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endorsement helps joe or does it help or hurt her more? >> jeanine: it's the first issue i came up with myself, why would someone as popular as she is alienate -- and i'm not saying it's going to be people are going to hate her but why alienate your famines? they come across from every political ideology, why put yourself in one area? the other mistake is joe biden is assuming if she gets involved in this election and she did support joe biden in 2020, it's not unusual for her to get involved in politics and you are right, -- but again, it's tennessee. with the young poet, new poll shows 18% of voters are more likely to back a taylor swift endorsed candidates but listen to this. 17% are less likely to vote for someone she chooses. they cancel each other out.
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don't get involved, don't get involved with politics, we don't want to see you there. joe biden is in the hole with young people, he knows it's. if he thinks taylor is going to get them out of that hole he's going to go for it. >> greg: regarding taylor swift and a scale of one to mecca ten, what do you think she's going to do? will she endorse him or not? >> jesse: on a scale of 1 to 10. >> jessica: i'm going with a 9.5, there was a documentary where she was talking about her decision to get involved in politics and her father ray some of the issues you did, she said is too important to me, the issues on the ballot now and te danger that marsha blackburn's agenda poses, especially to people who would be my fans, the core demos women in their 30s it's not young gen z -- >> greg: what was the issue that was important to them?
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>> jessica: you don't have to whisper it abortion is a big issue and it matters a lot women on both sides of the aisle. >> greg: i want to make it clear, people always say women's issues but the never say abortion. >> jessica: also known as reproductive freedom. also -- i have never encountered a candidate who would turn down an endorsement or fund-raiser with people who are popular. there are some endorsements that you get we have to run to a camera right away and you say i hate this person, i have no idea why they said -- but if donald trump got the opportunity to have passed from republican presidents president's like if george w. bush wanted to be seen with him, he would welcome him in and he would say something snarky i'm sure about his change in heart over the iraq war but he would say we are all republicans. i want your vote and here is w
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endorsing me. donald trump only has kid rock and vanilla ice and people have the same kind of appeal we talked about how they can win all the time. oprah and michelle obama and taylor swift are people who have fans across the country regardless of their political beliefs. >> greg: all right, there you go. >> jessica: how would you scale -- >> jesse: joe biden doesn't even know who taylor swift is. >> greg: he doesn't know who the sitting president was. >> jesse: he confused her with that she doesn't know any of her songs and she doesn't know any of his policies besides abortion. this is all the true love of an arranged marriage. cooked up in a lab by the women who r run the biden campaign, these are the same people who bring you dark brandon and dylan
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who bring you joe biden is swift, swift and the word joe biden nothing to do with each other. i read this article in "the new york times," this is the reelection strategy, are you ready? leave the white house more than once a week, ask them to raise money for you and hope a pop star endorses you. this is not the reelection strategy of a winning campaign, this smacks of desperation and the fact he's clinging to taylor swift who he couldn't even pick out of a lineup without jill going -- that's taylor, tells you everything you need to know about joe biden. >> jessica: is the strategy to own $83 million for defending a woman -- >> jesse: i would love taylor swift's endorsement. >> that was the news from the wicked on that side. >> jesse: authentic endorsements. >> you think it's the end of the world? >> greg: let's talk about that lawsuit, just go ahead, what are
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your thoughts? >> jessica: my thoughts are you should assault people and then defend them. >> greg: was he found guilty of sexual assault? >> jeanine: it means is not a guilty verdict. >> greg: it's always nice difference of the number that has nothing to do with the topic. >> jessica: it does he said the campaign strategy. >> jesse: stop interrupting everybody. >> jessica: long week ahead t to. >> greg: your arguing for two now. up next, "snl" looking like total idiots after they attempt to dunk on donald trump backfires. ♪ ♪ ou r farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product.
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spill in america's liberal fact-checkers will crawl over broken glass to try to correct a republican but never a liberal. case in point, "saturday night live" is getting a pass after taking a bogus shot at a former president trump and suggesting he made up of the term d banking. >> he introduced an interesting new term called debank. >> we will also place strong protections from regulators to try to debank you. >> i don't know what the hell debank means but he might have to take deambulance to see dedoctor. >> jeanine: the geniuses at "snl" should consult a dictionary or talk to a trump supporter, debanking is a real
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term and it refers to banks closing accounts. that's not the only fact-checking fail, the left-leaning snopes website was forced to reverse fact-check of what they did on that goofy image of joe biden wearing a hard hat backwards. they initially said the story was false, then people mocked snopes and they reversed their ruling to be true. "saturday night live" has at least a dozen writers and no one could figure out that debanking was a real term, is their ideology so over-the-top they don't even bother to look things up? >> greg: and think it was the sunk cost of writing a joke. if the joke gets a laugh which that one did and a simple google search ruins all the work you put into that zinger, you're not going to do it. the problem with this is it's just a joke but politics isn't downstream from culture, you
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have a lot of people there who just assume that debank isn't real. when you avoid doing the research is like getting in the car at turning of the radios you don't hear the knock and the engine. if i don't hear the facts then everything stands but the problem is we do have access to the truths of the joke ends up being on the teller and on the audience. the other thing is it doesn't affect anyone in their bubble. he probably doesn't know about it because his rich friends are safe and it doesn't exist if it doesn't affect your liberal friends, imagine the reverse, a right-wing comic or humorist denying that homelessness ex exists. we actually can't afford to do that, if we were to deny something existed we would be raked over the coals but we also are honest about it and snopes in order to survive has to redefine facts as assumptions and opinions.
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now it's their opinion that joe had the hat on right when it was wrong. >> jeanine: don't you feel if people on the left now, remember it was their truth versus our truth which could be a fact or either way and now you've got snopes reacting to criticism online that joe biden was wearing a hat backwards, not anything they did themselves. >> dana: a lever up to 2016 when all the mainstream media sent out reporters to understand how did they misunderstand america so much? i had a right all these pieces? to get ready for them to write it again and he will be a great example. this happened to the truckers in canada, it's one of the reasons there was the big protest and a revolt and this is happening to people here in america. this is what's weird, even though they might not realize it's coming from the left it is the left's main thing, the esg -- environment of social, sustainable government, whatever they call data -- this is basically debank is part of the
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goal, if you own a gun and you use your credit card or you wrote a check and it's for a store like cabela's, where did we just hear that was happening last week? president trump is onto something. the media just totally miss it. it is pretty embarrassing but it will be fun to read those stories again next year. >> jeanine: "saturday night live" they got a lot of things wrong about me in particular. do you think they are left oriented? >> jesse: i think they got that right. [laughter] it's fun to fact-check a comedy show on fox news, isn't it? we are in the front lines of the cancel culture war so we know about jpmorgan chase, what they did to trump people, nigel farage was the bank and i believe the truckers in canada got for that rally they held. >> how did you let that slide? >> greg: you were not listening to dana, what were you thinking about?
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>> jesse: i was thinking about snopes, snopes said he was born in hawaii and now they said his hat was on properly? what else are they getting wr wrong? >> jeanine: we are going to move right on from that one, what would you like to say? >> jessica: nothing about birther for sure. this is part of the reason you are saying "saturday night live" have so much less cultural relevance and that's not because i don't agree with the point of view, i am no fan of donald trump but it's such low-hanging fruit to take something you're not even going to do a simple search -- he says so many crazy things -- you could have fun with the water and the magnets or whatever you want but don't do this because that it gives people license not only on the right but the people in the middle who are sick of the vitriolic approach to all of this and they want to sit down for an hour and a half on a saturday night or however they
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are consuming it and just laugh. i think it is telling the conversations we have about "saturday night live" when they really have hit a nerve or push the envelope come from the monologues when they had dave chappelle back or when they had to build on and they basically say to the audience, we don't really care what you think about -- i'm so much bigger than this i'm going to say whatever i want for the next 7 minutes in the ratings spike and that's what folks are looking for. i am very curious and we'll find out soon what the impact of the changes in these late-night shows will have on jon stewart when he returns to taking over the daily show on monday nights. because jon stewart no fan of trump but also someone who has given himself to veterans causes, who shows up here which i always appreciate and does interviews, that's something i am very much looking forward to. >> jeanine: up next, dogs aren't safe and liberal cities, a woman clinging to the hood of a car to save her animal.
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♪ they really know how to put two and two together. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. even our pets aren't safe from raging crime in the streets, a woman seen desperately clinging to the hood of a car after people inside stole her beloved french bulldog, the crooks grabbing her pet in broad daylight as she ate lunch in l.a. and dragging her on the car for several blocks before swerving and flinging her off. thankfully she's doing okay minus some scrapes and cuts and all she wants now is her dog back. >> please just sell him back to us at this point can we don't care about anything except getting him back and we aren't looking to press charges, we are looking to do is recover our
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baby. >> police are still looking for the dog kidnappers but it's no surprise french bulldog kidnappings are on the rise in the breed can go for tens of thousands of dollars. we are all dog owners here, do you have a french bulldog? >> greg: yes i would do that if you told me i would do that two years ago i would've laughed at you, but i have had him for a year and four months, i would definitely do that, i would be insane, i would be mel gibson in ransom. you know why this breed is so popular and causes people to go crazy? it's probably the breed that is most like people. it's anxious, it's needy, emotional, incredibly expressive, the faces they conjure up remind me of your relatives or feelings that you have had in life -- tyrus has the best take on this that they have been bred so far away from dogs they confuse other dogs it even bears there's a great video of a french sheet charging three
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terrified bears, the bears ran away and talking to tyrus coming they have no idea what that gremlin is, is it an animal or a human? why does it have a face and shoulder blades and muscles? it doesn't seem like a normal dog? other animals respond to frenchy's the way humans respond to spiders it doesn't matter the size you run screaming. >> i would totally do this i would scratch their faces off -- i think the law needs to be changed, our pets are not property, they are family members. >> greg: i would kill them periods before i would be sitting in jail for manslaughter charges -- this has happened a lot we did a story a month ago in washington, d.c., they came and took the dog for the woman's home. that one turned out to be a good news story in the end but they didn't pay tens of thousands of dollars. >> greg: there's a reason the john wick movies are so successful it starts with the dog. >> jesse: don't take this the wrong way but if any of you were
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kidnapped, i would not be jumping on the hood of a car -- technically it's really stupid. think about it, this is what they do in cartoons -- some woman thinks she's going to recover her dog by becoming a bug on the windshield? one swerve this woman is flying off into the sidewalk, you get the place number and you get a good lawyer, then you don't get bruised and scratched on the cement, this is asinine. it's overly emotional. >> you really think this person has a legitimate -- on that car i agree with dana i would kill the person, i would be right in that car. there's no question about it. i don't believe these people have a legitimate license pl plates. if you microchip your dog, that way when they take it to the doctor you can say it's your dog, number four, poodles are more like humans than any other
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dog, my dog sit with me they have no problem, they are lonely, and they are not lonely depending on whatever mood i'm in -- >> i have microchip to my kids i have not done it to the dog yet. >> greg: we are taking the microchip out of view. >> i microchip them and i will come at you with a burner, not a real gun but a burn up. >> what is that? >> it's a nonlethal self-defense gun. >> like a stun gun. >> can you get them off amazon? >> she has multiples. >> first sp spray and connectic.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: snoop dogg squashing his beef with donald trump. at one point he pointed a fake gun at a clown version of trump for his music videos but he's not taking the high road to. the rapper jumping on the trump
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train after the former president tossed a part into one of his friends saying "i have nothing but love and respect for donald trump. icu taylor swift in a race you snoop. >> jessica: i don't know what we are going to do when donald trump wins the black vote because of this. >> jesse: your thoughts on the endorsement how significant is this? >> i do remember pointing a gun at a clown version of you and it turned out it was you. >> thank you. >> greg: it's not that trump is gaining supporters of the dems are losing allies and ground. all he has to do is stay where he is in the rest of america has to catch up to him, suddenly the crescent arrogant american dad isn't so bad after all. it shows you a lot of politics is local and decentralized it's defined the best on how it affects you personally. if the issue affects snoop because it's personal it
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addresses his own safety and security. especially when you look at migration issue, blacks don't see that politically perhaps as much as they see it as a personal security and safety issue. >> dana: with joe biden at a 33% approval rating is no longer a dangerous career move to say that you are friends -- >> jeanine: okay, i'm curious as to whether or not he has told snoop dogg he ain't black yet. for the record i want to say i was right about something, remember when snoop dogg said in november he was giving up smoke? unit of partnering with a smokeless brand, it was all a marketing stunt. so there. >> jessica: i'm glad you recognize as an illegitimate idea that he's going to lose the black vote. i think you will start to see --
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kind of this anti-politicized asian thing that's happening where however you're going to go in and do it in the voting booth doesn't necessarily translate to how you talk about things and it doesn't matter if someone helped your friend out and one of the strongest things that donald trump did was bipartisan criminal justice reform and he got a lot of good press for that and a lot of democrats were supportive of it. i thought it was great. >> i take back everything i s said! >> jessica: okay. >> jesse: one more thing is up next. except when you add an all new footlong sidekick. like the philly with a new $2 footlong churro. sometimes the sidekick is the main event. you would say that. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪
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( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ on medicare? have diabetes? when enjoying life's special moments, are you left guessing which foods are right for you? with the freestyle libre 3 system, you'll know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. freestyle libre 3. manage your diabetes with more confidence... and lower your a1c. so you can focus on those special moments. now covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. talk to your provider or visit ♪
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(vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at ♪ ♪ >> time now for one more thing. >> greg: tonight a great show. kayleigh mcenany. jimmy failla. cat temp.
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andrew gruel. tonight at 10:00 p.m. greg, who is picking at our balls. this is a question i ask every day. who is picking at our ball? well, let's go to phoenix at the phoenix zoo where duo of ground horn bills are hidden inside a pool of tennis balls so they don't eat it too quickly and slows them down. >> dana: do it dogs, too. >> greg: things picking at our walls. >> jessica: i hope that's recurring. >> dana: i hope it doesn't hurt too much. >> jesse: that's hard to follow. don't miss the new series on fox nation. the fall of minneapolis. based on liz collins best seller they're lying the death of george floyd. a multi-part documentary featuring dozens of interviews. the officers who served during the riots. check it out right now. >> it's excellent. >> jesse: tonight at 8:00.
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"jesse watters primetime," sent generally to the tailgate of the ravens-chiefs game. here here's a clip. >> who excited to see taylor swift tonight. >> nobody. we are in baltimore. we don't care about no taylor swift. >> jesse: there is johnny, 8:00. >> dana: i can't wait to see that one. if you have $2 builds laying around think twice. the highest value for $2 bill is $4,500. >> jesse: whoa, whoa, i have a bunch of those. >> jessica: so >> judge jeanine: so do i. >> dana: told to hold on to them. where do you get 4500 from? >> jessica: if they are uncould you lated from 1890. 195. $500. take a look. jessica. >> judge jeanine: where do you take it. >> dana: i'm not sure. don't miss the latest podcast episode. perino on politics jim garety,
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judge? >> judge jeanine: marilou a florida canine helped find endangered 11-year-old girl this weekend. led to a park near the missing girl's apartment complex where the k-9 was able to sniff out the young girl trapped in one of the bathrooms. check out how excited marilou is once they get the bathroom door open. >> dana: that's pretty great. >> jessica: okay, celebrities. just like us, they can be catfish as well. drew barrymore talking on her show who she recently matched los angeles players on a dating app. sharing she had gone to the team's first practice he admitted he was a struggling musician and uses the nfl player's identity. >> dana: why do all of these things happen to her? >> judge jeanine: because she? television. >> dana: she is like us, i guess. that's it for us. have a great night, everybody. >> bret: $2 bills to coin shops and currency dealers to trade thos


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