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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 29, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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president george w. bush famously identified three countries that constituted what he called an axis of evil. 2002 state of the union address came months after the september 11th attacks. the president declaring north korea, iran, and iraq all states that harbored financed, and aided terrorists. tomorrow on "special report," we'll talk about efforts to impeach the homeland security secretary and that showdown at the border between texas and the biden administration. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr, 6:00 p.m. in the east. 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report" starting off the week fair, balanced and still unafraid. the ingraham angle is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ thanks so much for spending
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some time with us. hide and go leak. that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ >> laura: we all love playing hide and go seek at least i did as kids. especially as the sun was setting on a beautiful summer day. well, it's winter time and the adults in charge in the senate are still playing games. this one is called hide and go leak hide of the text senate border deal and leaking out pieces transparent attempt to sat phi critics. it's a classic senator theater of the absurd move with oits cast of characters including the man tapped by mitch mcconnell to be lead actor that's oklahoma senator jim lankford. is he trying mightily to convince you that biden will really enforce new laws under a new bill even though he doesn't use the. language biden would not be compelled. not be compelled to act to close
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the border. unless a threshold number of about 5,000 migrants had been logged in one day. which, by the way has happened many times during the past month. >> this is not letting 45,000 people n a day. this is the most misunderstood section of this proposal let me tell you briefly what it is. in four months we have had seven days that we had less than 5,000 people. this is set up for if you have a rush of people coming at the border, the border closes down, no one gets in. >> laura: his arguments make no sense first place even as "the washington post" made on this subject clear even the 5,000 migrant cap isn't a real cap. because even if the border were shut down people could apply for asylum at ports of entry. the border would never be shut
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down no matter how high the number gets. as for the idea that we can trust biden and mayorkas to implement pro-enforcement changes in asylum laws? there is zero reason for us to believe that either of them would want this nonsense stopped unless, of course, every ensuring that everyone meets the new standard if there was a new standard put in place 90% of all migrants right now do not qualify for asylum status. they mouth the credible fear language in the regulation. they have been tutored. plus, biden would still be allow to parole migrants into the country in huge numbers. even "the washington post" conceded this saying some republicans' goal to dramatic liqueur tail biden's use of his own humanitarian parole powers for certain categories of migrants is not in the final deal. okay. think about this. biden's parole power will be unchanged. and he will get his $60 billion
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for ukraine. lee it to the senate republicans to call that a good deal ceives get nothing they want and liberals get everything they want. oh, but what wait, because senator lankford says the bill would allocate more money for immigration judges and other personnel. do you know what i say to that? so what. more staff just gives biden the chance to higher a bunch of woke people who will do everything possible to help bring more migrants into the country because that's how this works. the notion that biden or lankford kind to use that money to hire tom homan in favor of enforcement? that's absurd. >> it is interesting, republicans four months ago would not give funding for ukraine for israel and for our southern border because we demanded changes in policy we actually locked arms together we won't give you money for this we
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want to change it into law. a few months later just kidding. i actually don't want a change in law because it's a presidential election year. >> laura: that's categorically false. we are against this deal because it's a bad deal. it's so bad that his team refuses to release the text and oh, yes, they have the text. they won't release it in the last possible minute. we know it's going to be rife with ambiguous language and countless exceptions to any supposedly tough border provisions this bill whatever its text unnecessary and indefensible. to say bona fides on the border biden could shut down the border now. he could declare a national border emergency citing fentanyl overdoses. overcrowded cities. health concerns, overcrowded schools. but he doesn't do this and lankford and company won't demand it. why? well, john kirby got tripped up
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today on this question. >> are there not steps he could use under executive authority measures to seal some of the border efforts? >> he said he was s. willing to use executive measures and, you know, if he gets the bill passed, if he gets border funding, and includes those authorities, he will use those authorities. >> laura: hey, john? next time just say can i buy a vowel, please? now back to lankford. now, he is a senator from one of our most conservative states. so has he convened a town hall in oklahoma on this border bill? really go through it? of course not why not release the language and sell it to the people who will actually have to live with the consequences. he won't do a town hall because he knows how badly it would go. on saturday, the oklahoma g.o.p. voted to formally censure
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lankford accusing him of playing fast and loose with democrats on our border policy not only disenfranchises legal immigrants seeking citizenship but it also puts the safety and security of americans in great danger. it goes on be by the way to call on him to cease and desist jeopardizing the security and liberty of americans. the angle could not agree more. stop the hiding, stop the leaking, and focus on uniting republicans and independents. maybe disaffected democrats to win in noe finally do what the people wanted for 20 years to have a real border and limited immigration. and that's the angle. all right, joining us now is missouri senator eric schmitt. senator, what is your message tonight? i know you've heard dribs and drabs of what is in this bill that they have been negotiating, supposedly for four months.
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but what's your message to your senate colleagues tonight trying to sell this? >> this thing is a mess. first of all, joe biden has every authority he needs right now. we shouldn't be negotiating with a guy who has no interest in securing the border. it would be like negotiating with bernie madoff to secure your life savings and invest it wisely. run away. it's not in their d.n.a. here is the tale of the tape. he reversed remain in mexico he ended that he paid contractors $140,000 a day to not construct the wall. he is abusing parole and he sued texas who has actually tried to secure the border. he has no interest in it. and the idea that he is going to double pinky swear and really promise next time with new language to do it ridiculous. faced on a false premise. shouldn't be normalizing the idea that 5,000 people coming here illegally is okay. if you are over that suddenly there is a problem. we have a problem right now. third of all, this is a rushed, as you know, as you pointed out,
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laura, we haven't seen the text. all we know is the stuff that's been leaked. it is offensive, not just to senators who are going to presumably vote on this but to the american people that you would be selling this without showing it. it's being negotiated in a dark room. in the back -- in the back room. >> laura: i think it's already done. >> chuck schumer he is writing it clearly. >> yeah. schumer is going to close debate on this probably thursday. think about that. this thing so complex that every word changes that senators are going to have like a day to look at this thing? it's totally ridiculous. this thing is not necessary to secure the border under existing law trump closed the border. we had a secure border. joe biden could do it today. he just doesn't want to. >> laura: you know how we know this was a sham from the beginning and really a political move to try to, you know, turn the tables on republicans or help biden? is because they didn't involve the house speaker in any of these talks. like, if they were really
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serious think would have brought johnson in # allow. i boat my bottom dollar schumer involved hakeem jeffries in these talks. do you agree with me on that. >> i do agree with that speaker johnson was very clear today that this thing is doa. here's my hope is that we have been told that it would take a majority of the minority. meaning you maybe need 25 republicans to vote for this. so, my hope is that people will see this tempe turd for what it. not vote for it doa in the house. why would we go through this when joe biden has existing authority. we should be beating up on him for the 9 million people he has allowed to come here illegally. this is a fool's errand and exercise in futility because we can have a secure border if you actually had a president interested in executing the law. >> laura: they won't do town halls in their home states on deal. i can tell you that terrorist
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made his way to minnesota who crossed our border, federal authorities finally have seized him, but they allowed him to enter the country. he roamed freely for nearly a year. is he a somalia member of al-shabaab. internal federal memo the daily caller news foundation got its hands on. they let him slip through and he went right to minnesota of course where there is a very large somali community in minnesota. it's always been a concern of many people that, you know, allowing al-shabaab members to come into the country in open border could be a real problem we don't know who they are or where they are at. biden is illegally using that by the way one of the things is he doing wrong for entire classes of people of certain countries with court dates sometimes in the 2030s. this is a total abuse of our system. this is what happens when you have a bunch of open borders
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global citizens running the white house in the united states of america. so, we ought to hold firm, tell biden to enforce the law. and not -- by the way, one thing to look out here too is there could be language that ham strings a future president. president trump's ability to actually do the things he did before. again, nobody has seen it. it's just a joke. >> laura: yeah, well, senator, you have been a leader on this. thank you so much. great to see you tonight. all right, to those who deny that our open border does not cause an increase in violent crime in american cities. although migrants don't cause crime. check out oak brook, illinois, right next to chicago. the police chief is now saying that migrant criminal activity is a real problem there. after six were charged with felony burglary and felony theft connection two separate incidents at a macy's. joining us now to give us more information is the oak brook chief of police brian. what are you seeing on the ground? what can you tell us tonight? >> hi, laura. well, thanks for having me. i'm a fan of your show. i do want to say because i think
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it's relevant to this story. my favorite law enforcement quote of all time was from attorney general robert kennedy in 1963 when he said that every society gets the type of criminal they deserve. what is equally true is every community gets the type of law enforcement that they insist upon. and so we shouldn't be surprised to see this increase in migrant arrests i'm not surprised to be on your show to talk about 57 arrests for felony burglary and theft since that my agency has had sings october 23rd of last year. >> laura: people will say look, americans are committing crime. you can't blame migrants for crime. and to that you say? >> like i said clearly not here for the american dream. 57 arrests for my community is substantial. oak brook is located on the eastern edge of new page county. chicago is in cook county. we are about 12 miles outside of the city of chicago but there is a much different policing
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philosophy and prosecution philosophy here in do you page county. our state's attorney's office felony burglary they are entering these stores with the intent to commit a felony or a theft therein and using theft detection shielding devices working in teams. bringing covers in to try to defeat these devices. >> laura: where are they from? >> most acting appropriately. from venezuela, from chile, some from colombia. mostly central america. >> laura: maryland and virginia has had a huge problem with chilean gangs and venezuelan gangs coming across the border. so this is happening all across the united states. and it's this is what we allow into our country. this is what we are going to get. they become immediately deportable aliens. once they are convicted of a felony, they should be immediately out of the country. we will see if that actually happens. officer, thank you so much. all right. up next. biden and austin in charge, are
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our troops sitting ducks in military bases in the middle east? tonight, military families need answers after three of our troops are dead and dozens more wounded over the weekend. stay with us. ♪
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>> laura: when three of our service personnel were killed, 40 injured in a drone attack and the pentagon was going to send out someone with a lot of gravitas to answer reporters' questions, right? >> we know that, um, iran is behind it. >> you know that iran or iranian leaders were actually behind this attack as in planned coordinated or directed it? >> we know that iran certainly plays a role with these groups. we know these groups are supported by iran and, therefore, this dehave their fingerprints on this. but i can't tell you more in terms of who directed the attack. >> have you seen evidence of financing or directing anything specific to this attack not just generally but specifically? >> we're doing an intelligence assessment. we don't have -- i can't give you today that. >> this attack tehran. >> we just know that iran funds these groups. >> you also have a number for the attacks in the red sea and
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the gulf of aden the most recent? >> um, let me see here any do. i don't know that i have -- let me get -- let me -- we can take that question and get back to you. i don't have the running total here. >> laura: well, i guess a relatively unknown and obviously out of her depth spokesperson is better than our secretary of defense who met with the nato secretary and only could be trusted with a prepared two line statement. >> the president and i will not tolerate attack on u.s. forces and we will take all necessary actions to defend the u.s. and our troops now at this important time i'm glad to be back at the pentagon. i feel good and in recovering well but still recovering. >> laura: he has to read? can anyone speak off the cuff in this administration? anyone? now, know what happened at this end of this meaningless bila it. >> welcome back mr. secretary
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general. >> thank you. >> it's great to see you. it's a pleasure to get to host you here today. you know, over the past three years we have worked closely together and i want to thank you for your leadership and you have heard me say that a number of times. >> laura: now, they went on to ask him questions, shout out questions and they were pushed out of the room. another one who has a buy a vowel. a next point appoint a real secretary of defense, please. joining me now is jim hanson former special forces chief editor of the middle east forum. jim, we didn't have that right bite there. they were like thank you. thank you very much. the reporters were shouting questions at like basically how could this happen? at a military base when it looks like a drone we have the capability to take out yet, this landed near a barracks in this base in jordan where people were sleeping and obviously not ready for an attack.
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>> i don't think you could have less confidence commander-in-chief than brain addled biden and missing in action austin. the problem we have is these attacks have been going on how long now there have been hundreds of them, all of them track back to one place, iran qui need to look at this and say what would the middle east look like if iran was not allowed to run their terror proxies with no scobs againsts. i don't want to go to war with iran. what if we just said what if there was no mullahs. what if there was no theocracy running iran and the people who keep rising up actually did that? that might be a nice thing to think about. >> i want to remind what they said about iran back in october. >> any country, any organization, anyone thinking of taking advantage of the
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situation, i have one word. don't. don't. >> what was the message to iran? >> don't. >> as biden said just don't. >> exactly one word. pretty straightforward. >> it's so embarrassing. i almost don't want to play the soundbites because it's so embarrassing. don't. we had reagan, mr. gorbachev tear down this wall. we had peace through strength. fdr. jfk. and now we have don't. >> and they did was the problem. absolutely no fear. no deterrence. peace through strength gives you deterrence because they don't want to see the consequences. now, at this point we need do something. i think it's about time that one of those expensive iranian navy ships becomes a little bit of an oil slick somewhere in the middle east waters beyond that
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reassert the fact america is not going to be involved in forever wars. america is not going to be trifled with and you are not going to kill our troops without consequences. >> laura: massive recruitment short fall for a reason. parents are afraid to send their children into the military with these in charge statements today. it's just ridiculous. jim, thank you. israel providing new evidence to the biden administration about how staffers for u.n. agency supported and assisted with the hamas terror attacks in october. according to the dossier, seven u.n. staffers crossed into israel on october 7th while others were accused of participating in a terror activity or coordinating vehicle movement. and new intel reports estimate that nearly 10% of the u.n., rwa's workforce has ties to hamas. former secretary of state mike pompeo joins me now. mr. secretary, before we get
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into that. i would like your comment on the pentagon's. we have our secretary of defense who could only muster a two-line statement about what happened to our troops over the weekend. a written -- he had to read the lines in front of him sitting across the table from the nato secretary general. your reaction to that tonight? >> you know, when i first watched it, laura, i was appalled at the lack of emotion about the loss of the three soldiers. frankly, you had the two navy seals that's five in the last couple of weeks. no longer with us. he was reading a statement as if he was reading from the dictionary. i find that disturbing. but, more importantly, the policies that have resulted from the secretary of defense and this president have led precisely to the place we find ourselves today. and while they talk about not wanting world war iii. they talk about not wanting escalation, it is moments like that that the ayatollah watches
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or the xi jinping watches and he says i can roll these guys. and to date i would dog you they certainly have done that. >> laura: your reaction now to what we are learning about this u.n. agency hamas attacks connection. are you shocked by this or not really given some of the history with u.n. workers. >> among the least surprising breaking news moments of the last three years our cia has known for a long time unrwa was deeply connected to the folks that operate hamas and the leadership that the u.n. was a corrupt organization providing resources to hamas instead of trying to feed the gazaen. we saw this in the trump administration. we stopped find funding these guys and the biden administration restored it and you can precisely see the result. these are not inevidentibilities as the biden administration would suggest to you. what happened on october 7th. what happened to our soldiers in
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jordan this past week, these are not inevitable things. when america fails to do the basic idea fails to execute the basic idea of building a strong military, drawing red lines and defending them. this is exactly what happens, laura. >> laura: it's heart break. we lose those seals. now we lose these three. there are apparently horrific injuries of our troops who were sleeping when it attack took place. we all remember what happened in 1983 in lebanon with 242 marines i believe who died in that attack secretary pompeo we expect more from a secretary of defense after a weekend like this. it's a heart break. >> laura, my of my would tell you every morning when i would wake up cia director, secretary of state, were my folks in the embassy safe? were my guys on the ground cia safe. central focus of what we did. one of the reasons we wanted to ensure we had deterrence.
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we did pretty damn good work for four years and now we lost that very deterrence we built up in the trump administration. i fear that we're not at the end of this. we are simply just at the beginning. >> laura: secretary pompeo thank you so much. great to see you as always. coming up, the democrats boot-licking reaches disgusting new lows. gavin newsom trying to biden agenda what about his own credibility, next. ♪
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>> laura: do you remember this story from christmas morning when an armed teen in queens stole a french bulldog from a dog walker? well, now the trend continues out west where shocking video shows a woman in l.a. clinging to the hood of a car that thieves used as a getaway vehicle. you see the crooks stole her french bulldog in broad daylight
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as she was eating lunch in downtown. >> my last resort was to stand in front of the car and tell them not to go. they drove right into me. and they pushed me onto the hood. and i just wasn't going to leaf the hood at that point. and i held on and they took off. >> laura: now, despite all her efforts, she has not had any luck getting her sweet dog back and the thieves even blurred out their license plate. >> the three women and men inside the kia forte went down grand avenue swerved and she rolled off. this photo shows the car had whited out license plate. just the last number is visible. >> laura: who better to defend joe biden's abysmal record than the guy who can't defend his own abysmal record in california. >> who in their mind would want to run when you have someone of such esteem as our incumbent president of the united states with a record of accomplishments and a man of character, man of decency.
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i'm old school. talk about loyalty. i will go the ends of the earth for this guy. >> laura: oh my god. if is the answer to joe biden, well, donald trump should feel very good tonight. >> it's not even a complicated campaign. we have the receipts. we have the best three-year record of any modern american presidency. period, full stop. >> except for the big thing, approval. >> yeah. >> biden's approval is historically low. why is that? >> everybody, everybody we're all -- >> laura: former speaker of the house newt gingrich joins me now. newt, i think of california, you know, people losing their -- even pets aren't safe in california. obviously a lot of wealthy people moving out. a lot of people, period, moving out not because they don't love the state they don't like the crime and the taxes. who do you send out to make the case for biden? the guy who helped tank california. how did that work out? >> well, look, the democrats have a huge problem.
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rasmussen, for example, today said that 69% of the american people side with texas, only 27% are siding with the federal government. these are real. this isn't newsom having a fantasy as the former mayor of san francisco. this is the american people saying that this administration is a failure. it is failing in the most basic job of defending america. and, as you brilliantly pointed out earlier, it's failing to defend our troops overseas. and newsom, who, again, is he a little bit of a flake. he was the mayor of san francisco. he lives in a fantasy land. so he can go around saying anything he wants. to say but the truth is there is nobody who is going to be able to defend joe biden because the biden record on so many different fronts is going to be somewhere between an embarrassment and a disaster. >> laura: he obviously can't really do traditional campaigning and americans are just, newt, sick of him.
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look at this poll. 70% agree that joe biden should not run for re-election. and his age is a main factor, obviously, 74% saying he is too old to work in government. newt, they are in a pickle here. they can't really get rid of biden but they don't really have anyone else at this late hour. >> well, frankly, kamala harris makes it harder because given the demographics of the democratic party, you can't just walk in and casually get rid of an african-american woman. no matter how incompetent she is. and so this is where the tribalism effect of the left traps them and so, i mean, my personal guess and here i'm a big fan of mark halperin and he and i are in total agreement. i think biden is going to be the nominee. under what circumstance? think about it. you have the white house. you have camp david. you have air force one. you got demeanor one.
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or you can spend the rest of your life bicycling in delaware. what's the upside for joe biden leaving the white house voluntarily? now, is he gonna leave the white house because the american people are going to repudiate him. and, by the way, london telegraph poll this morning amazing. trump is carrying people under 30 which is an area where biden had a 26 point lead. but they are looking past ideology and they are saying i can't get a job. i can't buy a house. i can't pay off my student loans. i would like to go back to that guy that got things to work. a huge underlying shift is going on in this country. >> laura: newt, very quickly. the speaker of the house, mike johnson, has said this senate deal, the outlines of it have leaked out is dead on arrival. do you agree with what he is saying, given the fact that it does not limit biden's ability to parole people into the country which could be, obviously, still in the millions? >> look. i have been an active republican my whole life, every once in a while part of the party becomes
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suicidally stupid. that bill is suicidally stupid. it makes no sense. i will oppose it every way i can. and i hope that everyone republican activist in the country will oppose it. it is a total sell out. it's just dumb. i mean, it's like having an winning manned and saying please, can i just lay these down and lose the game anyway? all they got to do is say we want stop everything now. not when i first heard it has 5,000 people a day gets to come in and that doesn't count as illegal immigration? i thought these guys have -- i don't know what they're drinking. but it's not good newts as always good to see you thank you so much. all right. convicted killer alex murdaugh's new trial just went up in smoke. details next. ♪
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israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help, praying to avino malkino, our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over a hundred thousand israelis to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground,
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reaching jewish people of all ages. children, mothers, the elderly, even holocaust survivors. but we can't do it without you. your gift of $45 will make sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. our teams are working on the ground, often at great risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and families who are living in bomb shelters. this would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel. let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their interest because we believe it's what god would have us do. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation.
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it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life-saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation.
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i sipperly do not believe that the authority of south carolina supreme court requires a new trial in a very lengthy trial such as this on the strength of some fleeting and foolish comments by a publicity influence clerk of court.
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>> laura: the judge denying convicted killer al electricity murdaugh a new trial today after he claimed that jury tampering may have led to his conviction. now, one juror testified today that the trial's court clerk, becky hill, influenced her guilty vote. >> was your verdict influenced in any way by the communications of the clerk of court in this case? >> yes, ma'am. >> and how was it influenced. >> to me, it felt like she made it seem like he was already guilty. >> did that affect your finding of guilty in this case? >> yes, ma'am. >> the clerk is being accused of inappropriately discussing the case with jurors and pressing them to finish their deliberations quickly. so far every other juror who has been questioned as part of the new hearing has testified that their guilty votes were not
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criminal defense attorney mark eye english joins me now. mark, did the judge in your opinion make the right decision? >> >> no. and let me make very clear i am no fan of alex murdaugh's. i'm not a fan of everywhere who executes their innocent wife and/or precious off spring. but i am extremely passionate about everyone who is going through the criminal justice system receives due possess. so it's not whether it was the right verdict, which it was. it's how we got there. and if we're okay with jurors being tampered with, and it impacting their decision like we heard in the clip, then you better be okay with it when it affects your family, when someone you love challenges the state or the government and the process is unfair. but you got to be okay with it. >> laura: well, mark, even one juror -- and i share your thoughts on this.
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you have to have a unanimous verdict. if one juror says we were rushed. i felt pressured, i mean, pretty bad. at the very least, it's really bad. >> i can live with rushed -- can i live with even pressured. because jurors feel that what i can't live with is hill, a clerk, who spewed unlawfully words that impacted these jurors. how dare she do that. and, worse, to have the courage, this juror had the courage to come forward and say, you know what? it really did influence my decision. if that's a fact, then that is a denial of due process. it is a denial of what we stand for in this country. >> well, mark, jurors claim they also were allowed to have their cell phones during the trial. watch. >> i understand that during the testimony of the first juror, some opened their cell phones in
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the jury room were you one who opened her cell phone? >> yes, ma'am. >> did you listen to the -- watch the broadcast of that first juror's examination? >> i was on facebook. >> ma'am? >> i was on facebook. >> laura: on facebook. >> further evidence that if you like justice, like hot dogs, don't go see how it's made. it's really gross. you know, this whole process and, again, i don't want alex murdaugh to have a new trial. i don't. the expense, you know, just in terms of money and emotion, but how do you not? if this is donald trump and we know we have a lot of people want him to get fair trials. if this is your child who goes through this, are you okay with the tampering of jurors? there is no way if you are being intellectually honest that you are you got to stand up and speak for this situation because
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it applies to every other person in the criminal justice arena. >> laura: becky hill is a piece of work there, mark. unbelievable. thank you so much. >> oh, yes. um-huh. >> laura: coming up, could the super bowl or particular fan could impact the next election. and biden finds religion even as he gets lost. "seen and unseen" with raymond, next. ♪
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just $19.95. . >> laura: it's time for "seen and unseen." where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. biden is hitting the campaign trail hard. >> i'm afraid it's hitting back just as hard. he was campaigning in south carolina ahead of the week's primary but it may have been wiser to send a statement instead. >> there are still too many corporations in america ripping people off. did you see that article about the snicker's bars. well, it's going stop. america, we're tired of being played for suckers. let me tell you who else is
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noticing that donald trump. did you see what he recently said about, he wants the economy to crash this year? sitting president. >> he's a sitting president, laura, donald trump loop. >> laura: did i miss the story about snickers, and i especially love them when they are in the freezer. >> there was a piece in "the new york times" about inflation and snickers and he just reduced all of that to snickers, it's going to stop. okay. on sunday biden tried to reach out to black voters by claiming he went to mass, laura, and then attended a black baptist church. things didn't improve much on sunday when he spoke to the church in columbia in south carolina and he told these old stories. watch. >> y'all think i'm kidding. for the longest time, when as i
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young public defender and a united states senator, i went -- excuse me, an ame church, i apologize, all kidding aside, go to 10:30 mass, 10:30 service with reverend beman. you know, you said it, rev, my mother would say, you got to be who you say you are. >> that's the problem, laura. is he being who he says he is? three years ago he claimed he went to 8:00 mass and then attended a church, a union baptist church in wilmington, only no one there remembers him ever attending that church. so this is a very tough moment for the president trying to be who he's not. >> laura: he needs divine intervention just to get through these speeches. >> not only through them, if he's so familiar with the black church he might figure out how to exit the pulpit.
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he had a difficult time. he doesn't know whether to go left or right. do i go -- okay. yes. >> laura: what's that disney -- the disney hall of presidents, is that what it is? he almost moves like those figures. >> he has a very stiff -- well, and exits are a problem. you're right. >> laura: last week biden visited with those union workers and social media, they lit up with reports that biden put the hard hat on backwards. >> snopes rushed in claiming this was false. the internal suspension they said on the helmet was just sticking out. they have walked it back and done an about face on the hard hat and we can now verify this is how you wear the hat. not like this. [laughter] >> he's literally got it on backwards. >> laura: i don't even see him.
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oh, there he is. >> in the middle. >> laura: looks like a cardboard cutout there. but isn't that pathetic that you have to actually go to snopes to get them to correct their correction. i mean, it's just sad. >> it's the knee jerk reaction of the defensible. >> laura: speaking of helmets did you watch any of the big games over the weekend? i did? >> you mean tracking taylor swift's movements, i missed it but cbs milked every moment. the displeasure of ms. swift is so abundant and obvious, watch her lips as the broadcast continues. >> she's going to be there at the grammys and she could break the record for the most album of the year wins. find out live next sunday right here on cbs and streaming on paramount plus. [laughter] >> go away, please. >> laura: she was happy at the end, though. they had a big smooch. that was a nice moment. i like her.
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i know she's kind of liberal, i guess. she shouldn't be liberal. she should be a total conservative. >> people can giver about whether she's good for the game, bad for the game, that can all be debated but there is no debate that the biden administration is now saying privately and publicly they would like to use taylor swift and get her endorsement. this has been in "the new york times" and "newsweek." >> laura: of course. i should hope, you would be dumb not to want it. >> there is a poll where 18% of the electorate say they would follow her endorsement and three out of 10 people under 35. if they can get the taylor swift endorsement they think they can push them over the finish line but i talked to marcia blackburn first who defied and flamed out spectacularly. >> laura: she has a good brand management style. the bidens could learn from taylor swift. see you tomorrow night. jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime. togh


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