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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 30, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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>> taylor swift in her biden era? the biden administration is reportedly seeking her endorsement. without that would help if you need taylor swift to save your presidency? do you have a presidency? that's a deep thought. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. and remember, mornings are better with friends when you are dressed. look to payable toize articles
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of impeachment starting at 10:00 eastern this morning. just in the last 15 minutes we need a legislative solution and only congress can provide it. your false accusation does not rantle me. he never wound up showing up before the committee because they couldn't agree this comes as scenes like this play out in border communities across the country. let's look at next exclusive footage it. shows. >> brian: thanks, mr. president for not finishing the wall. sanctuary cities are struggling to keep up with the migrant surge. chicago's mayor revealing the city will not be evicting migrants from city-run shelters this week. extending the deadline for a third time, something tells me
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he does not have a plan. lawrence jones is live in chicago. at a former health center converted to a migrant shelter. lawrence? >> lawrence: yes, pretty unbelievable that they're extending it yet again after they shut down this health center for people that were elderly in the community that couldn't afford your average day hospital visit. this was a place that they could go. they shut down schools. because they said they didn't have the appropriate funding but suddenly they have found the funding to open it up for migrants to be there as well. so, what we're in a big reset period right now. either they can choose or they can no longer -- they are no longer a sanctuary city or continue the course. and, you know, it all starts, guys, by invitation they got on day one from joe biden on the campaign trail telling folks to come. and they have come. and when he undid all of the actions, executive actions from donald trump. a a lot of the migrants saw that
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as an opportunity we talked with some of the chicago residents yesterday they were fired up, obviously. chicago is having issues before the migrants they got here trying to deal with. now they got a new layer. >> well, we had issues in regards to our veterans being homeless, our schools being closed: our gas station becoming grocery stores in our community our funeral homes become family reunions. crime was up. so now we have and then we just came off the covid 19. now we have people invading our cities. >> lawrence: you think it's a full blown invasion. >> it's an invasion. you know, they are using asylum and some of them are saying look, we were living better where we were. so, if you were in fear for your
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life, how could you be living better where you were? >> lawrence: how do you think the mayor is doing right now? >> oh my god. don't mention. he can't handle it. he want handle it. >> lawrence: he can't handle this job? >> no. this job was not cut for him. >> steve: lawrence? >> lawrence: as you can see, she says that the mayor is not cut for the job. that woman right there. she is 91 years old. and she hasn't lost her fast ball at all. guys, also, when i was out by that school. where it was once a school. now it's a shelter. i was alerted by our detail. look on the ground. as we looked on the ground, there was these little baggies. these aren't your little baggies that you use to pack snacks for your kids on their way to go to school. these are baggies that once had drugs in them. so you got to ask yourself the question, if the drug enterprise
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now being brought across the border now and they are doing it here in the country? that's a major concern. >> steve: no kidding. >> brian: drug issue is a big part of this. the city has got to come up with an answer. do you sense this mayor is just winging it? he really has no answer? >> lawrence: brian, i think he is connected just with the ideology. he is a progressive. he feels like not being a sanctuary city would be less progressive. he doesn't care really what the residents -- they have been storming. you know, i have been covering chicago for years about the violence and the crime and the poverty. i have never seen residents so fired up as they are right now. is he not responding. he is not caving. >> so many residents want a vote from the people themselves on whether or not chicago should remain a sanctuary city city
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council and mayor blocking that sphrot taking place. they are so angry because they want their voices to be heard like that 91-year-old woman lawrence that you interviewed yesterday mark green about the impeachment push later this hour. lawrence, thank you very much. >> carley: thanks, lawrence. turning to our other top story this morning. the pentagon releasing the identities of the three u.s. soldiers killed in a drone strike in jordan launched by an iran-backed militia. >> brian: politico reporting that president biden is weighing options which include strikes against iranian personnel or naval asset. >> steve: mark meredith live at the white house with details. mark, these details have leaked out. is that really smart to let the iranians know what we might do? >> steve, carley and brian, good morning. friends, the white house says it's not going to choreograph what options it's considering but coming out in piecemeal; however, the white house also says president biden is still weighs all of his options to
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respond to last weekend's deadly drone attack which as you guys mentioned left three u.s. service members dead. we are waiting to see what a response may look like we are also hearing from secretary of state antony blinken who says he knows tensions are high all across the middle east. >> i think it's very important to note that this is an incredibly volatile time in the middle east. i would argue we have not seen a situation as dangerous as the one we are facing now across the region since at least 1973. and arguably even before that. >> the pentagon has also publicly identified victims. ages 23 to 46. william rivers from new jersey lately a georgia residents. kennedy sanders of georgia and specialist breonna moffett also of the state of georgia. the white house put out a photo monday of president biden in the
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situation room getting updates on what is going on with the attack in response, but, when it comes to a formal response to iran, so far the white house treading carefully. >> it sounded like the administration has ruled out strikes within iran. >> jacqui, i appreciate the question. i think you can understand -- i hope can you understand i'm not going to telegraph punches. we are not looking for a war with iran. not looking to escalate tensions more than they have been escalating. everything we have done has been done to try to de-escalate those tensions. this was a very serious attack. it had lethal consequences. we will respond and respond appropriately. >> the white house has said it's still not looking for any sort of broader conflict with iran but given the actions of this past weekend and heard from so many lawmakers who say tehran needs to be held accountable. we will see if president biden has response to those lawmakers or updates on the situation overall. he will be heading to florida about two and a half, three hours from now going down for campaign fundraisers, later this morning right here on fox, we will hear from one of the mothers of those brave service
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members killed over the weekend. steve and carley? >> steve: yeah. i saw that the president is going to jupiter, florida later on today. it sounds like when the retaliation starts, mark. it's not going to be a one-off. one thing over here and something over there. >> obviously they have been trying to piece together the best way to respond to iranian backed militants. not like they have one corporate headquarters they can strike. the idea is they 1r-8 to take out different facilities here. as you mentioned, steve everybody's it's possible this is not just one time. given the amount of attacks we have seen 160 plus. you would imagine response options are. >> carley: mark thank you so much. you mentioned those 165 attacks on troops in the middle east, according to politico the united states has only responded to 10% of them. >> steve: essentially, there are three different things, and we heard jacqui ask about what about a direct strike on iran and that was somewhat poo pooed.
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also, you could hit proxy groups. we have done that before. that's not much bang for the buck. the other thing is financial pressure. even though there are sanctions, iran is selling a ton of oil to china. the administration apparently is reluctant to crack down on the oil flow to china because we are trying to get their cooperation when it comes to taiwan and stuff like that. and if you cut off the supply oil from a big country like that our prices are going to go up. the last thing joe biden in an election year wants to do is see the price of gas go way north. >> carley: so true. senator dan sullivan did an interview with brian yesterday. he said under the trump administration iran's reserves were at $4 billion which is low. biden enters office, iran starts pumping oil left and right and now they are at $70 billion because he took his foot off the brake.
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>> steve: sure. >> carley: so situations like that and what we're facing right now, steve, lead to quotes like this. >> steve: right. in his memoir back in 2014, former defense secretary robert gates said this: i think joe biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the last four decades. that quote got a lot of coverage then. and it's possible up again and the hope is let's hope he does something right this time. >> yeah, but if past is prologue, we all have to keep our fingered crossed because brian has some examples that are leading a lot of people to be very nervous this morning, brian. >> brian: take a look. bob gaetz looking atoday a possible biden administration and saying that foreign policy is going to be a disaster? he actually said later i had no idea joe biden was actually going to run for president or i wouldn't have put that in the book. what we're dealing with mr. gates and once again you are 100 percent right. let me give you some examples. remember what happened in
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afghanistan. he talked about how formidable the army was. big and going to be able to hold off the taliban. not going to be any chaos after we pull out and leave. not only does that not prove true. all our troops are forced into one city in cobble in one incabal.we hear about a possiblr attack. he says look out for terror attacks. terror attack happens. many wounded, 13 lose their lives in afghanistan. biggest military disaster in our history general mckenzie and general milley did not advise the president it was going to go smoothly. told them it was going to be wrong. he denies it says no general ever warned me about this. remember the invasion of ukraine. he watched the troops well up in ukraine. he did not arm the ukrainians with weapons that they eventually got once the war started. he told russia not to invade. they invaded. they are still in there. this is ongoing war. and it's been so haphazardly dealt with. and this administration halls
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communicate sod poorly now he is having a big struggle getting the financing the ukrainians deserve to fin continue to fight off the russians lost 300,000 in battle and don't seem to care. remember the famous spy balloon. one month a reporter looked up in the sky and said that doesn't look like correct cracial balloon. turns out chinese spy balloon. we followed it across the country. this president refused to shoot itdown, many say because he did not want to mull the relations with china and instead he waits to get it over water and then he shoots it down after they traversed every military base in our country. pretty much laughable, his decision. and lack of caring about what the chinese are capable of. and remember the hamas attacks in israel. 8 days prior to those attacks on october 7th. jake sullivan in a conference said things have never been quieter in the middle east. the worst attacks since the holocaust hit the israelis still dealing with a huge war in gaza
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and effects have us in fireplaces like yemen houthi rebels sponsored by iran who sponsors hamas, who sponsor hezbollah, this is the same country, this administration chose to put a outstretched hand of peace for thought they were going to be the ones going to be the linchpin success in middle east unlike donald trump who thought they were the problem. he was obsessed with doing things the opposite of donald trump. obsessed with doing things the way barack obama did, we are surgery the ramifications of that these are all joe biden's decisions. you give him four more years, sadly, the worth is yet to come. because this situation is not getting any better. and not many people feel there is anybody in the administration that has the experience and track record to come up with a formidable response. >> steve: let's see what it is. it has got to be significant or else people are going to go hey, joe, come on. >> steve: let's see, stay tuned. in the meantime it is 7:16 here in the east.
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we got headlines for you. first up in minnesota, a man is facing murder charges following a triple homicide. authorities say he posed as a u.p.s. driver before entering a suburban, minneapolis house on friday, demanding money. political science say he then shot two men and a woman in the head all while two kids watched. we'll keep you posted on that. also, a carnival cruise ship coming to the rescue of two men stranded in the gulf of mexico after their boat sank. the men relied on a could i jack to stay afloat in the waters just north of cancun until the cruise ship came along. carnival arranged a transfer mexican navy official completed the same day they were rescued. that has a happy ending. a man going viral after he got into disney world. using a pass from 46 years ago. it still works. >> i have either found the golden ticket.
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i have a ticket for days magic kingdom it's from 1978. >> well, it turns out the forever ticket as it was called, which has no expiration ticket cost $8 back in 1970s. 100 bucks less than a ticket costs today. to their credit, disney honored it. and that guy put it on tiktok and we're talking about it. >> carley: he saved $101. for each disney dalmatian. >> brian: probably still waiting online somewhere on campus. i hear it's more crowded than ever. >> steve: with that extra $100, do you know what he could do? buy a hamburger and coke. >> carley: that's about it. >> brian: no change. >> carley: all right, coming up, americans are identifying as independents in record numbers. are the days of our two party system coming to an end? we're going to ask 2024 independent presidential candidate robert f kennedy jr. >> >> capitol hill today the house gets one tell to impeaching
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alejandro mayorkas. we will talk to chairman mark green who leading the charge today and says our national security is at risk. ♪ (sigh) (snoring) if you struggle with cpap... you should check out inspire. honey? inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at ♪
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lawrence we are "fox news live" from chicago where i have been talking to residents about the impact of the migrant crisis has had on their city. watch. >> these apartments, middle class families was living there. and they are gelding them now for migrants. >> where is the money coming from to pay for all of this? >> well, the money is coming from the hard earned taxpayers -- taxpayers dollars that don't have the luxury now to go to the park in their community because migrants are there. >> lawrence: while today in washington the house homeland security committee is set to mark up impeachment articles against dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas over his handling of the border crisis here to react is mark green. thank you so much for joining the program. >> thanks, lawrence, for having me on. >> so, congressman, you know, you guys have been at this for a
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while. the official writeup of these articles are finally coming to the payable table, how long is it going to take for this process to take place? >> were in a pretty quick part of it now. vote on the articles today. and go to floor probably early february. i will leave leader scalise that's his job to settled ask the floor. he will make announcement on when that is going to happen. i think this is going to happen very quickly. >> lawrence: mr. chairman, i want to read something from the secretary. he wrote this in a letter to you and i just found it baffling. he said we need a legislative solution and only congress can provide it. your false accusation does not rattle me and do not divert me from the law enforcement broader public service mission to which i have devoted most of my career to which i remain devoted. the interesting thing about that, sir, is that they use executive action to get us to
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this place, undoing the trump administration's policies. can't they just bring it back? yeah, absolutely, they could reinstate those policies. that would be a grit thing. they could also follow the rules as written. multiple courts have shown he has done opposite of what the immigration and nationality act says. if he actually followed the law. that's the issue for us. congress passes the law. the executive branch executes those laws. they don't goat pick and force their -- what he would like congress to do on the american people at their own discretion. that's a violation of the constitution the thing he took an oath to do. just us passing more laws, what assurances do we have that actually is he going to obey those laws. the only proof we have he will subvert the law for his own agenda. so, no, i mean, it's not -- we do need to fix our immigration laws, sure. but the laws on the books he is not following them right now.
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>> so, mr. chairman, let's dive deeper into this because alejandro mayorkas position is obviously i'm just taking orders from the president of the united states who is over the executive branch. who does he take orders from? does he take orders truly from congress or the president legally? could he disobey the president and just follow the laws on the books? >> he can certainly tell the president hey, sir, this is against the law. we can't do it. but interestingly enough, the law that forms the department of homeland security charged the secretary with maintaining border security. and it's his responsibility in accordance with the laws passed by congress. and so he has the personal -- he is the person held accountable by the law passed by the people's house and the senate to provide border security. he has failed to do it. in fact, he has intentionally subverted those laws with mass catch and release.
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with parole that violates the law. so, it's like he has done just the opposite. and interestingly enough, lawrence, all previous secretaries have detained as much as their resources allowed and then released when they had to mayorkas did the opposite. mobilized to resources to release more into the country. he has done the opposite of what the law says to do. >> lawrence: real quickly, mr. chairman. you know, i know politicians, typically they don't respond to the american people. i'm doing a tour this week. talking in liberal cities to the residents that have been impacted by. this so my question is, these are liberal cities, represented by democrats, do you expect some of your democratic colleagues to vote for this these articles of impeachment? >> i don't think so. i mean, i think they are going to basically march out the anti, you know, right talking points that they have. you know, bennie thompson just
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loves to talk maga, maga, maga. and say that this is a policy disagreement. it's not. i mean, it's a violation of the laws passed by congress. essentially a violation of his oath to the constitution. >> he said i will defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies sworn and domestic. constitution is very clear ons who duties are what. and he basically is subverted those and so we're going to hold him accountable. >> truly unbelievable what is happening in our country right now. >> it is. >> lawrence: thank you so much for joining the program. >> thanks, lawrence. >> lawrence: you are right about that. >> lawrence: we will finish up our chicago coverage here all morning. and then we will head over to denver, after that we will be in boston, over to you, carley. >> carley: lawrence, thank you so much. we have your news by the numbers right now. the first is $1. that's how much eligible am casts can buy a house for in
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newark, new jersey, first ever housing lottery. dozens of people prequalified for the program last year. the catch is though you must live in the home for at least 10 years before moving, and next, $400,000. that's how much walmart's top super store managers can earn per year as the company reportedly boosts and stock grants and finally, 118. that's how many new emojis are coming to your iphone and ipad, really? the update coming this spring includes emojis for shaking and nodding your head. a phoenix, and a lime slice. everybody has been wanting the lime slice. exclusive coverage it drop off migrants in california. we will ask robert f. kennedy jr. what his plan would be to fix the border. the endorsement of biden's wildest dreams. the president's aides reportedly hoping for taylor swift report
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to give his re-election out of the woods. jimmy failla joins us on biden's 2024 end game because he is right here in studio. the nasa astronaut himself. ♪ c ♪ha this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we were loading our suv when... crack! safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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rain, sleet, freezing rain, and some snow. it is quickly moving though it. should be out of here by tomorrow. the west coast though, my friends, we are going to get wet and lots of show for the mountains of california in towards the rockies. and that is going to move across country on saturday and sunday. and then we have our next round of rain and mountain snow that moves in next week. so we will keep that in mind. but, for now, enjoy the warmer temperatures. 74 in dallas. 39 in fargo. 62 in billings. that's a reasonable doubt row. 61 for tomorrow in billings. 43 in chicago. 40 in new york. and then, you know, can you tell where the heat is across texas and new orleans at 62. so, enjoy it. if you like that kind of thing. i'm hoping for some snow at some point. hopefully that will come. maybe the groundhog will tell us on friday. all right. over to brian and carley. >> carley: janice, thank you so much. >> you got it. >> this morning the biden campaign reportedly hoping to shake it off when it comes to those poor pool numbers with an
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a. list endorsement from taylor swift. the "new york times" quoting she endorsed mr. biden in 2020 and last year a single instagram post of hers led to 35,000 flu voter registrations. fund raising appeals from ms. swift could be worth millions of dollars for mr. biden. >> brian: think about this, carley. 45,000 battle state votes decided the last election. jimmy failla all about this. host of fox news saturday night with jimmy failla joins us now to react. this is a big day for you got your book come out. >> we will get there. >> announce you will be joining bret baier and martha mccallum in the election coverage is that true? >> big bump up in class. i'm clearing taking off. >> brian: is this going to happen? she would be crazy to do this. >> jimmy: for biden's sake it needs to. can we acknowledge the catastrophic disaster this president has been that they are banking on taylor swift saving the day. we are told in biden got inaugurated the adults are back in the room. now we are told the adults are
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on ticketmaster hoping to score tickets in the front row. it's a mess. >> carley: somebody like her can really move the needle. think about when she would go to her tour dates across the country there would be an economic effect. the taylor swift bump. >> that's what joe biden needs. >> i'm aware. when i'm on the road methamphetamine sales go up. best place dog track. >> brian: you have very interesting study following you around. >> jimmy: does matter and he does need the help. i'm pro-taylor. even if you are sick of watching her at football games. she got liberals to admit white people are okay. okay? it had been a long five years for us. i'm on board for that alone. it speaks to a desperation. it's only january. this is the type of thing, you know, you maybe want to see goal line to get you over the top. but this is happening at the one yard line in your territory. meaning they know they have got a lot of ground to cover. tay-tay hand off in january.
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>> brian: you said that i did not say that remember this 2020 this was the endorsement. she said this in 2020 i will proudly vote for joe biden and kamala harris. in the 2020 election. under their leadership i believe america has a chance to start the healing process. the way i feel healed. i feel like the world got bactine. >> jimmy: america used to be a shiny city on the hill now shanty fixer-upper. >> carley: encourages people to vote. not take sides. >> brian: that would be smart. don't do what barbra streisand does. >> jimmy: barbra streisand in cast very much like a cat lady not out there. taylor, you are right about this. significant pushback against biden now in the hip hop community. if you want to be on the right side of cool. the hip top community drives the cool in this country. okay. and when you see a guy like ice could you please or somebody like meek mill or even snoop dogg over the weekend is he down with trump again. you realize if we're going to have this conversation from a
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policy distant, okay, endorsing biden is catastrophic. okay, to the miami community, certainly the women suffering from all of those crime rates. so, it might look like a good short-term branding move. but i think the people around her are sharp enough. her being as big as she is. to know you might not want to latch on to something that is polling behind isis there has got to be a better hook. >> brian: she is focused on her tight end. i would say this, you take snoop dogg. i have master p. tell me about cancel culture your book. >> the co cancel culture out to. that's why i'm wearing the nasa jacket. >> carley: it's launch day. >> jimmy: you get the significance. always a little thought i'm like the melania trump of fox. >> brian: no one ever said that. >> jimmy: launch day my book s. a available. fox jimmy sign
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i actually was told by the "new york post," which matters to me, that this is a must-read, that's what the "new york post" described it as. i consider it a must right. what cancel culture is doing. i said it's broken the compass, what i mean is we are now policing sources of joy for source of grievance that comedian than shouldn't tell that joke. escape from the actual rigamarols. that song shouldn't be about that thing. i'm trying to get our priorities back on track. >> brian: you are helping america? >> jimmy: i had to do it. i am inspiring people. brian. >> ainsley: it's a dictionary. did you go through every beginning get letter of the alpha wet. pick something. >> it matters. it is not exact lay dictionary per se. the publisher thought i needed to spend more time reading a dictionary. >> ainsley: hope it goes into schools across the country. >> kits back in school. saturday show as well. fox news saturday night. great show. great lead. in good time to be made.
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>> carley: so glad to spend launch day with you. puppy dog eyes. golden retriever helped owner pack for vacation looks like he wants a vacation, too. how cute is that? >> brian: thanks for the acknowledgment on lead-in comment that jimmy just gave me i guess you are not going to do it. he loves his lead in. >> carley: i didn't see that. >> brian: thanks a lot. >> jimmy: i will be on radio. it's in my contract. >> brian: we have to promote each other. independents, why else would we put it in bold in the prompter are days of our two party system a thing of the past? don't stop believing, kids, we have 2024 independent presidential candidate r.f.k. jr. next. and he is strolling our direction. there is steve with one hand tied behind his back. ♪ streetlights, people ♪ don't stop
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>> steve: just a couple hours house republicans in congress are expected to begin marking up articles of impeachment against will secretary alejandro mayorkas. border crisis growing by the day. watch this exclusive video. migrants cross into the united states. walk around part of the border wall right there. and then they are going to go past a little razor wire and that wasn't too tough.
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here they are in the united states. well, our next guest has seen the crisis at our border firsthand. joining us now with his plan to fix it, independent presidential candcan rfk jr. good morning, sir. >> thanks for having me steve. >> it's great to have you. when you see something like that. back in the day it used to be hard get in the country. if they did get in the country a border patrol person there saying hey stop or you got to turn around. now, can you explain what joe biden is doing? >> i can't explain the rationale and i have been down to the border, i spend three days in yuma watching this. and i was astonish dollars. between 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. in the morning i watched 300 people just walk across the border. there were buses that were bringing them up to the border. that were owned by the mexican drug cartel. 155 people in a bus. i watched the first 110 people
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that came over from wis africa. and i wasn't able to interview them. the second two buss that came in, i was able to interview all the people. and only two of them had asylum claims. most of them were from asia. and it's really -- it's astonishing that the border patrol is utterly demoralized. you could stop this very quickly. and it doesn't seem to be any interest in the biden administration doing it. last month, steve, we hit a record of 247,000 migrants arrested. which means many more were coming across. >> steve: right. >> it's not sustainable. our country, we already absorbed 7 million people in the last three years. whatever their think something wrong. it's insane. >> if you were elected president. how would you fix it. >> i would stop it overnight.
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i have talked to the patrol. i have talked to law enforcement we need to complete the 27 gaps in the wall. you don't need a brown brownsville, texas, 2200 miles to san diego. but you need the physical barrier in those highly pop pop belated. migrants can disappear very quickly. 27 big gaps where everybody is coming through you need to repair the fences torn up by the administration. sensor equipment. and you need -- we need asylum judges on the border to adjudicated the cases there. and we need to reinstate the migrant protection act that requires people with asylum claims to remain in mexico, all those claims are adjudicated. >> that would stop the flow immediately. >> yeah. >> that's what you would do if
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elected president. of course, you are running as an independent. right now when you look at the very latest gallup poll, when people across the country are asked how do you self-identify politically? look at this. the number of independents has gone way up. i sequin pack poll with independents, you are beating joe biden and donald trump in battleground states. you beat donald trump and joe biden with young voters hard harris poll you beat joe biden and. you come from one of the famous democratic families in the world. is this two party system broken? >> it's definitely broken. and i think a lot more people are seeing how corrupt it is. and the corruption is the increasing. bernie sanders and the bernie sanders followers sued the
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democratic party in 2016 federal court for fixing the vote against bernie yeah it is against their own rules. they violated their own rulesser that club and they are allowed to do that. that ruling gave the party -- empowered the party with permission, before that, they were at least pretending to be neutral in elections and to not fix the outcome. and now they have no restraints. and you have got, you know, all this corporate money pouring into them from these big military contractors, from the pharmaceutical companies and both parties are receiving the money from the same groups. and it's rigged against the american public. >> steve: of course, the system is such that you have got to get
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ballot access on all fifth states. we are almost out of time for the segment. are you going to be able to do that? >> yeah. we will be in all 50 states and the district of columbia. >> all right. bobby kennedy jr., great to have you. >> thank you for having me back. kennedy help me bet on the ballot. >> steve: wait until the end for the plug. carcarley shimkus dom come. >> i still have to coin that. maybe i will today. steve, thank you very much. great interview. amazing new body cam video shows an indiana officer taking action rescuing 10 circus animals from a trailer that caught on fire on i-69 on saturday, five xebec brag, four cam that malls and mush temperature horse all making it out unharmed. to say officers had to be treated for smoke inhale a little. thankfully they are okay. the fire was sparked by some sort of equipment fire. not something you see every
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dagen 00 side of the highway in indiana. check out leo, the golden redreefer. helping owner as she packed for a trip to australia. >> what are you cooking? bean, are you helping me pack for vacation? >> carley: the owner says while she is on vacation down under, her best friend will be staying at home with her husband. so that sweet little dog won't be alone, just will be with dad. come up 2024 presidential candidate nikki haley is going to join us. plus at the top of the hour, -- at the top of the 8:00 a.m. hour, the mother of one of the three u.s. army soldiers killed in jordan will join us to honor her daughter, specialist kennedy la dawn sanders. that's hea next.. ♪ entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby.
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>> steve: welcome pack. it is now 8:00 in the east in new york city. it is tuesday. carley is in today for ainsley. good to have you, it is january 30th. the white house is weighing options after the iran-back attack killed three u.s. soldiers. the parents of one of the fallen


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