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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 30, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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>> before we go, last hour independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy, jr. says he thinks our two-party system is broken. >> it is broken. more and more people are seeing how corrupt it is. and the corruption is increasing. you have all this corporate money pouring into them from these big military contractors, from pharmaceutical companies and both parties are receiving the money from the same group. >> a gallup poll shows 45% of americans identify as independents. biden campaign hopes to have an endorsement from taylor swift. a single inextra gram post led to 35,000 voter registrations. >> bill: good morning, 9:00 here in new york now. on a rare removal of a cabinet
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official moves one step closer. house republicans holding a mark un of their impeachment articles against secretary mayorkas. they're trying to hold him accountable over the migrant crisis. that hearing is only 60 minutes away and he is shrugging it off writing to the panel's chairman i assure you your false accusations don't rattle me or divert me from the broader public service mission that i have devoted most of my career and i remain devoted. watch that story. first, however, the white house weighing options now after the iranian-linked drone attack that killed three u.s. soldiers. will we take the fight to tehran? we'll show the options coming up here. i'm bill hemmer and good morning to you, partner. >> dana: quite an open. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." we'll get you to the news. we're learning more about the strike that killed three u.s. soldiers at a u.s. outpost in jordan. an official confirming the reason the drone got past our
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defenses was it was mistaken for a u.s. drone and that was returning to base at the same time. more on that in a moment. >> bill: we're learning the names of three americans killed. sergeant william rivers of georgia, specialist kennedy sanders of georgia, specialist breonna moveette of savannah, georgia. >> want everyone to know that kennedy was a fun-loving person and lived her life to the fullest. she enjoyed her life. i encourage everyone, you know, to do the same. >> i came home, my big brother came home, my dad came home. a lot of us don't have the opportunity to come home and for those who don't, we should honor them. >> dana: senator tom cotton is on deck with reaction. we begin with mark meredith at the white house.
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>> good morning to you. the white house has yet to say when president biden will order any sort of counter attack on those responsible for the death of those three u.s. service members you were just showing on the screen. however, his national security team is going to great lengths to insist it is a matter of when, not if the u.s. will respond. >> we do not seek another war. we do not seek to escalate. but we will absolutely do what is required to protect ourselves, to continue that mission, and to respond appropriately to these attacks. >> the white house released this photo monday showing the president in the situation room with his national security team. the sit-down coming the same day we heard a warning from antony blinken. >> first, i think it's very important to note that this is an incredibly volatile time in the middle east. i would argue we have not seen a situation as dangerous as the
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one we're facing now across the region since at least 1973 and arguably even before that. >> on capitol hill some lawmakers calling for an immediate and forceful response not only to the proxies that launched the attack but iran directly including south carolina senator lindsey graham calling on the biden administration to strike targets of significance inside iran not only for the killing of our forces but as a deterrent against future aggression. but other lawmakers say it is not a decision solely up to the commander-in-chief. mike lee posted there is no iran is bad exception to the constitution. if we're going to war, congress must declare it. later this hour president biden is set to go to florida for some campaign events. why that's notable is that lately at some of these campaign fundraisers because they're off camera the president has been more candid in his assessment of national security issues and
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vulnerability. we'll listen to see if he offers any insight on where the u.s. will go from here. >> dana: he could do an interview with somebody. >> that would be great. we'll be there. >> bill: let's look at the options now. yesterday we were showing you tower 22 the intersection where jordan, syria and iraq meet and where the drone struck over the weekend with the three dead u.s. soldiers from the state of georgia. remember in all of this now, okay, iran is the nexus to so much of what is operating over multiple countries. they can take this line into hezbollah, in lebanon. they can take a line into hamas here in gaza. they can take a line into the west bank and again pose another threat to israel there on the banks of the jordan river. the question for the u.s. right now is what do you do? essentially there are four options and ill oh he lay them out for you.
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a direct strike on iran. that has never happened before. american leadership in resident for 40ened 50 years to do something like that. you could hit the proxies in iraq and syria. especially when you consider the drone strike about a week ago in baghdad. let me clear this off and advance one time. since october 17th here we are, folks, up to 165 attacks on u.s. forces in eastern syria or anywhere in the country of iraq. a lot of fire power in the region. the u.s. military has built itself up in part because of the houthis are doing in yemen. here is iran again, okay? we have forces around the persian gulf, the gulf of ohman, the gulf of aden in the small opening that allows ships to transit through the red sea. and i'll just point out here well, you could take action
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against iranian ships at sea. that's been done before. we bring in senator cotton. when dana and i were on the program yesterday this is what former secretary of state mike pompeo said about iran and war. >> it's pretty clear that the biden administration's policies have resulted in a huge conflagration. people talking about whether we end up in war with iran. the iranians are at war with the united states. they have killed three servicemen. >> bill: my guess is you agree with him. i have laid out the scenarios, which option do we choose? >> bill, you laid out four options for how we could retaliate. i would add a fifth. all of the above. devastating military retaliation for the targeting of american troops in jordan, a friendly nation across international
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borders leaving three dead americans and more than three dozen wounded. some of those, bill, are in grave critical condition as well. this is not an anomaly for iran. they've been doing it for 45 years. they amped it up with joe biden and barack obama. their foreign policy is appeasement and conciliation. we have to reverse that policy starting with retaliatory strikes and continuing beyond that to insure we are no longer to bribe the ayatollahs with billions of dollars or not looking the other way when they cheat on sanctions and tolerate the slightest provocation about our troops in the middle east. it will invite more attacks if there is anything else. >> dana: a writer references you talking about calls for reaction and he says that this is calling for irresponsible actions
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without bearing responsibility for the outcome is a senatorial perk. what would you say is actually irresponsible in this situation? >> what's irresponsible is 11 years of the obama/biden foreign policy trying to appease, coddle and conciliate ayatollahs in iran who chant death to america and death to israel and why we have all these attacks on americans. bill, you laid out the more than 160 attacks since hamas attacked israel on october 7th but it didn't start because of that. there were more than 100 attacks against americans since joe biden took office before october 7th. how many times did we retaliate? something like four or five. almost every case against empty buildings or warehouses in the middle of nowhere. again that is simply emboldened iran and proxies to continue this atakes, the height of irresponsibility.
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a cowardly policy that left our troops as sitting ducks because the commander-in-chief wouldn't take action to protect them. >> bill: when we hit the houthis in yemen they knew it was coming and they scattered. that could happen again. >> because again it is a consequence of joe biden's policy of fear and appeasement and conciliation. just like with ukraine and before that in afghanistan he is scared of his own shadow and worries about escalation. what we saw over the weekend was a massive escalation by iran. the only way to solve that threat is to directly target iran's terrorist forces throughout the region and in iran itself to make it clear we'll never tolerate the deaths of our fellow americans. >> dana: one last question from me. do you think biden has the authority he needs to take the action he may or may not take or would you like to see some congressional involvement? >> i believe the president always has the inherent
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constitutional authority to use our military to defend our troops to retaliate for attacks on our troops and to protect america's interests. that's central to the president's commander-in-chief power. what i question is whether joe biden is worthy of wielding that power because he has not protected our troops or advanced our interests in the region for three years. he has left them as sitting ducks refusing to strike back whenever we're struck. that's my major concern. >> bill: we await the response. thank you, senator, tom cotton with us out of arkansas today. he says all of the above on the options out there. we have bob gates on our program several months back and this is what he said about iran. >> i first encountered the iranians six or eight months after the iranian revolution in the fall of 1979. from that time forward, every single american president has tried to do business with iran. every single president the hand has been slapped away.
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so this is a regime that is completely hostile in the united states and the question is how do you contain them? >> dana: that's a question. one of the things we know is that within the biden administration they are internally conflicted. that's not a bad thing but it could slow things down but i find it strange they are publicly talking about what they may or may not be willing to do. maybe they don't need the intel ship in the gulf if they are able to listen in. >> bill: we were waiting on the white house yesterday. see whether or not we get word of a briefing. the one thing that has changed is what is happening in the red sea. ocean liners from many, many countries who have been under attack. you could bring in the brits, dutch, form a coalition to go against iran. it would take more time to develop a response but that would be an option. something that is not exclusively u.s. versus iran and we'll see whether or not. >> dana: perhaps that's part of the all of the above strategy.
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>> bill: let's get to this. california, check it out. >> this individual is a grave risk to public safety. anybody who is willing to kill and murder and torture a 3-year-old doesn't deserve to be released back into the public. >> bill: one gruesome story going back 20 years. a man convicted of killing a child could soon walk free in california. >> dana: hunter biden's friend who went to the white house dozens of times during the obama years is set to tell his story as they look at the biden family business. >> oakland, california. prompting a major employer to tell workers to go ahead and pack your lunch. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts
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>> it would be a policy to destroy oakland. having a large corporation tell them to stay in the building if they aren't working from home a atrocious. >> it's overkill. to live under a rock because something bad might happen is traumatizing in its own way as well. >> bill: they've got it right. a lunch lockdown. employees at kaiser located in oakland, california are being told to stay on site during their breaks off co-workers were hit with a string of robberies. local businesses said it will lead to a spike in crime with fewer people on the streets during the day. they believe that they become sitting ducks to thieves. why don't you tackle the crime? >> dana: did kaiser think about calling the prosecutor and cops and saying let's do some more here? i imagine those people why don't i just work from home? can't have it both ways, right? right. in addition to that, another former hunter biden associate goes before house impeachment
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investigate horsed today. unlike other witnesses he had close ties to president biden serving as his financial advisor and helped him file his tax returns. on washington and what we can expect from today's questioning. >> should be interesting. eric sher within took care of some of the president's affairs for years before being president. he is expected to spend several hours in front of lawmakers. according to us the former business partner visited the obama white house and then v.p. joe biden's house at least 36 times between 2009 and 2016. before he was president joe biden used him to handle some of his taxes. for example, according to an email obtained by fox news he wrote to hunter in june of 2010 your dad's delaware tax refund check came today. i'm depas iting it in that account. don't think i need to run it by him. if you want to go ahead, if not,
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i will deposit tomorrow. we've learned he traded emails with v.p. joe biden 54 times. at times the vice president used different aliases when emailing back and forth. emails around the time he visited ukraine. he was on the board of burisma around that time as well. both oversight chairman james comer and jim jordan believe he will give a true taste of having that close relationship with joe biden himself. not just hunter biden. not multiple degrees of separation like other witnesses. at the end of february hunter biden will appear for his transcribed deposition under oath to answer questions. it is just a congressional probe. he is facing charges in federal court in delaware on gun charges and california on tax charges. dana and bill. >> dana: david spunt, thank you. >> there is this wave where
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california is treating the criminals like victims and the victims are inconvenient. we're on a slippery slope where the criminals are running wild and getting released early. there is no consequences and people who are suffering are the innocent. in this case there is a 3-year-old who is truly innocent. >> the l.a. deputy d.a. after a man convicted for the brutal murder of his girlfriend's little boy was approved for parole despite multiple assurances he would never walk free. leo terrell, attorney and fox news contributor. your title continues to grow, impressive resume, my friend. this is what happened 23, 24 years ago. you had a broken neck, broken ribs, severed bowel, severed renal artery and 50 separate external injuries were recorded. what will happen to this man today? does he walk free? >> it depends on. it's election 2024, bill.
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let me tell you what the problem is in california. they want to eliminate life terms in prison. newsom has already stayed death penalty cases. this guy was facing 25 to life. this is a self-described monster. i encourage everyone to look at the autopsy report. besides the broken neck, broken ribs, 50 internal injuries. this guy has basically deprived the child 65 birthdays. he gets out after 25 years? this guy is a monster by his own definition. he lied in court. claimed the girlfriend, the mother of the young boy, committed the crime. and show me the remorse. and the parole board is only stating that he doesn't seem to create an unreasonable harm if he is released. gavin newsom has the authority, bill, to block it. the only reason if he does block it is because it's 2024 election
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year. >> bill: here is what goodman says, the man we're talking about. parole hearing. i hope one day i can show i that i am no longer the monster i used to be. we find he is not currently posed an unreasonable risk to public safety and suitable for parole. you mentioned the governor. it looks favorable for him unless the governor steps in, correct? >> absolutely, bill. and let's make sure everyone watching fox understands why this monster murdered this kid. because he allowed a dog to come into the house. how many americans have accidentally allowed they are pet animal to come in the house? this guy goes ape and murders a 3-year-old. in newsom blocks it because it is -- he will pretend if he blocks it to be a law and order
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governor. he is lying. >> bill: when do we get an answer on this, leo? when does it come? >> i would say within 60 days or less. >> bill: we'll watch that. another story i want to talk about. reparations were approved in the state of california. i don't see any money going out just yet, okay? "washington post" is saying this. black americans are not enthusiastic about reparations. here is why. supporters say cynicism among black voters is proving challenging for the reparations movement. >> election politics. blacks are leaving the democrats. they bring up the reparation arguments. asme owe one of the blacks opposed to reparations. it is unconstitutional. violates the 14th amendment. equal protection clause. i would be the first civil rights lawyer to block it. it is going nowhere. it is election gibberish because democrats are losing black
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voters and going republican and probably vote for trump. that's what you are hearing. they're trying to desperately trying to keep blacks within the democratic party. it will fail. >> bill: we'll watch it throughout the election year. nice to have you back, leo, thank you for being here today. >> thank you, bill. >> dana: with a salute. a brand-new episode of perino on politics is available now. my guest is jim garrity talking about the impact of nikki haley staying in the race and what's to come in south carolina and nevada. >> talked about the fact that there is a crisis going on at the border. >> bill: call it what you want. new fox exclusive video shows something that is telling. illegals entering our country and you will never believe what they're being told once they do it. plus elon musk invented a new way to get inside your brain.
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(ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. >> bill: so welcome to america. fox cameras now there as illegals slip across our southern border and they weren't shy about it. matt finn is live in eagle pass, texas with the video with us today. matt, good morning there. >> good morning, bill. here in texas the showdown between president biden and governor abbott has not let up. meanwhile, over in southern california, the border there we have some fresh video to shoe. a fox camera capturing illegal crossings in california in the eastern san diego county. two human smuggling s.u.v.s pull up to the mexican side of the wall and drop off dozens of people who illegally breeze right through our southern border wall. this group included illegal migrants from china, turkey,
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brazil and india. a u.s. customs and border protection source tells fox news tlrn more than 1100 border pat rail apprehensions in that sector yesterday alone. 97 chinese nationals and 91 turkish nationals. 850 of the illegal crossings were single adults. back here in texas a fox camera captured truck loads of fencing arriving to shelby park. every day for the past few weeks texas is building and for the filing its razor wire wall. this morning the state is not complying with the biden administrations demands. abbott has he transported 102,000 migrants from this state to sanctuary cities and continue to happen until, quote, biden secures the border, bill. >> bill: matt finn in eagle pass, thank you, sir. >> dana: bring in the yuma
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county supervisor and get your reaction to the video. brazen and easy to cross the border and have no consequences. >> a lot of what we've been seeing for the past three years. the areas continue to change. there is an ebb and flow. once border patrol identifies an area they build it up. cartels understand that border patrol is there simply to process and it's very frustrating as you see these areas change. we had a record number of people come over across the border in december. the numbers continue to go up every single month. >> bill: do you support the impeachment of secretary mayorkas? >> you know, i spoke with a few congressmen yesterday and told me they were working on the mock-ups. i think it is a great place to start. however, he is doing the bidding of whoever he is taking orders from whoever the president or managing the president. the president has the power to shut it down.
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he doesn't need to wait for congress to send him something. i have seen them act and i have seen inaction from this administration. we have three of 11 areas in yuma that have been fenced or walled by this administration. i know they have the ability to do it. it is whether or not they have the desire to do it. >> dana: i'm curious about what you think is happening. you mentioned to our producers that you wonder why this isn't happening in new mexico. do you have a view on that? we interviewed the former governor of new mexico yesterday saying they are having problems from immigrants. it doesn't seem like we hear a lot about that. why is that? do you have a theory? >> i don't. maybe they are targeting arizona and texas, two red states. most of those people end up in yuma. our numbers are down. we're averaging between 20300 a day. however, we receive bilateral
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transfers from california, from texas, and from the tucson sector 600 to 800 individuals a day. so on an average we're still seeing that 1,000 people a day that are being processed here in yuma. and now this administration is proposing to build a 100,000 square foot permanent processing center here and in laredo, texas. that's frustrating. they are planning on long-term. didn't mean to cut you off. >> dana: you are saying it would be a permanent processing center right there where you are? >> yeah. they've actually acquired an old swap meet, an old greyhound racing park next to homeland security. the ink is probably drying right now according to border patrol. border patrol recommended that they build it in a different municipality just because yuma lacks the resources.
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however, they are going to build a permanent processing center here in yuma. and laredo, texas. >> bill: you are watching what is happening in texas. i want to go back to the video. california has a wall. 160 miles long. in this portion, really it's the desert, nothing out there. the wall stops and you can see the wire as they walk through there. what strikes me is that the cartels know every square foot of our border and they know exactly where to go to deliver their human goods and get the money that is coming for them. >> i've been out with d.e.a., border patrol, sheriff. they have look-outs in the mountains. every time we focus on one area, they move the traffic to another area. it is a very difficult area to access up in the mountains. it is very rocky and they have to have some type of infrastructure built on the back
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side of those mountains in order to get there. i traveled through this area on the freeway to san diego almost monthly and it is an extremely hostile environment. probably the traffic will again change to the lower altitude once summer hits and it becomes a little bit more difficult because of the weather in that area to come across. but the cartel knows exactly what they are doing. we talked about the human trafficking. the drug trafficking and those numbers continue to climb. >> >> dana: jonathan, thank you. >> bill: good luck in yuma. we'll follow it. >> appreciate it. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: well, let's chalk this up for another win for team america in the 2022 beijing winter olympics. members of the u.s. figure skating team will learn they will get gold medals because the russian skater who came in first was disqualified for doping.
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she was stripped of her title after tests revealed she was positive for performance enhancing drugs six weeks before the games. so interesting it takes this long. >> bill: they got around to it. >> dana: it's two years. you find out lots of pictures with the gold medal. >> bill: paris coming up with the summer games this summer. we haven't talked about the super bowl. we have to have a wager. you like the kansas city chiefs or like the san francisco 49ers. want you to think about it. no pressure right now. at some point we'll have to -- it's a dollar or something. >> dana: no problem. i'll win. what if we choose the same? >> bill: we'll fight it out. there is a street drug now nearly 20 times more potent the fentanyl making its way through the u.s. drug market. a little boy on vacation becomes a victim of a shark attack. experts questioning why was he in this tank in begin with?
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>> aquarium, very timid and tepid. there will be an element of risk. if you took a 10-year-old boy and put them that crowded kennel full of wiener dogs i'm sure eventually one of them might give him a bite.
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>> dana: crew members of a carnival cruise ship rescued two men floating in a kayak in the gulf of mexico. they were sailing off the coast when their boat overturned and were stranded. the kayakers are doing well and ship will resume its scheduled route. a little excitement on a cruise. >> bill: here is some excitement. a vacation in the bahamas meant to be fun in the sun getaway. one family is leaving with a
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chilling memory. madison is live in atlanta with the details in the tank, madison. >> good morning, bill. shark bites are not usually the first concern on vacation. but that's exact will i what happened to a 10-year-old maryland boy during a shark tank activity. thankfully he is expected to be okay. this new video may be disturbing for some viewers. experts tell you it is extremely rare. police say a shark bit the child's right leg walking on the tank floor. the boy's father quickly jumping into the tank to help. eventually carrying him to safety and you can see all that blood inside of the tank. the boy was rushed to a hospital and later airlifted back to the u.s. and doctors say the boy did leave in stable condition. the walking with the sharks experience is operated by an outside company called blue adventures. participants have to be at least ten years old. the owner told fox business incidents like this involving interactions with marine life,
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even with the species of sharks included in this experience, are rare and never acceptable. they say the incident is first of its kind since the experience began operating in 2006. >> when you have sharks in tanks they will regularly follow very set routes and laps. constantly going through the tank in the same position. if a shark bumps into you, it is naturally going to open and close its mouth. in doing so, considering its mouth is full of some of the sharpest teeth on the planet even if it gives you a tiny kiss you will end up looking a little worse for wear. >> they say the experience has been closed since the incident and it is all under investigation, bill. >> bill: is the boy going to be okay? >> >> the boy is expected to be okay according to doctors. no word where he is back in the
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u.s. we'll try to get an update. >> bill: thanks, madison, in atlanta. thank you. >> dana: powerful synthetic drugs 20 times stronger than fentanyl are hitting the market. they're infiltrating the drug supply across the u.s. and responsible for two overdoses in boulder, colorado. an area facing a terrifying spike in drug-related deaths. it could just be the beginning. dea special agent is here. one of the things about these. euphoria, relaxation, relief, itch enes, fever and possibly your death. what is going on with these? >> dana, thank you for having me. synthetic drugs have changed the game for america and it is way cheaper, more addictive and very deadly. there is an ongoing chemical attack in america from china as
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they are sending now mass amounts of military age men into our country illegally. as you know we went from 342 apprehended at the southern border in 2021. last year over 24,000. in the first three months this year we have over 10,000. so americans are being deceived to death taking these pills and you have to understand, this is not just one, it's many different ones. these are very powerful street drugs coming on the dark web. coming from websites in china. there is undercover operations infiltrating these groups. dana, the big thing is that american public is facing increased depression and anxiety and turning to these deadly fake pills and substances for relief. our government is not doing the right thing. this has been around five years now. d.e.a. had an emergency
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schedule. the attorney general in florida had to declare eight of these substances very much deadly in her state and so we just have to get a more comprehensive approach to notify the public when this stuff is happening. >> dana: since we have such a hard time keeping them from entering the united states, should we change the laws in the united states to deal with sales and distribution to discourage dealers from doing that? >> dana, we have really good laws. the bottom line is we have to hold people accountable when they are actually killing our kids at record levels. that's what is not happening. we're too soft on crime and there is no accountability. there is no fear. the criminals have no fear. i know there are some meetings coming up this week with chinese on the task force, the u.s. task force, but you know what? i don't have a lot of patience and a lot of faith in this system. the communist party of china has an unrestricted warfare and when
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they can use drugs and they can kill our kids and kill our future generation, our military, that's a great strategic plan for china. we're a big adversary. they want to destroy and destabilize the country. they basically are doing the money laundering, too, for the cartels besides all these chemicals. they are getting the money back to the king pins at record time. using encrypted communications, chinese banking apps and american congress and public is asleep and not realizing what a threat. chris wray has said china is the biggest national security threat to our country but we let them into the country at record levels allowing the substances to come into the system, it is really dangerous, dane. >> dana: thank you for the wake-up call. we'll continue to call upon you as well. thank you. >> bill: thank you, sir. moments from now house
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republicans will mark up articles of impeachment against the man in charge of the border. bret baier on what's shaping up to be an explosive here hearing in a moment. one of the biggest mysteries of the 20th centuries. what happened to amelia earhart? our guest thinks he has solved it. >> her goal was to fly around the world zigzaging the equator. she wanted to be the woman to achieve it. no man ever did it.
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intriguing story, tony romeo is the ceo of deep sea vision. a couple of things. we'll roll the video, boat drone video. explain what you are doing there. south pacific near the island of howland. what's up? >> what we have here is -- this is a launch. what we are doing is dropping it into the ocean there off the stinger and what this is it coming back into the vessel. so what it did is down into the water for 36 hours. went all the way down to the sea floor. flies like a drone about 50 meters above the sea floor and goes back and forth and sucking up tera bytes of data. i comes into the vessel and analyze and look for something very important. >> bill: go to the next frame then and what is this? is this her plane? >> this is a sample of the sonar data we got back from where the
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mission is. howland island, one of the areas we surveyed up against the base of the sea mouth at the bottom of the sea floor. >> dana: so then i want to show you this map. the last location of amelia earhart. it is incredible what she accomplished and unfortunate she didn't survive it. that last red dot to the right on screen right is where you are? >> that's right. >> dana: what makes you think that this is her plane? a lot of people have looked. i don't know how -- how would you ever be be sure? are you able to get to the plane? >> so we pulled in a lot of data when we began analysis where she went. we looked at radio signal, wind speeds, we looked at her flight path and there is a lot of different ideas how she flew into the island and drew up an area and approached the whole problem mathematically. divided it into sector. each one was assigned a
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probability and also a level of difficulty in terms of who you to survey it and then so the plan all along was to basically survey areas of equal probability as quickly as possible. the more difficult would be left for the end. >> bill: have you found wreckage? >> we have found something that looks like this, yes at 15,000 feet. >> bill: you could reach there? >> yeah. >> bill: it would take some effort. >> you can't dive there but reach it with special equipment. >> dana: what drew you to looking for this? what's the draw? >> sure. i've been fascinated by amelia earhart since i was a kid. i'm from an aviation family. my dad flew for pan am and i am a pilot myself. i wanted to do something more adventurous. >> bill: if you are so convinced will you make the dive 15,000


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