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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 30, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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to survey it and then so the plan all along was to basically survey areas of equal probability as quickly as possible. the more difficult would be left for the end. >> bill: have you found wreckage? >> we have found something that looks like this, yes at 15,000 feet. >> bill: you could reach there? >> yeah. >> bill: it would take some effort. >> you can't dive there but reach it with special equipment. >> dana: what drew you to looking for this? what's the draw? >> sure. i've been fascinated by amelia earhart since i was a kid. i'm from an aviation family. my dad flew for pan am and i am a pilot myself. i wanted to do something more adventurous. >> bill: if you are so convinced will you make the dive 15,000 feet?
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>> in a sub merible like the james cameron? in the right vehicle yes, i'm claui'm -- >> dana: i volunteer hemmer. great to have you. >> thanks, guys, appreciate it. >> devastating military retaliation for the targeting of american troops in jordan, a friendly nation across international borders leaving three dead americans and more than three dozen wounded. >> dana: our u.s. forces becoming sitting ducks. republicans stepping up the pressure on president biden for a strong response to iran following the drone strike from an iranian proxy that killed three u.s. soldiers and wounded dozens of others in jordan. will the white house hit back hard or keep its powder back? we'll wait to see. >> bill: good morning. what do you think? is tony onto something? >> dana: i think it will be fun
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when you go and check it out and let us know. >> bill: take some pictures. those three deaths of these americans all from the state of georgia, the first u.s. service members killed in at least 165 attacks on our forces since october 7th. so far iran getting the kid glove treatment carrying out its aggression across the middle east with impunity. aishah hosni is live on capitol hill where there is a lot of reaction already there. >> look, there is immense frustration here on the hill and not just from republicans. really from all the different corners you are hearing more and more dissatisfaction about the way things are going when it comes to the middle east. of course you hear republicans saying they want the president to hit back harder. we know senator lindsey graham wants biden to strike targets of significance inside iran. others say the president simply needs to take out the assets here. listen to this. >> the response should be exactly like what happened with
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soleimani under trip to send them a message to deter further aggression. >> now you have a growing number of bipartisan voices saying the president needs to come to congress before he takes any military action. >> we should have had this discussion in congress before engaging in a tit-for-tat. this is exactly what some of those individuals in the middle east want is for the united states to respond so that we can be pulled into a wider war. >> guys, the white house, of course, believes they can retaliate because it is all self-defense. there is a legitimate confusion and concern here on the hill as to whether or not this is escalating towards a war or whether we're already at war. a lot of confusion, guys, back to you. >> bill: aishah hosni with a view from the hill. we want to play for you right now a comment that jake sullivan made four months ago and almost
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four months in the day antony blinken followed up with this. watch here. >> the middle east region is quieter today than it has been in two decades. the amount of time that i have to spend on crisis and conflict in the middle east today compared to any of my predecessors going back to 9/11 is significantly reduced. >> i would argue we have not seen a situation as dangerous as the one we're facing now across the region since at least 1973 and arguably even before that. >> dana: fascinating. things can change quickly. >> bill: one statement to another. for sullivan to say, you know, compared to any of my predecessors. you had a pretty calm region when you had the abraham accords. it was a significant movement for the entire middle east. there you go. >> dana: fox news rundown podcast today interviewed a global affairs president at goldman sachs talked about how
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covid changed perspective. we were naive to think terrorism would take a back seat and we might be paying a price for that as well. >> bill: four minutes past the hour. watch the hill. house homeland security committee is meeting to finalize articles of impeachment against secretary mayorkas as the border crisis is still way out of control. only yesterday our cameras captured the moment a human smugglers on the mexican side pulled up to a california border site and s.u.v. and dropped off dozens of migrants running through a gap in the wall in the middle of nowhere in southern california. bret baier joins us in a moment. first chad pergram with the latest from the hill. what do you expect today? hello. >> bill, good morning. you always hear this phrase high crimes and miss demeanors. that's the standard for im preachment for applies to president, members of the
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cabinet and federal judges. no living american has ever seen a member of the cabinet held to high crimes and misdemeanors with impeachment. it is in the constitution. william bell knapp was the last one in 1876. michael mccaul. the chair of the house foreign affairs committee. >> we're sending a message loud and clear on behalf of the american people we disapprove of this man, yes, and the policies. if you look back to the founders, dereliction of duty, breach of public trust. >> democrats accuse republicans of engineering impeachment for mayorkas as a proxy for impeaching president biden. republicans believe pushing the issue to the senate applies pressure on democrats facing re-election this fall. ist is like an indictment. the senate must wrestle and receive the articles. the gop fell short of the
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standard for impeachment. >> if the impeachment clause could talk it would beg for the republicans to stop shaming its name. there is no treason, there is no bribery, there is no high crime and misdemeanor. you have two completely made up accusations. >> now the committee plans to prep the articles for the floor later today. it is up to the full house to impeach. even moderate republicans from swing districts are on board. >> our constituents are asking for it. that's what i've been hearing loud and clear. it is a clear dereliction of duty. has failed to defend our borders. i've given it thought and i know i think it could be a good discussion. in the end if you don't execute the laws on the book you make the case. >> now it's about the math. right now republicans only have a two-seat margin in the house
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of representatives. a couple of republicans are skeptical about impeachment. republicans want to make sure they have everyone there when they bring it to the floor. everyone who would be a yes vote. no help from democrats on this one. the earliest we believe they would put this on the floor is the middle of next week. >> bill: an election year, 0 democrat votes? >> 0 democrat votes. i tell you watch what happens in the senate. not that there will ever be an actual vote in a senate trial. but whether or not the senate votes to flush it and get rid of it. think about the vulnerable democrats who might have to take that vote facing elections next year. republicans will look at that as a marker in those senate races next year. >> bill: thank you, chad, good stuff. chad pergram. >> dana: let's bring in bret baier for more good points. i was thinking about biden looking at this and blame the republicans and say they
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wouldn't give me the authority through congressional action and there is nothing i can do. you have this on capitol hill. the most powerful thing i believe are the images we are getting from the southern border that are all over the internet and cable news and news stations. here is a new video exclusive to fox news from california last night. i don't see how the biden administration competes with images like this when they say they'll call it a crisis but it is the republicans' fault when you have 69% of americans saying they support governor abbott in texas for what he is trying to do to protect the border there? >> totally agree, dana and bill. good morning . i think the videos are powerful. the thing is we've been seeing these videos for three years. to say it is a crisis now for the administration and the president to say that after saying again and again and again he wouldn't say the word and mayorkas specifically didn't say it is pretty interesting. also that republicans, it's
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important to realize we haven't seen the write-up of this bill. the exact language. we've heard characterizations of it what it is supposed to look like and may look like but we haven't seen it as of yet. but it does not cover what president biden did in the first day in office, which was a series of executive orders that reversed trump policies. we talked about this a lot. remain in mexico, day one. stop the border wall, day one, catch and release, day one, these are a series of executive orders that changed the policy that was clearly working under the trump administration. they don't talk about that and it is all about this bill and how important it is at this moment. >> bill: you heard chad's last answer. he doesn't think any democrats in the house will vote for this. an election year, that will be interesting. however, if it does come out of this committee and passes on the floor of the house it goes to the senate. if they hold a vote there you have tester in montana, he is on
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the edge. baldwin in wisconsin. that's a really close race there. also in ohio with sherod brown. you heard it firsthand in iowa and new hampshire, everyone is talking about the border in these states. >> it is unbelievable, bill. when we talk to everybody. you were there out there talking to voters it was the number one issue in iowa and new hampshire. nowhere close to the border but it is a border issue that has gone across the country because they see these videos to dana's point and see the impact in cities, red states, blue states, and now it has come bubbled to the top. we'll see what this language of the compromise bill is. i think the mayorkas impeachment may go through in the house to send a message to mccaul's point. but probably isn't going to go anywhere in the senate. there will be some democrats who stand up and say i have a problem with the border, too. they have to because it's election politics.
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>> dana: they have to. tell us about special report coming up tonight. you have a very interesting and exclusive interview with the prime minister of qatar. >> i do. we'll talk about all kinds of issues. we'll talk about the negotiations going on to try to release the hostages. we'll talk about hamas being in doha, qatar and talk about iran and its actions with the attack on the u.s. troops but also the 165 plus attacks that have happened since october 17th. there are a lot of countries that point to qatar and say that they could be doing more and that they are somehow facilitating some of this with iran. we'll get into that tonight. >> bill: hope you bring us good news on the hostage front. we pray for optimism on that and more. thank you, bret. we'll watch tonight. >> dana: thank you. speaking of the middle east fox news is embedded in the heart of the gaza strip. we'll take you along with the cameras and show you what they
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found. >> bill: this woman clinging to a car where her dog was stolen. >> dana: a school district in connecticut voting to keep kids in school for certain holidays. ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> bill: here we go. this committee is underway. congressman green out of tennessee is running the house homeland security committee the articles of impeachment against secretary mayorkas. we suspect it may go to the full house within a week. that's happening now on the hill. dana. >> dana: other news, fox news was emotion beaded with israel's military in the heart of gaza
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strip as troops searched for hamas weapons inside a tunnel and school. alex hogan is live with more from the front lines. what did you see, alex? >> hi, dana. as tensions spill out across the middle east we went to the heart of the conflict. we traveled to khan younis. one of the focal points. driving into gaza we're embedded with the idfs 55th brigade. constant threat of ambushes from below. >> there is more than 5,000 holes and tunnels in gaza. >> this is one of the fortified tunnels used by hamas, idf just blew it up last month. a quarter mile of the border from israel. troops get word as we're down here. >> wounded soldier. >> about another injured comrade. driving deeper into the strip grass is replaced with the remains and flattened suburbs.
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we're in khan younis and hear the artillery overhead. we're taken to a school. israeli soldiers say hamas stashed weapons and dug a tunnel under the playground. >> we had them hiding in a basement of the school and they started shooting at us and this is literally the story of this war. >> as we wait outside a massive explosion shakes the area. soldiers don't even flinch. visibility is going down now. we can feel some of the ash falling. a heavy smell of smoke. there is no front line in this war. close range ground battles are visible in every direction. >> we're working systematically one zone after the other. dismantling their infrastructure. >> many of the 2 million people who fled and displaced out of their homes have left places like this. the areas of khan younis where it has been leveled as far as
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the eye can see. it's worth reminding viewers that journalists cannot go into gaza without embedding with the military and they requested to see the story to make sure the proper faces were blurred and no locations were revealed. no changes on that story were made. >> dana: fascinating. thank you. >> bill: the u.n. launching and investigation into a controversial agency after allegations that staffers were involved in the attacks of october 7th. gillian turner on a story that does not end from the state department today. hello. >> hi. anger is now mounting pretty rapidly at the u.n. among the countries of the world. 16 nations, u.s. included have pulled funding from the operation inside gaza, an office known as unrwa. the u.n. is now investigating to try to figure out what went terribly wrong after an israeli intelligence dossier claimed 190 u.n. staffers in gaza have ties
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to islamic terrorism and helped hamas carry out the terrorist attacks of october 7th. >> we will be looking very hard at the steps unrwa takes again to make sure that this is fully and thoroughly investigated. that there is clear accountability and that is necessary measures are put in place so that this doesn't happen again. >> now that investigation is being conducted by the u.n. office of internal oversight services leading to questions about whether the biden administration can really trust the u.n. to investigate itself in the wake of alleged atrocities by its own staff including kidnaps an isly woman. raiding a kibbutz and doling out ammunition to hamas on october 7th. >> investigation is so dang important here to look at the scope of the problems. you have 13,000 unrwa employees
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and 13,000 of them in gaza alone. >> the israelis named 12 staffers, bill. but the "wall street journal" has viewed an intelligence report that indicates as many as 1200 unrwa staffers could have ties to terrorism. the house is taking this up later today in a couple hours at a hearing. >> bill: mike pompeo says dozens and dozens yesterday on our program. see where it goes. gillian, thank you. state department. thank you very much. >> dana: former house speaker nancy pelosi shouting back at pro-palestinian protestors who bombarded her at home. they took over her driveway calling for a cease-fire in the israel/hamas war as she got in her car she gave them a piece of her mind. >> dana: go back to china where your headquarters are. i don't know what she meant by
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that. maybe because they get money from china through some way. anyway. >> bill: how about the couple coming out of the synagogue in new york over the weekend. >> dana: after the funeral for -- >> bill: the whole block they were just verbally assaulted. >> dana: funeral was for secretary kissinger. it won't end. they'll see it for a long time to come. >> bill: want to introduce you to school district in connecticut under fire for voting to hold classes on both veterans and columbus day. the free day will be no more. ladies, hello to both of you and good morning. stamford advocate. columbus day and veterans day no longer off for students. are you buying that as a mom? >> i'm not quite there yet but when i will be there. i think so there are a few things. we need to take days off school to honor really important days like this, i understand that. the big picture, though, that i have a problem with is china is
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eating our lunch when it comes to reading math and science. let's do real work in school and get the reading levels and math levels up. if we're just doing it virtue signaling and putting kids in school on important days but not teaching them the real things i do have a problem with it. >> dana: here is my problem. kids don't go to school. i cannot believe how many days off they are not because of the holidays. it is because of the teacher in-service days that they have. i understand they have to have a day or two here and there. honestly, the three-day weekends these kids have across the board is unbelievable to me. >> i would like to address that at the end of my answer. i did research. i went to the stamford calendar. one school board member says they shouldn't observe columbus day. her class came to the conclusion columbus is not a hero. it would send a mixed message if they gave them the day off. then you follow that logic to
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veterans day and it starts to get political. i have agree with you, the reason they're doing it is because they think the school day is too long and goes into mid june. these are just two days. that's not going to solve the problem. to your point on the calendar they have just one random day off called february break. it was february 17th that year. just a day off. if you want to close things take february break away. >> bill: the adults -- >> they want the february day. >> bill: they want the spring break. unbelievable. musk is back at it. it's called neuralink. a brain computer interface implant. a large coin designed to sit behind the human ear that links the nervous system to a computer designed to alloy you to control a computer and could change the lives of people especially with paralysis. they implanted it and how is it
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working? >> he is in recovery. no details on the patient. musk said the first person they wanted to try it on would be i believe it was a quadplegic to see if it can work at all. he is calling it telepathy. don't bet against must bing. he is brilliant and doing lifesaving things and interested to see how it works with your mind control a phone, a computer, just sort of maybe it helps you if you are paralyzed. >> dana: his second tweet says enables control of your phone or computer and any device just by thinking. >> it's amazing. a lot of his other companies get more attention. we know them because of twitter and x and spacex. this neuro technology company is incredible. if you are a paraplegic and
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quadplegic you have hope. >> bill: it could be a miracle. some days we could use a chip, huh, ladies? >> every now and then. >> bill: thank you, carley. see you later. taylor. >> dana: will there be action or more talk. president biden under pressure to hit back hard after an iranian proxy killed three service members. need cash but wd you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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december has hit records. could come out of committee this afternoon or maybe before. watching that on capitol hill right now. 10:33. >> dana: three brave americans killed. an attack by iran backed militants. the biden administration is choosing to stay tight lipped. maybe leaking behind the scenes how it might respond. listen here. >> i am not going to telegraph what we might do in this instance or get ahead of the president. i can tell you as the president said yesterday, we will respond. and that response could be multi-leveled, come in stages, and be sustained over time. >> dana: here to respond marine bomb tech joey jones and fox news contributor and dear friend. john kirby said this yesterday. >> we are not looking for war with iran. we're not looking to escalate the tensions any more than they have been escalating. everything we've been is
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designed to de-escalate the tensions. >> dana: listen to karine jean-pierre, the press secretary, on what she thought the troops were doing there. >> our deepest condolences go out and heart felt condolences go out to the families who lost three brave -- three folks who are military folks who are brave, who are always fighting, who are fighting and behalf of this administration, of the american people. more importantly, we lost those souls. >> dana: your reaction to this as we get your take and we appreciate it very much. >> yeah. maybe a less serious note my 4-year-old daughter could describe three heroes more easily than karine jean-pierre. i don't know how you struggle to say these are three heroes that shouldn't have died. the fact they died means they died defending our country. i think what troubled me most about this is that precedent matters. as much as people may want to
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say or the administration wants to say all the criticism going back to afghanistan withdrawal is partisan but we sit now iran knows they can kill at least 13 service members without any type of retaliation. that's what they set. their only retaliation was kill ten civilians because they had bad intel and acted without any type of plan. my struggle here is that i hear john kirby say we don't want to escalate. in fact we want to de-escalate. i don't know what part of sitting and waiting from 160 strikes since last october is a deslation. doing the same thing over and over again and not getting what you are looking for doesn't strange your strategy. then you have war hawks saying bomb iran right now. i look back at the last six or 78 presidents who haven't been
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able to solve the iran problem and there must be more there than dropping a couple of bombs there. what i do is hope we can get through the current president's administration an get someone new in office that can have a company hereent strategy. my opinion is our military is entirely too discome bomb you lateed that they can mount a strike and that's a terrible place to be in. >> dana: sergeant sanders was killed and her parents were on "fox & friends" this morning. listen here. >> the president of the united states decides to respond it won't change our situation at all. so we just choose to move forward and continue to pray for those who are still there. whatever is decided i trust it will be a good decision that keeps everyone in the safest position possible. >> in the best interest of the united states. >> dana: one of the things the
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joy reid at msnbc had a hot mic moment. this is what she said. >> over the weekend president biden said he is ready to take action if congress is serious about solving the border issue. >> i would shut down the border right now and fix it quickly. congress needs to get it done. >> dana: that was her talking about starting another war. one of the things mike pompeo said yesterday is that whether -- however we want to think about this iran is at war with us. do you agree with that? >> how are we starting a war if we've been attacked 160 times and we finally choose to retaliate in a way that hopefully prevents the next strike on us? if you want to say we started the war, we started the war by having troops in jordan, iraq and syria to begin with. president biden made the choice to do what is called over the
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horizon capabilities and pull everyone out afghanistan and puts the target on the troops in the region and saying israel is our ally and we will defend them. part of the mission of the troops in that region. so we can follow this all the way back to jimmy carter if we want to. the fact is we have troops on the ground in the middle east currently being attacked in iran is saying we're doing it and we have to decide a strategy. be desiefshs and forceful. i don't want to be in a war with president biden at the helm. it is obvious he and his administration act completely out of fear of what might be done not with any type of assurance of what they can prevent from happening. we're in a rock and hard place with this government. we have a military that truly feels disjointed. we have a secretary of defense that goes into the hospital, president doesn't know about it. things that happen on a daily basis that makes us wonder do we have the capability?
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when the drone from a terrorist organization can get through all of our defensive mechanisms and maybe even be mistaken for a u.s. drone, that shows a weakness in our own capabilities that is huge. that puts us behind the eight ball with every adversary we have. >> dana: you are right. it is 165 times that we've been attacked. you were right on the money there. joey jones, thank you. >> bill: well done, joey. wow. so dorothy might like this. iconic piece of the wizard of oz is the hemmer celebrity news. back in 1939, great film, judy garland wore the ruby slippers as part of her costume. terry john martin stole them from the museum in grand rapids, minnesota in 2005. martin is now 76. homebound and in hospice care due to a chronic illness and never served prison time. expected to die within the next six months. the f.b.i. has recovered the
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shoes, which did you know, dana, actually are not made with real rubies? >> dana: what, not real rubies? i disavow all the years i watched that movie. i loved it, too. >> bill: 11. >> dana: i didn't know there was a grand rapids, minnesota. i learned that one as well. all right. parents say they are struggling to afford childcare and the costs will they keep rising? a new study shows how costly it can be. more high-paying jobs not requiring college have degrees lost their luster. mike rowe is here. ♪
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>> bill: so now childcare costs more than college. you heard that right.
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a new report finds almost half parents spend more than $18,000 a year on childcare, 20% spent more than $36,000. compare it to the average cost of attending a state college at $24,000 a year. mike rowe works for foundation ceo and mike rowe is with us in new york. nice to see you again. 35% of parents tap into their savings account to cover childcare. 68% had only six months worth of savings before they run out for good. you can't go very far on that, mike. >> i've been hearing a lot lately about why are people having kids? what's going on? i'm the wrong one to ask that. i don't have any. i get it. you start looking at the numbers. what actually happened? sound like an old guy for a minute. you have kids 40 years ago, you send them to a public school, which one, the closest one,
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right? what does it cost? it doesn't cost anything, you know. you need a babysitter? there is a girl down the street who is great $5. college, community college up the street. it feels like on every single front people have sat down to say i dare you. i dare you to raise a family. we were talking in the break about a buddy of mine in greenwich yesterday. that is not the usa but 40, 50, 60,000 a year in elementary school. it is so bananas i don't even -- fourth grade, fifth grade. i don't personally know how to think about that but i do believe it will go splat. i do believe it will tip and i think you can see it with the credentialing in higher education in realtime now. >> dana: the decline in trust in a college degree by the numbers. 50% of parents now say they will
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not send their children to a four-year college. two out of three high school students think they will be fine without a college degree. here are some of the companies reducing or eliminating college degree requirements for jobs. you recognize there are a lot of companies that people might want to work for. >> it is big. great research. there is a book called collective illusions. the things that 50 things that people value and 50 things other people think other people value. the people who value a four year degree is number 47, that's shocking. when you look at the list of what people think other people value, it is number three. so i believe that we're seeing a giant reckoning through the lens of p.r. parents look at the cost of a four-year degree.
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look at harvard. average gpa at harvard 3.8. that was summa cum laude in school. back in 1955 the number was 2.55. the inflation is not limited to our economy. there is a credential inflation. a grade inflation. a legacy problem over there. there is $51 billion in an endowment front and a front row seat to the harvard corporation working hard to protect their president in the face of 50 plagiarism charges. you can't blame a parent for looking at that and going yeah, maybe not that. >> 51 billion can pay for tuition to the end of time, right? forever. >> it's a lot of cabbage. a lot. meanwhile shameless plug, my foundation on average awards work ethic scholarships to the tune of 8,000 or 9,000. we are training heating and air conditioning and plumbers and i talk to people who come through
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that path making six figures, no debt. i know i'm a broken record on this but as higher education continues to get a little wobbly up there, these other paths are going to look shiny. >> dana: you have an opportunity for people to apply for the scholar shichs. >> end of the month we open another scholarship program again. we'll do a million at the end of february, apply at micro learn a trade. great to see you guys. see you tomorrow. >> dana: good, okay. >> bill: at the white house right now president biden was leaving there and he made comments to reporters so we'll get to that momentarily here. >> dana: here he is. [inaudible] >> president biden: give me the power. i asked for it the first day. give me the border.
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give me the people, the judges, who can stop this and make it work. [inaudible question] >> involvement in the middle east. >> president biden: we'll see. >> dana: that's terrible to me. that's terrible. if they at the white house communications office want him to make news and want him to take questions do it in a way where the american people, our allies and adversaries can hear him clearly and you won't get all the questions as to his mental capacity. you could hear him if he is being coherent. i find it professionally insulting as somebody who used to work there. they think this is good enough for the president to just take a question like that when you can't actually hear him above the rotating blades? he answers a very important question last week about troops just killed. it is not good enough. >> bill: as opposed to waiting
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for the subtitles. he was asked about the question of the war. give me the authority to do it. johnson said the laws are in the books, enforce them. you don't need us to pass new laws to enforce border security. and -- >> dana: he is welcome to come on here and we would love to ask him questions. >> he will stick to his positions and it will be a political issue coming up in november. pipe, can stop the ruggedly capable telluride x-pro from getting you to your dinner reservation on time. ♪ okay! ♪
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>> bill: troubling bout of irony. after years criticizing the handling of immigration in america european countries are grappling with their own migrant matters and their back pedaling on previous policies. william la jeunesse has the story in l.a. what did you find out? >> americans were heartless and progressives were in europe. now many e.u. countries are embracing detention centers, checkpoints, razor wire and requiring asylum seekers to remain not in mexico but africa and albania.
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poland, spain, italy, france among the european countries cracking down on illegal immigration after years of bashing u.s. policy as racist and cruel. >> i want to stop the votes and secure our borders. >> in great britain and denmark the ruling parties want to deport asylum seekers to rwanda while processing claims. france and sweden want to reduce welfare benefits and >> when you apply for asylum in many european countries you are pretty sure you will be able to stay forever whether your claim is accepted or not. >> the december the 27 member european union agreed to right leaning reforms. detention centers along the border or off shore. asylum process lasting weeks, not years. quick deportation for those denied. and caps on the number of migrants each country must take. >> the whom system is under
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collapse and doesn't work. >> like affects as, poland erected razor wire to stop migrants from entering. italy considered but dropped plans for a naval blockade. yet yesterday an italian plan was approved where migrants intercepted in the sea will be detained in albania and plead cases over the internet. if ejected we'll be deported home about keeping people in africa. sounds familiar to us here. >> bill: something to watch. intriguing stuff. william la jeunesse in l.a. >> dana: the albanians try to do is a good job. $11,000 a ticket to the super bowl to get there. are you getting a cheaper ticket? >> give it a minute. prices come down. be patient. >> dana: harris faulkner is up next. here she is.


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