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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 30, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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collapse and doesn't work. >> like affects as, poland erected razor wire to stop migrants from entering. italy considered but dropped plans for a naval blockade. yet yesterday an italian plan was approved where migrants intercepted in the sea will be detained in albania and plead cases over the internet. if ejected we'll be deported home about keeping people in africa. sounds familiar to us here. >> bill: something to watch. intriguing stuff. william la jeunesse in l.a. >> dana: the albanians try to do is a good job. $11,000 a ticket to the super bowl to get there. are you getting a cheaper ticket? >> give it a minute. prices come down. be patient. >> dana: harris faulkner is up next. here she is.
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>> harris: listen carefully. every time you hear biden administration officials explain how iran's paid for and trained terrorists killed three american soldiers and at least 40 others were wounded. biden's pentagon says confusion happened over the enemy drone striking at the same time as the u.s. drone was returning to the base. they'll figure that out. here is what's really happening for the american people. for 105 days a mortal enemy, iran, through its groups that it pays for and backs, fires at will, hits their targets, kills our people, and still no address to the nation by president biden. i'm not talking about a few words here and there. let's see if they can explain why he can't explain to us why iran feels like it can do this even though he said he knew they wouldn't do anything. we need answers now.
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and some backbone would be good. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the pentagon has released information on the patriots we just lost. sergeant william rivers, 46 years old from georgia. a highly decorated soldier. specialist breonna moffet from georgia and kennedy sanders 24 years old from georgia. kennedy's dad a marine veteran himself, remembers his daughter who he nicknamed munchkin. >> she was the life of the party. she enjoyed life. she was very competitive. she was goal oriented. she loved the service. she loved serving our country. >> harris: our military men and women in the middle east have been targeted at least 165 times since october 17th.
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and again that's 105 days running. those attacks by iran's paid for and trained terrorists have happened in a way that the administration's only response has been 15 targets in retaliation reportedly very minor compared to what they are doing to us. republicans say president biden needs action now. >> we need to go right to the source. iran needs to feel consequences. >> iranians, russians, chinese, they see us as weak because of president biden. this is only going to get worse. >> we don't want war with iran. the way to stop that is through deterrents. >> we're bombing empty warehouses in the middle of the night so the administration can look like they're doing something in response but they are still beholding to this appeasement strategy when it comes to iran. >> when you are trying to play defense constantly rather than punching back in a meaningful
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way, this blood is on this administration's hands, period. they need to take responsibility for it. >> harris: and again not an address to the nation by the commander-in-chief after 165 attacks in the middle east on our people. but these words just moments ago. >> how do you respond to the attacks? >> mr. president will you hold iran responsible for the death of those three americans? >> president biden: [inaudible] >> [inaudible question] >> president biden: i don't think we need a wider war in the middle east. that's not what i'm looking for. >> harris: so when asked do you hold iran responsible he says i do hold them responsible in the sense that they are supplying the weapons.
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all right. we'll move on. in "focus" retired army lieutenant colonel daniel davis. military expert with two decades of service including multiple combat tours. we'll get his thoughts on what the president of the united states said about iran. let's go to jacque heinrich at the white house now. >> every time we ask this administration if they're actively considering any strikes inside iran as congressional republicans are calling for the response that we get is that u.s. does not seek a war with iran and we don't want to escalate this conflict. that said the administration views that idea strikes inside iran as escalating. the president was weighing a couple of options in his response that he said on the south line. he decided what he is going to do. we don't know what it is yet. the options he was weighing were striking iranian personnel in syria or iraq or striking
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iranian naval assets in the persian gulf. not what republicans are calling for, not listed there is strikes inside iran. it does seem to be in line with what congressional democrats want to see from the administration. listen. >> you know what would also be escalating if we killed iranian civilians. we stump or slide our way into the war in the middle east without congressional robust debate and vote. >> the president has come under fire for not deterring iran from stoking these proxy attacks and effectively stopping the attacks on u.s. forces overseas. biden said iran knows not to do anything. his warning of don't didn't work. even while acknowledging that iran is to blame for the deaths of these three u.s. soldiers, the white house also denies that biden didn't go far enough in the past. >> did the president have any regrets over not punching back harder in any of the prior
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responses that he has taken to these proxy attacks on u.s. forces? >> i would -- i think i would push back on the idea that we didn't push back harder. we have taken significant action against iran economically. the idea that we have somehow laid down and not pushed back on iran is simply not borne out by the facts. >> the white house maintains biden has the authority for whatever comes next without seeking congressional approval republicans back that position but assailed biden for constantly playing defense rather than issuing a decisive response. >> i believe the president has the inherent constitutional authority. what i question is whether joe biden is worthy of wielding that power because he has not protected our troops or advanced our interests in the region for three years. >> so the white house is being careful not to telegraph any punches. the administration is saying what is next will come in phases
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over a period of time. won't likely look like a one off. we're watching for any news the president has contacted the families of these fallen soldiers or plans to attend their dignified transfer at dover. the white house didn't have answers yesterday. >> harris: it has been three days. >> yeah. >> harris: that's a lot. we'll thank those families and those patriots we've lost and all those men and women in harm's way in the middle east. we'll say thank you and tell them that we love them. thank you, jacque. retired army lieutenant colonel daniel davis senior fellow at defense priorities. i don't want to say the politicians have to love patriots, yeah i do want to say that. i will say that. what's going on with the president? why can't he say those words? why don't we have a schedule off how he will honor these? this is iran's m.o. hitting us through years but the last three they didn't.
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colonel, what changed in the last three years and iran decides it's on through the people we hire, those killers? >> well, i think it's self-evident they aren't concerned about a retaliation so far. and look, as i've been saying on your show many times, absolutely the number one priority of cam is avoid getting sucked into a war in the middle east. going to war with iran would not be in our interests. but that said i think it was a huge red flag what you just raised a second ago there have been 165 attacks against our forces in that area since october 17th and 15 pinprick one-off strikes. it doesn't deter anyone. it should have been self-evident after the first one. i'm all for not escalating into iran. all the time we should have gotten the troops out of there because they serve no value to america. they are just a strategic vulnerability that could get us drawn into a war. if they're there and if someone
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attacks them, we need to go in heavy and hard and make a huge price on the people that actually conducted those attacks. that should be non-negotiable. >> harris: you said it on this very program. you said if you don't have a mission plan and endgame for those men and women especially after october 7th massacre by hamas terrorists on the israeli civilian population, sir let's take a peak, do we have it? let's watch. >> i know it's unpopular but we need to get those troops out of there. they should not be in harm's way. we should have taken them out in 2019 and it wouldn't be a problem. now it's a problem and we have to deal with it. what we want do somebody will say we are leaving and being afraid of them. they will say that for sure. imagine if we don't take them out and now americans die, that blood will be on the president's hands for not getting them to safety. >> harris: and is the president now living with what on his hands? that was october 30th what you
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said and now we have dead american soldiers. >> that's why it is so anguishing to me. i foresaw this at the time. i was imagining those family members that you are talking about there who were just ining a now and will be for the rest of their lives and it was avoidable, harris. we could have avoided that if he had taken action then to move them. you strandy to abandon the place, just move them out of the vulnerable spots like tower 22. these little dots in the desert to move them to more defensible locations where we still have full access and range of our power. instead they did nothing. they didn't move anybody and even now they are talking about striking iran but not talking about getting the rest of the troops out of vulnerability. >> harris: this false flag by representative jim himes who said during the report it is not good to be killing iranian civilians. who is talking about killing any civilians at this point? you at least want to retaliate
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in a way where their military feels it the way that former president trump did with soleimani. >> look, the u.s. constitution and the 1973 war powers act prohibit the president from just taking unilateral military action against iran, for example, unless it can be shown as directly attacking military personnel but gives him the authority to destroy anybody who attacks our troops. so he does have that authority. so he should utilize that against the people that perpetrated that attack and do it hard. >> harris: right. even the administration has said that train paid for by iran. if you hit the groups hard iran gets a message, too. we hope. we'll have to see what happens. secretary of state antony blinken with a chilling assessment of the current situation in the middle east. let's watch. >> very important to note that this is an incredibly volatile
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time in the middle east. i would argue we have not seen a situation as dangerous as the one we're facing now across the region since at least 1973 and arguably even before that. >> harris: your reaction to that, colonel davis. >> let this make sense somehow. you just accurately said that this is the most volatile situation in the middle east in a half century but we've done nothing. we're not removing our troops, not making them more secure, we're not taking any action here at all. we only have taken one out of ten or 12 attacks and done nothing on the rest of them. that doesn't be lie a government that recognizes the seriousness of the situation and it will take decisive action. that's what i want to see. i want to see our troops protected like the president is supposed to do and keep our country safe and not get us drawn into a war in the meantime. let's see some action to match
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those words. >> harris: this seems like an epic case of miscalculation on the part of this administration and white house. this he have to start to do better than what we did pulling out of afghanistan immediately. >> agreed. >> harris: thank those patriots. make that public now and get them on the schedule. glad to have you in "focus." >> my pleasure. that's the least we can do for those family members. >> harris: house republicans are making good on their promise to hold the biden administration responsible for the border crisis. right now they are finalizing impeachment articles against mayorkas. at least half the nation's governors, we've interviewed many of them on this program this week, have the back of texas. they are standing with texas, don't mess with texas. you know texas has taken on the biden administration because they would rather take on texas than the drug cartels. at least that's how it appears.
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>> we stand with governor abbott. we have common sense. the american people are not fooled at all by the biden administration cutting razor wire and letting people in it is invasion. >> harris: texas governor abbott won't give an inch. he now has in warnings for president biden and the nation's sanctuary cities. matt finn reporting from the southern border, national border patrol council president brandon judd standing by as well. the border battle in "focus" next.
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people. the results have been catastrophic and have endangered the lives and livelihoods of all americans. we cannot allow this man to remain in office any longer. >> harris: it has already been a busy morning. right now house republicans are finalizing two articles of impeachment against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. one of those articles focuses on him breaking the law. the other accuses him of lying about the border being secured. it could happen early next week. if it happened it would be the first time it happened to a cabinet member in 148 years. mayorkas earlier this morning sent out a letter that said the allegations are baseless and inaccurate. your false accusations do not rattle me and do not divert me from the law enforcement to which i have devoted most of my career. take a look. law enforcement.
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does this look like he is doing anything? this is what the state of texas has had to do. that's their work. that's how they are securing the border and holding our nation's sovereignty. the feds want to take that down. illegal immigrants lining up at the border now crossing in record numbers. i feel like a broken record because we've been saying that biden's entire presidency. the record gets bigger every day. texas governor abbott is warning sanctuary cities now that he will keep sending illegals from the border and other migrants north until president biden secures the border. he and his lieutenant governor standing firm against the federal government's objection to the wire, the razor wire you see now that's working. again texas put that up. >> joe biden is not enforcing the federal immigration laws. that gives texas the right under that article one, section ten of the constitution, to defend
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ourselves from imminent harm or from an invasion. >> we'll continue and will not stop. if they cut it we'll replace it. we don't want a confrontation but we want this border secure. >> harris: matt finn is in eagle pass. >> the showdown between governor abbott and the biden administration here inside of shelby park is not letting up. meanwhile over in california at the southern border there we have some fresh video to show you, a fox camera capturing a group of illegal migrants crossing in california. that's in eastern san diego county. two human smuggling s.u.v.s pull up to the mexican side of the wall and drop off dozens of people who breeze right through our southern border wall illegally. it includes illegal migrants from china, turkey, brazil, india. a u.s. customs and border protection source says there were more than 1100 border patrol apprehensions in the san diego sector yesterday alone.
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that includes 97 chinese nationals and 91 turkish nationals. also back here in texas you look at a video that a fox drone captured including truck loads of fencing arriving to shelby park every day we've been here for the past few weeks texas is building and for the filing its fencing and razor wire. the state is not complying to allow border patrol back into the park. texas governor abbott says he has transported more than 102,000 migrants from this state to sanctuary cities across the country. harris. >> harris: that number actually is nothing compared to all the people who have stayed. those illegal immigrants who stayed in some of those border states before they go north. the government moves more than that, too. matt finn, thank you. a reporter was asking the president moments ago about biden's border crisis. >> have you done everything you
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can do with executive authority or is there more you can do? >> president biden: i've done all i can do. i've asked them the day i got in office. give mmef the border patrol, give me the people, the judges, give me the people who can stop this. >> harris: he says he has done all he can do. brandon judd, national border patrol council president. thank you for being in "focus." has the president, in fact, in your estimation done all he can do? >> absolutely not. i'm very sick of hearing all of his rhetoric. he doesn't give any evidence. the evidence is incontrovertible was going on now. secretary mayorkas is complicit in allowing the individuals to violate our laws. congress would be derelict if they didn't hold him accountable. the total number of people released into the united states illegally. the store eave that doesn't get told enough is what happens to those people who get released into the united states. they're never leaving. ice doesn't go after them or deport them. in fact last year when we
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deported 144,000 people, that is a small drop in the bucket compared to the number crossing the border but those 144,000 people were those that were kept in custody, not released. so mayorkas by not actually enforcing our laws on those people being released, he is -- he is in fact in violation and congress must hold him accountable. the president has done absolutely nothing. he has executive authority but instead he uses rhetoric rather than facts. >> harris: the times that he flipped the switch on trump's policy, that was executive authority. use the executive authority to reverse that and put those policies back in place. they were working. isn't it the same type of power? it's the pen, of course it is. all right. let's move to this. you may remember democrats tore into former president trump when he was talking about shutting down the southern border. >> the fact that this man has welcomed out into the open a
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racism and violence that has long defined this country. >> the president presents him as generous toward dreamers. but he is holding them hostage in the most extreme anti-immigrant agenda in generations. >> harris: yesterday white house press secretary karine jean-pierre was pressed on president biden making the same promise last week. >> isn't that the same thing that trump did? >> there are different definitions of what it looks like and what actually shutting down the border looks like, right? we'll let them work through it. we don't know what that looks like exactly. >> harris: okay. when you close your front door and your dog is on the other side and you watch through the window, you know the dog understand that he has to wait for you to reopen the door. there is only one way to close the door. what is she talking about? >> it's the hypocrisy we see from this administration. but what really frustrates every single border patrol agent is we want the american people to be
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able to make decisions based upon all of the facts. yet the mainstream media continues to cover for him. we can't have that honest conversation and can't have the american public decide policies based upon a fraction of the information or flat out lies. that is what is so frustrating to us. we know that the american public agrees with us. we know that the american public would want our border secure and we want a lawful, legal immigration system. not an illegal system. that's what we have today is an illegal system, not legal. >> harris: so unfair to the people in line trying to get in who want to do it the right way but get pushed back but the cartels have the power to put who they want at the front of the line. quickly, so moving forward with all of this, texas in its sights. where do you see this going? >> i see texas not giving up. we support governor abbott and everything he is trying to do. there was this conversation there would be a fight between border patrol agents and the national guard.
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that was a false narrative. we aren't going to do that. we understand they have a job. they support us, we support them. governor abbott is doing all he can to protect the american people. >> harris: listen to that. busting myths or lies as they say. brandon judd, thank you very much. appreciate your time. >> harris: team biden pulling out all the stops to boost its struggling campaign. topping the list big money. big names. plus the president has avoided uttering the name trump for three years, now he can't breathe without saying it. what's behind the new trump word strategy? >> attacking trump for anything ultimately takes away from the question that is being asked, does joe biden deserve another four years of president of the united states? arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief
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are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? high taxes can erode returns quickly. at creative planning, your portfolio is managed in a tax-efficient manner. it's what you keep that really matters. book your free meeting today at >> harris: this breaking news
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now. sources have confirmed to fox news that far left democrat squad member corey busch of missouri is under federal investigation for misusing federal security money. busch has spent more than $750,000 on private security since she was elected in 2020. remember, these are the same people who defunded the police but then had to have private security. a watchdog has also demanded that the federal election committee investigate $62,000 of that money that busch paid to her now-husband. he was her boyfriend back then. she hired him to be a security guard from her campaign account. you may remember congresswoman busch, one of the big proponents of defunding the police in 2020. i mention it again. look how much she spent to make sure she certainly didn't defund her protection. president biden's team pushing hard now to win back critical
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voting blocks. he is fresh off meeting with black churchgoers in south carolina trying to leverage his faith to get their votes. today he will be in florida where polls show latino voters are turning away from democrats. his campaign is looking to rake in some big money, too, with two fundraisers there. tickets going for up to $250,000. that's a lot of broccoli. next weekend a another pricey fundraiser in las vegas, $5 thousand to be listed as a friend of biden and a whopping $1 hundred thousand to be a host. perhaps more valuable, biden aides are reportedly hoping to lock up taylor swift's endorsement. a question about that brought this reaction from the white house. >> so what was swift support, any plans to go on tour? >> so let me first say i have to be really mindful. i'm a federal employee.
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i know in my shop and the press office shop a lot of swifties, fans of taylor swift. i will leave it there. i'm not going to get into the president's schedule at all from here as it relates to the 2024 elections. >> harris: i do want to get into the schedule, the hatch act and swifties. let's do it. power panel charlie hurt. washington times opinion editor and fox news contributor. jose, former dnc press secretary. welcome, gentlemen. charlie, swifties, the hatch act. talk to me. >> yeah, you know, it's really funny. i have never heard so much talk of the hatch act as we hear about it now. i think it's an effort by the administration to cover up the fact that just about everything that they do actually as an administration is designed for politics. and so i think that they just throw out the word in order to
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sort of prevent all that. i also think it's really interesting you noted two things. he is going to florida to raise money. he is not going to campaign. that's how far gone florida is thanks to donald trump and ron desantis. it is a -- that was the perennial swing state for decades. it is now a solid red state because of the policies of trump and ron desantis. the other thing that i think is really interesting is that they are pinning their hopes for the election on taylor swift. good luck with that. >> harris: she is a little busy. i have my chief mug not far away from here. i will come to you who say. "new york times" laid out president biden's 2024 campaign plan. inside biden's anti-trump battle plan. axios points out that after three years of avoiding using trump's name, he is now going all in. in a speech saturday in columbia, south carolina, the
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trump word 22 times. here is a taste. >> president biden: i want you to imagine -- to imagine the future nightmare if trump is back in office. donald trump. donald trump, donald trump, donald trump. donald trump. donald trump is a defeated former president. trump and his maga friends. trump and his maga friends. donald trump is a loser. and you are the reason. we are going to win and beat him again. >> harris: what is the strategy there, jose? >> let me start by saying that we welcome taylor swift's support. >> harris: i know you are thirsty for it. don't say it from the lectern at the white house because you will ge act. >> the president is taking this campaign head on and call president trump a loser. he lost an election ones and he will lose it again. it's working.
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we are getting under president trump eva's skin. >> harris: it isn't showing up in any polling. >> it is showing the way he is messing up. he called nikki haley nancy pelosi. he has been messing up quite a bit lately. i think president -- former president trump knows this will be a close election whether you are a democrat or republican. i'm glad to see the biden campaign taking it seriously and here in florida. they have plenty of cash to do the traveling. $100 million in the coffers. that's part of politics. money matters. the president will continue talking the record stock marked and gas prices coming down . we're heading in the right direction. >> harris: there is a whole lot of headwind when prices aren't touched yet. the rate of inflation has come down. not the prices. energy. by the way, that's outside the
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flags average they keep. go ahead, charlie. >> of course if you are taylor swift you are thriving under the biden economy, but nobody else is. >> harris: okay. we'll move forward. >> that's not true. >> harris: who is thriving like taylor swift in this economy? she lifts the economy. that's why you want her. i get it. okay. a new op-ed argues a third party bid might just win the presidency in 2024. quote, if independent recruiters poll carefully and find the right two-person combination from this list an independent bid could gain traction. especially could do well if it finds a unique substantive issue that catches the public's imagination. that idea has democrats and liberal media in an absolute panic. watch. >> are you concerned with the governor's concerns about a third party? >> i am very concerned.
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you have got joe biden, a sane, decent, normal human being running against a man who is an threat to democracy. this is not a normal -- you know what? we can afford to have a spoiler. >> i do think this country is overdue for another option than just two political parties. but i think you have to think how to do it the right way. >> this is not a time for a third party. there is not a runway for bringing a third party. >> harris: charlie. >> the only people who looking for a third party option are democrats who for obvious reasons, joe biden is that uninspiring. but the other problem with this is that donald trump is sort of the quintessential third party candidate. he has come into our politics from neither party and disrupted both parties and why so many people love him. >> a third party candidate would be not good news for biden or former president trump.
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i don't think it will happen. i think we're too late in the game. primaries are almost over. conventions coming up. i don't think it will happen. i understand the media wants to make it sensational. i don't see that happening. >> harris: we're not exaggerating or making it -- people are looking for something different. the question is, is something would say no label what they are looking for? gentlemen, good to see you. the man accused of having an affair with district attorney fani willis is making a last-ditch effort to get his financial information sealed in his divorce case documents already reveal thousands of dollars spent on luxury travel. allegedly with the woman in the center there, d.a. fani willis. it is all casting major doubt on georgia's trump election interference case. plus more and more countries are pulling funding from the united nations relief and works agency unrwa as it's called after a
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report showed employees were actually linked to the october 7th hamas attack on israeli citizens. critics say it is no surprise and the u.s. needs to take a stand. >> we have known this was a corrupt institutions. i will not be shocked at all if we learn that there wasn't just a dozen, but dozens and dozens and dozens of u.n. employees proving the u.n.'s moral failure. >> harris: former house oversight chairman jason chaffetz in "focus" next.
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there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add a new footlong sidekick. like the boss with the new footlong cookie. this might be my favorite sidekick ever. what? every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick.
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>> harris: israeli intelligence documents some something shocking. some 1200 employees who were supposed to help people in gaza for the u.n., actually have ties to hamas. the united nations relief and works agency is investigating itself after firing 12 staffers last week. israel accuses those particular workers of taking part in the october 7th terrorist attack. reaction has been swift and sharp. >> hopefully the investigation will give us more insight. it's really important this investigation be as thorough and
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transparent and credible as possible. >> they are highly, highly credible. unrwa continues to play an absolutely indispensable role trying to make sure men, women and children who need assistance in gaza actually get it. >> harris: you heard where i started. some 1200 employees of that group at the u.n. that is supposed to help the people of gaza, are tied to hamas. critics in congress are pushing to defund the agency. >> there is a systemic issue going on with the u.n. inside of gaza. these individuals, they don't care about the citizens. they only care about killing israelis. hands down that's it. so if we can't control the money and they are using it to fund the war, we need to stop the flow of it. >> harris: the "new york post" editorial board takes it a step farther. never mind, unrwa, end u.s.
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protesting for united nations itself. so far 16 countries have paused their funding to that united nations agency and those include the united states now, canada and great britain. jason chaffetz fox news contributor, former utah congressman. do you think it's a one off and never happened before and that it is brand-new? >> i find it stunning that secretary blinken admitted the united states has no ability or desire to go and investigate themselves. we pour billions oll through the years into this organization and we don't have any oversight of how that money is being spent? in the trump administration, they stopped this. they wanted to hold back on this because there was evidence it was being misused for nefarious reasons. now we have evidence of something that is catastrophic as it gets. there is no reason why american taxpayers, why you, me and everybody watching this show
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should be funding this kind of garbage over there in the middle east. it is -- why do we have to do that? >> harris: like you said. for the incidents that happened previously. i figured there must have been something that led up to this. there was an opportunity to do some of that defunding. all right. so i'm curious now, though, what the next steps are. you led, you were chairman of house oversight. what should be happening? >> they should immediately hold back all of that funding and probably funding to the u.n. itself. the greater mission. in doing so guess what? you get people's attention. don't send them the check or show them the money you will get their attention real quick. we should be dictating the terms of how that money is administered. we should be dictating how that happens. no, that's not the bay this administration does it. they hand it out, billions of dollars going to iran. that's a different situations. billions of dollars going over to this organization. and they are part and parcel of
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the attack itself according to this report. harris, hold the money. >> harris: hold the money. the special prosecutor on georgia's trump election interference case now wants to keep his divorce case files out of the public eye. hold the files. that prosecutor is nathan wade and he allegedly was involved in a love affair with georgia district attorney fani willis, who was leading the case. she hired him on the trump interference election interference case. he filed a protective order reading this way. to keep his business private. the plaintiff shows this court that due to the sensitive nature of the party's financial information and documents it is appropriate this court enters a protective order. wade and willis have been in the spotlight all around that alleged romantic relationship that according to receipts because they are in the divorce battle, so his wife joslin has
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receipts, they have lavish vacations that were apparently a pinched unsealed documents have shown $6 thousand -- >> the public's right to know outweighs this. interesting that nathan wade according to the report i read filed for divorce the day after he got this lavish $6 hundred thousand contract for a job he had no experience, he hadn't done it. i hope the court does the right thing here. the public has the right to know in this high-profile case. >> harris: i have looked at the timeline time and time again. that's an interesting detail, the timing of that. then it would bring in -- you would know better than i, the question of quid pro quo. not saying there was any. that's a question. if you try to exit one contract,
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marital contract because you entered a lucrative one that paid you $650,000, questions. >> and his ex wife going through this divorce is probably going to make a good case she needs that money. the biggest issue, though, harris, is about the meetings at the white house. what was he doing there? why were they meeting? who were they meeting with? that's what congress has to get to. >> harris: were they coordinating in some way the cases against trump, court dates, any facets of those cases. that's what you have the drill down into. so much with this. it all got tipped because of the alleged love affair. i just like to say it. thank you. thank you so much for watching "the faulkner focus." following me on twitter, x as we call it these days as we pray for the patriots we've lost and for all in the middle east who are serving. "outnumbered" after the break. yay - woo hoo!
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