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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 30, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> kayleigh: president biden speaking a short time ago telling reporters he has decided exactly how he will respond to iran-backed proxy attacks that killed three american soldiers so young. biden's response may be the most consequential of his presidency. this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany. here with kennedy saves the world host kennedy, president of american spirit enterprises, tammy bruce, and david avella. white house facing pressure to hit back hard after death of wil william jerome rivers and specialist kennedy ladon sanders and breonna alexsondria moffett. after u.s. forces have been targeted 160 times since october
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7, the biden administration is reportedly on alert for a potential attack by iran-backed groups in the u.s. and abroad. the president says he knows what he's going to do. [indiscernible] >> president biden: yes. >> have you made a decision -- >> death of the three americans? >> president biden: i do hold them responsible in the sense they are supplying weapons to the people who did it. we'll have that discussion. [indisc [indiscernible] >> president biden: we'll see. [indiscernible] >> president biden: i don't think we need a wider war in the middle east, that is not what i'm looking for. >> kayleigh: president biden was
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out of sight yesterday planning and he knows what he's going to do, but politico seems to have a pretty good idea of what president biden is going to do. this befuddles me, kennedy, look at this in politico, based on accounts from officials, i assume in the pentagon among options on the table of striking iranian personnel or the persian gulf, officials suggested once the president gives go-ahead retaliation will begin in next couple of days. why does the press know this? >> kennedy: someone in the administration is telling them, that might be out of frustration, they are upset in the direction the president is taking. and how he performs or missteps
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in speeches is short of a metaphor for foreign policy. we want the president to protect us. we want to know here in the united states, what we are up against. we have those concerns and there are concerns, there is a civil war within his administration, not to mention congress, they want power to declare war, they want congressional power and will fight the president over this. those are three fractions going up against him. >> kayleigh: biden administration, they are walking blindly, prepare for a bad case of whiplash as you watch this. listen to the biden administration, just four months, the language change. >> war in yemen is in 19-month truce, iranian attacks against
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u.s. forces have stopped, i emphasize for now, that can change. middle east is quieter today than in two decades. >> i would argue we have not seen a situation as dangerous as the one we are facing across the region since 1973. >> kayleigh: safe four months ago and now never been as dangerous. >> harris: biden foreign policy is dangerous for the country. we sold weapons to a lot of people that does not make us complicit in wars. not just iran has given them weapons or trained and paid for, it is having them do iran's bidding, that makes them complicit in the war. i don't want president biden to misrepresent it is us in what it does in selling whatever it sells. that is not what this is about.
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this is about command and control. are you getting people to do your killing and dirty work, that is what iran is doing. he has to get his story straight and be able to say it several times per day. according to jacqui heinrich 45 minutes ago, she said, i keep looking, the president has not put on his schedule reaching out to the families of the three patriots we just lost, attending their funeral or any recognition. how about recognizing those that have been hit 165 times since october 7th. those are patriots, certainly he has time for that if he has time for a broccoli dinner or whatever they are serving in two states they are visiting. >> kayleigh: john kirby couldn't confirm if he would be at the
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dignified trans fer. this is deadliest attack since abbey gate. being there matters. something else that matters is history and accountability. go back and look at joe biden's tweets from 2020. memory lane. donald trump brought us close to starting a war with iran. i don't remember that. donald trump has no strategy, no end game, only way out is self-made crisis. that is your own foreign policy. he says make no mistake, situation with iran is crisis of donald trump's own making. this is in 2020 and i'm thankful no one was hurt in last night's attack. we are in this mess because donald trump pulled out of the iran deal. that was three years ago. >> he doesn't understand, the
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killing of soleimani, getting out of that deal, stopped throwing money at the iranians. they were having major difficulties with soleimani it shocked them and they could not respond because trump had image they did not know what he was going to do, which is great. they also understand what the nature of these relationships are and what iran is and his remarks about iran is selling weapons, that is attempt to mitigate iran's position and their actions, as though he is speaking for them, to defend them. iranians don't need to do it now, they have biden doing it in addition to three deaths, dozens injured and frishgs-year-old brother and best friend, a 23
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and 24 year old. american families who went to do a job issue get an education and defend the country and they are out, gone and generations from those people are gone, no children, no grandchildren. he is going to a fund raiser, they don't know if they will go to dover? outrageous. >> harris: look at the scroll, what's happened since october 17th, how do we tolerate this >> kayleigh: nothing meaningful done. i agree, kennedy, about officials speaking out, they are frustrated. another political article, more than a dozen current and former aides say washington deep prioritization of middle east has left the u.s. vulnerable.
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>> there is a theme in this biden administration, american's personal security is afterthought, whether national security, border security or what americans are facing as crime continues to rise. a lot of people continue to look at this administration during election year, one is partners in middle east, jordan or kuwait who say are we going to continue to allow iran to cause problems in middle east? you have family members who go vote and say is this president doing everything to protect my loved one over there fighting for national security. this has big implication for biden, and for biden's reelection. >> kayleigh: this is about 24-year-old kennedy sanders, i can't believe i will never be able to hug and kiss my baby again. i want my baby. breonna alexsondria moffett's mom, she was 23 years old. i will never get to cook your
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favorite food, never talk on the phone, never see you walk through my front door, breonna alexsondria moffett was killed this morning, part of my soul is missing, rest easy, you will always be my first born. we hold you in our prayers, thank you for your sacrifice, you are heroes. squad member cori bush now under investigation. that is nook. smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. trt.y e at [sneeze] dude you coming? ♪ alka-seltzer plus powermax gels cold & flu relief with more concentrated power because the only thing dripping should be your style. plop plop fizz fizz winter warriors with alka-seltzer plus.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> harris: breaking news fox confirms democratic congresswoman cori bush is under federal investigation has new information. now she allegedly misused funds
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intending to pay her boyfriend security detail. $62,000 of it, the portion they are looking at. however, representative bush spent on security. watch dog is demanding to investigate the 62 grand bush paid her now husband. they got married after he was her body guard. kennedy, like a movie with taxpayer money. >> kennedy: like a movie and this is the sequel, we have seen this before from other members of the squad. if you remember our dear minnesota congresswoman was having a little tryst. >> you are not talking about whitney houston's movie. >> kennedy: kevin costner was a
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hot body guard. the white house will not look kindly on the plot of this tale. this is misappropriations of funds. you can't stick your hand in the cookie jar for a snack. >> harris: let that sit there. the doj gets involved, what does that mean? this has been cooking for a while. >> they have credible evidence and you see more squad members getting primary challenges and democrats have enough of the squad, whether they get them through judicial process or political process, certainly the squad has a lot of folks after them. >> what is going on with this group. they were helping too many people and not just themselves, allegedly. >> tammy: this is like transactional nature of if you
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view american taxpayer dollars like water and now it is yours. these are people who promoted and run defund the police movement. individual americans do not skr security. including first two years of her tenure, she spent half a million on private security. as we look, if you view this money as yours personally, as that you are entitled to it, it is like water and who it is you are hiring and who you dpet involved with, it is tip of the i'm going berg when it comes to nature of the behavior. i hope we get more information. >> it is redistribution. >> harris: interesting point. i would have asked in 2020, what was she being protected from?
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people did not know who she was. she is a squad member now, far left of the democratic party. >> kayleigh: and a defund the policer. shoutout to fox news digital, this was their reporting and now d.o.j. is looking into this. they reported 62,000 went to her boyfriend, now her husband. all perns performing security function in the city of st. louis must be licensed to do so and he did not have a security license. so $60,000 to him and he did not have a license. >> harris: sounds familiar. fani willis under investigation right now for the affair she had. she hired as district attorney
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on trump's case somebody that had never and fox news research department found it ajud indicated a felony. he was municipal court for . >> kennedy: love doesn't need a license. >> tammy: cori bush report was february of lat year. she keeps saying we got to defund the police and spends on the men. >> harris: that is a long time they had to look at this. >> kayleigh: doj can act quickly when they want to, ask pro-life community. >> harris: we'll move on. chilling exclusive footage of illegal immigrants entering our country after being dropped off at the southern border. they needed a ride to get here. ,
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>> harris: house republicans moving ahead with impeachment push of alejandro mayorkas over his handling of biden's border crisis and floor vote to impeach mayorkas could happen next week. at southern border, things getting worse. footage shows what border communities are dealing with everyday and illegals are being dropped off at a big hole in the wall. some of them are a mile wide. you need a ride to get there. thanks for the ride. this group includes people from countries from china, india, turkey, illegal crossing into eastern san diego county before their smuggler drives off back into mexico. drop and go.
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despite using executive order to undo trump-era policies, president biden claims he needs the power to fix it. >> have you done everything you can do with executive authority or is there more you could do? >> president biden: i've done all i can do. give me the power, i've asked since the day i got into office. >> harris: tammy. >> tammy: it's unbelievable. i don't know if he believes what he's saying about immigration deal on the hill and you have to allow certain number in. give me more people. hes he's done everything he can do, i believe him. but he means ruining things and opening the border. he's done everything to open the border. he's done everything he can do.
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we don't know what he's answering. that is what he's saying, they have done nothing. you can reverse your own executive order. this is disaster, not because of congress, because in first two days, over 100 were ready, it was going to destroy the border because we wanted it close and this is punishment and remains our punishment. >> harris: that is their miscalculation. this is not about trump, it was good for the country. iowa caucuses showed it is still important to the country. >> kayleigh: still number one in iowa and new hampshire. give me the power. his son, give me the money. president biden, you have the power, when you don't have power, find the power, footnote,
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student loans. you rolled back executive orders from president trump you can put back in effect. this is not new, look at the chart, encounters during biden administration. only congress can provide it, false. he says you claim we have failed to enforce immigration laws, that is false. you have failed 6 million got in. >> harris: interesting what tammy says, maybe it wasn't a failure. maybe he is flexing to a crowd that is invisible to us. >> kennedy: if they are flexing to hispanic voters, they are leaving the administration in droves. two things here, have you immigration and border. congress could do more on immigration and i don't hear
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anything from the president his feelings are hurt, he had both branches of congress and presidency and could have passed border security when democrats were in power. you did not hear him say give me the power when he had the power. mayorkas talks about a legislative fix, him giving up his authority and responsibility, which he should not have. i think this is most appropriate impeachment conversation we've had in the last 20 years. he doesn't want the job because he is failing miserably. his part is the border part and it is a sieve. >> harris: handed it to vice president kamala harris. president brandon judd had this to say about secretary mayorkas. >> congress would be derelict if
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they did not hold him accountable. look at total number of people crossing illegally and released into the united states. what happens to people released in the united states? they are never leaving, ice does not deport them. last year we deported 144,000 people. >> harris: i mean, it is so obvious. >> it is and no issue drives republicans to the poll more than border issues. it is way for president trump to expand, democrats and republicans are questioning. this goes from house impeaching to senate trial, where does the senator from arizona kyrsten sinema, where does the senator from montana, tester, vote on
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this issue? >> tammy: great point. >> where do they go? >> harris: we might have an idea about kyrsten sinema, one point that was biggest trove of fentanyl coming across the border. they hit one section in eagle pass and bring the drugs through another entry point. we're looking live at eagle pass, texas. people are swimming their way. agents who risk their lives getting into that water, the men and women are doing everything to protect people on both sides, they have a right to have a side dedicated to american citizens without illegals. that is rough water and people in it all day long, they have containers and razor wire. we'll see what happens in the showdown between texas and the federal government. first lady jill biden attacking donald
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trump for making the president look bad. w what! (♪) your ancestry is so much more than names and dates. (♪) c'mon! it's the story of your family - then and now. a story that made your name mean something. a story you're still writing. so discover your heritage. preserve your traditions. represent all that makes you, you. (♪) were you worried the wedding would be too much? nahhhh... [inner monologue] another destination wedding?! we just got back from her sister's in napa. who gets married in napa? my daughter. who gets married someplace more expensive? my other daughter! cancun! jamaica! why can't they use my backyard?!
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doing everything he can to make joe look bad. you know, even at the live sacrificing of so many people for his own political gain. she said that in texas and we could be relieved she did not say latinos are unique like breakfast tacos, she did that. this is donald trump is to blame here, except that is not true. trump didn't get her husband to have a record low. >> tammy: donald trump has more power than joe biden, can influence senate, in control of images of other people. he has everything, except a special magic wasn't. the first ladies her husband is so ineffective that maga trump
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king is running the nation. he is supposed to know what he's doing and other hand, donald trump is punching him in the nose. you want the one in charge or the one who is snot? if we didn't have the internet, this is like the '60s, people hear you and walter cronkite. kayleigh mcenany said it, wraltr cronkite is gone. >> kayleigh: this is interesting, daily mail described her as the attack dog. shoo is a decent sursurrogate, i
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watched her on msnbc. >> harris: i don't know how much she wants to jump into politics, they are fierce and divided and it starts in her own party. will she talk to the muslim crowd who calls him genocide joe? they are asking to do the right thing. will she jump into that? it might take that. when you talk about how inflated she's made one man's power over the actual man in office. the president said sitting president trump, maybe they have that conversation so much at home jill pounded into him he's actually the president, joe. >> kayleigh: david, chris whippel wrote an article, joe biden has yet to explain why he is running for a second term.
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i spoke with a dozen campaign managers, the campaign will be more successful if it let's joe be joe and talk the way he actually talks. he wants to get rid of the easter bunny that had to hop over to keep joe from talking. >> the first lady is still on his side and that can't be said of all democrats. in 2016, obama picked hillary over joe biden. you now actively have members of the obama administration attacking joe biden, including david axelrod. biden coalition has fallen apart and key groups are questioning. it is happening because it is joe biden policies. whether border security, causing
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inflation to get rorer, americans can say why they don't like him and you hear donald trump talking about securing the border and energy policy. every speech he talks about issues he knows joe biden is vulnerable on. >> kaylee: interesting point in the "new york times" op ed that is spot on. 2012, clinton gave a speed at democratic nationanventi and he said clinton said this, here is challenge he faces. americans are angry and frustrated about the economy. employment is growing and banks are beginning to lend again. sometimes you have to acknowledge inflation is bad, economy is not great, here is what i'll do to fix it and we never hear that from joe biden. >> kennedy: reality bites them and you are right, people are sophisticated, we have a 24-hour everything cycle.
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people have access to this information always, most important how they are feeling and how the economy is affecting them and when they are being co condescended to, they no longer trust people in power. this is outdated model, people are not just getting the paper, i will be on with my news. they are bombarded with constant facts and most dignified reaction is being honest with them, we were at the speech in 2 2012, it was a time when clinton was powerful and now he's a nut case and no one listening to a word he says. in foreign policy, clip from jake sullivan, nothing to see
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here, middle east is calm and same with mayorkas, the border is secure. stop lying to people. >> kayleigh: you can't hide $20 chicken i purchased yesterday. >> harris: did it cook itself? >> kayleigh: i had to cook it, crazy. elon musk newest invention might be going to your head literally. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call.
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>> police chief of one chicago suburban calling out increasing criminal activity authorities say are coming from the migrant community. what he's seeing coming up. and mr. wonderful will react to mark cuban's promotion of dei policies and two live events one at state department and one at pentagon while we await response to the deadly attacks overseas. join us at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪
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>> kayleigh: tech mogul elon musk has made its way to the human brain. musk's latest innovation, connect people's brains to technology enabling control of phones, computers, using just your thought. musk revealed major milestone, posting, first human received an implant yesterday and recovering well. promising neuron spike detection. this has huge promise kennedy, for someone with als, there was similar device implanted and it reversed parkinsons. i never want my thoughts being fed to big tech. >> kennedy: i'm not worried about big tech as much as people
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around me. i'm worried i would be sitting there going, you look fat in those pants. what? i ask if you want to dance. the promise will outweigh that and trust the people developing the technology, many have family members who suffer from dementia and als and application could be ground breaking, i'm optimistic right now. >> kayleigh: no small matter. dr. seuss an snyder, inner most thoughts objection be sold. >> harris: as long as they are not attributed to us. i have interesting thoughts, just don't say i said it.
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people with brain diseases, who lose more memory than they thought they had made, they can't capture that and people in their lives are hurt. it would be great to never lose your memory. it might help us live longer. i don't know, it has a lot of potential. like anything else, everything has a down side, we don't know what that is yet. let's keep innovating and keep our eyes open. >> kayleigh: being the first person to sign up, i would be scared out of my mind. >> as if elon musk's x is not enough. for most folks, having a chip in your brain is weird and odd and something most americans don't
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want. >> kayleigh: i wouldn't. daily mail say major issues are lithium battery, implant's wires mitigating in the brain and not damaging brain tissue. elon musk said he would feel comfortable to put this into one of his children. he said it would not be dangerous. >> tammy: i believe the first patient is a quadriplegic. it will have issues, like cloning, we know cloning is great when it comes to organs and other things, we will not clone a human being, there are moral issues with that. same dynamic, be able to embrace benefits and same thing with psychedelic drugs like mdma, it is handled as a therapeutic and being used with ptsd.
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the drug now known as ecstasy. our answer was to sweep it away and not do it, when there is benefits. we have to recognize, have benefits and recognize it has to be contained, cloning is the best example of this. otherwise, the government will see it as an opportunity and that would have to be -- couldn't go on. >> kayleigh: fantastic, think als, how powerful this could be. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. # # # # # # # ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing)
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♪♪ >> harris: felt like tuesday, doesn't it feel like friday? i love the music. last but not least, we all remember when the pregnant man emoji hit the phones, kayleigh, the day kayleigh almost walked off the couch, she was done.
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anyway, now at least 118 brand-new emojis are on the way, yipee. a phoenix, a lime, and smiley faces shaking their heads. i thought we already had that. that's not all, a series of inclusive new neutral, gender neutral family icons. gender neutral family icons. what does that mean, exactly? what do you think? >> i don't know, all i know is it's a long way until they beat out the red hearts and the thumb's up. number one emojis. >> that's my favorite. with this, almost like -- i like sitting in back of suvs the stick families and the dad and the mom in a dress and the little girl, and americans, we are not looking for -- it's like faceless, it's a generic dynamic. put it up to create your own emoji with the pieces like the
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mr. potato head. >> harris: they have some of that, i'm curious gender neutral. why didn't you just have a smiley face, a smiley days does not have a gender ascribed to it anyway. >> absolutely not. i will tell you this. they didn't have a stork. so when guy benson and his husband welcomed their baby i had to use a flamingo and a handbag and baby, because they didn't have a stork. >> they would probably like the flamingo better. >> kayleigh: low hanging fruit here the pregnant man, i was so prepared to grab that but melissa and the dennis, the producers, thanks for taking my talking point. i'm with you, david. these are -- the nodding head, thumb's up -- no pregnant man. >> harris: seems passive aggressive to me, like a thumb's up, like yeah, and thumb's down
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is not yeah. but when you are just kind of -- >> kayleigh: i prefer you can touch the message and thumb's up or down, you know what i'm talking about. >> and also makes it more personal. the heart and the thumb's up, it can be anybody, not just because they are like that thumb is yellow and now you can change skin tone, which is great, but the same time, it's not a person's face, right. it's not personal. like i approve of you, like great us into. that's where we should keep that. >> harris: i don't know, gender politics are everywhere now, in the emojis. awaiting two updates from the biden administration this afternoon, the first at 1:15 eastern, state department will hold a news conference with matthew miller. at 2:30, the pentagon will hold a briefing wit general patrick ryder, hopefully hear more about a strike against the iran-backed groups on our people. "america reports" now.


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