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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 30, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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is not yeah. but when you are just kind of -- >> kayleigh: i prefer you can touch the message and thumb's up or down, you know what i'm talking about. >> and also makes it more personal. the heart and the thumb's up, it can be anybody, not just because they are like that thumb is yellow and now you can change skin tone, which is great, but the same time, it's not a person's face, right. it's not personal. like i approve of you, like great us into. that's where we should keep that. >> harris: i don't know, gender politics are everywhere now, in the emojis. awaiting two updates from the biden administration this afternoon, the first at 1:15 eastern, state department will hold a news conference with matthew miller. at 2:30, the pentagon will hold a briefing wit general patrick ryder, hopefully hear more about a strike against the iran-backed groups on our people. "america reports" now.
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>> yes. >> responsible for the death of those three americans. >> i do hold responsible in the sense they are supplying the weapons to the people who did it. >> attacks in the past, what will be different this time? >> we'll see. >> john: president biden declaring he is holding the iranian regime responsible for the deaths of three u.s. soldiers. and then he has made up his mind how america will respond. hello, john roberts in washington, up for a big tuesday, sandra. >> sandra: awaiting for how we plan to respond. we'll see what we hear in the next two hours. sandra smith in new york. comments come as we are now expecting to hear from both the state department a short time from now and the pentagon shortly. where they will be likely pressed on biden's decision that could be one of the most consequential of his presidency. >> john: complete coverage now, former vice president mike pence
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says a strong response is needed to avoid emboldening america's adversaries. he is with us to discuss how to handle the moment. >> sandra: alex hogan on the latest from israel. >> john: and jennifer griffin live at the pentagon. has the president spoken with the families of the fallen soldiers yet? >> that's right, president biden just spoke to the family members of the three american soldiers killed in jordan and will attend the dignified transfer at dover air force base. they belonged to an army reserve unit from fort moore, georgia, killed by the proxy while they slept in their barracks. parents of 24-year-old specialist kennedy sanders spoke about all the generations from their family who served in the u.s. military. kennedy's grandfather was in the army, her older brother in the navy. uncle in the navy and cousin in
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the air force. >> she chose to serve the country and give us our freedoms, you know, be part of us getting our freedoms and stuff happens and it's hard for the parents to endure. that's why i honor her so much and believe she's a hero. >> she celebrated her 23rd birthday nine days ago and inseperable. the two were always together. >> kennedy was a fun-loving person, lived her life to the fullest, she enjoyed life. she was anime enthusiast, open to learning new things and i just encourage everyone, you know, to do the same. >> cia director and cni director
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are on the hill for a presecured meeting. the drone attack was not the only drone attack carried out by iranian proxy forces sunday. a drone threatened al-asad air base that same day but caused no damage and two hours after the attack on tower 22 in jordan, another drone targeted a garrison miles from tower 22 but shot down. president biden has made a decision how to respond. i'm told by well-placed sources to expect a campaign with multiple targets that could last days, not a single response like we have seen in the past. john. >> john: we'll look ahead to the future to see what it holds. jennifer, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: deadly attack on u.s. service members in jordan raising fears of expanding war in the middle east. idf confirming it is flooding tunnels where hamas terrorists
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could be hiding. alex hogan is live in tel aviv. what does this fighting situation look like right now? >> hi, sandra. we traveled into khan younis, the second largest city in gaza, and the sound of gunfire is constant. every few minutes, new plumes of smoke nearby showing just how many ground battles are playing out at the same time. >> driving into gaza embedded with the 55th brigade. on the ground, this sound, a warning of what's ahead. far less obvious troops warn is the constant threat of ambushes from below. >> more than 5,000 holes and tunnel in gaza. >> this is one of the fortified tunnels used by hamas, the idf just blew this up last night. we are about a quarter of the mile from the border with israel. as we are down here, troops get word. >> wounded soldier. >> about another injured comrade.
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driving deeper into the strip, grass is replaced with the remains of flattened suburbs. we are in khan younis, a lot of explosions. taken to a school, israeli soldiers said hamas stashed weapons here and dug a tunnel under the playground. >> hamas squad in the basement of the school, they popped up and started shooting at us, literally the story of the war. >> as we wait outside, a massive explosion shakes the area. soldiers don't even flinch. visibility is going down, we can feel some of the ash falling, a heavy smell of smoke. no front line in this war. close range ground battles are visible in every direction. >> we are working systematically, one zone after the other, dismantling their infrastructure. >> many of the 2 million people who have fled are displaced out of their homes in gaza have left places like this. the areas of khan younis where it has been leveled as far as
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the eye can see. last week was the deadliest attack on troops in gaza since the start of the war, and i talked with soldiers there in khan younis who say the constant threat and fear of ambushes is always on their mind. sandra. >> sandra: alex hogan reporting from tel aviv, thank you. john. >> john: let's bring in former vice president mike pence, with us now with some analysis on this and you sit in unique position being in 1 of 2 administration's who actually punched iran hard over their bad behavior. biden says he's decided how to respond. you say it's time that iran paid the price. lay out for us how you think that should look. >> john, first, my sympathies and condolences to the families of our three fallen heroes and those injured in this attack, and i think i am -- i welcome president biden's announcement that he's made a decision, the time to act is now, but i think
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it's absolutely essential that the united states respond with overwhelming force in this case. look, now i speak not as a former vice president only but as my son is a marine, my son-in-law is a navy pilot, they both have been deployed to that region over the last several years. we are talking about american soldiers that were killed and by militia sponsored by iran. it's important we hold iran accountable, that iran pay the price, and i'm going to continue to be a voice for not a proportionate response but we ought to see overwhelming force like 1988 when president ronald reagan, we had a ship that came across an iranian mine, almost sank, no lives were lost but ronald reagan made the call to sink half the iranian navy. >> john: and yours as president
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trump's administration responded after a contractor was killed by a proxy, and the response was to take out soleimani and send a warning to the ayatollah that he was next on the list if they did not stop. >> john, it's the only thing iran understands. iran is the leading sponsor of terrorism in the world. everything that we see happening, all the way back to october 7th, look, we know who holds hamas's leash, who holds hezbollah's leash. nothing happens in that part of the world by terrorists that doesn't ultimately go back to tehran. but i do want to say this as unspeakable as those events were, we are not talking about american lives lost at the hands of iranian proxies. there has to be an overwhelming response to that, not a pinprick response. my hope is that what president
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biden has approved is not striking more militia bases as they have done in the past in syria or in iraq, but actually to take this fight directly to iranian forces and frankly, i think the time has come for them to strike oil or military infrastructure in iran. >> john: in iran itself. so the president has said that the last thing he wants is a war with iran. he's afraid of provoking iran, afraid of widening the current conflict. this is what the secretary of state said yesterday about all of that. listen here. >> i would argue that we have not seen a situation as dangerous as the one we are facing now across the region since at least 1973 and arguably even before that. >> john: who is responsible for that? and what responsibility does president biden have for the current situation that we are in? because as you know, bob gates,
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former secretary of defense said he has been wrong on every foreign policy decision for the past 40 years. >> i've said mean times, weakness arouses evil. disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan, half hearted support for the ukrainian military against russia, i think it's emboldening enemies around the world. created conditions where hamas moved and launched the worst assault on the jewish people since the holocaust. now again i think -- i think iran has crossed a red line here and remember, we -- it was -- obama administration talked about red lines and did nothing about it. and shortly after that that was the first time russia invaded ukraine. look, i -- when syria crossed that red line under our administration, we sent 58 cruise missiles into syria, not once, but twice. iran only understands strength. they have crossed a red line. they have taken american service
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members' lives, injured dozens of others. now is the time for america to act with overwhelming force and restore the deterrence that president biden has squandered in the region since day one. >> john: see what the president has in mind. we have not had an opportunity to speak with you since you suspended your campaign. is there an endorsement for mike pence forthcoming for one of the two remaining candidates? >> look, i could never support joe biden, he's a disaster for the country at home and abroad. i'm incredibly proud of the record of our administration, but i haven't weighed in yet. i'm waiting not only to see how the primary plays out but more importantly the people that we well know. for me it's all about the vision, the ideas and i'm waiting to see our nominee, whoever that is, comes down on issues important to the country, strong defense, america's role as leader of the free world, tackling the national debt, standing for the right to life
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and ultimately standing firmly on the constitution of the united states. i'm going to look for those positions and i'll weigh in at the right time. >> john: looks like 1 of 2 people at this point. mr. vice president, good to catch up with you. thanks for dropping by. appreciate it. now this. >> we cannot allow this man to remain in office any longer. the time for accountability is now. >> sandra: house homeland security committee finalizing articles of impeachment against dhs secretary mayorkas. the committee has been debating for several hours now with fiery moments from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is live on the how long. how long do we know this is going to take? >> chad: we think this might go well into the night, maybe even overnight this. is a long process. a lot of procedural motions going on. the term high crimes and misdemeanors, that's in the
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constitution, that's what always applies toward impeachment, whether you are dealing with the president, whether you are dealing with a federal judge or in this case a cabinet secretary. keep in mind they have not impeached a cabinet secretary since william belknap, the secretary of war in 1876. listen. >> today is a grave day. we have not approached this day or this process lightly. secretary mayorkas is the very type of public official, the framers feared. someone who would cast aside the laws passed by co-equal branch of government replacing with his own preferences, hurting his fellow americans in the process. >> chad: democrats argue the impeachment of homeland security mayorkas is a way to direct attention to the border crisis ahead of the election. and say the gop is focusing on mayorkas as a proxy for the impeachment investigation of president biden. democrats repeatedly called impeachment of mayorkas a sham. >> we are being fooled that work
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is being done against an individual for treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors. the american people understand that that is not the actions that we are here for today. revenge, vengefulness is why we are here. >> chad: republicans only have the house majority by two seats. it's about the math. democrats reject the impeachment resolution but doubtful any democrats would go for impeachment for mayorkas, even those in swing districts. >> high crimes and misdemeanors is a high threshold when it comes to impeachment but caution any democrat thinking about supporting this that this is just playing into the republican extremism that brings them together. >> chad: probably 2 or 3
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republicans who might vote no. they need all members here next week to possibly impeach mayorkas and would compel a senate trial. >> sandra: interesting stuff as it is ongoing on the hill. thank you. >> i'm still in a state of shock and disbelief, reality probably won't set in until we actually travel to go receive her remains. that's the time that i'm really not looking forward to. >> john: a mother mourning the loss of her daughter along with two other u.s. soldiers. will the state department address iran's role in a briefing minutes from now. we'll be watching for that. >> sandra: we will indeed. dallas maverick's owner mark cuba promoting his dei hiring practices. did he open himself up to a civil rights lawsuit? we will ask his co-star, mr. wonderful, kevin o'leary will join us next.
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by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> john: missouri congresswoman cori bush is a known advocate for defunding the police, now the justice department is conducting a criminal investigation into her for allegedly misspending government funds meant for private security. rich edson joins us now. we remember a couple of years ago this whole thing about her security, but what prompted this investigation? >> well, it very well could be related to that, john. what we are looking at is two sources familiar with the investigation saying it's related with allegations of improperly spending federal security money. we are trying to confirm more details of the federal investigation, no comment from the justice department. in march, representative cori bush faced ethics complaints with the federal election commission for paying her
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husband $60,000 for security in 2022. bush married merits last year, he worked security on her campaign. bush's office says merits is an army veteran, at the time he held no private security license in st. louis or here in d.c. fec rules allow to pay family members at bona fide services for fair market value. house democratic caucus chairman refused to weigh in. >> i don't have any comments on that, that's something for the justice department. i know what you guys have put out and tweeted, that's all i have. i don't have anything more. i haven't talked to her about it, yeah. >> as a vocal advocate of the defund the police movement, bush has been criticized for spending hundreds of thousands on private security. she said she needs it because there have been threats to her life. last night the justice department sent a subpoena to the house to obtain payroll information.
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sergeant-at-arms read it on the house floor. constitution does shield lawmakers from certain types of legal jeopardy related to their official duties of their office, john. >> john: do we know if it's one of those cases? >> we don't know. all we know, the justice department is looking into all this. >> sandra: billionaire mark cuban has championed dei policies, questions whether it could lead to legal trouble for him. cuban posted a message on x saying race and gender can sometimes factor into his hiring process, prompted a response from a federal official saying that is against the law. kevin o'leary is the chairman of o'leary ventures. should this ever have a place in hiring practices first off, kevin, welcome. >> kevin: thank you. you know, working with mark now for almost 15 years and also the work i do in private equity and sovereign wealth, i've got a
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portfolio of over 50 companies in almost every state and we have thousands of employees, and i look, we represent every race, every religion, every gender, not because of some policy pushed on us by regulation. these individuals were hired for merit, and executional skills across every race and gender and sex. and so i think the answer to this as we start to see this narrative bubble up is let the market be the market and stop regulating small business. they know how to solve for themselves. this is the right thing to do because it's good for business. >> sandra: this is what mark cuban said that has folks fired up. he wrote this in a tweet, i've never hired anyone based exclusively on race, gender, religion. i only ever hire the person that would put my business in the best position to succeed and yes, race and gender can be part of that equation. i view diversity as a competitive advantage.
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andrea lucas, an official with the equal opportunity agency replied to cuban saying eeoc commissioner here, unfortunately you are dead wrong on black letter law, sex and race cannot even be a motivating factor nor a plus factor, tie breaker or tipping point. it's important employers understand the ground rules here. here is more from andrea lucas that eeoc official on fox business on the down sides of equity. listen here. >> there's a difference between equity and equality. the equity part of it indicates race-based motivation. equity sounds really nice but actually it just turns into an endless cycle of power grabs and power balances. it really robs people of individual dignity. >> sandra: i mean, my first take when i saw mark cuban's tweet that he was acknowledging he hires the best person for the job. he happens to end up with
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diversity that he sees as a great competitive advantage. was it necessarily a motivating factor of the people he hired, kevin? >> kevin: i think it's misinterpreted. the fact is about small business in america, they are running as fast as they can in an environment where the regional banks are tightening their loan books, they can't get capital, rates are up 70% from 24 months ago, they are trying to survive and they do that by hiring the very best person they can regardless of race, religion, color or gender, and that ends up over a long period of time as i have pointed out in my own portfolio, we have everybody because they are great people working very hard. so i see the issue. on the other hand, you can't mandate what a small business has to do when it's trying to survive in 50 plus states. they do it every day because they have to. they have no choice. and so the idea of getting
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government involved in hiring practices and adding regulatory burden to the portion of the economy, and i remind everybody this, small businesses between 5 and 500 people employ 62% of americans. >> sandra: amen. >> kevin: we are the economy. why in the world would you put anything in the way to impede that? >> sandra: absolutely, the engine of america, i always say. quick final thought on this, because we have daniel matt coming up. he's got 14 million followers on twitter. he stops people, he's gotten famous for asking people what the heck do you do for a living. mostly rich people like you, kevin, watch here. >> hey, what do you do for a living? >> i'm mr. wonderful, i invest in entrepreneurs, help them build great jobs in america, the american dream. >> sandra: simple concept like that, viral, massive following because people love that question, what do you do for a living.
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people like to hear success stories. what did you think when you met him, by the way? >> kevin: he was a great guy but he asked a simple question, i gave a simple answer. the truth is we are so blessed in america with the greatest base of entrepreneurs and we all believe in the american dream. let them do their thing, don't get in their way with more burdensome regulation. they created the economy, created the jobs, leave them alone. >> sandra: daniel mac will be joining us live and pleasantly surprised to hear that he asked you that question. thank you so much, kevin. >> kevin: take care. >> john: just don't let him ask me what i do for a living, i'm still trying to figure it out. state department press briefing under way as they weigh the response to iranian proxies killing soldiers. joni ernst here with reaction to
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all of this coming up next. >> sandra: exclusive video of human smugglers dropping off dozens of illegal migrants in the u.s. head live to the border next. >> it's astonishing that the border patrol is utterly demoralized. you could stop this very quickly and there doesn't seem to be any interest in the biden administration doing it. introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. it can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. you can save $500 every month. >> john: short time from now the pentagon will provide an update as the administration comes under pressure to take direct action against iran. secretary of state antony blinken hinting the response would likely come in stages and be sustained over time. but is this the right move? let's bring in iowa republican senator joni ernst, she recently traveled to israel with a congressional delegation. good to have you on this afternoon. i don't know if you saw him, about a half hour ago mike pence, part of the strike against soleimani during the trump administration, said that
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he believes that the biden administration needs to engage in an overwhelming response against economic and military targets in iran itself. what do you think this president should do in response to the killing of these three service members? >> yes, thank you, john. and i absolutely agree with the former vice president, mike pence, that we should be going whole heartedly after iran. hit them where it counts, and that's in the pocket book and then very targeted strikes against leaders as well. and john, i have to stop right now and just express my condolences to the families of those three servicemembers from the 718th engineer company. this actually is a company that i served in in georgia as a young army reservist. i was a platoon leader with that company. these are great men and women and i feel such sorrow for their loss. >> john: we honor them in their
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sacrifice to this nation. but a lot of people are wondering if it had to come to this. because president biden has been warned again and again and again, you've got to strike back against iran, that's the only way to get them to stop. since the middle of october he's been saying don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, i mean, that's something i say to my golden retriever when he tries to grab a sock out of the drawer. did biden need to take stronger action earlier and where we are now, is that of his making? >> yes, john, of course, he should be taking stronger action. he should have taken stronger action months and months and months ago. 160 strikes against u.s. service members and our positions or posts across the middle east. not all of it coming directly from iran but we know fully well it is coming from iran through the houthis, through other terrorist organizations. and yes, the president has enabled this by allowing this to
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continue. here we have a secretary of defense that has been out of action, finally back at work, there is no communication between the white house and the department of defense, and we have allowed these strikes to continue. this president has got to get with it. these three servicemembers did not have to die. i think it is outrageous that we have a white house that is so concerned about escalation and yet we allow iran to walk all over us and this time taking the blood of american service members. >> john: and speaking of foreign policy decisions, we know the trump administration stopped funding to the united nations relief and works agency in gaza, the biden administration restored it, and now we find that a lot of people who worked in that agency are hamas sympathizers at the very least, some of them took part in the october 7th massacre. and there's a big difference between how this is viewed by the biden administration and the previous one.
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listen to what john kirby said and then nikki haley said this morning. >> let's not impune the good work of a whole agency because of the potential bad actions here by a small number. >> i knew all the officials at unrwa, i saw the schools where they were preaching all this terrorist hate against israelis, graffiti, and i was there on the ground, on told president trump we had to stop the funding. at the end of the day we cut the funding and biden put the funding back. >> john: another example of biden reversing trump policy and having it come back to bite him in the butt. >> i agree whole heartedly, john. you can look at this example of humanitarian funding going into this organization that actually participated in terrorist attacks against our friend and ally israel. you can look at what's going on on the border, he reversed trump's border policies, we see
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now a massive crisis there but as we are looking at this supplemental package, which would include border and relief for israel, for ukraine, for pushing back against china in taiwan, all of this, we need to start drawing a very hard line. i say weapons, not welfare. let's stop sending money to the united nations only to allow them to turn that money against us as the united states. biden needs to take a firm position on this. he is failing at every opportunity. >> john: senator ernst, thank you so much for joining us. appreciate it. swing quickly to the -- as we say good-bye to you, to the state department as matt miller was talking about unrwa. >> compelled to follow what the court was asking it to do. i wanted, you know, you have responded to the state department has responded to the ruling, but on one specific
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thing that the ruling requested of israel is to report in a month on what it's doing to ensure that genocide is not taking place. is that something that the u.s. is calling on israel to comply with? >> so i will say that a number of the things the court called on for israel to do are things that we have said in our public statements, in fact in our private meetings with israel, we wanted to see them do more to allow humanitarian assistance in gaza, see more to ensure that civilians are protected and i will say we respect the court's decision, we respect the ruling as we said last week, and we expect israel to determine what it has to do to comply with that ruling. it's not a ruling that's directed to us, it's directed to israel but do expect them to determine what they need to do to comply with the court's ruling and will engage them about that. >> after the ruling you say we are happy for everything in here, our partner israel should
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comply with what -- >> i think we never want to address hypotheticals before they happen. so yes, we are willing to comment on things after they happen but not hypotheticals before they do. >> the court is also going to rule on friday this week -- >> john: jump back from the briefing, we missed the part he was talking about unrwa as we were discussing with jodie ernst, but the dossier saying a number of people who worked for the agency took part in the october 7th attacks and a lot of hamas sympathizers ensconced in that administration as well. >> sandra: and we have been monitoring the briefing at state, we have not heard a lot of questions yet on how the u.s. plans to respond to the drone attack and the death of those three service members. we have the pentagon briefing coming up which we'll certainly be listening for, updates from that as well, john.
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meanwhile, chronic absenteeism becoming a crisis as kids skip school in droves. former education secretary bill bennett will be here on how to get them, the kids, back in the classroom. plus this. >> what do you do for a living? >> i already know. >> what do you do for a living. >> i love your car. what do you do for a living? >> the question posed to wealthy drivers going viral and making our next guest a wealthy man himself. daniel mac is here to explain his rocket ride to social media stardom. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> sandra: lovely shot of new orleans there. ever see a person driving a luxury car and wonder how can
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they afford it? one social media personality has been able to crack the code and he has gone viral with the results. >> i'm married to jill biden. >> i make youtube videos, sell chocolate, sell burgers. >> raise children. >> it's family. >> what does it look like i'm [bleep]. >> espionage. >> scrambled eggs. >> sandra: so cool. joining us is daniel mac who has more than 20 million followers on social media, thanks to his "what do you do for a living" interviews. daniel mac, welcome. thanks for joining us. we have been so curious about the social media craze and the youtubers going viral, in this case tiktok. millions and millions of people following you because you ask that one simple question, how did this all begin? >> just straight up curiosity. i was fresh out of college and i thought how do i afford a super car one day, might as well ask from the horse's mouth how to do
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it, and cars were kind of the easiest way to do so. >> you like cars as well, we sort of put together this montage of the coolest cars that you also show in your videos, watch here. >> this is -- 1 of 19 ever built. one of the most powerful lambourghini. >> some of the most fun i've had driving. >> new concept car yesterday, it's a gt car, 2 plus 2. >> this is full lm spectrum. >> don't crash that, have fun. >> these are some incredible videos, so you love the cars, and you wanted to own them yourself so you asked the people driving them what do you do for a living. what has been some of your favorite responses so far from that question? >> i have asked some influential people over the last couple years. you know, you see like helen mirren, i was able to drive with
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her, she drifts cars, she said, for a living, and crazy video, and richard branson about to take off on a space ship basically respond he's an astronaut and a ton of other celebrities and whatnot. it's a mixed bag. you never really know what you are going to get with people and i approach people randomly, sometimes people get mad at me and sometimes they like to share their knowledge, so you never really know. celebrities galore, for sure. >> sandra: for those watching who don't get the m moneadvertising, now you are a superstar and making lots of money. >> it was insane. social media is crazy because like you said, i was working at a steady job in finance, and much to my parents' dismay at the start, which is reasonable, i started making a lot more r
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than doing social media. so high six figure range doing advertisements and ad revenue on snapchat, facebook, and stuff like that. it's insane honestly, even right now i can't believe believe it happened, over three years, it's still going, which is awesome. >> sandra: and you sat down with the ceo of the company on which you have gone viral. a bit from the interview. >> excuse me, your car is awesome, what do you do for a living. >> you are daniel. >> you are famous. >> i am the ceo of tiktok. >> i thought it was you, so cool. >> you are viral now. >> i got lucky. >> sandra: quite a moment for you and those watching. what do you say to kids who say i want to do this, be a social media star, can anybody do it? >> i would say so. i was not -- i didn't have my eyes on social media at all.
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that's not where i thought i was going to be right now and i just posted one video and got 50 million views in a single day, and 5 million followers in five days, so i was not putting my face out there. for the first year or so, people did not know it was me, i was doing the angle with my voice. so, anyone can do it for sure, i would say strategy involved and you have to make content that appeals to a large mass of people. but yeah, i mean, if i can do it, anyone can. that's certainly true. >> sandra: at 26 years old you are doing a lot. we look forward to seeing what daniel mac does next. thanks so much for joining us, daniel. >> thanks for having me. >> john: sandra, family vacation goes horribly wrong. the chilling video from a shark bite that had a 10-year-old boy airlifted back to the united states. plus this. >> how do you think those children feel now that they are driving past or walking past the schools that they was rejected from now migrants are living in.
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>> sandra: outrage growing as chicago plans to convert a former high school into a migrant shelter. a local police chief tells us the strain it is putting on local law enforcement. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) [sneeze] dude you coming? because the only thing dripping should be your style. plop plop fizz fizz with alka-seltzer plus cold & flu relief. also try for fizzy fast cough relief.
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>> john: chilling new video obtained by tmz shows the
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moments of a 10-year-old boy was attacked by a shark at the atlantis bahamas resort. the video shows the boy's dad swimming him to safety as blood gushes from his leg and sharks encircle them. and madison, this happened in a popular attraction at the resort in the shark tank. >> yeah, john, an experience called walking with the sharks. people put on these heavy oxygen masks and walk at the bottom of a giant tank filled with all kinds of sharks. the boy was doing this while his dad watched and i'll warn you, some mind find it disturbing. you can see blood streaming into the water after the shark bit the boy. it got him on his right leg. the kid's dad jumped in and carried him to safety. you can see the boy's leg wrapped in a towel, he should be
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ok. the experience at atlantis is operated by an outside company called blue adventures and the minimum age is ten years old. the owner told fox news incidents like this involving interactions with marine life even with the species of sharks included in this experience are rare and never acceptable. also says this is the first time anything like this happened since the experience opened nearly two decades ago. >> aquarium sharks are really very, very timid, there will always be an element of risk. if you took a 10-year-old boy and put them in a crowded kennel full of wiener dogs, i'm sure eventually one of them might give him a bite. >> the resort closed the experience for now while it's still under investigation. john. >> john: they are at the bottom line here, sharks, and they bite. madison, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: any moment now the pentagon set to brief.
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how will u.s. respond to the iran proxy strike. both sides of the aisle say the president is not tough enough. >> john: and cori bush under investigation, will she be indicted? kerri urban ahead on the legal jeopardy. . so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed right. i scheduled with safelite autoglass. their experts replaced my windshield and recalibrated my car's advanced safety system. ♪ acoustic rock music ♪ >> woman: safelite is the one i trust. they focus on safety so i can focus on this view. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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