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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 30, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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>> support and hold iran accountable that iran pay the price and frankly i think the time has come for them to strike oil or military infrastructure in iran. >> sandra: former vice president mike pence saying the u.s. needs to cross that line, hit back inside iran and do it now. he said that right here last hour, and here we go to hour two, i'm sandra smith in new york. a live look at the pentagon as we await that briefing. >> john: john roberts in washington, the president is in
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jupiter, florida to raise cash for the campaign. he says he has decided how the u.s. will respond. >> sandra: parents of 24-year-old kennedy sanders, 1 of 3 soldiers two died in the drone strike want the world to know she was a hero. >> she chose to serve the country and give us our freedom, be part of us getting our freedom, and stuff happen and it's hard for the parents to endure. that's why i honor her so much and believe she's a hero. >> however the president or united states decides to respond, it won't change our situation at all. >> john: complete coverage in a moment, bipartisan lawmakers who say president biden is too speak. what has the white house said, if anything, about the response
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that's coming? >> john, leaving the white house the president said he made up his mind among the options his national security team laid out for him yesterday, we don't know what he has decided but he was reportedly considering either strikes on iranian personnel and assets in syria and iraq, or iranian assets in the persian gulf. not among those options are strikes inside iran, even while admitting iran is ultimately responsible. >> i do hold them responsible in the sense they are supplying the weapons to the people who did it. we'll have that discussion. >> these attacks in the past, what will be different this time? >> we'll see. >> a number of republicans have pushed biden to strike targets inside iran to shut down the 166 proxy attacks on u.s. forces overseas since october.
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but the messaging here at the white house suggests that they view that as escalation. >> sounded like the administration has ruled out strikes within iran. >> jacqui, i appreciate the question. i think you can understand, i hope you can understand, i'm not going to telegraph punches here. we are not looking for a war with iran. we are not looking to escalate the tensions any more than they have been escalating. everything we have done have been designed to try to deescalate those tensions. >> officials said the previous strikes did not go far enough to deter iran. john kirby pointing to economic sanctions imposed under this administration. republicans say broadly biden has been playing a losing game of defense. >> what do we need to do to have iran pay a price, not just their proxies, this has been a fool's game of their proxies. we need to go right to the source and iran needs to feel consequences. >> u.s. officials tell fox the
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coming response will likely come in phases over a period of time. it won't be just a one-off. we of course don't know what the timing is, but we do know the president will attend the dignified transfer of those three fallen servicemembers on friday at dover after speaking with their families, john. >> john: perhaps we'll hear more from the pentagon briefing just ahead. jacqui, thanks. now this. >> the middle east region is quieter today than in two decades. >> this is an incredibly volatile time in the middle east. i would argue that we have not seen a situation as dangerous as the one we are facing now across the region since at least 1973. and arguably even before that. >> sandra: those two statements from national security adviser jake sullivan and antony blinken made just four months apart. how did we go from the middle east being the quietest in two
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decades to the most dangerous in over half a century. jared moskowitz, florida democratic congressman and mike lawler, demanding greater sanctions on iran. to congressman moskowitz, you are a democrat speaking out about our response. what exactly are you taking issue with and how far do you want this administration to go with its response? >> no, thank you for the opportunity. happy to be here with congressman lawler who him and i worked on the bipartisan legislation. in order to go -- to put more sanctions on iran called the ship act, to go after the iranian oil that they are selling to china which is how they are funding all of these proxies. what i want the administration to do is i think president biden needs to deliberate hammer blow to these proxies. the president and the administration has done a good job of trying to contain the war
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against hamas from spreading across the region. of course the reason why the administration gave two different answers, one in september and one after that, october 7th obviously changed the region. we have to deliver a hammer blow to those proxies and you know, we have to make it clear. i would go after their air capabilities, i would go after their sea capabilities, and i would make sure that iran understands and we show the full force of the united states military on the proxies, and i think it should be sustained as the president said. i also think we have other things we can do. we should be denying iranian diplomats access to this country to attend the united nations, doing more sanctions. so, this is a whole of government approach on how we need to be showing iran that we mean business. >> of course congressman lawler, to congressman moskowitz' point, october 7th changed everything. but called into question by the bipartisan group is the response on behalf of the administration since then, particularly to
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iran. this is there that letter, take immediate action financial resources that they can support terrorism. immediately cracking down on expand lucrative and elicit oil trade, sanctions in iran remaining in place. why not, why wouldn't the administration take that approach? >> to me we are in the most precarious situation since world war ii and the unholy alliance between china, russia and iran is in full view. china is the biggest purchaser of petroleum. the sale is funding hamas, hezbollah, houthis and other terrorist organizations, including those that just took the lives of three servicemembers. since october 7th, over 150 attacks on u.s. military bases
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and personnel. administration needs to take serious and severe action against iran including moving our bill through the senate and signing it into law. we passed this bill, a bipartisan bill through the house in the aftermath of october 7th. the senate has refused to move it. they need to act and we have called on the administration to push for this bill to come forward. we need to crack down on the illicit funds that are funding terrorism, including the attacks that just took the lives of three servicemembers. there needs to be a military response, yes, diplomatic response, yes, but we need to cut off the funding at its head. >> sandra: joni ernst joined us last hour and the senate said she believes the president through his lack of action here is enabling these attacks. listen. >> we know fully well it is coming from iran through the houthis, through other terrorist organizations. and yes, the president has enabled this by allowing this to
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continue. >> sandra: now we await the administration's next move here. the president saying we'll see if our response deters iran. hope is not a plan, right. so, what do you want to hear from the pentagon, the pentagon briefing will be underway a short time from now, obviously they are not going to broadcast our next move but what do you want to hear and what message, congr congressman moskowitz should we send in this moment. >> i don't care what i hear, i care what i see. i want to see from the administration a significant response on the proxies. i want to see from the administration something that is sustained rather than a 1 or 2-off kind of response. i want to see something sustained. i want to see something that is going to send that message to iran. but we have to be careful. and look, i disagree with the senator in this respect. it's very easy to talk about launching strikes within iran and going to war with iran but that's what russia wants.
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they want us to take the eye off the ball in ukraine. it's what china wants. they want us to get bogged down in the middle east to mess with taiwan. so, yes, the president is playing three dimensional chess but in this move, this chess move, we have to strike the proxies harder than we have done and harder, quite frankly, than we have done in this area since we got out of iraq and afghanistan. >> sandra: clearly having the two of you on together, republican and a democrat in congress, there is growing bipartisan support for a stronger response to iran. thanks for both of you, we'll be listening at the pentagon a short time from now. thank you. >> john: sandra, nearly 50 illegal immigrants arrested in a chicago suburb in three months. the police chief coming up on how taxing it has been for his department. >> sandra: top squad member slapped with a federal investigation. >> john: and mark cuban's dei
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push getting lots of pushback. kerri urban joins us with legal analysis. >> the answer to this as we see the narrative bubble up, let the market be the market and they know how to solve for themselves. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. directv sports central brings your games stats and scores together and now you can get it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy... ...might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! visit for up to $200 reward card. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. wh-who wants to talk about their heart! how's the heart? how's your heart? how's your heart? -it's good. -is it? aah, i don't know. -it's okay. - it's okay! yeah. good.
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>> john: missouri democrat and squad member cori bush is now under federal investigation over her alleged misuse of government funds meant for security. you'll remember she defended her spending on private security in a 2021 interview with cbs. listen. >> i'm gonna make sure i have security because i know i have had attempts on my life and i have too much work to do so suck it up and defunding the police has to happen. we need to defund the police and put that money into social safety nets because we are
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trying to save lives. >> john: bring in kerri urban, she said it there, suck it up, we'll see what the doj says. >> kerri: i don't know how her constituents felt about that, most of us don't have the money to several hundred thousands of dollars per year. she confirmed in the statement and so we don't know much beyond what she said because grand jury proceedings are conducted in secret, we know a subpoena issued to the house pertaining to documents and based on the statement related to potential or allegations about misusing funds related to her security detail. >> john: we do know she paid a lot of money to her boyfriend, now her husband for security, and we don't know if that goes against the rules. she said since before i was sworn into office she had threats on her life, as a rank and file member of congress i'm
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not entitled to personal protection by the house and have used campaign funds as permissible to retain security services. i have not used any personal tax dollars. any reporting that i've used federal funds for personal security is simply false. >> kerri: and she's right, it allows you to use campaign funds to pay family members for bona fide services at fair market value. i will say this, john, i do feel like it's a bit low hanging fruit for the biden justice department, doj is under a lot of scrutiny for its consistently heavyhanded approach to typically republicans when it comes to applying the law, with, i would say the exception of bob menendez, and here these allegations have been swirling for some time. >> john: this is cori bush walking down the steps of the capitol. we'll keep watching this. >> this is a way for doj to say
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we apply the law against republicans and democrats, however them taking position against this democrat would help joe biden given how outspoken she's been against defending, about defunding the police and also her anti-israel stances as well. >> john: looks like a public statement. >> first and foremost, i hold myself, my campaign, and my position to the highest levels of integrity. i also believe in transparency which is why i can confirm that the department of justice is reviewing my campaign spending on security services. we are fully cooperating with this investigation and i would like t take this opportunity to outline the facts and the truth. since before i was sworn into office i have endured relentless threats to my physical safety and life. as a rank and file member of congress i am not entitled to personal protection by the house and instead have used campaign funds as permissible to retain
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security services. i have not used any federal tax dollars for personal security services. any reporting that i have used funds for personal security -- personal security is simply false. in recent months right wing organizations have lodged baseless complaints against me. peddling negotiations that i was misused campaign funds to pay for personal security services. that simply is not true. i have complied with all applicable laws and house rules and will continue to prioritize the rules that govern us as federal elected officials. in particular, the nature of these allegations have been around my husband's role in the campaign, in accordance with all applicable rules i retained my husband as part of my security team because he has had extensive experience in this area and able to provide the necessary services or at or
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below fair market rate. a number of investigations, some of which are still ongoing. the federal election commission and the house committee on ethics are currently reviewing the matter as is the department of justice. we are fully cooperating in all these pending investigations. in september of last year, 2023, after conducting a months' long investigation the office of congressional ethics found no wrongdoing and voted unanimously to dismiss the case. i look forward to this same outcome from all impending investigations, and i am under no illusion the right wing officials will stop politicizing and pursuing efforts to attack me and the work that the people of st. louis sent me to congress to do, to lead boldly, to legislate change, my constituents can feel and to save lives. thank you. >> john: cori bush not taking
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any questions after reading a statement and we read part of the statement a moment ago, insisting she has done nothing wrong, kerri is back with us, obviously the justice department would appear to disagree with her. >> kerri: again, i'm curious to know what triggered this investigation exactly. she, you know, she mentioned that she was cleared by this congressional ethics board for wrongdoing or recommended she be cleared. i do think that perhaps a problem for her is that based on our own fox news digital reporting, her now husband did not have a license for -- to be a security guard in st. louis, apparently here in washington, d.c. as well, is this something he did not check the box and they are looking into this, because she made these payments for him, to him, rather, but as i was mentioning earlier, i do think that going after cori bush actually helps joe biden, it sends a message to her and the other members of the squad to get in line, especially with respect to police and israel in
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this election year. so it's interesting. >> john: but the allegation that you are making is that this is purely political move by the doj. >> kerri: i don't think it's purely political but i think it's an interesting decision by the department of justice to do this, doj is not commenting, they issued a grand jury subpoena for documents, cori bush has confirmed what it's about. when you look at the payments she did make to her now husband it does not strike me as unusually large, now overall in the aggregate. >> john: she said at or below fair market. >> kerri: she has spent a lot of security, which is maybe unusual, and strikes me a bit unusual for someone to spend this much money of campaign funds on security detail. but nonetheless, you always have to ask yourself in washington, d.c. especially in an election year, is there anything else at play here. we don't know, we'll see.
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>> john: maybe they didn't like it when she said suck it up. i don't know. thanks, kerri. great to see you. >> sandra: awaiting the start of that pentagon briefing as the u.s. weighs its response to the iran-backed strike that killed three u.s. soldiers. plus this. >> john: the migrant crisis leading to a spike in crime for one chicago suburb. oak brook chief of police will tell us what he is seeing in his community, coming up next. >> if we are a nation of laws, every person that enter into our state or into our nation, our county, our country, our city, they have to follow the law. ing? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness.
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number on your screen, or visit >> john: after criticizing the united states on its handling of immigration, europe is facing a crisis. e.u. is back peddling, adopting more restrictive policies, and
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make it harder to be a citizen. was it a cultural shift or numbers? >> backlash to both. migrants not assimilating to cultural norms and the cost, refugees receiving housing, cash, welfare and education, but right now the numbers setting records in the hundreds of thousands considered unsustainable. >> poland, spain, italy, france, among the european countries cracking down on illegal immigration after years of bashing u.s. policy as racist and cruel. >> i want to stop the boats and secure our borders. >> in great britain and denmark, they want to report asylum seekers to rwanda. and france and sweden want to reduce benefits, and children born to parents will no longer automatically receive citizenship. >> when you apply for asylum in
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france, stay forever, whether the claim is accepted or not. >> in december, the 27 member european union agreed to right leaning reforms. detention centers off the border or offshore. caps on the number of migrants each country must take. >> the whole system is under collapse and doesn't work. >> like texas, poland erected razor wire to stop migrants from entering. italy, illegal immigration doubled last year, considered by dropped plans for a naval blockade. under a plan approved yesterday, migrants intercepted in the mediterranean will be detained in albania, plead over the internet to a judge in italy. if accepted, allowed in. rejected, deported home. similar to what they want for the migrants in rwanda.
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>> john: big changes in europe. see what happens at home. >> sandra: in a chicago suburb a string of retail thefts and burglaries is being blamed on migrants, that includes two separate incidents in the same day at a macy's in oak brook, illinois, migrants tried to steal more than $10,000 worth of merchandise. brian is the chief of police in oak brook, illinois, and joins us now. thank you for your time. we know you are very busy there and have a lot on your plate. first can you just tell our viewers what is it that you are seeing on the ground there, knowing this is a suburb just outside chicago where we know chicago residents have been dealing with this migrant crisis quite some time. >> sure, thanks for having me, sandra, and first i want to say we are home to the second largest shopping center in illinois, oak brook is a very safe community and unlike other areas in the country like chicago, our shopping center is 100% occupied, no vacancies, and retailers are coming out to us in part because we are proactive
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in the policing activities. that being said, we have had -- the original number was 57 migrant arrests, but i was notified before coming on here, under cover officers have two venezuelan immigrants in custody for retail theft, burglary from our shopping center currently on the way to the station as speak. >> sandra: it's a trend. two from chile, and others, now you know of more? >> 59 total since october 23rd of last year. so it's -- it's a problem for my community. our police department is responding accordingly. we are shifting our resources to our retailers to make sure those areas are well protected. but it's definitely a problem that extends beyond the borders of chicago. >> sandra: as i was telling you
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in the commercial break, i grew up in wheaton, we had a councilman on from naperville, illinois, dead pan delivery suggested to fellow democrats they should open their big homes to deal with the crisis. he's taking flack for that. seems people all over the chicago area outside the city of dealing with this and trying to figure out what to do. what sort of numbers as far as migrants sprawling outside the city lines into the suburbs? >> well, i think 59 arrests in three months is substantial. i also think that the real story is, you know, in illinois we enacted a no cash bail policy in september. the real story is how many of these illegal migrants committing the crimes that are then getting released from jail, how many will see the case through disposition and show up in court. time will tell. >> sandra: as you said, this
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number of arrests and this few months, this is significant. and it's something we are going to continue to keep our eye on as well. chief, we have some breaking news and we appreciate you joining us on that. we will check back in with you on that situation. now live to the pentagon. >> rank of sergeant. we are also keeping our servicemembers who were wounded in our thoughts and wish they will all a speedy recovery. in terms of updates at this time we are currently tracking more than 40 u.s. servicemembers with reported injuries ranging from lacerations to possible concussions spending tbi assessments. as previously briefed, eight personnel were medically evacuated out of jordan. 38 were transported to germany, one is reported in critical but stable condition. the other two service members are in fair and stable condition. after further examination by the trauma team, a determination will be made by medical staff whether any of these injured
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servicemembers will require transfer back to the u.s. for further treatment. in terms of additional details about the drone attack itself, we know there are still many questions to include how the attack drone could have penetrated the air defenses, point of origin and which specific iranian proxy group is responsible. i can tell you that u.s. central command is continuing to look into all those important questions and we will keep you updated as new information becomes available as we are able to. what we do know, iran-backed militias are responsible for the continued attacks on u.s. forces and we will respond at a time and manner of our choosing. while we do not seek to escalate tensions in the region, we will also take necessary actions to protect our troops, our facilities and our interests. shifting gears, yesterday the u.s. ambassador to the czech republic and the defense minister signed a contract for the purchase of 24 f-35 fighter aircraft.
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accusation of the f-35s will increase the combat capability of the czech military, and strengthen the unity of them and the united states. joins 18 countries including ten in europe that deploy the f-35. all foreign military sales are coordinated through the u.s. state department, i would refer you to colleagues at state for more information. and finally, deputy assistant of defense hosted the prime minister of trinidad and tobago at the pentagon yesterday. melissa dalton also joined the meeting to emphasize the department's strong support of the u.s. defense partnership with trinidad and tobago. they expressed their leadership in the caribbean community and co-hosting the upcoming security conference in november of 2024.
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and talked about the robust partnership, and the delaware national guard celebrates 20th anniversary through the state partnership program. senior officials exchanged views on illicit trafficking, maritime security, defense force modernization and training, cybersecurity and framework to expand bilateral security cooperation. meeting also reaffirmed the commitment to partnership with trinidad and tobago and working together to improve caribbean regional security and resilience. with that, happy to take your questions. a.p. >> thank you, has secretary ryder provided response options or looking for the best way to deter future strikes. >> i'm not going to get into the specific conversations the secretary has had with the president. as i highlighted, we will respond to a time of our choosing. >> still evaluating how to
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respond at this point? >> i'm not going to get into specifics, other than to reiterate we will respond at a time and manner of our choosing. >> another way, you said from the podium the u.s. does not seek to widen this war. how do you deter iran, which has clearly supplied and endorsed some of these attacks from keeping from doing this again and leading to another proxy attack on u.s. forces? >> yeah, so again, as a reminder, our forces are in iraq and syria and in the region supporting the lasting defeat of isis, the mission we have been focused on. when we need to, we will protect our forces. again i'm not going to get into telegraphing or discussing potential future operations other than to say again we will respond in a time and manner of our choosing. jennifer. >> general ryder, have you attributed to hezbollah or any
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other group responsible for the drone strike? >> jennifer, central command is still assessing, but again, we are confident that this attack was sponsored by iranian-backed proxies. >> katib hezbollah telling its fighters not to attack u.s. bases in iraq and syria, suggesting they will support the fight in gaza in other ways and suggesting that even if the u.s. strikes them not to respond. what is your response to that? >> we have seen those reports. i don't have a specific comment to provide other than actions speak louder than words. thanks. laura. >> thank you. a couple questions. first of all, can you -- >> sandra: john, the update from the pentagon, pat ryder, response to the attacks and killings of three u.s. soldiers.
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>> john: the last question she add ryder was very significant. said katab hezbollah has sent out a message for the proxies not to attack u.s. bases and even if they are under fire from u.s. strikes. that message could only have come from tehran. united nations under fire after some employees are implicated in the october 7th massacre. the countries that have now pulled funding from the agency. >> sandra: plus trouble in georgia for fani willis and her lover, nathan wade. growing calls for impeachment. we'll have that for you next. to truly appreciate the beauty, the wildlife, the sheer majesty. experience it with state-of-the-art expedition equipment and hands-on scientific research activities,
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>> john: the state department speaking last hour and defending the word of the united nations agency after several of its employees are implicated in the october 7th massacre. union meeting with top donors after 16 countries pulled funding from the agency. gillian turner is at the state department. who is going to investigate the u.n. in gaza. >> anger among the top donors seems to be mounting by the hour. a moment ago in the state department briefing i asked spokesman matt miller whether the u.s. trusts the u.n. to investigate itself over the staff has ties to terrorists. what it says. >> we do have confidence in the u.n. ability to conduct this investigation. we have been engaging with them about what the investigation may look like with you broadly have faith to investigate this. welcome the initial steps they have taken, but the proof will be in the pudding.
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>> the u.s. is investigating what happened after an israeli intelligence dossier claimed 190 staffers in gaza have ties to islamic terrorism and helped hamas carry out the october 7th attacks. >> looking hard at the steps that unrwa takes to make sure this is fully and thoroughly investigated, clear accountability, and that is necessary measures are put in place so that this doesn't happen again. >> that is leading to questions about whether the biden administration should trust the u.n. to investigate itself in the wake of these alleged staff atrocities, that include kidnapping an israeli woman on october 7th, raiding a kibbutz and doling out ammunition to hamas fighters. >> the investigation is so dang important here to look at the scope of the problem set. but you have 13,000 unrwa
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employees, and 13,000 in gaza alone. >> as that unfolds, "wall street journal" has been given access to an intelligence report that indicates the number of u.n. staff with ties to terrorists in gaza might be as high as 1200. a house hearing is getting underway right now into this problem, john. >> john: a lot of pressure from the left on biden to restore funding to unrwa at the same time. gillian, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: the house is holding a hearing on fixing america's failing schools. former education secretary bill bennett is getting our students, he hopes, back on track. (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere.
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>> john: house lawmakers holding a hearing on america's report card, examining the devastating impacts the covid era is still having on learning in america and a big focus on chronic absenteeism. former education secretary and fox news contributor bill bennett. great to see you. on a general level, four years from the start of the pandemic that really decimated education in america, what condition is k-12 education in now? >> it's not very good condition. it needs to be a lot better.
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we look at the scores, the reading scores have held fairly well. math scores are way down. but let's remember, we were heading downhill before covid. covid certainly accentuated that. >> john: program for international student assessment found american students are falling behind in math, the decline in test scores for american students was 13 points. only saving grace is that the decline for students in other countries was higher than that, was 15 points, but that's kind of like the washington commanders saying hey, at least we are not the panthers. >> yeah, that's right. but i don't think there were declines in china, and some other countries that we take very seriously. but we've got this missing student problem which has now occurred and this i think has a lot to do with covid. i think a lot of adults, john, said by their actions school wasn't that important. we have heard that from the
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teachers' union saying keep the schools closed. the schools, many schools were closed much longer than they should have been. as a result, people formed the impression they were not so important. and a second point is as parents tuned in to what was going on in the schools, remember remote learning, a lot of what they saw they didn't like. and so i think that had something to do with it. >> john: when you take a look at the statistics with chronic absenteeism, it's just stunning the massive increase. look at this. 2017 to 2018, 14% of schools had 30% or more students chronically absent. that number has increased to 43% in 21-22, and schools with 20% or more students chronically absent, 28% in 2017-2018, 65% now. the white house is wrestling how to deal with this. ohio as we were reporting is thinking of paying students to go to school.
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is that the answer? >> no, i don't think that's the answer. the answer is to make it clear that school is important and school, therefore, must become important and must again a temple of learning, not social experimentation, not crazy wild-eyed ideas, but math, english, history, art and music, and taught well and taught efficiently, the students will come. we have seen the growth of charter schools and classical academies that offer this kind of thing, and parents are flocking to it. however, the biggest increase we are seeing, john, is in home schooling. that's where a lot of parents have decided that they can keep the best eye on what's going on and teach the child what they want to teach the child and not subject the child to something that they have no business or interest in. >> john: i know a few people who
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are home skilled and they are brilliant. don't know if that's the answer, but a solution for some people. great to talk with you, appreciate you coming on. >> you bet, struggle goes on. thanks, john. >> john: we'll keep our fingers crossed and we'll be right back. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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>> sandra: fulton county da fani willis facing calls for impeachment over her role in the relationship with the special prosecutor. steve harrigan on this live from atlanta. steve, seems like fani willis is under siege. >> certainly seems like that, sandra. she's under investigation right now but multiple groups of republican lawmakers. they want to see if she had an improper relationship with the special prosecutor that she hired. the georgia house, the senate and the fulton county officials
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have launched investigations. >> obviously strictly a personal relationship. that's not what we're interested in. to the extent that lines were crossed, legal lines were crossed that state funds were used in the furtherance of this, that's what we're interested in finding out. >> we're going to see that prosecutor nathan wade in court tomorrow for his own divorce proceedings. that case has been the source of documents that show wade bought plane tickets for himself and willis. now wade is asking the judge for a protective order to try to prevent what he says is the release of anymore sensitive financial information. sandra, back to you. >> sandra: thanks, steve. that does it for us. thanks for joining us. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. a lot to watch for in the days ahead. we'll be with you every step of the way. see you tomorrow. "the story" with martha starts


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