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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 30, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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he has got executive authority. he has executive orders he can use. >> bret: quickly, juan, he is using it politically. >> trump was there and trump didn't use executive authority to stop it. the wall didn't get built. >> bret: he did remain in mexico. he didn't do catch and release. >> really that was about covid and the courts have said you can't do that anymore in the absence of a medical emergency. and under this bill not revealed yet but we know it will allow a shutdown of the border in cases of excessive surge. >> bret: right. and i don't think people are going to buy 5,000 a day. i don't think that's going to ham. we will see. we will see where it goes. panel, thanks so much. tomorrow on "special report" we will talk to former treasury secretary steve mnuchin about all of this plus the u.s. economy. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report." we got a lot in, fair, balanced and still unafraid. here's laura. ♪ >> laura: good evening everyone, i'm laura ingraham.
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this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. an american tragedy, that's the focus of tonight's acts gel. ♪ all right, shortly after that nightmare attack sunday on u.s. service personnel in jordan, republicans rushed out to demand that biden launch a significant military retaliation against iran. now, the loss of these three patriots is both heart breaking and enraging. and while the impulse to avenge their deaths is understandable, we cannot afford another protracted conflict in the middle east. and even if we could, we can't rely on this woke series of item wits at the biden pentagon to deliver anything resembling victory. after all, is biden's top military brass had success war gaming ukraine? even tracking our munitions there? and how did millie austin manage that afghanistan withdrawal again? to this day, after 13 u.s. service personnel were left
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vulnerable and then blown to bits, biden has held no one in his administration accountable, no one. but, of course, he was busy because his focus was on more important things such as advocating for transgenderism in the military. >> transitioning has allowed me to be better as a leader. i have gotten rid of the distraction of worrying about, um, concealing who i really was. >> fox had to rely on private insurance to cover her surgery. but from now on, the military will cover the cost of sex change operations approved by a doctor. >> our doctors will treat them -- give them medically necessary treatment according to the protocols. >> the protocols? and they also put new protocols in place to clear out extremists, meaning trump supporters from the military, too. >> extremism is not tolerated in any branch of the united states military. >> if our law enforcement partners flag an individual, based on their determination that they see something and they
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pass it to us, we're not even asking what the flag was. we're just removing them. >> laura: well, the message was loud and clear. it was delivered that the biggest threat we faced as a nation came from trump supporters. especially those with military training. >> the cry for survival comes from the planet itself, a cry that can't be any more desperate or any more clear and now a rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism, that we must confront and we will defeat. >> laura: well, there are six social justice project in the military has coincided with a jaw-dropping short fall in military recruitment, which itself puts our troops at risk. well, not that they care. now, this partly explains how america's military became such an easy target. but, specific questions have to be answered like how is it,
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despite our sophisticated air defenses did a drone manage to penetrate an army outpost? why is a group of army reservist engineers station sod close to syria in the first place? can biden and austin even stand before reporters and answer questions about this? no. that's doubtful. sing why should we trust them to carry out massive airstrikes on iran? now, we reflexively call ourselves a super power because of our nukes. but i think it's worth asking do super powers commit economic and cultural suicide like america has? our enemies aren't worried about biden's response to this latest attack. they have been watching us. they are already emboldened. the chinese spy balloon odyssey eliminated any doubt that biden was another jimmy carter. he is and two years after biden pledged to isolate russia by supporting ukraine, putin's more
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popular than ever and russia's g.d.p. is growing. four years after china unleashed covid-19 and killed hundreds of thousands with fentanyl and president xi still has biden dancing to his tune we lost our way and leverage along the way because this is the world that the globalists always wanted. where america had no right to be self-sufficient, had no right to be wealthy. where we gutted our manufacturing base and our middle class along with it. a world where we attack our own energy independence, apologize for it, even, and then stick the taxpayers with the bill. a world where we leave our own border open but go into debt and have our grandchildren go into debt to enforce other country's borders. a world where post 9/11 we added $29 trillion to our national debt. think about it. a world where we teach our children to hate our founders, and much of our own history. these are not the actions of a
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super power capable of taming iran or getting russia to bend to our will. this, instead is, a slow rolling american tragedy. it pains me to say this we are not the country we used to be. we are much weaker economically. we are much weaker curly, spiritually, and much weaker geopolitically than we were 20 years ago or even four years ago. and the more money and the more resources we give to president biden and his team of incompetence, the weaker we will become. so, until we get a brand new president, bad things are going to continue to happen. there is really nothing we can do about that at this point. but what we can do and what we must do is prevent the biden team from doing any more harm by getting us into foolish military adventures that will just result in more heart broken american
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families. and that's the angle. joining me now is ohio senator j.d. vance. senator, there's an impulse among some in the senate, republicans usually, to say go get them, level them, take them out. massive strikes now. and i guess that because, you know, you want to smash anyone who harms a single american. but, what are we really facing here? >> well, laura, we have to remember there is a big difference between hitting them back and hitting them back so aggressively that we invite an escalation here that could toledo a war that we are simply not prepared for as a country. the fund mental fact, laura, these guys have got to wake up to is america thinks the decision has have been made over 20, 30 years, especially during the biden administration is that we are weaker now than we have ever been. you do not lumber into a massive conflict or two or three
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conflicts simultaneously when you are at your low point. what you do, laura you elect a new president replace the disaster we have in the white house. and project american power from there. these guys have to remember we do not have donald trump in the oval office. we have joe biden in the oval office. that means we have to be cautious about how we respond to this moment. >> there was a pentagon briefing today, if you can call it, a reporter actually asked an important question about the secretary of defense. watch. >> >> is there any update on whether secretary austin will come and talk to us some time soon? >> i don't have a date to announce. certainly aware of the request and we will keep you updated. >> laura: no wonder they didn't miss him when he was gone for a week. this is unbelievable. just that fact that austin cannot stand and answer questions after we have three americans dead. 40 wounded and apparently some of them severe live wounded, that says it all and republicans
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are like go get them, joe. what? he can't answer a question. >> oh, laura, it's so absurd. what is the secretary of defense doing? is he able to actually discharge his duties? these are some of the most important questions that we should be asking, laura, there is so much going on here. how did we possibly have three americans, potentially many, many more who are at risk on the jordan syria border, what were they doing there? is it actually necessary to have them there or are they sitting ducks fighting people or countries like iran to come and attack our people? there are just so many important questions that we're not even asking. >> laura: that's what the senate is supposed to find out, right? you guys are there as an oversight role. i would expect the senate would want to know what are these bases for. are they really necessary? are they advancing america's interest? if so, how? how much is it costing? can we afford it and how many more americans are going to have to die before we all agree that biden and his team are a bunch
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of incompetents? >> yeah, laura, there are about ten of us asking those questions and everybody else is -- >> laura: asleep. >> living in the past. living in a world where america still had the world's most powerful manufacturing economy. they are living in world where we didn't empower the rise of communist china. and they are living in a world where we have a strong president when, in fact, we have the weakest president in an american generation sitting in the oval office. these guys have got to wake up, laura, we have got to rebuild our country, we have got to go back to some common sense first principles. instead what these guys are doing is pretending in a world that just doesn't exist anymore. >> laura: a reason it's called peace through strength. it's not peace through weakness, economic weakness. you have to be strong at home or you are not going to be able to do much abroad. by the way at the pentagon yesterday, the deputy press secretary sabrina singh was asked another key question. >> are you willing to say the conflict is no longer contained
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and it's spreading. >> i wouldn't say that the conflict is spreading in that we have seen over 100 attacks on u.s. forces. this attack was certainly escalatory in that it killed three service members. >> it's not spreading when troops literally have died in another country? we can't discount the fact that these attacks are incredibly dangerous and put our service members at risk. they have not, up until yesterday, inflicted lethal harm. >> laura: i mean, senator, i don't even know what to say about that performance yesterday. but this is mickey mouse club. >> laura, of course the conflict is spreading and these people are completely asleep at the wheel. do you know what we haven't talked about, laura. the fact that we face a massive recruitment challenge because america's military leadership going to war with the american population curly. it's time to rebuild and get a new president. >> laura: that's the only way it's going to happen. senator, thank you. all right, well,. >> the forces that were, you
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know, the three soldiers that were killed as we highlighted there in operation inherent resolve supporting to defeat isis mission. >> laura: the "new york times" revealing what the pentagon seems reluctant to admit that the soldiers killed were part of an engineer reserve company from georgia. now, engineer reserve soldiers are deployed at short notice to build roads and landing fields for u.s. forces, which raises the question, again, what are engineering reservists doing in syria? joining us now is retired lt. colonel daniel davis at defense priorities and host of the daniel davis deep dive on youtube. lt. colonel, building roads and infrastructure, what are we doing in the middle east? >> look, i mean those bases have been there for a long time. i mean, if there is anything more to build it, should have already been done because they really haven't been. that's the big question, and then what are they actually doing? are they just -- well, i can tell you what actually most of them are doing? he they're sitting out in the
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middle of the desert waiting to see if they're going to get killed. that is exactly what happened here. i don't care what anybody at the pentagon says there is no valid military mission that benefits the united states that any of those troops are doing in iraq and syria and the longer we keep them there, the more these caskets are probably going to come back to dover. >> laura: the saddest thing is to hear that these men and women were in their barracks sleeping, most of them. and this drone hit, killed those three, injured others, they didn't know anything was coming. and it does remind me of 1983. obviously, much smaller locals of life. but, ronald reagan's reaction after 241 marines were killed, 241 in lebanon was not to carpet bomb lebanon. what did he say? >> yeah, i'm so glad you brought that up. everybody's to talk about what reagan did when he struck iran in a certain case and on the water. but they never mention what he did there which was a much bigger issue which was instead
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of escalating a war, he shut it off. he cut the losses and he made our country a lot safer and he ended any of our -- future losses. >> laura: he pulled our people out of lebanon. >> pulled them out and brought them back and kept them safe. that's what president biden should have done years ago. he should do it now. >> laura: reagan understood in 1983 we were not yet the economic power house that he wanted us to be. we were still, you know, building our economy. it wasn't really until '87-'88 that things really started to hum, '84, '85, 86, it was peace through strength it wasn't just get involved in every conflict and hope it works out. >> exactly, he recognized it to build strength for america, we need to not be throwing our money away and soldiers away on pointless military missions, let's preserve it so build our actual strength, our economic strength and cultural and moral strength upon which our military strength is even based. that's what he was focused on and that's what president biden, frankly, is not focused on. >> laura: you hear the time and
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place of our choosing. if i, you know, if had you to do a shot for as many times as you heard the pentagon or the white house at a time and place of our shoeing we will respond. there is concern that they are telegraphing kind of what type of response they are going to have, actually inflict militarily, are you concerned about that. >> yeah, i mean, i agree with what i heard mollie say earlier tonight. we need to just be quiet about this. make all the plans in the background and then let them find out when bombs are falling or whoever it is going to be. then they will know what is going on as opposed to having tell graphed it like this. i just can't get enough, say enough that we need to stop these pointless missions because, i don't want to hear any more of this nonsense about we're going to be tough and we're going to hit at a time and place of our choosing and this whole don't, don't. >> laura: oh my god that's a policy. >> it's embarrassing. it doesn't deter anybody, anything. it doesn't make people think we are strong. but aren't going to do it either they see pinprick strikes we
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have are not deterred anything. >> laura: what about the secretary of defense sitting across from the table from the nato secretary general yesterday and he had to read two lines. he had to sit and read two lines about, obviously, feeling, you know, great sense of loss about our troops and, you know, how we are going to stand firm, but that was it and then he moved on to his own health condition. it was like two lines and then well i'm feeling better and i'm going to get back to work. >> look, laura, i think that performance of what happened when he didn't tell the president of the united states that he was going under. >> laura: they didn't notice he was gone. why. >> he didn't tell his deputy. >> laura: no one noticed because he is not sculpted consulted. >> he should have been fired after that, frankly. he should have been fired for a lot of other things. that's just indicative. >> perfect for that they don't want a real secretary of defense that's my theory on that. general colonel davis great to see new studio. >> thank you. >> laura: if you can't beat them, bankrupt them. the media is now cheering on the financial destruction of who
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they think will be biden's political opponent. his nemesis. david schoen and ari fleischer, next. ♪ a lot of new dry eye patients in my office tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease. millions of americans were estimated to have it. they've tried artificial tears again and again, but the relief is temporary. xiidra can provide lasting relief. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. doctor: why wait? ask your eye doctor about a 90-day prescription for xiidra today.
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>> you have talked about using
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some of trump's money that you are about to get to help shore up women's rights. do you know what that might be, what that might look like. >> yes, rachel. yes! >> tell me. >> i had such -- such great ideas for all the good i'm going to do with this money. first thing, rachel, you and i are going to go shopping. we're going to get completely new wardrobes, new shoes, motorcycle for. new motorcycle rachel what do you like? it's your rachel, penthouse? you want france? >> laura: rachel maddow is look whoops, i shouldn't asked that question. it's all a joke to them. so funny. the media are playing right along. or acting as unofficial co-counsels for the plaintiff. of course they are overriding goal is to bankrupt donald trump into submission because he is vowing to drain the swamp for real, of course. i often wonder who else could endure what he has it to endure.
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the press aren't reporting on this through a critical lens. they are cheerleaders and not just for the plaintiffs but also for the prosecutors. actually, to be more accurate. they are like vultures waiting to swoop down when it's all over. >> the threats against his wealth are mounting in the face of an $83 million jury award to e. jean carroll. forbe's latest estimate is $2.6 billion, but it's unclear how much he has in cash. judge arthur an goran is expected to rule on new york a.g. letitia james request to fine trump $370 million in her civil fraud case against him. on top of that, trump's mounting legal bills in the four criminal cases he now faces. >> he may very well put up the 83 million-plus 9% interest kicks him up to about $90 million there or get a bond for 20%. also, you know, the trump organ, there is former federal judge barbara jones, she is a monitor
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at the trump organ pending these appeals because we know letitia james wants 370 million. >> laura: did you notice that banner on msnbc trump's cash stockpile at risk. they seem so giddy. well, their real goal is not to save democracy. it never was. it was to humiliate donald trump, to strip him and strip his family of everything they have earned. >> he could go run a go fund me campaign. judge caplin can direct the trump properties be sold. they are not going to sell at the best prices. they are going to sell at fire sale prices. there is a people on the internet right now renamed e. jean carroll tower on fifth avenue in new york. >> once he has exhausted his appeals and if he has lost he will have to pay. if not pay, sell properties off. >> laura: these are odious people, joining me now david schoen former trump impeachment attorney, ari fleischer former
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house press secretary fox news contributor. ari, it's so obvious what is going on here. laughing about it. laughing about the penthouse you are going to buy rachel maddow and ha ha ha isn't that funny? so aggrieved for democracy. they certainly seem to be celebrating. >> laura, my take of in this is the resistance in a steady form. >> this is the same resistance that donald trump met when he came down the escalator in 2015, certainly when he was elected in 2016. and they have never relented. they have used every trick in the book to go after donald trump because they fear that the american people might elect him. so they try to impeach him twice, they tried to prosecute him. they tried to knock his name off the ballot. now they are trying to financially hit him in the pocketbook. you used the right words, vulture, cheerleader, that's what the media has become, but it's what they have always been. they have been cheerleaders for all the efforts to get trump. and this is not about justice. this is about getting trump.
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>> laura: actually, david, the a.p. did look into the trump civil business fraud case in new york. and writing after examining over 70 years of civil cases, the a.p. found that the penalty of dissolving his business empire has only been imposed a dozen previous times in trump's case stands apart in a significant way. it's the only big business found that was threatened with a shutdown without the showing of obvious victims and major losses. david, you have been making this point all along. at least the a.p. was honest in this analysis, unlike all of these other vultures out there. but that kind of tells the tale. no victims, except donald trump himself. >> that's right it. all ties together. it's not just the media. this judge is quoted, judge ingraham is quoted in the media he is going to miss this trial. they all gloat in it. what are they gloating about. first of all i don't know how anybody else could take. this the energy president trump shows is extraordinary. but here you have a case under executive law in new york, no
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victim, no loss, no materiality required, still they claim fraud. you have forensic accountant says no loss. a bank that's happy with the loans. what are they gloating about? according to independent source years ago even, president trump and his organizations were giving jobs to at least 67,000 people. they want those people to lose those jobs? are they gloating about that? do you know who is not gloating? other people similarly situated, real estate developers, business people who look at what is happening to president trump in new york and say there but for the grace of god go i that this could never happen. article after article, professor after professor, real estate person, business people, this is outrageous to take a man's business that he has built over decades, become an icon around the world. how about the billions and millions in revenue states and countries will lose but if you want to put him out of business. it's absurd. >> laura: ari, watching this play out, you have to wonder if there is also a larger message
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being sent to anyone thinking about getting into politics who really wants to fundamentally change washington. not around the edges but really deeply reform the bureaucracy and trump will do that if he is in. no more mr. nice guy, that's what i think his new slogan should be, it's a warning shot being fired, is it not? >> well, it's really a takedown shot on donald trump. and i think the shrapnel is going to hit other people. in the case of maine or colorado where they are throwing him off the ballot, think that will do to republicans everywhere in those two states if there is no presidential candidate leading the top of the picket, that's going to hurt republicans throughout up and down the ballot. but, you know, think also about where they are bringing these cases. overwhelmingly lopsided democratic counties, manhattan county in new york city where this case is being heard 58-15 regular vote for manhattan in presidential election. 85 democrat, 15 republican,
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mr. it was trump, bush, romney or mccain. that's the only place they can guess these vikdzs, democratic prosecutors, democratic juries, democratic judges. same thing in fulton county, georgia. you are not seeing these cases being brought anywhere where they there might be a balanced jury. they can reasonable bring them in places where they could get. >> laura: yeah. but the effect of the forum shopping the effect is hideous. i mean, it's -- it could actually level a devastating blow against him which is their goal. so the fact that this is even allowed to happen to me, we have real problems and no wonder people don't trust the judicial system now. congratulations. that's what they have accomplished. david and ari thank you both. now the media has a new puppet to repeat their favorite anti-trump attacks. i'll explain ahead. ned ryun reacts, next. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings.
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>> look, running for president it's a lot. it's physically, emotionally, mentally it's a lot, right? so you have got to be at the top of your game. he must have been tired because he was giving a speech and in the speech he went on over and over and over again about how i didn't stop -- how i stopped security from going to the capitol on january 6th. >> laura: well, nikki haley and multiple interviews ramping up her attacks against donald trump, his mental acuity, saying he is just not as sharp, playing right into the hands, of course, of the biden campaign and right on queue. msnbc using what haley said as fodder for its panel. >> nikki haley making in effect -- a republican making effective attacks on him. she is definitely getting under his skin. >> what's donald trump say this
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stupid thing. watch donald trump get confused here. talking nikki haley, nikki haley, nikki haley. then he will stop because he is like wait, that's not the name. >> i think nikki haley is really gotten under trump's skin. i think that is having -- is part of this effect that we are seeing on him, this confusion, this looking like a loser. >> laura: takes one to know one. joining me now american majority founder and ceo ned ryun. i think we just tortured the audience with those soundbites. nikki haley, there's another soundbite where she actually spoke very specifically about trump's mental acuity. and saying that oh, he is obviously -- at 80 everyone loses -- he is not 80 yet. loses a step and not as sharp as he was in 2016. went on and on in this interview this morning. she is being played by the left as the useful idiot da sure, is she not.
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>> absolutely. she is useful idiot of the left. not only rhetoric on this subject but recent comments on the bogus carroll case right out of the dnc playbook. if you didn't know any better it came out of the mouth of hillary clinton. which makes sense when you think about it, laura as both nikki's super pac leftist reed hoffman also useful idiot in the fact that there is no world in which nikki wins the g.o.p. nomination. and the fact that she continues to stay in, even though she is going to get completely shutout in nevada, crushed in south carolina. come super tuesday going to get completely crushed in such a way trump will win so many delegates it will be a mathematical possibility for her to win. this is all patently obvious. yet, she continues to stay in why? her donors like reid hoffman, the cokes, people who hate trump, the longer she stays in the more she damages trump she doesn't let the party or the donor base coalesce around trump and let him focus on the general all of which helps biden. i have to tell you, too, laura,
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i'm starting to suspect part of her motivation for saying in she hopes the democratic lawfare works against trump if that's part of your calculation that makes her completely repulsive. what she should be doing right now instead of being useful idiot for for the left is drop out and support trump. >> laura: she is committing political suicide no. let me say sea this tonight on ingraham angle. no one will forget what she just said today. forget about last week, today. and i know trump is tough and i would say that trump should pull back. i wouldn't even discuss nikki haley if i were trump. i would let her twist in the wind. i wouldn't discuss her. i wouldn't raise her and talk about her. he is going to swamp her with support in south carolina. he is going to win south carolina. she is the kennedy of wall street. hope she gets a good job at morgan stanley or goldman sachs. trump is going to absolutely humiliate her in the upcoming
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primaries. just starting to suspect that she is auditioning for something else maybe be a whiny rino will. she is not auditioning for american first republican party. i totally agree with you, she is committing political suicide right now. whatever is in her future it's not a future in the republican party. >> laura: she could probably get on some corporate boards or professorship or visiting professorship somewhere. that's how these things usually go. she could make a good living at it. >> some neocon think tank would be more than happy to accept nikki haley but, in the real political -- the republican party, absolutely not i see no future for her. >> laura: it's a shame. she actually could have had a future. she could have said okay the party has changed and i'm going to change along with it. ned, thank you. all right. she wants to defund the police. but not her police. squad member and infamous trump
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hater cori bush is in some very hot water. we're going to hit the political and legal angles with ben domenech and sol wisenberg, next. ♪
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be. >> laura: one of your favorite proponents of defunds the police is in some big trouble.
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far left squad member cori bush is under criminal investigation for allegedly misusing security money. she spent more than $500,000 on her private security since getting elected. don't forget that she funneled at least 60 k of that campaign money to her now husband. now, bush says she is cooperating with the investigation and claims that she paid her hubby at or below a fair market rate. that sounds like fani willis and, of course, she is taking zero responsibility. >> right wing organizations have lodged baseless complaints, in particular, the nature of these allegations have been around my husband's role in the campaign. i retained my husband as part of my security team to provide security services because he has had extensive experience. >> the mra. >> is that because you were dating him? >> excuse me? >> laura: joining me now to react ben domenech, sole
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wisenburg. both are fox news contributors. sol, how serious could these charges be? >> well, it's hard to tell right now. but let me make an obvious point the department of justice is not a right wing organization. and it's been very political and it's been very political going against conservatives and republicans so the fact that they are actively investigating, i think, is very significant. the r. there are really three legal issues here. sorry, go ahead. >> no i mean, it must be pretty bad if the biden doj is actually going after her, sol, that's my reaction to this. i mean, it's got to be a pretty, you know, terrible set of facts for her. >> i would be very worried and keep in mind, the 500,000 figure you mentioned, that is astronomical compared to the security figures that most
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congress people spend. i would be very worried if i were here. were they necessary, these expenses? were they at fair market value? and, perhaps most importantly, how were they reported? all very pertinent questions. >> well, ben, remember, she came out of the ferguson riots. she was a local activist. she came whipping everybody up into a frenzy after ferguson. and she rode that to fame and people thought she was a future leader of the democrat party. >> absolutely. absolutely. i think that the visual here we will find out how bad the actual facts of this case are sol was alluding. to say the visual here is parable, of course, which is that we have seen time and again the hypocrisy of those on the left who want to deny police protections for average americans across the country who want to pull back the kind -- from the kind of communities that need the kind of policing
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that keeps those communities safe. and at the same time, spend extraordinary amounts on their own personal protection making sure that they can just glide above everyone else. and this is the same type of elitist left attitude that we see across the board from them. whether it's on issues of climate. whether it's on issues of personal security, whether it's on issues of taxes or any of the other kind of things that we have seen them hit with. and that includes, of course, the blm money that was absolutely squandered in ways that we have never been able to fully calculate. >> laura: she has never apologized for the hands up, don't shoot. all of that was false. that was used as a battering ram, you know, against sane understanding of what happened in ferguson. none of that ever happened. just pretended the facts were otherwise. sol, cori bush's husband was actually confronted about his role in her campaign late last year. he seemed a little confused? >> your role in the campaign right now? >> my role in the campaign. >> are you still part of it?
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>> am i still employed with it. >> yes. >> still out there working. i'm not a politician, man. so ask me a question man to man and i will answer. so what's your question? >> that was it about the campaign. >> campaign. [inaudible] >> sol, they give the impression that they haven't really thought this whole thing through. i mean, it was just like a personal piggy bank that they could use. again, something that the people of ferguson, people of st. louis, they don't have the right to just go to a personal piggy bank to protect their houses. but corey is an exception. she deserves all the protection she can get. >> well, you mentioned something very important. thinking things through becomes very important when you are under criminal investigation. and things that you say when you are confronted by the press in situations like this become very important, no, you can't be charged for that but they can be instrumental in proving intent. so he needs to be very careful.
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>> and, ben, you know racism is involved in this obviously. because the doj is clearly operating out of a racial lebanese and she is obviously going -- that's going to be the next. >> go to immediately no matter. >> laura: ben and sol, thank you so much. could elon musk new brain technology help us better understand joe biden? and what's got san fran began nan pelosi so angry? high fashion and comedy jimmy failla joins us next. ♪
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now it's time for wtf. what the failer. here is jimmy failla postal fox news saturday night and author of cancel culture dictionary. we all need that. jimmy, i want to be in that promo with you with the kat. i demand to be in one of those
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scenes with you. congrats on all of that. we will get to your book and amendment. elon musk says that the neuralink startup he's got the chip in the first human brain. once it's fully developed it can have all kinds of cognitive benefits. it made us think here on the angle, do you think it could help with understanding this guy? 3 by the way, they used to make beer here. it is used two brew beer here. thanks for the great lakes. >> oh, no! no you didn't! can i offer an honest opinion. you sucker punched me with that clip. wow. i have a theory that elon musk actually put one of the chips and biden and not working. >> it shorted. >> laura, this is the first president that speaks at the united nations and has his
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remarks translated to english. that's not normal, laura. he's the only man we know who quits talking in the middle of a sentence because he's done. he's sending in the punt team on second down. my theory is not what can help him. my theory is it didn't help him. >> he has that little trick when he loses his a caboose of thought where he starts a sentence than says look, i'm not going to get into that. that's his crotch. his verbal crotch. >> at the state of the unit he said now is the time to choose between unity and [indiscernible] that's not a word. the sign language interpreter, i do believe it was their cocaine at the white house. they cannot keep up with it. i need something stronger. >> i thought he had fallen into a beer barrel or something. >> i spent a lot of time in beer barrels. that is not beer barrel talk. >> jimmy, meanwhile nancy pelosi had some fiery words for anti-
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israel protesters outside her home. watch. >> stop the holocaust. they want a cease-fire. >> what? >> go back to china. that was random. >> i think the obvious take away is if republican politician heaven forbid trump said go back to china. obviously we would have deaths across the street. >> where they chinese? >> they were not. >> does she need a pair of spectacles? i don't believe any of those people appeared to be chinese. maybe they are identifying as chinese. >> how do we know if any of them are chinese? i am happy they did not use a slur for asian people. she is a mess. this is what you get if you interrupt her daytrading. she's got hot stock tips coming in. doesn't have time for the hamas people in the driveway. >> she has that designer
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buttercream ice cream that she has to get to. in between nibbling on that. whoopi goldberg recently talked about her disdain for being in group chats. watch. >> i take myself off the group texts. and then i am back. i'm like what the? i communicate when i have something to say. i don't just be sending you all stuff. you know? i am busy. i am busy. >> jimmy, would a group chat with the ladies from the view be something that you would encourage or be happy to participate in? >> i should qualify this. i have a connection that gets me tickets to the view. they are 20 to get in and 200 to get out. the point is, no, there is no circle in hell that warns that level of punishment. i would become amish and give up technology before i succumb to this group chat.
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i am team will be. >> she is right there even she can't stand listening to them. jimmy, big news of the day has to be your new book which is out today. everyone go out and get it. cancel culture dictionary. it's a fun stocking stuffer but we don't want to wait till next christmas to get it. tell us about it. >> it's a giant middle finger to the woke left, to the age of weaponize censorship. essentially what i am saying is us as comedians are not here to read the room. we are here to lead the room. if you have a problem with it, go away. we are tired of policing joy for grievance. that is what cancel culture is. a big movement where the winners are losers. >> jimmy, congratulations. i meant it, the high priest of fashion and a best-selling author. congrats. go out and get jimmy's book. up next is jesse watters. welcome to "wa


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