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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 30, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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>> she is right there even she can't stand listening to them. jimmy, big news of the day has to be your new book which is out today. everyone go out and get it. cancel culture dictionary. it's a fun stocking stuffer but we don't want to wait till next christmas to get it. tell us about it. >> it's a giant middle finger to the woke left, to the age of weaponize censorship. essentially what i am saying is us as comedians are not here to read the room. we are here to lead the room. if you have a problem with it, go away. we are tired of policing joy for grievance. that is what cancel culture is. a big movement where the winners are losers. >> jimmy, congratulations. i meant it, the high priest of fashion and a best-selling author. congrats. go out and get jimmy's book. up next is jesse watters. welcome to "jesse watters
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primetime". tonight, the donald trump and maga plan is alligator ropes bombing northern mexico, shooting migrants in the legs and electrifying defenses. >> the left losing it over the border crisis. but don't worry, vigilantes are on the move. >> i just want to apologize to anyone who was listening. >> congress needs to get it done. >> or what joy read's hot mic tells us about the media. america's number one crime drama is now soft on crime. >> we are acutely reared of what exists between the criminal justice system. >> plus,-- all presidents, good or bad,
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have had nicknames. john adams was called old sink or simpler no relation. andrew jackson was called sharp knife for his fighting style. zachary taylor, old rough and ready for being rough on the battlefield. teddy roosevelt, telescope teddy. for always having a little telescope mounted on his rifle. of course there was bill clinton they called him slick willie for being a little slippery. and then there was barack hussein obama whose nickname was the deep order in chief. the former president deported over 3 million illegals and was showered with heckles. >> we will make our country more secure, strengthen our families and most importantly we will live up to our character as a nation. >> that's exactly what we are talking about.
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what i would like to do, don't worry about it, guys. let me finish. >> as you can see a president has always been responsible for his administration's border policies. not congress, not the vice president, the president. once upon a time joe biden agreed. >> did you make a mistake with those deportations? >> the president did the best that he was able to do. >> how about you? >> i'm the vice president of the united states. >> the vice president became the president, broke the border and now claims he is powerless. >> have you done everything you can do with executive authority? >> i've done all i can do. give me the power. i've asked for the very day since i got into office. give me the border patrol. give me the people who can stop this and make it work. >> biden spent three years
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claiming the border was secure and suddenly in an election year he needs emergency powers to shut it down? why shut down a secure border? you wouldn't close a locked door, would you? the president has always had the power he needs to secure the border. if he needs a refresher on the law, just ask barack. >> the president has a lot of power. he has that discretion to do that sort of thing. look at what secretary jay johnson or obama did. they were able to detain and deport people under title eight. the republicans say no to working this border deal or at least put it to a vote. i would ask the president to use title viii to use the existing authorities and detain people and deport people. >> title viii, section 12 of the u.s. code sets it in stone. whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens into the united states would be detrimental to the interest of
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the united states he may by proclamation and for such periods as he shall deem necessary suspend the entry of all aliens. or any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. congress passed that law in 1952. the media is so ignorant they think congress needs to pass another law for joe biden to act. you don't need to be 80 to remember this law. you need to be 20 because obama used it. if trump gets reelected he will use the same law on day one and that wouldn't make him a dictator. the democrats say it would make him dr. evil. donald trump actually has said he wants to build alligator motes along the border. that's one of his incredible ideas. another idea that donald trump has promoted is he wants to electrify the border fence and maybe even put some spikes on the border. that's another donald trump and maga majority border idea.
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another idea, which i'm not show sure how well of would go, he wants to bomb northern mexico with missiles. >> biden actually wants to shut down the border, why is he trying to snip texas razor wire? there is no wire in california and migrants are slithering into san diego county like there is a black friday sale. watch human smugglers drop off mac stout migrants. look at these characters. not a woman or child among them. migrants from india, china, turkey trotting around the wall that biden stopped to building. they get handed welcome to usa flyers were breaking into our country that spells out the vip perks they get under biden. ready? if you are a gay illegal, you will be given the option of going to a shelter where you will receive legal, medical and onward travel assistance. onward and upward. adios, amigo. if you are a latin bust into our country biden gives you free
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housing, free lawyers, free doctor is an free tickets to travel anywhere in the united states. that's not all the perks for gay illegals. free food and drink. free wi-fi and a free assistant like johnny who will help you find your long lost uncle or cousin. you just show up to the border and venezuela squares me. right this way. make yourself comfortable in our lounge where your connecting flight is on us. may we start you with a beverage? if he feels he is trapped in wanita's body gavin newsom will give him a sex change on your dime. back-check me. i dare you. this is all true. free sex changes for illegals in california. we will also pay for your college where we will that you america isn't any better than mongolia. no wonder the third world is showing up at the back door. they are coming in by the
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truckload. [indiscernible] >> biden and the cartels have the migrant supply chain humming many are here to work and also get free sex changes. others are some bad hombres. last week word order patrol found over 300 pounds of fentanyl, 200 pounds of meth, almost 200 pounds of cocaine in over 50 firearms. hopefully all that is not headed to hunter's malleable rental. a century ago biden would be tried for treason. today, the administration gave itself an award. >> what you do is you save
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peoples lives. that's what you do and whatever facet of the enterprise you participate in. you work to identify, to rescue, and to enable survivors of human trafficking. i just want to with all my conviction thank you for what you do. >> mallorca escape his staff an award for combating human trafficking after they trafficked 6 million humans into the country and lost almost 100,000 kids. joe biden has subverted the territorial integrity of the united states. he is rolling the dice on our national security and waving the white flag on the war on drugs. not to mention bankrupting the cities and flouting laws. then he lies to our face about it. americans are taking matters into our own hands. former military officers have
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taken up arms and have begun patrolling our side of the border. they called themselves arizona border recon. strapped with heavy artillery, they intimidate smugglers and keep them south of the border. the leader of that group, tim foley, joins us now. tim, describe your daily operations on the border. >> well, what we do, and thanks for having me, jessie, where we operate in is a area that is known for got a ways. that's a term that the government uses for they picked them up either on camera or ground sensors, but there is not enough agents left because they are dealing with all the other ones coming in. so we go into the areas where the got a ways are. got a ways are. god always don't want to be caught by order patrol. they have been deported multiple times for either crimes in this country are crimes in their
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countries. >> those are the bad hombres? that's the real deal. so you look like you are brandishing weapons. what kind of weapons are those. >> we are carrying i guess the left would call them assault weapons. but we classify them as self-defense weapons. >> what happens when you guys confront these got a ways? do they listen to you are run away? what? >> most of the time when we drop in on them it's called grenadian they head off in different directions. they dropped their packs and they will either head back for the border or we start pushing them back further and further south to get them to go back through the holes in the fence. >> you are like the offensive line, the fullback just moving the defensive line off the line
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of scrimmage? when you find the packs they have left, what do you find in the packs? >> it all depends because when i first started 14 years ago the cost was only $2000 a head for mexicans to come across. now the cost is up to $8000 to come across and the further away you are, if you're coming from africa, china, you are over $20000 to come across. there is a lot of money being made. we will check the packs because the price has gone up so much. everybody now that comes across in our area that is dressed in camouflage is suspect of being a dope deal. if you can't pay the price than they hand you a kilo of meth or fentanyl to carry across to pay for your way.
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>> thank you for doing what joe biden won't do, which is actually repel illegal aliens, many of them appeared to be criminal from what you are telling me. back below our southern border. really, thank you so much and good luck. please stay safe, okay? >> yep. here's the number on gotaways since biden been in. 1.8 million gotaways. >> those guys are really looking for work. they are looking for illegal work. that's what that is about. all right, thank you so much and stay safe and good luck. fox news alert. two police officers in new york city were attacked by a group of illegal aliens near times square. thanks got a little heated and the police ended up wrestling on the floor with one of the migrants while the other
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migrants through kicks at the officer's heads and bodies. cops arrested four migrants but sources tell the post already out without bail. obviously not deported. we will keep you updated. msnbc anna hot mic. what it means.
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every time you turn on the news you are told don't believe your eyes. the border is secure. the economy is strong. joe biden is on fire. >> i think he is doing really well. he's engaged. he's on fire. let me tell you something, that guy is in it to win it. he is fired up. if anybody even suggests that he
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not run, there is no other word for it. it him off. >> do they really believe what they are saying? there is new evidence that they don't. last night we got a look behind the curtain. joy reid was caught anna hot mic trashing biden. exclaiming that he will start another f'ing wore. spent over the weekend president biden said he is ready to take action if congress is serious about solving the border issue. >> if that bill were the law today i would shutdown the border now and fix it quickly. congress needs to get it done. >> i just want to apologize quickly. i was chatting during a clip that was playing and we try to keep this show very pg-13. i want to apologize to anyone listening to my behind-the-scenes chatter. >> biden will start another f'ing wore? that's what joy reid says when she thinks no one is listening. we get it. there are wars in the mideast and europe and maybe a third. why not say that on the air?
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you are an opinion host. you get paid to share your opinion. msnbc doesn't respect their audience. they are not putting on a show to inform their viewers. it's a brainwashing up. a network that respects its audience lets the audience watch live news. msnbc doesn't let you watch trump live. maddow says it is too dangerous. the network can't handle it and neither can the audience. that is causing some division in the ranks at msnbc. jen jen psaki got a new show and she wants more trump. i said i'm a believer in this. a lot of people have weighed in on this question recently on whether or not we should be talking about trump more or less. there was a debate. do we show his speeches? do we talk about the crazy things he is doing? i'm of the view is we have to talk about the crazy things he's doing even if we are tired of it. >> it's a liberal kat fight. maddow doesn't want trump and
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jen psaki can't get enough. go after him with a meat cleaver. >> i would tell the president and his campaign we've got your back dude. we are going after him with a meat cleaver. you can't normalize him. you can't let him off the canvas. not for one second. we've got to keep the foot on this guy, right on his neck. take our heel and twist it and never let up. >> the media wants to hit trump with a meat cleaver wild biden naps in delaware and jim is about a taylor swift endorsement. in between the bloodlust he will go on shopping sprees with trump accusers. >> you've talked about using some of trump's money that you are about to get to help shore of women's rights. do you know what that might be and what it might look like? >> yes. i have such great ideas for all the good i'm going to do with this money. first thing, rachel, you and i are going to go shopping and get
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a completely new wardrobe and new shoes. new fishing rod. what do you want? a penthouse? it's yours, rachel. >> what does it say in the msnbc ethics handbook about getting real estate kickbacks from trump's civil settlements? not sure. we told you last night this isn't about persuasion anymore. its propaganda. the digital age is mk ultra. the mideast isn't on fire. biden is. must stop dictator from world war iii while joy reid whispers that biden is the real danger. i feel like they are deprogramming and it has gotten off to a rocky start. kayleigh mcenany is a former white house press secretary and cohost of outnumbered. if you are caught anna hot mic you would sound just as precious and adorable as you always are. you wouldn't sound any different. what makes this unknowing and deceitful is that she's a
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totally different person off-camera. what does that tell you? >> completely different. fraudulent. this is the network that pumps biden over and over. it's a preferred network of the administration. they send their surrogates out there all the time. here is what she is saying behind the scenes. this guy is going to start another war? this is who she is peddling? it is so beneath any line of journalistic integrity. joy reid has never been anywhere close to that. then you get to joe scarborough. joe biden is engaged and full of energy. who has ever said that? no one except the drunk guy at the bar. the same joe scarborough says donald trump wants to execute his generals. donald trump wants to use seal team six to execute opponents? that's something a judge put forward as a hypothetical. but they don't play trump so you don't know if he said it or not. >> what about the meat cleaver? what is trump's defense against the meat cleaver?
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>> that's coming from someone who is an esteemed democrat strategist james carmel. he says we are coming after you with a meat cleaver, he means it. we've seen this with the legal battles. they are not going to play. that's the tactic we have to watch out for. 2016th they played donald trump in full. now they won't let him speak but will characterize him nonetheless. >> kayleigh mcenany has never been on the hot mic and never will. thanks so much. noah's arc on wheels does rescue. and joints were keeping me from doing the things i loved most. not anymore. blue-emu gave me my freedom back. it supports healthy muscles and joints. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. with the majority of my patients with sensitivity i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum and enamel it relieves sensitivity helps restore gum health and rehardens enamel. i am a big advocate of recommending things that i know work.
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the squad is under federal investigation. biden's justice department launched a pro into congressman cori bush for financial corruption. she allegedly took federal funds and handed it to her boyfriend. she hired her boyfriend to be her security guard even though
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he wasn't qualified or licensed. and then she married him so it looks like a lover's kickback. fani willis and now cori bush both accused of steering other people's money to the men they are sleeping with. cori bush put her lover on the payroll, married him so the money goes into a joint checking account now. and she blamed republicans for that. >> i have not used any federal tax dollars for personal security services. in recent months right-wing organizations have lodged baseless complaints against me. i retained my husband as part of my security team to provide security services because he has had extensive experience in this area and is able to provide the necessary services at or below fair market rate. >> cory's husband did not have a security license in her district or d.c. and she funneled $100,000 to him. fox confronted him last year. >> what was your role in the campaign right now?
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you are not doing anymore. with the campaign, her campaign? >> obviously i am still employed. >> you are still part of it? >> am i still employed with it? yes. >> i don't have a role in the campaign except i work for the campaign. remember, he was hired for his brawn. bush hired a different bodyguard who primetime doesn't believe she is sleeping with. he moonlights as her spiritual guru. he is an anti-semitic wizard. he claims to be a trillion years old and has a very special skill set. >> i'm going to take you in the book of proverbs and show you how to make lightning touch what you wanted to touch and burn some [ bleep ] down. i have something that makes fire out of nothing. i can make tornadoes. flat out.
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i can make tornadoes. that's my science. i know how to manipulate weather. >> bush paid him $165,000. bush has only been in office for three years and spent almost a million bucks on bodyguards. this isn't whitney houston. this is cori bush who feels she deserves the protection you don't. bush proposed defunding the police. >> you would rather me die? is that what you want to see? you want to see me die? that could be the alternative. i have private security because my body is. being on this planet right now. i have private security because they, the white suppresses racist narrative that they drive into this country. if i end up spending $200,000 or spend 10 more dollars on it you know what? i get to be here to do the work. suck it up. defunding the police has to happen. we need to defund the police.
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spin nick bush has been a thorn in biden's side viciously attacking him for defending israel and then a federal investigation. we see a pattern. biden's prosecutors have gone after trump, elon musk, eric adams and now the squad. every time someone f's with a biden the fbi shows up and he says trump will use his justice department to target his political enemies. nick is the host of making the argument. nick, do you want to be cory's bodyguard? apparently it pays well. >> no, i don't. the part i am really mad about now is i have been an elected official for nine years. if you told me i could have paid my wife to guard my body i would have been all about that. i had no idea that was an option. >> she doesn't need a security license. she can guard you whenever you are at work.
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>> we have been married for almost 25 years. it's not like she doesn't have experience. >> guard my lips. come here. and then she takes the money and gives them money and he takes her out to dinner. >> this is what happens when you are dealing with this collectivists where they believe that tax dollars are really there private pivec piggy bank they get to use and they don't have any concern for it because it's not their money. that's the unfortunate thing. we've seen examples of this all over the place. i cannot believe the other example where she is paying a wizard. i don't know how that works. >> we will need a little magic. it's a right-wing conspiracy conspiracy with biden's justice department investigate you for corruption. >> absolutely. i'm surprised she didn't lead with calling us all racist or big it's because we questioned how she is misappropriating taxpayer money. >> i hope her body is well protected by all her security
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guards, the one she is sleeping with and the wizards. we love you. good luck. thank you. over the weekend in indiana a semi truck carrying circus animals burst into flames along the interstate. officer scrambled to the scene and began rescuing zebras, campbells and many horses. national correspondent and zookeeper bill melugin with more. >> the body cam footage from this is crazy. the cops in indiana rescued an entire squad of exotic circus animals all from a truck that was engulfed in flames. here is some footage. [indiscernible] >> you can see a zebra leap out. this all happened at around 2:0g the side of the interstate 69 in india indiana.
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one of the troopers was just patrolling the area when they saw the truck on fire. the trooper along with the deputy and a circus worker ended up rescuing five zebras, for camels and a mini horse. here is some more. >> come on now! come on, let's go! everybody get back. >> after the animals were saved, a group of camels could be seen walking across the highway. not something you see very often. the grant county sheriff's office said the fire was put out this initial investigation shows equipment failure was likely the cause of it and the animals were later blocked from going onto the highway with barricades. you can see the zebras just grazing off the side of the road. back out here two cops were treated and released at a local hospital for smoke inhalation. the driver and all of the animals, happy to report,
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completely unharmed. >> now gutfeld can get his many horse. thank you. what the hell happened to law and order? something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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this society has been obsessed with crime capers for centuries. in the late 1800s we began printing sherlock holmes. wildly popular. we love hearing about cops cracking cases and catching bad guys. colombo, the hardy boys, nancy drew. american audiences eat it up. no show was bigger in the modern era than law and order. >> do like your guys in jane's? >> those big boys in prison are going to love you. >> you him, didn't you? you them, right? just admit it. >> it's number one spinoff special victims unit, sbu has been one of tv's highest rated drama since the clinton era. detectives on sv you has spent a quarter-century chasing down
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rapist. last week episode prioritized social justice over actual justice. in the episode a woman is violently in a store dressing room and takes the side of her rapist because he is black. she doesn't want her white privilege to get her attacker locked up. and then her partner tries to school the cops on racial justice. the welfare of her fiancé's rapist keeps her up at night. >> how are you holding up? >> not great. i was it all night with natalie. she was inconsolable. >> that's understandable. when a person goes through a trauma like that, they can end up in a very vulnerable state. >> it wasn't about that. >> okay, then what? >> we are acutely aware of systemic inequities that exist within the criminal justice system. for people like jay? our concern is he might not
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receive a fair trial. >> white rape victims are worried that the rape because they are racist. this is the first time primetime has ever heard a rape victim concerned her rapist won't get a fair trial. but i confess i've not seen many law and order episodes. and a plot twist the rape victim argues the whole case should be tossed because who needs justice when you can just see a shrink? >> j watson you. this is your chance to do something about it. >> i am going to. believe me. because i can. i can afford therapy. i have that luxury. and maybe one day i will be okay. but if that teenager goes to prison, he may not be. ever. >> i'm sorry.
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is this law and order george soros addition. millions watch the so. many americans understanding of the legal system comes from watching these episodes. nbc is conditioning the audience to be a good little rape victim. drop the charges. only if the rapist is black. if he is white, seek at the max. it is social justice engineering on the country's top crime drama. just four years ago after the #metoo movement the big guy even did a cameo on sv you. >> the greatest abuse of power is rape. it takes take someone a long time to heal. when the victim isn't believed, when she goes through the invasive process of having a rape kit put together and then it stuck on the shelf somewhere. that rape kit is never ever tested. we fail. we fail her. we fail so many women. i'm proud to say today we did
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not fail. >> we went from the most heinous crime imaginable and we can't fail women to drop the charges if he is black. clinical psychologist dr. chloe. dr. chloe, where does a message like this originate from? >> jesse, that's a good question. i feel like i am having whiplash. are we in me too and believe all women and times up or is it now we have to check our victim hierarchy card first before we move forward? where does that message originate from? that's a good question. i hate to say it about my own profession, but even a lot of the best psychology schools are really feeding in this harmful narrative to the therapists of the future i am sorry to say. >> the woman who was just wants to see a psychiatrist and eventually she will get better? but the real victim she is saying is the rapist. why?
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>> i have no idea why they would think that. the point of the justice system is threefold. its retribution, incapacitation, so the person doesn't go out and do it again and deterrence so that the potential criminal see what happens to criminals. by supposedly being too nice to press charges it's not actually good for even that young man potentially to be deprived of accountability. it's not good for the other future victims that he might have and it's not good for society to see that that can be permitted. >> this sends the wrong message. tv can be very influential, like this show. >> absolutely. you are absolutely right. we see things on tv and on some level it's what psychologists call modeling. i am concerned that what that episode didn't on some level is give young women the idea that if you are really nice than you
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will think twice before you say anything if there is a victim hierarchy variable at play. >> that was a very sad episode. we don't watch the show but a lot of people do. they are impressed by that. not good. dr. chloe, got a run. >> good to see you. >> got to pay some bills. thank you. not a conspiracy theory. they are putting microchips in our brains now. derate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses.
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♪ ♪ ♪ when barbara switched to turbotax... i broke four generations of family tradition... ma, i want to make perfume! ♪ so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing her maximum refund. intuit turbotax. can neuriva support your brain health?
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mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. the future. neuralink, elon musk foxy brain tech company has implanted a microchip into a human brain. the goal is to help blind and disabled people walk and see again, which we support. this is giving me dr. fauci vibes. since the mad scientist already fantasized about mind control.
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>> rather than a mouse or keyboard, you can simply swipe with your mind. we can pick up emotional states like if you're happy, sad or angry. we can pick up and decode faces that you are seeing in your mind. simple shapes, numbers, your pin number to your bank account. >> count me out of getting manipulated by a computer chip in my brain. i've had enough of my parents what to do my whole life. i don't need dr. evil with the joystick turning me into a puppet. instead of connecting to a one world supercomputer we go back to connecting with each other in the flesh and in nature? not stuck with wires and ship sitting at home alone while they extract my soul. when you let them put a microchip in your brain you are saying i submit. >> for the first time in history it's possible to completely eliminate privacy. monitoring everybody all the time and knowing everything you do and even everything you
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think. >> bank of england prepared their microchip implant rfid chip to be implanted under your skin. >> through wearables and other advances in technology people will be increasingly connected. it's extreme connectivity that does merge humans and machines. >> i don't want to be a cyborg. i want to be jesse watters. i don't want to march into an apple store to be a slave. it's a slow death march. first it was computers. they were exciting but we weren't really relying on them. we could get up and leave. then it was smart phones, which were better, but you could turn them off. then came smart watches, smart goggles. you can always take those off, i guess. the chip however, permanent. they turn you into a 24/7 consumer where they by and sell your thoughts and feelings and force you to shop until you drop. i guarantee wall street will start trading emotions next decade.
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dr. chris matt millen joins us now. obviously, it's not going to start with blind and disabled people. it will be people who want the chips in their brain so they can be better. what happens next? >> jesse, thanks for having me on. what happens next is they already have all of the data to reproduce these sentences. it's no stranger to the fact that the elite like elon musk and so forth, people who have access to hundreds of millions of hours of video from tesla of driving and people having their faces scanned. having cameras inside the car. it's no stranger to the fact that it can listen to you and all of these things that that data that they have they reduced the opportunity cost to collected by an immeasurable amount. now with this brain implant they can apply those models they already have two basically restore these senses. but the big question that i have is, what happens when they start
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to take the data from you and they start to export it? >> and they start to what? >> when they start to export it. imagine a brain implant. >> what did they do to the monkeys? didn't it not go so well for them? >> yeah. what you are bringing up his basically if you looked at what happened with neuralink, all of the trials they did on mouses and monkeys and so forth it didn't end up good. a number of monkeys had blood in their stool. monkeys basically went into cardiac arrest and died. the folks that are working on this don't seem to have a problem destroying monkeys or destroying animals are destroying anything like that. personally i don't think they have a problem destroying humans and destroying a few humans along the way to get to the out come which is the worry that i have exfiltrating this data. the real problem, jesse, is when they start to read our thoughts
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and exfiltrate that information. think of all sorts of uses for it. >> i think probably muscat wants to know what women are thinking. that's really the real reason behind that. once you know that you pretty much know everything. we will have to have him on the show to see what that's really about. thank you so much. now i am terrified. get it together. where books are sold you can go on amazon right now and type in get it together by jesse watters. some of the chapters we have in this we talked to a blm supporter. african nationalist. a vegan instagram extremist. people that want to open the borders, open the prisons. we talked to a toed liquor for three hours. i am feeling good about myself and you will too when you order get it together. marshall from sag harbor,
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new york. is your mom going to read your new book? >> i think she will get through this one. sam from west virginia. if trump uses windmills to electrify his wall will that make it okay? i don't know. what about electric gators? do those count? sharon from livonia, michigan. if kellyanne conway said she was going after biden with a meat cleaver she would have her house raided that same night. aren't you right. michael from florida. jesse, this is the chip in my brain texting you. you've got the chip? very good. connie from louisiana. the zebras survived. that's a prime time first. we rescue zebras here at prime time. we would never do anything to harm a zebra. ever. dvr the show. order get it together. i am watters, and this is my world.


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