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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 31, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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called. if you look at the graph here it shows a spike in depression as usage of smartphones rose' hmong teams. you look at 1990, 4%. just as smartphone use takes off after 2010 it goes way up. one of the issues on the minds of parents and the hill today. >> bill: i thought what lindsey graham was interesting. i use your product. we all use your product. let's get it right. we've seen the hearings before where they go nowhere and seen where they talk circles around the lawmakers. i would argue the lawmakers have more education into technology now. they use it and staffs use it and see whether or not. -- >> dana: there is bipartisanship on this hearing today. we'll pay attention. now over to harris faulkner. >> harris: this is happening right now and we're all over it. two important hearings right now. senate lawmakers are demanding answers from five big tech ceos
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about online safety for children and child exploitation on their platforms. the issue has been enraging parents. and this mom's son took his own life after online threats. >> there is nothing stopping them from continuing to come into our children's phones while we're in the kitchen making dinner and make these types of threats on them. >> harris: and f.b.i. director christopher wray talking about all the questions on the growing threat china poses to america. he is about to face questions, too. cyber threats, to spying, espionage and we're keeping an eye on both those hearings and we'll bring you all the news that comes out of them. important things on the hill today. the chaos at the border is hitting cities across the nation, we know this. in fact, every city are pretty
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much a border city and state because of fentanyl and sex trafficking and so on and so forthcoming from the border. drug cartels bringing that into the country. is group of men jumped two officers in new york city. those attackers are illegal immigrants and they can be seen. look at this video. they were punching and kicking police officers, throwing them to the ground. a lot to get to this hour. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." it happened saturday night in times square a few blocks from where i'm sitting. close to several hotels that the immigrants have been using as shelters both legal and illegal who are here. police were trying to disperse a rowdy crowd when they attacked. police arrested five suspects. at least four released without bail. former nypd inspector paul mauro used to work this part of times square so he knows it well.
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>> one of the things nuance of the video they are probably breaking up the crowd because there is a rash of pick pockets around times square. no one was seriously hurt undernew york law they were only charged with misdemeanors and they're all out. >> harris: it is not just new york city. democrat-led cities across the nation in crisis because of an increase of illegal immigrants. look at the map. chicago we heard from a lot of black residents there who feel like their resources are being soaked up by illegals. los angeles, boston, nashville, washington, d.c., and denver. denver's main public hospital simply cannot keep up with treating its own citizens because it is swamped with illegal immigrants. the city's democrat mayor said this about the governor of texas. >> i do understand why he is busing them. i think his take is no one state should have to carry the entire weight of this newcomer population. >> do you agree?
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>> no one state or city should. that's the same way we've approached it. he is sending people to new york, denver and chicago and i think in the same way no one state shouldn't carry it. no three cities should do it. we want to make a difference and why i reached out saying i'm happy to work together. >> harris: the part of the conversation that doesn't get brought up is the fact the federal government is moving them around the country sur up tarpously. michael mccaul, chair of the house foreign affairs committee and member of the homeland security committee. let's get more news on the cb cotton in times square. >> hi, this case is far from over. there may be more arrests following that brawl that happened here outside a migrant shelter in times square. one officer left bruised. the other with cuts on his face. this after they tried to arrest -- take a man into us the to dee.
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you can see the officers being kicked and stomped on over and over. police source telling me the men involved in this assault were migrants. a total of five men ranging in age from 19 to 24 years old were arrested on assault charges. so far four have been released without bail. according to court records. the police benevolent association telling us attacks on police officers are becoming an epidemic and the revolving door we're seeing in cases like this one. impossible for police officers to deal with crime and disorder if the justice system can't or won't protect us while we do that work. today the nypd said the suspects should be kept in jail. >> the four that were arrested should be sitting ryker's right now on bail. should be indicted this week and taken off our streets. you want to know why our cops are getting assaulted? there is no consequences.
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we must change this. end of story. >> police source says one of the migrant men involved in the most recent incident has two open cases for assault and robbery charges. back to you. >> harris: thank you very much. i want to bring into "focus" now congressman michael mccaul of texas chairman of the house foreign affairs committee and member of the homeland security committee. before we went to the report, i mentioned those flights. they call them ghost flights starting back in the middle part of 2022. i remember then governor and current governor ron desantis saying sheer what happens with these flights. no notification to the state of florida. they're done in the middle of the night and clandestine. they were moving illegal immigrant children around the country on the flights. the federal government. that never gets talked about. like oh, that didn't happen. >> i was down at the border last
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week to took a delegation of texans down there. on both flights. the one out of mcallen we had all these illegal immigrants on the plane with us. it was very clear, people realize this has been happening for the last 2 1/2 years, 8 million encounters with no legal status. i don't know for god sakes what we'll do with them. you have highlighted the destruction that secretary mayorkas has caused by these policies. there are no consequences as the police officer said. without consequences you'll see more violence. >> harris: this is happening now in democrat-led cities where they have relaxed policies, soft on crime. so basically these illegal immigrants are being treated just like american criminals. >> well, you know, i applaud my governor for giving cities like new york and denver, maybe martha's vineyard a little taste of what we deal with in texas
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every single day. and the cost that we absorb in texas. we are in really the front lines of this invasion, if you will, that's taking place. that's why, you know, why we impeached secretary mayorkas just last night about 1:30 in the morning is because he told his border patrol agents with respect to aggravated felonies not to take them into consideration to detain. congress passed a law you shall detain for aggravated felons. drug trafficking, second trafficking, human trafficking. mayorkas was allowing them to get into the country telling his agents they had no discretion. >> harris: telling the country they were being vetted because that's what he has been saying in the hearings. but a man who would lose track of for dhs the whereabouts of 85,000 migrant children probably isn't going to keep up with the criminals very well, either.
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>> the children are the biggest human tragedy when i go to see the detention centers are the children who are being exploited by the cartels and this whole human tragedy was created by the biden administration. >> harris: let's get into the impeachment process now. just some of what was going on overnight and how you got to the point that you did with mayorkas. >> two articles of impeachment. one failure to enforce the law. as i mentioned, congress said with respect to aggravated, violent felons, they shall detain. it doesn't say discretionary. it says mandatory shall detain. so mayorkas and the dhs memorandum says hey, border patrol, i don't want you to take into account prior convictions in your determination to detain. that means he took their discretion away and was
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releasing into our society very violent criminals coming into this country. to me that is an abdication of his federal responsibility and oath of office. the second article was breach of trust. the founding fathers said a breach of trust with the american people was sufficient. i'll give you a good example. they talk about how the supreme court justice story says imagine an admiral who would not defend the high seas. that's impeachment. that is precisely what mayorkas is doing. not defending air, land and sea. >> harris: you know, what you make me think of, though, if you knowingly let criminals into the country, does that even go beyond impeachment? i mean, if you are allowing the enemy to harm us, that sounds like treason. the "wall street journal" editorial board is taking issue with this. impeaching mayorkas achieves
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nothing. a better idea is strike a deal with mr. biden on serious border security reforms that would restrict his discretion on parole, rewrite asylum standard and give the executive other tools to control the border. if they refuse to use them the gop will have an election issue and the tools will be there for the next president to use. what is your reaction to that? >> i understand what they are saying. the president already has those tools. for god sakes remain in mexico was a 30 year old statute the trump administration utilized. he has plenty of tools at his discretion. all the executive orders that he rescinded from the prior administration, he could go back to those policies that were working. end catch and release, remain in mexico and start building the wall again. he shut that whole thing down. we can pass something here. i would be happy to vote for significant political asylum reform but the fact is the
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president has that authority by congress already today. >> harris: quickly before i loot you go what happens next to mayorkas. >> well, we will bring the impeachment articles to the floor. perhaps as early as next week for an up or down vote. he would be the first cabinet officer impeached since the grant administration, to put it in context. we believe it's very warranted in this case. when i go home, you know, to get to the "wall street journal" article, we're sending a strong statement to the administration and to the secretary that we disapprove of his conduct and his violation of oath of office to defend this country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. >> harris: it will be interesting to see if some of those so-called sanctuary cities that feel the pressure coming from the border will join you.
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thank you for being in "focus." the prosecutor accused of having a love affair with georgia district attorney fani willis will not have to testify in his divorce case. their case against trump could still be in trouble. plus republicans claim they have more testimony against president biden. >> this is another example of the co-mingling of accounts and funds that the bidens used. there was not a wall between joe biden and hunter biden and his schemes like the president has always said. there just wasn't. >> harris: they didn't build that wall, either. the one of hunter biden's closest business partners testifying to impeachment investigators now. the impeachment of president biden, that is. he told them he gave his financial services to the then vice president biden for free. phil holloway, quite an op-ed today in "focus" next. veteran homeowners,
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>> harris: nathan wade, a name people know because of his alleged lover, fulton county district attorney fani willis hired him on georgia's trump election interference case. wade was able to reach a last-minute deal to avoid testifying in his divorce hearing. that testimony could have put a spotlight on his alleged affair with fani willis. the "washington post" points out it's far from over. quote, the settlement does not eliminate scrutiny of alleged actions by the two prosecutors nor does it assure the criminal case against trump and his allies will continue. wade also spent a lot of money on lavish luxury vacations
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apparently to travel with fani willis who again hired him. he made $650,000 according to published reports. trump on that case and one of his co-defendants are trying to convince the judge to completely disqualify fani willis and nathan wade from the case and georgia's senate republicans are forming a committee to look into that relationship between the two. jason chaffetz with this on "focus" yesterday. >> the public's right to know far outways this. i found it interesting that nathan wade according to the report i read filed for divorce the day after he got this lavish contract for a job where he had no experience. he had not done it. i hope the court does the right thing here. the public has the right to know particularly in this high-profile case. >> harris: phil holloway.
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retired u.s. navy, former police officer and legal advisor to georgia's sheriff's department. you wrote the op-ed. i mentioned it earlier. it says willfulton county's rico case against trump die the death of a thousand cuts? what did you mean? >> this has become a public relations disaster at a very minimum. what is happening is you are seeing multiple efforts by individuals, defendants, co-defendants in the criminal case, entities such as the georgia senate has stood up a committee to get to the bottom how she is spending her money. what they are looking at is whether or not she carried out her job duties, her oath of office, exercised her prosecutorial discretion in a legal or illegal way. did she spend taxpayer money in a way that was designed to further her own personal interest in the form of
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allegedly getting a kickback after steering a no-bid contract to her alleged lover or did she also perhaps use money in a way that advances a political agenda by using federal funds in the form of grants that funded travel by nathan wade or perhaps other people to communicate with the white house and do that sort of investigative technique that really, i think, is probably a bit too far. probably improper to bring joe biden's white house into this at all. so these are the questions that are raised. if it can be proven she violated the constitution in the way of like a subtytive due process case and unfair it could affect the dismissal. >> harris: the first part doesn't have anything to do with trump's case but she was doing with taxpayer money. you can bet georgia voters want
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to know about that in fulton county and wrap in the visits that have been reported with the white house. were they coordinating other calendar items for other cases going on against the former president of the united states. death by a thousand cuts. could you see the case against trump going away? >> i could. it could go away for no other reason on a conflict of interest grounds. it will be very difficult to find another prosecutor willing to step in, in my opinion. >> harris: one of hunter biden's business partners gave testimony to impeachment investigators. he said he gave free financial services to then vice president joe biden while doing business with his son, hunter. remember, he is the same associate who joe biden used aliases with to communicate. in his testimony he said i performed a number of
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administrative and bookkeeping tasks for vice president joe biden related to household finances. i'm not aware of any financial transactions or compensation that he received related to business conducted by any of his family members or their associates nor any involvement by him in their businesses. one of his former partners went after that saying coordinated and carefully worded statement there. house oversight chair james comer said this. >> sheer win was the guy that paid joe biden's bill and did his bookkeeping. joe biden said there was a wall between the government and himself and his family's shady business schemes. that's not true because they had the same bookkeeper, the same guy that did the books and paid all of joe's bills and deposited his checks and everything was the same guy hunter biden used. >> harris: all right. so phil, this just happened. the house oversight committee
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has tweeted that james biden will now appear for a transcribed interview on january -- february 21st. so he is now going to go in. talk to me about that development. >> james biden is very important. the other guy is the fox literally guarding the hen house. you have one of -- you've got one of hunter biden's business associates doing the bookkeeping for joe biden when the overall question is how did the biden family, including james biden, get enriched to the tune of millions and millions of dollars through all of these myriad of shell companies that apparently provide no goods and no services that can be rendered that would justify receiving payment for those kind of things. so we've got to get to the bottom of this. i think that the fact that the sitting vice president actually is getting free tax return
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services from hunter biden's business associate, that raises big questions. is that an illegal gift? is that an illegal in-kind gift by a sitting vice president? i think that the testimony that i guess happened yesterday is really not going to be all that helpful in the grand scheme of things for the current president joe biden because it just raises more questions than it provides answers. and it gives investigators a starting place. now they need to go in and determine did he lie or did he tell the truth? can they corroborate his statements or disprove them? that could open up an entire different can of worms. >> harris: you start putting pressure on the people closest to the president. this is his brother, james biden, and he is one of those nine family members reportedly that the house has been looking at, this committee. it is not a courtroom. it's a hearing. we'll be glued to it. you still have to tell the truth
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in both places. good to see you. thank you, phil. >> thanks for having me. >> harris: suddenly team biden is putting president trump front and center in his campaign. that means he is seen and understood when he speaks. whether the big change will alter the president's terrible polling. plus the president was too busy. references to his schedule. he was too busy to visit the ohio community devastated by a toxic train derailment almost a year ago. suddenly now he has time to go despite a border crisis, impeachment efforts, wars and campaign with his numbers underwater. what has changed? we'll get into it. >> we could not wait for joe biden to show up and help us. why are you coming at this point? why are you showing your face? if not just to try to sway votes and try to get back in office.
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>> when you have a group of community members looking for information and the people you are looking to are scared to provide you with that information, it is rather disturbing. what chemicals or what vapors were you breathing in when all these four chemicals were on fire? i have four kids, you know, very loving father and i care very much about my kids and their future and health and safety. >> harris: brandon in "focus" one year ago. he told me again they have four children and he was worried sick living in a mile or so from the chemical train disaster in east palestine, ohio, now one year later so much suffering by so many. president biden is finally going to visit east palestine. well, it's an election year. more on that part in a moment.
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let's remember together what happened february 3rd, 2023. a massive fire erupted from that train derailment. huge smoke covered the ohio town and filled the air with some kind of chemical odor. people had to be evacuated and there was widespread public health concerns as you heard brandon talking about. the mayor of east palestine saying this about president biden's upcoming visit, quote, as i have said in the past the president is always welcome to our town. that being said, i don't know what he would do here now. just this month white house press secretary karine jean-pierre. >> the president continues to oversee, as you know and we've said it multiple times from here. a robust recovery effort to support the people of east palestine and we will visit when it is most helpful. the president will visit when it's most helpful to the
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community. >> harris: palestine. i make that mistake sometime, too. back in september more than seven months after the deadly train disaster the president seemed to suggest he has been too busy to visit the ohio town. >> president biden: well, i haven't had the occasion to go to east palestine. there is a lot going on here and i haven't been able to break. i was thinking i would go this week but then was reminded i have to go literally around the world. i am going from washington to india, to vietnam, and so it will be a while. >> harris: it sounds like he doesn't know where it is. you don't have to go around the world to get to east palestine. no, take the train he is always on from d.c. to anyway. he is not too busy now, though. dealing with the deadly iran proxy attacks against our military men and women throughout the middle east, deaths now in jordan, wars in
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israel and ukraine, biden's own border crisis, hunter biden scandal, his own impeachment inquiry and his presidential campaign. approval ratings which are in the toilet. again ohio could be a swing state this time. gee on -- we have our panel here. the president is finally going to east palestine, ohio. >> i tell you, what i see there is a complete dereliction of his duties. the ohio epa said that they were helping to remove 160,000 tons of contaminated soil and 39 million gallons of liquid waste. what the people have experienced and are still experiencing is tragic. the fact that the president
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refused to go there, donald trump beat him in the last election there in ohio. the fact that people -- even the media was to admit these weren't biden voters. therefore he wasn't going. this is not what we would expect from a president who was looking to unite the country. not what we should expect from our commander-in-chief. he should be uniting the country and bringing us together and helping the people when they need it most and he absolutely failed at the job. >> harris: i'm confused at all the times the schedule was the problem and how many visit you could get to ohio. patrick. >> it's never too late. i'm glad he is going. all to say you have been like a bulldog in a bone on east palestine. thank you. no one else covers this as much as you do. >> harris: i care. i'm not president, i'm just a citizen. >> i know you do and it's great and power of the media. i will say thank god no one was
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killed. it is not too late. like brandon said with his four kids environmental disaster that still needs cleanup and for years. i'm glad it is finally happening and it's never too late to take care of our own fellow americans. >> harris: my mom used to say it is never too late to do something great. that would require when biden shows up he can do something great. that's what the saying is. anyway, president biden is ramping up his attacks on his predecessor after three years of avoiding mentioning president trump's name. he told donors in florida yesterday quote, you are the reason donald trump is the defeated president and you are the reason we'll make him a loser again. last weekend he mentioned trump more than 20 times at a campaign event. >> president biden: donald trump, drufrnl,, trump and his maga friends. trump and his maga friends. donald trump is a loser. i want you to imagine the future nightmare if trump is back in
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office. >> harris: odd part about that it was hard for him to get out the word loser. i don't like the name calling anyway. james carville said the biden campaign must keep trump at the center of its messaging. >> this is not normal. this is not what you are used to. this is an entirely get to do. that's where we are right now. we have to keep the foot on this guy. right on his neck. >> harris: i know i guess he means figuratively but stop it already. >> he is a democrat. they get to say things and it doesn't have meaning. that's apparently what they do. that's their strategy. the problem, donald trump is running for president, yes. but the american people are dissatisfied with what they've got over the last four years with joe biden. he has no other message but donald trump. that is it. he cannot run on a great
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outstanding economy. he cannot run on what he has done for the people of east palestine and what happened militarily. people, including democrats see him as a loser. he has to say to his base, the democratic party talking about the donors who run the democratic party, this is what i'm willing to do. jewish americans who normally support the democratic parties. a lot of major donors. he lost support when it comes to the israel war and now he will have to try to figure out how to make himself somebody that they want to continue to support. >> harris: patrick, it does a disservice to people like you because you are always talking about some of the things the infrastructure, economy, trying to get messaging out there. unfortunately people aren't feeling it yet but you are trying. >> i would agree with you 100%. now is time to unite. it's election year and contrast but to use the language put your
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foot on someone's neck, we just had someone who beheaded his father in pennsylvania because he said my father is part of the woke left and the u.s. postal office should shut down. that happened in bucks county, pennsylvania last night. people are deranged hear this and unfortunately makes them do violent things on both sides. we need to be very responsible on our messaging and language. >> harris: i want to be careful when somebody kills. they're killing. we don't know why the reasons they did that. i appreciate the point we can't let it get toxic. let's not. good to see you both. thank you. >> harris: big tech ceos are on the highly now. the seats couldn't be hotter. they are being pressed by senators on the dangers their platforms including suicide.
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a bipartisan legislation looks to protect children. senator coons with a direct question. >> is there any one of you willing to say now that you support this bill? mr. chairman, let the record reflect a yawning silence from the leaders of the social media platforms. >> harris: more from that coming up. plus democrats are defending liberal squad member cori bush in the face of a criminal investigation that she misused big cash for her own private security. remember, she defunded the police. that was her platform. >> if she has broken the law democrats have been consistent. hopefully it is a misunderstanding. if not deal with the consequences. >> harris: they say republicans is hypocrisy and it's off the charts as she has called to defund police many, many, times. jason rantz in "focus" next.
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>> harris: we want to take you live. senator ted cruz is speaking at the big tech hearing right now on capitol hill. they are in the hot seat and it is hot right now. let's watch.
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>> these results may contain images of child sexual abuse. then you gave users two choices. get resources or see results anyway. mr. zuckerberg, what the hell were you thinking? >> all right, senator. the basic science behind that is that when people are searching for something that is problematic, it is often helpful to, rather than just blocking it, to help direct them toward something that could be helpful for getting them to get help. >> i understand get resources. in what sane universe is there a link foresee results anyway? >> we might be wrong. we try to trigger this warning or we tried to when we think there is any chance. >> you might be wrong.
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how many times was this wording screen displayed? >> i don't know. >> why don't you know? >> i don't know the answer to that off the top of my head. >> you know what? it is interesting you don't know it off the top of your head. i asked it in june of 2023 in an oversight letter and your company refused to answer. will you commit right now to within five days answering this question for this committee? >> we'll follow up on it. >> i know how lawyers write statements saying we're not going to answer. will you tell us how many times this warning screen was displayed yes or no? >> senator, i will personally look into it. i'm not sure we have it. >> you refusing to answer that. how many times did an instagram user who got this warning that you are seeing images of child sexual abuse, how many times did that user click on see results anyway, want to see that? >> i don't know if we stored that but we'll follow up after.
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>> what follow up did instagram do when you have a potential pedophile clicking on i would like to see child porn. what did you do next when that happened? >> i think an important piece of context here is that any context that we think is child sexual -- >> it's called a question. what did you do next when someone clicked you may be getting child sexual abuse images and they click see results anyway. what was your next step? you said you might be wrong. was it, in fact, child sexual abuse material or anyone report that user or try to protect that child? what did you do next? >> senator, we take down anything that we think is sexual abuse material on the service and we do report that. >> did anyone report whether it was child sexual abuse material? >> i don't know if every search result we're following up on.
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do you want me to answer your question >> did you report the people who click to see results anyway? >> one of the factors we use in reporting. we have reported more people and done more report likes like this to the center of missing and exploited -- we go across our services to do this out of our way and made more than 26 million reports, which is more than the whole rest of the industry combined. i think an allegation that we -- >> your company and every social media company needs to do much more to protect children. mr. chu i want to turn to you. the china national intelligence law. support assist and cooperate with national intelligence efforts shall protect national intelligence work secrets they are aware of. >> i'm familiar with this.
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>> tiktok is owned by bytedance. is it subject to the law? >> for the chinese businesses that byte owns yes it would be subject to this. tiktok is not available in mainland china. as we talked about in your office we built project to put it out of reach. >> bytedance is subject to the law. >> harris: mark zuckerberg didn't have any answers but it look liked it might not have cared enough to look. if you click on the warning it might be child pornography, what happens? he can't tell you, he can't tell if they followed up to see who clicked, how many times, how many times the warning was up. that was a lot. senator ted cruz going after mark zuckerberg. this happened at the same hearing earlier. democrat chris coons of delaware also pressed the meta ceo mark zuckerberg on what the site is doing to limit content that
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promotes self-harm. >> do you report the actual amount of content and the amount of use cell form content received. >> we focus on prevalence. >> do you report it or you don't? >> senator, as a reminder we have less than 1% of our users that are between the ages of 13 and 17. >> do you report the absolute number of how many images and how often. >> posts and accounts we've taken down in 2023. we've taken over almost a million posts down that in regards to mental health and self-harm. >> mr. chu, do you disclose the number of appearances of this type of content and how many viewed before they're taken down? >> and how many of that were taken down pro-actively before it was reported. >> mr. spiegel?
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>> yes do disclose. >> mr. citron. >> yes, we do. >> harris: wow, some of those tech ceos were opaque. jason rantz, seattle radio host and author of what's killing america. your take on senator cruz and coons going after mark zuckerberg? >> at the end of the day there are two separate issues. is the technology available 20 do what most people want it to do to protect children? and anyone else from images and information they shouldn't have access to. the answer is yes and no. depends on what we're talking about. i think it is important to understand what mark zuck was saying in part you might be searching for something totally legitimate. what they don't want to have happen is give you any kind of platform that doesn't give you access to information that is totally legal and that's appropriate. age appropriate as well to get to that point. >> harris: i understood what he
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meant. if you are going to protect children you might have to err on that side whether in case you are wrong, you wanted to ask about birds and more about birds and bees, i think you err on the side of caution if you are trying to protect children. >> you do err on the side of caution. i wonder how much of that technology that we're also trying to figure out when it comes to a.i. that's what they have are using in a lot of ways can do it to the extent people would be satisfied. i do think again they should be doing more. i just don't know what that actually looks like from a technology standpoint. >> harris: right now a.i. is a learning language. it learns what we teach it. i sure would like to teach it values. "outnumbered" is next. jason, thank you. onger. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain!
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